Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Remembering the servicemembers who died in the service of their country.

Army Capt. George A. Wood

33, of Marcy, New York.
Wood was on patrol when his tank rolled over an improvised explosive device in Baqubah, Iraq. He was assigned to B Company, 1st Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division (Mech), Fort Hood, Texas. Died on November 20, 2003.

Please send information, photos, and corrections for Army Capt. George A. Wood.


Contributions to the Families of the Fallen


Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.

Please report inappropriate messages

"George, I want to thank you this Memorial Day.As we celebrate such heroes, as yourself. We must never forget the sacrifice. You are the very fine thin clothe of our Nations soul. Without men like you. We can not and will not be free! So today, I honor you. Strength&Honor"
Irving Michael of 13323

"I still remember,"

"It's hard to believe it's been 17 years as it still feels like it just happened. I just wanted to let you know that thanks to the talks we had I continued my military career for another 7 years deploying once more to Balad. I did take your advice also about college and finish an associates degree in computer science and am continuing my schooling for software forensics now. Ended up meeting my now wife and we have an amazing son thats turning 2 years old in Jan. We named him in honor of one of the greatest men I've ever met. Until we meet all dine in the halls of valhala I hope you rest easy."
of Indiana

"After 17 years, it still doesn't seem the same. I remember sitting on guard at my tank at 4 in the morning, and I was extremely exhausted. We had conducted 3 missions that day, and I was operating off maybe 2 hours of asleep. You came over and asked me how I was doing. I said ok, and you said no you are not. You came and sat on shift with me for the next 2 hours in the loader's hatch. Never have I seen an officer show that much care and consideration for his Soldiers and from there I had nothing but the utmost respect for you. I learned so much about your wife and daughter that night, as well as the IVY League and your family. It hit me like a ton of bricks they came over the radio and made that call. My heart was racing and all I could do was pray. I have seen you in my dreams a few times after that, and it still doesn't seem real. Thank you for pushing me to go to college. I'll have degree finished next year, and I want to say thank you for that talk 17 years ago. I'll never forget you, and thanks for placing your Soldiers first and leading us the right way. Rest on Capt. Wood and blessings to your family!!

SGT Cooper
Rebel 4 G(olf)
3rd Platoon
B 1/67 AR"
Dantay Cooper of Waycross, GA

"Thinking of you."
Friend of Marcy

"Always thinking of you my friend...always..."
Theron of Albany, NY

"You make me so proud Maria. And I know daddy is too.
Happy birthday George. I love you."

"Hey Daddy, it's been 13 years since you found your way home. I'm sure it's nice there, and I hope you're happy. You must've been so scared that day. I miss you everyday, and even though I don't remember you, something inside me does. Maybe that's why I break down everytime I think of you, especially on days like this. I'm 16 now, it's crazy right? The years have gone by fast. I have a new baby sister; she looks just like I did. If you were here, you'd probably mistake her for me. Now I understand why you had to leave. God has blessed me with this new family, and although I miss you and wish you were here, I would never give up this life. Happy Birthday Daddy, I'm going to make you proud, I promise. I promise <3"
Ria of It's only a matter of Time

"Happy Birthday"
TR Perna of Albany, NY

"Thinking of you"
Friend of Marcy

"Miss you! God Bless, my friend!"
Coach of Utica,NY

"Thinking of you today as I always do..God Bless..."
Theron of Albany, NY

"We continue to think of you and honor your sacrifice. We know you are always with us and that you watch over Angel and our family. We hope to go see your mom sometime soon, now that we are closer to her. Memorial day 5/30/16"
MAJ Angel and Aleida Flores of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Suffolk VA

"thinking of you"
of Marcy, NY

"Thinking of you"
Maureen of Marcy

"Thinking of you and your family, God bless."
Ike Malson of Peoria, IL

"Miss you my friend..."
Theron of Albany, NY

"Remembering you on this day as we do every day. Rest in peace George.

Diane & Doug of New Hartford, NY

"Think of u throughout every day... Usually little things... Tonight it is because of tomorrow..."
Santagata of 11/19/2015

"Just thinking of you!!!"
Coach of Utica, NY

"Happy Fathers Day Buddy!"
Theron of Albany, NY

"miss you George, think about you all the time, may you rest in peace."
Ronnie of Cedar park

"Missing you every day. Your friendship helped ease through the hardest time in my life and the scariest George. You were the only person I trusted in that wide open prison. Thank you for being there for me and sharing your wisdom with me and everyone. Mostly for making us laugh I times that humor was far from our thoughts. Your in my heart and on my mind everyday. I was and am still devastated with your loss. See you in heaven one day soon."
Bobbie Jackson of Austin Texas

"Thinking of you today."
Jon of CT

"Miss you my friend !"
Theron of Albany NY

"Thinking of you"
Maureen of Marcy

"Forever in our thoughts and hearts! Memorial Day May 25, 2015"
Maj Angel and Aleida Flores of Fort Campbell, KY

"George, I never had a chance to actually meet you. But believe me, I felt as if I knew you. Your little brother is my best friend. I will always remember how he would brag to me about you. I remember looking at your picture's on your mom wall and thinking how you were so sharp. My heart breaks when I think of what happened to you that day. I will always remember you and honor your name. A True American Hero!!"
MB of Utica,ny

"I love you Daddy....."
Ria of U.S.A

"Thinking of you!!"
Coach of Utica, NY

"Missing you my friend..."
Theron of Albany, NY

"11 long sad exhausting years....trying to live a life without you. My heart is forever broken. I love you so much my Georgie.....mom"
Maria babula of Marcy, ny

"In Memoriam: CPT George A. Wood: 1970-2003. I can’t believe that it’s been 11 years…. I will always remember the night of November 20, 2003. I will never forget the father figure that was taken from Bravo Company 1-67 Armor on that night. When CPT Wood took over as our company commander I remember being so astonished by his presence. Why would an Ivy League educated former football star be willing to join the Army and command a small tank company in Baqubah, Iraq? Whether it was Cornell trivia hour during combat patrols or college football debates in the radio watch shack, I can remember just being floored by his knowledge of history and his brilliant mind when talking strategy. Captain Wood paid the ultimate price to ensure our liberty. I was so grateful to be mentored by a true leader of leaders. In my ten year military career, I never met someone that even came close to displaying the selfless service and leadership that CPT Wood emulated. I am eternally grateful for his dedication and commitment to us and the ideals that we hold dear. Please keep Captain Wood’s family in your prayers, especially his wife Lisa and daughter Maria. We will never forget and God Bless Our Troops!"
Chris "Doc" Castelli of Denver, CO

"Checking In- 10/2/14"
Maureen of Marcy

"Just checking in....you are on my mind."
Maureen of Marcy

"You are always in our thoughts and in our hearts. Memorial day 5-26-2014"
Maj Angel and Aleida Flores of Fort Campbell, KY

"Thinking of you this day, remembering you always...."
Theron of Albany, NY

"Today & everyday you are in our hearts! Our son has a picture of you over his desk at college..."
Jennifer Bick of North Syracuse, NY

"George, it was a honor to have met you at Fort Hood. I decided to drop a note having been to this website over a dozen times since attending your funeral over a decade ago in NY. God will look after Lisa and Ria. April 15, 2014"
Hin Szeto of Potomac, Maryland

"Thinking of you today. 4/14/14"
Maureen of Marcy, NY

"Always on my mind... Bean Tree coffee shop, Copperas Cove, 2002, your German was horrible:), but we came up with a very good translation of your study and your findings of the Roman Empire in Regensburg. The professor of the University of Regensburg you interacted with was probably very proud of you! I will never forget the funny stories you told me about your search of the paths of the Roman Soldiers and the Roman Empire. I also always admired the tremendous respect and love you displayed for your mom every time we spoke. She certainly had a great influence on everything you have accomplished. Until this day, I am still heartbroken over your loss. Never forgotten. 28 Feb 2014"
Carmen of Stuttgart, Germany

"Happy Birthday My Friend!"
Theron of Albany, NY

"Thinking of you George."
Chad of Fort Drum, NY

"Thinking of you today......"
Maureen of Marcy

"10 years have passed and I can still vision that 6'5" frame, and a wonderful smile. I still keep you and your family in my prayers. (B-CO 1-67th Armor) Camp Scunion 2003-2004"
Adrain B. Gatewood Lead FSR GLDS of Kuwait

"Gone, But never forgotten!"
1Sg (r) Gatewood of Memphis, Tn.

"11/20/13 We think of you today as we do everyday. Strength & Honor."
Diane & Douglas Clark of New Hartford, N.Y.

"10 years have passed and not a day goes by that we don't think of you and your family. You will ALWAYS be in our hearts."
Maj Angel and Aleida Flores of Ft Campbell, KY

"Miss you my friend and brother. God Bless You!"
Theron of Albany, NY

"-Santagata, November 11, 2013"

"Thinking of you!"
Coach of Utica, NY

"Happy Fathers Day buddy!"
Theron of Albany, NY

"Thinking of you this week...."
Theron of Albany, NY

"My daughters stayed after church this Sunday to say a prayer for you (Self initiated)... I think this was the first year my eldest daughter kinda understands... (5/28/13)"
Santagata of Florida

"Always thinking of you. Love you"
AnnMarie of Marcy

"You will never be forgotten. Take care brother."
LTC Jak Pennington of Fort Leavenworth, KS

"You are ALWAYS remembered and loved. Thank you for watching over Angel while he is in Afghanistan. Continue to guide him and protect him. 5-27-13"
Maj Angel and Aleida Flores of Fort Campbell, KY

"Not such a merry Christmas without, you but we try.... Love you and miss you so much....."
Maria babula of Marcy, ny

"Thinking of you today. God Bless you and your family."
Theron of Albany, NY

"Gone but never forgotten. Nine years has not made the pain go away."
Diane and Doug of New Hartford, N.Y.

"Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13 ESV) You are always with us and will NEVER be Forgotten no matter how many years pass. 11/11/2012"
Angel and Aleida Flores of Fort Campbell, KY

"Hey buddy, Just sitting here in Afghanistan and all of a sudden you came to mind. I figured I would take a minute to send a note. Amazing that nearly 9 years have come and gone since that faithful day. Wanted to let you and your family know you are not forgotten nor will you ever be. Chad (10 OCT 2012)"
MAJ Chad Goyette of Kabul, Afghanistan


I wear your bracelet in memory of you. You taught me so much in our short time together at SUNYA. I am so glad that I met you and was so pissed the day I found out that you died. You know those times during the day when no one is around and you have five minutes to yourself, you keep coming into my mind. Especially when I have to make a difficult decision."
Dan Meyers of Bamberg, Germany

"We think of you ALWAYS! 5/28/12"
Angle and Aleida Flores of Fort Gordon, GA

"Memorial Day 12- thinking of all the things you did for me, missing you always..."
Theron of Albany, NY

"I miss you buddy. You were my last tank commander in D co Tank, 1-4 INF OPFOR! You're always going to be Dragon 5 to me. I still remember you loved to bring a whole pack of cheese filled hotdogs whenever we had to stay overnight in the box. .. bleh! I loved being your gunner. thank you for everything! I wish you would have gone back and got that last year of your degree done.. Dr Wood has a nice ring to it also."
Rob Tutor of Sultan, WA

"Thinking of you today and everyday!"
Terry of Utica, NY

"You are with me everyday..

Michael Santagata of Florida

"Just thinking of you today."
Maureen of Marcy

"it is sad that i never got to see him"
trinity miles of evansville,indiana

"Not a day goes by I do not think of you. Missing you always."
Theron of Clifton Park, NY

"Thinking of you always!"
Aleida Flores of Grovetown GA


The Big Red beat Penn on Saturday! I know you would be proud. You are missed by us all."
Mike Roark of Waxhaw, NC

"Its 8 years today that I received that horrific phone call that shatterred my heart. You are so missed and so loved my dear son."
Maria Babula of Marcy, NY

"Hey Sir, 8 years have gone by since that day and we are still at it, Good news though; Iraq is done and we are out of there by December for good. I can't help but look back at all that has transpired since then, I know we lost a lot of good Soldiers there, and I'm probably one of the few people that actually feels like we made a difference, I guess we have to wait until history looks back and tell us so. Sir, I know we made a difference, but we paid a great price for it, your family lost you, and it's hard to justify that and tell myself that it was worth it especially today. It's hard Sir, it really is and I know it's even worse for you family. Sir, all I can say is that I Charlie Mike everyday, for you and the rest of our Brothers and Sisters that we have lost, I will fight and defend OUR COUNTRY AND HONOR YOUR MEMORY no matter what. See you on the High Ground!"
MAJ Angel Flores of Grovetown, Georgia

"11/20/11: Gone but never forgotten, especially on this day. Strength and Honor."
Diane & Doug of New Hartford, NY

"Ann Marie, Thank you for your message. George loved his time teaching the preschoolers. I remember many stories he told me after work about those kids who are apparently graduating school now! Wow. He thought that 3 was the perfect age and loved being a scary T rex for the kids. It was so very hard watching him leave especially with our daughter Maria turning 3 just two weeks after he left for Iraq. They had such a bond as you can imagine. She was his heart and he was an incredible daddy. Thanks again for your message. Oh, and yes, his little brothers and his mom did call him Georgie.."
Lisa of Toledo

"To George’s Family-
I am so pleased to find I can leave you a message here. I did not hear about George’s death until a few years afterwards and I was truly saddened. I have thought of you many times since and was especially sorry that he left behind a little girl. George was a teacher at my son’s preschool for several months. My son, who was 3 at the time, is now 18. He came home everyday talking about Georgie. I’m not sure if you ever called him that, but that is what my son called him. I know you know this, but I wanted to tell you from a parent’s perspective, we felt very grateful to leave our son in his care for the day. We knew he was in good hands. He was patient and giving, and all of us - kids, teachers and parents – truly enjoyed him. Please accept my deepest condolences. We keep you in our prayers."
Anne Marie Heim of Niskayuna


Just wanted to say thank you for your committment to excellence to our great country. Your sacrifice is never forgotten. Your always remembered.
~steadfast and loyal~"
Michelle Whitegrass of Browning, Mt/USA

"This memorial day we honor and remember you CPT Wood. You are always in our hearts. 5/30/2011"
CPT Angel and Aleida Flores of Fort Gordon, GA

"Hey, we got Osama sir! Hopefully, now our war will be over. I didn't really get to know many people on a personal level in Iraq. I just took down their stories, and listened to their plans and ideas. Captain Woods was a brave leader. Ill always be thankful to have met him and do my best to live a life that reflects his honor and commitment."
Scott Diller of clinton, Ohio

"Hi George!
Thinking of you! I really miss our talks."
Terry of Utica, NY

I apologize for not writing to you in a while, I finally have time to sit down and reflect a little, as you probably know, I just completed my command time, I spent 18 months in the commanders seat. Sir, honestly I don’t know how you did it to put up with us. It’s was hard for me to keep track of all my Soldiers in Garrison, I can only imagine how it was trying to keep track of all of us in combat. You probably know this too, but Duane and I were both Troop Commanders in the same Squadron, its funny how we came full circle; the two most significant jobs in our Company Grade careers we’ve completed together. Duane and I have trained, fought and worked side by side for such a long time that we often recollect on our time together in Iraq. We always look at each other in amazement say we can’t believe that we’re in the same position that you were in 7 years ago. I’ll admit certain days when I couldn’t make a decision on what to do I’d ask myself what you would do in my situation…. I’d smile and remember what you told all the time as a platoon leader…make a decision, right or wrong or indifferent, it doesn’t matter, you made a decision. So I’d make a decision and smile the rest of the day just thinking about it. That is why I write you this letter today I wanted to thank you in my change of command speech, but I would have never finished thanking you, and my Soldiers were standing in formation…and you know how that goes. Sir, Thank you, for teaching me how to be strong in our line of work, how to be in charge when in charge, make decisions either right wrong or indifferent , being humble and treating Soldiers like I would want to be treated, patience and lots of it…..and for bringing me home safe. THANK YOU! Well gotta run Sir, I promise I’ll keep in touch and rest assured I haven’t forgotten, I never will. See you on the High Ground.
CPT Angel Flores"
CPT Angel Flores of Fort Bliss, TX

"Today is your 41st birthday.....I miss you and love you so much--more than I will ever be able to express
Maria Babula of Marcy, NY USA

"Hey George, I'm just sitting in the school library just thinking how you used to walk these halls just like I'm doing now. Thank you for watching over me on my last year of school here at Norte Dame. I met your old football coach from high school. Coach Stanimer is really funny and nice. We all miss you."
Angela Mesick of From Marcy

"Merry Christmas Georgie. You are greatly missed cousin. May God's peace be on both the Babula and Wood families this holiday season."
Wendy (Wood) Carney of Henrietta, NY

"Always thinking of you."
Theron of Albany, NY

"My son George--You are my hero and my heart. I think of you every minute of every day. I love you"
Maria Babula of Marcy, NY USA

"You are missed."
Maureen of Marcy, NY

"CPT. Wood, A Gentle Giant with a heart of gold. I still remember that night on Camp Scunion when you kept me company while I repaired your tank. We talked about how you were in the pro combines and you joked how you weren't fast enough. I am still mourning the loss of you. Can't believe it's been six years."
Adrain Gatewood of Kuwait

I salute You for a job well done,rest in internal peace. You remain in My heart. I lost My Platoon Leader 19 November 1969 In Viet Nam. My Son lost You on 20 November 2003. A tragic loss for both of Us. God Bless the Wood Family. Scott M.Gatewood Sr. Viet Nam Veteran. 1SG US Army (retired)"
Topp Gatewood of Memphis, Tn.

"Your always in our thoughts George. You will never be forgotten."
Aleida and Angel Flores of El Paso,TX

"Your little girl had a dance party tonight with 6 of her best friends. I know you are watching over her. Keep her safe and I'll do the rest. I miss you but I see you every day in her eyes. I love you."

"George: 11/20/2010. The years have not eased the pain. You are missed. Strength & Honor."
Diane & Doug of New Hartford, N.Y.

"I found a magnetic sign with your son's name on it and yours on RT 13 near Camden Please call me at 245 1384 My name is Tom Prichard and I am too am sorry!"
Tom Prichard of N Bay, NY

"You are never far from our minds and I will be there October 10th when Notre Dame HS renames the road in front of school in honor of you."
Maureen of Utica

"Another semester is starting, George, and it brings back thoughts of the good old days with you and Tony. Your friends and teachers will never forget you."
Barry Strauss of Ithaca, NY

"I turn 40 today... Wish you were here!
July 3rd"

"Always in our hearts! 5-31-10"
Angel and Aleida Flores of Ft Bliss, El Paso

"Just Stopping By..."

"I am deeply saddened to hear about the death of George. He was such a wonderful person that I had the chance to meet at the St. Lawrence River camping! My sympathy goes out to his famliy for the loss of this wonderful man! Thank you, George, for serving our country."
Debbie Matthes MacCombie of Syracuse, NY


George was a great friend and leader! I remember the days he and I worked out in the small gym in Hohenfels, Germany. I often talk about George and about his size, he wasn't a little guy, he was a gentle giant. George was an inspiration to me! I have the utmost respect for him. I hope you and Maria are doing well. I know George is with you; he is watching and protecting you both. Please know that you will always be in our thoughts and prayers. God Bless you all."
SGM Rey Canales of Fort Hood, Texas

"Happy Birthday to my wonderful son. I love you beyond words....You are in my thoughts ALWAYS!!!! We celebrate you daily by remembering all that you did and all that you gave. Lisa and Maria are our treasures and through them we will always have a piece of you on earth. I love you
Maria Babula of Marcy, NY USA

"Happy 40th birthday my love"

"”Honor and Remember” - “Project Compassion” We love our Soldiers! We love our country and we cannot express enough love and compassion to the families of our fallen heroes. War does not discriminate – It breaks our hearts to see the faces of the fallen. We want to give this gift to the hero’s Mother, Father and/or spouse. We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization! Over 1,850 portraits have been completed and shipped to the parents and or spouse - at no cost as this is a gift from one American to another!
This is a gift! We have some wonderful sponsors who help with the costs, and only want you know that we care.
Contact us directly at Projectcompassion@manti.com or go to www.heropaintings.com . If you have already had a portrait completed, we pray that you are enjoying the portrait and God Bless You.
Sincerely and Respectfully,
Project Compassion - Kenna of Manti, Utah USA

"Always thinking of you."
Theron of Albany, NY

"We will not forget."
MSG James Taylor (Raider 4) of El Paso, Texas

"Six years ago today, but feels like yesterday. We miss your presence in our lives George.
Strength and honor."
Diane & Doug of New Hartford, NY

"Thinking of you always! Can't believe it has been 6 years since you have been gone. You remain in our hearts!"
Aleida Flores of Ft Bliss, El Paso

"My daughter, AnnMarie, and I prayed in your honor this evening!"
Santagata of Punta Gorda, Florida

"Always and always your presence is here. You touched so many with your gentle heart and easy smile."
Keri of Nashville, TN

"George it is coming up on 6 years since we lost you and the pain of your loss is still so fresh. You will always be remembered by all who knew you (even if it was only through stories Lisa and Angel told me) Thank you for your service and for paying the ultimate sacrifice for this country."
Aleida Flores of Ft Bliss, El Paso

"Here it is again, another year without you, 6 years since you left us coming so soon. Thinking of you already. You are so missed. If only I were half the parent you were meant to be. Help me be the mom to ria that she deserves, help me be more like you. Miss you always.

"Just thinking of you on veterans Day. Thank you for giving my family and I our freedom.. Love and Miss you."

"George- I was just thinking of you today & came across this website. I miss the great times in homeroom! Your wife, daughter & parents are always in my prayers"
Maureen White of Marcy, NY

"George, Another year and still wishing you were here with us. I miss you man."
MAJ Chad Goyette of Mannheim, Germany

"This is the time of year I think of you most (Double sessions)Practice, bologna sandwiches, milk and the pool.."
Michael Santagata of Punta Gorda

Being home just dosen't seem the same without you! I really miss you."
AnnMarie of Utica NY USA

"Thinking of you."
Terry Stanimer of Utica

"Maria & family, I pray for peace to you & yours, I pray for your beloved son, brother George, especially on this day. George & all of you are in my thoughts, in my prayers, & in my heart, always."
Cindy LaBelle of Sanford, NC

"Memorial day 2009. We will always remember!"
Angel and Aleida Flores of Ft Bliss El Paso

"Checkin in..."
Santagata of Punta Gorda

"Memorial Day weekend, 2009. Thinking of CPT Wood, my memories of him still fresh. Best, Kevin"
Kevin McGillen of Chicago, IL

"I first met George at CAS3 in September, 2001-we werwe in the same small group. Later, he was the first familiar face I saw when I PCSed to Ft Hood, when he was working in the G4 shop, and later took over as the brigade Chief of Plans. We both took command of our respective companies in Iraq on the same day -August 1st, 2003. I first learned of his passing the following morning, after having been in my own raid/firefight that same night. I most remember his excitement about searching through imagery to find new archeological sites. I invite you to the Friends of George Wood page on Facebook, http://www.facebook.com/s.php?init=q&q=army%20engineer%20school&ref=ts&sid=f1a46d4364b098b5c58bbe0b519bc57f&n=-1&o=4&hash=2a0dcea7edce862211c1578fd75dbd2b&sf=p&s=20#/group.php?gid=44339359993"
Covey Hall of Houston, TX

"Lisa, Ria and the Family of Captain Wood-
My father was stationed in Germany and worked with Captain Wood. I was about Ria's age when I met him. They didn't have Ria yet and I adored Lisa and George. They would have me over to play and watch movies and they didn't even had kids yet! George loved kids and we always had a great time. I think he was a child at heart. I know Lisa is a great mother to Ria because they wanted a child so badly and they were so good to me. I was so jealous when I found out Lisa was pregnant. I am so sorry Ria doesn't have her father, but what a legacy he has left. I am a Junior in High School now and I keep his picture and one of Lisa when she was pregnant with Mia just to remind me to tell my loved ones I love them at all times. His picture also reminds me to conduct myself in a respectful and compassionate manner as he did. He was an example to so many."
Courtney Benintende of Camp Shelby, Hattiesburg, MS USA

"You'll always be my hero Sir! You'll never be forgotten! To his family, God Bless you and may the lord give you peace in your hearts as each day passes."
Michelle WhiteGrass of Browning, Mt

"I still think of you George, after all these years. When we were told of your death I just sat down and thought of all the kids I knew at Notre Dame, you would be the one to lead without saying a word. You always led by example, never complaining, never degrading others, just that big toothy smile. I pray my grandsons grow to be half the man you are. Brian and I talk about you often. Those are our best memories. You are a hero and a warrior. God Bless You George. We all love you."
Sue & Frank Kelly of Fort Mill s.c.

"Thinking of you today... 1/28/09"
Santagata of Punta Gorda, Fl

"I learned of George's passing some time ago, but only stumbled across this page today. Reading some of the entries brought me back! George was a true gentleman and a born leader. He always had a kind word for me and I wont forget how supportive he was during some tough times. To his family, thank you for sharing him!"
Felix Santana, santana11173@aol.com of New York, New york

"I still think about CPT Wood and the leader he was for DCo, 1-4 IN. Thoughts to his family and friends. As many have stated, you are not forgotten CPT Wood."
Kevin McGillen of Chicago, IL

I wish I was there with you that night. I know you were doing what we loved to do over there. Seems like just yesterday. I never got to thank you for things as simple as hanging out and venting together after the daily meetings or for our work on the streets of Ba’Qubah. You were and are an inspiration for your soldiers. I have thought of you often over the years. You are a true loss to everyone who knew you but I know you are in a good place. It was a true honor to have served with you, brother. God bless you and your family, and may you rest in peace.
-Bush 6"
Brian Healey of Macomb, MI

"dec. 5 2008 your memory is always close. I think of you often and the times we had. I saw they named a chow hall after you and thought of how much you like my beef jerky... It made me smile.."
higginsdon@hotmail.com of townsend,ma

"I will never forget you-part of me died with you."
Theron of Albany, NY

"November 24, 2008
To the family of Capt. George A. Wood:
George gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV

"Dragon 5"
I was unaware this page existed until I happened upon it several months ago and felt it appropriate to wait until this day, 20 Nov 2008 to add to the growing list of those whose lives you touched. Although he had a different call sign on this day 5 yrs ago I like many that have left messages was stationed with George at Hohenfels Germany. Although my service with George was so long ago I continue to think of him every day, there are just some people that have the ability to leave that kind of impression on you and as everyone who served with him knows George was definitely that kind of Officer and Leader. I honestly believe that had he not given his life for our country the situation would not change as more importantly than how he was as a leader he was that kind of man. Although we tend to lose touch with those we served with, as anyone seeing this page can tell we never forget each other. Although it was heart wrenching and caused sadness there was no other proof as to the Camaraderie we have as soldiers or the feelings that we have for one another when on this day 5 yrs ago emails and phone calls came and went from all over the world to inform those of us that knew him of the loss.
I re-enlisted for the last time while a Platoon Sergeant in Hohenfels and could think of no one better to administer me the Oath than my XO George, and to this day I have that picture on my desk. There are so many things to be said about George and so many memories of him to relate the kind of man he was, there isn’t enough space. To his family, nothing anyone could say can replace your loss but hopefully you find comfort knowing that he touched so many lives and is respected and remembered by so many of us that served with him. And to you Sir, I just wanted to take this opportunity to add my feelings and to tell you that you are not forgotten. See you on the high ground!


"Dragon White 7"
Fredy Finch USA, Ret. of Dothan, Al

"CPT Wood (Beast Six),

I graduated my first class of Cavalry Scouts today, I know they aren't Tankers like you and I but there useful every once in a while. It's been 5 years since that day in Baqubah and I remember it like it was yesterday, the chow hall, the last mission brief, everything. I was a green 2LT and I know I screwed up a lot, but while certain people gave up on me, you didn't and took the time to teach and mentor me. You taught me the hard right over the easy wrong. I will never forget what you taught me and the lessons that I learned from your mentorship. That is why I added this last Paragraph to my Graduation speech today ...

"I would like to share one final comment with you before I finish my speech, today marks the fifth anniversary of the death of CPT George A. Wood, who was killed in Iraq on this day in 2003, As a green 2nd Lieutenant straight out of the Officer Basic Course, he took me under his wing and taught me a lot not just about being an Officer, but about being Soldier. In my eyes he embodied the Army Values, He was my Commander, my mentor and my friend and I share this with you to remind you that freedom isn’t free and that the sacrifices that we make as Soldiers don’t come cheap. As Soldiers we sweat, we bleed and yes....sometimes we cry, but in the end, when all is said and done and the smoke has cleared, We remain the Worlds Greatest Nation because of Soldiers like CPT Wood and all the Soldiers that have come before us and made the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE, So that we… the people of this great nation can be free".

I had a hard time getting through this piece, but I did it.. Ok I'll admit I cried, yeah, I know, I'm weak. One thing is for sure, all those Soldiers and Family members in attendance will know who you are and how much you meant to me. I've been struggling this week, because I knew this day was coming, I've stuggled with it since the day it happened.I never got a chance to meet Lisa and Ria or your Mom, but Aleida did, to tell you the truth I don't know what I would say, I'd probably break down or something, I know... weak, I have Lisa as a Facebook friend and see pictures of Lisa and Ria every other day. I've seen Ria grow up in pictures, I remember the one that you had in your room of Ria and if I am not mistaken it was the one that had her voice in it, it was a beautiful picture. Well it's time for me to go home and spend time with Aleida and my daughter Ariela. I'll always keep your family in my prayers and I'll never forget you and like always ...I'll see you on the High Ground.

Angel (Fox Six)"
CPT Angel Flores of Fort Knox, KY

"We are thinking of you honey. It's been 5 years. Ria is 8 now and asks about you more and more and misses the daddy she barely had. But she will always have you in her heart and will always know that she had the very best of daddy's. I know you keep watch, so on this day, five years later, watch your little girl in her Thanksgiving Play at school. She will be "student 4" and she will be wearing your hat in honor of you. We love you and miss you so much."

"George: Nov. 20, 2003, 5 years, but seems like yesterday. Not a day goes by that you are not in our thoughts. We miss you."
Diane & Doug of New Hartford, N.Y.

"Maria, your son will never be forgotten. He was a great officer, son, husband, father and friend to many and 5 years later we remember him as if it were just yesterday we lost him. We are always thinking of George and his family. Thank you for sharing him with us. aleida.flores@us.army.mil"
Angel and Aleida Flores of Fort Knox, KY

"Not a moment goes by that you are not in my thoughts. My heart is full of so much love for you. I am so proud to be your mom. To all of you who leave us messages..Thank You--they mean so very much to our family. They reassure us that George is not being forgotten."
Maria Babula of Marcy, NY USA

"Love you buddy!"
Santagata of Punta Gorda, Fl

"As I arrived at FOB Warhorse on 4 OCT of 2008 the first thing I remember was the sign at the Dinning Facility. I made my counterpart stop the truck and I got out to read the sign that said "George A. Wood Dinning Facility". A tear came to my eyes and it took me several minutes before I could continue. As my soldier arrived I told them the history of the great man that was and in some ways is George A. Wood. I told my men if they ever need a reminder of why what they do is important, they only need to look at that sign and remember the man who gave his life for his country.
George is my inspiration in my work and life. Even though he is gone I feel that I will never catch up to the man and officer that was George Wood. On Thursday, I will remind my BDE of the sacrifice of CPT Wood and remind them that it is for ones like him that we must keep moving toward victory.

As for his family, I pray that you are all doing well. I want you to know that five years later he is still remembered and that his passing still stings those of us that knew him.
George you are missed, your are not forgotten, and you are still an inspiration. Lisa it is my hope that you and the family will always have those who care about you and George around to comfort you.
CPT Phill Mann of FOB Warhorse, IZ

"Thank you for your service to our country and for paying the ultimate sacrafice. You will never be forgotten! 11-11-08"
Angel and Aleida Flores of Fort Knox, KY

"We continue to think of you daily. We will never let anyone forget the outstanding young man that we had the pleasure to know and love. Always in my and my family's heart.

God Bless!"
Terry Stanimer and Family of Utica, NY

"We continue to think of you daily. We will never let anyone forget the outstanding young man that we had the pleasure to know and love. Always in my and my family's heart.

God Bless!"
Terry Staniner and Family of Utica, NY

"My heart is saddened to hear of CPT George Wood's passing. Most of all to his beautiful wife and daughter..God Bless you!!! I served under CPT Wood in the G-4 section of HHC 4th ID, Fort Hood TX. I met Lisa and baby Maria whom he was so proud of briefly during their visits to the office. I remember CPT Wood making me report, as if I were in trouble..:)only to find he did not have time to leave his desk and ask me to stop at Mickey Dee's for him when I returned from lunch. He was an awesome person whom I learned from and had a great respect for. I was proud to have worked along side him. The G4 family was tight. We looked after one another and wished each other the best when the time was to leave. God Bless you Sir!! I pray for your family everyday. ~*~ Steadfast and Loyal~*~
Michelle WhiteGrass of Browning, Montana

"I still think about George regularly, every Memorial Day and every July 4th. I hope that Lisa and Maria are doing well. I have a beautiful stepdaughter who is 10, and I know that the greatest joy in my life has been watching her grow up. I pray that George is able to look down from Heaven and watch his little girl as well."
Shaari Ladue of Longmont, CO USA

"George -

It's coming up on almost five years since you left us, and I still think of you often. I want you to know that I haven't forgot about you and what your friendship and brotherhood meant to me. Thank you my friend, I miss you."
CPT Philip Staten of Arlington, VA

"WE think about you always, but on Memorial day you are greatly on our minds. Thank you for your sacrafice to this Country. YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!"
Angel and Aleida Flores of Fort Knox, KY

"To my wonderful son—George—
38 yrs ago today I was blessed with the honor of becoming your mother. The joy in my heart on that memorable day was beyond words. The moment I saw your beautiful face I was struck with a love and pride that I never thought was possible. I thought my heart would burst!! Through the years that love and pride has grown and grown. You grew up to become such a fine young man.
You ended up being the oldest of 4 brothers. You instilled so much in your younger brothers. They miss you so much but cherish their memories and try to live according to the “Wood” rules.
I too cherish you and our memories and miss you so much more than I could ever put into words. You are truly with me every moment of every day.
I love you so much sweetheart--Mom"
Maria Babula of Marcy, NY/USA

Hayden R. Parker of Hobbs, New Mexico

"It is still so hard for us to believe that you have been taken from us. You are so loved by some many and you will continue to live in all our hearts.

Everyday, we look at your picture and remember the outstanding young man.

God Bless you and your wonderful family."
Terry and family of Utica, NY

"I can't believe 4 years have passed already. We still think of you George all the time. As long as Angel and I are living we will always hold you dear to our hearts and we will never forget the sacrifice that you made for us. Maria, Lisa and Ria I miss you girls too, please know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers."
Aleida and Angel Flores of Fort Knox, KY

"A Soldier Not Forgotten.

all he did,
all they do,
makes life free,
for me and you,
each day the sun rises,
each day it sets,
you must move on,
yet not forget,
they are still fighting,
and its all for us,
so we can be who we want,
whether Christan or Buddhist,
Muslim or Jew,
they fight for us,
they fight for you,
whether straight or gay,
we can be us,
do what we want,
say what we say,
we can be ourselves,
and be proud.
standing up tall,
speaking out loud,
you can be proud to be you,
i can be proud to be me,
because of soldiers like george,
we are free.
and though it may be hard to see,
that not only us,
he too, is free.
and he is looking over you,
day after day,
he fought for us,
for you and me,
and times are hard,
it is easy to see,
the cost of freedom,
isn't free.

to maria, georges mother.

i never had the honor to meet george, but i didn't need to meet him to know that he was an amazing man. he is looking over you maria, he loves you. he will live on in you, his family, his friends, and anyone he ever met. thank you maria, for raising such an amazing person. and though i have only met you for a short minute maria, i know that you are equally as amazing as george.

with love,
kyle austin, 14 of clinton, new york.

"Miss you hon. Can it be possible you see our messages and know how loved you are. I miss you and our beautiful life together. Thank you for all you gave me, especially our Ria. I'm doing my best and try to remember all i learned from you so that I can pass that on to our little girl."

"Four years ago today so many lives were changed forever. You are in our thoughts each and every day. We miss you George. Strength and Honor."
Diane & Doug of New Hartford, NY

"It's been 4 years bro and a day still doesn't go by that i don't think about you and all the other brothers we left behind. Know that your family is always looked over and that you are in my life everyday. Miss you bro."
Chi of Hermosa Beach, CA

"(NOV. 2007) I think of all the good times I had with George on the tank, and will always keep the memories very close to my heart. You will never be forgotten"
Don Higgins (sgt) of higginsdon@hotmail.com


I just found this page in your honor. I learned of you leaving us in the spring of 2004. I can't describe my shock and sadness seeing your picture in my father's NY Post honoring NY Soldiers.
I often speak of you to my friends and always say you were the finest soldier/cadet I knew. You were honorable, sometimes stern and always fair in ROTC at SUNY Albany. (and funny. Every new word LTC Russell would introduce to us, we usually heard you pipe up in the back "That comes from the latin..."
Those were two of the best years of my life and you were a big part of them.
Lisa, not sure if you remember me but I was the "old guy" at SUNY Albany.
I am at George's old stomping grounds (Fort Knox) finishing up an active duty stint, recovering from kidney stones (Again. I know George is up there laughing and shaking his head)
I am still below the Albany area and in the Reserves. Myself and family would be honored to help you in any way we can.
God Bless His Memory, You and Maria

Aaron Perry of Mellenville, NY USA

"To the family and friends,
I would like to extend my deepest sympathies. Losing a loved on is the hardest thing in life. I am writing to not only express my sorrow for you but to let you know about a memorial I am working on. I am creating a quilt to honor the fallen soldiers from the New York City Area. Each soldier will have a panel created. I am inviting the friends and families to get involved. If you are interested or would like some more information please contact me at nycfallensoldiers@yahoo.com"
Esther Kabalkin of Staten Island, NY

"George you are missed daily by those who loved you and served with you. I was with George at the Basic COurse and then fought him many times in "The Box". God Bless you, your family and your legacy."
Darin Nunn of Hohenfels, Germany

"Lisa, I miss you and Ria so much. I hope you are doing well. Please contact me at aleida.flores@us.army.mil"
Aleida Flores of Fort Knox, KY

"Lisa--You are so special and I want the world to know how much I love you. You keep George's memory alive and you take such wonderful care of his precious Maria. I too, miss George more than I can ever put into words. He was and always be so very very loved. He gave us so many wonderful memories. Everyone remembers him as a great leader, we remember him as a wonderful son, brother, husband and most importantly, father. We will forever be bonded. With all my love, Maria."
Maria Babula of Marcy, New York

"George, I still can't believe you are gone. You were honored and remembered by so many this Memorial Day, 3 years later. you will always be loved. You are in my heart always. I miss you so very much."
you loving wife, Lisa

"Today, being Memorial Day, I write this message blessed with a dream last night of George... We were in the basement listening to the Final Cut... Like it was yesterday!

Michael Santagata of Punta Gorda, Florida

"George on this Memorial day I want to thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice for our country. You will never be forgotten! 5-28-07"
Angel and Aleida Flores of Fort Knox KY

"I met George Wood at Fort Knox, Ky. We were in class together (ACCC 03-01). He lived down the street from me and I would always see him with his wife and daughter as they were playing out front. He was a terrific husband, a warrior and a patriot. He is still missed."
Doug Huber (2nd BN, 8th U.S. Cavalry) of Indianapolis, IN

"CPT Woods,
I served as your topographical analyst. I was the one that gave him the satelite imagery that he looked at during his down time. Sir you were the one that I base all Officers off of. It has been a hard army since. There has not been nor do I think will be an office that could be as caring or professional as you were during our time in Baqubah. You have been and truly will be missed by the soldiers, NCOs, and officers that served above, with and under you. God has truly chosen a good man to sit beside his side."
SSG Scott M. Gilligan of Fort Hood, Texas

"Firstly, I would like to offer my condolences to the family and friends of the fallen and especially of Cpt.G.A.Wood. I never met him but as he wrote "The Roman fort at Qubur al-Bid, Mesopotamia", JRA 17: 397-404 (published 2004) and with what CPT Eric Preister of Topeka, KS wrote of him on this site, I am sure we would have had much to discuss as I share his love of Ancient Roman History (I am preparing a PhD in ancient warfare).

My access to satellite imagery is only via Google Earth but when I'm scanning it I feel an excitement Eric tells us George felt when he found signs of the Roman occupation of Persia some 2000 years ago on satellite imagery of northern Iraq.

CPT Preister expressed the hope that someone would take up the work Cpt Wood started. Has anyone done so? I would be very interested to help develop this. My email address is chrislm@hotmail.com


Christopher Lillington-Martin of Wantage, Oxfordshire, UK

"To the family of CPT WOOD.
I served with CPT WOOD in Iraq. I truly believe he was the the best commander I ever had. It has been three years + since you left us Sir. I never forgot the last words you said to me. I honor who you were and cherish your wishdom. I will never forgot you and yours. Please understand the impact you put on B co. 1/67AR. I don't know what else to say, I guess, thank you Sir for the NCO you made me. Lisa If you ever need anything please call and ask. 877-702-6413.Thank you SIR for what you done for me. Army Strong

SFC Steven D. Blevins
West Bend WI
US Army Station Commander"
SFC Steven Blevins of West Bend WI

"To the family of CPT WOOD.
I served with CPT WOOD in Iraq. I truly believe he was the the best commander I ever had. It has been three years + since you left us Sir. I never forgot the last words you said to me. I honor who you were and cherish your wishdom. I will never forgot you and yours. Please understand the impact you put on B co. 1/67AR. I don't know what else to say, I guess, thank you Sir for the NCO you made me. Lisa If you ever need anything please call and ask. 877-702-6413.Thank you SIR for what you done for me. Army Strong

SFC Steven D. Blevins
West Bend WI
US Army Station Commander"
SFC Steven Blevins of West Bend WI

"To the family of CPT WOOD.
I served with CPT WOOD in Iraq. I truly believe he was the the best commander I ever had. It has been three years + since you left us Sir. I never forgot the last words you said to me. I honor who you were and cherish your wishdom. I will never forgot you and yours. Please understand the impact you put on B co. 1/67AR. I don't know what else to say, I guess, thank you Sir for the NCO you made me. Lisa If you ever need anything please call and ask. 877-702-6413.Thank you SIR for what you done for me. Army Strong

SFC Steven D. Blevins
West Bend WI
US Army Station Commander"
SFC Steven Blevins of West Bend WI

"I miss you buddy."
Pat Sylvestre of Fort Collins, CO

"George you will never be forgotten! Lisa and Ria we miss you!
Angel and Aleida Flores of Fort Hood, TX

"George was a great officer! Although I only knew him for a short time when we attended an Army school together right after the attacks of Sept 11th, I found that George quickly grasped the material faster than the other junior officers in the same class. He had a quick wit and communicated well with others. I don't think that we'd expect anything less than that from an Armor officer like George. In this current tour in Iraq, we've lost many fine Soldiers, but none of the losses have touched me as much as the loss of George. He was a company commander who led from the front. His First Sergeant at the time of his death, who is a personal friend of mine, remarked once, "CPT Wood was a great man, a good friend of mine." No better tribute can a commander have than for his 1SG to say that about him. George will remain with me 'til the end of time. I hope that his wife Lisa and their child will find solace that George is so well remembered, by so many people."
Joe Holland of US Army, currently in Iraq, stationed at Ft Hood, TX

ROD McGuire of midpines,ca.U.S.A.

"To the family. I am so sorry for your loss. Cpt Woods was a great man. He will always be missed and never forgotten."
Scott Diller AKA Warhorse Mic. of Akron OH Scott.diller@hotmail.com

"To the family of:George A. Wood I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015. Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga"

"Hi Maria,

I don't know if you remember me, but I was Lisa's friend Aleida at Fort Hood. You stayed at my house when Lisa's dad and mom came in.

There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of George. I never did meet him, but Lisa, Ria and you left a lasting impression on me.

I want you to know that George will always be apart of our family and will never be forgotten. My husband Angel is in Iraq again and will be coming home hopefully in Nov or December. WE are still at Fort Hood and have a 9 month old Daughter named ARiela.

I hope all is well with you and please know that George will forever live in our hearts! I am assured that just as George watched over Angel the first time in Iraq he is protecting him now and he will come home safely.

With Love,
Aleida Flores"
Aleida Flores of Fort Hood TX

"George, it was an honor to have known you and served with you. Our years in the "Box" in Hohenfels were some of the most memorable of my career. I have to admit, I was a bit surprised to see a Tank officer come into our infantry company to be a platoon leader, and thought at first you had walked into the wrong building, but quickly realized you were definitely in the right place and at the right time. You were truly a great soldier/scholar, and did our profession proud. On my own assignments to Ramadi, Fallujah, Baghdad and now back to Afghanistan, I keep in mind your sacrifice as well as your example.
I was in Iraq for the January 05 elections, and saw and spoke with many Iraqis, both Sunni and Shia, who were grateful to the US for establishing the conditions that led to that historic opportunity for them- innumerable stories that unfortunately go mostly untold. It was a touching thing to see, and a memory I'll never forget- you would have loved it. It is those moments that remind me why I chose this profession almost 20 years ago, as well as the camaraderie and friendships made with soldiers like you.

You are an example to us all, and you will be sorely missed."
Tom (Apache 05) of Arlington, Virginia

"I am long over due to say something about George. I too served with him at Fort Hood and in Iraq. He was my friend and I think about him every day and the horrible loss we suffered. Many have written what a great father, friend and soldier that he was. I thought I would share with you another side of George, the one I will always remember. The most unique thing about George was his love of Ancient Roman History. George was a scholar in the truest sense. His passion for knowledge and wanting to learn was contagious.

I will never forget when we got access to the satellite imagery of northern Iraq and we prepare to operate in that area. He go so excited when he found signs of the Roman occupation of Persia from 2000 years ago. He soon had the entire brigade staff as his archeological research staff. He showed us how to recognize the distictive playing card shape of a Roman Legion camp. We got just as excited as George and would be calling him to our computers when we came across one of the images of a Roman camp during our work.

In the days before deployment George rushed to complete a paper on the new findings he had made in Northern Iraq about the Roman frontier. He was so passionate about it. He so looked forward to peace in the Middle East in his time so he could travel to these sites he had found and walk the ground that the Roman Legionnaires had walked 2000 years ago. I hope someone some day will take up the work he started and finish it.

This is the George I remember. The scholar/warrior. A man destined for greatness. My friend."
CPT Eric Preister of Topeka, KS



"I knew George well for about 10 years. We went to the same Catholic schools together through ninth grade and had a lot in common, being in the same academic group and playing the same sports. We were born in the same month in the same year. He was always a step ahead of everyone else though, scoring in the 99th percentile on those aptitude tests and was big and strong. His touch football team would always play my team during recess and almost always win. But the guy was extremely humble. I wasn't very popular, but he'd always include me in projects and invite me to birthday parties without making it seem like he was doing me a favor. He was always complimentary. If I could bench press 200 pounds, he'd tell me how great that was even though he could bench 300 pounds. He was interested in the military like a lot of boys, but I don't recall it as an obsession as the obituaries make it appear to be. I see we had similar life paths, so the loss really touches me; we have daughters of a similar age. I went to a small college and played lacrosse. He went to a small college and played football. I was extremely close to joining the Army after college, considering the economy was bad, and even got all the way to the point where I was put up in a hotel and given a bunch of tests -- so I can see why George joined. It's an honorable job and a way to pay student loans. It's just too bad though because he was, in the time I knew him, about as innocent and humble as people come while also having an enormous brain. He was the definition of "American." I send best wishes to his survivors.
Darren Johnson (Riverhead, NY )
Darren Johnson of Riverhead, NY

"Lisa I am extremely sorry that I haven't been able to talk to you and to send my condolences about the loss of George. I was here in Iraq when George was killed and I wish I could have traveled to his memorial. Please remember that George made a lasting impression on me and the family and Delia and I keep you in our prayers daily. Give Maria my best and let her know that her daddy was the best Battle Buddy any soldier could have.
George Wood was my battle buddy at the Basic Course and he made the time at Knox enjoyable and when he and Lisa were together you could see the happiness between them. I still carry the picture of the crew from the basic course and will always cherish the memories I have of George and Lisa. I will miss the opportunity to see him again and to know a man that was both a great Husband, Father, and Soldier. Lisa I will remember you and George forever and will see you again to tell you in person how much your friendship meant to myself and Delia.
CPT Bill Eldridge of Rabi'ah Iraq (Syrian Border)

"George. I just found out that we lost you in this struggle for freedom. Words can not describe how I feel right now. Our mutual friend Mike Farjellah broke the news to me while we were observing the fire works display here at West point. We were talking about our tragic loses in Iraq and he mentioned you. His introduction to your tragic story made me think immediately of you. I can not tell you how sorry I was when he finally mentioned your name. I was just thinking of you today as I looked over the Major's list. I knew that I would see your name on it as a BZ select on my list. George I miss you. You were everything I wanted to be. An amazing man that everyone loved and looked up to. Lisa I am not sure you remember me but we use to play basketball (cause George wouldn't) at SUNY Albany. George called me Sergeant Major all the time. I am so sorry for your loss. If you ever need anything no matter what please call on me."
CPT Chad Goyette of United States Military Academy, West Point, NY

"To the family of Capt George Wood. My condolences on your loss. Your husband, Father and Son served not only his country but the Free World and for this service we honour him and you. I was drawn to his name as my Grand fathers name was George Wood he served in the New Zealand Army during WWII in North Africa and Italy. My Fathers Name is Alexander Wood he served in the New Zealand SAS in Malay in the 1950's. I myself served in the New Zealand army in the late 70's early 80's. I wanted you to know that kindred spirits all over the world are thinking of you and honouring the memory of your loved one"
Howard Wood of New Zealand

"To the wonderful people who have shared their memories of our George:

Words cannot begin to express how much we appreciate the stories and memories that you have so graciously shared with us about George. We were not able to communicate much with George during his 8 months in Iraq. We all lived for the days when we would see him walk off that plane and give us a smile and a hug and then begin his story telling. Sadly, this day did not come so we now have to rely on all of you to tell us about him and his time there. The last time I spoke with George he said “Mom, wait until I tell you what I’ve been doing!” He also told me that he had a great group of soldiers there with him . He wanted to be a soldier from 5 years old. I actually had to get permission for his to wear his army hat to preschool.

As his mom, I will forever be heartbroken. As you all knew him as a great leader, I knew him as a “perfect” son. He was all a mother could hope for. To those of you who went to see him the night it happened I am eternally grateful to you. I have been sick at heart to think he was alone and now I know he wasn’t. I am sorry it has taken so long to respond to all of you but it is so difficult to write about this. Please, whenever a thought of him comes to you, please take a moment to share it with us.

Sincerely-with love
Maria Babula
maria Babula of Marcy, New York/USA 13403

"Family and friends of George Wood,

I served with George on the 2BCT/4ID brigade staff. When I first met him I was immediately impressed by him. He was smart, energetic and a natural born leader. I've said it so many times to people, George was absolutely the best company grade officer I had ever met. When I came to the plans team George quickly brought me on board. Always helpful and really a mentor to the rest of us captains, George eagerly coached me into the new job. We became tentmates at FOB Warhorse about 2 months before he moved over to become a commander across the street. At night before he went to bed, I'd watch George stare at a picture of his wife and daughter. I could tell he missed and loved them very much. He'd kiss the photo, say a prayer and go to sleep. I never met his family, but I could tell they were the most important part of his life.

George could tell one heck of a story too. He had the 2BCT staff rolling with his stories. He also loved the fact that he lost all that weight after football and was quick to show everyone his college ID--eating just ham sandwiches too??? Once he took command I saw George about once a week. He was the one guy that once you saw him you could't help but be happy in Baqubah. He was dependable, friendly and someone you were proud to serve with.

One story I remember from Iraq: George was in his tank and had pinned down some insurgents in the woods. George, being a decisive leader, called in an AC-130H Spectre Gunship for support. During the awesome firing display from the airforce, George gets on the brigade net, breaking all sorts of military protocol and says, "Warhorse Mike, for the record, this is freaking awesome!" He had us rolling. He motivated us to be better, not only for ourselves, but for soldiers. George absolutely loved what his was doing. He was born to lead and he did it with distincition and honor. It was a privilege knowing and serving with you George and I'll never forget you."
Mark Patanella of Alexandria, VA

"To the family/friends of my friend and fellow soldier, CPT George Wood:

I served with George in the 2BDE, 4ID(M). We were on the same FOB together in Baqubah and there were a group of us Captains who saw and spent time together each and every day. It was through war and the bond of brotherhood that I got to know George better, both as a soldier but more importantly as a person. He was a talented and bright Army officer beyond his years. There is not enough room to write of the endless examples that I could give of his dedication to his family, friends, his country, and to his God. We shared many laughs together and relied on each other when times were tough. Needless to say I was devastated the night I heard George was killed (only 1 month after another dear friend CPT John Teal was killed)

It was for the above reasons that I felt compelled to visit George one last time the night he was killed. There was 4 of us Captains, better yet friends, who had to see our friend one last time to say good-bye. I stayed with George for a few minutes, talked to him and told him how much his frienship had meant to me, and thanked him for making the ultimate sacrifice. It was dark in the room that night, but I can assure you that George was with us and his presence was felt then, and even more so now.

George, my friend, I miss you. I still think back to that night often. You may be gone, but you can rest assured that your memory, like your life, will not be forgotten."
CPT Philip Staten of Alexandria, VA

"To the Wood family; our heart and prays are with you family. George thank you! for touching the lives of so many. Family, friends, neighbor's and your military families. All to keep American free of terrorism."
leonard wahl of valley stream ny

"I was commissioned with George in 1997. It was immediately clear that he personified the American warrior. Though we lost touch when he progressed in his military career and I progressed in my career in the U.S. Secret Service, he puts a face on the reason why this country is great. Perhaps his greatest accomplishment will be the daughter he left behind. The sacrfice George and his family have made give me the drive to do my job to the fullest. His warrior spirit will live on. Thank you George."
Special Agent Nathan A. Deschenes of Washington, DC

"My dearest George, your memory has far from faded from the minds of your family or friends. The year of your death was marked by a beautiful memorial hosted by the Cornell Football Team. So many friends, family and fellow soldiers could be there to express their love, support and saddness at our loss of you. I love you as I have always loved you and miss you every day. Your baby girl misses you and we talk about you all the time. You are always with us hon. I love you."
Your loving wife, Lisa

It's been a year since that night in Iraq but some memories do not fade with time. You are missed every day my friend. - Bounty Hunter 6"
CPT Jak Pennington of WPAFB, OH

"On November 20, 2003 my WONDERFUL son, CPT George Andrew Wood was killed by an improvised explosive device in Baquabah, Iraq. It is now 6 months and the pain and horror over losing him has not diminished even slightly. Never will I be a whole person again. He left 3 younger brothers, all of which mourn daily for him. He was their hero, mentor and all around best friend. He also left his soul mate Lisa, who he loved from the day he met her and his darling little daughter, who he referred to as “Little Papa.” My precious Granddaughter will never know what a loving and devoted daddy she was blessed with. He would frequently phone me and our conversations always revolved around her. He would say “She is just so beautiful, Mom.” The sadness is unbearable.

George’s absence is being felt so strongly by his extended family. His Uncle Doug, a fellow soldier shared with me the pinning of his LT bars at his commission. George respected Doug immensely and said it many times. Equally, he loved and respected Aunt Diane, Doug’s wife. They have been beyond dedicated to my husband, myself and our family. Whatever I would do without them is unthinkable. ,

George left so many friends. It would be impossible to mention them all. The display of love and devotion to George during his memorial service in Iraq and Ft. Hood, Texas were heartwarming. So much is being said of the American soldier. Anyone who saw the pain of his comrades would know what a great US Army we have. Truly, they gave me comfort when I thought no one could. I will forever be grateful to them. They continue to give emotional support to my lovely Lisa and again, I will forever be grateful. They are a true legacy of George’s dedication to being a soldier. Equally dedicated were his childhood friends and his college friends. Their sadness is only second to George’s family. I know that Mike S. and Theron P from high school . will forever feel the loss. George, Theron and Mike were bound by a strong respectful friendship. They shared football and, thus, so many --many memories. Also affected was Tony T. from George’s Cornell years. They too shared many memories, football being only one of them. Tony has also been so very helpful to Lisa.

I could write forever about my son. I think I remember everything he ever did or said. He was my first born and being so, I was in awe of him. I couldn’t believe that perfect little boy belonged to me. It was such an honor to be his mom.

“Georgie,” I love you so very much……………………………….."
Maria Babula, George's mom of Marcy, New York/USA

"I did not learn of George's death until last night while watching the tribute to the Fallen. In my mind, George is still with us and right where I left him that last time we spoke (smiling at Lisa in a Burger King at Fort Knox) I got to know George twice during my Army career and feel twice blessed for having met, trained with, and studied along with George over the years. George was my "battle-buddy" at ROTC Advanced Camp at Ft Bragg in 1996. I can't get two images of him from that experience off my mind. The first is this really huge sand table that George built for me when it was my turn to lead. He just said "Don't worry I'll have everything ready for you when you have to brief." Sure enough he did. When I got to the briefing area it was like looking at some Star Wars or James Bond scale model with all the bells and whistles. George didn't just make circles in the sand, he built a scale city of our training course with a functional "slide for life."

The next image I have is of graduation day at Advanced Camp. George was our platoon honor graduate, and I was his second. I stood next to George holding the guidon as he stood in command of all the cadets in our group. I have to say that felt really good to me...to be there following George's lead. He had such a gracious and steadfast personality that I'm sure that was exactly how his soldiers felt about him as a leader later on in his career.

I met George again at Fort Knox as he was finishing Armor Officer Basic. He was still the leader I remember, still the student of history and the world.

The world is certainly a better place for George's efforts, and I feel we are less than whole without him.

As a veteran, I acknowledge the dedication and sacrifice of heroes like George who act selflessly to keep our nation safe and improve the life of total strangers. That is exactly who George was; a kind, generous leader who put other's needs ahead of his own. As a friend, I am very angry that I will not be able to speak to George again, to talk about history, leadership, and old times.

I miss you buddy. God Bless."
Paul Vera CPT, AR (R) of Las Vegas NV

"Capt Wood is mentioned in KIA Profile of Capt. John R. Teal on OperationAC.com site. Click on KIA Profile."
Louise Teal of Montpelier, Va.

"Lisa, I am Capt. John Teal's Mom. Please forgive me for being so late doing this. I thank you for your kind words about our Son. I'm glad that they had the chance to know each other. I want to extend my condolences to you and your family. I hope that you are getting to the point where you can begin to celebrate George's life. We need to stay strong and resolute for these guys who have fallen and most importantly for those who still are in harm's way. I'd like to talk to you someday. God bless you, sweetie and the little one too.

Louise Teal of Montpelier, Va 23192

"I only knew George a short time in Ft. Knox after he and Lisa moved there. But even in that short amount of time, I was able to see what a wonderful man he was. The memories I have of him are of a happy guy, always smiling and ready to make you laugh. Especially during our 'Jurassic Park' remake. He was a great person, and he will be missed. I also send my thoughts to Aunt Lisa and little Ria. Hang in there!"
Kimberly Sears of Denham Springs, LA

"Captain Wood, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas

"George was truly a gentleman and a scholar. I had the pleasure of knowing him both through ROTC and through my Latin classes. He was as clever and apt in class as he was in drills. If George was around, I never needed to open a door; women, simply did not do that around George. A gentle giant has fallen, and we are all at a loss for it. His presence was obviously noted everywhere he went as evidenced by this webpage. The Summerlands have a place for this one."
M. Brooke Helman of Albany, NY

"In the name of God, most merciful, most gracious... may he take one of the most noble men I ever knew into his arms. I had the honor of knowing George at SUNYA. In fact, we were in the same ROTC Battalion. I had often wondered what became of someone who we all predicted would be a General and teaching at West Point someday. George was the top Cadet in our battalion, and it was easy to see why. He had a strong nature, natural leadership ability, and quiet grace. I happened to discover his death today, 3/26/04, and am still in shock. If there is anything I can do, Lisa, for you or your daughter, let me know. I can be reached at Shaari1@yahoo.com"
Shaari Ladue of Boulder, Colorado

"George was in my Armor Officer Basic Course in 1997. He was a first-rate professional and a great leader. Our prayers and love go out to his family and friends."
Rob of Phoenix, AZ

Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, George, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "

""OUR special chosen words since day one of finding this site last year...have always been......REST IN PEACE BRAVE SOLDIERS/MARINES/WARRIORS We love you and MAY GOD BLESS you each. Your loved ones are in a beautiful place called Heaven now....When you look up to the sky at night and see the brightest star...it's your hero..shining down on you"
The Taylors USMC of NC

"To all of our friends who have emailed me, written me and posted these wonderful messages of George, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
George was a great man on so many levels who was and is loved deeply. He had wonderful friends who have shown me incredible support. Thank you so much."
Lisa Wood of Ft. Hood Texas

"I served with CPT Wood's Uncle(1SG Douglas Clark) in Kuwait. We talked often about CPT Wood and his devotion to his family and his country. He was a true American and I am proud to have served with him. He will be missed, but his sacrifices will not be in vain. God bless you CPT Wood."
CPT Chuck Crusha 865th CSH of Corning, NY

"There are few officers who were so highly respected as George Wood. George and I served together in Germany where his calm, steady leadership was demonstrated time and again on the battlefield of the Combat Maneuver Training Center. All soldiers ask themselves if they will be brave in battle like they are in training. It was always easy to see George's bravery--he wore it quietly like a mantle. I can imagine that George demonstrated bravery and leadership the exact same way in command of Bravo Tank. I can only imagine the loss his soldiers, NCOs and officers feel. As his friend, you cannot begin to imagine the depth of George's beautiful life. He was an avid historian who loved Roman history and even discovered a Roman fortress outside Regensburg, Germany. This discovery resulted in an offer from the local university of an advanced degree, which he had to turn down to attend the Armor Officer Advance Course. No story, in my mind, communicates George's spirit better than the night his commander led a Forward Detachment of tanks to Checkpoint 33 and the company was getting hammered. His commander told the company to follow him and advance on the enemy position to reduce the number of indirect fire casualties. The company was hanging by a thread, when a calm voice came over the radio--"Okay guys, lets get up there and support the commander". It was George, Dragon 05, Company Executive Officer. He was proud and competent but never arrogant, knew his place, and was a powerful force no matter where he landed. That night the company rallied and completed the assault. Throughout that attack George was continually moving the company forward with his personal power and leadership. George didn't need to take credit, the soldiers of 4th Tank gave it to him every day by their respect. To Lisa, we grieve with you at George's loss and we know that the images and stories the Warrior family will tell will help Ria 's spirit to grow into the marked image of her wise and courageous father. George your loss pains us all and we love you! You will not be forgotten!"
Major & Mrs. Kent Strader of San Diego, CA

"Thank you George Wood, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios

"My condolences to the family and loved ones of George Wood. I had the distinct pleasure of serving with George in Germany. He was a true American and an excellent Leader. The harder and more complex the mission was, you could bet your bottom dollar the George was there. George and his partner in crime Brett Berg spent many countless hours mapping battle plans and rehearsing mission after mission to ensure the units success. His care for his soldiers was immence and George gave his personal time to ensure the personal welfare and care of his soldiers. I will never forget the many lessons and good times that George Wood shared with my men and myself. GEORGE WOOD; I STAND PROUD AND SALUTE YOU AND WILL ATTEMPT TO CARRY OUT YOUR LEGACY! Lancer 7"
1SG Jeffrey Markle of Fort Knox, KY

"I had the honor to work with George Wood in Germany. He was respected for his honesty and loved for his devotion to his subordinates and superiors alike. I could not think of a single soldier, NCO or officer in our battalion that didin't view George with the utmost respect.

I was on my way from Tikrit to Ba'Qubah a day after his death. A fellow medic from the battalion we all served in emailed me to break the news. I still can't believe that he is gone, but I do know that he will live on for the man, father, husband and soldier George was cannot be removed from the hearts of the hundreds that knew him. George, you are not forgotten."
John Aklan, ( formerly "Doc Aklan, C. Co. 1-4 INF) of 57th Med Co. (AA), Ba'Qubah, Iraq

"I was lucky enough to know this great man and his loving wife personally while stationed in Germany. CPT Wood was a great officer, leader, and husband who loved his wife and daughter very much. It sadden's me to know that our paths in the Army will never cross again. I will take from you Sir the wisdom and knowledge you shared, and the care for your soldier's you showed with me as i continue on my path in the Military. To your loving wife, Cindy and I send our deepest regrets, you, george, and the baby will always be in our hearts and minds. If you could please see that this gets to the family. carlos.harrison@us.army.mil"
SSG CARLOS D. HARRISON of Camp Roberts, Ca

"From Britain. We and the US are paying a high price for the war in Iraq. My thoughts are with our troops out there. And with the family and friends of those who are killed or wounded. Soldiers know the risks, but we will remember their sacrifice, and hope that it leads to a better world. I hope Capt Wood's family and friends will be comforted by the thought that his death is not unnoticed or unappreciated. Words will not take his place I know, but he will be remembered."
John of Edinburgh, UK

"I had the pleasure of working with CPT. Wood in Iraq on many occasions as his Medic. He was a great Company Commander who genuinely cared for his soldiers. He will be greatly missed by everyone who knew him."
SGT Griffiths of Valencia, CA

"To the family and friends of Capt. George Wood:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless George for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada

"To the family and friends of Capt. George Wood:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of George, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia

Honor them by remembering... Freedom - is their gift to us But his soul goes marching on