27, of Wapato, Washington.
Reynoso died due to enemy action in An Najaf Province, Iraq. He was assigned to Battalion Landing Team 1/4, 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, California. Died on August 5, 2004.
Please send information, photos, and corrections for Marine Sgt. Yadir G. Reynoso.
Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.
Please report inappropriate messages
"SGT Reynoso!
I miss you brother. Every so often you come to mind and I just think about the memories I have of you from School of Infantry in 2002.
You made us respect each other, made us laugh, told us stories, and showed us respect straight out of boot camp.
I remember you called me into your office and made me do pushups before a 48 hr liberty (Can't remember why lol). You told us stories about Hollywood and how we should checkout this spot called "The Palace" which I went too many times when I got out of the USMC haha.
Then we got shipped to war, thought I'd never see you again and then I ran into you at the PX in Kuwait, middle of the *ing desert! out of the blue.
That's the last time I saw you bro. Life is crazy, I have a 4 month old daughter now, married and working hard in your honor and my other fallen brothers honor.
I won't let you guys down ever. I imagine you boys working hard for your loved ones if the roles were switched which motivates me every single day all in your honor. Semper Fi."
CPL Medina, USMC 0331 1/4 Alpha Co of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
"Sgt. Yadir Reynoso,
I can’t believe it’s been 15 years since you left us all! I can still feel the pain and hurt as if it was yesterday, not a day goes by that I don’t think of you! We have so many great memories together, our children we have together know so much about you and are so proud and blessed to hear the stories about there father! We was so young when we had our kids together, we was basically kids having kids! Our first child is named Chante Marisa and she is 24 years old now and she has a beautiful son named Anthony he is 2 yers old. Our second child is named Christian Yadir Gumercindo Reynoso and he is 21 years old now! He proudly carries your name and I promise you he is living up to every expectation possible! He is in his junior year at Eastern Washington University, our son is doing great! I can’t believe how much I see you in both of them, so much at times it drives me crazy! Although they have so many questions about you and us they completely understand we was so young when we had them. I love to tell them about us and you every chance I get and believe me I have so much to tell them so many beautiful memories! You will always live threw them, you will never be forgotten and they will always carry you with them everywhere they go! There father, there angel and especially there HERO!
I would like to say thank you to everyone who shared great memories they had with him! It means so much to read every single one and feel so blessed that I to had the honor of knowing him and especially to have had his first 2 children! You will forever be held in our hearts, never forgotten!
Rest In Peace Sgt. Yadir G. Reynoso"
Marissa Tahkeal Castillo (marissa1978.mc@gmail.com) of Wapato, Washington
"happy birthday brother"
cpl escamilla of san antonio tx
"Sgt Reynoso was a great friend and terrific leader. Yadir was hard to know at first with a very abrasive personality but that man would do anything for you. I had to pleasure of serving with him at Wpns Co. 3/1. Although we were in different platoons, we still got along great and had some good times together. I'll never forget you brother. Keep those angels in heaven at parade rest when they address you."
Joseph Hansen (SSgt USMC) Weapons Co. 1/24 CAAT 2 Plt Comm of Plainwell MI USA
"I had the honor of serving with reynoso in 3/1 81 platoon. He was a hard core rock and meant business. He was a cool guy to hang with on downtime. A lot of energy from a man is what I remember.."
trojanowski of spring texas
"I served with Reynoso from 99-01 and then again from 03 until about 04. In the fleet we were in different platoons and I definitely didn't like him just based off his reputation. We ended up on ship one day in a liberty port and happened to be drunk and in the same room at the same time and I decided that was the time to let him know how I felt. Me at 6'3" almost 200lbs him at 5' something 100 and nothing he stood his ground and after a tense few minutes we were hugging and rapping to Ludacris. He's the type of guy that unless you really know him he is an enigma and you will never truly understand him. I was surprised to see him again at SOI but he was there to show me the ropes. I've never met a guy with such short legs that could hike so fast. I had the fortune of running into one of your former junior Marines when I got back to the fleet and he spoke so highly of you and it baffled me why but you were the type of guy that could squeeze water from a rock then sale said water back to said rock. You were a character to say the least, and an intense Marine and great leader. Tomorrow I will eat a burger in your honor my Puerto Rican brother. haha"
Ron Sampson of Everywhere from NY to HI
"miss you Sgt. You took care of us. you are and will always be a great Marine. A true HERO"
Cpl Escamilla of san antonio Tx
"Miss you brother..every day ...every year on that day even more"
Ssgt. Loz of Los Angeles, CA
"The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star (Posthumously) to Sergeant Yadir Gumerci Reynoso, United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action against the enemy as Third Squad Leader, 81 millimeter Mortar Platoon, Weapons Company, Battalion Landing Team 1/4, Eleventh Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable), I Marine Expeditionary Force, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Central Command, in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM on 5 August 2004. Ordered to clear a 200-meter section of An Najaf cemetery, Sergeant Reynoso's squad engaged a reinforced platoon-sized enemy unit at ranges of 10 to 30 meters and was immediately pinned down by a heavy volume of rocket-propelled grenade and AK-47 fire. Sergeant Reynoso responded by throwing a fragmentation grenade that eliminated three insurgents. He then directed the fires of an AT-4 rocket team on a pocket of four insurgents, destroying their position and all personnel. While providing suppressive fire against the enemy to enable his squad to withdraw from its position and maneuver against the enemy, Sergeant Reynoso was mortally wounded. Sergeant Reynoso's bold leadership, wise judgment, and unyielding dedication to duty reflected great credit upon him and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.
Action Date: 5-Aug-04"
Alex of USA
"Rey, you have no idea how shocked I was when I found out you left this earth. I didn't get to say good bye the day of deployment. I do, however, have the very last picture you took of Mike and I. You were such a great and close friend. You always showed me respect. Te extrano mi amigo. I love you devil. One day we shall see each other again."
Lisa (Gonzales) Aguilar of San Onofre CA
"sgt gonzalez.."
"my condolences to the reynoso family. i got the opportunity to serve with him in 3/1 and would always bullshit at the motorpool in horno when i would run into him. u were one badass marine and will be missed.. semper fi brother ssgt gonzalez 3/5 west covina"
brian gonzalez of west covina
"You were my SOI instructor back in 2002 and you pretty hard on us but for good reason. When you came to 1/4 I was glad that the battalion had an NCO like you. The hardest thing that I ever had to do was to carry you from the CASEVAC to the BN Aid statiion and say that you were expectant. You will never leave my memories. We shall meet again one day. Semper Fidelis. -Sgt. Young Charlie co. 3rd plt 1/4"
Sgt. Young of Chicago, IL
"Sgt Reynoso, we didn't know each other, but we served together in Iraq (11th MEU). I remember waiting in line for something for what seemed like hours inside the COC at FOB Duke. It was hot and you and your Marines kept your blouses on inside while some other units took theirs off. I saw you around camp and even got to go out to the cemetary around the time you were there. My men and I were ordered to burn your deuce gear and flak in the burn pit. It was a very sad and heartfelt task. I remember hearing that those bastards got your kevlar and it angered me greatly. I'm sending you and your family my thoughts and prayers. You are a Marine's Marine. Semper Fi Sergeant.
Cpl George S. Gonzales USMC"
Corporal George S. Gonzales of Albuquerque, New Mexico USA
"Sgt. Reynoso,
Wow, its been a long time since I have relived the memories of my military days. I have finally gotten to the point of dealing with them. Man you made my life much easier, and kept me laughing. I remember the last thing you did was ask me for a tourniquet to use as a bandana. I told you that you had better return it, even tho that task may be impossible now...I still look foward to getting it back from you on the other side...I really love you man, and you will forever live in my heart.
May you R.I.P
Antonio Gray of Atlanta, Ga
"Sgt. Reynoso, it's been a long time since those hot dusty days out in Najaf. I've been taking the time to look back and remember all of the 1/4 Marines that didn't make it back. I know your family knows that you were one hell of a Marine, i learned that first hand when i entered infantry school and the other guys were saying that this little Sgt that we had as an instructor was probably gonna haze the crap out of us! lol. You were tough but that's the way it was supposed to be. Lucky enough for me, you came to our Battalion before we shipped out. I learned alot from you, you taught me how to be more effective with grenade tosses and that came in handy. You're not forgotten, not even after all these years."
Raider Three-One of Camp Pendleton
"Yadir, Erick "Doc G" Gonzalez here, I know your wife Erica may read this and hope she is doing ok.
I met with Ssgt you know who and he felt guilty for sending you back to the fleet after SOI. I told him that he made the best decision any NCO could had made. Sending you back to the fleet to lead Marines is where you truly belong. Brother, in the rear and in combat, you are among the best Marines I have served with. It was my honor to serve with you, and I will always remember you."
Erick "Doc G" Gonzalez of Washington DC
"You are missed today and everyday brotha. What you have done for me and for others you have served with as well as your family was a great gift."
Alberto Lopez of Chicago, Il
"Just saw your story on the Military Channel and want your family to know how grateful I am for your sacrifice so that my children can live in peace. We will not forget it."
Jeffrey Cain of Clinton CT
"I have much respect to you, sgt. Reynoso. I was watching the military channel, and heard about you, and notice that we have the same last name. You did a great Job. Rest In Peace. You would not be forgotten. God Bless You."
Future U.S. Army Soilder Fernando of New Jersey, U.S.A.
"Happy 234th Birthday Brotha..You are truly missed!"
Alberto Lopez of Chicago, Il.
"Sgt. Reynoso
i was in 1/4 Wpns Co. 81's platoon
i don't know you personally, but your marine lcpl Knight (now Sgt. Knight) was my squadleader from 2005-2007.
He would always talk about you in the way you led your marines. The platoon would comment on how he was just like you. He had a truck with a sticker on the back dedicated to you. I seen your picture up on the company office wall along with Cpl Abad.
and everytime we humped up to the memorial. 2nd squad always carried a ...monstrous... white rock in your honor.
thanks for the sacrifices you and your family has made."
Cpl. Timothy Kim of Camp Pendlton, Ca
"Hey bro, always keep you in my mind. We will see you in the future."
SSgt Mnoz of D.C
"Hey Sgt. Just wanted to let you know i havent forgot about you man."
Ofc. Smith JA Prior Sgt of Blakeslee pa
"Hey brother just wanted to let you know that I miss the times we had late at night smoking cigarrettes at SOI on duty waiting for one of our pissants to screw up I miss you man Semper Fi you were truly one of the great ones"
Sgt Serna
"I served with Yadir in 3/1 back in 1999 when he was one of many graet senoir Marines trying to teach and lead us into the right direction. I knew him when he was a Lcpl all the way until he became a Sgt and he was there when I picked up Cpl. There are so many times now that I am out of the Corps that I find myself remembering back to those days when all we were doing was training, and I wish things didnt turn out the way they did. I have to remind myself that he was one of the hardest/toughest Marines that I knew and his ultimate sacrifice will never go unforgetten! I wanted to write this message to let everyone who reads this know that he was the first guy if you needed some real help that I would have gone to and it doesnt surprise me that he had his Marines back in an awful situation that they found themselves in. I miss you brother and I will never forget you! Thank you for all you have done for me and all the advice I have gotten from you over the years."
Daniel Perrigo of Temecula, CA
Hey brotha just wanted to tell you that although I send this today,on memorial day of 2009, I think of what a great person you are on a daily basis and you are one of my major motivations. I miss you and you are miss by those who knew you. Sgt Alberto Lopez (alberto.lopez9@yahoo.com)"
Alberto Lopez of Chicago, IL (USA)
"I served with Sgt. Reynoso in 3rd BN 1st Mar. 81's Plt. from 97' to 01'. And I never met, nor do I think I will ever meet, someone with such drive. He was the type of Marine that never gave up no matter what the situation. Him and I had a lot of really good laughs. I'll never forget when he talked one of the guys I had on ship for the ride back to SD from Pearl, into putting on a little kids USS Tarawa shirt and take a picture. That was one of the funniest thing's I think I have ever seen. We cried, we laughed so hard. Sgt. Reynoso like the Marine Corps Hymn says, heaven is guarded by United States Marines, and I know that you are one of the Squad Leaders brother. Semper Fi I'll never forget you man."
Mark Pickert (Cpl, USMC) of Chicago, IL pickmjp@yahoo.com
"I am truly saddened by the news I just received. I just found out about Sgt. Reynoso’s death in Iraq. I served 4 years with Reynoso in 3/1. He was one of a kind! Anyone that knew him understands exactly what I mean. I know its been 5 years since this tragic loss but I want all the family members to know that you are in my prayers. God Bless and Semper Fi!"
Benny White (SGT) of Indianapolis, Indiana
"Sgt Reynoso,
You were not my Sgt during SOI but one of the other platoon's. We had a few run ins from time to time and you always made me nervous. You were by far the toughest of them all and always had something tough to say. You were hard,took no lip and thats what i admired the most. The day i stopped being so nervous is when you heard me say something smart to one of the other marines. You came over to say something,looked at me and laughed. You said, "Marine , you look like a damn gummy bear". Every one laughed and from then on thats what you called me lol. I visited you a few times while you got stuck doing guard duty lol and always had a good laugh. Thank you! You are a great Marine and i will never forget you. Semper Fi, Rick Collier 1st LAR BN USMC."
Rick Collier of Oregon USA
"Sgt. Reynoso,
Sir, I learned of your story while watching Combat Zone on the Military Channel about how despite being wounded, you stayed behind to cover your fellow Marines-you're the epitome of what a Marine NCO should be. I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for our Country. And to your family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.
Semper Fi Devil Dog!"
"Chante....................Please contact me. I have so much to tell you.........Formerly in the PSD Plt. (Personal Security Detal) Plt. H/S Company 1st Division 4th Marines s Corporal Derek J. Porter 310-924-9848"
Derek J. Porter of Oak Park, CA/ USA
"Chante........ We are eternally here for you. Please let me know if you need ANYTHING. Call 310-924-9848 day or night."
Derek Porter of Oak Park, CA/USA
"To my former plt. sgt. I miss you dearly...... I wish I could trade places with you so your children would not have to suffer... My tears come and go."
Derek Porter of Oak Park, CA/ USA
"Yadir and family-- I served with Yadir in 1/4 and was by his side during our battle in the cemetery. He will always be a true hero."
HM2 Clint Sprabary of San Diego, CA
"were ever you are god blees you.
and always you will live here in my heart."
"July 4, 2008
To the family of Sgt. Yadir G. Reynoso:
Yadir gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV
"To My dear cousin.... Boy we miss you so much, you were a great part of us. Everyone misses you and we wish for you to come back. We will never forget you. You did alot for us, you were always there, you always had our back, Rest In Peace... We love you and Miss you....."
Erica Avila of California
You will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN, and FOREVER MISSED, en mi corazon siempre estaras!
Que Dios te tenga en su santa gloria."
Irma Cuevas of Vancouver, WA
"I found a picture of a masked Iraqi holding up a helmet with the name Reynoso on the back. I went to the Fallen Heroes Memorial web site and found his name. I started reading the letters sent in from friends and strangers alike. He sounded like a great man. I read as well that the Military channel did a story about him. I was so proud to hear how he acted so bravely and with out regard to his own safety to save his fellow Marines. I am a retired Army soldier and deployed to Kuwait during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Though I did not see combat I met hundreds of Soldiers and Marines deploying into and out of Iraq. They are a brave group of men and women and I would have wanted any one of them covering by back. My prayers are with you Yadir G Reynoso and your family. Thank you."
Kimon of Clermont Fl
"Sgt Reynoso was my SOI Instructor and a great Marine. I got the chance to see him again when he checked into 1/4. We where apart of the same Battalion in the Battle of An Najef. Sgt Reynoso you are a Marine i strive to be like."
Sgt Mussa of Camp Pendleton, Ca
"hey whats up ....my name is michael and i was in the same platoon as sgt raynoso in najaf..wow guys time goes by fast and ill never forget that day ....."THE YARD"...SEMPER FI!..formaly lcpl costa"
"Yadir & Family, You were one of my classmates & friends Id think of when I thought of the old days. It is sad I wont be able to give a head nod,hand shake or say whats up any time soon but it is also an honor to have known you. Thoughts and prayers are with you and the whole family. You wont be forgotten."
Vince Wallahee of Pendleton Or,97801
"Reynoso, 11-10-2007
I know it has been a long time and I wish I could have said this to you in person but Happy Birthday Leatherneck. I wanted to let you know that you are missed and are thought about everyday and I promise you I will make it up there to see you. To a great Father, Marine,and friend. Semper Fi"
Sgt. Alberto Lopez of Rsm, Ca. USA
"I saw what you did on the Military Channel. A true warrior, gave your all for your Marines."
Johnny of BPT, CT
"ya i seen you on that millitary channel when they made that show about what happend in iraq i seen what happend to my dad,What did my dad say about me like stoies?well i got to go im at school in the libary and i have to go now thank you 4 watching over my dad as long as you could bye
chante (i love you dad r.i.p)"
chante marisa of wapato wa usa
"It's been a while now since the passing of such a great friend and Marine. I was with Sgt Reynoso at the School of Infantry. We worked side by side on numerous occasions. He was an awesome person to be around and was a fireball everytime I saw him. I carry a picture of the man holding Sgt Reynoso's helmet around everyday praying and hoping to come across him or friends to serve them death. I will never forget nor will I quit until justiced is served for what they did.
Chante, you don't who I am, but I want to let you know that your dad talked about you all the time to me and would always tell me how great you were. He was very proud to be your father. Even though he's not here with us physically, he is definitaley here spiritually. Do your dad proud and continue to live your life as best as you can because I know that's what he'd want you to do. Much love to you and your family. You guys will always be in my prayers."
SSgt Martinez, Isrrael of Camp Pendleton, Ca
"hey brother, miss you and think of you all the time."
hm3 fmf perdomo of camp pendleton ca.
"well i miss my dad so much and it kills me that i see a son and a dad that will love each other so much and a daugthter and a father that do the same love each other and i never even felt that from my dad i know he did but still i never met my dad only when i was a baby like 2 years old i miss my dad so much you dont even konw how i miss him i loved him so much and ill never stop i would die for him if he was alive rite now yes i would die for him i love him so so so so much i cry my self to sleep sometimes when i think about him at night
"i love you dad"
chante of wapato washingtion USA
"In my words and in memory of Sgt Yadir G.Reynoso he was a loving uncle but i really don't know much about him but i have heard some wonderful things about him and in the marines he was a leader not a person who goes with what other people have to say but he did listen to people and well i guess what i am trying to say is that to all my cousins,aunts and all of his family out there i know were going to all get though this together so i wanted to say that he was a loving person!
In Loving Memory of Yadir G. Reynoso"
Toni Sandoval of WAPATO, wa,usa
"hey whats up my name is chante and yadir is my dad and my mom is marissa tahkeal and i just wanted to say im glad yadir is my dad and that i love him so so much i miss so much"
chante of wapato, wa,USA
"I Served with Reynoso in 99-2000 when we were in 3/1. I was in CAAT but still remember that hard core Lance Corporal on the second floor that stood proud as a marine. I hope the best to his family and god bless for such a hero as Yadir G. Reynoso."
SSgt Matthew D. Winn of McGuire AFB, NJ
"To the love ones of Sgt.Reynoso
I'm sorry for the lost of Yadir and I too feel the pain and sorrow. There are still days when all I do is think of him and all the laughs that we had. we only knew each other for a few months in that time we just grew together. He was a great guy although he had a short temper, I learned to just look on the bightside of things. I miss him with all my heart and my prayers go out to you the family he loved. I wish I could of met him a long time ago but I thank God for giving me the opportunity to feel the warmth of his heart. He will always be in my heart. See you later Yadir we have unfinished business to catch up on."
of California Love
"I just saw the episode on the Military Channel and they were explaining what Sgt Reynoso did to provide cover for his men to pull back. Even thou I never meet Sgt. Reynoso, I still wanted to leave a message of condolence to his family and friends. I am a Marine from 89'-96' and a Vet of Desert Sheild / Desert Storm. I know that I will meet you Sgt. Reynoso someday in heaven along with all of our fallen heroes. Until then, watch over the Marines, Soldiers, Airman and Sailors who are serving our great country.
Semper Fi brother,
Cpl Crouse, Bradley N.
1st BN 7th Marines 90' - 93'"
Bradley Crouse of Bethlehem, PA
"Hi I just watched a show on the Military channel.....and believe it or not saw them talking about Reynoso....I served with him in 3/1 81mm Mortar Plt in 99-2000.....I was there with him for about 2 years before going to the Scout/Sniper plt. and then latter to Iraq for the initial crossing of the line....
I remember him being a fireball of a guy...hell of a Man...there was more than a few times he has climbed up my backside for doing something wrong...(I was a Jr. Marine to him).....and what I liked about him the best is that even though you screwed up and he had to thrash you, at the end of the day he would sit down and have a Beer with ya....Man I miss him and the guys....I used to give him a hard time and tell him that he had the "small guy syndrome" and that he had to be extra tough because he was just a little guy....Ill tell you....he was a big guy at heart and no matter how much you screwed up or how much he yelled at you, he still had your back no matter what happened....It doesnt surprise me one bit about his actions on the day he was shot...he was a hard charging Marine and willing to fight and push on no matter what...and was always one of the first to stand up and go for it...
I hope that this finds you well....I just wanted to write and send my condolences...something I should have done a long time ago but was dealing with some of my own demons....
If you care to send me an email...here it is: longrange@dmglobal.net
God Bless"
"I knew Reynoso when I was with 3/1. I learned of his death through Chad Mercer. He was outgoing and a "Wild Man". He was a hardcore Marine and had a spirit that most of us wish we had. Semper Fi Brother. I wear a black KIA bracelet with your name for you everday and for the rest of my life. I never take it off. Its enduring, like the love for your country, the Corps and your fellow Leathernecks."
Sam De Larrosa USMC
I knew you since boot camp. Same company. We worked together at 3/1, did a couple of deployments. I remember that soccer game. I didn't play of course, I'm no good at soccer. You went to teach at SOI and I went to teach at Edson Range. I didn't know you were in 1/4 until I saw you in Iraq. I remember we talked for a few minutes, a little about old times, and how things were with you and your family. I was at the Govenors compound there in Najaf with B 1/4 the day you were killed. The news hit me like a truck, almost 8 years that I had known you, and I would never get the chance to say goodbye. Well I won't say it now, I'll just say, "See ya later" cause I know a good man like you has made his way into heaven, and one day I will join you there, and once again we'll talk of old times. So until then, watch over us, keep us safe, and never let us forget."
Sgt Chapman of Formerly 1/4 now 3rd EOD
"I recently returned from a year long tour in Iraq and was told about this site by a marine that served on Camp Pendelton with Sgt Reynoso and I. I served with Sgt Reynoso in Weapons Co. 3rd Bat, 1st Marines. He was a good marine and he will always be remember. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. Semper Fi brother."
Sgt Robert Rouleau of Pittsburgh, PA
of california
"I am here to pay my respect to Sgt Reynoso.
"Step forward now, you Marine,
You've borne your burden well.
Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in Hell."
Rest in peace Reynoso"
Cpl Nip of San Francisco, CA
"My name is HM3 Joshua Bunker. Just like with Cpl. Abad, I served with Sgt. Reynoso in 1/4 81's Plt. I was the first and only corpsman in that cemetery to try and save Sgt. Reynoso but there was little that anyone could have done. He was a great Marine and I wish I could have saved his life but I believe that the Lord wanted him at that time. Just remember Sgt. Reynoso that you are missed and always in my prayers, as well as your family. Your Friend, Doc Bunker"
Joshua G. Bunker(setexas13@yahoo.com) of Houston, Texas
"My brother, Sgt. Joseph Perusich (Sausage) served with Sgt Yadir Reynoso for several years. My brother prays for his fallen brother every single day and has a tattoo on his right arm, with names "Reynoso" and "Abad" for Corproal Roberto Abad surrounded by clouds with a cross in between the names. Whenever someone calls him a hero, he looks to his arm and says "These are the heroes, these are my heroes." I never met Sgt. Reynoso or Corporal Abad, but I love them as if they were my own big brothers, for they were vigilant in their care for my own blood brother, and they gave their lives so that he might fight another day. Semper fi, you will live in the hearts of my family for years and years. God Bless the Reynoso family for giving life and raising a man whom my brother calls his hero."
Dan Perusich of Chicago, Illinois, USA.
"As a former Marine Vietnam Veteran, I would like to say 'Semper Fi'. You will be in our memories always. Thank You. My condolences to the Reynoso family."
Dick Hoezee, Councilman of City of Wapato, WA 98951
"I knew Sgt Reynoso when he was a Corporal in 3/1. We were in Wpns Co, I was w/ CAAT and Reynoso was in 81's. We played soccer on deployment in 1998 w/ the 15th MEU. I will never forget that deployment, we beat the Navy's team from the Essex in Singapore and got to play against the Thai's and the Omani's. When I came back to the fleet from MECEP, I came to 1/4 and was shocked to see that he was killed in Iraq. The Marines who fought with Reynoso in Najaf have nothing but great things to say about his courage and dedication. Sgt Reynoso is sorely missed and I offer my sincerest condolences to his family."
Alex Ramos of Camp Pendleton, CA
"I served with Yadir at 3/1 wpns co, he was with the 81's plt I was with CAAT, He was a great Marine and damn good person, he was having troubles when I knew him, but I can see that he worked through them and went on to become a Sergeant of Marines, My prayers go out to his family, Semper Fi."
Jeff Dillion, SGT. USMC of Ladera Ranch, Ca
"i served with SGT Reynoso, with BLT 1/4. all i can is that SGT Reynoso, was a great guy and an awesome Marine. he is the kind of person people would listen to; give their life if need to, because he showed you nothing but respect. i knew him from C co and H&S and i have are good memories of him. i was his corpsman and we talked about going to MCRD together, him as a drill sgt and i well as a corpsman, and i would of, he was a cool * guy. i had to see him after he arrived and i had to watch his body before taking him away. i couldnt believe it. he will always be in my heart, a true american hero. God Bless You Yadir, dont worry man, keep the women on ice and i will bring the drinks...
HM3 Ulises Urbina of Garden Grove, CA
"i served with SGT Reynoso, with BLT 1/4. all i can is that SGT Reynoso, was a great guy and an awesome Marine. he is the kind of person people would listen to; give their life if need to, because he showed you nothing but respect. i knew him from C co and H&S and i have are good memories of him. i was his corpsman and we talked about going to MCRD together, him as a drill sgt and i well as a corpsman, and i would of, he was a cool * guy. i had to see him after he arrived and i had to watch his body before taking him away. i couldnt believe it. he will always be in my heart, a true american hero. God Bless You Yadir, dont worry man, keep the women on ice and i will be the drinks...
HM3 Ulises Urbina of Garden Grove, CA
"My Heart goes out to The Reynoso Family. I am sorry for your lost. He is now in a better place. Yadir will be very missed by us all."
monica contreras of yakima, wa 98901
"You taught me the ways of the Grunt. You gave advise when i needed it. You inspired me when i was down on ship... Damn good Marine... I wont ever forget that cemetary, or you.
Semper Fi"
LCPL Trigg of Olympia, Wa
"To the family of Sgt.Reynoso
My son is in the 81's Plt. Though I have never met Sgt.Reynoso. My son called after the fighting in the cemetary and told me of his fallen comrades. I felt sad and very scared for everyone in Iraq. I also felt lucky, it could have been my son. I'am sorry for your loss and pray everyday for all still there. As selfish as it seems I hope my son comes home safe so I wont have to experience your pain."
P. Smith of Blakeslee, Pa USA
"yadir was a very close friend to my family and i used to live by him when i was a little kid, i went to his viewing and no matter if i really knew him or not it was still sad, you will be remembered in our hearts"
delano ortiz of federal way, washington
"I had the honor of serving with Yadir while he was in Iraq. He came to my platoon and quickly took charge of the Marines under him.I cannot say enough about the man to truly express the type of person he was. His attitude and Esprite De Corps was one for all to emulate. His actions speek louder than words and will be missed by all. He was a great Marine and a good friend to me and all the Marines in 81's Platoon and around the Corps.God's speed and fair winds my friend.Semper Fi."
Ssgt Ian W Bonell of 81's plt BLT 1/4
"Sgt. Yadir Reynoso,
What more can i say that hasn't been said? He is a hero, a great Marine, and will live on in all of our hearts. I had the honor to fight alongside Sgt Reynoso in the infamous Ali Wahid Cemetary on August 5th. Sgt. Reynoso was my squadleader, and I will ever forget the way he lead, or the way he joked, we all love and miss him. My love goes out to his family and loved ones. Semper Fi.
Lcpl Kevin J Knight
1/4 wpns co, 81 mm mortar platoon
Kevin Knight of Helena, MT
"Sgt Reynoso was a rifleman instructor with Co. B when I was passing through Weapons Plt at SOI. That man was a riot to say the least. I had the pleasure of being at his promotion ceremony from Cpl. to Sgt. After I graduated I ended up in Co. B with 1/4. Not too long after I got another shock. Sgt. Reynoso was in my unit. My condolences to his family. And thanks. Because I probably wouldn't have enjoyed Co. B in SOI if it weren't for him."
White, Ryan M of Milwaukee, Wi
"This fine soldier was one of our son's SOI instructors. We met him in 2002 when we went to visit our son. We had to "check out" our twenty-four year old son to take him off base and we had to speak with him. His death is hard for us because we actually knew him--he is not just a name to us. Our condolences to his family."
Allene Lemons of Sandy, Utah, USA
"To the Family of Yadir Reynoso,
I served in the Marine Corps from 1984 to 1991 as a helicopter pilot. I have placed a picture of the Najaf cemetary at my desk to remind me of what difficulty is. Your son's service, dedication, and sacrifice remind me to work to make myself a better man every day.
Semper Fidelis
Charles A Benson
Captain, USMC
Chuck Benson of Seattle, WA
"To the Family of Sgt. Reynoso,
I would like you to know your son was a great man and marine. I had the honor of serving with him while he was with 3rd BLT 1st MAR, and while he was an Instructor at the School of Infantry (west) Know that your in mine and my family hearts and prayers everyday and everynight. We will never forget the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE he has given to his country.
Respectfully submitted,"
Sgt E of LK Elsinore, CA USA
"To the family and friends of Sgt. Yadir G. Reynoso,
Those we hold most dear, never truly leave us. May you find comfort in love's everlasting connection.
In the Support section of this web site you will find links to many groups that support you at this crucial time. The Marine Comfort Quilt group would be honored to send a quilt to the next of kin. There are many, loving and caring Americans from all over the United States that will never forget the sacrifice that your loved one has made for our Freedom. Please register so we can send you our "Love Stitched Together."
Proud Marine Mom and Proud Member of Marine Comfort Quilts"
Sandra Moudy of Placentia, Ca
"To Sgt Reynoso, i served with Bravo Company at the school of infantry at the start of my marine corps career. Sgt Reynoso was the best instructor any marine could have. his attitude towards life gave people someone to look at as a role model. he will be missed. i leave for iraq again in mid september and he will be in my heart as well as others in my class going back with me.
God Bless his Family and Friends."
Cpl Franks, Joshua L. of 3rd Bn 5th Marines/ Camp Pendleton, Ca/USA
"To the Reynoso family, My son is also with the 11th MEU and though I did not personally know him and am not sure if my son did, my heart is heavy with sadness as his loss. He died serving our country in a time when many choose not to do so. In my eyes he is a hero. I know words cannont bring you the comfort you need but please know that many, whether they knew him or not, appreciate his service and are greatly saddened by his death.
A Proud Marine Mom"
Tina of Melrose Park, Il
"Dear Sgt. Reynoso's Family,
Sincere sympathy for the loss of your son. May God surround you in his love, and make a special place for Yadir in heaven. Much love, Barbara Juell"
Barbara Giuntoli-Juell of Redding, CA
"Dear Sgt. Reynoso's family,
Our hearts ache for you and our prayers are with you and your family. We can not imagine the pain and sense of loss you are feeling at this time. Our son served in Iraq with Sgt. Reynoso and he was so saddened by your loss when he called home. Please know we will continue to hold you up in prayer during these next days, weeks, and months. Sgt. Reynoso gave the ultimate gift for our freedom and the freedom of the Iraqi people and he will not be forgotten. We are praying that our heavenly Father will keep His loving arms wrapped around you and comfort you. Sincerely, Dan and Connie Dekkinga, Parents to Lcpl Adam Dekkinga 1/4 Weapons Co., 81s Plt. (AKA "Shrek")"
of Hudsonville, Michigan
"Sgt Reynoso was a geat man, a great Marine and a great soccer player.
I thank you for the support you gave to the team.
Semper Fi!!"
Sgt Aquino (Coach) of Iraq
"To the Family of Sgt.Yadir G. Reynoso and his children,
I can't even begin to know the depth of your pain and grief. I too cried when I heard about your son.I know Yadir was also a father, uncle and brother. He was in my son's platoon and it was with a lot of grief that he told me they had lost one of their own, after waiting in line for 8 hours to call. Yadir will always be my hero and I am so, so sorry and heartbroken for the loss of his life. My love to you all,God Bless your family.
Linda Johnson, mom of LCpl Doug, Weapons Company, USMC."
Linda Johnson of Virginia
Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Yadir, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "
"Thank you brave soldier for sacrificing your today for my children's safer tomorrow. You have our utmost respect and gratitude. May God provide your family with comfort in their time of sorrow. May you forever rest in Heavenly peace. Neither you nor your sacrifice will be forgotten. For the family/friends: May time provide happy loving memories in place of present sorrows. Look to the sky for in the infinite meadows of Heaven the bright shining stars bloom...the forget-me-nots of angels. God bless you and thank you."
a grateful family in Phoenix, AZ
"We are so sorry for your loss. Our prayers are with the family of Yadir.He is truly an American Hero."
The Crochet family of of Chauvin, Louisiana
Because of you i met George the love of my life i thank you for that. We both will miss you,and can't beleive your gone. Thank you for being always so sweet to me. "Yadir con Y"
The Reynoso family
My heart goes out to you im so sorry for your lost."
Mayra Casas MCASAS8379@YAHOO.COM of Oceanside,CA
"Sergeant Reynoso, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Housotn, Texas
"On behalf of the Diaz family in Wapato we would like to give our sincerest condolences to the Reynoso family for we know they are grieving. Yadir will never be forgotten. May you rest in peace Yadir we love you!"
Diaz Family of Wapato, WA
"To Yadir's Family and Friends:
On behalf of the Blanco-Caldas family, we send our sincerest condolences. We share the same loss ... the same pain. Our prayers are with you in this most difficult time and we thank you for your soldier's bravery and sacrifice.
The Family of Capt. Ernesto M. Blanco-Caldas, 82nd Airborne
KIA Iraq 12/28/2003.
Gloria Caldas (The Big Ern's Mom) of San Antonio, TX
"To Yadir's Family:
There are no words to express the sorrow we feel for your loss. May God bless you and help you through this time."
Dan and Meg Manninen of San Antonio, Texas
"Thank you Yadir Reynoso, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios
"To the family and friends of Sgt. Yadir Reynoso:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Yadir for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada
"To the family and friends of Sgt. Yadir Reynoso:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Yadir, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia