43, of Nashua, New Hampshire.
Rooney died of his injuries when he was struck by a forklift at Shuabai Port in Kuwait. He was assigned to the 379th Engineer Company, U.S. Army National Guard, Bourne, Massachusetts. Died on September 25, 2003.
Please send information, photos, and corrections for Army Sgt. 1st Class Robert E. Rooney.
Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.
Please report inappropriate messages
"Almost 20 years have come and gone but your memory continues to live within us. You are still so deeply missed Uncle Rob.<3"
Michelle Brouillard Young of New Hampshire
"To Family and Friends of SFC Robert Rooney.
It was at Annual Training at Camp Edwards that I had the fortune of meeting Bob. Bob was working at UTES and I believe as the NCOIC at the time. Needless to say, our vehicles were always in need various parts and repairs.
Bob could not have been more helpful to me and my Platoon. It was truly refreshing to encounter an NCO who was committed to doing his job and helping fellow soldiers succeed. Bob would go out of his way to support the MP's. If he didn't have what we needed...he would get it and timely repairs were always a priority.
I will forever remember Bob for going above and beyond and he left a lasting impression on me as a Soldiers Soldier."
MSG Eric Vogelsang (Ret)
"SFC Rooney it has been twelve years since you been gone to me seem like a year. I still can remember that day on the port in Kuwait your unit was getting ready to come home from being away for a year or two years I'm not sure only it had been awhile since being back at home. Speaking to you I could see how great a solider you was the way you spoke with great happiness ready to leave Kuwait never knew this would be the way to return back to the states. Wife and kids looking forward to a day of great joy and happiness with only sad news. The day that change my hold life. Working on the port that day we had an upload of equipments to be loaded unto a vessel or ship many call the unit had driver to help with loading the equipments onto the vessel. There was driver from SFC Rooney unit driving also the day was almost over for shift changing to take place that when everything happen SFC Rooney laying flat on the pavement never responded I felt a deep hurt within side of my soul after talking to SFC Rooney for about ten minutes to hear how happy he talking about some of his like in life. SFC Rooney a solider husband dad granddad unc
le cousin nephew and a friend. RIP"
SSG James Johnson of Meridian MS United States
"Uncle Rob,
Its been 12 years since you passed away. The family misses you every day. Thank you for your service and keeping us safe. Love you Uncle Rob!"
Brittney Moom of Hyde Park, MA
"Bob, I know I left the unit in 1997 but I will always remember you for everything you did for me and taught me. I was very sad when I heard of your death . I am sure that you know that I am a SSG now and I try to treat all of my soldiers the way that you treated us with dignity and respect. You taught me a lot of things and I will never forget the night in the barracks after working at OMS22 with you and Mr Costa when we were watching Sgt Bilko and you laughed so hard at their formation that you used it the next morning on us when you said" do that Army thing and threw your arms in a platoon type of gesture. We laughed and had great time laughing at that later on afterward. You will never be forgotten my friend,mentor , and brother in Arms."
Ssg Sam Hillard of Elgin,Tx
"You were a great mentor. A lot of people looked up to you. It was an honor to work beside you. gone but never forgotten"
Jennifer Salas (Cooley) of Lowell, Ma USA
"Bob, I pray for you and your family and Bobby Boo and I keep you in our hearts and memory."
Dave S. of Buzzards Bay, Ma
Happy birthday. I can't believe how long you've been gone I still remember it like it was yesterday. I loved you as a father and have decided to follow in your foot steps I know they are big shoes to fill. I have ran into many other soldiers that knew you or of you to include the TAG nothing but great things are said about you, of course I expect this as you were a great man/rolé model at home. I'm a NCO now too and try to live to a standard that you did. I also work at the UTES now too, they still have photos of you on the wall. I really miss you and wish you were here to see my kids. They have all heard stories of you and how you are a real hero. I know you watched over me during my deployment thanks for that. Love you miss you."
SGT Beaton Bryan of Plymouth
"SFC Rooney,
Sir, I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for our Country-not just during OIF but also for your service in Desert Storm as well. And to your family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy."
Mike Casey of El Paso, Texas
"Uncle Rob, Two days ago marked 10 years since you've been gone. Although you are gone this page serves as a reminder that you are not forgotten. Rest in peace, I love and miss you still."
Michelle Brouillard Young of Danbury NH
"Rob,this Sept.will mark ten years since your .death.We all miss you,you would have been proud of your children and would have loved your grandchildren.Six beaut.iful granbabies who never got to meet Papa.Diane tells them about you and what a great man you were.Please watch over her,shes not doing so good.Love and miss you.your sister in law debbie"
Debbie Eaves of .Antrim,N>H>
"Rob,this Sept.will mark ten years since your .death.We all miss you,you would have been proud of your children and would have loved your grandchildren.Six beaut.iful granbabies who never got to meet Papa.Diane tells them about you and what a great man you were.Please watch over her,shes not doing so good.Love and miss you.your sister in law debbie"
Debbie Eaves of .Antrim,N>H>
"i cant beleave its been 9 years. i still think about you all the time. i will never forget you. i am proud i got to serve with you and that i could be there with you. god bless your family and i cant wait to see you when my time is up here. miss you brother"
spc eric lavoie of fitchburg
"Uncle Rob you are still deeply missed. I thank god all the time that I got to talk to you before you left. Not everyone had that opportunity. I'll never forget our phone call and I struggle with letting go of the anger I feel of how close you were to coming home and how you were going to throw a party to celebrate. I keep your memory alive within myself and through stories I pass on to my children. I'll never forget when we welcomed you home from Desert Storm, and I am still so saddened that we couldn't welcome you home again. Your an angel with my grandma and grandpa now an I need to start accepting that. I know we'll meet again. I love you."
Michelle Brouillard Young of Danbury, NH
"I miss you"
bill of rockland
"Rob, I want you to know that I thought of you like dad you were there for me when I had no where to turn since I was sixteen years old and I want to thank you for that.I wish you were still here we all miss you very much. Bryan and I talk about you a lot. Bryan also joined the army and he seems very happy being in the army too. I know you would be very proud of him if you were still here. We will always remember you and love you and my kids will know about there papa as well. We love you and will always remember you. Love always Susan, Bryan, Hannah and Robert"
Susan Beaton of plymouth,mass
"I was a member of the 379th from 1997-2001 and was in Bob Rooney's platoon. I left the unit in 2001 as my term of service came to a close. I knew Bob personally and always felt he was a man that had the highest level of integrity and honor. He was like a father to many in the platoon, including myself. He is surely missed. He was always focused on the task at hand and was a great leader. He also knew when to smile and let " the boys be boys". Bob, I miss you and while you're gone, you will never be forgotten."
Bill Trabulsie of Chepachet, RI
"Mrs. Rooney..I'm so sorry for your loss, Your husband was my dad when I was away from home, It took me A long time to write this.I Should have re-uped and went with them...SPC DANFORTH,SGT McGILVERY,and I Helped to build a home for a Comrade.. Who came home from over their..."
SPC Cignarella Christoper P of 15b main st Carver Ma
"hey dad i really wish me and you had more time together but unfortunatley we didnt get that opportunity.you were a good man,i only hope i can be half the man you were.i'll always miss you and you will not be forgotten."
sfc robert e. rooneys'son. of plymouth,ma
"I was an active duty soldier who was coming onto shift the night Robert Rooney was struck with the forklift. I arrived at the port for my shift shortly after you were struck. I have carried this pain with me ever since that night. I was and am very sorry for what happened to you. I was a member of the 149th Pocc, responsible for port operations there in kuwait. I have thought of you for the last 6 yrs,and probably will for the rest of my life. I wish i could have known him. My final wish is that the family has found closure, to know that he served his country honorably, he is a hero. thank you for your sacrifice."
phillip vossler of Ardmore Oklahoma USA
We never had the chance to meet, however I have recently met your lovely, beautiful wife Diane. Your life ended way to young but we all know that you were called upon to serve in another way. Today your wife Diane still has the same love for you and struggles everyday with the pain. Please if you can send her a message that it is ok to let go of the pain that consumes her life and it is ok to enjoy her life until the time that you two meet up again and resume that passionate love for one another. I would not ask this of you except that Diane has become a great friend and it hurts me to see her in such great pain.
Thank you Rob !!!"
Bonnie of Lowell, Ma
"my deapest sympathy for you diane and all of your family.rob was a very gentle and caring man.he will be truly missed"
janice kelly [ahern] of attleboro ma.
I miss you like the father I never had. I am so sorry to your loved ones for not being able to help you more. I think of that day every day I am so sorry for not being a better medic. I am truley sorry for your loss I did all I could, and have been dealing with your loss ever scince. Bob you are greatly missed and there is not a day that will go by in my life that I don't think about you and the loved ones you left behind. You are a great loss to the 379TH , and the US ARMY. I wish I could have done more.
Your faithfull, MEDIC"
jess of shirley, ma
"we all miss u and wish u were here i've heard so many heroic things that youve done and i just wanted you to know that we're all thinking of you every day."
shell and kayleigh of plymouth
"i never had the pleasure to meet you but have met the ones who were affected by your death and you were a loved man whom raised a wonderful family your memory lives on"
Ryan Hurley of marshfield ma.
"I was the Chaplain on the Port that day and was in the Helo with him before the flight was cancelled. I gave prayers then and I give prayers now."
Rev. Patrick R. Appleget of VA Hospital, Charleston, SC 29401
"It's me again, your niece... your anniversary is getting closer....the war is still here..and nothing seems to be getting done about it except for the fact that more troops are joining you up there. We miss you very much...watch down on us and keep us safe...xoxox"
Joanne Beaubrun & Family of Lawrence, MA
"Hey Bob...I really miss you a lot! I drove by your old house on West Wind Shores and could see you and Mandy walking by the pond. I miss your words of wisdom and your smile; you were my strength when I needed it the most. I am sorry for your loss Diane...he was a wonderful friend and supervisor."
Maria of Buzzards Bay, MA
"hey, my name is justin bustard. terry bustard is my dad im 14 and my dad is staff sargent bustard of the 379th. my dad knew him personally. but if i could shake every soldiers hand who has faithfully put his heart into fighting this war i would"
justin bustard of lakeville mass
"August 20, 2008
To the family of Sgt. 1st Class Robert E. Rooney:
Robert gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV
"I am A loved one left behind to the 1st class Robert.A.K.A. the FALLEN.He never fell! My uncle my have died for this country as well as myself but, he was always on his toes!GOD knows I miss you uncle Rob.We all do.I think about you every day if not twice A day.Your more than A romodel to me, your AN ANGEL.I believe!I'm 23 now and the last time I saw you I was about 11'Maybe 12,years old.It's funny how time flies;I can't believe your gone.We're all doing O.K. We just miss you. see you soon!LOVE YOUR NEPHEW MICHAEL"
Michael Brouillard of Lawrence. MA
"Uncle Rob you were a brave man and a HERO in everyones eyes. Aunti Diane and all of the family are keeping the pride of your name alive. I am so sorry that this tragic accident happened. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you."
Jeff, Kiara & Joanne Beaubrun (Brouillard) of Lawrence. MA
"SFC Rooney,
Your tragic death shook up quite a few soldiers in my unit (the 1181st TTBN) who were working the port that day, and who have come to me to talk about it. I salute you for your sacrifice and I deeply regret the horrible accident that cost you your life, and your family a loved one. RIP Fallen Soldier knowing that many in the 1181st TTBN still think about you and the accident daily, and wish that there had been something more they could have done to prevent it."
MAJ John Mott of Meridian MS
I would like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for our Country. And to your family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.
A grateful citizen"
"I'm so sorry for the loss of this man. SFC. Robert E. Rooney, A name I will never forget. I was the Ambulance driver that picked him up, and transported him medical evac. To his family, and close friends I'm truly sorry we did the best we could to save his life."
SPC. Greg Fenton C CO. 161st. A.S.M.B. of Canton N.C.
"To the family of:Robert E. Rooney I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015. Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga"
"To the Rooney Family
My heart was truely saddened when I (in Iraq) heard of his loss. I still think of him and miss him very much. He was always a friend that I could talk to. Your sadness and grief I feel and to God I pray that comfort can be taken by you that he is watching over us all."
SFC Robert Lanois of Leominster MA
"God Bless the family and friends of Bob. I am so sorry for your loss. He was a great Man and a Great Soldier, a true Hero. Those that knew him were truly blessed."
Penny of Rindge, NH, USA
"I am from the greater Boston area and recently moved to Wilmington NC. The battleship USS North Carolina is moored here on the Cape Fear River. For Memorial Day, volunteers created a "healing field" near the Battleship. A flag was displayed with a name on it, for each soldier lost in Irag or Afghanistan. The first one that I selected to read, showed "Robert Rooney, Nashua NH". I just wanted to tell you that it was a very moving ceremony, a military band played during the ceremony on the ship and people were visibly moved by the scene of the field of flags. I surely was. My deepest sympathies on your loss."
Susan Hammond Ziegler of Leland, NC 28451
"Big Rob,
You were a wonderful person with a heart like no other. You are missed every day and we love and miss you.
A better cousin no one could ask for.
Thank you to all that have shown support for Rob and his family. It is felt warmly in our hearts."
Lisa Rooney-Kent of Sandwich Ma
"To the family and friends of SFC Rooney, I offer my heartfelt condolences. I got to know SFC Rooney quite well during our deployment. I have much respect and admiration for him. I think of him each day in order to be reminded of his sacrifice. He lived a soldiers life worthy of emulation. May he rest in peace."
Josh of MA
We will never forget what a special person you were, You are missed by everyone. You were not only my brother in-law, but my brother and a dear friend. I love you."
Joanne M. Brouillard of PLYMOUTH ,MA
"SFC Rooney its been a while since we came home though you may not have come back with us in person I know you have always been with us in spirit. I thank you for everything. You where there when ever we needed you. I learned so much from you. I feel like that day I lost more than a mentor more than a friend or co-worker, but a member of my family. God Bless You and Your Family.
SPC Fragiacomo 379th ENG CO. / CO. A 53SPT .BN of Fall River MA./ Largo FL
"I think of you everyday.I often still ask you for advice and direction. No one
ever said a bad word about you Rob. No one!We all miss and love you. Until we meet again."
Your brother -inlaw Joe of Plymouth,Ma.
"I miss you Uncle Rob. I'll always remember you.You'll always be in my heart forever."
Theresa of Plymouth, Ma
"Rob, You are greatly missed by your son.You're always in his heart and mind God Bless"
"I am part of the Home of the Brave Quilt project in New Hampshire and we have made a quilt for Diane Rooney to honor her husband, Robert. Can someone help me find Diane? I have been trying to reach her, to no avail.
I would very much like to deliver this quilt to her. It is made with love and several people have participated in making this quilt to show that we truly care about her family and her loss.
Linda Heminway
Linda Heminway of Plaistow, NH USA
"To the family of SFC Robert E. Rooney, I am sorry for your loss. He was a wonderful leader and friend. I will never forget him and will always lead by his example. I was once asked if I ever had a mentor who was an optamist. Without hesitation; Bob came to mind. May he rest in peace."
Maria Rawding of Plymouth, MA/USA
"To the Family of Robert, I am wearing a hero bracelet with his name on it. I am proud of this fallen hero I have never met, and am honored and proud to be wearing it. I am sorry for your loss of this great hero. I am a naturalized citizen of this country and I realize what its all about!"
Jacqueline Glynn-Coleman of Reading, PA
"Bob is definately one of my personal heroes and he will be missed by all of us in the 379th. He was always there for me whenever I needed anything. ~In Loving Memory - Bob, We dig your hole ~"
SPC Aaron M. Pacheco of Attleboro, MA
"Thank you for sacrificing you friend, husband father ect. America greatly appreciates his braveness. if no one were brave like him then America would be nothing like it is today. It just happened that you had to pay the price."
7th Grade student of Barker Middle school
"I wish that I could have met Robert because everyone said that he was nice and respected. He was brave I could never been around the battles. I would have been too scared. Thanks for your sacrifices. I really care for you and him!"
7th Grade Student of Barker Middle School
"Sergeant Rooney, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas
"Rest in peace, Sgt. Rooney. We won't forget you or your service."
Brady of Newmarket, NH
Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Robert, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "
"Thank you Robert Rooney, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios
""To the family of Sgt. 1st Class Robert Rooney: Those of us who worked under him, loved him very much. He was a great man, leader, friend and person.
It was honor to work in your presence Robert. GOD BLESS YOU & THANK YOU for touching our lives and deffending our freedom."
Antonio of New Bedford
"I am so sorry for the loss of your loved one. I am also grateful for his willing sacrifice in our fight for freedom."
Melanie of Madison, MS, USA
"To the family and friends of Sgt. 1st Class Robert Rooney:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Robert for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada
"To the family and friends of Sgt. 1st Class Robert Rooney:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Robert, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia