26, of Homestead, Florida.
Segura died as a result of enemy action in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. He was assigned to 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, California. Died on November 9, 2004.
Please send information, photos, and corrections for Marine Lance Cpl. Juan E. Segura.
Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.
Please report inappropriate messages
"Damn tio can't believe ur gone but it's always the good who leave us !!"
Emily ur niece
"I Miss you so much.. best uncle anybody could ever ask for, just give me a sign that there is hope every now and then I sure do need it. I have a super smartand amazing daughter who is about to be 4 in August 16th watch over here for me please. Love you man - your nephew Bubba"
Your nephew of Homestead
"Another year down and another year of remembrance. I miss you big man, there is so much that I would have wanted you to see. I would have loved for you to meet my wife and kids and meet yours when the time came. Dude you would be so miserable at how terrible the Dolphins are! It would be comical. I miss you brother. Keep my place warm"
Michael Van Hove of Quincy IL
"A lot of time has passed. My life has changed, and for better or worse I cannot help but wonder where yours might have taken you. Just know that the short life you lived was an adventurous one. You saw the world with good friends by your side. I still remember you, and I know there are many more who do to."
Jay C. K3/1
"My brother what do I even say? I miss you and thank you. Here I sit drinking a beer in your name remembering all the good times we had in the brief time we knew each other. I love you dude. RIP"
Mike Van Hove of Chicago, Illinois
"Today I participated in the RUN FOR THE FALLEN in Tampa. I ran in memory of Juan. He will never be forgotten."
Pam Bureau of The Villages, FL
"Brother I miss you everyday. I can't wait for the day when we can again tell stories of our past and I can thank you for watching over me and my family since November 9th 2004. I love and miss you my dude. LCpl Van Hove"
Mike Van Hove of Chicago, Illinois
"To the family: If you ever need something send a email, have pics of us in Iraq as well, I was in 3rd plt 2nd sqd. You're never forgotten Devil Dog!
Semper Fi LCpl Segura"
LCpl Briones of Cali
"Juan I miss you so much brother. You were my senior Marine and an amazing boxer. I learned a lot from you esp. How to push myself. There's not a day I don't think of you and our other fallen brothers. I love you Devil Dog. And to Segura's family, I miss him and though we haven't met you hav another marine supporting you whenever you need it. We served together from the time I arrived at 3/1 until Fallujah. Amazing Marine, amazing person and amazing friend he was and will always be. God bless you LCpl Segura, oorah!"
LCpl Briones of Cali
"steve..after all these yrs uve been gone..i still cant forget u.. i guess sum1 as specaial as u can never be forgotten..i remember 1 day u called me and was like..have u and the kids eaten yet and i said no..u said i will be there in 10 mins..and u were..i will never forget how u put me and my babies first for a very long time..i miss u everyday..and i wish just once that id have the chance to tell u how much u really meant to me..it still hurts me not to be able to tell u what i felt and feel for u..hopefully 1 day i can look into ur eyes and tell u..u meant the world to me! i miss you till this day with all my heat sumtimes ur picture isnt enough.i miss u!!! soo much!!!"
carolina of miami
"Primero mas que nada I would like to take the time and give my deepest condolences to the Torres Segura Family
de parte de Juan "Tiny" Garcia
Man I miss my boy steve "el torito" torres" he showed me a lot to be the man I am today! A true friend I will forever treasure our time together. Hes the one that gave me my nickname Tiny which stuck and then he nicknamed my lil brother TJ for Tiny jr. I remember steve always got the boys together to play sports go swimming you always kept our big asses active hahaha :) I remember we be home digging for change then you rode on the handle bars while my big butt peddled the bike man that looked funny hahahhaha wit the change we got we buy little Debbie and othe ghetto snacks when we didn't have change we ate good ole mayonnaise sandwiches :) then we got that job at Checkers Burgers lol man we had fun there you used to dip the fries in mayonnaise hahhaha it was crazy dam no wonder we was gordos I miss you buddy :( man you also made me into the Dolphins fan that I am today and that's hard living in Texas now lol I remember we were bone thugs and harmony fans and like that jam says Bro " I see you at the crossroads" one day we gonna play football again and ima pinch you to get more yards hahahaha
Que Viva El Torito Que Viva!!!!! And Go Dolphins!
Tu amigo de corazon y para siempre
Juan "Tiny" Garcia"
Juan "Tiny" Garcia of Austin, Texas USA
"To the family of:Juan E.Segura
I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015.
Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga""
"On November 16 I received a letter from Juan, with tears in my eyes I read how about how much he was looking forward to homecoming. Juan, it is I that now look forward to our homecoming. Rest in peace, Love always.
Charles Farmer
Father of two US Marines and of Tyler, your buddy....God Bless."
Charles Farmer of Snohomish WA
"My wife and I participated in the Warrior Walk 2010 in Lakeland, FL on 7/31/10. I had the honor of walking for Lance Cpl. Juan E. Segura. When given his picture and info I was shocked to see he gave his life for his country on my birthday. Thank you for your gift, I won't forget you."
David Brawley of Apollo Beach, FL
"I didn't personally know anyone who was killed fighting to defend our country. But I never want to forget the sacrifices of so many young men and women. I am so proud it makes me cry at times. I understand, in theory only, that war is a part of human nature but so is love and caring. I wish I could the grieving families and friends pain away but I can't. I am committed to loving ALL people, myself and our environment. I am committed to working on my happiness everyday because so many have died for my freedom to live my life. Thank you is not enough but it is all I have. All my love and respect. ogersteiner@yahoo.com
A hundred times a day, I remind myself that my inner and outer life depends on the labors of other men, living and dead, and I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am receiving. - Albert Einstein"
Scott Edward Steiner of Worthington, OH USA
"Dear Stebe,
Ashley Marie- Veronica Mata (your cousin) of Plymouth, Indiana, USA
"November 16, 2008
To the family of Lance Cpl. Juan E. Segura:
Juan gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV
"I was also in Kilo Company 3/1 1st Plt. and knew Segura very well. He was a great individual and had a unique personality. I have so many pictures of him that every time I see them, I can't help but cry. If the family would like any pictures let me know I'll be happy to supply them. Stay strong, God Bless."
Jose "Doc" Cintron (tony_sin20@hotmail.com) of Lake Forest California
"I just wanted to stop by and tell you that you will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. You will forever be a HERO. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service. Not only did you sacrifice your life for our country, but you taught my grand daughter a life lesson that she will never forget.
Celebrate yourself with your brothers in arms up there in Heaven on this Memorial Day in your honor."
Pamela Dustin and Bree of Bakersfield, CA 93309
"It is hard to believe that it is almost 3 years. I only wish you could know how muched you touced a little girls heart. My grand daugter and you were pen pals. She was so happy to write to you.
Please know that you will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. We thank you for your service. You are on my memorial wall every year, and, we just couldn't not take this opportunity to let you know we are thinking about you. You will be 'FOREVER' A HERO!"
Pamela Dustin of Bakersfield, CA
"To say that a man has “heart” may not sound like a huge compliment.
When it is said by those known for having Heart it is a huge compliment.
On September 11th 2001, I checked in to 3rd battalion, 1st Marine regiment and was assigned to the position of Platoon Sergeant , 1st Platoon, Kilo Co.
I was Juan’s Platoon Sergeant during his first deployment and the initial invasion of Iraq.
My memories of Juan were all good. I will not lie and say that he was the best Marine I ever led. And I will not lie and say that I had ever seen a Marine with more heart.
On September 11th, I met my new Platoon which at that time consisted of maybe a dozen young men, all half my age. We spent the day watching the news together as information developed . I knew early that day that we would go to war. My god! They were so young! I was 36 and felt like a relic next to them!
In the following months we trained, and we trained hard. We all knew that our country depended on us, and we had the Marine reputation to live up to. Juan was what we call a SAW gunner. The Squad Automatic Weapon is a great piece of gear that puts a lot of bullets in the direction of the enemy very quickly. It does require a huge amount of maintenance. On our first live fire training range, I remember helping Juan clear many jams from his weapon. His SAW was old and worn out. This was a good thing because Juan learned the tricks of the trade concerning the operation of his weapon. A couple of months later I had to break the news to him that he had to give up his beat up old SAW and trade it in for a new one. To most Marines this would be good news. When I told this to Juan, you would have thought I asked him to shoot his first puppy. He had learned all the eccentricities of this temperamental weapon and was a true master. Common sense ruled out, and he traded his trusty, but old automatic rifle out for a new one. The two of them quickly found common ground and Juan was able to find love once again.
In the months to follow we were deployed on a routine Marine West Pacific cruise. During this deployment a need was found for a Marine Platoon to Support anti Terrorism operations in the Horn of Africa Area. This was high profile and I cannot tell the details of this mission for reasons of security, but I will tell you that we had to compete with other Platoons for the honor of performing this mission. We won this competition. Handily in my opinion. The unit that we were to support in this mission may, or may not have been a Spec Ops unit named after a certain Greek letter of the alphabet, and starts with a ‘D’. but then again, maybe not. I really can’t remember and if you ask me more I’ll just get dizzy and fall down. But Juan was there and a part of it!
During our time in Africa I have a very distinct memory of Juan . This part of the world has a reputation as the hottest place on planet earth. I’ve been around the world and have no reason to dispute this claim. We trained rigorously and I had no doubt that we could meet the challenges put to us. One evening, I was outside our tents and was enjoying the 110 degree evening when I saw a man running up the road wearing a sweat suit and flak jacket topped off with a wool cap. It was Juan. It seems the Marine Corps had decided that we should all appear slim and sexy in uniform. I personally never fit the image, nor pushed it on my Marines. My rule has always been “your * better be there when we need you”.
I had no doubts about Juan being there when I needed him and I know he knew that. He was just showing his heart and doing what he felt he needed to do for himself. I would have tackled a lesser man for running in that heat.
We returned from that deployment and within a month were re-deployed in support of the invasion of Iraq. Juan continued to distinguish himself as a man who could take care of himself in a tough situation. Not necessarily a super hero, but one of the guys in a group of men who didn’t need an excuse to explain how they acted in war.
When Juan was killed, I was not there. I had been re-assigned to be the chief instructor at a leadership school. When he was killed it was during a time when the evening news actually bothered to report names of the fallen. When they announced his name, I cried. And cried and cried. I had made the mistake of becoming too attached to a Platoon of Marine Infantrymen. My Wife and I have never had children. I never saw the need for children when I had so many wonderful sons. For most of his life he belonged to you. But for a while he belonged to me. And those were good times!
Jay R. Chamberlain
GySgt USMC Retired
GySgt Jay Chamberlain of Genthod Switzerland
"I am sorry for your loss. I was in Kilo 3/1 1st PLT and new steve well. He was the best friend i will ever have and i will never forget him. I am sorry for your loss"
Andrew Henderson of Edwardsville, Illinois
"To the family of Lcpl Segura:
I hold you up in my prayers. Juan will never be forgotten."
Terry Menville of Newton, TX
"In Memory of my cousin Steve A true champion in and out of the boxing ring.Fallen Soldier the song speaks for it self its a reminder that we are at war and that there are brave soldiers being killed.We love you and we miss you Juan E. Segura"
Rocky Torres of Homestead Fla
"In Memory of my cousin Steve A true champion in and out of the boxing ring.Fallen Soldier the song speaks for it self its a reminder that we are at war and that there are brave soldiers being killed.We love you and we miss you Juan E. Segura"
Rocky Torres of Homestead Fla
"To the Family and Friends of Juan,
Please know that this Veteran's Day as we do every day, you are in our prayers. You are never out of our hearts. We do our very best to honor the great sacrifice that you have made for us, and we will NEVER FORGET!!!"
The Baker Family of Victorville, CA
"We will never forget Juan. He was a penpal of one of my grand daughters. She received a letter from him about three weeks after his death. It was such a sweet and caring letter. She will treasure that forever.
Juan, you are missed."
Pamela Dustin of Bakersfield, CA
"You live on in all of our hearts. We will never forget."
The Abreu Family of (3/1 WPNS/CAAT in 2004)
"He will never be forgotten. Thinking of Segura & family today, this sad anniversary."
Janelle of Crownsville, MD
"Juan was a very good friend of my son, LCpl Justin M. Sims. He was devastated when he passed. I think of him also, as my son told me stories of the two of them in the Corp.
I can't even imagine what his family is going through, but do know that we have not forgotten Juan, or the countless others that have died for fighting for the freedom of others.
You, and your family are still in our thoughts and prayers. Always remember that."
Teri Ann of Phoenix, AZ
"Juan (Steve) was my son's Marine brother. We sent packages to Juan and received the sweetest cards of thanks from him. I will keep those cards forever. We received the last card the day before Thanksgiving in 2004 which was after his death.
We were looking forward our Marines homecoming and my plan was to hug my son first then hunt for Juan to give him a big welcome home hug. At homecoming there was incredible happiness but a sense of great sadness that Juan and others didn't return safely.
I will never forget this young man that was so grateful for our packages and he had such dreams for his future.
God Bless,
Marty Farmer
VPMM of Sgt. Tyler Farmer"
Marty Farmer of Snohomish, WA, USA
"Today is the day that we remember our Heroes like Juan who paid the ultimate price for our Freedoms. My sincere condolences to his family and friends. May God continue to Bless you with His Love and His Comfort and His Peace."
Donna Sims of Fountain Hills, AZ
"well this is his brother jose a.k.a gambino to all his friends out there go to sgbonthegrind.com and hear the song me and my cuz rocky did for him in his momory i love u and miss you so much now i think of life in a diffrent way got to make something of yourself cuz you never know when your times up so make the dayz count ."
jose angel segura a.k.a gambino of homestead fl'
"Hey cuz its me Noe I just want for you to always remember that I Love you and I will always think of you, many time we spent together, I will never forget the last time I left you at air port, everything you told me, still have all the good things we would do when you came down for the summer, its going to be hard to let go, when they told me that we had lost you, I was not able to belive it, but now that I know its true I still think of you and pray for you, just always remember you have someone who will always love you and think of you always your cuz Noe"
Noe Romero of Dallas Texas
"To LCpl Jaun Segura, family and friends.
I just learned that a former brother in arms had fallen in battle. I served in Kilo Co, 3/1 from 99-01. It seems unfair for the lord to take such a warm and caring person as Juan. My heart and prayers go out to Juan and his family. Semper Fi Marine."
Sgt Brian Danielson of Yuba City, CA
"This mess. is for Juan(aka Steve),
Thank you for always being there for me when i needed you...u were and always will be the best friend i ever had...there isnt one day that goes by that i dont think bout u...since the day u came into my life there was nothing but love for u...when i was told u were gone ..taken from us i couldnt believe it ..just thinking every day since nov.9 2004 y God needed u so soon...y he took u from us...until now that i realize u werent meant to be here at all ..not an Angel like u... u needed to go home...i want u to know i miss u soooooo much...and i will never forget u EVER!!! and to the parents of steve " i'm sorry for your loss. steve will always be missed and loved ..... i miss u and love u steve!!!!"
maria of homestead
"My heart goes out to the family of this GREAT AMERICAN MAN. My sweet niece recieved her first letter right after he passed. We all cried for him. He now is safe,loved and taken care of, and thats very important. Thank you Juan,for putting your life on the line for us."
Proud Aunt of LCpl Dustin. 3/1 India Co of Bakersfield Ca. U.S.A.
"Juan, i know that if you were still here you would have gotten more letters from me, but i do appreciate you writting me back. I am giving you and your family full sympathy.... you to me were a great soldier. You told me all of your information and when I got the news of your death it devasted me. I was so upset i couldnt talk.. all i could think was WHY!! I know that if you were still here with us that we could have been great pen pals, also i never got a chance to say thank you for fighting for me and my family.. and every single person in the world!!"
Bree Skinner of Bakersfield, CA
"Juan will forever be remembered in this household. My grand daughter decided to be pen pals with him. She was devastated when she learned of his death. A couple week later, she received a letter from Juan. I have that put away for her. She will cherish it in years to come. He is now a HERO and I am sure is looking down on all of us. I hope the family got our card and a copy of the letter he wrote to my grand daughter. My grandson was also there when Juan was there."
Pamela Dustin Proud Grandma or a Marine 3/1 India Co of Bakersfield, CA 93309
"You are missed, the deployment wasnt the same without you. You were like a brother to me and it was hard to accept you were gone. Ill never forget you.
To My Brother In Arms,
LCPL Prentice, 3/1 Kilo 3rd PLT"
LCPL Prentice of USA
"To the family of Juan Segura,
I'm so sorry for the loss of your loved one. My son served with "Segura". We sent Juan/Steve packages and he was so sweet to send us the most precious thank you cards. I will treasure them forever.
Thank you for the gift of your son/brother. He was a hero to so many including me!
Marty Farmer
Proud Marine Mom"
Marty Farmer of Snohomish, WA, USA
"To the family & friends of Juan Segura,
His service to his country will not be forgotten. My son served with Segura. He is now watching over all of you and his brother Marines."
Janelle W. of Annapolis, MD, USA
"Our Son served with yours, we are so very sorry for your loss. Please know that your family is in our hearts and prayers daily...we will NEVER FORGET!!!!"
Don and Pattie Baker of Victorville, CA
"To the family of Juan Segura,
I knew Juan nearly my entire enlistment in the marines. He was a guy you could always count for a smile or laugh. He was a great guy and a great friend. Until we meet again, he will be missed."
Patrick Robinson of Ocean Beach, CA
"To The family of Juan Segura, Hello,My name is Joseph Gary. I was very good friends with Juan.We met 4 years ago when we were both assigned to 3rd Battalion 1st Marines, Kilo co.. We used to talk alot about what we were going to do when we got out of the Marine Corps, Especially Towards the end of this most recent deployment. I can still hear his voice saying" Come on dog,Come down to Florida and box with me when we get out."
To the family of Juan, My Prayers are with you. To Juan, Please, Just know, That all your boys From 3/1 will NEVER forget you, or the sacrifice That you made. SEMPER FIDELIS MARINE, And God Bless!!!
Sgt.Joseph W.Gary 3/1 Kilo co.
"My name is Sgt. Frank A. Scherrer III I was segura's first roomate in the Marine Corps. And what I remember most is that I would always go to the gymn when my favorite tv show would come on. And when I got back to the room. He had always recorded it for me. I never asked him to do that. But he was just so courteous, and polite, that he always went the extra mile for people. When people remember thier fallen loved ones they only recognize the good things that they did. I dont have to block anything out. Everything I remeber about him is great. I will always miss him, and when I watch a boxing match i'll always remember how critical he was of the other fighters. But he never did it with lack of respect. We will see each other again."
Frank A. Scherrer III of seal beach ca
"Corporal Segura, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas
"To Juan's Family and Friends:
On behalf of the Blanco-Caldas family, we send our sincerest condolences. We share the same loss ... the same pain. Our prayers are with you in this most difficult time and we thank you for your soldier's bravery and sacrifice.
The Family of Capt. Ernesto M. Blanco-Caldas, 82nd Airborne
KIA Iraq 12/28/2003.
Gloria Caldas (The Big Ern's Mom) of San Antonio, TX
"To the family and friends of Lance Corporal Juan E. Segura,
Those we hold most dear, never truly leave us. May you find comfort in love's everlasting connection.
In the Support section of this web site you will find links to many groups that support you at this crucial time. The Marine Comfort Quilt group would be honored to send a quilt to the next of kin. There are many, loving and caring Americans from all over the United States that will never forget the sacrifice that your loved one has made for our Freedom. Please register so we can send you our "Love Stitched Together."
Proud Marine Mom and Proud Member of Marine Comfort Quilts"
Sandra Moudy of Placentia, Ca
"Your son accepted the call to keep the world from oppression. He was obviously a very giving person. He gave his life to save the life of many innocent people. Always keep his memory alive and remember young men such as your son are America's greast assets."
Edward Farmer of Kernersville, N. C.
leonard wahl of Valley Stream Long Island
""Steve"{My Big Brother}He was the best brother in law I could ever ask for. He was always there for me,Gambino,and Bubba. He was definitly a angel from up above. There are no words to say that can take this pain away from the familiy. I cant thank him enough for loving my son{his nephew]and always trying to put him in the right steps. To the familia I love u all and hope we can be strong and follow our hearts and go on as our beloved "CHAIT" would want us to enjoy life and remember him always. My baby Jose I will always be here for u ,and my two other brothers Eddie,and Sant. Love, ANGIE&BUBBA"
Angela Perez of Homestead,Fl,U.S
"~~*~~You will be missed~~*~~ when they told us that they had killed you we couldnt believe it you were so young why you? my love goes to la familia Segura de parte de la sister de la girlfriend de Juan a.k.a Steve. I never thought that this past May on my brothers b-day would be the last time we would see you. Pero someday we will see each other again and then there will be no more pain. My prayers goes to all the familiy and friends much love"
Sandra Mejia -Y- Familia Mejia of Oklahoma city
"To the friends and family of Lance Cpl. Juan Segura,
There are no words that can possibly ease your pain but please know that many across this country are grateful to your son and you. His bravery and sacrifice will never be forgotten. Please accept these words as a token of my heartfelt sorrow for your loss.
Rebecca of Los Angeles
"My deepest sympathy, our family has also suffered the loss of a precious life in this battle for freedom. May God bless you and help you through this time. Forever in our hearts a HERO Juan E. Segura."
Amy & Aaron Monier of Waterford, MI.
"rip tuefelhunden..the taylors usmc nc"
"To the family and friends of Lance Corporal Juan E. Segura,
Those we hold most dear, never truly leave us. May you find comfort in love's everlasting connection.
In the Support section of this web site you will find links to many groups that support you at this crucial time. The Marine Comfort Quilt group would be honored to send a quilt to the next of kin. There are many, loving and caring Americans from all over the United States that will never forget the sacrifice that your loved one has made for our Freedom. Please register so we can send you our "Love Stitched Together."
Proud Marine Mom and Proud Member of Marine Comfort Quilts"
Sandra Moudy of Placentia, Ca
"Thank you brave soldier for sacrificing your today for my children's safer tomorrow. You have our utmost respect and gratitude. May God provide your family with comfort in their time of sorrow. May you forever rest in Heavenly peace. Neither you nor your sacrifice will be forgotten."
a grateful family in Phoenix, AZ
"To the family of Juan;
Our sincerest condolences for your loss. Juan is a true American hero and will always be remembered by us for his bravery and ultimate sacrifice he gave to our country. Our family has also suffered the loss of my nephew in this battle for freedom. May God bless you during this difficult time."
Vic and Tammy McClain--azquail@att.net of Tucson, AZ
"Thank you for the gift of Freedom. I will honor it in your memory."
P Bell of Macon,Ga
Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Juan, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you ALWAYS. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "
"Our deepest sympathy to your family in the loss of Juan. We also lost our nephew Sgt. Andrew Brown on Oct. 8, 2004. The days ahead of you will be hard. But we always have our memories. God bless you and your family."
Colleen Kelly of Pleasant Mount, Penna.
"To Juan's family;
As a Former Marine myself and the father of two active duty Marines I wish to express my families deepest sympathies to you for your loss at this time. It is hard I know to lose these fine young men as we try to bring peace and freedom to a troubled area of the world. Your son is surely missed not only there but with everybody he has served with. I truly believe that he resides in heaven now and with the knowledge of the resurrection you and he will be reunited. May God bless you and help you through this difficult time. william.hardy@prodigy.net"
Bill Hardy of Colorado springs, Co
"To Juan's Family:
There are no words to express the sorrow we feel for your loss. May God bless you and help you through this time."
Dan and Meg Manninen of San Antonio, Texas
"To Juan's Family and Friends:
On behalf of the Blanco-Caldas family, we send our sincerest condolences. We share the same loss ... the same pain. Our prayers are with you in this most difficult time and we thank you for your soldier's bravery and sacrifice. Que el Seņor les bendiga.
The Family of Capt. Ernesto M. Blanco-Caldas, 82nd Airborne
KIA Iraq 12/28/2003.
Gloria Caldas (The Big Ern's Mom) of San Antonio, TX
"Thank you Juan Segura, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios
"To the family and friends of Lance Cpl. Juan Segura:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Juan for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada
"To the family and friends of Lance Cpl. Juan Segura:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Juan, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia