21, of Troy, Montana.
Smith died as result of enemy action in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. He was assigned to 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. Died on December 23, 2004.
Please send information, photos, and corrections for Marine Cpl. Raleigh C. Smith.
Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.
Please report inappropriate messages
"Corporal Raleigh Smith, (Red), I remember patrolling the streets with you in Iraq in 2003. You were a "boot" but it was first time in war for the both of us. I was devastated to hear of your death after I returned home and became a civilian. A part of me feels like I let you down by not re-upping and going back with 3/5 on the 2nd tour. I'm sorry my brother. I wont forget you. I live each day to my upmost ability to be positive and remember the sacrifice you made. I carry your memory with me and I hope you look down on us and are proud. Rest easy my brother.
Sgt. Joshua Johnson, WPNS CO. 3/5 81mm"
Joshua Johnson of Colorado Springs, CO. USA
"To the family of:Raleigh C.Smith
I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015.
Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga""
"I will remember you forever. the good times. the bad times. you will never be far from my heart. you were the best friend a person could ask for. you are greatly missed by all who knew you"
J of Troy Mt
"I have something for raleighs family. my best friend is a recording artist from nashville and wrote a song titled raleigh and would like to play in his hometown of troy. if you have any contact information please email me at joe@acesuptheband.com. here in washington everyone knows about him through song. and we want to share with his family thank you"
Joe Hiles of Puyallup, WA
"If anyone wants to see what Raleigh was like growing up, copy and paste this link in a new window. http://www.facebook.com/v/1519738310856 This video was made for his memorial service and captures the laughter and love Raleigh shared for his friends. I try everyday to be a better person and better the world around me because of him. He will always be with me and in the hearts of all those who knew him."
Ryan Jellesed
"I still remember you brother, everyday."
"You are always in my thoughts"
"I still think of you often, I will never forget you and the times we shared"
"Dear Raleigh, words can not express what I mean. I really wish I was able to get to know you as a person. I knew you as a cousin but never connected. Raleigh, thank you for being the best marine ever! You have inspired my sons to be marines and to fight for freedom. Thank you....We will see you soon!"
Amber Romero of Spirit Lake, Idaho
"When a Fallen Hero comes back home to a small mountain town like Troy, Montana, everybody hurts. All feel the loss, the sadness and mostly, pride. I have no doubt I can ask anyone in Troy, "Who is Raleigh C. Smith?", to which they would reply, "He's a Marine from this small town, who has given his life for his God, his family and his country!". However, no amount of community pride can fill the absence of a son, brother and friend. My condolences to the Corporal's family and friends."
SSgt Eric Nomee (USAF) of Home Town: Troy, Montana
"Hey Raleigh I just found this site and thought of you. My most fond memory of you is when we went fishing in Callahan creek and you fell and hit yer head and sacred the * out of me. I thought for sure I 'd have to pack you out of the canyon . Yer eyes were as big as paper plates. lol. I'll see you when I get there.......... Hawk"
Hawk Powell of Troy Mt USA
"I'll never forget you Brother....."
"December 21, 2008
To the family of Cpl. Raleigh C. Smith:
Raleigh gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV
"I love you and I miss you."
"Eric... James... Raliegh... Forever Remembered, Never Forgotten..."
JBP of Avon, IN
"Most people don't know or relize what we went through,you know I miss you so much and the times we shared. I think about you and the last time I spent with you; I talked with you and only days later both of our lives were changed. You know I speak of this because we were both there, and share the same thoughts. I will never forget you, and I know some day I will see you again. Thanks for some of the best times of my life section 8.................."
"I miss you"
"I was a real friend of Smith, trust me. I went with him through SOI and into the Fleet; I look to him."
"I was there, and so were you,we both know what went on, thanks"
"First of all, he is not a soldier, he is a MARINE, RED, thanks for the great times I will never forget you"
"Hey Raleigh,
I just came across this sight again after a couple years and decided to tell You whats new. Now not only do I have the priveledge of calling you my mentor and friend, but my fellow Marine. I just want you to know that I looked up to you greatly and had much respect for you. It is the Marines like you who make these sacrifices and contributions that gives us new Marines the drive and pride to continue on with the corp's traditions and keep our country safe. I wont ever forget you Raleigh. Cody DeWitt of Troy Montana."
PFC Cody A DeWitt of 2nd Mar Div 2nd AAV C Co 2nd Plt 26th MEU
"There is not a day that goes by that i do not think of you. Miss you bro!"
"Dear Raleigh's Mom and your family all,
I am a Chinese mom and a born-again Christian, I absolutely understand your feelings. because, I am also strongly missing my son -John Gao, a teenage Christian who laid down his own 15.6 year life for his classmates two year ago in the Atlantic Beach Currents.
But, we should have steadfast faith that our dear sons never "dead" to let us lose them. they just rest in the Lord' Arms due to their sacrifice for others (“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13 “) and their faith in the Lord and their love to all of us during their lives in this world . we will reunite with them someday in Eternal Kingdom by the Lord Faithful Promise, let's expect that day joyfully and peacefully. Amen !
May the peace, joy from the Lord be with you and your family !
Grace of Flushing, NY/U.S
"I am so sorry for you loss. WE are here as family members to keep their memories alive.
Semper Fi Marine you are guarding the gates of Heaven now with your fellow brothers
I'm the sister of L/Cpl George L. Dramis
KIA Beirut, January 30, 1984"
Dana Dramis-Simpson of Rockport, TX
"Alright dude...if your reading this right now, just remember you were a kick * guy and a kick * marine. You would have given the shirt off your back for anyone, and we all remember that. I always knew you would take over our squad when I left. Peace out brotha...I'll see ya when its my time too."
fellow marine from 3/5 of WA
Sorry it took me so long to find this website. I'll never forget the times that we had together whether fighting or laughing. We seemed to do alot of both. Not bad fighting, just teasing. I want you to know you're in my thoughts and I will see you when I get there."
Jennie Folkerts of Troy, MT
"Raliegh, you were a great friend. We had a lot of fun times together, like when we broke through the ice and swam in the frozen pond. You really made high school fun and you're responsible for where I am today. Thank you"
Eric Storkson of Troy, MT USA
I will always remember all of the stupid stuff we did, and all of the fun we had doing it!"
Danial Storkson of Troy, MT USA
I remember the time we got drunk in Hawk's back yard, and you socked me in the face, and when I asked you why, you just said with a smile, "Cause I like ya". I remember when you first got back from over there and would drive that little black truck around with the crunched front end. I remember going to your mom's house and Ramsey would chase you out in the backyard and pin you down for no reason. I remember your laugh, your smile, your life. I remember you, I'll never forget...... Thank you for everything."
Ward Davis of Troy, MT
"My brother spoke highly of Raleigh. Dec. 23rd, 2004 was a sad day of loss."
LCpl Hillenburg Evin L
"Raleigh, i will never forget the four years i knew you in high school. you always worked so hard and i knew you would make an excellent marine. i will always remember the times "we" made fun of my bra size! lol. your dedication and sacrafice will forever be honnored. rest in peace."
lyndsay clark of troy montana
"Corporal Smith, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas
"tragically, this websight is our common bond, uniting us, in our pain and sorrow.may you find strength in the love of family, and friends.debey senska, mother of PFC.Gunnar D. Becker.1/22/1985-1/13/2005."
debey senska of forestburg s.d. USA
"Raleigh I miss you so much. You and Dustin were two of the best friends I will ever have. I am going to make you both proud. I do not know how or when, but I will make sure you both are remebered and carried on. I love you both very much.
See you when I get there,
Ryan F. Jellesed"
Ryan Jellesed of Troy, MT, USA
You where a great guy and awesome friend. I think about you alot and will always miss you. You where there and stuck up for me in school. you where fun to hang out with.I will never forget you. thanks for your sacrifice.
Your mentee and friend. Cody Dewitt"
Cody Alan Dewitt of Troy Montana
"To Raliegh's Family and Friends:
On behalf of the Blanco-Caldas family, we send our sincerest condolences. We share the same loss ... the same pain. Our prayers are with you in this most difficult time and we thank you for your soldier's bravery and sacrifice.
The Family of Capt. Ernesto M. Blanco-Caldas, 82nd Airborne
KIA Iraq 12/28/2003.
Gloria Caldas (The Big Ern's Mom) of San Antonio, Texas
"Cpl Raleigh C. Smith is from TROY, Montana, NOT Lincoln. Troy is located in Lincoln COUNTY. Thank you for letting me correct that. Troy is a beautiful community that is heartbroken over the loss of our brave marine. Raleigh, we will never forget."
C. of Troy, Montana USA
"I am sure that words can barely touch the surface of the grief that your family is feeling, but please know that we are grateful that Raleigh stood in service to our country. You are in our thoughts and prayers."
The (Losack) Watt Family of Phoenix, AZ
Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Raleigh, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you ALWAYS. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "
"To the family and friends of Corporal Raleigh C. Smith,
Those we hold most dear, never truly leave us. May you find comfort in love's everlasting connection.
In the Support section of this web site you will find links to many groups that support you at this crucial time. The Marine Comfort Quilt group would be honored to send a quilt to the next of kin. There are many, loving and caring Americans from all over the United States that will never forget the sacrifice that your loved one has made for our Freedom. Please use our link and register so we can send you our "Love Stitched Together."
Proud Marine Mom and Proud Member of Marine Comfort Quilts"
Sandra Moudy of Placentia, California USA
"Thank you Raleigh for defending the freedom we all cherish. Your family can take solice in knowing that when they close their eyes for the last time, standing before them with open arms will be their Raleigh. God Bless you. From a very grateful American family"
The Shaw family of Pasadena, Maryland
"Thank you Raleigh Smith, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios
"To the family and friends of Cpl. Raleigh Smith:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Raleigh for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada
"To the family and friends of Cpl. Raleigh Smith:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Raleigh, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia