36, of Duluth, Georgia.
Warren died in Baghdad, Iraq, while conducting a dismounted security patrol a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device detonated near his armored personnel carrier. He was assigned to the Army National Guard's 648th Engineer Battalion, 48th Infantry Brigade, Statesboro, Georgia. Died on August 3, 2005.
Please send information, photos, and corrections for Army Sgt. 1st Class Charles H. Warren.
Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.
Please report inappropriate messages
"SFC Class Charles H. Warren was a true leader. He lived the Army Values. He cared deeply about his family. He will always be remembered."
A Soldier of Atlanta, Ga
"Charles h warren was my uncle.. I miss him so much and currently serve in the united states army you will never be forgotten uncle I love you"
Duncan Leonard of wahiawa, Hawaii
"I walk past your beautifully crafted shadowbox at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta where I work, I did not know you but appreciate you giving your life for our country. My condolences to the Warren family and Friends.
CHOA Employee"
of Powder Springs, GA
"SFC Warren was an awesome man. My husband and I served with him in the Georgia Army National Guard. We are both out of the military but we often think of SFC Warren and his family. I recall many conversations we used to have in the field, mainly about medical stuff since I was a medic (SPC Taura Montgomery at the time) and he was a nurse. He was always a joy to talk to. Know that he will never be forgotten and that your family will always be in our prayers."
Taura Montgomery Anderson of Fort Stewart, GA/USA
"To the family of SFC Charles Warren. I am so very sorry for your loss, and I am sorry that it took so long for me to find this page and leave this message. I served with the 648th in Iraq and I knew Charles. He was a good man, and it was an honor to know him as well as to serve with him."
SPC Gray, Shane C. of Savannah, GA
"To the family of:Charles H. Warren
I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015.
Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga""
""Hello First giving condolences to you and your family. My name is Patricia Roberts and I am the mother of the first soldier to die for Ga. (Spc.Jamaal Addison) Please contact me concerning a event on April 18, at Lakeside H.S. 404-509-1001"
Patricia Roberts of Lithonia, Ga"
Patricia Roberts of Lithonia, Ga
"I had the honor of serving with Charles in the 229th Engineering Battalion. He and Alex were not only highly motivated soldiers but were also very good friends. May God bless his family, friends and fellow soldiers and please know that I am honored to have known and served with him. He will always be remembered as a hero. Alex please call me at (540) 429-2826."
Patrick Shockey of Fredericksburg, VA
"I had the honor of serving with Chuck in the 229th Engineer Battalion, 29th ID(L). His was an awesome presence that made every moment more interesting. Fine Sapper and friend. This May, I will be running a half-marathon to raise funds for the TAPS organization. I have chosen to run in memory of Chuck. God Bless and Sappers Lead"
Timothy Lilly of Fredericksburg, Va
"I attended London Central High School with Charles and attended church with his family at West Ruislip. His father was one of my teachers. I was so shocked to learn of his death. My heart goes out to his family and loved ones.
I recently honored Charles during a special retreat ceremony held at the NCO Academy here at Lackland AFB. Each member of the formation was required to call out the name of a fallen service member and I called out Charles' name.
Most of the members of the formation had to choose a name from a list that was provided because they didn't personally know anyone. I didn't need to look at the list...I didn't have to think twice about what name I would call out. God I wish I would have had to pick a name from that list."
TSgt William Rich of Lackland AFB, TX
"I am honored to served and become friends with Charles. He is the perfect father, husband and soldier. He will forever be with me. MAJ John "OPIE" Davis."
John Davis of Waycross, GA
"July 15, 2008
To the family of Sgt. 1st Class Charles H. Warren:
Charles gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV
"I was friends with Rachel Warren from 82-85 at London Central High School and spent the night at her house a few times. I remember Charles being a precocious kid who liked to act! I am so sad for the family's loss, and especially for his wife and children. God keep you all."
Anna (Murphy) Small of Hudson, FL
"I was Charles' Company Commander while he was in Alpha Company from 2002 to around 2004. He was a great guy. I used to give him a hard time about being a nurse. He had one of the best personalities and was good at what he did. His fellow soldiers loved him and so did the chain of command. I remember when he changed over to work for Rob. I was upset about the loss, but knew he was destined for greater things. I will miss him and think about those soldiers from our Battalion everyday for the rest of my life. Thank God for men like him and thank God for the families that support them. Essayons."
CPT Jason Ball of Savnnah, GA
"I just found out. I was searching a London Central High School alumni website and saw that Charlie was killed in Iraq. Charlie and I were very good friends in high school from 85-87. We rode the bus together. I was actually stationed with the Marines in Athens, Ga when this happened, not but a few miles from Duluth. I am very sorry Charlie and I never reunited. He was a great friend and always smiling, which made everyone else smile. Never in a bad mood. He always made things interesting. He will be missed."
Major Phil Jackson, USMC of San Diego, CA
"I just found out. I was searching a London Central High School alumni website and saw that Charlie was killed in Iraq. Charlie were very good friends in high school from 85-87. We rode the bus together. I was actually stationed with the Marines in Athens, Ga when this happened, not but a few miles from Duluth. I am very sorry Charlie and I never reunited. He was a great friend and always smiling, which made everyone else smile. Never in a bad mood. He always made things interesting. He will be missed."
Major Phil Jackson, USMC of San Diego, CA
"i am writting to say thanks for everything you do god bless everything counts"
heather of valdosta ga lowndes
"Carol and family,
I served with Chuck in Statesboro for four years. We rode together from Atlanta to the Amory in Statesboro one weekend every month. He was awesome. My favorite thing that he would say, "Are you qualified to make that statement?" Well, will all my time with Chuck, I am qualified to make this statement; He was a loving husband, a loving father, an excellent friend, an excellent soldier and a patriot. I am so sad that he can not be here for his babies and wife today. Rest with peace my brother and we all will meet again soon. Again, Carol, I am so sorry for your loss. No words can express my sorrow.
Take care, and God bless you and yours."
Sgt. Jesse Lee (retired) of Cumming, Ga
"I know it's been a while since Chuck's passing, but I still remember meeting him and Alex and the times we had in England... and in the guard together afterwards as we got to know each other better. A Good man, and a great soldier, he's still missed. Still thinking and praying for him and his family."
Andrew McMillan of Warrenton, VA
"My family and Charles' family were close back in the 1970s when they lived in the UK (I can't remember exactly why as I was quite young then, but I think it was because both my sister and Charles' sister suffered hearing problems and were schooled together).
We heard about his death at the time and were all very saddened by both his untimely demise and how it impacted upon his family - especially since I had only been back from Iraq myself a few months, after also serving as a reservist with the British Army. I tried to make a donation to the Trust Fund via the Bank of North Georgia, but did not have any success.
I hope that time is starting to heal the terrible sadness and, on behalf of the Lee family and everyone else in the UK that knew Charles, wish you all the very best. If we can help in any way please let us know. If someone can email me details of how I can make a contribution, I would be grateful (alee@lcsp.co.uk)
As we say over here:
' At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them'
(Major) Adrian Lee"
Adrian Lee of Buckinghamshire, UK
"Dear Carol,
We have never met but I was once Charles' sister-in-law and he was so much fun to be with. A fine uncle to my kids and as my brother, Julian, wrote he and Alex had a funny arguement at our house one day regarding the military. He will be missed by all."
Becky Warren of Roselle, IL/USA
"I had the good fortune to work with Chuck and Alex at a really screwed up furniture store in Virginia. I don't think I ever laughed so much or worked so little.
Today, I was trying to look you guys up to see how you were doing and I came across this site. Alex, I am so sorry to hear about Chuck. I'm thinking about you and your family."
Bob Richey
"Mrs Warren,
It’s taken me almost a year and half to write this message of heartfelt loss as I still struggle with his death on a day to day basis. I had the pleasure of working with Charles in many different capacities: as his commander during Annual Training 2000 at Fort Stewart, as the Adjutant for the 648th Engineer Battalion during the mobilization training at Fort Stewart, and as the Assistant Brigade Engineer for the 48th Brigade Combat Team during the deployment. I have never known a finer soldier, leader, and most of all, a father. Two memories of Charles come to mind: a much needed weekend pass during our mobilization training at Fort Stewart and the Sunday prior to his death. The first instance was the when he standing at my desk preparing to “sign out” for pass while wearing a grin ear to ear. He was so excited to see his family. He mentioned he was going home to take you to the doctor on the pending birth of your second child. The second memory was at breakfast on Sunday, 31 July 2005. He and I talked about you and his children. He missed you all very much. We continued to talk and I joked with him about transferring back to the ABE shop and working with SFC Puleo and myself. He thought about it for a second, smirked at me (as only Charles could do), and said “no…he loved what he was doing and could never leave his troopers”.
I will never forget the lessons, without his knowing, he taught me and will always remember with fondness the great American Warrior I knew as a friend.
CPT (P) Rob Utlaut
Atlanta, Georgia
"We never had the privilege to meet Charles, but we know his brother Alex. And if Charles was anything like Alex is, then we know that he was a good man and a great American hero. We are deeply sorry to hear about this loss and extend our deepest sympathy to his young family. - The Salinas Family"
Rodney & Taryn Salinas of Alexandria, Virginia
"To honor the Georgia soldiers who have lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan and their families, the professional portrait artists of the Atlanta Fine Arts League are offering to paint a portrait of the individual soldier for his family. These 16 X 20” original portraits are being offered completely free of charge in recognition of the sacrifices made by these brave soldiers and in condolence for their families’ loss. Please visit our website www.atlantafineartsleague.org or email us at AtlantaFineArtsLeague@Yahoo.com for further information. –The Atlanta Fine Arts League"
Geraldine Zaki of Lawrenceville, GA
"To all that realize what the price of freedom is,
On this day exactly one year ago 3 soldiers, friends, brothers, husbands, volunteer defenders of freedom layed their lives on the Alter of Freedom.
Charles H. Warren, Mathew V. Gibbs, and Jerry L. Ganey where Killed in action 3 August 2005 outside Bahgdad , Iraq. All friends of mine and many others. They were outstanding soldiers and it was an honor to serve with them in a times of Peace and times of War. Their sacrifice makes our daily lives easier and we should ALL take a moment and to Remember and Thank them and their families for all that they have given!
Aco 648 ENG BN
"I had the distinct pleasure of knowing Chuck through my service in the Virginia National Guard. I was saddened to hear about his passing.
Alex, keep the faith and know that Chuck was all that he could be."
SSG Jim Verschueren of Fort Riley, Kansas
"I was so saddened to hear about Chuck. I served in the VA Guard with both him and Alex, both are some of the best people I ever met and the time we spent together in SAPPER school are some of my fondest memories. Alex and all, know that Chuck is in my prayers and those of my family. He is a hero and will always be remembered as such."
Bob Ainslie of Haymarket, VA
"To the Warren Family -- I was so saddened to learn of Charles' death. I was fortunate enough to call Charles, Alex and Sarai very dear friends of mine while we all attended London Central High School. I spent many a weekend with the Warren family -- and the best way to describe my experience was that I always had a smile on my face when I was around them. The Warrens are an amazing family and I'm so sad for the pain they must be going through. The stories I have read about Charles -- well, they don't surprise me. It sounds like he was a wonderful and caring father and husband and I just want the Warrens to know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers."
Kim (Mezeske) Armstrong of Logan, IA
"Dear Carol and family of Chuck. I knew him only as Warren but we were friends for almost my entire military career of 7 years. I feel very very bad about what has happened. I admired Warren more than any other soldier. It's so unreal to me that he's gone. I know it's a terrible thing to say but, out of so many, why did it have to be him? I guess that's what everyone says though. I'm not trying to be sentimental, but I honestly wish that I could have taken his place. I'm deeply sorry for your loss. I will forever remember, and keep him alive in my heart. Damon Ortt
Damon Ortt of Savannah GA
"With the deepest sympothy these words go out to the Warren families for the loss of Charles, a dedicated father, soldier and hero. He will always be missed. Especially by each and every soldier he served with in the 229th Engineer Bn Virginia National Guard."
SFC Paul Link of McLean, Virginia USA
"Mrs. Warren, My husband and I keep your family in our prayers. My husband got really close to yours since they were over there. He said that your husband used to kid around with him all of the time. My husband really misses him. He got me to order him a bracelet with the your husband's name and the other two guys that passed away when yours did. That way he will always have a constant reminder of their friendship and the duty that they had to do together. We send our love and respect for what your husband did and for you and your family. I couldn't imagine going what you went and are still going through. God bless you and yours and we will always remember your husbands ultimate sacrifice."
Rebecca Pekins of Nahunta GA
"dear mrs.warren it's ssg. mcmillan wife, katrina...just wanting to say you and the new addition is in my prayers...just listening to the words of my husband warren was a great man...so i know he will be truly missed by you but he will also be missed by us. i'm here if you need me."
katrina mcmillan of waycross, ga.
We all hurt for you and your loss. Our Country lost a Hero. You and the kids will always be in my prayers. If you ever need anything, just call on me. Take care and God Bless."
Diane Roberson,FRG Chairman of Douglas, Ga.
"Charles and I share two nephews and a niece; Michael, Christopher and Lydia. He and most of his siblings were over at my house about ten years back and I remember everyone laughing at the good natured ribbing between Charles and Alex over which branch of the military was best. It was amazing to see a family so spread out geographically that was so tight. My thoughts and prayers are with the Warrens."
Julian Holdrege of Hillsboro, OR
"I am the brother of Charles, and wanted to say thank you for your kind words. There has been a trust fund set up for his family, Jackson (22 months) and Madeline (6 weeks - he never met her).
Carol Warren Children's Fund
c/o Bank of North Georgia
8025 Westside Parkway
Alpharetta, GA 30004
Contact Name: Pat Harris
Thank you for your support."
Alex Warren of Alexandria VA
"To the family of Sgt. 1st Class Warren. David and I wish to offer our deepest sympathy and condolences. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and may your treasured memories be a comfort to you."
David & Linda Riley of Burlington, Iowa/USA
"Our thoughts are with all of you -- especially Carol, Jackson, and Madeline, and our good friend Alex. We were shocked and saddened to hear the news of Charles’ death in Iraq. We hope the loving thoughts and prayers of all those who care about you will bring you some measure of comfort in this difficult time."
George, Mary, Bud & Riley of Alexandria, VA
"To Alex, Jen, and the entire Warren Family..We are praying for you. Kelly and I were so very sad to hear about Chuck. We're here for you if you need us."
Kelly and Stacey O'Donnell of Alexandria, VA
"We are deeply sorry for your loss. The Courage, Honor, and Valor that your
Hero showed will always be remembered.
We are grateful for the loyal service and sacrifice that was made and
Our cousin LCPL Michael Smith Jr. gave his life on 4-17-04 fighting for freedom.
Please know that this was not in vain and these American Heros will FOREVER be honored.
God Bless your family and please know that you are not alone.
All of our prayers are with you."
Jennifer and SSGT Larry Mays of Massillon, Ohio
"Please know that your beautiful Charles will never be forgotten. His brother Alex has the love and support of his friends here in Alexandria, VA and we will be there for Alex as he grieves the loss of his beloved big brother. We pray for both of them."
Linda and Phil of Alexandria, VA
"To the family of SGT 1st Class.Warren. Words can not describe the loss of Charles. I knew him personally when i was part of the 648th. He was my squad leader for a time and he was one of the greatest NCO'S I have ever had the pleasure of working with. I am saddened to hear of his loss. My prayers are with you and the rest of the 48th brigade. Remember his memory will live on forever."
shaun stapleton of Groton,CT
""Chucky" will be missed. To Carol, Jackson, Madeline, Mr. and Mrs. Warren and to my best friend Alex, Ally and I wish you all the strength to carry on and the determination to live strong for your husband, father, son and brother. Please know that we are thinking of you in your time of sorrow."
Jason Burnett and Ally Anderson of Alexandria, Virginia
"To the Warren Family, I wish to offer to you my deepest condolences. Your Charles is a true American Hero who will always be honored and remembered. May God Bless you all and God Bless Charles."
Mary Ghaney of Brooklyn, New York
Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Charles will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you ALWAYS. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "
"Thank you Charles Warren, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios
"To the family and friends of Sgt. 1st Class Charles Warren:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Charles for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada
"To the family and friends of Sgt. 1st Class Charles Warren:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Charles, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia