Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Remembering the servicemembers who died in the service of their country.

Army Pvt. Bryan Nicholas Spry

19, of Chestertown, Maryland.
Spry died in Baghdad, Iraq, when his vehicle rolled into a water-filled ditch. He was assigned to Company D, 1st Battalion, 504th Infantry, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Died on February 13, 2004.

Please send information, photos, and corrections for Army Pvt. Bryan Nicholas Spry.


Contributions to the Families of the Fallen


Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.

Please report inappropriate messages

"Hey Nick, nine years today, feels like yesterday at times. Your little nephew, Easton knows all about you. At times some of his facial expressions look like you. Miss you and will love you always. Aunt T"

"It's just about that time of year, Nick. I can't believe it has almost been a decade. It does not feel like it has been that long. I still wish you were around for another one of those talks. I knew I could always lean on you when I needed someone to talk to. Not only did I see you as my friend, but as a brother figure to. I will still continue to look for you when the stars are out. Love you always!"
Jessica Winstead of Greensboro, MD

"Eight years. At times I relive that day and all the pain comes back. We have gone on with our lives but there is never a day I don't think of you. We have a new Spry in the family. We will tell him all about you. He will know what kind of man you were and how much you meant to this family. I love and miss you every day."
Aunt T of Chestertown

"Paratrooper Bryan Nicholas Spry. It is now February 2012 and I still think about you often. When I do, I take a moment and think about your family and say a little prayer for them. I am the Chaplain that served your battalion that fateful spring. You paratroopers were magnificent! Please know that we will never forget your life, your dedication to duty, your service along side of us and your sacrifice. God be with your family always through Jesus Christ. Peace"
Sean Moore of Fort Sill, OK

"me,grams,my mom,dad and jay love and miss u nick, i say a prayer for u everyday and my son (who i think looks just like u )has a necklace with ur picture on it that he never takes off,i wish u met my kids!my son loves wrestling, and playing guns like me, u, jay and mike, did when we were kids, ud be proud of ur mom for all she does for the soldiers.. tell GOD i said hi, we all love and miss you.. c ya buddy!!!! (oh yea!! if GOD will let u: drop in on ur mom and mike they both need the happiness that only u can bring..."
jeff of wilmington

"It was an honor for Sherri and I to once again participate in the Memorial Ride. We are sure that Nick and the others are smiling down on us and protecting us in our mortal life."
Clayton Gebhart of Townsend, DE

"It has been six years since I lost my Nick. Some days it seems like years other days it's like yesterday. I visit your grave and talk to you about us, The Spry Aunt's. You made us laugh so many times. The pictures of all of us together are priceless to me. There are times I think about you and just smile. I tell everyone about you and what you meant to this family. I know you and my Dad are watching over us. Boy, the stories you two must be telling each other. I miss you everyday but you are with me 24/7. I love you."
Aunt T of Chestertown MD

"It's so hard to believe that it has been five years today that you left our world. I still think of you as one of my favorite students, remembering your tenth grade smile and your senior year pride. Thank you for fighting for our country. I am proud to have know you. We miss you."
Beth Spray Sherwood of Anchorage, Alaska (formally Kent County, Maryland)

"February 7, 2009
To the family of Pvt. Bryan N. Spry:
Bryan gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV

"Your picture is still on my dashboard after 4 years. & your memories still hang on my mind. I saw Mike a week ago...takes my breath away everytime to see you in him. You were more alike than you thought. Or you are living through him. I miss you more than words can describe. You stay on my mind. <3 Protect Jeff and bring him home safe. I still haven't lost hope in you. xoxo"
Crystal of MD

"Hey Bro. Its been a while now and I still think about you everyday. And I'm still keeping up to my promise, that if anything would happen to you I would join up and do the right thing. Its been over three years now since I've been in the Marine Corps and everyday I do it for your memory. Hope to be back from the sand box in march and see your parents again real soon. Love you man"
Sgt Bramble, Jeff C of Chestertown, MD

"2008. Seems like just yesterday I was here in awe that is was 2007. Time is enternity for those who grieve. You are with me everyday, but especially today of all days."
G of Iraq

"We won't forget your loved one, who died
to protect us all."
robert boney of mays landing, NJ, US

"Not a day goes by that I dont think of Nick. He was my best friend and a person who was so great to be around. I was with him that night it all went wrong. He was my driver and I was his gunner. Although we were not blood nothing could of made us closer. One year later on the same day he passed the lord gave my wife and I a son. Who we flet that it was an honor to name after Nick. Momma Spry I miss you and feel free to write me an email at bastanzikennels@yahoo.com and to all God bless you"
Sgt. Bastanzi, Joseph of Raeford NC, (Currently Baghdad Iraq)

"I no that it has been a long time but i just wanted to say hi and i hope that everyone is doing ok!"
Katie Wirtz ( Matt's little sister) of Chestertown Maryland

"2007. It is February again. Years have passed-years, not hours, and I am surprised by that. Time does not heal, it just is time spent trying to manage the day to day void and "if only" thougths. I wear your name on my arm, high up, surrounded by the shield of Strike Hold. People ask me about it, and I tell them about you. I have not taken off the bracelet your Mother got for us. The bone in my wrist is permenently calloused from it being worn so tight, and I can not be without it. I don't need it though, your face is with me everyday. It used to make me angry and sad, today I was smiling, so I guess that is what time has done, allowed me to feel joy at your memory more and more instead of the debilitating grief. We miss you. We who are left behind find it hard to live a life without screaming or at least wanting to scream - it is so different now. I know you are safe and helping us, I know you do not want the sadness to be so strong. We are trying, please keep helping us. We worry about your Mom Nick. She loves you so much, she has been a torch in the dark for you. I think there must be times when she looks around and is alone, even if there are other people in the room. How is it possible to explain this to anyone else - even other people who have lost friends, family, loved ones - I STILL look at them and think "well you didn't lose Nick, and that makes it worse then anything" but we are all bonded by that same feeling about the one we lost, no - not LOST, but was taken from us. Nick is not lost, he is where he is with God, we are the ones a bit lost without him. Miss you Bulldog. Can't believe it is February again. 2007. Time. Wasn't enough time. Now too much time. We are going over again. Soon. I am taking you with me, as always. Miss you and writing this is like talking to you, that is why it is hard to stop. 2/6/2007."

"To the family of:Bryan N. Spry I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015. Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga"

"I lost my sister in 1996. I didn't lose her to war...it was a car accident...but every time I read about a loved one killed in Iraq my heart breaks thinking about what the family is going through. Your son is braver than I could ever imagine being. Please know my thoughts are with you. I am so sorry."
Teri Hermann of Mercer Island, WA

""Bryan" you have been gone now for 2yrs and i will never forget you i will allways rember talking to you durring the begin of our deployment you and me it was our first deployment to it was cool cause me and you were from Md, You will alaways be "AMERICAS GAURD OF HONOR" Mrs Spry my heart goes out to you.

Mrs spry if you read this can you write me and tell me where i can visit spry
My add is 200 Luna Pk dr App330
Alexandria Va,22305"
Ryan Upperman of Alexandria, Va

"Thank you for your kind words. Please feel free at reach me at bfabri@gmail.com.

God Bless You All"
Beverly Fabri (Mom) of Chestertown, MD

"I remember talking to Nick the day before he left, at a rec baseball game. He didn't seem nervous at all, just excited to serve his country. He was so proud to be able to do this. We miss you Nick, and we will NEVER forget you."
Stacy Koch of Galena, MD

"Bryan, it was an honor and a priviledge to have served this country with you.You have paid the ultimate price for the cost of freedom. You were an outstanding soldier and friend. You never thought about yourself and always looked out for others. I love and miss you..........Your Friend and Brother in Arms CPL Cote,Jeffrey M. JR U.S. Infantry."
Jeffrey Cote CPL of Boston MA

"My heart never had a dull moment when you were around me. ... and now it is constantly tangled up in you. Never say goodbye... and I think about you everyday. I love you, and Miss you. NickSpry.always."
Crystal of Kent County, MD "Spry Town"

"I will always remember you in my prayers as well as your parents. I remember meeting you in the fourth grade and you wore cowboy boots he was soooo cute. Nobody is ever going to forget Nick he was friends with everyone. For some reason god takes all the ones that dont deserve to be taken. I miss him so much............"
Rachel Holding of Kennedyville, MD.

"nick was very special. he always thought of others and always wanted to make you laugh. a light has gone out in our family. we will never be the same."
linda spry, nick's aunt of dover, de

"To the Family of PFC Spry, My deep felt condolence goes to you for the lost of your son. He was a great American and a proud PARATROOPER of the 82ND Airborne Division. He was the first death in our Battalion (2ND BN 504th). I did a photo story of his memorial service that was held in Baghdad. I would love to send it to you. Please email me at stclared@yahoo.com so that I can be able to mail the disc to you. It was a very solemn and special service and I would love for you to see how your child was honored in Baghdad."
SSG Avery of Schofield barracks, Hawaii

"Nick, God, what do I have to say? I miss you so much, it means so much to me that you decided to try to protect our country. Graduation would have been so much better if you and Liz were there. Things just aren't the same without you. I will always watch over Lee for you, you were such a great friend, brother, son and I am sure soldier. I love you Nick! XOXO"
Amanda McGuire of Worton Maryland

"i know its been a while sience nick died but i just wanted to say he was my inspiration in alot of things lik when i was with all my friends on the corner at the end of foreston rd i see him in the superman truck and when i was very little i would ride by on my bike and see him and his older brother playing baseball and i would sometimes play with them iam telling you iam never gonna forget you nick because you are the man number 1"
mallory winstead of us chestertown md

"New email for Nick's mom
Bev Fabri of Chestertown, MD

Thank you Bryan for taking the fight to those who wish to destroy America. It was especially sad to hear of a brother Marylander but we are deeply grateful to you for what you did for us. To your loved ones, take comfort in knowing that one day you will embrace your Bryan. God Bless you Bryan and may He grant your family peace."
The Shaw Family of Passadena, Maryland

"To the parents of Bryan Spry: I saw a photo of you during your sons funeral. The pain and anquish in your faces is one of the stongest images I have seen from this war. May you somewhere find peace in your hearts. If others could see your photo it would teach more than any words. I am sincerely sorry for your loss.

A 46 yr old veteran."
Jon Lewis of Boothbay, Maine / USA

I will never forget you. If Nicks Mom reads this, Beverly you can always reach me at vonlopez72@yahoo.com"
Mike Gonzalez of FT MYER, VA

"To the family,

I am lost for words, and all I can say is Thank You for bringing a hero into this world. My thoughts and prayers go out to you."
claudia of salida, ca

"This old paratrooper will never forget the brotherhood of the greatest division in the world. Although I never ran across Spry, my heart hurts for my brother. May you rest in peace."
Anthony of Denver, CO

"Bryan Spry "Nick", Every time I hear the song American Soldier I think of you. I think about how great of a guy you were and how proud you were to be an American Soldier - a U.S. Paratrooper. Very few people know this but I was lucky enough to hear it. Before we deployed to Iraq I remember you telling me that if you died you couldn't think of a better way then dying for your country. You are one of the greatest guys that I ever met, you were a better person then I am. And if I had it my way I'd trade places with you any day. You are fallen, but NEVER forgotten."
PFC McKaig, Brandon (3/504 PIR, 82nd ABN DIV) of Fort Bragg, NC

"Nick, I will never forget the times out on the ball fields, playing with and against each other. I wont forget the enthusiasm you had there, and in life in general. You were a great person to be around, and you always had some funny comment to make. You did it man, you gave the ultimate sacrifice for the country you loved. You served with honor and bravery, and none of us will ever forget that. Thank you Nick, we will miss you."
C/PFC RJ Dowling of Rock Hall, MD

"Bryan, you will be truly missed as a soldier, son, and brother. You defended our counrty with great nobility and honor. You represented what all Americans wish they could be. Rest in peace with God."
Meredith of Virgina

"Thank you for all of your kind thoughts and comments. I am sorry that the soldiers from Nick's basic training platoon had to read of his death on the internet. If anyone wishes to have more information or just write us a note about their time spent with Nick please email me at fabri@intercom.net Carry on and be safe! "Get er done" as Spry says."
Beverly Fabri (Nick's Mom) of Chestertown, MD

"Dear Spry Family...
I have just returned from Iraq with the 3/504 PIR 82nd ABN DIV. I went to basic with Bryan and we both arrived in Ft Bragg around the same time. Bryan was an excellent soldier..he never complained he just did what had to be done..even if it meant giving his life..He once said that if he could choose a way to go...he would choose to die serving his country...you should be very proud of him - a true hero...Ill never forget you "Bulldog""
PFC Dustin Talbot of Lancaster Pa

"Private Spry, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas

"You served as a hero..died as a hero, will always be remembered as a hero...will never be forgotten, you'll always be in our hearts...the memory will live on. Rest in peace, brave soul."
F.M of Ottawa,Canada.

"Bryan N Spry was a very good friend of mine. I respected him very much. We started our military career together. We went through basic together, airborne school and we would always end up in the same company and even platoon. We drank together we had fun together. When he died, I wasn't that far away from him, maybe 40 miles away. He had his life planned out. He wanted to marry his girlfriend right after Irag. He was a very good guy, all his friends had a lot of respect for him. His parents should be proud of him, because I am. I'm proud that I served with him, that he was my buddy. Man, we will never forget you. Rest in peace."
Yevgeniy Kertsman of Elizabeth, NJ/USA

"To Bryan's Family: Having just been informed of your loss of Bryan, we want you to know that Bryan will be missed but will be in our thoughts and prayers. Chris went to basic with Bryan and will never forget him. Thanks to you all for the kindnesses shown to Chris when he and Bryan spent time with you at the basic training family leave. I know Bryan will be with Chris forever."
Chris Striber and his mom, Lindie Hoxworth of Duvall, WA/USA

"Bryan, You and your fallen brothers and sisters will NEVER be forgotten. You are loved and are honored. You gave the ultimate sacrifice for your country, which you loved so much.
I will say a prayer for you, and for your family. You had so much more more living to do, and it is a tragedy to lose you."
Carla of Inver Grove Heights, MN

Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Bryan, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "

"Thank you for gracing us with your son, and may his memory bring you joy as much as his actions bring you pride. Our thoughts and hearts go out to you at this difficult time. God Bless."
Kathleen, a friend of the 82nd of Boston, MA

"Please excuse our typo, we meant no disrespect to Bryan."
Dan and Meg Manninen of San Antonio, Texas

"To Bryan's Family:
There are no words that can express our deep sorrow for your loss. May God bless you and your family as Joshua watches over you all."
Dan and Meg Manninen of San Antonio, Texas

"Rest in Peace Brave Solider. You are the bright shining star in the sky we see everynight when we look up to heaven."
The Taylors USMC of NC

"To the family we thank you and your soldier for their service to this country, and to Iraq. How blessed we are to have soldiers who are willing to put there lives on the line in the name of "freedom". I have a son in the Army as well, and I cry every time I see we loose one of our children, husbands, mothers,wives sisters, and brothers. God Bless you for your sacrifice. May God be with you in this most difficult time.""
Family of SPC Mitchell R. Warriner-Hansen 82nd Airborne Div. of Hillsboro, Oregon"

"Thank you Bryan Spry, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios

"To the family and friends of Pvt. Bryan Spry:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Bryan for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada

"To the family and friends of Pvt. Bryan Spry:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Bryan, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia

Honor them by remembering... Freedom - is their gift to us But his soul goes marching on