Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Remembering the servicemembers who died in the service of their country.

Marine Cpl. Patrick R. Nixon

21, of Gallatin, Tennessee.
Killed in combat. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Died on March 23, 2003.

Please send information, photos, and corrections for Marine Cpl. Patrick R. Nixon.


Contributions to the Families of the Fallen


Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.

Please report inappropriate messages

"Dear Pat. Time has past (20 years) but it hasn’t weakened the memories of you and our years together. I think they still put yellow ribbons on the trees around your middle school . They were there the last time I drove by. So many wonderful memories. I still cry for you. Say hi to everyone for me.
All my love.
Aunt Alison"
Alison Chmielewski Garber of Boyertown, Pa

"Gosh it's been 20+ yrs and I think about you everyday. I am so glad that you were apart of my life all the way back to high school. You were the most selfless and caring man I have ever known. I hope you are up there dancing in heaven with your mom. I love you"
Karen of Antioch, TN

"20 years have come and gone, but you will always be the same brave boy, man and Marine. I know how much you G-Maw loved and respected you, even when you were doing silly things. She shared so many things with me. Now you two are together along with your Mom. You may just be a memory, but you are one never to be forgotten. Time changes, people change but memories remain the same. I know you will be watching over all your brothers this weekend as they come together and share their lives now and then.
3-23-03 I never miss a day without looking at your photo and into your eyes and talking to you and telling you “Job well done, now rest easy”. Gone but never Forgotten!"
Polly Dennis of Newnan GA

"Well Pat, it is Christmas again. I was again amazed at the wreath laying and especially the letter, written by an 8th grader and left for you. You will always be a hero. I hope you are enjoying Jesus’s birth with your Mom and the rest of the family that has joined you in heaven. Always be remembered where ever I am, you will still be in my heart."
Polly Dessis of Newnan GA

"Whenever I watch the video for Trace Adkin's song "Arlington" it makes me cry. Your picture and headstone at Arlington are in the video, that's what inspired me to learn about your life. I can't believe it was almost 20 years ago already. I learned about your life and you were an amazing person and I'm sure you were an amazing Marine. Thank you for you sacrifice Patrick. Semper Fi Marine. You will never be forgotten."
Spc Kelly Anderson US Army Veteran of Illinois

"19 years have passed and even though you were just a name on that unforgettable day, You became more than just a name to me over the years. I learned all about your life, from little mischievous boy to high school and then the Marines. You became your own man. You made so many sacrifices and still laid down your life for people like me and your country. You will always be a part of my heart. Rest Easy Patrick. You will never be forgotten."
Polly Dennis of Newnan GA

"One day I will meet you and recognize you. All I have left is your Picture and I talk to it often. I have read all about your life, even as a young boy. Your remained steadfast and stool tall like a Man. You sacrificed your life for so many. I will always remember you as the Marine that you were. Dedicated beyond your years. Man those gates in heaven Patrick and I will definitely be looking for my Angel."
Polly Dennis of Newnan, Ga

"One day I will meet you and recognize you. All I have left is your Picture and I talk to it often. I have read all about your life, even as a young boy. Your remained steadfast and stool tall like a Man. You sacrificed your life for so many. I will always remember you as the Marine that you were. Dedicated beyond your years. Man those gates in heaven Patrick and I will definitely be looking for my Angel."
Polly Dennis of Newnan, Ga

"Shall he never be forgot, I hope to be like this amazing marine one day in my near future. Rest in Peace Marine"
Paige Patton of The Colony, Texas/ United States Of America

"Honoring your sacrifice this weekend. I am in Washington DC at Arlington Cemetery and was given your name on badge to honor. Thank You for your service and sacrifice. My thoughts are with you and your family this memorial weekend. Thank You."
Cole of St. Louis MO

"Jesus is Lord no matter the hurt we endure. My fellow Marines and I all served with honor. Bless you this day as you reflect on your loved one's memories."
Matthew of CORONA,CA

"What a Great Marine. He will always be remembered. Semper Fi"
Raymond C. Barth (MSgt USMC Ret.) of Arlington, Va

"I am sure we are related somewhere on the Nixon tree. I would like to think so anyway as you are a true hero. My heart goes out to your family. You made the ultimate sacrifice for a country we love. There is a special place in heaven for people like you. RIP"
Keri Nixon of Wyoming USA

"Thinking of you Pat Nixon, I will always remember that nice, funny kid with the contagious smile from middle school. My heart always goes out to your family."
Mae McGuigan of pennsylvania

"Hi Son. We haven't talked here in a while but we've talked none the less. You know your Gma's birthday is coming soon. We all miss you and love you so very much. I know that you're in a much better place but sorry I'm selfish I'd much rather have you here. Jodi and Wendy will be coming down for your Gma's birthday.
Love you son"
Dad of Moreland, Ga

"I have a necklace with Patrick's picture on a silver bar that was found that I would like to return to the family or the owner. call 615-969-2738"
Jim Hall of Gallatin,Tn Sumner

"Thank you"
craig barnard of sallisaw ok

"I didnt no this young man, but I have alot of friends and family who are in the military and I have only lost one of my friends in the war.... I want to thank Patrick for what he did, hes in a better place and God has a solider to watch over him"
Arainyea of Texas

"I am 12 years old and I am in 8th grade. Tonight I was watching CMT's Most Patrioctic songs and i heard about you son I started crying..I greatly appreciate what he did for our country and i know that a lot of people dont realise what the family's of the soldiers go through. I justed wanted to thank you and you are always in my prayers !"
Keesha of Grandville, MI

"Semper Fi Brother, God has another Marine to guard his pearly gates."
Doug Messick USMC of Grand Rapids, MI

"The words I`m searching for are hard to come by. I am veteran of the ground assault into Iraq myself. I served with 3ID mechanized. War is never pretty sight, and you never walk away with good memories. I was fortunate enough to make it back alive, but there are parts of me that didnt. You made the ultimate sacrfice that a soldier could make. You laid down your life so fellows soliders might live and make it back. It doesnt matter what uniform we put on. I don`t care if its Army soldier I work with on the battlefield or a Marine, I consider my fellow soldiers family regardless of service they serve. God bless and I`ll meet you in heaven when I make it.

SPC Davis"
Matthew of Ft Benning

"Dear Nixon Family, I was out walking tonight at the track and listening to country 92.5 when I found out the background information about Adkins' Arlington Song. I want to let you know that your son and all our brave men and women of uniform are always on my mind and heart. I cry everytime I hear that song but now it has even more meaning for me. Thank you for serving our country time and time again. It is our military that makes me proud to be an American. God bless you and the USA."
Bela Beaupre, Aunt of Sgt. Felix Del Greco, KIA 4/9/04, of Woodbury, CT

"We went to Arlington and saw Patrick's grave. We are saddened but blessed that our nation has heros who stand up and fight for what is right. God bless the USA."
Christa Daniel of Fairfax VA

"To the family of Cpl Nixon:
Thank you. It is Marines like your son that make me proud to be an American. His sacrifice allowed so many other Marines (mine included) to finish the job set before them and return home; and for that, I am FOREVER in debt. I know Patrick is now guarding Heaven's gates, and when I get the chance to meet him I will tell him "Well done, good and faithful servant...Semper Fi!".

Thank you, from a grateful American."
Emily Patterson of Old Hickory, TN

"To the Family of Patrick R Nixon,
I recently watched CMT's Greatest Patriotic Songs and was introduced to your son, Patrick. My son is also a Marine and recently completed his tour of duty in Africa. Though I know his tour was not as life-threatening as those who went to Iraq and Kuwait, I still worried daily for his safe return. When I saw Patrick's grave at Arlington Cemetary, the tears came quickly, for I knew how blessed I was that my son did return home. My deepest sympathy to your family that your son paid the ultimate price for the freedom that so many take for granted. My family is still new to the Marine Corps, but it has become obvious that the Marine Corps is one huge family, and when one family member is hurting, so are the rest. It was amazing to learn that Patrick's father was a Vietnam Veteran during this broadcast. Two generations of men who served their country - and served it well. This nation could never thank you enough for all you have been through; however, please know how grateful many of us are for those sacrifices. I am proud to be an American and will never take our freedom for granted - if I did then your son would have died in vain and that is definately NOT THE CASE! May God continue to watch over you and your family. May God continue to Bless America and May God Bless Patrick today and always - he will not be forgotten!"
Kristen of Rochester, NY

"My condolences to those who love and miss you and a heartfelt Semper Fi and rest in peace marine"
Md White of Mumford, New York

"Semper Fi Brother"
Shannon of WPB Fl

"To the father of Nixon I rember I went over to chat whit him in kwait and we were talken about what we were going to do when we were done fighting he was still on the fence about getting out or staying in but one thing was clear all he wanted to really do was to make it home and drink a few beers and chat with his father about his vietnam experence, not a day goes buy that i still dont think about my friend and all the crazy fun stuff we did while we had a chance too. I just wanted you to know how high of regards your son held you in Mr. Nixon and as i said in my story befor he is in heven watch over us. Thanks again for your sacrafice and yours sons I am truly sorry he made the ultmate sacrafice for freedom and his country. My e-mail address it fingers8989@yahoo.com if you ever feel like writing thanks."
Adam Deffinger a.k.a. Cpl Fingers of cincinnati ohio

"Dear Cpl Nixon: Thank you for your service to America. You are a true American Hero. I heard the Tracee Akins song and found out that it was written about you. I work right across from Arlington Cemt and think of all of you everyday and what you did for me, the whole country and world. There are no words to express how honored we all should be for what you and all of the guys and girls in the services do for us. Let Freedom Ring! You will be missed by all. God Bless you and your family. And God Bless America."
Michele of Arlington, VA

"I would like to say thanks for the experience to the men of 1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, I would just like to say that I had a dream about one of my friends that died on that fate full day in march 23, 2003 his name was Patrick Nixon of Tennessee It was on about the third week of May I was laying in my coffin rack aboard the USS Pounce and trying to get some rest when I dosed off. The next thing I knew I was in a dark room it was like an empty black abyss, when a door opened the brightest whitest light I have ever seen started to flood through the door and a figure stepped in the door way I could tell it was a marine because of the out line his body made against the light but the room was still to dark to see who it was when the figure took a step into the room the bright white light. Followed right behind him till the whole room was flooded whit this incredible white light. When the figure was about 5 steps from me I realized who it was it was my good friend Nixon. We both smiled and hugged each other. The conversation I had with him gave me comfort and hope I said “I am sorry you died and that I miss you” and he said “that it is all right I am fine and in a better place.” I told him that “I loved him” and he said the same back to me. Well he said I had better get going. Well ok man take care of your self I will see you soon as he was walking away. He turns over his shoulder and says “Yea but not that soon” and with those words he was gone. I got so excited to see him I forgot I was in my coffin rack and I sat up really quick and smacked my head on the bunk above mine. Man that was a good dream. My sorrow and loss goes out to his family and my thanks and my gratitude for having such a great son."
Adam Deffinger a.k.a. Cpl Fingers of cincinnati ohio

"I, too, just saw your name on the CD by Trace Adkins. I went to his concert 2 nights ago and he sang "Arlington". I cried, and so did many others. To the family of this brave soldier: Your son will always be remembered, not only by those that knew and loved him, but by people like me, who can listen to a song and appreciate the sacrifice that was made, even though I never knew him. Thanks to Trace Adkins for supporting our soldiers and remembering Patrick in such a heartfelt way."
Adrienne Moskaly of Las Vegas, Nevada

"To the Family of Patrick R. Nixon
I found Patrick's name when I heard a song on Trace Adkins newest album called "Arlington". I did a little research on the song and found that it was written about Patrick. To the family I send my deepest sympathy. He may be gone but he will never be forgotten any more than the family members that I have in Arlington would be. All of us owe every soldier in that cemetary our deepest gratitude. I deeply appreciate the sacrifice that Patrick and the family made in this conflict. May God watch over all who were left behind. I know Patrick and all his fallen comrades will be watching over all of us.

To Patrick:
As a DAR I respect you.
As a Veteran I salute you."
Athena Blakely of Asheville, NC

"Dear Patrick - It's 2 years on Sunday that we buried you on our wedding anniversary. Uncle Charlie's with you now so I'll be thinking of you both together and so glad you have each other. I miss you both so much.
Aunt Alison"
Alison Chmielewski of Exton,Pa.

"I will never forget Patrick at that time I was with the 3rd ID forces I my self at that time live in Mt Juilet Tn attach to the 168MP. But now am living in Lima Ohio with my wife Christina. I just got back from another tour in Iraq at Camp Cedar 2. I keep thinking of the men and woman who lost their lives sometimes its hard to handle but God helps me throw it."
SGT.Raley of Lima,Ohio

"Thank you."
Marc Jones of Houston Tx

"Nick, not a day goes by that I dont think about you and pray for you. Though, you were only in my life for a short while, you have made one of the biggest impacts on me. I just wish everyone had gotten the chance to meet you, and see what huge heart you have. Today, 2 years after your passing, I still think of you, and I am sure everyone that you touched in your short time here, is missing you. I just know that you are up there in Heaven smiling down on us. To Mr. Nixon, Ginger, and the girls: I love you all. Thank you for showing me what strength really means, and I wish nothing but the best for you all, and my thoughts and prayers are with you everyday."
Jessica Pederson of Fayetteville, GA

"Patrick, it`s been 2 years now sinse you were called upon.
We will never forget you, Marine!
Always in our hearts, and prayers"
M.Giguere of Canada

"Patrick, I have not forgotten your sacrifice in the cause of freedom. Prayers this Christmas season for your soul. And prayers for your family too."
Barbara of Seattle

"We were husbands
We were sons
We were brother
Thank you Marine, thank you brother, SEMPER FI!"
Airman M. D. K. of Fort Lauderdale, FL

"Semper Fi brother, semper fi"
Special Kaye of Mosul

"To Patrick rest in peace.I just happened to end up on this site when I was researching my name. I share the same name as your sister Ginger Nixon, and to her I would like to say this, my brother wanted to join the army last year and we strongly discouraged him from doing so because we didn't feel we would be strong enough to see him go. The pain you must feel after losing your brother I can't even fathom. But for being such a strong sister and allowing him to go and fight for my and America's freedom, I thank you and your family for that; for sacrificing your brother so that I may still have mine."
Ginger Nixon of Lake Havasu City, AZ

"A Warrior's Soul
The thread of life is thin
The line we walk is narrow
For those who choose to protect and serve
There's sometimes pain and sorrow.
One thing we can surely know
God is in control
And to those He leads along his path
He gives a warior's soul.
Often times it takes it toll
This battle against evil
We give our lives to this cause
So truth and goodness prevail.
There is no doubt we pay a price
It taxes body and mind
Though sometimes we seem invincible
There are casualties you'll find.
The loss of one who joins the fight
Is not easy to console
No death affects the world as great
As to lose one with a warrior's soul.
But one day we will meet again
After that final fight
When the darkness of evil will finally give way
To God's everlasting light.
A special place God has prepared
One filled with joy and bliss
Any treasures heaven holds For a Warrior such as this.
Written by Les Barr

In memory of a Great American, Lance CPL Patrick R. Nixon"
Maj Ray Goff of TN Air National Guard

"Thank You and may god bless you always for your heroism on that fateful day Cpl.Patrick R Nixon.
We will never forget you or any other soldier.
Rest in peace!"
M.Giguere of Canada

"To the family, friends and fellow Marines of Cpl. Nixon; Thank you for your sacrifice and service to our country. One Patrick Nixon died, so this Patrick Nixon can remain secure at home. My most sincere condolences, and Thank You again."
Patrick Nixon of Bealeton, VA

"To the family and friends of Patrick R. Nixon:
Your loved one was a true American Soldier. He gave the ultimate sacrifice and will never be forgoten. My husband, Spc Justin W. Linden was KIA in Iraq on June 4, 2004. I hope it brings you some comfort to know that others grieve with you. Draw strength from his memeories and remember he will always be with you in your hearts."
Sarah Linden of Portland, OR USA

"RIP Marine"
Petty Officer Cawthon of RTC Great Lakes, IL

"Semper Fidelis

On the tenth day of November
In Seventeen seventy-five
Two Battalions were formed
And the Marine Corps came alive.

The Continental Congress
Had passed a resolution
For a landing force for the fleet
A new Navy Institution.

Since that day so long ago
Through all conflicts of our Nation
They’ve fueled stories and folklore
And stirred the imagination.

They’re usually the first to go
The "spearhead" of the fight
Some who heard they were coming
Have turned tail and took flight.

They’ve offered up, gave their All
And that continues to this day
Standing tall, marching forth
To show others, Freedom’s way.

My condolences to Patrick's family and friends."
Del "Abe" Jones of White Bluff, TN

"Marine Cpl. Patrick R. NixoN

My most sincere wishes go out to the Nixon family. I thank you for letting Patrick share his life with us. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his country. He will forever be remembered as a hero who sacrificed his life to save the lives of others."
Aaron Munzel of Gasport, NY

"Marine Cpl. Patrick R. NixoN

My most sincere wishes go out to the Nixon family. I thank you for letting Patrick share his life with us. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his country. He will forever be remembered as a hero who sacrificed his life to save the lives of others."
Aaron Munzel of Gasport, NY, United States of America

"To all of those who new Pat, or Nick as his Marine buddies called him, and for all who did not, I want to thank you for your words of sollace and comfort. Without these I know that we would not have been able to go through this ordeal. Pat was as good a son as any father could have ever wanted. He was strong both in mind and body. His will was like iron and all who knew him respected him. He was compassionate, understanding, humorus and obstinate. For all of his family in blood and extended I say, Patrick we love and miss you now and for always. Dad"
David Nixon ( Pat's father) of Gallatin,Tn

"To Patrick's family,I just want you to know that he has not been forgotten. I never got the chance to meet him but I have heard so much about him from his brother Marines and from my son, LCpl Matthew Stover. Patrick and Matthew served together in Nasiriyah and they are brother Marines forever. I just want you to know that we will never forget the sacrifice he made for our freedom...the price is way too high. I have heard the Marines of Charlie Co talk about Patrick lots of times and I can tell he was one awesome Marine. I hope as time passes the pain lessens and that God touches your heart with His healing...I know it's got to be so very hard and that you miss him so very much. Please know that he will never be forgotten. I listen to his CD over and over again...especially this during the week of the anniversary of Nasiriyah. So many hard memories of such an awful time. Yet in talking to his brother Marines, they'd do it all again..that's what makes them the awesome Marines that they are. I am so proud of them all and when I get to heaven I plan on looking Patrick up so I can thank him in person for the sacrifice he made so myself and the ones I love can be free. Please know your family is in our prayers..."
Carol Stover, Proud Mom of LCpl Matthew Stover of Ava, MO

The first time you said, "I love you Mama" 4+ years ago, I knew you were sent to me for a reason. You were, from that point on, my adopted son. With that came the joy of getting to know your Mother, Holly,and Ginger and the girls through memories you shared. Your absolute love and admiration for your Mom was so apparent that I felt even more honored that you chose me to be your Mama because you said you had no one else that wanted to.You are and always will be in this families heart. Thank you for allowing me to be with you your last night on American soil. I will never forget the last spoken words from you.."Don't cry Mama, even if I don't come home Kevin will". I told you then it wouldn't be the same if you didn't and I was right. I sit and smell your clothes or watch the bullriding video from the fair or listen to the Thanksgiving prayer you gave and I cry. We all love and miss you so much and you will forever be our son and Jessicas brother. She is still wearing the rope bracelette you gave her. It has never left her wrist. You said in your letter that family isn't blood, it's love that makes a family and you said that me and Ginger proved that to you, well, Ginger and I are a family now and I know that makes you happy. I feel you smiling on us always. Thank you son for everything. We love you."
Paula Stoermer, Mother Of Many Marines of Charleston, SC

"In loving Memory..Its been a year..

At the rising of the sun and at its going down, We remember them.
At the blowing of the wind and in the chill of Winter, We remember them.
At the opening of buds and in the rebirth of Spring, We remember them.
At the blueness of the skies and in the warmth of Summer, We remember them.
At the rustling of leaves and the beauty of Autumn, We remember them.

As long as we live, they too will live;
for they are now a part of us, as we remember them.
Rest in Peace Dear Marine!! SEMPER FI!! We will NEVER FORGET!"
The Grogan Family of Lakeland, TN

"To Patrick from your relatives (of your mother Holly)in Salem, Ohio. Although we didn't really know you, haven't seen you since you were a very little boy, we all have been very saddened by what happened to you. But we know it was what you really believed in. The memory of your courage will always be with us, the same courage you had when your
mother was so ill. You made the ultimate sacrifice for all of us. On the first anniversary of your death, this is for your Aunt Alison, Uncle Charlie (who is now with you), Your brother Joe and his wife Wendy, Rob and Maryann, and especially in memory of you, Patrick and your mother Holly. You will live in their and our hearts forever."
Sue Kyser of Salem, Ohio

"We Will NEVER FORGET !" As the first anniversary of the death of your loved one arrives;
Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering all your family and loved ones in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Patrick, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "

"Corporal Nixon, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas

"May you find comfort in knowing how many Americans share in your sadness and loss.. Patrick is a TRUE HERO! Prayers and Condolences to his family.
Thanks for making the ultimate sacrafice for our freedom..We will never forget!! Semper Fi!"
The Grogan Family (USMC) of Lakeland, TN

"For the Nixon family,
We rob ourselves of life's greatest need
When we lock up our hearts and fail to heed
The outstretched hand reaching to find
A kindred spirit whose heart and mind
Are lonely and longing to somehow share
Their joys and sorrows and to make us aware
That life's completeness and richness depends
On the things we share with our loved ones and friends.

Thank you for sharing Patrick's life with us.

We will never forget him.

Semper Fidelis"
LIsa Winterstein of Rolling Meadows, IL

"Cpl. Nixon,
We are from Tennessee also. We just wanted to thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice and also to offer our condolences to your family. Semper Fi and R.I.P. Devildog!"
Sgt. Earl & Sarah Hurst, USMC of Parris Island, South Carolina

"hey pat, its josh. i made home brother. i miss you, i miss laughing with you. we won the nasiria, always know that. we had some damn good times and we will celebrate next we meet. ...we few, we happy few, we band of brothers, for he who shall bleed with me today, will be my brother..."
Cpl. Joshua Miles

"Thank you Patrick Nixon, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios

"To all who have taken the time to leave a message for Patrick and for his family I thank you. It's with your prayers and support that gives us, his family left behind, the strength to carry on. We will always miss his since of honor and his sense of humor.Pat, we miss you and love you."
David Nixon ( Patrick's father) of Gallatin, tn

"I know the Nixon family, and I also know of Patrick. I never got to meet him, but I feel as though we knew each other. God bless Mr. and Mrs. Nixon, Ginger and the girls."
Brandi of Gallatin, Tn

"I know the Nixon family, and I also know of Patrick. I never got to meet him, but I feel as though we knew each other. God bless Mr. and Mrs. Nixon, Ginger and the girls."
Brandi of Gallatin, Tn

"I saw your photo and you look so much like my son, God grant you peace. Thank You for sacrifice you made. You are remembered and so is your family in my prayers..."
Mark of Buffalo, MN USA

"thank you Patrick.... our hearts go out to your family for their loss"
an American of New York City

"Our prayers are with your family during this difficult time. Thank you brave soldier, your courage and sacrifice will nerver be forgotten."
Ken and Maritza Holley of Pembroke Pines, Florida

"Your bravery and willingness to die for others will not be forgotten. Thank you, brave Marine."
The Souvigney Family of Antioch, TN

"Thank you for keeping Tennessee Safe for us to live in, May God keep you safe in Heaven and watch over your family and friends. Thank you for Keeping Us Free!"
Christine Beavers of Oak Ridge, Tennessee

"To the family and friends of Lance Cpl. Patrick Nixon:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Patrick for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada

"To the family and friends of Lance Cpl. Patrick Nixon:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Patrick, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera, of Powder Springs, Georgia

"To those who honor our brave troops, Pat is the personification of them and we will miss him forever."
his family of Doylestown, Pa., USA

"An old Cherokee was teaching his grandson about life.
"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.
"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.
One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed,
arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies,
false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity,
humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity,
truth, compassion, courage, honor, self-sacrifice, and faith.
This same fight is going on inside you - and inside every
other person, too."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked
his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

Dear Patrick, you fed the right wolf.

God Bless You."
Jon & Patricia McClimon of Hendersonville, TN

"Patrick, thank you for your love of this country and your courage...you will forever be loved and missed and never forgotten...I pray God gives your family the love and comfort they need..."
allison of hendersonville, tn

"To the family of Lance Cpl Patrick Nixon. May God's peace be upon you in your time of sorrow. Thank you for your son's sacrifice. He is a true hero. My prayers are with you. "Semper Fi""
Wayne Carter of Gallatin, TN. USA

"Thank you LCpl Nixon. Rest in Peace Brave Warrior"
The Taylors, USMC of NC

Honor them by remembering... Freedom - is their gift to us But his soul goes marching on