Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Remembering the servicemembers who died in the service of their country.

Army Spc. Wade Michael Twyman

27, of Vista, California.
Twyman died in Ar Ramadi, Iraq when an improvised explosive device detonated near his patrol. He was assigned to the 1st Infantry Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, Fort Carson, Colorado. Died on March 4, 2005.

Please send information, photos, and corrections for Army Spc. Wade Michael Twyman.


Contributions to the Families of the Fallen


Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.

Please report inappropriate messages

"Well Son haven't been on this site for a while, but we are going to Riverside to see you on this anniversary, you are so missed, Love Mom and Dad"
John Twyman of United States

"Well Son its been a while since I have written anything on this site, but believe me you are not forgotten, the church still has quite a remberance on 9/11 and your picture is displayed and a bio. All your nephews and nieces are just about grown now, you would be proud of all of them. Love Dad"
John Twylman of Oceanside, Ca

"Happy Birthday Spanky, I miss you so much, Love you Aunties"
Sharon of Riverside, Ca

"Well Scoter sorry i haven't posted lately, but you are missed went to Riverside to visit and leave a christmas arrangement for your birthday, you would have been 42 today, Love mom and dad"
John of oceanside, CA

"Well Scooter this would be your 40th birthday on Christmas Eve, we will be up to see you in Riverside on your birthday, you are missed so very badly, Love Mom and Dad"
Dad of Oceanside, Ca

"Hey Brother, just thinking about you today, ten years. We think of you often and will never forget. I know many of our children know your name and what you stood for. Always ... M."
Mark Foster of San Marcos, CA

"Wel Scooter Happy Birthday, will be be coming to visit your resting place today, you are missed so much, the boys are getting so big and yes playing basketball, the kids in CO are skiing and living happy, you would enjoy all. Love Dad and Mom"
John Twyman of Oceanside, Ca

"Well Scooter, Jon Cordova has been keeping in contact on Facebook and e mails, seems like a great guy, and suffers a lot with your loss. Will visit your resting place today. Miss you so much, the boys are almost grown up now, wish you were here to watch them play basketball etc. The girls are getting big also. Love Mom and Dad"
John, Dad of Oceanside, Ca

"Well Scooter, just got an e mail from jon cordova, doesn't surprise me at all. God we miss you and the 9th annual golf benefit is coming up, we have assisted over 80 kids so far, not bad buddy, love Dad"
John Twyman of Oceanside

"Wade, I miss you and think about you everyday. You took my spot in Iraq and I ask myself everyday if you were not such a unselfish person would you be writing to me..... Thank you to the Twyman Family for raising a man that any American family would love to have. I still have his Dodgers jerseys he asked me to hold until we both got back from Iraq so we could go to a game. Every time I watch the Reds vs Dodgers I like to think Wade is watching with me. Thank you again, men like him are very few."
Jon Cordova of Cincinnati, OH

"Wade, I stopped by your resting place today. I hadnt been there since your service. I brushed some dirt and grass off your marker and used my hand to feel your engraved name. I thought of fun times working VDF, bbqs at my house and white water rafting. You will never be forgotten my friend."
Jason Smith of Wildomar, ca

"It was good to see so many friends and family show up to honor you at today's golf tournament. That large picture of you reminds me how young you were as an Explorer in Vista.

You're not forgotten."
Ron Edwards of Escondido

"Hey Bro,
Just checkin in. I was thinking about you this morning and I wanted to say hey. I hope things are good with you. You are missed brother and never forgotten. Be Safe."
Hank Lebitski of USA

"Wade, we sure do miss you. John and I just had a little boy and we called your parents to ask permission for him to have your name. Baby Wade is so sweet and happy. He is tall already, I think he is trying to be as tall as you were. Your parents got to meet baby Wade and your mom wouldn't let go of him. You were always bugging us to have kids so I am so happy one of them got to have the name of someone so kind, funny, and heroic. Hoping baby Wade can be like you."
Donia Briones of Riverside, CA

"Hey buddy well today marks seven years it seems like only yesterday that we got the call you were gone my friend, as bad as we all miss you we all know your watching over us as we continue on with our lives, I am getting married in june and if I could have just one more day with you it would be that day so you would be standing there as one of my best men sharing such a special moment in my life, I love you my brother and as the days go by and years pass it never makes it easier knowing that your gone you were a true friend a brother if you ask me as well as many others i love ya buddy and miss the hell outta you until we meet again continue to watch over all of us...love ya and miss ya"
Jason Redman of Parker,AZ

"Hey bro I haven't written in awhile. I cleaned the up the backyard today and I cleaned up your flag. She looked absolutely beautiful. I love having her in my yard. It always makes me think of you. We miss you bro, you are not forgotten. Be Safe and hold down the fort.

Love ya,

Hank Lebitski of USA

"To the family of:Wade Michael Twyman
I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015.
Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga""

"Well scooter tomorrow would be your birthday, always looked forward to that day and a great dinner, we still always think about you especially on on these special days, life has never been nor will it ever be the same without you here, time does not change anything for loss to our family. I am sure you know better than all of us but we are out of Iraq as of a couple of days ago so after all these years of war and brave young men and women giving there lives it just stops and will probably go back to tribal control, seems like such a waste. Love and miss you"
Dad of Oceanside, CA US

"God Bless Wade Twyman, God Bless the United States of America."
Martin Beckner of Juneau Alaska

"God Bless Wade Twyman, God Bless the United States of America."
Martin Beckner of Juneau Alaska

"Twyman, hey buddy, your dad is right we got him. The army, the 101st took the seals in. Man you would be so proud. Scouts Out Brother.
Rampy of Myrtle Beach SC

"Well son, they got Bin Laden today, he was hiding in a fortress in a large city in Pakistan, the seals went in and took him in a firefight, his body is in U.S. custody at this time. This will not end this war and his organization has spread i am sure more young men and women will pay the ultimate sacrifice and we will have attempted future attacks on us and in other countries. You are missed so badly hear. Your golf tournament was a large success again this year. Love Dad"
John Twyman of Oceanside, CA US

"To the family of Wade. My son is 10 months old and this is the first March 4th of many when he will be told about Twyman and the three other friends who fell on this sad day. Their legacy will live on and we will continue to think and pray for you. I am posting a blog in their memory at www.mistyhamel.com"
Misty Hamel of Canada

"Twyman, its Rampy. Me and Riv will be eatin snickers and thinking about you buddy. I finish nursing school next May. Love you brother."
Blake Rampy of Myrtle Beach SC

"Dear Wade, I just met your Mom, my cousin, for the first time last weeked! She is an amazing person. I was very happy to meet her and your Aunt Sharon, just wished it had happened much earlier in my life. I googled your name and found this site. Truly enjoyed reading others posts- feels like I know you now a little myself! With this being Memorial Day Weekend felt compelled to leave a message for you myself. Thank you so much for your service to our country! I hope you and your family realize how thankful we truly are! Much love to your parents and family, and God Bless you Wade!"
Your 2nd Cousin, Melissa :) of Michigan

"When I saw this video today, I had to post it on my facebook in honor of you. I miss you so much. Your beautiful, loving and fun smile! I can close my eys and still see you. I am so proud to have had the honor of being your friend. You are a true America HERO. XO
A Hero's Salute:
Heather of San Diego, Ca

"Hey Wade. I visited you back in March. Talked to your Aunt and Uncle. Have a son now. Damn, I miss you. Whoever said time heels all wounds never lost a friend like you!"
Aaron Rebmann of Escondido, CA.

"I never want to forget the sacrifices of so many young men and women. I am so proud it makes me cry. I understand in theory only that war is a part of human nature but so is love and caring. I wish I could take the families pain away but I can't. I am committed to loving ALL people, myself and our environment. I am committed to working on my happiness everyday because so many have died for my freedom to live my life. Thank you is not enough but it is all I have. All my love and respect. ogersteiner@yahoo.com
A hundred times a day, I remind myself that my inner and outer life depends on the labors of other men, living and dead, and I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am receiving. - Albert Einstein"
Scott E. Steiner of Worthington, OH USA

"A someone once said that a man is not truly gone until he is forgotten. Bro you will live forever. Missin you every day but cherishing memories that I know will last a lifetime and then some."
Kyle Conley of Parker,Az

"Wade its been five years today there isnt a day that goes by that you have not popped into my head I sometimes wonder if you do little things just to let us know you are watching over all of us I miss you my brother and I wish we had more time, But I know that you are watching over us all and when its time to come home u will be standing there with a coors light and a radio blaring jump around asking what took so long..... love and miss ya"
Jason Waufle-Redman of Parker, AZ

"Wade, just wanted to let you know that you're remembered and always will be. I had the chance to meet you once when your dad brought you into the office; and then several months after that, read the email from ch webb of your passing. Hard to believe that it's been five years now. My thoughts and prayers are constantly with your family, especially your dad. I've moved away from smfd, but I think of him often and miss working with him.

Thank you for your service, Wade. You are a true hero to many, you are a true hero to me!"
Stephanie Ortiz Contreras of Bothell, Washington

"Wade - I recently watched a movie called "The Way We Get By". It's about a group of folks, mostly elderly, in Bangor, Maine, who welcome our military servicemembers back home from tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. As I have many times over the years, I couldn't help but think of YOUR sacrifice for the rest of us. Knowing your family, especially my good friend, Glenn, I so wish they would have been able to share that homecoming with you.

After reading the comments on here, I am reminded of why men and women such as yourself join the military and make the all the sacrifice: THIS IS A GREAT COUNTRY! Thank you for your service and for your ultimate sacrifice. You will not be forgotten."
Jon Coppedge of Tacoma, WA

"Wade, it has been too long... but don't think for a moment we have forgotten. There is not too much to say but I love and miss you brother."
James Cady of Temecula, CA


I never got the chance to meet you, but I have heard so many good and funny stories about you from Aaron. You truly are a hero and I thank you on this Vetran's Day for your service. You fought so others like me could have this very freedom others take for granted. I come from a large Military family and I am glad I was raised to appreciate all that our Armed Forces have done and sacraficed for this country. Just last night Aaron was talking about times you had as an explorer with him in Vista. There isn't a day that goes by that I am sure he thinks of you and the memories you shared. I am sure you check in on him time to time and watch over him..Thank you again for your service, you are truly missed."
Ashley Rebmann of San Marcos, Ca


I miss you WADE. Not a day goes by when I don't think of you. Some days I smile or laugh out loud when I think of you. Other days my heart hurts and I cry or get angry. Most of the time I'm just frustrated that I can't just pick up the phone and call.

I lost another very close friend of mine 20FEB09. She died of cancer. The last few weeks have been very somber.

As you know Kyle and I along with John and Donia, went out to visit you the other weekend. That was the first time they have been out there since the services. John and Donia are expecting Brooke, a baby girl any day now.

Also, on St Patrick's Day Me Kyle and Patrick came by for a visit. They were playing taps for a service across the street from you. It was very moving.

Just wanted to check in and leave a mindless message. Love you, Miss you, And I think of, and pray for your family often. God Bless"
Jennifer Sarfaraz (Burns) of Yorba Linda, CA

I went up to Riverside 5 weeks ago, about one week before my husband left for Iraq. Although my marriage to Aaron ended and we have both moved on happily I believe, today's date is still one that stays with me no matter what. I never thought 4 years later I would have a husband in Iraq and that we would still have troops there. I think about 3-4-05 and have dreaded his deployment, but I also know like you, he really wanted to go and continue to fight for what he believes in. There isn't a day that passes that I don't worry or pray for him. I have many restless nights and some bad days, but I try to occupy my mind with meaningless things to distract it. There are days like today that force me remmeber the reality of the situation he is in and I'm ok with that. We all need a reality check now and than.Some ask how can I have the great marriage I have with him gone all the time? Others say they wish their spouses would leave :)They obviously shouldn't meant that. My answer is that I support whatever he does and I think he is about ready to do another 4 years after this last 9. In a letter he wrote recently to me "knowing that I am behind him makes it that much easier." I was "food for his soul". So I guess my answer is there is so much unconditional love and mutual respect thats how it works.There are only a small amount of great men left in this world who sacrifice it all above their own needs for what is right understand that.I know you were one of them, and now so is my husband. I know today is very hard on your family. I think everyday is hard for them though. I wanted you to know I appreciate you watching over mine while he is there. Also that there are those who picked up right where you left of and I know you would be proud of that. There are so many things in my life, especially now, that remind me you and lots of them make me smile.I miss you Wade.Your memory might be the only thing Aaron and I didn't fight over in the divorce. We both have it :)"
Laura Czochara (formally Rebmann) of Oceanside,Ca

"To Wade's Family:

Wade was a great soldier, and a good friend. I still remember the shock upon reading of his passing; I look at the photos I have of him often, and can't help but feeling how much all of us who knew him lost that day. I pray that God has brought you comfort, and hope you are all doing well. I am proud to have called Wade my friend. God Bless!!"
(Former SGT) Al Linderman of San Antonio, TX

"February 28, 2009
To the family of Spc. Wade Michael Twyman:
Wade gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV

"I Never got to say thanks for everything. For being a big brother to a scared kid who had left home for the first time. Thanks for showing me how to shine my boots while we were still in Reception at Ft. Knox. Thanks for being such an awesome guy. I remember how happy it would make me to see whenever I got a chance to make it to Camp Casey. I wish I had told you all of this when I could have. Thanks again brother."
Sgt. Ching of Hawaii

"VETERANS DAY 2008. Wade, not a day goes by.. I'm sure it is the same for many.. You are in our thoughts... I have told my children about you and many, many of my friends who never had the pleasure of meeting you.. I just wanted to say "hey".. I spoke with Glenn the other day and showed him the tat. I know you have seen it. Glenn told me about the cross.. That will be one for the future.. I know you are watching over us all. I just wanted to remind you that we all think about you often and are living up to our promises to never let you be forgotten.."
Mark Foster of Oceanside, Ca USA

"Hey bro, I voted today. I voted for a true American hero John McCain. Although McCain didn't win, my vote wasn't wasted. I excercised my right right to vote. A right which is afforded to me because I live in a free country. A good friend called me today and told me that he wasn't going to vote. I reminded him that not only did he have to cancel out his wife's vote, but we are afforded the opportunity to vote because of all the men and women who have given their lives for this country and the men and women who are still serving. I told him that there are men and women who are fighting for other people's freedoms as well. Not voting would be a slap in our serice members faces.
I'm happy to say that he did vote(for McCain)and it was the right thing to do.
Well when the election was over I found myself thinking about you and all of our service members serving in our world. I sat and watched as young people in America danced up and down cheering for President Elect Obama. I sat and wondered if Obama would just pull our troops out of the Middle East, I wondered if he would leave the Iraqi people who are fighting for their freedom alongside with our military high and dry and I wondered if he will be suitable to protect our country from attack. My hope is that he is not a naive man who thinks that we are safe just because we are the USA. I pray that your death and the death of our men and women were not in vain.
Anyway, I want you to know that I felt very proud to cast my vote today and I felt a strong responsibility to do so. I got my children involved and they even voted in a mock vote via the internet. They voted for McCain. When the election was over my oldest daughter was kind of disappointed in the out come. I explained to her that it was ok, we did our part and now we will support our new President. I told her that we are all Americans and we will be united and stay strong.
Bro I am very proud to be American, thanks for the freedoms you have provided me. I think about often and I have told you that you will never be forgotten in my house. I hung my flag in front of my house for you tonight. I miss you.
One last thing my daughter wrote a poem tonight. She's nine, she is smart, she has a strong sense of right from wrong, she's patriotic and she loves life. I wanted to share her poem with you.

I Know The Desert

I know the Desert. I see a short stubby cactus, a snake slithering on the ground and a vultur high in the sky. I know the Desert. I hear the sounds of birds chirping, jackrabbits hopping and the rattle snake hissing. I know the Desert. I feel my sweat dripping down my face, the dry brush crunch under my feet and the prick of the Sguaro cactus. I know the Desert. I smell the flowers blooming on the cacti, the heat rising off the rocks and the smell of the Creosote bush. I know the Desert. I say "Wow that cactus is big!" "Don't put your hand on that!" "Watch out for that rattle snake!" I know the Desert."
Hank Lebitski of USA

"Its been along time since I have written..you've been on my mind alot lately. I just wanted to send your family loving thoughts, my thoughts of you are ours....Im sure you are looking over all of us with your loving heart and possibly doing something silly in hopes that we can feel your joy...until we meet again...From my heart to all of your loved ones, I wish you the happiest memories that will light up the moments that you share with the ones that are dear to you all....May we all feel Wades kind, loving heart and the occasional silliness he possesed....Live, Love and Laugh..."
Missy of Vista,ca,USA

"Hey Wade! I was going through some old boxes of stuff I moved and came accross all the old news articles about you, and quite a few about your dad and me. We were quite a pair. It brough back some great memories, and a few tears as well. Wade, we still think of you and I know your Dad still holds you in his heart."
Larry of Franklin, TN

"Well Scooter, you left your mark in this world, one sheriffs sub station named after you, one fire station, a couple of city resolutions and several church activities and the annual golf tournament, which has raised over 20 thousand dollars. But it does not begin to fill the empty void you left us with. Damn We miss ya."
Love Dad

"To the Twyman family. I was there that very sad day. I was with Wade at the end. Not a day goes by that I don't think about it. That day is burned into my memory, and my dreams. I can't say enough how sorry I am for your loss. Wade was my friend, and I think to myself every day I should have done more. People tell me all the time that there was nothing more I could do, and though rationally that's correct, my emotions tell me otherwise. I never got to say sorry to you personally. I will never forget looking into his blue eyes. But please take comfort that your son was not alone. He may have passed, but he was never alone. His memory lives on in my heart, and soul."
Spc. Keiffer, Jacob of Spangdahlem AFB Germany


"Wade I think about you every day dude. I miss you and love you."
Tim Dinger of Temecula, Ca

"Well Scooter, it is memorial day weekend, the boys are playing baseball and doing well. Mom and I think of you day and night, you are so missed.
Love Dad"
John Twyman of Oceanside California

"Well Scooter, it has been three years now and you are missed terribly, Buck is organizing the third annual wade twyman golf tournament, you would enjoy it. Cops, Firefighters and people from the church, makes for an interesting day. We have a new Toyota truck for a prize if someone gets a hole in one this year. We went to visit you in Riverside on the third, I cleaned your head stone and made it look good, but as you know aunt sharon keeps it maintained all the time. All your nephews and nieces are getting big."
Love Dad of Oceanside California

"To the sergeant that posted the last entry, I am sorry you feel that I place any personal blame on you, I think you have misinterpreted my statements, if you would like to contact me to clarify my feelings my e mail is jtwym@cox.net. It was a bit of a shock to read that Wade was alive for a while as the Army told us he passed immediately, please contact me by e mail as I do not wish to use this site for this type fo exchange of information."
Wades Dad of Oceanside, CA

"Yeah, Wade was Assigned to the 1st Battalion 9th Infantry Regiment(Keep Up the Fire). I Remember that Fall-Spring 03-04 vividly . I had just transfered from Germany and was one of the Armys newest Sergeants. Wade was a PFC at the time, I believe, but he had this Experience about him and I was Instantly gealouse, his first assignement was as my driver. I knew nothing other than High School and Army but he was a Police officer in Arizona and knew so much more of the real world than us young sergeants. I had to test him to save face and while I could out duel him in Army knowlege he always got me in Common sense. Its hard to explain, but Wade often made me feel stupid.

The Stories he would tell around the Camp Fire we made in Ramadi where Hillarious, made us all want to be police officers, girls in bikinis on the lake! He had it made in Arizona, Wade Came into his own over time and, I am sure would have made a Terrific Non-Commisioned Officer. But one morning as I was digging into a hole in the ground looking for weapons I felt a terrible rumbble.. I swear I will never forget the smoke cloud I saw as I looked up.. When I got thier I ran to Wade with an Aid bag. Nothing I had in the bag could help him. He talked to me, I talked back, I said "Aw , you just got a couple of cuts man, it'll be ok" I Couldnt't make out what he was saying but he died a few minutes later.

3 Other men died that day, Donald, Sean and Steve, and I swear I did everything I could.

When we returned to Ft.Carson The families of the fallen came to see us. I will not, nor can I forget Wades Father standing up and telling us it's our fault he died. I was mere feet from Mr. Twyman when he said this, dressed up in my A's and it hurt! And It still hurts."

"I was sorry to hear of your loss John I remember you talking of your sons and how proud you were of them on our last visit.I can only imagine how much it must hurt.
Always your friend
Bill Walter"
Bill Walter of Nipomo, Ca

"I just wanted to stop by and say hello. Thinking about you a lot. I am sure you are watching all this craziness going on. I am sure if you were here, you would be able to talk some sense into people. I wanted to come up and visit you today, but I am really not feeling well. But I am still thinking about you.. :)"
Laura Maressa of Vista, Ca

"Wade, I thank God for letting us meet. Thank you and the Twyman family for your sacrifice. I loved your motivation while working the streets of Vista. If I had just a little of what you had in ethics and morals, I would still would be working in Vista, and I would be a better man. You rode in my car just a few times when Settle or Dinger were not available. I am very grateful for the little time we spent together. Your death motivated me to straighten my life back up, and also Join the Army. Thank you for your sacrifice..you will never be forgotten, and by the messeges left for you, you touched many people. When I go, I hope I can touch as many people as you did, and still do."
Lee (Flounder) Smith of U.S.A.

"Hay Scooter, well it never stops amazing me, but doesn't supprise me how much of an affect you had on so many people. Where you are you already know, but just for info on the site they are dedicating the sheriffs store front at the Vista Library in your name, this month toward the end still waiting for the exact date. Since it is a county building a Board of Supervisor and the under sheriff will be there, pastor will speek and it may turn into quite a deal, just the kind of thing you would like or attend for somewonelse. If any of your friends are monitoring this site contact the Vista Station for more info on the dedication. Miss ya so much!"
Dad of Oceanside California


Thank you for always sharing your faith. This is special for you. I Can Only Imagine"


I want you to know that there is not a day that goes bye that I don't think of you. Our River home is just not the same with out you, I surley miss how you would pull the patrol boat up to the dock, and gesture to me to call you tonight. I miss you! Thank you for sharing your life with me. I will forever cherish our memories. They are ours to cherish:"

"Hey Wade havent droppped a line in awhile, Truth is I try not to think about it because it hurts too much. hanging in there though...you know that I talk to you often and I know you hear me and sometimes I hear you in the back of my mind. Thanks for the advice and thank you for watching over Elisabeth for me.Until I see you on that sandy beach keep one on ice for me too. late."
Aaron Rebmann of Escondido, California


I have been thinking so much about you lately. I know you know why. I know you have been watching over me and amazing things have happened for me. I have a lot of changes going on and somehow someway I know you had something to do with them.Some may say it was luck.. I know there is no way all of the bad that somehow went great was luck. My entire life has changed and is going to have major changes here shortly. Its all so scary and exciting at the same time.For the first time in a long time I am ok with it.

Elisabeth graduated preschool yesterday. She has gotten so big!!It made me feel so old.. I dont know what I will do when its HS!! Time is passing too quickly in some ways when it was at a complete standstill. So many life altering changes all at once. Hopefully you send me that little boy up there waiting for, so she can have a little brother!

I came across some pics of you and aaron when I was packing..Whenever I think about you I pull out that CD they made of you and as it makes me sad, it also makes me smile, too. I havent been in touch with too many lately or for a long time actually. I guess its all about some soul searching I needed to do. Knowing that everything happens for a reason. I dont always understand it though.I think the last couple years have been rough all the way around.I know life is short and in your case way too short. I truly want to have no regrets and i dont.The way you lived your life..I think its something I admired about you.Well,you know how things are going I am sure. I wont be out your way too often anymore because of the distance, but you are always in my heart.It really saddens me to read some comments on here as a parent especially.It has changed my views about how to I want to spend as much time as I can with Elisabeth. I dont want to take anything in life for granted anymore.. I know I am a slow learner and hard headed, but I think I get it now :) Thanks .. I think i am going to cheat on my diet and hit starbucks for you today.."
Laura Maressa of in between states, USA :)

"Hi Scooter, well it is memorial day weekend again, we are not going to any celebrations, It isn't getting any easyier, the golf tournament raised 9,000 you are providing help for christian education for some families that couldn't afford it. Last year it helped 9 families. Jason always looks in on us when he is in town, he is a good friend, I hope he does well in the academy. He was in an accident last week, but not injured so hopfully he will finish. I look at your pictures around the house and get mixed emotions, I wonder if you would be married and have kids now. Kristi had another baby, Jason. I think of you often sometimes when I am driving, in fact last year I ran into the back of a county truck and steam roller with the FD vehicle, not much competetion, no damage to county vehicle, totaled the S-10, I was not hurt, couldn't explaine why I did not see it, but truth is I was thinking of ya and not of the world at that time. Love ya"
Dad of Oceanside California

"It has been a long time since Ive written, but there hasnt been a day that has passed that I havent had you in my heart...Your my shooting stars in the sky above...How I would love to have you standing beside me in these troubled times...but I know that you look down on me from above...Gather your Angels and give me the ability to smile like you always did before....I miss you and you are always with me...in my heart forever, until we meet again....."

"Hey bro well im sure you already know but I have three more weeks and I will be graduating from the detention academy here in az, it has been a long road since you have been gone but my tattoo in remeberance of you is what gives me re-assurance each day that you are watching over all of us, things with sparky and I are going good we laugh and joke about ya all the time reliving all the good memories, we have all shared with you over the years myself Anthony and my dad John all went and played at your memorial golf tournament all I have to say was it was a blast shared alot of good memories with people that knew you well bro gotta go polish the boots and iron some more because i have a feeling we will be having another inspection tomorrow morning, once we all miss you and you are with us all, and like I said no goodbyes but until we meet again miss ya."
Jason Redman of Parker, Az

"Well my man, it's official. I deploy at the end of the month. We're off to a base on the east coast for a month, then on to Iraq. Do me a favor; keep watch over my son, my family and friends, and me and my soldiers. Mostly, my son. Keep an eye on my six like you always did... I'll do my best to make ya proud."
D. Schrader of Phoenix, AZ

"The last time Sharon and I came by to talk with you we noticed that your mom and dad were already there. Your mom was putting flowers on your resting place and your dad was having a conversation with you. We decided to leave and come back later. On our way back Sharon reminded me that today, Sunday (3-4-2007), was the second anniversary of you leaving us. She couldn’t believe that it had already been two years sense you had left us. I couldn’t believe it had been two years either, because to me it seems so much longer. Sharon makes it point to come by and talk with you at least once or twice a week and I try to come with her as ofter as I can, but even with that I miss you so much that every day seems like at years to me. I know that some people refer to 3-4-07 as an anniversary but I don’t, because the only anniversary I care to remember is the anniversary of your birth. That day is very special to me and it is a date I definitely want to remember. Your birth was such a blessing to everyone in our family. I remember a time when you were very young and how your grandfather “Slim” would make it a point to stop by every morning and bring you pop cycles, or candy, or something that he knew you would like. I also remember another time when you were around two, and Sharon and I had stop by to see you and your mom and dad. You were playing with your dad on the living room floor. John was lying on his back and you were running all over the house and all of a sudden you came out of the kitchen carrying a great big frying pan and you ran over to where your dad was lying and you hit him right square in the middle of his forehead with this metal frying pan. Of course this totally surprised your dad and it was obliviously the first sign of your desire to start combat training. There are so many other things that I remember about you but one thing that stands out in my mind is the fact that you were the only seven year old that I knew of who that could finish off a whole Diamond Jim Cut portion of prime rib with out any help.
Yea Wade I remember a lot of things about you but the one thing I remember most is the last time I saw you. You were in front of my house and you were almost ready to leave. You were getting ready to get in your car when you stopped, turned around, and gave me a great big hug. Then you said good by, got into your car, waved, and drove off. I will never forget that day.

God Bless John, Janice and the rest of Wade’s relatives and friends. May God’s peace and understanding be with you all. Proverbs 3:5&6

Tell I see you again. I love you “Spanky”
Uncle Rog"
of Riverside CA/USA

Alright real quick the name of the book was The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo. It was 195 pages not 208 still it was pretty good for a second grader. I went into my room and grabbed it I had to tell you the title. Good Night. Go Vikes"
Hank of Always the USA

"Hey Bro,

It's Febuary 27th about 2200 hours. My daughter just got done reading me a book. She is in the second grade and she just read a 208 page book. Your probably wondering what the signifigance of this is, well I'll tell you. A few nights ago she came up to me and she asked me if she could read to me. She was bored and she was looking for something to do. I was finally relaxed, in bed watching a movie called the Inside Man starring Densell Washington (terrible ending). I told her that I was watching a movie and she walked away with her shoulders shrugged down. I thought about it for a minute and I felt like a heal. I went to the stairs and called down to her and asked if she would read to me. Her face lit up and she did. We quietly sat together and she read a few paragraphs each night. The book lasted five nights, I don't know the name of the book but it was the most fun I have ever had reading. When we finished I put lotion on her hands because she was blessed with my skin. I tucked her into bed and she fell fast asleep. When I went into the hallway I thought about you. I thought about how lucky I am to have moments like this. Although it was as small as a book my daughter and I shared some great moments. I wanted to share that with you. As Americans we are afforded peaceful times like this because men and women around the world are keeping us safe. So thanks for these moments I'll cherish them always.
I see Glen at the station all the time, he's a good dude. He always has a good story, he enjoys what he doing and he's a good handler. He's keeping the fire burning he has your back all the way. Nothing else is really new, except Dan became a Sergeant. He is a good choice as we know he is smart, experienced and well balanced. He'll do fine. Other than that work is work, you know it is what it is there is never a shortage of crooks. Alright brother I've been thinking about you, especially this evening and I wanted to say hi. So HI. Alright Bro I gotta go. I have to rest I was up at 0400 hours and I'm whipped. Both you and your family are in my heart and prayers. Take good care of yourself and do good things. Put a good word in for me and hey the Vikings need help what ever you can do is appreciated. I love ya Bro, we'll see in do time."
Hank Lebitski of USA

"Big guy, loved his family, cowboy4golf... i love you brother, we will meet again."
Sgt. Sinclair, David (Reverend) of Colorado Springs

"Just wanted to say Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas 2006, and Happy New Year. Thinking of you always. You are so missed.
FYI Hussein was hanged before dawn at 6am Saturday December 30 in Iraq. Just wanted you to know that."
Jennifer Burns of Yorba Linda, CA

"I just wanted to say I was thinking about you today as I do often. Not a day goes by that that I dont.

Love Always,
Laura Maressa (Rebmann)"
Laura Maressa of Boulder City, Nevada

"Heres the toast I always say before we (You,Guy and I) had our dinner of Clam Chowder and Pacifico at the Crusy Crab at San Pedro before our dive trips. I figured I say it again for you on this day.
"There are Good Ships and Wood Ships,
Ships that Sail the Sea.
But the Best Ships are Friendships,
And May They Always Be."
Love ya Tweez."
Kyle of Parker, Az USA

"For Wade and the precious members of his family . . . We want you to know there isn't a day that goes by without thoughts of each of you and the ultimate sacrifice you and others have made that we may live in the land of the free. We will never forget and always be grateful."
Love, Doug, Carolann, Britt, Sandy & Jakob Holmberg of Redondo Beach & Aliso Viejo, CA

"I want Wade's family to know that Laura Rebmann still thinks of Wade daily. She still listens to the tape and actually listened on Wednesday..it still breaks her up."
Celeste of Las Vegas

"Hey Wade, With the holidays creeping up, I wanted to drop a note to let you know that I have never stopped thinking about you and your family. Your Dad was the best true friend I ever had in the fire service and I know that he misses you dearly. With our relocation, I don't see him as much but you should know that you all still live in our hearts. Happy Thanksgiving to all of the Twymans."
Larry of Franklin Tennessee

"Hi son, I celebrated my 62nd birthday today it was nice, mom ordered Italian food and Uncle Rog and Sharon came down, Glen and Ash and the boys, just can't get used to family celebrations without you there in person. One nice thing about getting older I am getting closer to seeing you again, I can only wonder what it is like and hope I go to the same place?"
Dad of Oceanside California

"This was sent to me and I wanted to share.

Roger Tadd
Riverside CA

A Different Christmas Poem

The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light,
I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight.
My wife was asleep, her head on my chest,
My daughter beside me, angelic in rest.
Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white,
Transforming the yard to a winter delight.
The sparkling lights in the tree I believe,
Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve.
My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep,
Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep.
In perfect contentment, or so it would seem,
So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream.
The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near,
But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear.
Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know,
Then the sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow.
My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear,
And I crept to the door just to see who was near.
Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night,
A lone figure stood, his face weary and tight.
A soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old,
Perhaps a Marine, huddled here in the cold.
Alone in the dark, he looked up and smiled,
Standing watch over me, and my wife and my child.
"What are you doing?" I asked without fear,
"Come in this moment, it's freezing out here!
Put down your pack, brush the snow from your sleeve,
You should be at home on a cold Christmas Eve!"
For barely a moment I saw his eyes shift,
Away from the cold and the snow blown in drifts..
To the window that danced with a warm fire's light
Then he sighed and he said "Its really all right,
I'm out here by choice. I'm here every night."
"It's my duty to stand at the front of the line,
That separates you from the darkest of times.
No one had to ask or beg or implore me,
I'm proud to stand here like my fathers before me.
My Gramps died at 'Pearl on a day in December,"
Then he sighed, "That's a Christmas 'Gram always remembers."
My dad stood his watch in the jungles of 'Nam',
And now it is my turn and so, here I am.
I've not seen my own son in more than a while,
But my wife sends me pictures, he's sure got her smile.
Then he bent and he carefully pulled from his bag,
The red, white, and blue... an American flag.
I can live through the cold and the being alone,
Away from my family, my house and my home.
I can stand at my post through the rain and the sleet,
I can sleep in a foxhole with little to eat.
I can carry the weight of killing another,
Or lay down my life with my sister and brother..
Who stand at the front against any and all,
To ensure for all time that this flag will not fall."
"So go back inside," he said, "harbor no fright,
Your family is waiting and I'll be all right."
"But isn't there something I can do, at the least,
"Give you money," I asked, "or prepare you a feast?
It seems all too little for all that you've done,
For being away from your wife and your son."
Then his eye welled a tear that held no regret,
"Just tell us you love us, and never forget.
To fight for our rights back at home while we're gone,
To stand your own watch, no matter how long.
For when we come home, either standing or dead,
To know you remember we fought and we bled.
Is payment enough, and with that we will trust,
That we mattered to you as you mattered to us."

LCDR Jeff Giles, SC, USN
30th Naval Construction Regiment
OIC, Logistics Cell One
Al Taqqadum, Iraq"
Roger Tadd of Riverside, CA/USA

"Hi son, stopped by on my way home from the trailer, I had our puppy Abby with me, and brought her to your resting place to say hi. Thought she would attempt to do her puppy stuff, but she just layed down on the grass over you and looked up at me with her brown eyes and rinkled face as if to say something like I will take care of him now? As you can tell I am reaching for stuff, but still can't get used the the fact you are not comming home soon.

For those who are wanting to know where your are resting it is Riverside National Cemetary in Riverside California.

As you used to tell me "Lates""
Dad of Oceanside California

"hey brother its been a while since i was in here to talk to you. Not a day goes by when i dont think of you, and miss all the good times we had. I get sad sometimes to think that your gone. But i just cheer up(or try to) by thinking of all the great times we had. hopefully i'll get to say good bye to you soon."
Brian Haley of Stockton Ca

"My name is Brian Haley and I served with Wade in Iraq, I did'nt get a chance to say bye to him. I was wondering where he is now so I can go there to say good bye to him. Please e-mail me at calicav_84@yahoo.com thank you"
Brian Haley of Stockton Ca

"Hey, just checking in, it is nice to see people still leave messages on this site and at your grave, you are so missed, some days I just can't stand it, but try to get bussy. The FD keeps me occupied and working around the house. Can't wait to join ya, hopefully I wont be one of those old guys that lives in a home with a drool rag.

Love ya always"
Dad of Oceanside California

"Hey Tweezer,

Not sure why I'm writing this, because I AM sure you probably already know this from the point of view you have upstairs, but here goes. I went down yesterday and got my physical done to go back to the military. I'm joining the Army Reserves, and going to the 56th MP Co here in Phx. It's a combat support unit, and we're "standing up" next month. I'm told that will officially put us on the radar screen for deployments, and while I'm not relishing that, I feel like I have some unfinished business to take care of. Guy probably thinks I've lost my mind, but when hasn't he? Anyway, I just wanted you to know. Watch my back for me, keep my compass pointed in the right direction, and know I'll keep you close. Thanks."
D. Schrader of Phoenix, AZ, USA

"Wade, I never know how to feel when I think about you. I should rejoice that you are with our Maker and Lord and that you no longer have to live in a world filled with hatred and pain. But, all the same, I wish you were still here. Knowing you, even for that small amount of time, was a blessing -- no, it is a blessing to know you. The other night I was watching the world news and they were doing a report on soldiers. They flashed to a memorial site and I literally jumped out of my chair in shock because your name was shown carved into the stone. I was freaking out and I couldn't find words to explain to my father why I jumped and made my excited squeaking noise. To see you name on that screen though -- it was unexpected but it was wonderful. It was like you were there telling me to never forget you. And I never will. You may no longer be here on this earth but you will always exist -- in our hearts, in our minds and in our memories of you. Thank you for being you and for always caring and loving those in your life. You will never be forgotten. I love you always."
Tracie of Victorville, Ca, USA

"Hey Bro its been a while now since that day in march. But it hurts just the same as it did when i heard the news about you guys from a computer in kuwait. i think about all four of you guys almost everyday but i'll be honest i miss you more than the other three. probably because we were closer than i was to them. i just hope you know that you will never be forgotten...ever"
Brian Haley of Stockton Ca

It is hard to imagine that only a year has past sense you left us. It truly seems like you have been gone for a much longer time, and of course this is because we all miss you so very much. Our lives still go on but there is a deep emptiness in all of our hearts. The thought of not being able to see you or hold you is so very painful. I know that our families will never be the same, and that fact became so very evident during the past holiday period. During that holiday time there was a lot less joy and happiness in our hearts because you were not there. We all still got together on those special days and we had fun, but not like before, because the wound in our hearts will never be healed and the joy we felt when you were with us will never be replaced. We all realize that you are now in a far better Place, a Place where there is peace, joy, and no more tears and for that we are all extremely glad. We also know that some day we will be there with you,and on that day we will be able to see you and hold you once more. When that glorious day comes the joy that will be in our hearts will far surpass the pain we now fell. So until that Heavenly reunion all I can say is we all miss you Spanky!

Our love forever
Uncle Rog
March 4, 2006"
Roger Tadd of Riverside, CA

"Today is memorial day, what a different outlook I have now, Wal-mart in Vista is sponsoring a banner with your picture and a short bio, to be hung in down town, you would like it, they held a ceremony on Saturday, Glen and I went, all your bud's from the S.O. were there, quite a site seeing Dinger with his little girls, Dan, Caty, foster, Labisky and others, and one firefighter, the chief from vista. Burke had a all star game in ramona, he is really getting good, he hits to the same spot you used to in T ball, but only gets a double in this league. Love ya, will be at Anties for Glens birthday tomorrow. They read Uncle Rogers letter at the ceremony, was nice. You are so missed. Damn"
Dad of Oceanside,CA

"Well son we drove by the cemetary on the forth on our way to Sharon and Rogers, then hit the road to vegas and made some donations in pure wade betting style, and won a few, I had a cigar with ya at the bar in the Riveria and about half way throug it I felt your spirit come through me, we had just seen the Neil Diamond show (look alike) but was great and his son has been over there twice. Love ya and miss ya like it was yesterday."
Dad of Oceanside. CA

"Hey Bro,
The boys, Ash and me just got back from Disneyland. I know you wouldn’t have wanted us to sit around and grieve about your leaving us. We decided to celebrate your life and do one of the things you enjoyed, theme parks. It was an incredible day. We recalled memories of you and laughed about the funny things you did. The boys didn’t quite understand the whole concept, but they will as your spirit lives in us. I will make sure they never forget your sacrifice.

We missed you today…

LOVE… Glen-Ash-Burke-Cade-Aden"
of Vista, CA U.S.A.

"Wade, It's been a year and today Guy,Jason and I went to see you. We sat around and talked of memories of you and stuff we did together. We talked about the SCUBA Diving we did and about your little shore excursion at Catalina Island. I have reconnected with Schrader and he is doing well with his new born son.I am going to see him on the 24th of this month. Well Jason is going to be a diver..he starts training in April and a guppy he will be.
A few faces have changed at the S.O. and it is definatly not the same as it was. Rest in Peace my brother.
To the Twyman Family........My prayers go to you on this day. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of Wade and I smile at the good that he brought into my life. Love you all"
Kyle "Sparky" Conley of Parker,Az USA


It has been one year to the day since you left us. With each day, I keep thinking that it will get easier to deal with your passing, but I find that it is not the case. As a matter of fact, I feel the same today that I did one year ago. I can only imagine the pain that your family continues to feel. I wish there was more that I could do for them, but I feel the best way to do that is to keep you in my thoughts. Hopefully, they all know that.

I was at your first annual golf tournament and I was very impressed at the number of people who showed up. Your church members put on an excellent event and I was proud to be a part of it. As I told you before, I am pretty much a hacker when it comes to golf. Unfortunately, nothing changed during the tournament!!!

Not much has changed at work. Same crimes, different bad guys. Sometimes it is actually the same bad guys committing the same crimes!! Anyway, I was on a vehicle stop of a stolen car in the parking lot of the Breeze Hill Complex about a week ago. As I was listening to the newer deputies order the occupants out of the car, I started thinking about the explorer competition in Laughlin, Nevada and how you were always such a big part of that. As I have told you before, your leadership, motivation, and dedication to duty have alwas been the traits I admire most about you. The longer I say in law enforcement, the more I realize how truly special it is to meet people with these characteristics. You are definitely one of them and you should know that you have, and continue, to make people feel very proud of you.

Keep fighting the good fight!!!"
Dan Settle of Temecula, CA, USA

"You remain in my heart and soul...May this year bring all your loved ones comfort from your memory and the faith to feel you in their hearts...and peace in knowing they will see you again...
smiling often!!!"

"Wade Happy Birthday my brother, as the holidays have approached I havethought about you more and more each day it saddens me that I cant say happy birtday to you in person or have the chance to spend time with you like we always used to, but I remind myself that even though I cant see you that you are watching over all of us and it is comfoting to know that, Anthony and I went up to visit you today, I miss ya brother and so does anthony Sparky and Aaron wanted me to tell you they said hi...... Until we meet again keep a spot warm for me and I will see you again in due time. Love ya Jason"
Jason Redman of Oceanside, Ca


I am just sitting here snuggling your niece Quinci Wade. I read this site all the time and have written a few times but always delete it. I just can't seem to find any words that make me feel better and I have that Twyman spelling problem...:)

Anyway, I feel the time is now to tell you how sad I am that our time to re connect never came I was so looking forward to getting to know you as a man and for you to enjoy your nieces. When I found out you would be stationed at Fort Carson I would talk to Barry about having the fridge stocked for you and you buddies when you came to visit.

Your absence just really saddens all of us. I try really hard to keep dad and your mom occupied with phone calls and pictures of the girls but the emptiness in their hearts (all of our hearts) can never be filled.

I wish I could "wish you a happy birthday" tomorrow. I was actually counting on you being here with us, assuming you would not get leave to go home. But life didn't work out that way.

We miss you."
Kristi of Denver, CO

"Hello Twyman family and all. I am a first cousin of Uncle Rog back in Minnesota where his roots are, until it got cold. We have been in contact via email for only a couple of years as the familys drifted apart. Roger emailed me of Wades untimely death and I was deeply moved thinking of such a sacrifice. Since that time in March my/our son has enlisted in the Army Guard as of 2 weeks ago so now we are in a whole new mind set and it is scary. I hope you can come to peace over time as that is what it takes. So our wish to you and yours is to try and find some bit of enjoyment from the holidays, if only in memories.
Kevin Tadd & family of Montevideo MN

"Our Dear Friends, John and Janice, we wanted to leave this message for you, your family, and Wade. There is not one day that passes, we do not have all of you in our hearts, on our minds, and in our prayers. We know that because of Wade, and so many others and their families, the sacrifices they have made, we are able to live our lives with freedom and in peace. This Holiday Season and many more to come, will be difficult. We know that. We will, especially, remember and honor, Wade, on his birthday. All of you will never be forgotten in our hearts, our minds, our prayers, and you will always have our love, honor and respect."
Doug, Carolann, Britt, Sandy and Jakob Holmberg of Redondo Beach and Aliso Viejo, CA

"The Holidays are approaching and I can remember the email you sent a year ago saying you were coming home for a visit...You were so excited to see your family and friends..I was so excited to see you in person! This New Years Eve wont compare to last years..Ill be sure to look for another shooting star...I know that you are aware of how Im doing, and at times Im a mess, but I keep your smile at the forefront of my thoughts... I miss you everyday and things just havent been the same since, but Im holding onto my faith and knowing that you have my back makes me feel a little less restless...I miss you..smiling when I think of you.."

"Hi son, its Vererans weekend and I just got home from church, thay have started an educational fund in your name for the school, and there is 1800.00 in it already. You were and are so loved and missed. I met Steves mom and family of the rest of the crew, all great people, sounds like your crew was great. I can see why you and Jason and Steve were so close."
Love Dad of Oceanside

"Sally here again Hank. I have to correct my last statement a little .Don's unit found where the girl had been tied to the tree . They did'nt actually set her free. I had talked to one of the guys a few days ago . They sure are a great group of guys."
Sally Kleinhans of Slinger Wi

"Dear Hank On of my nephew's last letters he talked about how his company always looks out for him. I would tell him at the end of mine to "take care of your guys". He said they would get very hard assignments get the job done and get even more intell. than what they came for. Because his team WAS THAT GOOD. Once they went after a man at his home and found him but also found his daughter tied to a tree in the back yard!! Don untied her and she spilled the beans on an Uncle they could also find. I often wonder what happened to her. I told Don to send her to my house and we would hop on the Harley and see all the States between here and Cal.
she would never be tied up again.Have your daughter watch the beginning of a Nascar race not one person has their hat on during the Nat'l Athem they all get it .FREEDOM Isn't free. They take them off to salute Wade and Don. With our losses the Athem means so much more. God Bless - 1st. Sgt Don Eacho's Auntie Sally"
Sally Kleinhans of Slinger Wi

"Hey brother,

I wanted to write and let you know I was thinking about you. It is Halloween and I just put the kids to sleep. As usual I can't fall asleep right away. It's moments like this that I have a little quiet time and I reflect on many things. Tonight I thought about you. I think it started one week ago Sunday. I went to Minnesota to see the Vikings play. One thing I really enjoy is when they play the national anthem. It now has new meaning to me and I always say thanks to you when it's over. Anyway there was a military band singing the national anthem. The singer got a case of nerves and she sang the first verse TWICE, she then forgot to sing the second to last verse and went right to the last verse. All of this with no music. The kicker of it was that they had the words on the score board. Anyway it left a bad taste in my mouth because I enjoy that song with you every time it's played.
Then this afternoon I heard about some soldiers who were killed in Iraq by an improvised device. I think it came to a head this evening as I walked my daughters around trick or treating. My 6 year old told me a story about a little boy in her class who couldn't celebrate his birthday, holidays or, get this, SAY THE PLEDGE because of his religion. I probably did the wrong thing but I told my daughter that his parents should be slapped. Anyway those were some of the many reasons why I have been thinking about you. I'm not trying to whine I just wanted to tell about it. It also gave me a good reason to write you and say hi. So HI.
I see Glen all of the time at the station. He is doing good,as you already know he got the K-9 spot. That was a good choice it seems to suit him well. You can be proud of him he is a good man. Alright brother I have to try and sleep it's 11:20 PM and I must be up in five hours. I'm always thinking about you, stay safe and keep and eye out for us. Hey when see the man put in a good word for me I need all the help I can get. I Love You brother.
P.S. My children will be saying the pledge and singing the National Anthem (with pride) alright now I'm done. Love YA BRO."
Hank of USA

"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Twyman: It was truly my families honor to have you sitting next to us in Co. I hope if we all get together again your wife will come along. I too got such a repair to my heart talking to Jason and Ricky . They were honest and so many questions were answered.

What truly a band of brothers Don had for a team."
Dons Auntie sally

"Son, I just got home from Colorado today and you have a new niece, "Quinci "Wade" Twyman", she is a little sick, but getting better and should be home this week. I went to the memorial at Ft Carson while up there you and your fellow soldiers were memorialised well. I sat with Sgt. Echo's family and talked to Bobbie Mc Gowan. She is stronger than I, but knows you and Steve are together. Your friend Jason filled me in on some issues and misses you alot, he had a lot of great things to say about you. I love you and miss ya so much."
Love Dad of Vista, Ca


Just seemed like yesterday we were at Ft. Benning Ga. together. I am truley at a loss of words. To the family and friends of Wade; He was a very good person. He will be missed very much. i am so sorry for your lost. He helped me graduate from basic training. I know this much I wish it would have been me instead of him. God bless you,"
SPC. James Reid US Army of Fort Drum, NY

"Son I just got home from the trailer today, stopped by the cemetery on the way home, I still can't believe it and don't want to. I go back to work tomorrow. Glen, Ash and the boys came up to the trailer, I left them with mom. I wish we hadn't put off all the things we were going to do when you got out. You are so missed, I know you are in a perfect place, but it dosent fill the gap. I am watching the Nick and Jessica tour of duty and they are in Iraq, makes me sad you are not at their show. You would be packing up to come home about now. I am happy for the ones comming home, but very sad you are not."
Love Dad of Vista, Ca


I just finished a barbecue here at the jail for the Fourth of July. I began thinking about you and how you are all to familiar with the VDF bbq's. I couldn't stop thinking about how you would be doing the same thing I was.

Wade, you gave the ultimate sacrifice so that people like myself could enjoy a bbq or any other freedom we so often take for granted. I apprieciate everything you have done and I will never forget. I know that you are keeping an eye on all of us. Thanks."
Jonathan Fecteau of Vista, Ca. / United States of America

"Specialist Twyman, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas

"Hey Wade, it is 1030 pm on June 18, 2005. For some reason I was siting here and all of a sudden I began thinking of you, so I thought I would drop you a note. Tomorrow is Fathers Day so I know it will be tough on your Dad. Do me a favor Wade, keep an eye on him and keep shining down on your mother and father."
Larry Webb of Vista , Ca USA

"Wade,I think of you often,almost daily..I realized that the day we started writing is approaching quickly..I think back as to how hesitant I was in sending you that first email, and now how greatful I am for sending it..You changed my life, and even though I had thought that things were going to be so different when you were to finally come home..But God had something else planned..I miss you..your emails,your smile,the shared memories between you and aaron, your faith, and your love of your family.You were an amazing man, I can only hope that I am blessed again to have a man come into my life with as much integrity as you possesed..and I pray that I am able to raise my son to be a strong loving person as you were...Until we meet again, I will continue to take you with me where ever I go..Ill always love you..."

"Son, monday was bitter-sweet, we celebrated your brothers birthday, and watched the motorcycles go by to the cemetary, thousands, the boys were along the curb waving their flags, and your personal flag was flying in Anties back yard, as you might imagine, Rog had one specially made with your unit and your name on it. I went and visited you and smoked a cigar, left ya one. God you are missed and loved.

Love Dad"
John Twyman of Vista, Ca

"Bro, it was an over whelming day watching thousands of motorcycles ride to the cemetery to honor you and all of your brothers who have fallen before you. Today the meaning of Memorial Day changed. We miss and love you."

I was sitting in my office on memorial day thinkging about you.I often do.I guess this day never really meant anything to me until now. Since I was little it was just another day when everything was closed. It was just day when there was no school.I know as time goes on it will never get any easier on your friends and fanily especially your immediate family. I am sometimes at a loss for words when I talk to them because I dont want to say the wrong thing. I think there isnt anything to say. I think I just try to let them know that we haven't forgot about you even though our lives have gone on. I dont think I need to put it all in here because I know you already know whats happening with everyone. I feel you are around alot more then most realize, just not in physical form. I miss not being able to open my email and see something from you. I even have the last email I sent you although I know you never got to read it. Today is one of my few days off and for once it does mean something to me. Once you know someone, or are part of a military family than you understand why we honor the men and woman of the service. Whether they are still with us or they have fallen. I think most people take for granted our freedom and lifestyle we all live. I know I have been guilty of that myself in the past.I can say with all honesty there isnt anyone who knows me, thats doesnt know about you. You know I am such chatter box, even complete strangers know about you. I am proud when I talk about you.I just wish it was still just another holiday or day off school it was alot easier like that. We miss you and think of you often.

love always,
Laura Rebmann of Las Vegas, Nevada


I'm at the station writing reports and I was thinking about you. I justed wanted to say hi. I read a pretty funny message how you bought raffle tickets with your credit card when you were trying to win a bike. You paid more in raffle tickets than the bike was worth, bro that cracked me up. Alright I have to type now. Beaumont is sitting next to me and he is pecking away, I'm starting to feel like I should do some work. Take care brother.

Hank Lebitski of USA

"My prayers are for you and the families of all the fallen, that you are consoled - and that our troops and allies may be protected from harm.

It is no consolation now, but Wade died in a process that will allow millions to live, to live lives of freedom, opportunity, and prosperity that we in the West take for granted.

I hope America's actions will make the world a much better place, and the memories of Specialist Wade Twyman will be honored by a grateful world."
James McGrath of Sayreville, NJ

You are someone that has always been loved and will never be forgotten. To your family, My heart is with you. I love you all and you will always be in my prayers."
Colleen Reed of Clinton, IA

What can I say? You left us way too soon, and the tremendous love that your family, friends, and I had for you is now causing us all to hurt inside very, very badly. Our hearts are so filled with sorrow and we are having a hard time dealing with our pain. Wade when you left us a big part of us left with you. It is hard to fell happy at a time like this but the one thing that I am happy for is that GOD gave me the privilege of knowing you, and the honor of being your uncle. Wade I want to thank you for all the love and laughter that you brought into my heart, and now that you are gone I am so glade that I still have the special gift of memories that you left us all. These memories are truly priceless, and we will all cherish them forever. I am going use these memories at all of our family gatherings in the form of stories that I will be telling about you. I will tell somebody a story about you and that person will in turn pass it on to some one else and maybe that will trigger another story that some one will remember about you and they may tell me that story, and before you know it I am learning more about you and others are doing the same. So you see because of this beautiful gift you left us it’s as if you are not truly gone at all you are just somewhere else for a while waiting for us to join you. So thank you Wade, you have truly blessed not only me but also all of your family members and friends with your loving memories.

“One of the memories I would like to share with every one took place when Wade was around 6 or 7 years old. Even at that young age Wade loved the Army. He had more GI Joe toys then any kid in the whole world. He also had his own Army fatigues and he wore them almost every day. When Janice would tell Wade that she was going to the super market Wade would get dressed in his fatigues grab is toy gun and off he would go with Janice to the store. Once he got there he would check out every aisle to make sure that there were no enemy forces waiting to attack his mom or the other customers in the store. And you what? Wade did a good job of this too, because there was never an incident of enemy forces attacking or occupying any of the super markets that Wade’s mom shopped at.”

So Wade what can I say? You were a big part of your family, and we are going to miss your smile, your laughter, and your great sense of humor, and until that day when we will be able to join you, all I can say is I love you “Spanky”, and thanks for everything form the bottom of my heart.

Uncle Rog"
Uncle Roger of Riverside, CA/USA


When I first heard of your passing, I was in shock. After some time went by, I remembered the first year that I was an explorer with you. All the fun times we had in Needles and on ride-alongs. These thoughts brought an instant smile to my face, which always occurred when I was around you. I also saw how well respected you were by all of the Vista Deputies and vowed to be respected the same. Once you were hired by the department and started working at the jail, I remember how much encouragement you gave me to do the same.

Wade, I don't think there are words to describe how much you inspired me to become a Deputy. I can't thank you enough for pointing me in the right direction. I know that you will always be watching out for all of us "Boy's" and we will work to make you proud. Until I see you again, I love you man."
Jonathan Fecteau of Vista, California

"Dearest Mr. and Mrs. Twyman

Words will never express how your son's life has touched so many, to be around him for any length of time left us with a smile on our faces and laughter in our hearts.
It was my pleasure to have been your son's Dispatcher while he was here at La Paz, and my blessing to have had him as my friend, I looked upon him as one of my boys, and watched out for him as though he were.
And now I feel a great comfort knowing he is looking out for me, I love Wade very much he is my friend and he will never be forgotten."
Brenda Steelman of Parker, Arizona

"Dear John and Janice,
I don't think I can even imagine the pain and sense of loss you and your loved ones are feeling. I'm praying for your strength. The good lord must have had important plans for Wade. I'm very sad for the loss of such a fine young gentleman, your son, but also I'm very proud and I know how proud you must be of his devoted efforts to protect us and keep us free here at home. Wade was a hero and a great American.
Our deepest sympathy to you, John and Janice, and to all those you love.
Our best love to you,
Greg and Kim Chapas"
Greg Chapas of Santa Clarita, CA

"To the Twyman Family-
We were your limousine drivers for Wade's procession. While we never met Wade, we felt honored to be a part of the celebration of his wonderful and dedicated life. It was impossible not to shed a few tears, when we witnessed the amazing outpouring of love and support from the peace enforcement and fire fighting community. We are sure that Wade was very proud on Tuesday. Spending the day with you and your friends showed us what a wonderful family you are and made us proud to be Americans. We thank you for your tremendous sacrifice and hope that your faith will bring you comfort. God Bless!"
Bill & Cindy Thompson, North Coast Limousine of Vista, CA

"Wade: You'll be missed but will never be forgotten. You were a very special person. Your family and friends are very proud of you.

To the Twyman Family: Our prayers and our thoughts are with you through this difficult time."
Sarah & Steve Cadlaon of San Marcos Fire Dept.

"Wade, I know you were at your send-off. Wasn't it great seeing all the old faces (some older than others). All the fellas had a few beers and rekindled all those memories. We will never forget you Wade. I know the services are done, and the healing has begun, but I promise to keep you updated. I love you man!"
James Cady of Murrieta, CA/ "The" US of A

I considered Stephen my brother, and I know from the way he spoke of you, you were his. I could not have asked for a better person to stand by my brother's side, and I regret that you were with him on that fateful day. It became apparent to me as I heard the horns, and the volleys of the 21 gun salute yesterday at Arlingon as we lay Stephen to rest, that your mission is not over. You and Stephen outgrew this world and helped countless souls find a better place in it. I know that for every child that falls in Iraq and around the world, you will be there to catch them. Godspeed on your new journey, and thank you."
Adam Freilich of Orange County, CA

Day is done, gone the sun,
from the lakes, from the hills
from the skies
all is well, safely rest
God is nigh

Dear Wade,

I know it is the great misfortune that Don Parsley and I never got the opportunity to meet you, even though we've know your dad for almost 20 years.

I can think of no appropriate words other than to say that we're deeply saddened at the loss, and our hearts break for John, Janice, and Glen. Please know that you are in our thoughts at this most difficult time."
Ken Wagoner of San Diego, California


When I first heard of your passing I could not believe it. I remember you from your days as an explorer, and the times I had the pleasure of having you in my car. There were not very many people that I wanted to ride along with me, but you were definitely an exception. You were always so motivated and positive and I always looked forward to working with you.

I remember seeing you at Starbucks before you were leaving for basic training. You were looking forward to your experience in the Army and service to your country. You were truly a special person and I am honored to have known you."
Chris Vollmer of Vista, California

"To the family of Spc.Wade Michael Twyman we give our sympathy and prayers. We are grateful for Wade's bravery and the sacrifices he made while in Iraq. He will be remembered as one of the brave hereos who "gave his all" so fellow men and women could have a better way of life. Our support is with you. God bless you, Wade, and his fellow comrades."
American Legion Auxiliary #289 of Riverside, Ca.

"To the Twyman Family:

Kathy and I are saddened by the loss of Wade. There is nothing we can say or do that will make the pain go away.

We are reminded of a Bible verse as we mourn the loss of Wade. Simply put, "No greater love hath a man than this; that he lay down his life for a friend".

Jesus Christ died on the cross to give us "life". Wade died to give us the "freedom to live". He is a hero in every sense of the word. We are honored to stand in his shadow.

Wade is home now. God bless you all. We will miss him."
Chris and Kathy Marchisio of Vista, CA. USA

"Although I never met Wade, I could tell dozens of stories of his and Glen's childhoods. I was a single mom who was fortunate enough to work with Janice Twyman years ago. I learned more about being a good parent from the Twyman's family stories than I've learned any where else in my life. People like Wade don't happen by accident. I feel so blessed to have known him through his mother's stories.
To Janice and your entire family, you are in our family's thoughts and prayers.
Remember, he is around you in spirit. Don't even stop talking to him."
K. Hamilton-Nichols of Escondido, CA

"To the Family and Friends of Wade Twyman:
I am but a stranger, but be sure to know, and never doubt, that millions of strangers, like me, honor Wade's service and sacrifice, and pray for your healing and strength from God. As much as Wade was a hero to all who knew him, he is also a hero to those grateful Americans who never had the honor to have met him."
Mark Wolfinbarger of Oceanside, California

I have to thank your big brother Glen for bringing me into your life. You were a shy little guy when I first met you in Big Bear. Hearing about you and seeing you grow up through Glen's eyes was remarkable. He beams about you Wade. Throughout the years, before Glen became a Deputy Sheriff, he would always give me updates about his little brother Wade...from the Sea Scouts to becoming a Deputy Explorer...Then, I got to experience you as a man for myself...First, as a ride along in the Vista Jail...yeah, I had to write a DR on why we were late from lunch haha...Watching you achieve your goals and seeing your determination to climb the ranks as an Explorer...And then you little ratt, you're hitting me in a Posse uniform...Thank you Wade for allowing me into your life...you are a phenomenal soul...keep watch over your Mom, Dad, brothers and sister...you will keep them happy with the thoughts of all the things you did for everyone while you were here...I'll keep an eye on Glen while you watch over him in spirit...I wonder what God has in store for you next...I'm sure you're having a great time...Save me a seat....I definitely want to meet up with you again

ROMANS 13:1-4

"The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so bring judgment on themselves....Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you...But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrong-doer....""
John M. Cannon of Oceanside, CA

"Wade, your memory and your sacrifice will never be forgotten.

John and Janice, Glen and family, take comfort in the knowledge that your extended fire and law enforcement families will always be here for you in your time of grief and sorrow."
Jay and Anita Butler of Valley Center, CA

"To the Family of Wade, My family honors your hero. He was a brave man who gave his life for the most precious gift: freedom. We will never forget the sacrifice that Wade made and we are forever grateful for his loyal service.
All of our prayers are with you and remember that you are not alone in this time of saddness.
God Bless Wade and your family."
Jennifer and SSG Larry Mays and family of Massillon, Ohio

Gosh my heart is breaking.. For the rest of my life I will forever miss you. Even as a kid your heart was so full of love. Then you grew into this selfless, strong man with such integrity. I can't remember you having anything negative to say about anyone. I am so privilaged and honored to be your cousin. I didn't get to say that before. I love you so much!!
And now you're with God praising him....I bet it's beautiful..(we'll see you soon, in God's time)
(Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strengh of my heart and my portion forever...Psalm73:25-26)
p.s. Aunt Janice, Uncle John, Glen, Ashley, Burke, Cade and Aden, I love you so very much! I have been praying nonstop for God's peace and comfort to surround you, and surround all of Wades family and friends...
Love, cousin Shawna, Charlie, and Caleb"
Shawna Shaw of Riverside, California

"My Dear Spanky,
Today I had to say good by to you for awhile, I keep thinking why so soon in your young life did you have to leave us, you were doing what you wanted to do, serving and giving your all. I'am so proud of you as I always have been. You grew to be such a loving, caring Godly man. I have so many wonderful memories that I'll cherish for ever, the summer visits, our rad attacks at the clothing stores, so you'd look cool. There will always be a bowl of black olives at our Holiday dinner table. I'll miss you so very much you will always be in my heart.

PSALMS 118:8"
Aunties of Riverside, CA/USA



I am saddened to hear of your death. When I heard, I immediately began to remember our good times together. I could recall your early days as a Sheriff's Explorer, how thin, tall and boyish you looked. Through the years you matured and became a man that everyone has been proud to have known. I was always impressed by your commitment to duty. Whether it be to the Sheriff's Department as an Explorer, Deputy Sheriff, or Soldier. George Patton said that "it is foolish to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived." I thank God that you lived and that I knew you.

I too, remember you talking about your brother, the pride you showed in Glen for being a big brother and for being a Deputy Sheriff. You smiled often and listened to us older guys as we "ribbed" you as a brother to us. As time went on, you were able to return the "ribbing," with your intelligent wit that made everyone smile.

I reminisce about your character and after getting acquainted with your brother, I see that you are good people and think how very proud your parents must be of you. Thank-you for touching my life, I will never forget you. God bless you, your family, and to all who were touched by your life.


Your Friend, Hernan"
Hernan Gonzalez of Temecula, CA. USA

"Hello to the friends and family of Wade Twyman, my name is Michaela McGowan. I am the little sister of Steve McGowan. I know that Wade and Steve were like brothers in Iraq, and it gives me a type of comfort to know if my brother had to be taken, he was taken with men he considered his family. Know that my prayers are with you, we are in this together. There are no words that can be said that can remedy our broken hearts, but may we always remember the good times that we had with these outstanding men, they are truly heroes."
Michaela McGowan of Drexel Hill, PA

"Son, we visited you today, you looked at peace, I know it was just your body and your soul has already moved on, but it was of some comfort to see and touch you. You looked great in your class A's and I am sure you will be proud of your send off on tuesday, it will be sad but beautiful."
Dad of Vista, CA

"I extend my sincere sympathy to Wades family and my thanks for his ultimate sacrifice. Wade gave his life so all of us can live free and safe. Wade is a true American patriot. Never to be forgotton. God has wrapped his arms around Wade and taken him home. I'm sure Wade heard the words "Well done good and faithful servant""
Marilyn Dashe of Easton, PA

"Twyman Family: Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of you. We thank you and your son for the courage he has shown and he will never be forgotten in our hearts. God bless all of us and God bless America!"
John and Andra Brooks of Fallbrook, CA (San Marcos Fire Department)


Damed!!!......you gotta make a grown man (like myself) get all teary eyes, it hurts to see someone that does nothing but smile and laugh all the time. You always kept my little sister laughing, not only you kept my sister laughing you made her big brother at ease knowing my sister is out with special friends such as yourself knowing that she will always be safe. As far as I know you've been born a protector, then and now. Thanks for being there for my sister and also for being there for my mom and getting the Christmas tree through her front door when I was'nt around even though I heard the tree kicked you butt. HA!HA! Things like that really means alot to me.
We're going to miss you Wade, you will always be in our hearts and will cherish wonderful memories, we're going to miss your laughs and the protection you have given my family, friends and for the America people.

Pat Burns

P.S. I don't know if you know this, the time you won the raffle for a mountain bike at one of my parties, when you went to your car to get you credit card to purchase more ticket. I did'nt realize till after that you bought more tickets than the bike was worth, but could not stand to tell you cuz I never seen somebody so "HAPPY"....I'm glad you won!
You might say it was "Priceless""
Pat Burns of Kailua-Kona, Hawaii

"Wade, I miss you. You were my best friend for more than fifteen years.
I know that you will look over all of us until we can be with you again.
I want to dedicate the song to you "American Soldier" by Toby Keith.
You knew the song well, and I understand now when I hear the lyrics...

"I will always do my duty, no matter what the price ~ I've counted up the cost, I know the sacrifice ~ And I don't want to die for you ~ But if dyin's asked of me, I'll bear that cross with honor ~ 'Cause freedom don't come free ~ I'm an American Soldier, an American..."
Jennifer Burns of Vista, CA


About a week ago a friend called me and he informed me that you died serving your country in Iraq. I have thought about you and your family quite frequently since then and I have tried to make sense of your death. Some of the things I think about are the times we have shared in patrol. I can remember when you would come into the station with your turtle neck, flashlight and your big smile. You were more motivated than any explorer and/or any patrol Deputy. I would walk into briefing and you would be sitting there alone ready to go. On one occassion, just as I walked into the briefing room, you said, " let's get into something tonight". Before I could say a word a B.O.L. went out for a stolen vehicle. I looked at you and said, " that's ours ". As luck would have it that night we found it rolling on North Melrose.

Wade you were an outstanding explorer, a friend to all of us and a role model to your community. I want you to know that I am truly sorry you were killed, I miss you. I want to thank you from my heart and sole for volunteering and unselfishly giving your life so my family can live freely. For that I will never forget you and I will always keep you and your memory alive.

Glen I always would ask you about Wade because I thought about him often. I hoped that he would come back safely. I'm sorry he's gone. Your brother loved you very much, he spoke about you all the time.

Mr. and Mrs Twyman I'm sorry for the loss of your son. As a parent I can't imagine ever losing a child. The both of you will forever be in my prayers. You have done a great job raising your sons. Earlier I wrote that I have tried to make sense of Wade's death and the only conclusion I have come up with is that God has another plan for Wade. A plan that requires more than just an average person, he needed a great man and that person is your son. I have been priviledged and honored to have known Wade.

Wade I have always ribbed you because you have been our BROTHER. I miss you. Take care on your journey, If I'm luck enough to get there I'm gonna bust your balls..

I Love Bro.

Hank Lebitski of United States of America and proud of it!!!!!!!!!!!!

"In a time when people like you are so few, your fellows in the armed forces like myself look to you and marvel at your courage. Your willingness to serve and to insure that you are at the front of our ranks is nothing short of the highest level of commitment. You are the true American patriot and a compass to keep your fellows on the road of duty. Thank you, Wade.

I have heard many stories from your dad about you. I always knew how proud of you he was and still is. It is so admirable the things you were able to accomplish in your life, being able to affect so many people in such a short time shows what a wonderful man you were. You will always hold a special place in our hearts."
Randy Morser, First Class Petty Officer: Becky Webb-Morser of Annapolis, Maryland


Congratulations on a life well lived. You followed your heart in this life and you were a wonderful, loving friend, brother, and son. Your passing has broken my heart open. You have shown me the only thing that matters in this life is the love that we share with one another. Thank you Wade for this precious gift. I will miss hearing stories of your adventures. Although you life seems way to short, I realize that it is not the amount of time we get, but what we do with it. From reading what your loved ones have written here, I know in my heart that you did it right my friend. You will live in my heart Wade, all the days of my life.

Janice, John, Glen, Ash, Burke, Cade, and Aden. My heart aches with yours. My tears seem endless as I search for what I want to say to you all. Thank you all for having me in your life. I will cherish every moment we have together. I know how much you love Wade, and I know how much he loves you and I know that love never dies.

I love you all,
Thad Markham of Cambria, Ca.

"For Country...For Freedom

Another brave soldier has fallen today...
while serving his country, in the midst of "Harm's Way".

He was fighting for freedom, for us, and Iraq, and fell silent and still, while under attack.

He gave all he had, like a hero so true...
the ultimate sacrifice... for the red, white, and blue.

Words can't describe, to a family or friend,
the personal loss, that they feel deep within.

But those that have served, their country before,
can feel the great loss, no matter the war.

This "brother" who's fallen, for what we believe,
is a hero forever, as we honor and grieve.

His life has been given, so we can go on,
living in freedom, right now and beyond.

Heroes are born in our country each day,
and they give all they have, in their own special way.

We know who they are, for they usually stand out,
and we try to be like them, and what they're about!

So mourning this hero, and what he stood for,
should remind us each day... of our freedom once more.

By: Bob Beskar
May God shine his comforting light on Wade; and his family in this time of great sorrow and uncertainty.

We will always remember and give thanks for this brave young patriot who bravely "stepped up" for duty which he thought so worthy.

God Bless Wade. God Bless the Twyman Family. And God bless America."
--Dave Schloss & Family of Murrieta, Ca.

Words can't express the sorrow I feel now. I had the pleasure to work with you in the Sheriff's Explorer program for about 2 years. Your passion and dedication to serve always inspired me. I remember talking with you shortly before you went to Basic Training. At the time, I realized that you were a true patriot and countryman. Please know that I am so very proud to tell everyone that I knew you, and that you were a friend. I will always remember you, your sacrifice, and your friendship forever."
Gary Rice of San Marcos, California

"John, Janice and Glen,

My heart is breaking for you."
Gig Fredendall of Las Vegas, Nevada

I remember when I first met you when you became an explorer. You were a goofy, tall and skinny kid who always had a smile on your face. You took all of the "ribbing" from the Deputies, especially Lebitski, with that same smile on your face. That's how I will always remember you, with that bright smile on your face.

So after a couple hundred "ride-alongs" you figured out you wanted to be in law enforcement. You really matured in your late teens and became a partner we could all rely on when you were riding with us. You also became a friend away from the department. Thank you for being in my wedding. It meant so much to me.

One thing that I wanted to convey to the Twyman Family is that Wade loved you all so much. In the many twelve hour shifts Wade and I spent together, he would always talk about, "My Dad, My Mom, My Brother." It almost got old, until years later I met Glen and he also became my partner. Once I finally met Glen I knew what Wade was talking about....."Dude, my brother is taller than you...."Dude my brother this, my brother that." Mr. and Mrs. Twyman, I don't think I have ever met you folks, but I will say this, you have done an excellent job raising two top notch sons. From what I have seen and heard, the Twyman family is one of the tightest, most loving families I have seen. I could only hope I will even come close to your level as parents.

So Wade became a Deputy in San Diego and then in Arizona. I didn't see him for a while but heard he joined the Army. Glen would constantly give me updates on how he was doing. Recently when he was home for leave, I saw Wade again. Wade was the same old Wade with that great smile on his face. Wade was very humble about his experiences in Iraq when I talked to him. No crazy war stories, just, "yeah, there are busy times and slow times." I realized what a mature man Wade had turned into.

Wade, I will miss you and just wanted to tell you that you are a hero. To Mr. and Mrs. Twyman and Glen: I hope I will never have to suffer the loss you are suffering right now and forever, but I can tell you this, you were just as much heroes to Wade as he was to you. I am so sorry for your loss. Love and respect, Tim Dinger."
Tim Dinger of Temecula, California

"Church services for Wade will be on March 15, 2005 at 10:00am, at Faith Lutheran Church, 700 E. Bobier DR. Vista, CA.

Military Honors will follow at Riverside National Cemetery at 2:00pm, 22495 Van Buren Blvd., March ARB, CA (Area 1), (951) 653-8417."
The Twyman Family

"Don't be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.

To Our Beloved Friends, John and Janice, and Your Wonderful Family our sorrow for your loss cannot be expressed. Wade, we have known you since your conception. All of you have made the greatest of sacrifices. Thank you for all that you have given of yourselves for our Country and that we and others may live free and in peace. God Bless All of You. Wade you will be, forever, a HERO in our hearts, and with your family in our thoughts and prayers."
Doug, Carolann, Britt & Sandy Holmberg of Redondo Beach & Mammoth Lakes, Aliso Viejo, CA - USA

"My brother Capt Sean Grimes died in the Humvee with Wade. My brother was the Physician's Assistant or "Doc" for the 1/9th and loved to volunteer to go on missions with Wade and the other guys in the Scout Platoon.

I know the heartbreak the Twyman family is going through. It is some comfort to know these fine men were outstanding soldiers who liked, loved and respected each other. I can think of no finer people my beloved little brother could have spent his last moments on earth with then Wade , Stephen and their outstanding bigger than life Platoon Sergeant.

God bless you!

Don Grimes"
Don Grimes of southern california

"I haven't seen Wade in a decade, but I always knew he would be doing something noble, serving.
I'll never forget what a kind, wonderful person he was."
Dan Lacey of San Diego, CA

"Wade, tears stroll down my face as I think of your passing. I find some solace knowing you are in a better place. For all who see this message and wonder who Wade was, Wade is a HERO. His life was exemplified by service to his family, friends, community, his state, and his nation. I will always remember all the good times. The long nights in a patrol car looking for the next pursuit, and the fun times at my bachelor party at the Luxor. When I heard the news of your death, I looked at the Zippo you gave me with the words enscribed "Jim happy birthday your friend, wade" That was the thoughtfulness you always displayed, always caring so much for your friends. I miss you Wade! I know we should have kept in better touch through the years, but we will catch up on so much in Heaven. I will see you on Tuesday Bro! and we all miss and love you so much!"
James Cady of Murrieta, California/Unites States of America

"Wade, I will never forget all the memories we shared over the last 16 years you truly inspired me and were a huge influnce in my life i know that physically you are no longer here but I know you are here with me in spirit and in my heart, I also know that you are in a better place now and that you are watching over all of us. I love ya and i know you and I will see each other again when the good lord decides its time for us to be reunited."
Jason Redman of Oceanside, California

"Son, I have no words that can express mom and my feelings at this time, I am gratefull that your hart is with the Lord, but mine will never stop aching. I know you were doing what you wanted to do, and we are proud of your service. We just wanted more time and some grandchildren with you. Christmas Eve will never be the same. Your brother has really steped up to send you off like you would want and everyone has been great. You are coming home tomorrow."
Dad of Vista Ca


I'm not sure if I will ever be able to tell your family what kind of positive impact you had on my life in the short time that I got to know you. I'm proud to have been part of your life and had the oppurtunity to pass on some of my life experiances - I hope they helped.. You and your fellow brothers fighting for our freedoms are the true hero's. Every parent preys that their children become just half the person that you are. Your sacrifice will ensure the freedom to all of our children as they move into their own futures, words cannot express our appreciation. We will meet again, until that day, you are in my heart and will Never be forgotten. Respectfully,"
Mark Foster of Oceanside, California USA

"To all the loved ones of Wade Twyman, my name is Bobbie McGowan. I am the mother of Steve McGowan who fell with Wade that fateful evening in Iraq. Steve really liked "Twyman"! There are so many pictures of the two of them, and they were so often laughing. I have to believe they comforted each other in that dreadful moment. I know how shattered my heart is; yours can be no less. I would love to have personal contact with you, his family. I know contact information is being given to the officers assigned to our families. I know these men were the best of the best...God must have caught each one as he fell and then let them hold each other. Now, we need to hold onto each other, too. May God bless you and keep you."
Bobbie McGowan of Newark, Delaware, USA


Although your time with us was far too short, please know that you and your partners will NEVER be forgotten. Your motivation and dedication as a San Diego County Sheriff's Explorer has always been an example for others to follow. Your motivation and dedication to your country is even more inspirational and difficult to put into words. I am proud to say that I worked with you and even more proud to say that I am your friend. Few people have the opportunity to do exactly what they want to do in life. You, however, are one of those few. You lived your life exactly how you wanted to and never looked back. Those who know you are lucky, but those who have worked with you are blessed. You continue to lead by example even though we can not be with you. I look forward to seeing you again one day because we will have so much to talk about.

Your friend,

Dan Settle of Temecula, CA / USA

"To the Twyman Family:

No words can take away your grief but as one of many who often hear John speak with great pride and admiration for Wade, I would like to offer a simple THANK YOU for Wade's service to our great nation. There is no greater honor than to give one's life in the service of his country.

We did not know Wade in life but as we begin to learn more about him in these difficult days, we get a clear sense of what we have missed and why Wade will be so missed by family and friends.

Our love and prayers are with you now and we promise to never, ever forget."
Bob Caputo & Family of Vista, CA

"Wade Twyman was a wonderful guy.I am very honored to say that he was my friend.I will always remember the great times we had.I will pray for his family.People should strive to be like Wade in so many ways."
SSG Daniel Clemons of Sadr City, Iraq

"Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.

Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School

Thank you Wade!"
Dan Cowper of Phoenix, AZ

"To the Twyman Family- May the Lord wrap His arms around you and give you the comfort that only He can give. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We are so proud of your son and forever thankful for his sacrafice. To Wade- Although we never got to meet you, you will forever live as a hero in our hearts. Thank you for protecting the freedom we so often take for granted. You will not be forgotten. To my brother and all the other soldiers- May the Lord watch over you and protect you."
The Madson Family of Escondido, Ca

"Wade, words cannot express my sadness, you were the best friend I ever had and will ever have. The times we shared and the memories we made shall be carried with me forever. Thank you for always being there for me. I know that I will see you agian, we will laugh agian together when the lord decides to call me home. In your words, Late."
A1C Aaron Rebmann of Nellis AFB, NV

It brings me great sorrow that we didnt get to each other as well as I would have liked. I just came into Aaron's life just a couple of years ago. You were already in the Army but Aaron talked about you every day, telling me stories about the two of you growing up together. I felt like I knew you already.I enjoyed getting to know the real you through daily emails.I am grateful to have finally had the opportunity meet you in person and spend New Years Eve with you, Missy and Aaron. It's one we will always remember.You were always in our prayers and thoughts and your smile will never be forgotten. You were not only Aaron's hero. You are every American's hero. My heart goes out to your family and friends."
Laura & Aaron Rebmann of Las Vegas, Nevada

"Wade, You were my shooting star...bringing light and smiles into my life...Our time spent together brief, but nontheless meaningful..Thank you for the wonderful friendship,laughter and love..You'll always remain in my heart..I'll miss you..keep smiling!! Missy"
melissa Lewis of Vista, ca/usa

"Wade, You were the best friend that a person could ask for. I have known you since fifth grade and you can never be replaced. I will remember you forever. Thanks for all of the wonderfull memories. You will never be forgotten."
John Briones of Riverside, California

"My brother's heart is with the Lord. His physical loss to me and my family will be unbearable, but knowing his memories will live forever and will be passed on to my sons is comforting."
The Glen Twyman Family of Vista, CA U.S.A.

"Dear Wade, over the years, your Dad has shared many great stories with me about you growing up to the Man you became. I now have a pocket full of memories about you and when I need a little lift; I will reach down and pull one out to pick me up. Your Family and especially your Dad is so proud of your accomplishments. Wade you will never be forgotten, as we know we will see you again."
Fire Chief Larry Webb of San Marcos

Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Wade , will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you ALWAYS. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "

"Thank you Wade Twyman, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios

"To the family and friends of Spc. Wade Twyman:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Wade for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada

"To the family and friends of Spc. Wade Twyman:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Wade, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia

Honor them by remembering... Freedom - is their gift to us But his soul goes marching on