25, of Watha, North Carolina.
Bibby was in a convoy to a water treatment facility when an improvised explosive device exploded in Baghdad, Iraq. Bibby was assigned to Headquarters, Headquarters Detachment, 422 Civil Affairs Battalion, Greensboro, North Carolina. Died on July 21, 2003.
Please send information, photos, and corrections for Army Cpl. Mark A. Bibby.
Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.
Please report inappropriate messages
"May God Bless you, Mark Bibby. Just found this memorial site. I knew Mark while serving in Baghdad in 2003. We spoke often and I was impressed with his positive attitude and his constant smile. I mentioned Mark's name in my speech during Memorial Day ceremonies in Crossville, TN in 2022. I'm donating to Tunnels To Towers in his memory."
TERRY J MITCHELL, COL (Ret) USAR of Crossville, TN
"Miss you, man. "Get Off The Rock", JI 2000"
Kiana Bell of Savannah, GA
"Today is Memorial Day, May 25, 2015. It has been almost 12 years but it seems like yesterday since my Son, Mark, has passed. My heart has been deeply touched with your kind words and condolences throughout the years. Mark will always be in my heart and he will never be forgotten! 'Life is short!' Cherish each and every day and don't take your time or your living for granted! I am prayerfully hoping that you will be Blessed in all of your endeavors. Sincerely obliged!"
Jean Harden Bibby of GA and CA
"Mark was my very best friend when we was enrolled at Pender High School.We went on lots of dates together. And as I write this message I shed tears because I miss my best friend with all my heart.I Love you and always will until we meet again with open arms."
Tamika Tatum of Rocky point,North Carolina
"I have found a coin tht says in memory of cpl mark a. Bibby... please contact me 336 2890329"
Emmanuel A of greensboro nc
I am a little late getting here and I can't believe it has been 10 years.
I miss you my friend."
Jay Maples of Cairo Egypt
"Mark, it' been ten years since the day you were taken from those who loved you.. My friend, my brother... you are never forgotten.... First Team.."
Denise Brundige of Syracuse, NY
"Cpl. Bibby,
Sir, I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for our Country. And to your family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy."
Mike C. of El Paso, Texas
"Today is May 27th,2013. It's been almost 10 years and I still remember. I will NEVER forget him."
Maurice Jones (Spc Jones 422nd CA BN) of Greensboro, NC
"Stopping by to let you know I still remember you.. i always let everyone know who you were before i fight... I pay my respects to those who gave all. www.HowtoFoldAFlag.com
Michael J Goss of OperationMMA at Gmail dot com
"I served with Bibby on Johnston Island in 2000 and I want his family to know what a well-liked, friendly, polite gentleman they raised... it was my pleasure to serve with him and I wish you all peace in your grief... GodSpeed."
Dana of Murrells Inlet, SC
"This is the man, the soldier, and the loving son that gave his life for freedom and justice. There is no greater love that what Cpl. Mark A. Bibby gave in Baghdad, Iraq. In his own words; he said, “This war has changed a lot of people’s lives, and one of those lives is mine. This war is not about Sadaam, or the terrorist, it was God seeing how life was for a certain kind of people and liberating them.” You have gone first, and I remain, but your spirit is with me until I am with you in the after-life. This Memorial Day, I honor the man, the soldier, my son, and all of the other heroes."
Eustace Bibby Sr. of San Diego, CA
"My Brother Kendrick Brown & Mark went to school together(Pender High) as well as playing basketball..I can remember summer of 1994 when we use to have water fights...R.I.P Bibby"
Sheena Brown of Burgaw, NC
"Dear Jean:
Jean, I was praying the Rosary in a pew at Mark's visitation when you came in and led me up to your fallen son and said "Isn't Markie handsome?". Some might think that an odd thing to say, but it was the perfect thing -- your dignity, strength, and love for your son was so like that of Mary's at the time of Jesus' death. Your faith in God remained unwavering and I know you will be rewarded by your reunion with Mark.
May God bless you and keep you (and all of those who love and miss Mark) until that happy day!
Love, Jeanne
REMEMBER, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly to thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother; to thee do I come; before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen."
Jeanne (Boyle) Powell of Rocky Point, NC
"I'm a student at pender high now and when I joined rotc I heard about Mark Bibby. I would walk in Bibby Hall and look at the glass case with Mark's picture and his boots in it and I know he is a true hero to his country. I don't know him but I think he is a great guy."
Kelsey Trochez of Burgaw, North Carolina
"Gone but never forgotten."
Brain of Rock Hill, SC
"Although I did not know Spec. Bibby personally, my oldest daughter was at NC A & T during the time he was there...and I also served in the U.S. Army Reserves for 22 years with over 10 years at the 422nd Civil Affairs Battalion in Greensboro, NC then in the Individual Ready Reserve before receiving an Honorable Discharge in 2005. I just want his family to know that his life and sacrifice have not...and will never be forgotten. I now serve as a Minister and would be honored if I could share Mark's story and sacrifice in a special sermon entitled "Thank You Lord for the Memory" this 2011 Memorial Day Weekend. I promise to treat it with all the respect due a fellow veteran...who's gone on to meet his reward...but I think it's important to remind folk that there are still good people who serve without hesitation... have given the ultimate sacrifice...and now have been received by the Lord. We need to remember them as sons,daughters,friends and co-workers...and fallen soldiers...on the battlefield...and now forever with Christ!
I've been on enough deployments...and in places that I probably should have never walked away from during my military career...but for the grace of God he chose to spare me. May God forever bless you and keep you in the palm of His hand!"
Melvin C. Powers (Major, USAR, Retired) of Wilson, NC
"Still remember that day like yesterday,,,"
Michael J Goss of Corpus Christi TX
"To the family of:Mark A. Bibby
I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015.
Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga"1-7-11"
"In 2009 I purchased an American flag dedicated to Mark's memory for the Glory Days "Field of Honor" surrounding the Airborne and Special Operations Museum in Fayetteville. The flags were up for about a month including Memorial Day weekend. I also dedicated flags to my father and uncles who served in World War II. I didn't dedicate any flags in 2010 but will do so next year and perhaps family members can visit and see the striking display the flags make as a tribute to those who have served our nation. Here is a link to a photo of just some of the flags:
Jane Crabill of Fayetteville, NC
"Some time ago I was at a helo-pad here in Baghdad, Iraq when some Soldiers were going home on an Angel Flight. An Angel Flight is the final flight a fallen Soldier makes when he is being returned to his family. As I saluted those fallen heroes as their chopper flew skyward, I prayed and asked God...."why them? I don't understand." The Lord answered me as quickly as I asked.... "the blood of the Patriots is what fertilizes the seeds of freedom." It is now 2010 and I am again back in Baghdad, Iraq. What a different place. It is amazing to see the positive changes, those who are living in freedom and enjoying a greater peace than a few years ago. They are enjoying freedom. We have made a difference. I know because I have seen it. Freedom is never free. Thank you Lord for Corporal Bibby and his life. He was a Patriot and I know he loved you. I know this because I read a letter that he wrote before he was killed. That letter is now posted on the wall outside a conference room with his name on it at the Reserve Center in Greensboro, NC. One day in the future when my time has come, I will see Corporal Bibby walking the streets of Heaven. When I see him, I will render him a sharp hand salute and the appropriate military greeting of the day. It will be a hand salute fitting for a Patriot. Corporal Bibby, we may have never met, but as a Soldier in your old unit, you are not forgotten. Hooah!"
First Sergeant Winchester / B Company 422nd Civil Affairs Battalion of Baghdad, Iraq
"Some time ago I was at a helo-pad here in Baghdad, Iraq when some Soldiers were going home on an Angel Flight. An Angel Flight is the final flight a fallen Soldier makes when he is being returned to his family. As I saluted those fallen heroes as their chopper flew skyward, I prayed and asked God...."why them? I don't understand." The Lord answered me as quickly as I asked.... "the blood of the Patriots is what fertilizes the seeds of freedom." It is now 2010 and I am again back in Baghdad, Iraq. What a different place. It is amazing to see the positive changes, those who are living in freedom and enjoying a greater peace than a few years ago. They are enjoying freedom. We have made a difference. I know because I have seen it. Freedom is never free. Thank you Lord for Corporal Bibby and his life. He was a Patriot and I know he loved you. I know this because I read a letter that he wrote before he was killed. That letter is now posted on the wall outside a conference room with his name on it at the Reserve Center in Greensboro, NC. One day in the future when my time has come, I will see Corporal Bibby walking the streets of Heaven. When I see him, I will render him a sharp hand salute and the appropriate military greeting of the day. It will be a hand salute fitting for a Patriot. Corporal Bibby, we may have never met, but as a Soldier in your old unit, you are not forgotten. Hooah!"
First Sergeant Winchester / B Company 422nd Civil Affairs Battalion of Baghdad, Iraq
"i'm a student who attends Pender High School in Burgaw, NC. I am a member of the jrotc program and have to make a tri-fold for Veteran's Day. When i came across this site it got my attention because in honor of Cpl. Mark A. Bibby we have named our building Bibby Hall. Cpl. Bibby is truly an american hero and will never be forgotten, he is in our prayers, GOD BLESS"
Richard Gregory of Watha, NC
"i didnt have the privelage of knowing mark all that well, but we went to school together, and we passed each other in the hallways and he always managed to take the time to say hello to everyone, he was always a very caring person. I think him and all the other fallen heroes for what they sacrificed for all of us. My father is in the U.S. Army and just returned home from his first tour in Iraq 2007-2009. I pray every day for each and every single individual and there families that they come home safe. And my prayers will be with each and everyone of you forever....He will be greatly missed. But he is looking down on everyone protecting you and blessing you!!
God Bless"
Ashley Rooks of Rocky Point, North Carolina
"It has been six years since I hugged, kissed and looked in his handsome face. It seems like yesterday. While he encouraged and hugged me that last day, Markie said, "Mom, don't worry, I'll be fine. God's got my back." He was so brave and confident, always caring and thinking of others. At that moment, he touched my heart. Then he was gone!!! I miss my hero, my dear friend, my sweet Son. He will be in my heart forever..."
Jean Bibby, Mother, of Atlanta, GA, and St. Vincent, W.I.
"Today is one of those days that I have a hard time with you being gone. You was such a wonderful person. I find myself at times reading your letters and starring at your pictures, all I can do is laugh cause every minute I spent with you was full of joy. I loved you more than anything and wish I could have given you more...Mr. and Mrs.Bibby you raised a wonderful man and that is what you should be proud of :)"
Love Stacy R. of Hartford CT
"Wish you were here to see Obama become president. You're never forgotten!"
Christina Bibby, Sister of Atlanta, GA
"Jean & Eustace : Just wanted to let you know that we think of you often and you are in our prayers. We know that Mark is with God and that he has wonderful parents, who love him and are proud of him. Thank you for your hospitality when I came by with my sister Dianne. We had a good time on Bequia and hope to return in the future.
I'll leave you with the words of a song written by the late Bishop Charles Watkins...
Going Home, Going Home,
I'm just going home,
By the light,
Some sweet day,
I'm just going Home.
It's not far,
just a walk,
through an open door.
My works all done,
and my cares laid down,
going to roam no more.
Mother's there,
She's expecting me,
Father's waiting too
Lot's of folks,
gathered there,
just beyond the blue.
Oh, it's not far,
just a walk, through an open door,
& I'm just going Home"
Rick Dutka of Wilmington NC
"April 23, 2008
To the family of Cpl. Mark A. Bibby:
Mark gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV
"Still think about you and that day..."
Michael J Goss of Corpus Christi, Texas
"To the Mom and Dad of Mark Bibby,
I am SGT John Savage and I was the man waiting in the empty parking lot at the 422 CA BN in GSO, I saw your heart felt tears as you left your son with me to go down to Ft Bragg with me and be deployed, It still rings in my ears to this day the promise I made to you that your son will be ok and nothing bad was going to happen to him. It brings tears to my eyes and a heavy pounding to my heart when ever I think of that day, I am deeply sorry for our loss of Marks life. Even though I am my self disabled from this war it can never compare with the losses suffered of our brothers, or sons, and our daughters and sisters, I will have to agree with MSG Malones assessment of Marks mission, Mark should never have been ordered to go out on that mission and the people responsible for that should have been shot to say the least. You cannot simply disregard the regulations and make your own rules as you go along and thats what those people did when they took an NBC Enlisted (NON SOF) ( NON CA) into the mission field.
Marks job was to take care of gas masks and alike in the rear and never go forward. I am sorry I couldnt keep Mark safe and will never ever forget your faces when you drove away leaving Mark with me..
Sgt John J. Savage III
johnsavage at triad.rr.com"
"Mark We only served together for a while but you always tried to make everyone else cheer up no matter what was going on. Though you are no longer physically with us You will always remain in the hearts of those who know you and whose lives you touched. To the Family of Mark Bibby, God Bless you and Thank you for raising him to be who he was. He was a soldier, but more than that he was a friend."
Jay Maples of Baghdad, Iraq
"MSG Jeff Malone 352 CA CMD
Mark Bibby should have never been on that mission to a water perification plant...in fact we were trying to send all non-civil affairs soldiers home to their families.....Mark's MOS was chemical...he was not a trained civil affairs specialist......Mark was a victim of the 352 CA CMD and the 422 CA Bn..a victim of slipshod leadership which permeated civil affairs......when there was no evidence of a chemical threat....Mark should have been sent home!.....I know for a fact that one soldier with a chemical MOS was sent home.......Bibby should not have gone out on a....... senseless mission as the one he volunteered for.......I am so sorry about the death of Mark Bibby because he was always concerned about whether or not he would get home alive........and I know for a fact that .......there was an effort to get him out of the madness of Iraq and the ineptness of Civil Affairs....and Civil Affairs killed Mark....not the insurgents..............MSG Malone"
Jeff Malone of Washington, DC
"Even though I do not know Mark Bibby, My heart goes out to his family.
When ever I see the family name appear
as a fallen hero in the service of our
Country I feel a piece of me went with
them. A Bibby went down with the Arizona at Pearl Harbor a fallen hero!"
William H.Bibbey of American Fork, Ut
"sorry fo yo lose cuz"
Tremaine Payne of landover, maryland
"Bibby wasn’t just a soldier that was killed in action...He was a friend. I remember when the unit got mobilized to Ft. Bragg. Bibby was a chemical guy and had been augmented to our CA battalion so he arrived there after everybody else was pretty much there. He walked into those old WWII barracks we were all staying in there on Bragg and a couple of us looked at him with that "who’s the new guy" expression. But after about five minutes, a few jokes, and some good laughs...He was family!
I had the pleasure of serving with Bibby while in Iraq and the honor to be able to escort him home when he was laid to rest. After meeting his family and seeing their bond and their strength. It was clear to see where Bibby got his pride of service, personality, and strong value system from. Bibby was truly a hero, not just because of his actions but because of who he was and what he stood for. He will FOREVER be remembered, and ALWAYS be missed."
SSG Dory A. Rowe
"I miss you!"
Maja of Trebur
Juandi Newkirk of Greensboro, NC
"I just happened across this site and I am so deeply moved by the sacrifice of Mark and so many others. It does not seem fair as I sit in my comfortable home on Christmas eve, that so many promising lives have been taken so young. My heart goes out to you, he did not die in vein."
Rob Gibson of Waxhaw, NC
"That day sucked, not just because the death of CPL Bibby, but because of the heat and the mission we were going to do before the incident. I never knew of Cpl Mark Bibby until this day. He was a Civil Affairs Soldier in fact, on his way to our camp to hook up with us for a mission which required escort around the area. It started early that day, with a call to "Tower Cat" to stop an arguement between a Soldier and an ICDC. As we got there the arguement had ensued to a full blown incident. Funny how we cant seem to get along with those guys until something that endangers us or them happens. Anyways " B O O M " from behind tower cat compound. We all shut up and take cover. I run (of course like a dumb * to see) instead of looking first, and see a small fire in between or actually on the otherside of tall brush. I run closer but im lower in position now. I know something aint right. I see a Soldier in the distance run behind a humvee and fire his weapon. Hes in trouble I think. I yell to SFC Mojica if we can go help. He says yes and to take a battle with me. I start to run that way when on the overpass a convoy of 2 humvees (at that time) screech to a halt and Soldiers pile out. I see Soldiers crawling the over pass with thier weapons pointed every which way. One Soldier yells to me. "HAY DO YOU ALL HAVE A MEDIC?" I yell back yes and we proceed. As soon as we cleared the tall brush all hel breaks loose. RPGs and Automatic gunfire. NOW im scared. I look past the humvee with the Soldier crouching behind and see that hes firing at multiple men in the street. Its later that i know what INSURGENTS are. We fire back when I see something disturbing. Soldiers scattered all over the street and blood running down the street fast. I panic, Im not gonna lie, but i snapped also. Fire back I tell myself. I start fireing when my battle screams out the most obvious thing in the world. "ARE THEY SHOOTING AT US?""* they are shooting at us" im like " no *". I run to the Humvee attacked. It was an IED. destroyed the whole humvee and had a Soldier in it still. It was on fire. It was hot and It was quiet for some reason. I look around and see men in white clothes running through the brush and I fire back one whole magazine into that brush. Killing one (with the help of everyone else) and dont know how the others got away. Im stunned because of the amount of blood everywhere. I see 2 civilians ( americans ) crouching under a waterbuffalo being towed by some other unit passing by. I see them mouth the words " Whats Going On" but I cant hear *. I look over a the burning humvee and see a Soldier moving. I run to him but CPL Bibbys rounds are cooking off in the humvee. I run anyways to him and pull him out. I hand him over to a Soldier on the back of a Humvee that had a SOldier on the tailgate of the humvee. He cradles Bibby from under his arms and they drive off fast. I know hes dead i tell myself. I look away as his face seems to look at me. I feel sick now. I hear HELP!. I look and my medic is trying to render aid to a local civilian, Civil Affairs interpreter, OMAR. At the same time Im seeing Soldiers trying to patch a SSG up. "Sucking chest wound" he says loud. "Im gonna die if you dont get me out of here!" We rush him out of there with a million things running through my mind. Was that supposed to be me? My team? My battle?..Guess we will never know. Its funny that the day I got kicked out of the Army, the only things I can think of is CPL Mark Bibby, SGT Timothy Hayslett, CSM Eric Cooke, SPC Stuart Moore, 1lt Matthew Saltz, PFC Chris Eckhardt, SGT David McKeever..... Dont know why, but for some reason without me EVER submitting a Combat Action Badge packet, without ever getting any award but for deploying to OIF 1, after SFC Laverick, then SSG, tracking me down and telling me thanks for saving his life, my DD214 reflects COMBAT ACTION BADGE. Strange sometimes how life and how it all comes back around to you can really make you think, what you were really put on this earth for......."
Michael J Goss of Corpus Christi, Texas
"Dear family members:
May God's grace be with you at this time.
Bless your Marine for the sacrifice he made for our country! We love our "Devil Dogs"."
Liz Romagosa of Lincolnton, NC
"Just stopping by to let you know I havent forgot about you brother...."
SSG Goss, Michael J of TEXAS
"i never knew mark but i know it may sound petty but we carry the same name i typed my name in google and i found this site after reading all the entrys i could tell he was a brave soilder and will be sadly missed may good be with him and looking over his family"
mark bibby of manchester / england
"I knew CPL Bibby in Iraq. We spoke the night before that mission. He was a great soldier and a great man. I had the pleasure of working with Mark on several missions. He was the one I wanted behing the wheel on our way to the fire stations. I will never forget him. To the Bibby family goes my deepest sympathies andI aplogize for posting my comments so late. I was honored to have served with CPL Bibby and am better for it. He was well liked and repsected by all in the 422. On point in heaven and looking out for his buddies and family left behind"
CPT Ben LaPierre of Lexzington, SC
"I would like to extend my deepest sympathy to Bibby's family and loved ones. Bibby and I worked together in Mannheim, Germany--he was a good, dedicated, and accomplished soldier and he possessed a great spirit!! He is truly missed! May the Lord provide all of the comfort, peace, and strength his family and loved ones need. God Bless Always!
Lafonia Lawrence and Family"
Lafonia Lawrence (formerly SPC Lawrence) of Ft. Meade, MD
"You will forever be remember by this chemical soldier. The Chemical Corp have lost a great person in you. DRAGON SOLDIERS FOREVER."
"As the anniversary of Mark's death nears, I have spent some time looking back over the memorials, newspaper articles and even high school yearbooks that have tidbits of the life and tragic death of Mark. While I only briefly spoke with Mark at a high school basketball game or school event, I could see the beautiful person he was. That beauty reflected from the family he comes from. In our small community there is only good that is said of his parents, brother and sister. The Bibby family gave one of the biggest sacrifices of all for their country.
My husband taught at his high school, my daughter called his sister a casual friend and our school system is blessed with his mother as employee.
A good family, a great young man, an American hero. I am blessed to have just briefly been touched by them all.
God bless you all."
T. LaFon of Pender County, North Carolina
"To the friends and family of CPL Mark Bibby. I was Mark's 1SG while he was assigned to the 422d CA Bn in Iraq. As all the soldiers in the unit I too was grief stricken to hear that our unit was attacked by the terrorists in a most cowardly action. There was no way the soldiers could have known or prepared for an IED. Mark was one of our best soldiers always voluteering and not afraid to stand in harms way. His actions on every mission proved that he was a competant soldier and a brave young man. I know that God will prove our efforts and losses to be a just cause. My personal condolences to the friends and family of Mark. He will never be forgotten"
"Just wanting the bibby Family to know that i still think of that horrible day everyday and hope you all are doing well...Bibby see you when I get there..."
SGT Michael J Goss of FT HOOD, Texas
"In Loving Memory..Its been a year..
At the rising of the sun and at its going down, We remember them.
At the blowing of the wind and in the chill of Winter, We remember them.
At the opening of buds and in the rebirth of Spring, We remember them.
At the blueness of the skies and in the warmth of Summer, We remember them.
At the rustling of leaves and the beauty of Autumn, We remember them.
At the beginning of the year and when it ends, We remember them.
As long as we live, they too will live;
for they are now a part of us, as we remember them.
Rest in Peace Dear Soldier!!! We will NEVER FORGET!"
The Grogan Family of Lakeland, TN
"As a co-worker of Mark’s mother, I had the opportunity to meet him. He was a kind person, making time to speak to everyone. He was proud to be serving his country. He lived his life as he thought he should, and was an example to others in his actions. After his death in Iraq, I was, and am still, struck by how his example has lived on.
Mark’s parents are brave and have shown an unshakable faith that is inspiring to everyone they know.
I just wanted to say I think of Mark and his family often, and thank him and his family for their sacrifice."
misty of pender county
"You are represented by the mere display of just one of the stars on the American Flag. I want to thank you for showing care and respect towards the hundreds of millions of people, both living and dead, in which the American Flag represents, the 200 years of freedom the United States stands for, and the liberty the United States boasts. You made us proud!"
Leigh Wise of McDonough, GA
"Mark, Look over us from above as you did when you were with us. I am proud to have served with you and I'm glad you are my friend. You are truely missed."
David Meyer of Jonesville, NC
"Mark was a wonderful man that everyone was very fond of. During the stressful monthes I spent over there, I can say that Mark was always positive and always made me smile. I will never forget shaking his hand that morning. He walked over to us just to lift everyones spirits. That is what Mark did when he had a few minutes to spare. He is a real hero and his parents should be proud of the wonder young man they raised. We will never forget him."
Bryan Albertson of Charlotte, NC
"As a former psyoper, a sister unit to civil affairs, I offer my condolences to the Bibby family. It seems quite a few Civil Affairs soldiers have been killed over there. These are soldiers organizing basic necessities like food, water, electricity, interviews for jobs, Ect. God Bless them and keep them."
Clint Deriemaeker of Coon Rapids, MN
Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Mark, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "
"Corporal Bibby, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas
"Christina, although I never got the chance to meet your big brother, I want you to know how proud I am of his sacrifice to our country. He is truly a hero, and I will be forever grateful for his courage and fearlessness.
I am always here for you, no matter what...your little sis"
Morgan of Chapel Hill, NC
"I live in Greensboro and I am a veteran of the first Gulf War. I just wanted to thank you Mark for your sacrafice and service. I hope that you are sitting at God's right hand and can see the outcome of this terrible conflict. Thnak you Mark!"
James Northam of Archdale, NC USA
"when Mark was stationed in germany,with the 95th mp bn, i served with him there, he was a great soldier and a good friend to have , may god rest his soul and bless his family"
Will of hinesville, ga
"To all Bibby family and friends;
I want to say that Mark has been the inspiration of my life from the first day I met him and he will stay like that until the day I join him. I loved him from the bottom of my heart. I wish I had the honour of calling him my husband even for one day.
Mr. and Mrs. Bibby I would like to thank you for your sincerity and the support you have given me. I wish I could get a chance to meet you.
God Bless You"
Secil Ucak of Izmir, Turkey
thank you so much for everything you tought me.
I will ALWAYS love you!!!
From all my heart!!!
My world is so dark and cold without you!!!
You are the love of my life........
Tony, Jean, Tony Jr., Christina,
thank you so much for showing me love and what it means to be a family.
I never really had that before in my life but from the first day I came into your lifes I felt loved. Thank you!!!"
Maja of Trebur, Germany
"My husband, SPC Quintin Brown, served with Bibby in Iraq. He was devastated by the loss of his comrade, as was I upon hearing the news. Know that our prayers are with your family (Psalm 91)."
Shelda Oliver-Brown (wife of SPC Quintin Brown) of Fayetteville, NC/Snellville, GA
"It was all so real on that day that after the flag was folded and handed to the family of CPL Mark A. Bibby.
A twenty one gun salute sounded and then from the heaven a loud burst of thunder rumbled. It was Mark,
his way of saying good bye don't worry I am a Soldier in the King's Army now. You were one of the best here
and God choose you. Your memories live forever in our hearts. We Love you and may God bless you all."
MSG James Siler of the 422 CA BN
"My brother Mark A. Bibby someone I never got the chance to be a brother to is in another life now resting in peace and there is nothing I can do to bring him back from that place, but the one thing I know I can do is have the will to carry on. Taking with me his spirit on my shoulders to continue the fight against evil. I know I will suceed no matter what cost. Pay back is near.
"In memory of a "Man of Honor." I would like to express my deepest condolences to the Bibby family.
There are no words to express the matters of the heart. For the heart heals in time and with the help of God! Treasure the memories you hold in you heart, for Mark is out of your sight but always close, for you see Mark through the eyes of your heart. My prayer is that in the days to come God shall comfort you, guide you, give you strength and perfect peace!"
OS1 Leslie Hunter
"Bibby, more than anything you made us laugh. Even playing the game... You were one of the truly shining lights in our road. It was a priviledge to know you and serve with you. I was supposed to be there but I wasn't- forgive me."
SGT Anna Brogan of 422 CA BN
"Mark is gone but not forgotten in our thoughts . heart and prays."
Reno of San Diego CA
"So many times in a day and throughout ones lifetime without full conciousness we take even the longest second for granted and make big of something that in the end in our one life time chance means absolutely nothing. Life and its trials and tribulations fog the mind of what truly matters, love, friendship, family, kindness, sharing of all the above and smiling with those that we cherish, it is evident that the honorable, courageous and all time giving Cpl. Mark A. Bibby gave his life so that Americans can carry on another day. Cpl. Mark A. Bibby is and will always remembered and never to be forgotten. In God's name I pray for you and your loved ones, AMEN!"
AC2(AW) Michelle C. Fernandez of TACRON 11, San Diego, CA
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go...Some people become friends
and stay a while...leaving beautiful footprints on our hearts... and we are never quite the same because we have made a good friend!! I didn't know you but I made a great friend with your brother, your spirit lives on in him.
God Bless"
Ted Curtice of San Diego, Ca.
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go...Some people become friends
and stay a while...leaving beautiful footprints on our hearts... and we are never quite the same because we have made a good friend!! I didn't know you but I made a great friend with your brother, your spirit lives on in him.
God Bless
Ted Curtice of San Diego, Ca.
"In the Military a soldier stands his watch and is relieved only when properly relieved. When Mark was called to stand his watch, he stood his watch with Honor. Although Mark will never be able to be relieved from his watch, we the Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen must stand the watch in his place. I am proud to stand the watch in Mark’s place a long side his Brother, Eustace Bibby, Jr."
Roderick Shannon, LCDR USN of TACRON 11, CA
"Hello. My name is Eustace Jr. I'm Mark Bibby's older brother. I'm in the U.S. Navy, deployed in a place that I cannot say on this Message Board.On behalf of the Bibby family, and my Brother, I want to thank everyone who showed love and support, during the worst part of our lives. There is noone who can replace my Little Brother, and we will suffer an inner ache for th rest of our lives. On behalf of the Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, guarding the walls and oceans around the world, remember the ultimate sacrifice my Brother made, and the fact he made it for people he doesn't even know. I love you Markie, I'll see you soon."
Junior. of VTC-11 U.S. Navy
"Deepest condolences to the Bibby family. I served with Mark on Johnston Atoll and found him to be a fine example of a soldier, friend and young man. He will never be forgotten."
Dana Davis of Fayetteville, NC
"I would like to express my deepest condolences and gratitude to the Bibby family. My husband is a member of the 422nd Civil Affairs Battalion. I attended the memorial service for Mark and it was the most remarkable experience of my life. I did not know Mark personally but his life was celebrated as a hero's life. Mark was a man who has indelibly touched the lives of all he met. May God's grace extend to his friends, comrades, and family."
Lynn Perley of Kernersville, NC
"My deepest gratitude and condolences goes out to Mark A. Bibby and to his family and friends. I have read an article from Esquire magazine and read the "Last Letter Home" One of the letters was Mark Bibby's and it has brought me to tears and has led me to this site today. Mark Bibby will never be forgotten and will always be our hero. I would like to say the same for all other fallen heroes and their families and the soldiers still fighting for our freedom today. We love you all and God Bless!"
Paul Joo (Korean American) of Los Angeles, CA, USA
"We would like to extend our appreciation and heartfelt thanks to each and every friend and family that have left messages in Mark's memory for my family. "Markie" was such a sweet, kind, gentle person. We truly miss him. Mark's death was very shocking, unexpected and devastating to us. My friends in Pender County have shown many, many acts of love and kindness. Mark's memorial will be forever perpetuated in the renaming of "Bibby Hall", previously the ROTC bldg. at Pender High. A section of US Hwy. 421 on Shiloh Rd. has been named in Mark's honor also. The Corporal Mark Anthony Bibby Memorial Scholarship Fund has been set up at Pender High. Please send a donation to: The Cpl. Mark A. Bibby Scholarship Fund, Pender High School, 5380 NC Hwy. 53 West, Burgaw, NC 28425. This scholarship will assist the students at Pender High to attain their college goals. Also, a website has been setup that includes portraits of Mark. Please e-mail: http://www.bdproductions.info
for more info. Please feel free to e-mail me at: proudmom01@hotmail.com or write me: Jean Bibby, 4614 Shiloh Road, Watha, NC 28478. God Bless You and we are truly obliged, Jean, Eustace, Sr., Christina and Eustace, Jr. Bibby"
Jean Bibby of Watha, NC
"We would like to extend our appreciation and heartfelt thanks to each and every friend and family that have left messages in Mark's memory for my family. "Markie" was such a sweet, kind, gentle person. We truly miss him. Mark's death was very shocking, unexpected and devastating to us. My friends in Pender County have shown many, many acts of love and kindness. Mark's memorial will be forever perpetuated in the renaming of "Bibby Hall", previously the ROTC bldg. at Pender High. A section of US Hwy. 421 on Shiloh Rd. has been named in Mark's honor also. The Corporal Mark Anthony Bibby Memorial Scholarship Fund has been set up at Pender High. Please send a donation to: The Cpl. Mark A. Bibby Scholarship Fund, Pender High School, 5380 NC Hwy. 53 West, Burgaw, NC 28425. This scholarship will assist the students at Pender High to attain their college goals. Also, a website has been setup that includes portraits of Mark. Please e-mail: http://www.bdproductions.info
for more info. God Bless You and we are truly obliged, Jean, Eustace, Sr., Christina and Eustace, Jr. Bibby"
Jean Bibby of Watha, NC
"Thank you Mark Bibby, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios
"I pray that you all have received God's strength and are able to move forward in life. Mark Bibby served his family, friends, and country well. He will always be missed, but never forgotten."
CPT Michael Slack of Baghdad, Iraq
"My thoughts & prayers go out to all the Military men and women who are at war and especially those who have lost their lives. May God bless you forever. Thank you for everything, you are my hero! Rest in peace."
Amanda K Casas of San Diego, Tx
"To The Bibby Family, I was one of the 3 soldiers that day that provided security for your loved one and 3 others as they sought medical help.I didnt know your loved one nor did I work with him,I am soldier with whom that explosive device was probably meant for me or my Team.I can tell you more by Email or phone. Email me Goss7@Hotmail.com. I'd be happy to tell you anything about that awful day. My condolences to you and your family.......Ive been trying to get ahold of you all,"
SGT Michael J Goss of Baghdad,Iraq A Btry 2-3 FA REGT
"I went to high school with Mark. Tony and family I'm so sorry for your loss if you ever see this. Mark was a great guy, and I will never forget him."
Nelson L. Lane of Fort Mill, SC
"I am a librarian at Marquat Memorial Library, Fort Bragg, NC. I remember Mark from when he came through as a reservist preparing to go to Iraq. He was a very personable, likable individual. It hurts to know of his fate. My heart goes out to his family and friends and the other families grieving over losses in Iraq or Afghanistan."
Jane Crabill of Fort Bragg, NC
"I would like to thank everyone for the support of the bibby family. Mark was a good friend and great soldier, I am proud to have served with in Baghdad. He will be missed but not forgotten."
Spc Jon Leonard of 422 CA Bn
"Mark and I were classmate,and he was a very intelligent and funny young man who was always there when you needed him.To the Bibby family, never say that you lost Mark because in order to say you lost him you would have to say that you dont know where he is ,but we all know that Mark is with God.He was a solider of the U.S. but now he is one of God's soldiers."
LaCretia Munn of Currie,N.C
"To the Family you are in my prayers...May God bless you. I do want to say it was a honor to have him in our military Thanks for serving our country"
Stacey (Proud Army Wife) of Zephyrhills,Florida
"I was a classmate of Mark's and when I heard of his death, I was devaststed because he had recently been on my mind and now I know why. I am saddened by his death and I wish I could have seen him one more time. Mark was a friend in a class all by himself and that was one of the things that I loved about him, he always made me wanted. I'll always love and cherish Mark and he'll always be in my heart. My sympathy goes out to his family."
Devona K Farrior of Maple Hill, Nc
"Hello, to the Bibby family. I to am deeply heartbroken over the death of Spc. Mark A. Bibby aka Frosty. :) I know his nickname because I am his roomate in Iraq. Spc. Maurice Jones. My mother went to the service on last Friday because I could not. I only wish that I could express to you how much Mark ment to me. He was a brother and a friend to anyone in need of one. I have your address and phone number and would love the chance to stay in touch with you. I asked my mother to let you all know that if it's ok with you I would like to come visit you all on my first day home. I will be writing you a letter very soon and I will call as soon as I can. See you soon.
Spc Maurice E. Jones"
Spc. Maurice E. Jones of Baghdad, Iraq
"Our prayers are with the Bibby family...Your son was a hero who fulfilled his sense of duty."
The Alvarez Family of Syracuse, NY
"I just wanted to thank Mark Bibby's family for a son who gave his life for my freedom. A mere thank you is not enough.
The Bibby's family are in my thoughts and prayers."
"Hello! I just want to say that I enjoy having Mark as a classmate for one he was always the same old Mark as we grew up. But we know that our God knows what is best for us we must always keep in mind that God is too wise to make a mistake. I pray that God's blessing rain upon each and everyone of you. (Philippians 4:13 Lets us know that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." so all that you need in this time you can and will find all in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
God Bless!"
Selena Sykes of Burgaw, NC Pender
"To the family and friends of Cpl. Mark Bibby:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Mark for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada
"To the family and friends of Cpl. Mark Bibby:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Mark, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia