Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Remembering the servicemembers who died in the service of their country.

Army Spc. Beau R. Beaulieu

20, of Lisbon, Maine.
Beaulieu died in Taji, Iraq, during a mortar attack on Camp Cooke. He was assigned to the 27th Main Support Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas. Died on May 24, 2004.

Please send information, photos, and corrections for Army Spc. Beau R. Beaulieu.


Contributions to the Families of the Fallen


Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.

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"I remember."
Scott McLean, MD. LTC (Ret), MC of San Antonio

"its been 12 years since I retired from Ft. Hood after we returned. I still remember that day. I wish to thank all soldiers from my company 27th MSB and especially to Spec. Beaulieu for his bravery and sacrifice. Thank you Beau. GOD Bless you and your family."
Sfc Smith, Kenneth of Johns Island, South Carolina

"To the family of SPC Beaulieu, I am thinking of your son today among too many others killed performing their service to their nation. Bless his friends and family- he will never be forgotten"
of Fort Bliss, TX

"11 years brother...your laugh still resonates within me. much love to your family. (Dona if you read this, the email I have for you does not work anymore. please email me at the gmail address. it still works) #Respect #MissYou #Hero"
Sara Helms (Swack) of Kalamazoo, MI

"11Years have past I was on mission with you in Kuwait and then a month later you are killed I was on my way from Chow Hall when you were killed. I remember talking about your wife and family that you wanted. Well I have one now. And my wife was born on May 24. Crazy thinking you been gone that long. I can never forget that day or you RIP Beau."
PFC Shane Bennett of Bonham Texas USA

"11Years have past I was on mission with you in Kuwait and then a month later you are killed I was on my way from Chow Hall when you were killed. I remember talking about your wife and family that you wanted. Well I have one now. And my wife was born on May 24. Crazy thinking you been gone that long. I can never forget that day or you RIP Beau."
Shane Bennett of Bonham Texas USA

"It's been 10 year's, yet it feels like yesterday since I lost my dear friend, and brother. We were together on this deployment and did all the comms for the 27th. Not a day goes by that Beau isn't on my mind and in my heart. I can still hear his laugh and see his smile. He was always guiding me as we would get into mischief throughout the days. Our mornings were early and often our nights were long, going into third shifts, and our job never seemed finished. We ran countless wires after dark and always seemed to get a call just as everyone was settling down for the night. Every year I've honored Beau never forgetting the amazing man he was. His memory gets stronger but the pain still tears me up. I will never forget that day that the most honorable soldier passed from this world. Beau you are my Hero, my strength, and forever my friend. As long as I breathe you will never be forgotten. As you watch over all of us know that we love you."
Spc Terra (Smith) Young of Erie, PA

"I bought a remembrance braclet after graduating basic training at ft Benning and have worn it ever since. It was Spc. Beaulieu's it's been 8 years since I bought it and I still wear it. Thank you for.your sacrifice Spc. Beaulieu"
Justin of Michigan

"To the family of beau: its been a long time since his passing but i never had the ability to tell you how much i admired your son/ husband. He was a close a friend of mine whom i grew close too while he lived next to me in the barracks and shared his life with me. When i would see him up late in the barracks ironing his uniform when all of us were up partying, or he was loading our coms b4 convoys. I longed to b half the soldier he was, he never lost focus of his contribution to us and he was always an avid listener of our problems stateside. He was a true friend and an admired soldier. Our country and 27 th lost a true soldier. God bless you for inspiring a true person that will never b forgotten amongst his friends and fellow soldiers. May he rip n watch over me as he always has. I miss u beau n ur tattoo on my leg will always remind"lost but never forgoten my boy beau. May 24 is a day i will always pour up one for u."
erick mccormick of houston tx

"Beau, we are less than a few months away from the 8th anniversary of your passing, and just wanted to let you know we are still thinking about you. I went up to the Veteran's cemetery to put down some flowers recently, and somebody beat me to it! Just goes to prove the amount of love and support you have now, and will always have.

Myself, I am home and out of the Army. I have been to Iraq four times, and Afghanistan once. There are more people that are appreciative of the soldiers' sacrifices than people that are against them. Your ultimate sacrifice motivated me to keep going and help finish what we started.

It's hard not to bring the horrible thoughts, memories, and actions that became second nature back home to the U.S. with us. I have to admit to you that I have struggled; I don't know how to get past it sometimes. I don't understand how I lived 19 consecutive years of my life normal, then have 5 years in a combat zone, and not be able to return to the same person I was during those normal 19 years. I just wish you were still here, because there aren't many people here that understand.

I just hope you continue providing my overwatch, and the people that care about you. It helps knowing you are watching my 6. Thank you my friend, and rest in peace."
Jesse M. of Lisbon, ME

"Beau, I will never forget how Great of a guy you were in school; Always Friendly, Generous, and doing the right thing. I've always appreciated your character. You will not be forgotten. Thank You for Protecting our Freedoms!"
Cade Wright of Cocoa, FL

"Beau & family even tho it has been 7yrs, you are still in people's hearts & prayers. Thanks for your unselfishness!"
Pauline of Lisbon, Maine

"I was looking at our pictures from this deployment and i will never forget this day although i never personaly knew him 27th was like a family to me i still keep in touch with everyone i served with during this time. I met great people i met my husband here. My husband and I were talking about you last night and remembering you how much impact this had on everyone in the unit you will always be remember May God Bless your family always and see you when we get there!"
Maria Spiller (Salas) of Ft. Hood, TX

"TO Beau's Family,
My thoughts and prayers are with you on theses holidays. I give thanks for soldiers like Beau who gave their all in time of need."
SGT Mark Moulton of Lisbon Falls ME

"Wow! Thanks to Joy Prim I just saw this site today. I know it has been five years and almost 5 months since Beau was with us, but reading what everyone has written and thinking about what an amazing guy (and our memories together) bring me to tears right now.

HE is the only tragic loss that was very close to my heart. Him and I were able to form a nice friendship before we deployed. Working in the Commo shop and have gone on missions and to NTC rotations had us form a bond that will never be broken. we had a minor falling out before we deployed and i was reassigned to a new unit and we were deployed to two different bases.I regret everyday that we never had a heart to heart before may 28th. it makes you really, REALLY! appreciate the people you care for and to never let a day go by with unfinished business.

Anyway, as you can see Beau was a stand up person!!!! I know a lot of people praise a soldier after he has fallen and may add all these glorified characteristics (not that i am down playing ANY fallen soldier, because i am not at all!!) but Beau is the true definition of a squared away soldier. He was such an amazing person inside and out. Everyday, no matter where we were, he was READY to work. He was new so he was always asking questions and caught on very quick. He always wanted to get work done and NEVER complained! he was so good at staying out of the drama in the office. i mean yes rarely we all got on each others nerves, but Beau was usually the one trying to make light of the situation. He was always LAUGHING!!! or SMILING!!! always being goofy! i mean he laughed so much and his laugh has a distinct sound to it, i mean that kid would laugh so much at times we were like, "beau, shut up." -always said with love of course. and man did that boy love him some DMX...he was always rappin' to DMX ;) we did go to Six Flags shortly before deployment and that was a GREAT trip! i'll never forget that trip, the times he stayed at my house, all the great conversations we had (him always tryin to get advice on his ol girl) or all the card games we played!! Man, such a great guy! Although it's a lil sad it's very nice to write and relive these memories right now, all the fun, good times we shared. Can we post pix here cause i have some good ones :)

To all his family: (Dona, his brother and sister, his dad, step parents)...you're still in my thoughts everyday! As sad as I get I cannot imagine the sadness you will forever have as well. Thank you for raising such a wonderful person! He has changed me indefinitely since that day, how you should treat everyday like its your last. RIP Beau! I'll NEVER forget!! Take care!! XOXOXOXOXOXO"
SGT. Swack...aka: Sara Helms (Swack) of Michigan

"To the Family and loved ones Of Spc Beau Beaulieu, I never got the chance to get to know Beau and I regret that so much but I feel like I did know him from all the good things I heard about him. I was in the same Battalion as him and in Tajji Iraq but had gotten injured and got sent home, so I wasn't there the day he lost his precious life, but a lot of my closest friends were there with him and one of my friends was there with him holding him so that he wouldn't die alone and some of my medic friends were there and tried their hardest to save his life. Your son will never be forgotten, and I thank God that he is in a better place. Thank you not only for your son's courage but for your courage. God Bless

Beau Beaulieu, Thank you so much for giving your life for my freedom. Your death and life has effected a lot of different lives including mine. Your courage, life, and death will never be in vain or forgotten and i will personally make sure of that."
Joy Prim U.S Army Veteran of Warrenville, Illinois

"Tomorrow is the fifth anniversary of Beau's death. My heart is heavy for his Mom,Brother and Dad. My brother was Beau's dad. I can't imagine experiencing such a loss or having the ability to function. They all have gotten by, but I am certain on this day the memory must become real and fresh once again. Beau was loved! He had a gentle spirit about him. Before he left for the army he came to visit and we talked about many things, funny things and happy things, but most importantly we talked about GOD. I know in my heart he found HIM and is now wth GOD. That gives some peace, he died doing what he always wanted to do and he died an honorable death. As he lay in his coffin I rubbed his long beautiful eyelashes and whispered, save a place for Aunt Louise in heaven, I will meet you up there one day and we will laugh once again! My prayers are with the family today...my heart is heavy...I pray you will reach out and touch the hand of GOD today and he will give you peace. Beau will never be forgotten nor will the scarifice that you all made! I love you Beau....I love you Dona ...I love you Brandon...I love you my brother TIM! Hold on to the memories"
Louise Ridley of Manchester, Maine


"Its taken me almost 5 years to get to this site to let you know what your son ment to me.
I was in the 27th w/ Beau and spent countless hours in that tiny little room they called the S6 shop while we were in the Rear. Once we shipped out down range I got to know him so much more.
Out on the convoy line I never had to check behind him. I knew it was done right.
He walked me through every peice of commo equipment in his shop as we did my Change of Command inventories. I was 20 days from being his Commander when the 24th of May came.
I wish that I could say that I was doing something to keep him safe when the incoming started but I, along with 100s of others were all scrambling to find safety.
I can only say,I am sorry and know that Beau was a great man. I miss him and think of what an impact he had on my life. He will live on in my thoughts, prayers and heart"
CPT Sean R. Wilson of Washington DC

"I AM STILL SHOCKED................
A FRIEND............

"I served with SPC Beaulieu at Camp Taji. I was his unit's Brigade Signal Officer. The job that Beau was doing at Camp Taji as a Signal Soldier was very important. All of his NCOs always said what a great soldier Beau was and how professional he did his duty. Beau's job in Iraq was very difficult and challenging. He made sure that the communications in the logistics convoys supporting the 1st Cavalry Division in Baghdad were operational each day before they rolled out. Many soldiers' lives depended on how well Beau did his job. I can say for sure that the reliable communications in the supply convoys from Beau's unit literally saved soldiers' lives. I appreciate Beau's sacrifice. It is a great honor to say that I served with SPC Beaulieu in Iraq."
David E. Bass of Killeen, Texas

"April 22, 2008
To the family of Spc. Beau R. Beaulieu:
Beau gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV

"My thoughts go with you and the family....actually you are part of my family....Beau's grandmother is my Aunt, my mother's sister and I wanted to send my condolences to the family and let you know that you are gone but never forgotten....God Bless"
Angie Brulotte & Kids of Limerick, Me

"I was apart of the 27th msb in taji serving beside Beau. Everyday we talked as he helped me with my commo before we rolled out the gate. I remember that day like it was yesterday. Its something I will never get out of my mind.
SGT Eggins"
SGT Eggins of Fort Lewis WA

"I met Beau my last deployment in Iraq 2004. We were in 27th MSB. He was so friendly. I never really knew him personally, but the unit that we were in, were so tight. We all were like family. I would always here stories about how Beau was so squared away. Whenever his NCO's would ask him to do a task, 8 times out of 10 it was already done. That's just the person Beau was. By that, he earned the nickname Robot. I was really saddened to hear that it had to happen to you Beau. Even though we are still in the fight, we still carry your spirits with us at heart. "Wagonmasters 4 life""
Kylwanna Dunn of Rustamiyah, Iraq

"I met Beau a few days before he died in that mortar attack. I was at Taji but was not in his unit. I met him in the chow hall. I asked him if he knew someone who was famous with that last name (Priscilla Presley's maiden name). I don't even remember if he said he knew, but we talked for 15 minutes or so until one of us had to go. When I found out he died in I was torn up. I'm sorry for your loss. He seemed like a great guy. War has changed my outlook on everything and every Memorial day I make sure that whatever cookout I'm at, I make everyone stop and listen as I remind them of the reason for the holiday and briefly tell them about a friend that I lost...Beau Beaulieu."
John Acosta of Round Rock, TX

"To the family of Beau:
Your son was one of my great friends, even before we deployed. I was stationed with him in HHD 27th MSB, 1CD at Fort Hood, TX. My wife, Nichole, and I knew him well. We had a great time at Six Flags down in San Antonio! Beau, Cerra, Mike, and me were all there. I also remember the NTC rotation the year before we deployed. He would never complain about how many missions he would go on, or how many times he had to do someone elses work for the cause of the mission. He 'IS' the true definition of ~Hero~! No matter what the mission, no matter how hard the task, no matter what would stand in his way, Beau was on the task at hand and always completed the mission!
Beau will be in my memories and in my heart until my dying breath!
My battle-buddy... my friend... My Brother! R.I.P."
ex-SPC Matt McGough of Wilsonville, OR

"The family of Spc Beaulieu
I just wanted to leave a few words of thanks for your sacrifice. My Husband, SFC Garvin Ficklin, served with Beau in the Cav both stateside and in Iraq. I can remember my husband coming home several times and telling me of something Beau had done or said that made him laugh. Garv thought the world of Beau and thats a very rare thing. He made a huge impression on an otherwise crusty old sgt. I remember the call from my husband after the attack telling me first he was ok and second that Beau didnt make it. I have never heard that kind of pain in Garvins voice. I attended the memorial service for Beau at Fort Hood and prayed the entire time that I would never have to go through anything this painful ever again. Thanks for your guidance that led your son into my husbands life. I know he is a better man for knowing him. I cant think of a higher compliment."
Gina Ficklin of Linden, NJ

"Beaulieu was a great friend and a great soldier. I remember when he first arrived to the MSB, i had just gotten there about 2 months before he did. I remember the last NTC rotation we went to before Iraq. Me and Beau went on so many convoys, I cant even count the missions we did. He was exceptional at chess. He always beat me. Ill never forget about him talking about his camaro or his dakota. His laugh is always stuck in my mind. Hes really a HERO. I will always remember SPC BEAULIEU."
SPC Ludwig, Luke A. of Fort Hood, TX

"To the Field family: So many times I wanted to write you and tell you what Beau meant to me. It has been very hard for me to deal with the loss of a friend and fellow soldier. I had been his platoon sergeant prior to deploying to Iraq. I always saw him as a great man with many desirable qualities. He presented himself as a professional but in a cadid way. At times he seemed comical. He would smile and I would wonder if it was a mischievous smile.I thought highly of his character. I remember the last time I saw Beau, I was eating in the mess hall and I saw him by himself a few tables away. We made eye contact and I nodded in response that he had seen me too. He had left just a few minutes before the shelling started and when it did the rest of us had scrambled to the nearest bunker in hopes of saving our skins. I had left the bunker before I felt it was safe feeling the need to get back to our base operations to help with recovery and battle damage assessment. As soon as I got back I heard someone say SPC Beaulieu had been hit by a round and it caught me off guard. I didnt want to hear that from anyone. I had just seen him a few minutes before and now I was feeling guilty about not taking the time to speak to him in the mess hall. I felt somewhat responsible for him being in the wrong place. It has taken me months to come to the point where I can talk to someone about the experience without tears. I loved him and will always think of him. Once again, Im sorry I with-held this story from you for so long. Serving with the best soldiers in the world."
SFC Ficklin, Garvin of Taegu, South Korea

"To Beau's family,
Thank you for what your families done for our great nation. Beau will always be there with me when i will do my duty for our nation. Beau was a out standing person and i will never forget going through high school going to track meets with a outstanding human being. Take care and pray for all soldiers such as beau who gave there all and still are today."
SPC Mark Moulton of Fort Knox, KY

"God bless you and thank you for the sacrifice of your son, husband and friend.
I am trying to speak with the families of soldiers with wood carving portraits
in Faces of the Fallen at Arlington National Cemetery. My Name is Rev. Liz Wold. I am the aunt of PFC Owen D. Wit killed in Iraq 24 May 2004. PLEASE contact me at lizdcw@earthlink.net or 203-661-1719.Thank you"
Rev. Liz Wold of Connecticut

"My family recently received a "Hero Bracelet" from www.herobracelets.org. Our bracelet reflects the name of the fallen soldier, Spc Beau R Beaulieu of Lisbon, ME Army 5/24/04. He will not be forgotten. In fact, my husband and I plan to pass this bracelet on to one of our four children in hopes that our future generations will not forget the sacrifices others have made toward freedom."
Chris and Laura White of Plano, TX

"Beau. I resepect you for what you did, serving with us all in this time of need. The news shocked me, and I looked at your dedication and could only smile. We will all see you again in heaven. Rest your heart, because your soul is still marching."
SPC Melissa Parker of Lisbon, ME

"I recently purchased a bracelet from herobraclets.org with Spc. Beaulieu's
name engraved and proudly wear it in his honor. My thoughts and prayers are with his family as well as the families of all military personnel."
Bret Borland of Louisville, KY

"You will be in Gods hands now and not the Army's. My husband is stationed at Fort Hood. And is now in Iraq. He continues to stay safe and I pray he will come back to me.
We shall pray that you rest in peace. Thank you very much for supporting our Country, it is you who gives us our Freedom.
God Bless and Rest in Peace"
Bosse Family of Maine

"To the family of Beau R. Beaulieu:
My family wanted you to know that we are deeply grateful for the sacrifice your son and your family made for our country. Brandon, Mississippi this past week held a memorial week of a Healing Field with flags for every person killed at the WTC, the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. We purchased a flag in memory of Beau. We did not know him but our own son, David "Bo" Irby has been stationed at Camp Cooke, Taji, Iraq, since March, 2004. Please know that you have our deepest sympathy as you cope with the loss of your loved one."
Buddy and Becky Irby of Sandhill, MS

"Thank you brave soldier for sacrificing your today for my children's safer tomorrow. You have our utmost respect and gratitude. May God provide your family with comfort in their time of sorrow. May you forever rest in Heavenly peace. Neither you nor your sacrifice will be forgotten. For the family/friends: May time provide happy loving memories in place of present sorrows. Look to the sky for in the infinite meadows of Heaven the bright shining stars bloom....the forget-me-nots of angels. God bless you and thank you."
a grateful family in Phoenix, AZ

"Specialist Beaulieu, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas

"To the family of Spc. Beau Beaulieu:
My prayers are with you and your family. My heart understands your pain. I lost my son Spc. Jonathan Cheatham 7/26/03. On the day your son was killed my son too would have turned 20. Understand that there are people out there that truly understand your pain and will keep you in their prayers.
May god continue to lift you up as you continue your journey in this life and know your son is with you in spirit."
Dr. Barbara Porchia of Camden, AR

"To the family of SPC Beau Beaulieu
May God be with you during this difficult time. You are in our thoughts and prayers. I too am the mother of a fallen hero -PFC Bradley Kritzer. He was 19. May our HERO's rest in peace. God bless."
Roger and Sharon Kritzer of Irvona/PA/USA

"To Beau's family, I am so sorry for your tragic loss. Please know that many of us appreciate his service to and sacrifice for our country."
F. Smith of Pennsylvania

"To Beau's Family and Friends:

On behalf of the Blanco-Caldas family, we send our sincerest condolences. We share the same loss ... the same pain. Our prayers are with you in this most difficult time and we thank you for his bravery and sacrifice.

The Family of Capt. Ernesto M. Blanco-Caldas, 82nd Airborne, KIA Iraq 12/28/2003.

Gloria Caldas (Ernie's mom) of San Antonio, TX

"To Beau's Family:
There are no words to express the sorrow we feel for your loss. May God bless you and help you through this time."
Dan and Meg Manninen of San Antonio, Texas

Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Beau, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "

"Thank you Beau Beaulieu, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios

"To the family and friends of Spc. Beau Beaulieu:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Beau for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada

"To the family and friends of Spc. Beau Beaulieu:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Beau, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia

Honor them by remembering... Freedom - is their gift to us But his soul goes marching on