25, of Hope, Arkansas.
Rosenbaum in Baghdad, Iraq, when an improvised explosive device hit his convoy vehicle. He was assigned to the 4th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas. Died on September 18, 2004.
Please send information, photos, and corrections for Army Sgt. Thomas C. Rosenbaum.
Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.
Please report inappropriate messages
"January 27th, 2025
Ty is 25 today. I know you are so proud of him. He reminds me of you so much. Love you & miss you so much!"
Mom of Hope, AR
"Christmas 2024, the holiday began yesterday as friends from Italy chimed in and then it will continue throughout the day. I know there were cellphones while you were here but now cellphones have changed the dynamic of everything. In the old days, you’d all gather in one household or sometimes two, and at a predetermined time the people who couldn’t make it would call and we would all gather about the phone listening quietly for tidbits.
Then the phone would be passed about. Now, members of units, retired veterans you have made friends with that you never served with will mass-text messages until you end up looking like the Grinch, gnashing your teeth together and just asking “Why can’t you just text each person individually if you’re so full of Christmas cheer?” Some come at all hours of the night as time zones play into the grand scheme of things until you’re cursing like a Looney Tunes cartoon villain.
Some are easily forgiven once you get there and realize who they are and you smile. I have emojis turned off on my phone but there are times I wish I had them so I could send them back. Emojis, what are those? Oh yeah forgot. Sorry, never mind they’re kind of silly. Heather’s mom called as I have been typing these this morning so my coffee is cold and I am already exhausted. (Kidding) Not about the coffee sadly.
So, I had a wild dream last night, yes on 25 December sometime after midnight I was dreaming about us down in the sticks on FT Hood. We were on one of those wild details, you were running firefighters, I had guards and Charlie had ammunition. We were supporting range operations for Bradley Live Fire. It had been raining and we were only supposed to be supporting no more than 2 ranges at a time as we were stretched thin.
We ended up supporting 3 and were cold, and wet and had a fire going down in a depression when you walked up and were trying to get wet wood to burn and not smoke a lot so as not to tip off the command and range control. You arrived just as the pizza we had ordered showed up near the range tower. We couldn’t believe they delivered and by the time I made it back down to where the fire was we had about 6 of us gathered and realized the pizza was also cold, having coming from the base, the environment was cold and our clothes were wet.
I think we each had a slice while you kept poking at the fire trying to feed air to it. Then we all broke camp and went back to work. Crazy little dream, I guess that moment was special enough to have stuck though…
You’ll give me a sign when it is my time, right? Merry Christmas."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Veterans Day is tomorrow. I started writing this long-drawn-out thing. I don’t know why. As it kept growing longer, I finally stopped. Realized nobody was going to read it. And that you know how often you guys are in my thoughts. So, I guess after this long journey of mine that began in 1986. 38 years, a long list of friends lost, not just killed in action, but those who passed afterward… You just hope that a small percentage of people, during their barbeques and gatherings. Take that moment out of their celebrations, to do something by just saying thank you. Maybe even going to see if that lonely old veteran living close by that you only wave at in passing, might be okay to get to know a little better. Dang it, it still ended up being long? Wish you were here."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"20 years…. I really can’t believe it’s been that long… for some reason, it’s been a really rough day. I think Ty and Zane are doing ok…. I miss you so much. Love mom"
Donna of Hope, AR
"A few days ago, I started asking my wife if your date was coming up. With my memory fading that little commitment made a long time ago still finds a way to remind me of the loss of 20 years ago. Yesterday there was a dental appointment and as we were getting in her vehicle to leave, I said “It is tomorrow, right?” She reassured me I was still tracking the date in my head even though I have no idea of the dates that are on the calendar everyone follows.
There are things that occur daily in my life, with the world as it is anymore. That remind of the group that was larger than one battery or one organization, from Daniels on Hood teaching classes, to our numerous interactions. My personal life was a mess, but with you guys all was well. The shared hallway between Alpha and Bravo was a connection forged by more than the tiles on the floor and overhead.
I say it every so often that I don’t know how long I will be able to put together a coherent sentence and swing in here to see you guys. Yet on these terrible dates, where so many of you left us. My mind for a moment, manages to clear away the fog and allow me to come in and reflect once more. I will post this on your page and Price’s. As the sentiment is shared, as were our experiences. I am glad I was able to know you as long as I did and will continue to hold fond and cherished memories of them.
Missing you both."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Today's date is one of many I will never forget. I was there when this happened to Price and Rosenbaum. I only wish I could've done something more. I can only go on to honor their sacrifices. Thinking of them and their families. God bless you all."
Joseph Graham of LaMoille, Illinois USA
"I don't know why. Just had to sit down and reach out to the group. Not that I am feeling emotional or anything, just a "Hey you have a moment, how about you swing by." kind of thing. I have written on six of the guy's pages thus far, and have one more for Iraq then head over to Afghanistan. I guess I should check to see if they added the Sergeant I provided information for that hasn't been added to this long list of names. You keep taking care of yours, send those messages any way you can to let them know you're there. And I'll be back again shortly.
I know I don't come as often anymore. It gets to be so hard. I will say hay again soon. See you around Brother."
William L Peterson of El Paso, TX
"❤️ miss you so much!
May 27, 2024
Another Memorial Day…"
Mom of Hope, AR
"It is 12:26 AM on Memorial Day 2024. My stress level for myself is fairly high as this place, this is the only place I have to go to reach out to you, was down for some technical reason all the past week. I was getting pretty depressed thinking I would not be able to reach out to you. I have so many of you here, in the National Cemetery, and across the country from Panama, Mogadishu, Iraq, and after it all. Losing you guys is so hard. Anyway, here I am. It has been 20 years; Ty is now older than you were. So much has happened with Daniels passing away, your father, and others. I would like to ask you; in all the great things you and the others do from your side. If you could take just a moment to check in on Leslie. I hear he isn’t doing so well at the moment. Just give somebody down here or here. However, it works. A nudge in the right direction to get him back on his feet again. Thank you in advance. I am glad I was able to get through. I sure miss you, Brother."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
Sheriff Olalekan of Dallas. TX
"I would like to contact Ty or a family member"
Sheriff Olalekan of Dallas, TX
"Arkansas’ run for the fallen this weekend. Heather has been watching the runners progress and updating me. Today she shared pictures of the guys at your marker. It was a pretty good turnout. One of my buddies is in Italy and 43 years old. Complaining how “old” he is getting and how he is starting to have back issues.
Well, he has grown quite rotund. The Army has changed quite a bit since you and I did our thing, even since I retired in 2016. I could only smile to myself and think about how little people take what they have for granted. I try not to complain about my aches and pains when I think back to the sacrifices made by your guys.
Right now, I can only hope there is that place where we’ll all meet. Maybe someplace scenic and surreal and catch up with one another, skip rocks and you guys tell how much fun and how hard it can be to sit someplace and watch down on all the living and wish you could intervene or how you can intervene.
I know I don’t write much anymore, and there shouldn’t be any excuse for that. I am just getting to be kind of absent minded anymore and sometimes it slips away. But when it does come back into view, I get on and let you know you’re in my thoughts. Always."
William L Peterson of El Paso, TX
"I was writing this big long thing, you know... Like I sometimes do. When Heather walked in with our dog coming back from the vet.
Decided she had to update me right then and there and hand me a coffee and a banana bread which sent all the dogs into a frenzy to get to the banana bread...
Anyway... Probably good she did because your original entry was already a page long in Microsoft Word.
I know right? But Dude, I was praising you. I know I know... lol
I am sorry I missed you at Veteran's Day, I think? My memory is a mess... There is so much going on and that is no excuse...
Merry Christmas Brother. You are in my thoughts constantly."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Veterans Day 2023, thinking of you Chad."
Anderson of CA
"Can’t believe it’s been 19 years….. miss you so much and some days are just so hard!"
Mom of Hope AR
"I'm going to keep it short. I am almost at a loss for what to say anymore. 19 years since you moved on. I'm 58 now, I was 39 when we would link at the checkpoint and chat or at your CHU. I just want you to know you're not forgotten."
William L Peterson of El Paso, TX/USA
"Rosenbaum, It’s so odd it’s coming up on another year, it feels like just yesterday when I met you at C 1/321 FAR in 2000. There isn’t day that goes by that I don’t think of you, smile, laugh and saddened.
I hope you can see how many people you inspired, led, loved and cared for you. You were truly a great leader, friend, brother, father, son and soldier. I hope Ty, your mother, father and rest of your family, soldiers and everyone have found some type of peace and comfort, knowing you’re watching over us.
I truly appreciate and thank you for the time, patience, and effort you showed in helping me become a better person and soldier back then.
Thank you SGT Rosenbaum for all you have done and sacrificed for the rest of us. You’re deeply missed!"
Dinkins of Chattanooga, TN
"It is Memorial Day 2023 here in the land of the confused. I say this as I receive messages from people who desire to wish me a “Happy Memorial Day.” The news tells stories of the meaning behind the day and then immediately ends with that sentiment. Parrots, they didn’t understand a word of what they just uttered but knew how it was supposed to sound.
I just finished on Regneir’s page and hopped over here. It is wild to recall how you and he and you were so expressive. Kind of a barometer for what you were walking into. Those are traits I often admired in people. Being able to know what was sincere and honest just by how they expressed themselves. James Leslie is one of those people too. It angers me that somebody couldn’t have determined my gall bladder had crapped out all those years before we deployed and fixed it so I could have stayed with you guys.
Angers me more the doctor botched the surgery and left me laid up in Brooke Army Medical Center for so long. I had every intention of getting back to you guys. Then people came home and carried so much weight with them, that I had to start weening myself off their pain and suffering in hopes they’d get professional help. Before that drove me to need help myself.
Heather follows what is going on in Arkansas pretty religiously. She saw how the city misspelled your name for this year's celebration. I don’t know Chad, we watch a lot of those shows with physics in them. You’d have thought you could’ve reached down and slapped that guy, or at least guided the hand to the right letters.
Well… This has grown into me just yammering again so let me get out of here. As always, you’re thought of. Watch over yours and know we are always here if you need to reach down and grab our attention."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"This past weekend was the Arkansas Run For The Fallen. Heather watched it a couple of days in a row and was sad to see the Marines giving tribute to their fallen who were killed in the Kabul pull-out. She always watches it and tries to catch a glimpse of your marker and I listen as she calls out the details of the event. This weekend was much harder than a lot of the events set up to pay tribute to those who gave all as it was the anniversary marking the twenty years since the invasion of Iraq.
I had already done the original Dessert Shield-Storm and Provide Comfort tour. And of course, Uncle Sam had kept us busy for a very long time. So when I look back from 1986 to my retirement in 2016 and think about all of you. It sits you back and leaves you staring out a window where you reflect on your buddy lost from high school, and your own family's contributions to our nation’s history in an entirely different light.
Then you find yourself thinking “Do the guys who passed after the war but from service related ailments still find a way to locate you and regroup?” Heather watches a lot of those shows with psychics and mediums, and they’re always telling people on their shows how “Grandma is here.” Or “It is your father…” So do you only hang out around immediate family? I’d hate to think I could never see you guys again.
Anyway… Just know you are always in my thoughts, as are all the others on here. I wish those from Just Cause, Storm, and Gothic Serpent as well as all the others lost could be on one page so I could swing by and leave a message but that would be a nightmare to manage. Thanks for being out there. Hope you heard me drop your name when I was at Flack’s graveside.
Say hello to all the others, watch over yours and I’ll see you around."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Going to swing out and see my buddy Steve at his graveside this weekend so, listen for a shout-out. L8r Brother."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Merry Christmas Brother-Man. It is 2022 and the weather is terrible across the country and Arkansas (According to the news) is getting some wicked weather. So, swoop in there and make sure your mom is alright. No frozen pipes, send a snow shovel attach to a good person. Just do that magic you always do. We'll catch up later, as we do. Merry Christmas Brother."
William L Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Hey, did you know there are other websites that have memorial pages dedicated to the fallen that people go to and leave messages on regarding you guys. How they feel about you, memories and gratitude? Yeah, neither did I. It's an Internet thing but know you, you would have been all over it and been proficient in Smartphone and other devices. Not like me who is not. I know, you're looking at me like "Where are you going with this?" Like you often did when I would come at you out of left field just like this all those years ago. See, you're smiling going "Oh yeah, he's a nut. I remember."
No so check this out. That means that when we log in here to say things to you and there isn't a lot of traffic here, which face it, looks depressing right? There are places out there on the Internet where people have been leaving you messages, so this doesn't look so dismal. Besides that, you have the run for the fallen. People say your name at least 4 or 5 times a day in the world.
You're practically a legend and for a redhead you have to take what you can get. So anyway. Yesterday was Veterans Day and I really wanted to avoid going out other than visiting a couple graves and thanking them. Then I decided I was done with this page as I celebrate you in my own way and everybody else does their own way.
But then the daughter of one of my buddies who died in Iraq and year before we arrived let me know how much these messages mean to her as I share our memories. And her dad and I were very close so there are a lot.
So, Chad, thank you for deciding the career path you did. Being the man, I got to see at his finest and know that your magic is carried on every day in the son that is Ty. You are missed and loved, and I'll be back again. Later Brother."
Willam L Peterson of El Paso, TX
"September 18, 2022
18 years ago…"
Mom of Hope, AR
"Heather woke up this morning and was already on a website that I think your mother must frequent. And by the time I stepped out of the shower was asking about Jolly and Gay and others. Even as my memories slip away I know those names as if they were raised with me from day one. I told her how you and I met outside your apartment as you cared for a troubled Soldier I was looking for and how I trusted you to handle it and of course you did.
18 years ago a lot happened on that day. It would happen to many times before the units’ tour came to an end. Heather left her message out there in the world someplace already for you hours ago. I however, find it so much harder as time goes by. My chest hurts, and there is a numbness that accompanies the heartache I try and put on the page.
But, as time does. It has added to the company of friends and family you have with you now. I can never skip rocks without thinking or all of us stuck on North Fort. Here a certain song. Or even relive memories of all the silliest things we used to do in the name of whatever it all would be in the end.
Water crossing, decontamination sites, training ours and theirs. Running routes and telling stories. Honestly, I don’t even know where to go with all this anymore. I just know that on certain terrible dates, where tragedies tore away normalcy. I am dedicated to coming to those I miss and say how much that yearning to see a smile or helmet head of hair one more time would be worth anything in the world at this very moment.
You’re thought of."
William L Peterson of El Paso, TX
"I miss you and you'll always be in my heart. Tys amazing and I know you're proud. Thank you for him and all that you sacrificed for us. Love you more than rainbows"
Beth of Hope
"Ahhh Rosie I think of you and so many fond memories come to my mind. But always that laugh you had was infectious to everyone around you at the time. Growing up in the 1/321 FAR (Airborne) with you was truly an honor, you set the example & touched a lot of people. You are truly missed Brother, wish me, you and Heimie could toss a few back and just enjoy some laughs together. R.I.P. Brother & have a Cold One waiting on me when we meet again."
Marcus Lewis of Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
"Brother you have to change your last name. By the time I get to you at the bottom of the “R’s” I am so drained from everyone before you and I still have poor Yoemans’ left to do. You’re just going to have to drag your butt down here and knock off this craziness, I’m too pooped to do this. You’d be what 43? You’ve got this.
Joking aside. There is so much happening as Memorial Day looms up to remind us of the sacrifices made by you and so many. Tomorrow there will be bands, celebrations, reflections, sorrow and of course others will just treat it as a reason to party. I can only hope you and the gang including family who have joined you. You get those pats on the back for having that little something in you that you gave to Ty.
You should be here I agree. He’s doing great but he has a good foundation in those Arkansas roots. We are certainly proud of him. You did a lot of good in this world Brother. I watch a lot of international news programs and documentaries that talk about how we messed up that country you and I tried to be human to. I see certain tales of success and watch when the people reflect on the “Good” Americans.
I recall seeing you hunched over, drenched in sweat and exhausted. Yet you would smile and tell me about taking people to training, to their homes or drop-offs. What is (Was) in you had been passed down through genetics and a good upbringing. I’d trade a lot to have more people like you in our world.
So, for Memorial Day 2022 thank you for letting me get to watch a little bit of my Brother Chad through the lens that is Ty."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"I know he isn't immediately around or, won't be for some time physically. But I know he'd drop everything yesterday to tell you "Happy Birthday" Ty. So, from somebody who thoughts a great deal of your Father my brother-in-arms and more. Happy Birthday Ty. I hear good things about you. :)"
William & Heather Peterson. of El Paso, TX
"Christmas 2021 and I'm just going to post this.
They Shall Not Age…
For The Fallen By Laurence Binyon (1869-1943)
With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,
England mourns for her dead across the sea.
Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of spirit,
Fallen in the cause of the free.
Solemn the drums thrill: Death august and royal
Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres.
There is music in the midst of desolation
And a glory that shines upon our tears.
They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
(If said as a prayer the congregation shall repeat “We will remember them.”)
They mingle not with laughing comrades again;
They sit no more at familiar tables of home;
They have no lot in our labour of the day-time;
They sleep beyond England’s foam.
But where our desires are and our hopes profound,
Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight,
To the innermost heart of their own land they are known
As the stars are known to the Night;
As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust,
Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain,
As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness,
To the end, to the end, they remain.
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Veteran's Day 2021. Just left Regnier's page and had to admit the walk down to the "Rs" with a "Y" still left on the list and then the guys who aren't recognized here is starting to wear me out. You guys are truly missed as are the contributions you would have made. I swing by again soon, maybe next time I'll start at "Y?""
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"September 18, 2021.
17 years…. Seems like yesterday.
Everyone here seems to be doing ok.
I love you to the moon and back and miss you that much too…
Always, mom"
Donna Rosenbaum of Hope, AR
"September 18, 2021.
17 years…. Seems like yesterday.
Everyone here seems to be doing ok.
I love you to the moon and back and miss you that much too…
Always, mom"
Donna Rosenbaum of Hope, AR
"Just left Price's page. As I stated in the previous post, I of course have been thinking of your for a while now. But then I am always thinking about you guys and the others from past wars. Heather is browsing through Facebook, I don't know if they had Facebook back then, my memory isn't so good. But she was asking if I knew people, Drake, Boyle, Gay... You get a little choked up and acknowledge all of them and tell her how good they were and about their character. Everybody thinks about you guys and that is wonderful in itself. The great thing is that everybody remembers the you that you were even if the tragedy that occurred handicapped us into those "Forever" memories people always tout. There are people who come into your life, that upon recollection you might tell a whole story or tale about and then finish with "What was his name?" You'll never fall into that category. There are people who come into your life at that right time in that exact moment that were meant to be there. I knew you well by the time I came over from Alpha to Bravo. The things your did never surprised me because they were who you were. Anyway, I have worked that tightness out of my chest for a moment so I am going to let you go. I'll swing by again here on down the road. Just wanted you to know that you and the others are still here in my thoughts and spirit."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Saved you for last today. I do get frustrated guys from other wars and conflicts who don’t have a place like this, or somebody killed literally the day after the official end of hostilities doesn’t get to be here even though we went right back in. There has been so much going on and so many people beg to turn everything political when there is so much on the larger table to take into consideration. War isn’t a picnic that in the time of approaching bad weather you can fold up the ends of the blanket and race to your car for cover…
Anyway, I’m rambling, but that is why I saved you for last today. You’d just toss the football while grinning and ask if it “Bothers you that much?” So yesterday was the twentieth anniversary of 11 September 2001. An action that put so much into motion. People will remember it and the news media started their remberences almost a week out, I don’t know if it is for ratings or to try and out somber the other networks?
None of them will look out past it once it is gone and reflect on those who also felt the effects of those SOB’s actions that day or that the fall is such a bad time for America when it comes to casualties. In six days is your anniversary… My mother called today and yes you know how I feel about that. But she was shocked I don’t really celebrate my birthday…
Well when 9/11 is the day before and losing you and Price is six days later and I was on my way to a hospital bed stateside… That third week of September isn’t really a gleeful time in ones’ life. So they brought everybody home from Afghanistan, but it cost us. The bomber even got another one from Arkansas. I don’t know how any of this works with being there and checking in on here?
But I suspect with how well all those ghost hunting, paranormal shows do on television there has to be something to it. Anyway, on your list of to-do… And I am positive it is already on there. Do a little double duty on checking in on your Mom this time. I can’t imagine with the way everybody is going at each other down here and with your Dad up there, she is going to need a little more love if you can just reach down and touch her.
I sure miss you, all of you."
William L Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Chad, it's Memorial Day 2021, and I just wanted to drop by and let you know how much you are missed. I saw your son on the news awhile ago, crazy to see how much he looks like you. Last time I saw you we were throwing a football around on camp victory, and we hit the satellite Sgt smith set up for internet, he was pist lol. Thank you, for my freedom Chad."
Michael Anderson of Naval base ventura CA
"Memorial Day 2021 and Buddy it has been crazy. I think we may have failed to stay in touch with your Mom as of late but that is my fault and well life is out of control with Heather’s side of the friendship lane getting lambasted by death and illness. Poor girl is at her wit’s end I think.
Last I heard she said your Mom had dropped off some painted rocks for a veteran killed by a girl texting a driving while coming home from working on their dream home. Girl go off pretty much Scott-free. Unreal. I’ve been very sick and if it is you and the guys pulling doubles to keep me going I do appreciate it but seriously, I was pretty resigned to making my way up to see you last week.
Even the ambulance crewman asked me “What do you see?” I need you to focus on your family. I don’t doubt you are but you have and always had a tendency to wander out of your lane to check on others. Which was greatly appreciated but… You’re needed there and need to stay there. You come wandering out of the brush in one of my dreams to sit with me for a bit by an unauthorized fire and I am going to give you an ear-full.
Just know you’re thought of, as is your Son and Mother and that you are forever in my heart Brother."
William Peterson of El Paso, TX
"May 12, 2021
Happy 42nd Birthday!
Love you to the moon and back!"
Mom of Hope, AR
"Woke up this morning and my brain said, “Reach out and say hello to the boys of the Fallen Heroes Memorial.” So you start, and by the time you’ve done number 3 or 100 you’re brain starts apologizing for what it, “Thought” was a good idea.
The thing is for some of the folks here you can do that simple, “Hey Man, thinking of you.” And scurry off like you did your good deed for the day. I however, am not one of those people. I know, I know you’re thinking, “Oh no, another long drawn out thing he is going to post.”
I know it has been busy up there, over there, wherever there is as of the last year. How do they measure time up there or do they? Anyway, I also hope you get to dress a bit more casually than you know… But you’re in my thoughts this and many other days. Heather and I talk about your Mom once a week at least.
Your Son comes up often and even Leslie. So, there it is. Nothing crazy. Just swinging by like I would have any other time. Without you to place things into this conversation it is not as long as our normal encounters would have been but hey… You’re in there and that is great. Much love Brother. To you and your family."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Had my annual talk to the doc at the VA yesterday and after a while you just kind of smile as they try their best to throw anything at the wall and hope it will stick when it comes to treating some of the old broken warhorses. They mumble about how your bloodwork all came back good which makes no sense for how bad off you are and as they chatter along with myself and Heather my wife I kind of drift off too far away places thinking about how I got to where I am now.
In doing so I get to reflect on the people who made me who I was at the end of my career and who I am to this day. They’ll of course never know and when you do get a chance to talk to somebody from a unit you served in 35 years ago they often lack the ability to understand where it is you’re coming from as they often did one, maybe two tours then left. Their impact may have steered me away from a life that would have otherwise left me as a Wal-Mart greeter or a Night Clerk in some franchise gas station mini-mart thing, fat, balding, and bitter.
I joined the Army to be Infantry. To be a man and to make those who were my elders proud of my exploits. Hard to compete with World War II, Korea, and Vietnam Veterans and the likes of Mike Teasdale and Grenada and all his exploits but in your head, you think you can do it. Those support personnel you meet along the way are tucked neatly into simple equations the Infantry Gurus plug-in to make themselves feel important so meeting a Chemical guy like you, supply, cooks, finance and the likes always was there for the sole purpose of benefiting the Infantry.
I recall picking fights with tankers over who had the job of supporting whom. However, as the years went on and the Army changed from fighting the Bear to chasing wolves and scorpions and the likes, I was given new roles, training truck drivers, learning how to manifest ships, trains, and planes, and get the equipment ready in case the balloon of the Cold War somehow mysteriously floated high over the horizon. Then 9/11 happened and it was time to do what was right.
I was older now, much older with 4 Military Occupational Specialties under my belt and Uncle Sam who toss 3 more on there and deploy me in and eighth before my time kicking in doors and taking names would come to an end and as Jared would tell me, “It was time to come home and try to make you a human being again.” When I arrived at FT Hood I had plans, I was going to skip that Air Defense world, get a letter of acceptance to an Infantry unit and get back to doing what I loved but it was a MOS I could not escape.
One thing led to another and I met you. Man were you sharp, knew your job, listened to what the officer and others were putting out and it was obvious right away everyone was looking at you to make it happen. When I was waiting to get cleared to get back on the Linebackers and took over Headquarters Platoon in another Battery you stepped up and taught me a whole new world. I had no idea what half the stuff was and the guy I had was kind of short of talent. When you showed me that old wore out what I assumed was junk in storage and taught me how to get it working I was amazed we pulled off that exercise out by Lake Belton with all of it.
Then when I moved to your Battery and one of my Soldiers wasn’t at his place of duty and I went to track him down and arrived at your apartment. You brought me up to speed, gave me your word you’d have him where he needed to be and sure enough, you and I straightened him out. Dustin turned out to be an alright guy but almost all of that was you. Deployment to Kuwait and you were camped right next to the officers and were in everything and everywhere when things went down.
Okay, this is getting long so maybe I better close it out. Look, that hard truth is, had Iraq not happened we all would have gone our own ways and you being a different MOS than I and with my recovery from that botched surgery leaving me standing behind a podium teaching radar (Who knew right?) chances are we never would have seen one another again. And, somewhere, once in a while in stories told we would try to recall one another’s name and talk about the crazy stuff we managed to pull off and somehow survived.
There is no way for me to know what would have happened if I had stayed and not been so ill. I didn’t even know they had debated not taking me. But the time I was there, like you. I did the best I could with what I had and I don’t think I would have wanted a gung ho group of grunts out there. Let alone the officers that always just showed up. You, Larry Daniels, 1SG, and even the CSM showing up out there made it bearable. I would give 25 years of my life to have you here right now and to have to try and remember the name of that redheaded kid that was always smiling and strong as an Ox.
As I tell my friend Steve Flack when I visit his grave every so often and try to turn his headstone into a party-line to all you guys. (Party-line? Well, it’s um… Before your time. Ask your Dad.) It seems to be, (Sadly) so much easier to stay in touch with those we have lost than those who are still with us. I am forever grateful that I had an opportunity for several years to know you, see you in action. Watch you mentor younger and struggling young men and women and is more than what we have out there today.
I can live with the pain knowing that I had an opportunity to sit with you, shoot the malarkey and throw back a water bottle with you. If you know my number don’t tell me, let it be a surprise. I just hope it isn’t soon. I just feel there is something I am supposed to be doing, I just don’t know what it is yet. I wish I could write the names of everyone I would like you to say hey too but for now, watch over your family and loved ones and know that tonight. For some strange reason on 22 January of the crazy year 2021, you were on my mind.
Much love as always and to you other folks on here in which I am bewildered by how many of my friends' names are on here. Know you are all loved and thought of.
William Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Chad, Oh my Lord Brother I just received word your father passed away. I am so extremely sorry for your family, especially your wonderful mother. I wish I lived closer and there wasn't this crazy world we currently find ourselves in so we could drop of food, and well wishes. I am sure you were there to meet him and give welcome. I guess there is some comfort in knowing you've laid the ground work for arrivals no matter how terrible they are for the living back here on terra firma. So much love to you and yours."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Veteran's Day 2020, and I am grateful to whomever revived this site and is now maintaining it. There is so much good that remembering our Fallen does to help heal and reflect. Sure wish you were home enjoying this holiday Brother."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Sargent you were an idol of mine and many others I wrote to you in the past but for some reason not seeing it sorry I just want to stay u taught me and others a lot about the army and life in itself and I’ll never forget that miss you still from Brandon Cribbet"
Brandon cribbet of Cincinnati Ohio us
"September 18, 2020. It’s been 16 years since you died. We miss you so much! Ty is 20 and a junior in college. He is so much like you! I love you to the moon and back! Mom"
Mom of Hope, AR
"My daughter, who is 12 years old, is riding in memory of your Son, Sgt. Thomas Chad Rosenbaum at the UPHA Chapter 12 North Carolina State Championship this evening, September 17, 2020. It is an honor for our family to remember your son and the life he lived. He is not forgotten, even by a girl who wasn't born until years after he made the ultimate sacrifice on September 18, 2004. We are so grateful for him and his service."
Heather Hodde Nigbor of Gastonia, NC, USA
"Hey Brother, Had to swing in and say hey. Had a birthday a few days ago and well, you're up there so you know who much I don't like birthdays or anyone making a fuss over me at all. I know you're watching over yours but every so often somebody checks in on us and with our group and then men in these pages and those who raised me. I like to think once in a while you just swoop on in and take a peek through a window. I hope you have linked up with Daniels and are showing him the ropes. But he was always pretty quick so he may be running part of the place by now. I wanted to swing by to let you know how much you mean to us here. Your Mother not knowing I am anti-birthday or anti-fuss, according to my wife Heather. Put her feelers out there and I started receiving birthday cards from the Renegades. All the way from the boss, on down to folks that sadly escape now with all these brain injuries but I felt them. Today, 14 September 2020, a batch arrived a few days late. But one was from James Leslie. I had already received one from your Mom and Ty and I could barely hold his card as my hands shook so badly. I could see you sitting on your step outside your CHU after a long one. Just airing out, of course, our days were hot as we were the group that had to endure the generators being off to save them during the heat of the day. You'd be sitting there with that wall of pictures of you and your son and family just inside to your right. Maybe reading mail, maybe sucking down some water but Ty sent me a picture. It dragged me all the way back to Victory North, (Liberty) like it was yesterday. Ya big dumb Irishman you, I sure do miss you. With your son's card and Leslies,' I was there with family for just a little while. It is a terrible thing we do... But you did it daily and I was always amazed by the boundary we pushed trying to be human beings in a place where humanity was a small commodity. Receiving these cards, thanks to your Mother, seeing Ty's, remembering how you took me under your wing to help my chemical NCO and caring for Jolly. I get where it all came from now. You truly had a head start on a lot of us. I'll chat with you a little later. Just wanted to say hello."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"MSG Williams here...man I still miss you and all our strong man challenges. Love you brother."
john williams of Georgia
"I am so relieved to be able to finally post here again. It is hard when you have no way of reaching those you're thinking of physically. Twelve souls make this Memorial site a long walk, and then you realize those who passed afterwards and those not counted because somebody declared a war, "over." Therefore your sacrifice slips through the cracks. You made sure as long as you were the man in charge that you did the best you could. No matter who was under your charge you watched over them. So thanks Brother. I wonder if you and Larry Daniels have found a calm pool of water to skip rocks across? I mean, I know you guys made it so there has to be right? I made it through everybody here on the list today and no tears. I get to you and I find myself having to stop, collect myself and then finish. So I'll finish. Memorial Day, 2020 and as always you are in my thoughts Chad. Glad to have known you."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"I am going to try this once more. I have been trying for some time now. The people who maintain this website don't seem to, "maintain" it anymore? Just thinking about you. As always."
William L Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Hey Bro,
I don't know you, however you should know your photo is on the wall at the MSCoE in FLW. I will be speaking about you during a memorial service for the fallen. I can tell by reading these post you were a great guy and a fantastic NCO. It'll be an honor to tell your story."
Derek of FLW, MO
"Merry Christmas Chad
December 25, 2018"
Love, Mom of Hope, AR
"January 27th, 2018......Your son is now 18.....I wish you were here to help raise him. He is doing great. I miss you so much."
Love, Mom of Hope, AR
"It is a long trek through this page for us who have sacrificed for the Nation, our beliefs and values to get here to you. But as always there is that picture of your smiling and saying, “What a day huh?” I want to apologize for not being here more this year but my memory is about gone and I have been closing down most my social activities to concentrate on getting back to being alright.
I wish you weren’t on this page for us all to swing by and drop and hello. I wish you were finishing out your career or doing what it is that drove your passion. You were always my Brother, crazy as you were at times. I just want you to know I miss you Chad and I hope that I can continue to swing by here and say hello. Brain stuff sucks… You keep watching your Son, watch over your Mother and know you are deeply loved by us that knew you.
Merry Christmas Brother."
William L Peterson of El Paso, TX
"I would like to pay tribute to one of our chemical dragon warrior, SGT Thomas Rosenbaum. Our class took a moment today to honor those who have fallen in service to their country here at the Chemical school house MSCoE at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Thank you for your sacrifice. You will never be forgotten.
26 July 2017."
CBRN SLC 2nd PLT Class 004-17 of Fort Leonard Wood, MO
"Hey Chad swinging by this time of year to say Merry Christmas. Your Mom has been pretty active and we have been getting to see that Son of yours’ grow up. Sure wish you were here to see it. The old unit has been pretty active on the few Facebook pages trying to help one another out. Seems like the past couple of years are starting to show the wear and tear of the 2004 – 05 deployment.
You can see it in the faces of the old NCOs who used to watch over everybody like Daniels, Bennett and even Scibelli of Alpha has tried to be more civilian now than Joe bit the others look so tired. The strange thing is had all this gone smoothly and nothing occurred we’d have all moved on and lost touch with one another minus the few true friends who hung around together.
Anyway, Merry Christmas."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Merry Christmas Chad! Love and miss you so much. December 25th, 2016"
"As we approach Christmas I began to reflect on those I've lost in my life. As always, it's a tough time of year. Chad you will always remain a big part of my life. I've been fortunate enough to see you live life to the fullest with the biggest sh*t eating grin I've ever seen on someone. Always cracking jokes and making sure we didn't take life to serious. Always the life of the party. You're greatly missed and never forgotten. I'm happy to have spoken with your parents the other night. I'm looking forward to traveling down to AR soon and check in on everyone. Always in my thoughts. Love you bud."
Josh of Albany, NY
"Sept. 18, 2016.....12 years.....we miss you SO much!!!!!!"
Mom of Hope, AR
"Wanted to stop in and say hey on this the anniversary of the day we lost the physical body of a Brother. The Renegades and your family are keeping your soul and spirit alive. 18 September, 2004 was a rough day. Miss you Brother."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Miss you brother! You will never be forgotten! My 8 year daughter and 14 year old son know who you are and what a great friend you were to their dad. You will forever be in our hearts. Rest easy my friend!"
Dinkins (C 1/321 FAR) of RINGGOLD, GA
"I serve with this great man during our deployment I felt as if we were like brothers. Its not a day goes by I don't remember him, I remember our laughs our talks and all those things that bonded us and helped us get through some long nights, even more so now as I sit back at the helm of the unit we once served in together it brings back all those memories like it was yesterday... I miss you ...brother and Renegades for life."
john williams of Fort Hood Bravo 1SG
"2016 Memorial Day weekend, and I just wanted to say hi Chad. I graduate next year, so, hopefully I'm living up to your standards. I saw your son on the news awhile ago to, getting medals on your behalf. He looks just like you man, and it was nice to see you being recognized. I miss you brotha."
Michael Anderson of California
"Hey Brother, wow another Memorial Day… Shouldn’t we be sitting on a porch somewhere laughing about your son’s car or girlfriend or how my son is such a goof? Your Mom has been pretty active this year and she has been posting pictures of Ty and he is a tad thinner than you but handsome fella. Daniels made a trip to Arkansas for some run they do for the fallen. Everybody keeps you in their thoughts and you’re talked about from time-to-time which is better than most get. I am going to make the reunion this year if only to pay tribute to you guys then I am going to cut ties with the Army cold turkey. Or try to anyway. People say you can’t get it out of your blood but I don’t know you sure seemed to be down home enough I believe it possible. Anyway, I needed to post a day early because I want to spend some time at a buddy’s graveside here in El Paso. He just went in his sleep one night and like you a lot of us never got to say good-bye. Well shoot this thing went long again… I apologize I know were you here you’d be smiling, tilting your head and I would know it was time to shut-up. Catch you around Chad."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Hey Resenbaum,
It's been about 12 years now. About 8 or 9 since I left my last message. I just wanted to let your family know (and yourself) that you are still not forgotten. I don't have a bad memory about you. You were always funny and kind. The world needs more leaders like you. I repeat the names (Rosenbaum, Price, Regnier,Ebert) every time I look in the mirror and see the tattoo "not forgotten" on my chest. I still remember our last conversation about the new movie coming out "Alien Vs. Preditor" and how they need to quit making them. Haha. Wouldn't you know, they made a Super Man Vs. Batman. Take care old friend."
Mitch Foss of Wareham, MA. (previously Ft. Hood)
"Jan. 27th, 2016, Ty's 16th Birthday. He looks and acts just like you! He is doing good. We miss you so much...."
"Merry Christmas Chad! Wow what a year? So the unit has slowly been coming back together all the veterans and folks still serving and they are all dealing with their individual demons and some are conquering them and some are struggling. Everybody is trying to reach out though however one or two slip through the cracks. Willard Gibbs’ gunner committed suicide this year but I am sure you were there to take him by the hand once there and guide him to where he needed to be. It has become an epidemic all these folks killing themselves I sure wish we could get a grip on it and put an end to it. So what “good” has been going on? Your Mom added me on Facebook, Facebook? Oh it is terrible I would encourage you not to do it but people get to find everybody and get back in contact so it does have its good side I guess. I like you get to watch Ty grow up but my vantage point is from down here and I can drive to Arkansas if need be to be there. I wish you were here, he is becoming quite the man and I see a lot of you in his face. Do you remember that pond where we had to set up the Battalion’s senators and pump water up to wash and “decontaminate” trucks and equipment? Where we could teach the younger guys how to do what you did so effortlessly. It was so picturesque sitting down in that little bowl with all the green and trees... We don’t have a lot of that here in El Paso but man we should have taken the group out there and had a Barbeque or something. Anyway Merry Christmas Brother, check in on Jolly make sure he is alright and I will see you around."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Spc Price and Sgt. Rosenbaum, two names I will never forget. September 18, one day before my birthday, 2004, Rt. Irish, overpass. These words, names, date, are constantly in my head. I will never forget that day as i was on that overpass, and it was one of the worst days for me. I didn't know either of you, but that doesn't matter. You both were my brothers and I love you guys."
Joseph Graham of Streator, IL USA
"Well here it is, 18 September, 2015 eleven years since that terrible day when so many were injured and two of our brothers who truly were family died doing something that became bigger than all of us. Today we had Combat Lifesaver Recertification and of course the medics play videos that are hard to watch and of course today made it no easy task. A good many of us are just now in the past year and a half or so started to bring our troubles to the surface or they have made their way there whether we wanted them to or not. There is no way to explain to anyone who wasn’t there, sadly I had already left the country but through previous and conflicts after would lose people to injury or death. To try and get the message of what was sacrificed that day is extremely hard, not only the events at the site of the attack but what followed and those who did everything from QRF (Quick Reaction Force) to cleaning up after that tragic day that haunts people down to the core is so hard to do. James W. Price was the “biggest little” man on the team I had the joy of being a part of and people know how he got to be out on route and not stuffed in a TOC. He was true blues and loyal as any hound and I was not prepared for what I encountered when I arrived at his funeral with First Sergeant Freisen. Others made it to Chad Rosenbaum’s funeral and I can’t imagine to this day that he didn’t brush himself off and take charge of Price until he got settled upon arriving at their final destination. Chad could be beat down, frustrated and covered in much from the sweat and salt of Iraq but he would wander over and before the door to his truck had closed somehow a smile graced that freckled maw of his. Today is a hard day and you hope that someday it will stop being so difficult but after having Price in my back pocket whenever the crap hit the fan or Chad asking us to prepare and area for his Iraqis troops or just checking in on you as he watched them head into town I still see and hear them in my dreams, memories and heart. I wish it had all ended differently but the Battalion was handed some seriously ugly missions and always managed to accomplish them all even if it was down to the man. God Bless, say a quick or long one for our fallen and their families and know that in the four chambers that make up my heart these men live rent free. Take care."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"There isn't a day that doesn't go by, these last 20 years, where I don't think about Tom and the other Soldiers from 4-5 ADA that I met that year. Tom was one of the first NCOs in the unit to welcome me as I was the "New Guy". The man had the spirit of a lion and the heart of a giant. I hope that one day I can meet his son Ty and let him know just how incredible his father was.
Rest In Peace TC! You will always have my salute, battle-brother! \-)"
Porfirio Herrera of Colorado Springs, CO
"Memorial Day 2015 !!!!!! Miss you so much!!"
"I wanted to stop in the day before Memorial Day and just let you know you’re being thought of. I am swinging by a friend’s graveside tomorrow then I thought I would sit in the garage for a bit and work on a few things listening for the whip and snap of the flag hanging right outside the garage doors. You still make me smile when I think about the silly things you did like taking that Iraqi officer back home in a LMTV in a questionable neighborhood but those crazy Renegades probably did a good many things that people who do everyday Army things couldn’t possibly wrap their minds around. I did the Transition Team thing in 2008-2009 and those folks could never begin to comprehend what you and the boys set in motion in 2004. God Bless Brother, I have to go now looks like I am out of tissues on the night stand. Not that it has anything to do with you, allergies you know? (j/k)"
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX 79924
"It's Memorial Day weekend, and I just wanted to say thank you Tom , thank you for my freedom . I live everyday striving to live up to yours and Price's sacrifice . I miss you Sgt, I'll be celebrating your life and remembering what kind of man you are . God speed mate."
Michael Anderson of California .
"I came across a black KIA bracelet for Sgt Thomas C Rosenbaum and would love to be in touch with anyone who knows a way I could find this bracelets owner. Please let me know. I found it at JFK terminal 2 on April 17. It was found by gate C68. I would be happy to mail it somewhere if that would help."
jglittell@gmail.com of New York, NY
"Merry Christmas Chad!!!! 2014"
"We visited the boot memorial in front of III Corps today. We put flowers in the boots of all of 4-5 guys that made the ultimate sacrifice. We think of you often and I still remember you telling me not to worry because you would bring LT home to me. You kept your promise. Prayers daily for your family."
Adam and Megan Byrd of Killeen, TX
"So this incredible person has taken on the challenge of running a Facebook page dedicated to you. It is so wild to see you popping up from time-to-time with your son on your back. I wish we were not here sharing this terrible anniversary and that you could physically be here but you are not forgotten. Miss you Brother."
William L. Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Sgt Rosenbaum It's been tens years and a lot has changed since then . But I still keep you and price in my thoughts mate . I'll see you both again one day .
Soldiers are eternal
Rip my friends I miss u guys ."
Michael Andrson of California
"SGT Rosenbaum, you were a fantastic NCO and a great driver and TOC NCOIC. I just found this site but regret changing command before your deployment and being there with you and SPC Price. Rest brother you live on in your son."
LTC Tristan Higgins of NORAD/NORTHCOM
"Sept. 18th, 2014..... 10 years ago we lost a great son, a great father to Ty and a great brother to Zane! Heaven gained a GREAT angel."
"You are one of our heroes and we miss you."
Todd Morrow of Dallas Texas
"Chad, not a day goes by that I don't think about you, the other soldiers we lost in Iraq, and everything we did and experienced there. You were an awesome NCO who led by example and I was lucky to have served with you in B battery. I've been reading the posts on here for awhile but it's taken me a long time to bring myself to do this. I wanted to drop by this Memorial Day 2014 and say hi, you will never be forgotten."
Former CPT Pat Boland, TF 4-5 ADA
"I wish I had something profound to say something to utter that would make us all wiser but we both know my BS meter is running pretty low these days. I can’t thank you enough for all you did for so many and I hope one day in the end your children and mine will be able to see our sacrifices pay off. I have hit quite a few of these things (fallen remembrances) and it gets pretty numbing after a while. You think you can shake it off, death… and steel yourself against emotions and power through but after Price, Ebert, Davies, Yoemans, Pokorny, Regneir, Forbis, Flack, Meister, Rierson, Maggart, Norris, Perez, Blankenbecler and McLochlin you find yourself drained. I miss you Brother very much."
William Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Chad you live forever in our hearts. We miss you still...Aunt Jerrelene"
Aunt Jerrelene of Fulton, AR
"You spent your 25th birthday in Iraq and your 35th in Heaven....Happy Birthday, May 12th, 2014."
"Well SGT Rosenbaum you were the coolest NCO I have ever met. I do remember you were the first NCO to drop me at Hood. I will never forget you my friend, it was an honor to have served with you."
SGT Flinn (Ret.) of TX
"Our soldier James Price was KIA with Sgt Rosenbaum. Prayers for your family today."
Janet Flint of Leesburg, Fl/USA
"September 18, 2013 ... 9 years ago today we lost a Great man!!!!!"
"Making my rounds figured I would swing by and say hello. Sure wish you and I could just sit down and catch up a bit and let you know you're missed Bud."
William L Peterson of El Paso, TX
"May 12, 2013 Happy 34th Birthday"
"Today we celebrate the Armed Services on Veteran’s Day honoring ALL American veterans, both living and dead on a day dedicated largely to thank LIVING veterans for dedicated and loyal service to their country. November 11 of each year is the day that we ensure veterans understood that we deeply appreciate the sacrifices they have made in the lives to keep our country free. This is not just for their service in time of war but for the dedicated service of the Nation’s veterans during peace time as an effective deterrent to those who may wish to do us harm.
There really is no way to express with any certainty what our Republic’s veterans carry with them but it should be fully understood that a simple thank often carries significantly more weight than any medal and that knowing the hardships were for not. Today at this moment where I reflect on the many years of dedicated service to God, country, our brothers and sisters I find myself humbled by the steadfast devotion to an ideal many see as slipping away. You are forever endeared and embedded in my every thought and emotion and I wish you the happiness you have earned. God Bless and Salute.
Applewhite from A Battery made Master Sergeant a few weeks ago, and Chambers showed up. He's a Staff Sergeant now and it was so overwhelming to see Renegdaes that went through so much standing in the same room again. We miss you guys so much. I sure could use you around to give us a smile Brother. You are not forgotten..."
William of Peterson
"8 years...."
"So today is Memorial Day, a day in which many again will fire up the Barbeques and fish or simply relax in their homes and amongst friends. Yes a couple of years ago I started a correspondence just like this and no I won’t go on a rant about how I feel the people of our nation don’t fully understand what our Republic stands for or used to. I will only release a sigh of a good many emotions for your sacrifice.
Would I rather have you all back in our lives and hoping to hear from you once again, certainly but I understand what your sacrifice meant and hope for those for whom you gave it will carry the brilliant torch of an idea forward into that uncertain night. I am truly respectful of that sacrifice and am honored to have you as friends and colleagues and thank you for all you have given.
In the words of Abraham Lincoln or John Hays (White House Secretary)
“I feel how weak and fruitless must be any word of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save.
I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.”
God Bless."
William Peterson of El Paso, TX
"Brother U are dearly missed. You were a great leader. When I first got to 4/5 ada. I was a lost soul. Never been away from my parents. I was getting in trouble all the time. You were that NCO/leader that I could connect with and come talk to. It was a blessing knowing U!"
Sgt. "Bobby" Price 467th Engineer Co. fmr B-btry 4/5 ada of Memphis, Tn
"Miss you man, wish you were here!
Love you brother,
C 1/321 FAR (ABN)"
Dinkins of Chattanooga, TN
"Memorial Day 2012.............Miss you!"
"Hey man..... It's been a long time since I even thought about things that had happened over there. You were one of my best friends while I was in the army. Even though its been 7 years. I think about you and the other guys every single day. I love you man and miss you."
Chad Christian of Grand Terrace, Ca
"Chad, I had the blessing of meeting you in Texarkana, 2004, just before you returned to war. I had your address to stay in touch then I was reading about you in the paper. I cried, as I had lost a friend, even though we had just met. I want to thank you for protecting our country and giving your ALL!! I'll never forget what a special person you were and look forward to meeting again in heaven!!"
Tammi of Texarkana, AR
"Chad, Merry Christmas. Missing you and wish you were here with us. You remain in our thoughts and prayers always. Thanks for looking down on us."
"Merry Christmas 2011"
"On September 11, 2001, right after the planes hit the towers...You were the first person I spoke with. Today(9/11/2011) I remember you and honor you in my heart."
"Chad, just wanted to let you know you continue to be missed. You left us way to early and I appreciate the time we spent together as friends. Look forward to the time we can see each other again. Keep smiling and looking down on us."
Josh of New York
"Another Memorial Day and swinging by because that is the way it is supposed to be. Sure wish you were still around outside of our thoughts."
William Peterson of FT Bliss, TX
"We miss you bother. R.I.P."
SFC Generalao (RET) of Killeen, TX USA
"You were a great Noncommission officer and even better friend. You was suppose to help me with my bench press so everytime I lift I think of you . Miss you man..R.I.P !!"
Graylin R. GuilloryJr. of Fort Hood ,TX
"Well I wanted to swing by and say hello. Its been kind of a bizarre 6 years since you left us so abruptly; Colonel Morrow retired and allot of the guys have moved on. I am back at Bliss and thinking about following his lead and well an issue of some Army publication had a story on Jongema. Anyway you guys are not forgotten and I sure wish you were around with that smile of yours, sure could use the pick-mu-up."
William Peterson of FT Bliss, TX
"Chad... Your memory is not forgotten brother, it is remembered every day. I can still recall our flight back into Iraq... sitting on the plane, comparing pictures @ home with our son's... oddly enough were both named Ty. The way you talked about your son and the time you spent with him... it made me envy the role you took as a father. Ty...your father loved you more than anything else on this earth, don't ever doubt that for a minute!... I didn't understand why you were to be called ahead Chad, even tho you had so much on this earth to care for. I want you to know that you were an example to me, and I live each day remembering the sacrifice you and your family made so that we may be free!!! You are NEVER FORGOTTEN!!! Everyone who has contributed to this nations freedom has a story, I am a part of yours... Thank You Chad!!"
SPC Thurston, J of CR, IA
"Merry Christmas"
Pete of Ft Bliss, TX
"I should have come here sooner. I remember the day we told the ING of your passing at the hands of cowards. CPT Elrod, SFC Sabol and I were there to accept the gift that they put together for your son. The picture they had of you with your son on your shoulders, and the other gifts they wanted your son to have. Training those boys to respect freedom was easy, watching them mourn you was hard. It was dark days patrolling with them as they remembered you and your sacrifice as we all were sadened. Hope your taking care of the ones who joined you up there, they did you proud. They fought harder, and never turned in the face of danger, just like you taught them, be proud. You contributed so much to the freedom many Iraqi's enjoy then many people know. I will miss you, and forever bow to the sacrifice you have given.
PS. Tell James and Jeremy I didn't forget them either, I posted to their walls too! You gentlemen are just too important to forget. Renegades!"
Mati of formerly FT Hood, Tx
"6 years..."
"Chad, another Memorial Day has come and it doesn't get any easier. Just wanted to let you know that I and many others are thinking of you and all who made the ultimate sacrifice. I hope you know that you will never be forgotten. I truly miss our friendship and I hope you're watching over all of us. Miss you and and wish you were here."
Josh of New York
"Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. My family have heard our stories so much, I would say they know them by heart. I wish we would have had time to do more things. With the warm up we had today I found myself really thinking of all the fishing trips we had around FT Hood. Miss you Buddy Jolly"
Dustin Jolly of Bloomington IN
"God man I miss you. Was just talking to Melissa about you on facebook and I cry everytime I come to this page. I hope your giving them hell up there in Heaven! Keep an eye on me brother!"
"Thinking of you once again on this Thanksgiving day. Thank you Chad for all that you have done for our country and our family, you will always be in our hearts."
Debbie Jolly of Bloomington, indiana
"I never want to forget the sacrifices of so many young men and women. I am so proud it makes me cry. I understand in theory only that war is a part of human nature but so is love and caring. I wish I could take the families pain away but I can't. I am committed to loving ALL people, myself and our environment. I am committed to working on my happiness everyday because so many have died for my freedom to live my life. Thank you is not enough but it is all I have. All my love and respect. ogersteiner@yahoo.com
Scott Steiner of Worthington, OH USA
"Hey brother, just thought I would drop in and say hey. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and the fun we had. I wear your name on my wrist everyday, I will take that braclet to my grave. Thank you for my Nephew! Miss you brother!"
wes of Beebe, AR
"This year was the first time I woke up and didn't realize what day it was. In fact, I made it until almost 4:00."
"9/11/2009 Dear Sgt Rosenbaum, thank you for defending the USA. My nephew died alongside you in Operation Iraqi Freedom, James Price. To the family: I am sorry for your loss and also feel your pain. Their is a void in our lives that time will never heal. (Janflrn@comcast.net)"
Janet Flint of Leesburg. Fl/proudly USA
"Hey Brother just swinging by to make sure its all good, I see you are still getting messages. I am wrapping this tour in Iraq up and I think after all this time I am done. You are in my thoughts, miss you."
Peterson, William of FOB Paliwoda, Iraq
"Sgt. Rosenbaum
I miss you Sgt. you tought me everything about the cage. no one can replace a mentor like you. even though you were hard you were fair. you and James both were like family to me not a day goes by that i don't think of you both. you were someone i could talk to if i needed it and also one of the insprations of me quiting drinking it will be 2 years on the 5th aniversary of you and James death that i have been sober thank you Sgt."
Anthony S. Titsworth of Okmulgee Oklahoma
"I want to thank all of you for leaving your stories of Chad on here. I enjoyed hearing how he helped fellow soldiers. Chad was my cousin, and I adored him! One year at our family Thanksgiving, we had a contest to see who could drink the nastiest drink. They kept adding ingredients. It was between my aunt and Chad, and of course Chad won! :) I have a picture of Chad right before he drank it. He had that bright, huge mischevious grin on his face. That's the picture of him I keep in my mind. Ty and my daughter are around the same age, and it breaks my heart to think that Ty is not going to get to grow up with his Daddy. I know Chad must have a special place in heaven, and I look forward to the day we can all be together again."
Carrie of Arkansas
"As a Soldier, you learn to count on each other for strength & courage. When one of those Soldiers is taken away, the effects can be devastating. Rather than fall apart, the comrades of that fallen Soldier pull together & find strength to honor their brother in arms. This poem is dedicated to the six Soldiers of the 4th Battalion, 5th Air Defense Artillery "Renegades," who, while serving in Baghdad, Iraq, from 2004-2005, were lost to the war on terror but never forgotten. SGT Thomas Rosenbaum, SPC Shawn Davies, SPC Blain Ebert, SPC James Price, SPC Jeremy Regnier, and PFC Justin Yoemans, your sacrifice and memory will live in our hearts forever.
A Renegade's Home
Stuck in this desolate place all alone,
Halfway 'cross the world from a place I call home.
Day in and day out with the same group of men,
A bond none can break, nor few comprehend.
The friends that we make and the bonds that we share,
The enemy can take, but never can tear.
The freedoms we live with, cherished liberty,
They come with a price for freedom, isn't free.
No one knows this more than the Soldier himself,
The gift that we cherish is paid with his life.
Now we have lost him, there's another one gone,
But the memory of our comrade will forever live on.
No awards can be given or be placed on his chest,
Everyone knows he's a Soldier and he was one of the best.
Our wounds may heal, but our hearts still remain
Filled with the memories and mended with pain.
For there's nothing like the sound of a twenty-one-gun salute,
Or the playing of Taps that will make one go mute.
Now he's sent to a place, no longer alone,
Take the Renegade home, take him home.
Remembering you, SGT Rosenbaum, and your family on this 11th day of the 11th month."
Amy Thompson of Charlottesville, VA
Four years gone by now, and I can't help but think about you everyday man. I've spent the past few years trying to honor you, Price and Regnier by finishing my degree.
I remember how we used to talk about college. You were so excited about the whole experience. I know you would have been a star at whatever campus you attended, both in the classroom and with the kids.
I think of you and Ty often. I think of your folks and wonder how they are doing. I send them a card every Christmas with a little something for Ty, because I know you would have done the same for Ayana.
I miss your friendship Rosey. You have been a major motivator in my life and will continue to be as long as I'm here. I know that you look down on us all and try to shield us with your wings.
You are the man old friend, and you are truly missed.
May the Lord Bless and Keep you and your family, now and forever.
See you on the other side with a copy of 'Joe Dirt' and an ice cold one."
Andy Wilson of Toledo, Ohio
"Hey man! Hows it going up in heaven? I bet it's better than down here. I just wanted to say hi and let you know that you were an awsome person and funny as hell and an even better soldier. I was always sorry to see you go. We hung out a few times and I always regret it wasn't more. I'll always remember the times at wild country. I stopped in there a year ago and it just isn' the same anymore. Well hopefully I'll see you up there if I make it. God bless you buddy!!"
Ex Spc. Mitchell Foss of Waco, Tx
"August 20, 2008
To the family of Sgt. Thomas C. Rosenbaum:
Thomas gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV
"Rosenbaum, I ran into one of my old Soldiers today, in Best Buy of all places, totally random, and he told me what happened. I felt like I had been kicked in the gut. It really got me thinking, about the old days of Charlie Battery. How I hadn't kept up with anyone after I left for 91C school. I miss ya buddy, and I'm sorry you won't be around for a change reunion one day.
Brett Valentine C Btry 1/321, May 1997-Jan. 2001."
"Flag Day, Topeka, Kansas - The Reading. An incredibly moving experience. Chad - I had the honor of Reading your name, and it touched me deeply. I've been in contact with your parents and they've sent me a photo of you in your uniform and also one of your little Ty. I'll find a frame to keep the two of you together because I know you're with him and watching over him every day. Thank you for your service to our country. I truly appreciate it. God Bless."
Grace (Veterans@netzero.com) of New York
"To the family and friends of Thomas Rosenbaum: On Saturday, June 14th (Flag Day) there will be an event in Topeka, KS called The Reading. Volunteers will be reading the names of the fallen from Iraq and Afghanistan. I'll be Reading Thomas' name. Each Reader is given a page of 50 names - first name, middle initial, last name, date of death and home state. After each name a bell will toll. The event is expected to take approximately 6 hours to complete. It's important to me the family know of this event in memory of their loved one. Your loved one and friend has not been forgotten. My condolences to his family and friends"
Grace (veterans@netzero.com) of New York
"To the family and friends of Thomas Rosenbaum: On Saturday, June 14th (Flag Day) there will be an event in Topeka, KS called The Reading. Volunteers will be reading the names of the fallen from Iraq and Afghanistan. I'll be Reading Thomas' name. Each Reader is given a page of 50 names - first name, middle initial, last name, date of death and home state. After each name a bell will toll. The event is expected to take approximately 6 hours to complete. It's important to me the family know of this event in memory of their loved one. Your loved one and friend has not been forgotten. My condolences to his family and friends"
Grace (veterans@netzero,com) of New York
"To the family and friends of Thomas C. Rosenbaum: I would like to express my condolences. My name is Etoyi M. Windom and I am a warrant officer in the US Army. Before I was CW2 Windom, I was SGT Windom. I first meet Thomas C. Rosenbaum in Chemical Basic Non Commissioned Officer Course at Fort Leonard wood Missouri. Rossie is what we called him. We met and instantly became the best of friends. Rossie was a tough soldier. We admired him because he had received his master jump wings at such a young age. Rossie could run like the wind, and everyone couldn’t understand how he could push himself so far. I just found out about his unfortunate passing today from a fellow classmate. Again, I just want to say I loved Rossie like a brother and I will miss him dearly.
My phone number is 3348066707. I have pictures of Rossie is anyone would like them"
CW2 Etoyi Windom of Fort Rucker, Alabama/Coffee
"Just a hello friend, It was nice to see Jolly's post here, you guys were so tight. Anyway I wanted you to know you are in my thoughts constantly, you were a special person and are a wonderful spirit."
Peterson of Heading back to Iraq again
I am not to sure what to say here, I have so many different feelings running through my head. I guess I will go with the approach of smiles. I never thought I would look back and smile so big when thinking of being smoked by you and Heimroth. I always enjoyed the suspense of not knowing if you two would run into my room and start fighting me and Pfaff or making us do push ups or what ever the two of you thought of. You and Heimroth were the one’s I looked up to so much I was always so proud if anyone compared me to either one of you. I remember you getting me up early to get me ready for Airborne School because I was so awful at sit ups. I will say you are terribly missed man. …….I have a family now, a son who is 5 and a baby girl on the way. I live back in Chattanooga again and my brother, dad and I started a business together that’s about to be going pretty good. I miss you!
C 1/321"
Richard Dinkins of Chattanooga, TN
"Chad, I look foward in watching TY become a man. It seems we did well in keeping our friendship seperate from work. I remember in the year and a half to two years, the time we spent as room mates and how we kept it away from work, how people tried to find out who I lived with. I guess what I am trying to say thanks for everything all the trips to Austin, Dallas and all the time we spent at the lake after work. You are a leader brother and Hero above all a friend. There is not enough good I could ever say about you. When I think of you and what all we have done, it brings a smile to my face. As the time your daddy sent you that letter saying we could have fun all the time. (you go "I guess we can try") The respect you had for your family and people around you was so special. I know you were a true friend and brother. When I needed someone you were alway's there and it seemed it worked both way's. I truly cared for you like a brother, I am so happy our family's were able to become as close as they have, it's been about six months since your parents and kim was up this way, so I look forward to going to Hope soon to catch up. Zane is sure something to be proud of as a brother, I know how proud of him you are. My little girl prays every nite for you and family and still remembers pappa jack, So I have to make sure to get her back down there in just the next couple months, I never want her to forget. As for me I talk to you every nite and thank you for everything you have done as a friend brother and Hero. Dustin Jolly"
Dustin Jolly of Bloomington IN
"Another memorial day, is upon us and I sit here watching the news and listening to the debates over withdrawing and I must admit I am confused by the rhetoric as I look down this long list of my friends who have sacrificed. Many of my friends have sent me this link which brings tears to my eyes anymore and I can’t watch. I have come to these pages so many times in the past months with a sense of guilt that I have so little to say anymore. The list grows as these fine men and women do their job, a job they volunteered for and feel horrible as I walk away with nothing to write.
These were my friends, are my friends and some won’t remember me and there is one here I know I know but can’t remember him which drives me crazy. Somebody sent me a “Happy Memorial Day” wish the other day. I was at first angry but now I know that each of these individuals brought something to my life in their own way, and helped me to be the soldier I am today. One was somebody from basic training who when I saw his name and picture I was shocked. One I knew in passing and the others I knew all to well. These are my brothers and sisters, men and women who lay it down daily and many who volunteered to do what brought them to the fatal finish that placed them here for you to view.
Please don’t believe all you see in the media as fact. There are so many things being done and accomplished everyday over there that these folks thought was important enough to bring them here. These are our brothers and sisters, our family outside the biological attachments and these are our friends. Even now as I scroll down the list of names I am humbled by what they accomplished and saddened for their families, but it wasn’t a waste. I will sit quietly on a hilltop someplace this weekend and I will think about each of these individuals, and I hope that you will not give up on us, give us a chance because we will never give up on you. God Bless and take care.
SSG Peterson of Ft Bliss
I've been meaning to write something here in rememberance of you for some time now. Although, I talk to you everyday and miss you tremendously, it is only now I feel it is time to leave this message. As you know we have been through a lot together both concerning the Military and our civilian lives. I just want to thank you for being there when I needed your support as well as continuing to be there when I need someone to talk to. You were and still are a great soldier, father, and friend. When I read the messages left on this memorial, many from individuals I've never met, it never ceases to amaze me how much of an affect you have had on them. You always had a way to touch people and make them laugh. In any situation I find myself in that just plain sucks I think of you and can't help but smile and laugh. You are deeply missed among many and I promise that you will never be forgotten! I still am and will continue to stay in contact with your family. They are such great people and I consider them my family as well. Your parents are doing such a great job with Ty and ensuring that he remembers his Dad. Your brother is unbelievably strong and has a beautiful family that he works hard to take care of. I'm sure you are so proud, as am I of their strength. I'll continue to write to you through this memorial as time goes on. Again thanks for all the great memories. Miss you buddy!"
Joshua Heimroth, 2LT, USA of Valatie, New York
"Chad, you are truly a hero in my eyes! You promised to bring Adam home to me safely and you kept your word. You told me not to worry, that he would be fine. I wish I would of had time to get to know you better. Adam really thought a lot of you and misses you dearly! We had the honor of meeting your parents this week and your son and they are truly wonderful people. You will never be forgotten. We know now that you are an angel watching over us. God Bless you for your sacrifice and God Bless your Family!"
Megan & Adam Byrd of Fort Hood, TX
I remember that week before we deployed drinking beer at Adam Byrd's barbecue. Afte reveryone left, it was you, Price, Adam and Meagan and my wife and myself. I just remember playing cards and joking around. That is my best memory of you and the one I chose not to forget.
There are many others since we always ran into each other in the gym, chow, or the B & C CP's. I won't every forget you. Thank you for all of our memories."
Jason: CPT, Infantry, United States Army (Former C/4-5 ADA)
"To the family of Thomas C. Rosenbaum: I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015. Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga"
"Your name was dropped in my class this week in casual conversation between transition soldiers in the far corner of my classroom. I was administering a test and had to look up as the name was dropped. There had been a ceremony that day and one of my students was the guest speaker. I didn't interupt but listened as he talked about the admiration the class he spoke before had for you and the others of the 4th Battalion, 5th Air Defense. I smiled and went back to work but had to let you know it was nice to know you are remembered... I miss you and wish things were different..."
SSG Peterson, William L of El Paso, Texas
"It has taken me a while to get to the point where I check these web-sites for our fallen soldiers. I now believe they are only a small gesture to show how much they are misssed but are crucial to their memory.
I had the plesure of serving as Chad's Battalion Commander, at Ft Hood and Iraq. He was always someone that could be counted on. He died a hero. That day on the bridge was the worst day of my life, and I only wished I could have done something.
I wish only the best for his familiy and friends. I miss him and know that you miss him also.
It was my honor to have served with him."
COL Todd Morrow (Renegade 6) of Ft Bliss, Texas
"It brought tears to my eyes when i ran across this memorial, Chad was a classmate and a close friend of mine. Chad is a hero to all of us that knew him, His time here though cut short was a inspiration to all. I can't imagine the pain his family has went through and my heart goes out to you. Chad will always be in our hearts.
God Bless Chad and all the other soilders!"
Jeff Turner Class of 1997 of Little Rock, AR
"Its been two years now, and everyday I hurt thinking back to that day. Chad you were a great friend and a inspiring leader. I will never forget you. My prayers are with you and your family. God Bless."
SPC Kyle Kmetetz (USA Ret.)
"God Bless buddy. Eventhough I only knew you for a short time, I will always cherish our friendship. You will be dearly missed."
SSG Robert Adams of Ft. Hood, Tx 4-5 ADA
"To all,
On this weekend of road trips, barbeques and personal time with loved ones, please take just one moment of the time you have to yourself this weekend and think of those lost, those who did their best and those who completed their service to a country that has given so many opportunities and brought forth the minor accomplishments of mankind but set a precedence for how one should treat another in the pursuit of a better way of life for all. I myself feel especially humbled by the sacrifices of friends, family and those I never knew. I apologize if this sounds political but it came from the heart and I wish you and yours a wonderful Memorial Day weekend, God Bless.
Bill Peterson"
SSG William Peterson of Ft Bliss, Texas
"Hello brother , i remember our days in BNCOC together in 2001 at Ft leonardwood. You were always wanting to learn and succeed, and we learned from each other, I didnt know u were gone until my unit returned from iraq, and it hit me hard , just wanted to tell you goodbye, im sure you are in a better place . May you rest in peace , and may we never forget.
SSG Mark A. Stewart, FT. Hood, TX"
SSG STEWART of fort hood
"Thanks for all we have shared together back in Bragg and always remember you still have friends and family who miss and still love you buddy."
Russell Brown of Schofield
"Not a day goes by that Chad isn't thought of in one way or another. Chad was and is a very important part of our family. We have so many fond memories of him and that smile once you saw it is something that will remain with you forever. I just thank God that we were able to meet such a person as Chad, and it is so special to us how our families bonded so quickly. Chad is a very special person that brought love and laughter into our hearts. Thank you so much for being there for us even though you were going through a time in your life that no parent ever wants to go through. Donna, Jackie we just want you to know that you will always be our family and that is exactly how we think of you. We look at those pictures of little Ty he looks so much like his daddy and such a strong minded little boy, he sure has a daddy to be so very proud of. A daddy that has touched so many people one way or another. We just want to say thank you again for always being there with your arms open even if it is just to talk or listen. The good Lord knew what he was doing when he made the family of Chad Rosenbaum. We love you all and will always keep in touch. God Bless you and God Bless our troops."
Debbie of Bloomington, Indiana/USA
"I wanted to let the family of SGT Rosenbaum know that we here in 4-5 ADA still think of him as he will be honored during our NCO induction ceremony 29 Sept 05."
SGM Lussier of Ft Hood, TX
"Chad, you were a great man and a great NCO. I only knew you for a few months at Fort Hood, but you made an impact. I can't believe you're gone. You will be missed."
CPT Robert Weeks of Balad, Iraq
"Just when you thought you were at your lowest he would arrive at your checkpoint with that smile that could light up your world and give a playful jab and before you knew it things weren't as bad as you had thought them to be. I was introduced to Chad out in the woods of the north side of FT Hood, and from that point on he was okay in my book. We had a chance to work hand-in-hand on more than one occasion and he was every bit the professional one would expect a soldier to be. But he was more than that, he took time to care for soldiers from every Battery in the Battalion and would lend an ear to a troubled Joe and often gave the right advice or got them going down the right path. In Iraq he took care of the soldiers of the newly developing Iraqi Army and gave them the same compassion he had demonstrated in the past for his own men. I wish I could get all somber and sad and thought I would when I started writing this, but I have done that already. I am proud of Chad and honored to have known him. He cared for every soldier and was a incredible NCO and if there only a few more like him, things would be a little less horrible in this world. I am sorry for your loss and am so very proud to say somebody did right in raising a wonderful young man that I considered a member of my family, I love him like a brother and can't imagine not ever knowing such a wonderful person. God Bless you and your family and thank you for giving us such a prized human being, I feel deeply for your loss."
SSG William Peterson of B Btry 2-6 ADA (Formally 4-5 ADA)
"Chad was a fine soldier who had a significant, positive impact on the lives of the 1st Cav soldiers with whom he served – in particular, my daughter, Kimberly Adams Rosenbaum. Our family will respect forever Chad’s ultimate sacrifice for our county – and we will never forget that Chad’s family and Kim will love and miss him forever. May God bless the Rosenbaum Family. They have faced Chad's loss with grace and honor."
Amy Egolf Bull of Wheaton, IL
"I can only imagine the pain and loss Thomas' family is experiencing. I know the apprehension and worry of daily living with a son in Iraq, and I wish no one had to ever go through either. The world will never be a better place without Thomas, but it will always be a better place because of Thomas. From all I hear he was a very special person. I wish I had been fortunate enough to meet him. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. Thomas will always be one of my heroes!"
Sandra Williams of Texarkana, AR
"This is for Chad. He was the father of my son and this New Years will be hard without him. I thank him from the bottom of my heart for what he did in Iraq. He was a best friend to me and everything a son could hope for. We miss you and love you always."
Beth Carlton of Hope, AR
"I give thanks to our Lord and Savior that we in America have men such as Staff Sgt. Thomas C. Rosenbaum who will serve our country with honor and are willing to give their lives for the freedom of those who are so much less fortunate than us, which live in a land where there was a person who would kill his own people just for his selfish pleasure.
Thanks to God for such men as Staff Sgt. Thomas C. Rosenbaum and the sacrifice they have made we in America have the freedoms we enjoy so much.
I pray that we in America will never get so selfish that we will not help those who live in fear for their lives as well as for the lives of their family.
I pray that God will richly bless each of his family members and friends and May God Bless America."
Bro. Jerry & Linda Smith of Nashville, Ark., Howard County
"To absent companions, and empty boots. Peace and we miss you"
C of Iraq
Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Thomas, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you ALWAYS. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "
"To the family of Sgt. Rosenbaum,
Our family is also grieving a loss, of Spc James Price. They were together that fateful day. Our hearts and prayers are with you all!"
Janet Flint(James' Aunt)Janflrn@aol.com of Leesburg,Fl/USA
"To the family of Sgt. Thomas C. Rosenbaum, I want to offer my deepest condolences in these most hardest of times. I served with Thomas in C-Btry 1/321 Far (ABN) for a few years and I want you to know that Thomas Always was a hero in every sense of the word, and he was a soldier I always looked up to.He was and always will be the best. Good Bless him in heaven and your family on earth. SSRob77@aol.com"
Rob of Brooklyn, Ny
"Chad, Thank you for being brave, you truly are a Hero! We will miss you dearly but one day we shall all be together again. Thank you for your service !"
Wes of Conway
"Thank you brave soldier for sacrificing your today for my children's safer tomorrow. You have our utmost respect and gratitude. May God provide your family with comfort in their time of sorrow. May you forever rest in Heavenly peace. Neither you nor your sacrifice will be forgotten."
a grateful family in Phoenix, AZ
"May God bring peace to your family. Your loved one, Thomas died alongside our hero, my nephew, James Price. I share your sorrow and pain. One day at a time, and we will get through this most difficult time. We have our heroes in our hearts forever.
Thank you Thomas for giving the ultimate sacrifice, you will forever be remembered as the hero that your family has always known you were."
Shannon Caplinger of Atlantic Beach, FL
"Sergeant Rosenbaum, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas
"My deepest sympathy, our family has also suffered the loss of a prescious life in this battle for freedom. May God bless you and help you through this time. Forever in our hearts a HERO Thomas C. Rosenbaum"
Amy & Aaron Monier of Waterford, MI.
"To the family and friends of Thomas. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. I am very sorry for your great loss. I lost my fiancee Spc Shawn Davies who was also in 4/5 ADA 1st Calvary Division on July 8, 2004 in baghdad. I hope that you may find comfort in the wonderful memories that you have of thomas that nobody can ever take away from you, may God help you through this time and ease some of your pain. Thomas's sacrifices will never be forgotten and he will always and forever be an American Hero!"
Autum Shingler ashingler09@yahoo.com of Hopewell, Pa
"God Be With You Thomas! You are a True Hero! To the Loved Ones of Thomas, you have our deepest sympathy. We KNOW the PAIN you are feeling, we lost our Son Spc. Shawn Davies on July 8 2004 in Baghdad, he was also in the 4/5 ADA 1st Caverly Division. Time does ease the pain and the hole in our hearts is full of LOVE for our Sons. God Bless and Confort You."
The Family of Spc. Shawn Davies of Aliquippa,(Hopewell Tws.) Pa. USA
"To the family and friends of Thomas, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Thomas is a true hero, and will never be forgotten. Our family shares in your sorrow. We lost my brother SPC Shawn Davies on July 8, 2004. He also was in the 4th battalion, 5th Air Defense, 1st Cavlary. If you should ever need to talk please contact me at toniannp@sbcglobal.net. May God be with you at this time and until you meet with Thomas again."
Toni Peters of Concord, OH
"To Thomas' Family:
There are no words to express the sorrow we feel for your loss. May God bless you and help you through this time."
Dan and Meg Manninen of San Antonio, Texas
"To the family of Thomas,
Our sincerest condolences for your loss. Our family has also suffered the loss of a precious life in this battle for freedom. It is with pride that Thomas will always be remembered for his bravery and sacrifice he gave to our country. May God bless you during this difficult time."
The McClain family--azquail@att.net of Tucson, AZ
"To Thomas' Family and Friends:
On behalf of the Blanco-Caldas family, we send our sincerest condolences. We share the same loss ... the same pain. Our prayers are with you in this most difficult time and we thank you for your soldier's bravery and sacrifice.
The Family of Capt. Ernesto M. Blanco-Caldas, 82nd Airborne
KIA Iraq 12/28/2003.
Gloria Caldas (The Big Ern's Mom) of San Antonio, TX
"Thank you Thomas Rosenbaum, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios
"To the family and friends of Sgt. Thomas Rosenbaum:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Thomas for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada
"To the family and friends of Sgt. Thomas Rosenbaum:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Thomas, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia