20, of Escondido, California.
Killed in combat. He was assigned to the 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, Camp Pendleton, California. Died on March 27, 2003.
A native of Tijuana, Mexico, Suarez immigrated to the United States with his family in the late 1990s and graduated from Escondido's Valley High School in 2001. He leaves behind a wife and a baby, Erik.
Source: MSNBC/Newsweek
Dear Sirs,
My name is Fernando Suarez del Solar, father of Jesus A. Suarez Del Solar Navarro, and I write to you with eagerness to thank you for the beautiful words in honor of my son, my AZTEC WARRIOR.
Also to ask you that by means of your site and publications, you pass along the great gratefulness that my family has to everyone who has supported us in these such difficult days, thankfulness to those who have sent us donations for the foundation which will carry the name of my son and will serve to support other families that have to pass through these same situations, also we want to thank all the people that said farewell with love, respect, and admiration, thanks to everyone and may God bless you.
I remain at your service.
Fernando Suarez Del Solar.
Estimados senores.
Mi nombre es Fernando Suarez del Solar, padre de Jesus A. Suarez Del Solar Navarro, y les escribo con el afan de agradecerles las bellas palabras en honor de mi Hijo Mi GUERRERO AZTECA.
Asi como tambien para pedirles que por medio de sus sitio y publicaciones, trasmitan el gran agradecimiento que tiene mi familia a todas las personas que nos apoyaron en estos dias tan dificiles, un agradecimiento a los que nos enviaron donativos para la fundacion que llevara el nombre de mi hijo y que servira para apoyar a otras familias que tengan que pasar por estos trances, tambien queremos agradecer a toda la poblacion que lo despidio con amor, respeto y admiracion, gracias a todos y que Dios los bendiga,
Quedo de ustedes a sus ordenes.
Fernando Suarez Del Solar.
deseo explesarles mi agradecimiento por sus comentarios y publicaciones sobre el caso de la muerte de mi hijo Jesus. muerto en la guerra de Irak. aqui les mando una pequeña carta que le escribi a mi hijo ausente despues de su fallecimiento. gracias.
Carta a mi Hijo ausente.
Jesús, mi GUERRERO AZTECA. hijo mío.
Deseo que sepas lo orgulloso que estoy de tí, como hijo, hermano, esposo, padre y como mexicano. Me siento tan triste al saber que ya no podré abrazarte, besarte y escuchar tu voz, pero al mismo tiempo estoy feliz de saber que estás en un lugar lleno de luz, armonía, flores, paz, al lado del Señor.
Tú siempre quisiste ser un guerrero, por eso tu mismo te llamaste Guerrero Azteca, y moriste combatiendo, con valentía por tus propios ideales, por tu propia convicción de que esta guerra servirá para que tu hijo y todos los niños del mundo tengan un lugar más seguro para vivir. Sé que tu estabas convencido que era necesaria esta guerra para librarnos del terrorismo que asesina a miles cada año, a miles de inocentes y tú, por tu gran corazon no querías que esto continuara, pero te pregunto hijo mío. ¿Qué va ha ser de nosotros? ¿De tu madre? ¿De tus hermanas? ¿De tu esposa? ¿De tu hijo? ¿De mi?. ¿Cómo crees que podamos vivir sin tu hermosa presencia? ¿Por qué hijo? ¿Por que tuviste que partir? Perdóname hijo, pero lloro al saberte ausente, lloro por tu valentía, lloro por el gran dolor de no tenerte.., se, que soy egoista, que mi amor de padre me hace querer tenerte a mi lado, pero no puedo evitarlo, existe un gran, un inmenso dolor aquí en mi pecho, un gran vacío que hay en mi corazón por tu dolorosa partida, Jesús, mi bebé.
Quiero pedirte perdón si no fui el mejor padre, si fui duro contigo, algunas veces fui injusto, pero siempre fue lleno de amor hacia ti, todo era para que fueras lo que fuiste, un gran hombre lleno de virtudes, lleno de nobleza.
Se que te darás cuenta desde donde estés del inmenso amor y respeto que despertaste en toda la comunidad mundial y en especial en Escondido, fue algo que tocó el corazón de tu madre, el saber que todos te aman y te respetan por el gran sacrificio que hiciste por este mundo.
Mi Guerrero Azteca. Mi adorado hijo. Que dolor tan grande tengo en mi corazón, pero quiero que sepas que tu recuerdo, tu imagen llena de valor, me dará las fuerzas necesarias para continuar en esta lucha diaria y para apoyar a tu madre y hermanas. Ten por seguro que cumpliré la promesa que te hice el día de tu partida, cuidaré a tu hijo y tu esposa por sobre todos y todas las cosas. Tu me diste un gran ejemplo, me diste una gran enseñanza, el valor y la nobleza de espíritu. Por tu memoria, por el gran amor que te tengo, te juro que siempre haré honor a tu sacrificio, tu muerte no será en vano, ni la muerte de tantos jóvenes compañeros tuyos. Lucharé para que todos ustedes sean recordados como héroes y más que nada, como grandes seres humanos.
Jesús, mi Guerrero Azteca, sé de tu orgullo de ser mexicano y quiero pedirte perdón, pero tuvimos que aceptar la nacionalidad americana por tí, para poder proteger a tu hijo en el futuro, se que lo entenderás y sabrás perdonarnos por esta decisión.
Jesús, gracias por ser mi hijo, y como dije en tus funerales, nunca te enterramos sólo te sembramos, por que tú eres la semilla de una nueva generación de jóvenes amantes de la paz y del amor en el mundo.
Dios te tenga a su lado y llénanos de amor hijo mio.
No me despido, solo es un hasta luego.
Tu padre que te adora.
Fernando Suarez Del Solar
Please send information, photos, and corrections for Marine Lance Cpl. Jesus A. Suarez Del Solar.
Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.
Please report inappropriate messages
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"Following your footsteps cousin. Been in the Army for almost 6 years now and I hope I can be as great as you one day. You've always been my inspiration for when it gets tough.
-April 30 2020"
Adrian of Fort Bragg
"For the past 3 months now I have been looking for good and geniue spell to bring back my ex lover back and also help me to win lottery. and it has been a hard time for me finding the right place until I get in contact with Dr Alika who gave me powerful prayer and assured me that it will take two days before the spell will be effective, truly 2 days later, my Ex Lover rang me, i answered the call, he started apologizing, we are together Now. Thank you for making her to know that we are meet to be together and also making my dreams come true. And he did a spell that make me to win lottery. Please if any body needs LOVE SPELL,LOTTERY,PREGNANCY SPELL, DIVORCE SPELL, GET YOUR PARTNER. BACK AND MANY MORE YOU MAKE NEED. Email him now for your own help. lordalikaspelltemple@yahoo.co.uk or http://lordalikaspelltemp8.wix.com/http call him +2348072718865 All thanks goes to DR.Alika for the excessive work that he has done for me"
Tracey of ca
"Mi nombre es JEREMY.I les encanta compartir mi testimonio a todas las personas en el foro porque yo nunca pensé que voy a tener mi novia y ella significa mucho para mí .. la chica que quiere casarse para obtener me dejó 4 semanas para nuestra boda por otro hombre .., cuando la llamé nunca cogía mis llamadas, Ella me eliminan en su facebook y ella cambió su estado de Facebook de casada a simple ... cuando fui a ella a su lugar de trabajo le dijo a su jefe nunca quiere verme .. me quedé sin trabajo como resultado de esta cos i cant obtener mi mismo nunca más, mi vida estaba al revés y todo no pasó sin problemas con mi vida ... He intentado todo lo que podía hacer para tenerla de vuelta a todos no funcionó hasta que conocí a un hombre cuando viajo a África para ejecutar algunos negocios han estado desarrollando hace algunos años .. Yo le dije a mi problema y todos han pasado por conseguir en la espalda y cómo perdí mi trabajo ... me dijo que me va a ayudar ... no creo que en la primera place.but juró que me ayudará y me dijo que la razón por la que mi novia me dejó y me dijo algo oculto secrets.i quedé sorprendido cuando me enteré de que a partir de él .. él dijo que lanzó un hechizo para mí y voy a ver los resultados en el próximo par de días .. luego viajo a EE.UU. al día siguiente y lo llamé cuando llegué a casa y me dijo que él está ocupado lanzando estos hechizos y ha comprado todos los materiales necesarios para los hechizos, dijo voy a ver resultados positivos en los próximos 2 días que es jueves ... Mi novia me llamó a las 12:35 pm exactamente el jueves y se disculpa por todo lo que había hecho .. ella dijo, ella nunca supo lo que ella está haciendo y su comportamiento repentino no fue intencional y que prometió no hacerlo again.it era como estoy soñando cuando me enteré de que a partir de ella y cuando terminó la llamada, me llamó al hombre y le dijo a mi esposa llamó y me dijo que yo no he visto nada todavía ... Me dijo que yo también recuperar mi trabajo en 3 días de tiempo .. y cuando su domingo, me llamaron a mi lugar de trabajo que yo debería reanudar su trabajo el lunes y que me va a compensar el límite de tiempo pasado en casa sin trabajar .. Mi vida está en forma, tengo mi novia y estamos felizmente casados con hijos y tengo mi trabajo too.This hombre es realmente potente .. si tenemos capacidad para 20 personas como él en el mundo, el mundo habría sido un lugar mejor .. él también ha ayudado a muchos de mis amigos a resolver muchos problemas y todos son felices .. ahora estoy publicando esto en el foro para cualquiera que esté interesado en conocer al hombre para que pueda help.You enviar por correo le GREATORACLETEMPLESOLUTION@LIVE.COM no puedo dar a conocer sus cos número me dijo que no quiere ser molestado por muchas personas en todo el mundo .. dijo que su email es correcto y él será respondido a cualquier correo electrónico lo antes posible. . esperanza ayudó u demasiado .. greatoracletemplesolution@live.com buena suerte"
jeremy of New York, NY
"Marzo del 2003 George W Bush inicia la invasión al pueblo de Irak, 28 de marzo del 2003, tres marins, llegan a la puerta de mi casa en Escondido para informar que Jesús Alberto Suárez del Solar había caído en combate y muerto como un héroe al recibir un balazo en la cabeza por el enemigo apenas el día anterior 27 de Marzo, lo cual resulto una mentira, ya que descubrí que mi hijo no murió de un balazo de fuego enemigo, sino por una bomba de racimo que el mismo ejercito americano había plantado el día anterior.
Estas fechas y hechos cambiaron por completo mi vida y la de miles de seres humanos, ya hace 8 años de esto, pero parece que apenas han pasado 8 días de aquellas nefastas noticias, hoy, en Marzo del 2011 ya son mas de 4400 soldados americanos muertos en aquellas tierras de oriente, miles de familias destruidas, y miles de niños iraquíes huérfanos, sus hogares destruidos y su nación esclavizada.
Hoy en 2011 con un presidente demócrata que prometió la paz y prosperidad tanto para USA y para el pueblo de Irak, se vive la peor crisis política y económica en los últimos tiempos en suelo americano y el pueblo de Irak no ha podido encontrar la paz ni la democracia que tanto se les prometió.
Aquí en suelo estadounidense se vive una guerra tan cruel, mortal y real como la de Irak, una guerra en las calles de las comunidades hispanas, donde vivimos los migrantes ,somos hoy acosados día tras día por la migra, la policía y por políticos ultraderechistas que crean leyes racistas con tal de verse favorecidos por los votos blancos racistas. creando un ambiente de terror en las calles , en los hogares y centros de trabajo, poniendo un miedo en los rostros de los niños y jóvenes de piel morena, pero eso si, continúan cortejando a los estudiantes en sus centros escolares por medio de reclutadores militares con promesas de dinero de status migratorio y mil y un mentiras mas.
En estos 8 años he vivido muchas historias que seria muy largo relatar aquí, pero me he dado cuenta que hay amigos reales, amigos de ocasión política y enemigos encubiertos dentro del movimiento por la paz y la justicia social, ustedes se han dado cuenta que he desaparecido del lente de las cámaras, de las plumas de los periódicos, por que? No por que no haya continuado en mi lucha contra el reclutamiento militar y por el fin de la guerra con el regreso de las tropas a casa, no, sino por que organizaciones y personas mal llamadas lideres me han boicoteado , pero yo continuare en la lucha con aquellos que si confían en mi y que creen que esta lucha no tiene perfil político ni afiliación partidista.
En 8 años he visitado cientos o quizás miles de escuelas através del mundo tratando de convencer a los jóvenes de que la milicia y la guerra no es la respuesta para la paz ni para superarse en la sociedad, y continuare haciéndolo en aquellas escuelas donde sea invitado. Hemos realizado varias actividades tratando de llamar la atención de la comunidad, hicimos caminatas, ayunos, plantones, etc., y se que logramos despertar algunas conciencias entre los mas vulnerables, los jóvenes. Y eso para mi ya es un triunfo.
Desgraciadamente hoy se viven tiempos muy difíciles en el mundo entero, hay problemas económicos severos , Japón esta en un crisis de desastre nuclear muy peligrosa , Libia con una guerra civil cruenta, y así varios temas roban la atención de los medios y hacen a un lado las muertes, la destrucción del hombre por el hombre en las guerras inventadas por USA.
Hoy a 8 años del inicio de la masacre en Irak, de la muerte de mi hijo Jesús y la de mas de 4400 jóvenes americanos y la de miles de inocentes Iraquíes, Hoy se inicia otra aventura bélica de USA en Libia en nombre de la democracia y la paz, coincidencia o reincidencia? por eso pido al pueblo echar una mirada a su interior y preguntarse, vale la pena vivir así? Vale la pena tanta sangre derramada? Vale la pena hacer la vida imposible a los migrantes ? Vale la pena cerrar escuelas y despedir maestros para tener dinero para armas nucleares?
Las respuestas están en nuestras acciones hoy, no mañana!!!! Digamos BASTA y actuemos en consecuencia!!!
Fernando Suárez del Solar
Marzo 2011"
Fernando Suarez del Solar of Escondido,Ca
"I am a high school friend of jesus's and sayne's. i met both of them in high school in math class. jesus was a very funny and goofy guy. i was so hurt to hear what had happened to him. i had found out from another one of our classmates cathy flores what had happened to him. i give my sympathy to his family and especially to sayne and their son. sympathy from my family to yours.... joshua, joy, jocelyn and joseph......."
Joy Soriano of Las Vegas, NV
"brother i will never forget you It was a honor to serve with you"
Gerardo ramirez sepulveda of phoenix arizona
"March 27th 2003 is a day I will never forget. I watched what happened to this Marine from my vehicle about 300 yards away. His service to his country will never be forgotten and neither will his name. I didn't know this Marine personally but he is in my thoughts daily and will be forever. I am very sorry for your loss and pray you continue to be strong just like your son! Semper Fi and God Bless!!!
Rick Collier Jr
1st LAR Bn
OIF 2003"
"”Honor and Remember” - “Project Compassion” We love our Soldiers! We love our country and we cannot express enough love and compassion to the families of our fallen heroes. War does not discriminate – It breaks our hearts to see the faces of the fallen. We want to give this gift to the hero’s Mother, Father and/or spouse. We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization! Almost 2,100 portraits have been completed and shipped to the parents and or spouse - at no cost as this is a gift from one American to another!
This is a gift! We have wonderful sponsors who help with the costs, and want you know that everyone here at Project Compassion does and will always CARE.
Contact us directly at Projectcompassion@manti.com or go to www.heropaintings.com . If you have already had a portrait completed, we pray that you are enjoying the portrait and God Bless You.
Sincerely and Respectfully,
Projectcompassion@manti.com of Manti, Utah, USA
"I happened to recognize Jesus's face from a video memorial with the faces of fallen marines. I went to high school with him at San Pasqual my freshman year. He was a wonderful and kind person who always had a smile on his face which made everyone always feel comfortable around him. He was very nice to me and he barely even knew me. I was very quiet in school and Jesus always talked to me and tried to make me smile. He had a very good heart. I remember he was dating Sayne, it breaks my heart to learn that they were only married for a short while and had a little boy together who wont ever get to spend time with his wonderful father. My sympathy and prayers go out to Sayne, their boy and Jesus's family. I admire and respect his father for all that he has done and continues to do for peace and to honor his son. God bless."
Jenny (Henderson) Rhoades of Fort Worth, TX
"May God be with your family and all serves men and women"
Janelle Lackey of Huntsville, Al., USA
"Mr. Suarez
I found this site today, and found your son's page. My husband's brother, MGSGT Joseph Menusa, was KIA on March 27th 2003, the same day as your son. I just want you to know that on the 27th of March of every year, your family will never grieve alone."
Leonor Gomez Kenny of Corcoran, Ca. USA
"May God Bless you all. I am so sorry for your loss."
Leila Shipman of Texas
"Hoy cumpliria 26 años mi hijo jesus, cuya vida fue arrebatada por la nefasta guerra en Irak. Gracias a quienes lo recuerdan"
Fernando Suarez del Solar
It was an honor to serve with you. You were a good man, a good Marine. You did us all proud. I know you have your place in heaven, you served your time in hell with us all. One day I will serve by your side once more.
Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Frater Infinitas
Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever"
Cpl. Kam Waling of Lacey, WA
"I was in Jesus' Company when he died in Iraq. We thought we were invincible and that nothing could hurt us. When this happened, it hit me in my core. I was one of the first Marines in the Company to meet his son shortly after he was born. He was a great Marine and a bright spot on the face of humanity. God bless you all and rest in peace my brother."
Sgt Chuck Vroman, USMC of Fredericksburg, VA
5 years, 4,000 fallen, hundreds of thousands of victims.
5 years ago when my son Jesús Alberto had just passed, I felt rage against the president and against the system. Today, after 5 years of grief, of watching the suffering, of seeing and feeling pain, of seeing blood in Iraq, of seeing children mutilated by our bombs and by our soldiers, of watching parents like me anguish over their loss, of seeing brave young people return from Hell and speak out against the war, of seeing the orphans and the widows, of seeing the apathy of the people in the streets, I feel great pity, much sorrow, and terrible helplessness.
Yes, sorrow for the American people who still applaud as a hero this cocky, criminal, and ignorant president.
Sorrow for the nation that abandoned the struggle for justice and against the deaths, a nation that loses itself in sports and daily cares without seeing beyond their own home.
Sorrow for a nation that has a rapacious wolf heading its government, yet does not take to the street to demand the truth.
Sorrow for those who are betting all hope on a new president who will be welcomed as a savior without realizing that only we ourselves can save the nation with our daily acts of tolerance and respect for life.
Sorrow for this great nation that today finds itself divided among fundamentalists, conservatives, and liberals without realizing that divisions only make the criminals bolder.
Pity for the victims of this insane war.
Pity for those young people who were full of hope and now find their dreams shattered and only have their memories of the horrors of war.
Pity for the orphans and the mothers of those who have fallen.
Helplessness because I have failed to make young people understand that the war and violence must end, that the only solution and sole weapon against injustice is not war or violence or bullets but only education, tolerance, and respect for others.
What a shame that my voice resounds only in my own heart!!
How many corpses will it take to wake us up?
How many more orphans will it take to get us to take action?
How much more blood before we all drown in this nightmare?
How many schools will be closed, leaving the next generation uneducated?
Fernando Suárez Del Solar. Mar-08
Proyecto Guerrero Azteca por la Paz
Fernando Suarez del Solar of Escondido,California
"Se repite en Español
An Invitation to a wonderful birthday party
November 16, 1982--a sunny day with hearts full of joy--is the day Jesús Alberto Suárez del Solar Navarro was born. On that day my life swelled with happiness, for my son, with his tiny face swollen and smiling, came into the world.
A year passed before I saw him again. He smiled at me with his chubby face, his curly hair, and his bright eyes. I brought him a gift--a plastic baseball bat and ball. He was so thrilled that my eyes filled with tears seeing him so happy.
Ever since then, every November 16, there were smiles and joy in our lives. I will never forget watching him grow, seeing him become a man with strengths and weaknesses, being there as he fulfilled his dreams.
The last birthday we spent with my son was November 16, 2002. Another birthday party but this one with friends, family, and my new grandson Eric, the son of Jesús and his wife Saen, and I saw my son reborn.
Today, November 16, 2007, my son would have been 25 years old. But an unjust and early death stopped him from reaching that age.
On this day, I know he is at my side. In the breeze that warms my face I feel his embrace, I see him in the butterflies, I hear him in the birds' songs. In every child I see in the street, I see his smile. In every young person I see in the schools, I watch him dreaming.
25 years have passed since his birth and it has been 5 years since the war took him from us. I still miss him and need him at my side, and I continue to weep everyday. Today, I will not go to his grave because he is not in that cold ground but in the wind, in my heart, and in my memories. He has not died but lives in a better place. He left behind a great lesson of selflessness and love.
Friends, I invite you to my son's birthday party where there will be much love, peace, serenity, and joy. I ask that you bring the best of all birthday presents: your smiles, your welcoming heart, and above all your hopes for a better world.
Location: The whole world
Time: The whole day
Attire: White
Thank you for joining me in this birthday celebration for my beloved Aztec warrior.
Fernando Suarez Del Solar.
(Translated by Jorge Mariscal)
Invitación a una gran fiesta de cumpleaños.
16 de Noviembre de 1982, un día lleno de sol y alegría en muchos corazones, ese día nació Jesús Alberto Suárez del Solar Navarro, y ese día mi vida se lleno de alegría, había nacido mi hijo, mi hijo varón, con su carita amoratada, hinchada, sonreía el a la vida.
Cuando tuve la oportunidad de verlo de cerca ya había pasado 1 año, lo vi, y el me sonrió con su carita regordeta, su pelo rizado y sus ojitos vivarachos, yo le llevaba un regalo, un bate de béisbol de plástico y una pelota, el se alegro tanto que mis ojos se humedecieron de la alegría al verlo tan contento.
Desde entonces, cada 16 de Noviembre siempre había sonrisas, alegría en nuestras vidas, verlo crecer, verlo formarse en un ser humano lleno de virtudes y defectos, verlo realizando sus sueños, esos momentos nunca se borraran de mi memoria.
Llego el 16 de Noviembre del 2002, fiesta de cumpleaños, amigos, familia y ya un nieto producto del amor de mi hijo y su esposa Saen, mi nieto Eric, sonreía a todo momento, y en el veía yo como mi hijo se reproducía, ese fue el ultimo cumpleaños de mi hijo que pasamos en familia.
Hoy, 16 de Noviembre del 2007 mi hijo cumpliría 25 años de edad, pero una muerte prematura, injusta no lo dejo llegar a esta edad.
Hoy, en su día, yo se que esta a mi lado, en la brisa, en el viento que acaricia mi cara siento aquellas caricias que el me daba cada mañana, en las mariposas lo veo a el, lo veo cantar en los trinares de los pajarillos, en cada niño que he visto hoy en la calle, lo he visto a el sonreírme, en cada adolescente que me encuentro en las escuelas, lo veo a el soñando.
Han pasado ya 25 años de su natalicio, han pasado ya casi 5 años que la guerra me lo arrebato, pero yo aun lo extraño, lo necesito tanto a mi lado que no he podido dejar de llorarlo cada día, hoy no fui a su sepulcro, no, porque en esa tumba fría no esta el , el esta en el viento , el esta en mi corazón y en mis memorias, el VIVE, mi hijo no ha muerto , solo se mudo de casa a una mejor y me dejo una gran enseñanza de amor y entrega.
Amigos, los invito a la fiesta de cumpleaños de mi hijo, donde habrá mucho amor, paz, serenidad, alegría, los invito a que cada uno de ustedes traiga sus mejores regalos de cumpleaños, sus sonrisas, su corazón abierto al amor, y sobretodo les pido que traigan la esperanza de un mundo mejor.
Lugar de la fiesta, el mundo entero,
Hora, las 24 horas del dia
Vestimenta: Blanca
Gracias por acompañarme a festejar el cumpleaños de mi adorado Guerrero Azteca.
Guerrero Azteca Peace Project
PO Box 300221,Escondido,CA 92030-0221
Fernando Suarez del Solar of Escondido,Ca
"A la Familia Suarez Del Solar Navarro:
Disculpen lo tarde que envio estas lineas de consolacion por la perdida de Jesus.
No creo entender el sufrimiento que se sufre al perder un hijo, un padre, un hermano, un esposo, pero entiendo el valor y la determinacion que llevo a Jesus a tomar la decision de enlistarse en la Marina Norteamericana y por ello le saludo y agradezco su valentia al entregar su preciosa vida por un Mundo mejor, libre de Guerras y Muerte innecesaria de Inocentes.
Marzo 27, fecha de su partida, sera para mi una fecha postuma en que guardare luto pues un hermano tijuanense fallece por sus ideales en aras de Un Mundo Mejor.
Hasta Pronto " Guerrero Azteca""
Eduardo of Tijuana, Baja California
"July 4, 2007
To the family of Jesus A. Suarez Del Solar. Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV
"A wonderful speech given by Fernando Suarez Del Solar on the 4th anniversary of the War in Iraq:
Patty Mooney of San Diego, CA
"Dear Family,
If I could take ANY of your pain, I would readily absorb it. My thoughts are with you, especially in the deep, dark hours - know, you are not alone. We are pulling for you here in Indy.
Home Alive in 2007!"
Willie of Indianapolis
"Hermano: Como me hubiera gustado estar contigo, conocerte, jugar, platicar, solo espero algún día estar todas juntas y que me platiquen de tí. Te envío un gran beso directito al cielo."
Roxana Suárez del Solar of México, D.F.
"Rest in Peace, brave soldier. May your family be so very proud. Thank you for our freedom. I know you are in God's arms."
Melissa Turi of Shorewood, IL
"To the family of:Jesus A. Suarez Del Solar I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015. Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga"
"On Nov 16, 2006, at 6:36 PM, Fernando Suarez del Solar wrote:
On this day, the sixteenth of November, in the year 1982 my son Jesus Alberto was born. Yes, it has been 24 years, 24 years since I experienced the greatest joy of my life seeing him born, his tiny face wrinkled and smiling. And as the days passed I saw him become a beautiful child with a warm heart and gentle ways. His first year passed, and I recall playing baseball with him when the bat was taller than he was. I remember him laughing, barely able to walk, but even then he took the bat in his hands and tried to hit the plastic ball. The years flew by and he became a young man, he excelled in school, and met his girlfriend at San Pascual High School in Escondido.
When he joined the Marines, he was barely 17 years old. He had already begun his own family with his wife Sain and their beautiful son Erick. But life had prepared a destiny for him very different than what he had dreamed. He was deployed to Iraq where the invasion began on March 20, 2003. Jesus was only 20 years old on March 27 when his life was cut short by a cluster bomb made in the USA. He died and so did his dreams, leaving a loving father alone and with only his memories of a wonderful son.
Today, the sixteenth of November of 2006, instead of celebrating his 24th birthday, we cry because we miss him while I, his father, tremble with grief because I cannot embrace him and give him a birthday kiss. Today I say, Happy Birthday, Jesus. Today, I weep."
Fernando Suarez del Solar
Olivia Swaim-Suarez del Solar of palmdale ca/
I would like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for our Country. And to your family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deeepst sympathy.
Semper Fi Devil Dog!"
"As a former Marine 76-81, I would like to thank Jesus for his service.Thankfully he will live on not only in the Marine Corps but by his beautiful son.May God Bless and protect his family always."
Michael Thorpe of Toms River , NJ
"i was a navy corpsman, medic for marines, so i feel for all marines y especialment mi raza
doc delagarza oif3"
jose delagarza of la feria texas
"The first time I met jesus was when i was playing He was Passing through When all of a sudden my Ball got stuck on the tree luckly he was around and helped me get it off.Of what I ve heard from my brother he was always saluting or giving a kiss on the cheek. He was always heart warming.I just wish the best to his family and to his wife.Make god bless you all."
anonymous of escondido
"i feel verry bad for your loss and feel bad for his wife and child he lft behind i think what bush is doing to thousands of young people destroying there lives f0r his so called weapons of mass destruction its wrong for so many young children here in the states to lose parents and family etc for a stupid cause i think you should speak your mind the way the woman sheena did make posters flyers speak to the world not only for your familys tragic loss but let the world know its wrong be not only a voice for your son but be a voice for other fallen soldiers as well beacuse if we do not come together as people we shall perish as fools my prayers are with you your family his wife and child god bless merry christmas be safe"
heidi of chicago
"Señor Fernando Suarez Tengo el gusto de averlo conocido en su visita a mi escuela. Le doy las gracias por lo que esta haciendo con el proyecto guerrero azteca. Le respeto mucho y tenga por seguro que su empeño esta dando resultados. Le respeto de todo corazon"
Jose J Guzman of Chicago IL
"Jesus was unable to be at our graduation from Valley high school, we all talked of him being in boot camp already. my heart goes out to his family as i went to school with his wife also. Always a heartwarming person to be around, he will be missed."
nick of escondido
"I start off with my deepest apologies to the family of Jesus A. Suarez Del Solar. I was one of the Corpsman in his company who was at his side. I have thought of Lcpl Suarez's sacrifice constantly since that day in March. I would like his son Erik to know that his father was a true "Warrior" and we did everything we knew how to bring his father back home."
"Doc" Shaun Wistrom of Seattle Washington
"I rememeber the day I read about Jesus' death in Iraq. I was a senior in high school so set in protesting this war, knowing that my good friends would be fighting it one day and for no honorable reason. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend Jesus' funeral and to witness the amazing outpouring of grief from the community during his funeral procession.
I want to thank you Mr. Solar for raising such an amazing young man and for continuing to fight in his memory so that one day people will not have to experience the tragic loss that has affected your family.
My grandfather, a three war veteran and my grandmother, a survivor of war in Japan, have shown me that war may have its benefits, but the innocent people caught in the crossfire make it rarely justifiable.
Jesus' memory and the campaign by you have inspired me. So with all the nasty things being said about you, I would like to say thank you for helping me find where my passions and ideals lie and I hope the future brings only the best to you and your family."
Amanda of Carlsbad, CA
"que dios guarde sualma en el cielo y bendiga siempre al hijo y al padre que seguira sus pazos que jesus cmino antes de morir"
maria of escondido
"Thank you Jesus for the gift of freedom. My family will think of you everyday and find peace in knowing that you are that bright star that sparkles above. God Bless you and your loving family. Semper Fi Marine"
The Shaw Family of Pasadena, Maryland
"For the loving family of Jesus A. Suarez Del Solar: "God, divine good, does not kill a man in order to him eternal Life, for God alone is man's life. God is at once the center and circumference
of being. It is evil that dies; good dies not." (Mary Baker Eddy, SCIENCE AND HEALTH WITH KEY TO THE SCRIPTURES)
Jesus A Suarez Del Solar is not gone. Our dear ones, though we do not see them, go on--their individuality, their creativity, love, idealism, all go on under the care of divine Love.
This does not mean that we abandon the struggle for justice, for right political policies. We have the right and the duty, each in our own way, to do so. We must make demands on those in leadership positions--demands that they conduct national and international policy in a righteous, sane manner.
My own prayers are for the recognition that there is a power and intelligence and rightness higher than that in human government.
Prayers for your very good work, Mr. Del Solar, as you go about the country talking to everyone. Thank you for your character and love."
Erin Snow of Seattle, Washington, USA
"I was a Marine in Jesus's company when he was killed. The short period of time that i knew him over a course of about a year, i learned very much about him. there was nothing he wouldn't do for somebody, no matter what they needed. Jesus's death has taught me so much. Mainly how precious and possibly short life can be. with my deepest thoughts and prayers."
Philip "Da Welder" Bridges of Danville, va
"To the friends and family of Jesus A. Suarez Del Solar:
It is so hard to read of these soldiers who leave behind childreen, but at least you will always have that peice of him. I am so sorry for your tragic loss. Your loved ones sacrifice will never be forgotten. Know that you are never greiving alone. My husband was also KIA in Iraq. Jesus is a HERO!!!"
Sarah Linden of Portland, OR USA
"RIP Marine"
Petty Officer Cawthon of RTC Great Lakes ,IL
"To Remember Them..In loving Memory..Its been a year..
At the rising of the sun and at its going down, We remember them.
At the blowing of the wind and in the chill of Winter, We remember them.
At the opening of buds and in the rebirth of Spring, We remember them.
At the blueness of the skies and in the warmth of Summer, We remember them.
At the rustling of leaves and the beauty of Autumn, We remember them.
As long as we live, they too will live;
for they are now a part of us, as we remember them.
Rest in Peace Dear Soldier! We will NEVER FORGET!"
The Grogan Family of Lakeland, TN
"Corporal Suarez Del Solar, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas
"We Will NEVER FORGET !" As the first anniversary of the death of your loved one arrives;
Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering all your family and loved ones in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Jesus, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you. Pat & Sandi B from Montana "
"Gracias por el sacrificio tan grande que han presentado en el altar de la libertad. El dia vendra cuando ya no habran mas guerras. Le pido a Dios que les de la fortaleza de soportar esta perdida tan grande y tambien le pido que me de la mitad del coraje y valor de su hijo cuando llegue mi hora.
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"
LT Eduardo Gomez of Sicily, Italy
"Thank you Jesus Suarez Del Solar, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios
"Me gustaría que supiesen que todos los que supimos de su muerte lo sentimos mucho.A pesar de conocerle tan sólo por imágenes, se aprecia que era una gran persona.Ha sido una gran pérdida.Mucho ánimo para toda su familia."
Ana of España
"To the family of Lance Corporal Jesus Suarez del Solar: He was a fine-looking young man and it is clear he has a lovely, caring family. I feel so helpless and angry when these strong young people are taken. Nothing to compare with the grief you all must feel so deeply, but I do share it with you. He is a hero to me and to the millions who are so grateful to him for leaving the comforts of home to protect his family, loved ones and country. God bless him, always, and give him peace, and watch over his wife and baby and family. And to his father: I understand why you made that trip. Bless you all."
Guinotte Wise of La Cygne, KS, USA
"Sr.Cesar A Navarro.
Muchas gracias por sus palabras, es un verdadero honor para mi familia recibirlas de un heroe como usted.
que dios lo bendiga.
Si gusta usted o cualquier persona contactarme mi correo es
Fernando Suarez del Solar of Escondido,CA.
"My name is Cesar A. Navarro. I am a Vietnam Veteran wounded in the jungles of Vietnam. When I heard Mr. Fernando Suarez del Solar's speech on C-Span, it broke my heart. A couple of months ago I attended the memorial ceremony of another great Hispanic hero, Marine Lance Corporal Medellin, the first soldier from Fort Worth Texas killed in Irak. This time the loss of Jesus Suarez del Solar Navarro has touched me profoundly because he was a Navarro. I was not a citizen of this country when I was drafted and sent to Vietnam, a case similar to that of another soldier recently killed in Iraq, Marine Lance Corporal Gutierrez. He was a Guatemalan orphan who came, as many of us did, in search of the American dream. Mr. Fernando Suarez, I feel your pain and I will make sure that your son's story of heroism will never be forgotten. Jesus was a Navarro as well. We, the Navarro family, come from a long dynasty of heroes that goes back to the conquest of Italy by Colonel Francisco Navarro to the last battle fought by the French in Vietnam by Colonel Navarre, resulting in the loss of the Indochine territory. I have dedicated my book "A Soldier without a Country" to the memory of our brave Hispanic soldiers whose names cover most of the granite Vietnam Wall in Washington DC. May God grant Jesus A. Suarez del Solar Navarro a place in His Glory and protect our young soldiers in harms way. Most of all, may He grant compassion and wisdom to our leaders to bring them home alive.
My deepest sympathy,
Cesar A. Navarro
USAF Vietnam Veteran 1965-1969"
Cesar A. Navarro of Wichita Kansas, USA
"To the family of Lcpl Suarez,
I cannot tell you how upset I was when I found out about Jesus death. He was a great friend of mine while we were in S.O.I. Im only sorry my condolences come some late."
Lcpl Oropeza, Daniel of Oxnard,Ca
"Gracias a todos por sus bellas palabras para mi adorado GUERRERO AZTECA.
Dios les bendiga a todos."
Fernando Suarez del Solar of Escondido,CA
"I was LCpl Suarez Del Solar's company commander when he was killed in action in Iraq on March 27th, 2003. His death struck me in a way I could never have possibly imagined, and I have had occasion to think about him every day since then. During the two years I was the commanding officer of Delta Company, I spent more time with the young Marines of that unit than I did with my own wife. They became as close to me as my own family; as such, for me Jesus's death was like losing a son or a younger brother. I will always remember him as a motivated team-player, a Marine whose sole purpose all the time was to get the job done. His performance as a scout and sniper was superb, and I knew I could always count on him. He will rightfully be remembered as a hero, a Marine who stood up and did his duty when his time came. His sacrifice will not be forgotten by me nor by any of his comrades-in-arms. Semper Fidelis."
Capt S.W.B. Folsom, USMC of Monterey, California
"It was about 2 years since I last saw my Cousin Jesus. I once saw him about 200 feet away at his camp. They had their regular Sunday services at their camp church and the families where allowed to attend their services. I didn’t know that, that was going to be the last time I was going to see him alive. If only they could of let us get near them. Then I saw him almost 3 months ago at his own funeral. I didn’t have the courage to cry in front of the family at first but I knew I had to because I was not going to see him for a long time again. I guess what really hurt me the most was that I was not going to see him again until I reach the same circumstances he had reached. I really wish I had spent more time or shared more conversations with him as adults. As kids we always spend vacation time with each other as well as his 2 sisters and my 2 brothers. We used to be a bunch of troublemakers all 6 of us. I remember the last time I spend a day with him as young adults was when I visited them in Escondido and we had a picnic at a nearby lake. I wish we had more moments like that.
I would like to close my message by thanking my cousin Jesus for giving his life for our freedom. I know he did what he did thinking of our little ones including his own little boy. We all miss him and we all cry for his absence, but we all know that we will see him again. I would like to give my deepest condolences to my uncles Rosa and Fernando, his wife Sane, and the rest of our Family. I love you all (Los Quiero a todos).
God bless you Jesus and may God have you in his Glory."
Julio Navarro (Jay) of Cudahy, Ca.
"I miss you like crazy Jesus. You may have passed away, but you'll never truely be gone, you'll always live in my heart. I know I'll see you again some day. I didn't say goodbye to you at the funeral, I just said "See you later" Good bye means forever, but I know I'll see you again. When it's my time to go, I'll feel safe knowing your smile will be one of the first things I see when I reach those golden gates."
Barbara Underwood of Escondido, CA
"Our prayers are with your family during this difficult time. Thank you brave soldier, your courage and sacrifice will nerver be forgotten."
Ken and Maritza Holley of Pembroke Pines, Florida
"I followed the war on tv and in the local paper. As a former Marine and Scout with the 1st Light Armored Recon Battalion, Bravo Company, I was deeply saddended to see a member of the LAR community killed in combat. I pray for your family and Gods bleesing upon you all. God Speed, Mitch Sanchez, California Highway Patrol Officer."
Mitchel Sanchez of San Diego, Ca.
"You gave your life in an effort to free the world of terrorism. You are a hero not just to Americans, but to all mankind. From the parents of a brother Marine in the 1st Marine Division, 1st LAR."
The Skerritt Family of Sparks, NV
"My uncle was a Marine who was killed in WW II in the Pacific, long before I was born. My father was 10 when it happened, and it was very difficult for the family. I grieve with you for your loss, but I'm encouraged by the letter from Fernando, el padre de Jesus. You and your family have every right to be proud of a son who gave his life for his adopted country. God bless you all."
Martin of California, USA
"To the family and friends of Lance Cpl. Jesus Suarez Del Solar:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Jesus for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada
"To the family and friends of Lance Cpl. Jesus Suarez del Solar:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Jesus, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera, of Powder Springs, Georgia
"I want to thank you for putting a picture of Jesus Alberto Suarez del Solar. I dont know what to say but he was my hero since my self and i shared alot of moments to getheir i will always love and remember my cousin Jesus"
Armando Navarro of Cudahy , C.A
"RIP Brave Marine"
The Taylors, USMC of NC