36, of White Lake Township, Michigan.
Killed in a non-hostile vehicle accident in Iraq. He was assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, Camp Pendleton, Calif. Died on March 26, 2003.
His daughter, Maeve, turned 5 on March 27, the same day his family received word of his death. He and his wife, Carrie, also have a son, Anthony, 6. He appeared on NBC News on March 19, just an hour before President Bush's deadline to Saddam Hussein, and declared himself ready for war: "We will use all of our skill and the tools of our trade to take the fight to the enemy."
Source: MSNBC/Newsweek
Please send information, photos, and corrections for Marine Maj. Kevin G. Nave.
Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.
Please report inappropriate messages
"Major Nave, it was a privilege and a honor to serve with you. All your Marine's when you where the I&I loved and respected you. At Battalion in the Ops Office, you where our favorite I&I in the Battalion, your Marine's where motivated and well trained and it Showed in the field on Ops. God Bless you and your family Sir, the Corps lost a great one when we lost you! Semper Fi. GySgt J.A. Martin USMC retired."
James A. Martin of Belton Missouri USA
"Major Nave, you were a great Marine and a friendly person who I enjoyed knowing you when you were just a second Lieutenant we played Scrabble together while at White Sands Missile Base you were a pleasure to be around and work together I remember the day you became the company XO and I did something stupid on my part and after getting yelled at by the company gunny I was told to report to you and I explained what I did and you could have done anything you wanted as punishment but you decided that I knew what I did and apologized for what happened and you let it go because what I did was an accident and that was that you and Lt. Arlington were some of the best officers that Third Battalion Ninth Marines could have asked for! And I think that the three of us being from the great state of Michigan may have had some degree of togetherness and not just because of being brothers in arms RIP piece Major Nave you will be forever missed"
Corporal Alman, AP of Temple, Texas USA
"I thought of Kevin today at the 150th Rochester, WI Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony. A speaker representing the Marines was reading the names of marines that had died during their service to our country. It reminded me of Kevin. I am thankful for the life lessons I learned from Kevin while our lives intersected playing rugby in Milwaukee. I know I'm not the only person who is grateful for knowing you and being able to call you my friend."
Stas Garbasz of Burlington, WI USA
"Thinking of you, Kevin--and our time together in Small Group 1D, Armor Officer Advanced Course (AOAC) 4-96 at Fort Knox, KY. Your exemplary example still holds a special place with me--thank you, brother. That was evident this morning as I listened to discussions of 'young' Marine Captains attending the current Maneuver Captains Career Course (MCCC) at Fort Benning, GA. They may have not known you but you set the conditions for them. I intend to continue to remind them of your sacrifice; we won't forget."
COL Chuck Freeman of Fort Benning, GA
"To Tony Nave: I ran across the article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel today which I cut out and saved from April 6 2003, it included a photo of you leaving St. Patrick Catholic Church hugging your teddy bear and wiping tears from your eyes, you were only 6 which would make you about 18 now, I just wanted to let you know that the sacrifice that your father and family gave will never be forgotten nor will any of the soldiers and their families who gave the ultimate sacrifice, as long as I may live, so that I can be a free man in a free Country, may my good wishes be with you, I hope you are well and making your family and our Country proud."
John Patrick of MilwaukeeWisconsin
"Great friends, great neighbors, great times. Special memories. Never, ever forgotten. Sending all our love ♡"
The Neahous Family of Port Washington, WI
"I was the Township Clerk in White Lake Township MI, Kevin's hometown, we presented Kevin's Father with a Proclamation naming March 26th as Kevin Nave Day in our Township, he will never be forgotten in White Lake, we will be placing a brick with Kevin's name on it in the White Lake Cemetary, Thank you Kevin for the ultimate sacrifice you gave for all of us."
Carol Burkard of White Lake, MI
"You will always be remembered Sir! I think of you often ."
Ret. Marine MGySgt of Temecula, Ca
"Kevin was just a really good guy all around. He was highly motivated and intelligent. I recall like it was yesterday how incredibly excited he was telling me how he's going to U of M and becoming a Marine when I stopped in at Anthony's where he worked in high school. He knew what he wanted like few people do at that age. I feel incredibly fortunate to have lived down the street from Kevin and to be friends with him. I feel even more fortunately that he seem to like me enough to take me out their family boat on occasion on Pontiac Lake and to some of his church events. I tell the story every time I see it on the foodnetwork about how one of these outings took us to the National and American Coney in Detroit and what fun that was. It's a nice reminder of him. What an amazingly good guy he is. What a loss"
Bob Green of White Lake, MI
"I will always remember. It hurts."
Allen of Wilderness, VA
"11 years. You are always close, never forgotten, always in our hearts. Forever in the wind."
Dave and Beth of Roseville, Ca
"Kevin was a very special individual. A loving father and husband, dedicated Marine, and good friend. I think of him often to this day, and pray that his family has found peace after enduring such a terrible loss. His spirit lives on in the countless number of Marines and sailors he had such a positive impact on. May God bless him and the entire Nave family, and let us thank God for giving us the opportunity to have known one of the best men he ever put on this earth. Semper Fi, Kevin."
Craig of New Haven, CT
"Maj. Nave,
On today, the 10th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for our Country. And to your family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy. After reading all the reflections left for you I wish that I could have had the honor and privilege of serving with you.
Semper Fi Devil Dog!"
"Maj. Nave was the XO in H&S Co. in 3/5 when we deployed to Iraq. I was the attached Corpsman that was supposed to go on the advance party to Kuwait. Before our deployment on January 7th we were on a 24 call back in case we were deployed. I got a case of cabin fever and went out to town to meet a lady that I liked and never signed out with the watch. I got back to camp San Mateo later that night and was approached by a Sargent who told me that the advanced party had left without me. Lucky for me the party got called back and I was stuck with not missing movement, but AWOL. The next morning I was run through the ringer by the Gunny, the Gunner (WO Dunkel a great Marine) and then of course I was to report to the XO. I reported to his office of in my clumsy Navy way and expected the worst verbal beating of my naval career. I walked up to his office door and did my best report that I could (navy sloppy) and braced myself. Instead of a verbal beating, I recieved a stern but fair conversation on duty and respect for my unit. I left his office feeling proud of my company and honored to serve alongside of the Marines of 3/5.
I was there the night he passed and I knew we lost a great Marine. I will never forget standing at attention while standing in his office. Major Nave was a true consummate professional. Get Some!"
Doc Woody of San Jose, CA
"I hung a photo of Tony Nave in my locker back in 2003. This photo touched me in so many ways. It kept me focused in my job and my life. I recently started using my locker again after 7 years. His photo hugging the teddy bear still hangs there and reminds me of all that is sacred. God Bless Kevin Nave and his sacrifice. God Bless his family and especially Tony. I picture him growing into a fine young man. I wont forget your sacrifice my son!"
Mike Gallagher of Abington, PA, USA
"Kevin was a friend and school mate with my 2 kids in our subdivision in White Lake Mi. I will never forget him."
Patsy Viands of White Lake, MI
"I only knew him briefly when he first took over as executive officer of 3rd Bn 5th Mar. But in those brief moments I believe he saved my family's lives with a simple signature. at the time, my ex-wife had lost my children due to neglect and abuse while I was on my second deployment. Because our battalion commander wasn't present he had the last word when it came to the choice to either leave for Iraq or sign the order for me to remain behind to fight the state of California for custody of my children. Major Nave signed the order, smiled and said go take care of your kids Corporal. I stood at attention and said thank you sir. That was the last time I saw him. I fought for my kids and gained custody from the state and have been raising them ever since. I couldn't have done that without his compassion for the men under his command. I am thankful for him and deeply saddened by his lost. I will never forget what he did for me and my children."
Cpl Joseph M. Williams IV (USMC) of Copperas Cove, TX
"”Honor and Remember” - “Project Compassion” We love our Soldiers! We love our country and we cannot express enough love and compassion to the families of our fallen heroes. War does not discriminate – It breaks our hearts to see the faces of the fallen. We want to give this gift to the hero’s Mother, Father and/or spouse. We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization! Almost 2,100 portraits have been completed and shipped to the parents and or spouse - at no cost as this is a gift from one American to another!
This is a gift! We have wonderful sponsors who help with the costs, and want you know that everyone here at Project Compassion does and will always CARE.
Contact us directly at Projectcompassion@manti.com or go to www.heropaintings.com . If you have already had a portrait completed, we pray that you are enjoying the portrait and God Bless You.
Sincerely and Respectfully,
Project Compassion - Kenna of Manti, Utah USA
"Always in my thoughts buddy."
Dave of Union City, Ca
"Your best man misses his best man--very much. s/f Brother.
"Your best man misses his best man--very much. s/f Brother."
"Carrie, Maeve & Anthony, My thoughts and Prayers are with you always... Kevin and I went to H.S. together at Waterford Kettering, can't say we were best friends, but friends none the less... Kevin and I shared a bond as young men, we both had plans to join the United States Marine Corps, Kevin as an Officer and I as an enlisted Marine. I served while Kevin attended the University of Michigan. Even though email and cell phones weren't the norm in the late 80's, Kevin and I managed to stay in touch and run into one another on occassion throughout the years and into the age of emails... Kevin and I last coorespondence was during his last few weeks in WI, prior to his reassingment to Camp Pendleton and the upcoming war... I watched him on NBC as the deadline came near and to this day, I still recall the images of the interview that night.
When I heard the news about Kevin (Maj. Nave), I was in disbelief... I had just seen him on TV and we laughed the last time we spoke when I called him, Sir.
I have read almost all of the postings in Memory of Maj. Kevin Nave and it seems he has touched many lives over the years in a very positive way, including my own... I am honored and privilaged to have been a friend of Kevin's and his memory will live with me until we meet again!!
in honor of Maj. Kevin Nave, I am sponsoring a page at togetherweserved.com (military & former military only website)... if you have any stories, pics and information from serving with Maj. Nave... please feel free to contact me at tmccullough@ctus.com ,
again, my thoughts and prayers go out to Carrie, Maeve & Anthony... "Semper Fi" & God Bless!"
T.J. McCullough, (WKHS '85) - (USMC '87-'90) of Las Vegas, NV - USA
"I caught up with Kevin only briefly, while stateside and hosting an event for Marine families at our Farm. From the moment he spoke on the phone to arrange his Toys for Tots event, I knew I was speaking with a forthright person of the highest standards. I was not disappointed when we met. Our brief exchange that day has prompted me, for 5 years now, to happily donate to Toys for Tots, in his name and memory. Bless you Maj. Nave and your family."
Jane of Grafton, WI
"The lessons I learned from Major Nave I will never forget and never stop appreciating. There are several men in my life whose influences made me who I am today, and Major Nave was certainly on that very short list.
3/5 had returned from Okinawa mid-2002 and the battalion went through the many, standard changes that battalions experience when they return from a float. The XO (Executive Officer) was leaving, a good guy who we all liked and trusted (we being the Lieutenants of H&S in charge of the different sections since it is the XO we report to directly). We knew him, liked him; were used to him. The XO leaving naturally meant a new one was on his way, and this coming right along with the news that we "might be going to Iraq"..."Okay, we are going to Iraq!"..."Nope, not going, stand down"..."Yes, going!"...etc, etc; to say it was confusing, frustrating and stressful was an understatement. Bewildering is a word that often comes to mind.
I was to take over as one of the more senior officers of a section that essentially the XO is most responsible for even though we run it, so I knew I would have a lot of contact with this new XO. I remember sitting out in town one night in Oceanside when one of the Lt's said he had met the new XO that day, a decent enough seeming guy. A bit of a relief, but as usual first impressions are just that, a first impression and not much more than that.
Major Nave was that new XO and turned out to be exactly what the battalion needed at the time. A calm, cool, level headed guy; efficient, experienced, determined, professional. As we got closer to heading to Iraq once it was solidified we were going, my section got busier and busier with more and more responsibility everyday and I had never worked in my position in the section in any training environment or while just at Camp Pendleton so my learning curve was steep. I was finally in a more senior position and was doing it for real. I was learning through the school of hard knocks and some knocks I was certainly taking.
Major Nave saw the stress. He saw it, recognized it and kept everything and everyone in check. I would report to Major Nave the status of things and he would reply with a "Good. Now sit down and relax for a second." We would talk about whatever for a minute, maybe an experience in Desert Storm or something that happened at his last command; it was just a minute to actually forget about the real stress around which was what I needed to then return to the work a bit more relaxed and level headed and ready to do a better job, which I always did.
That was the key of Major Nave. He knew that calm, cool and collected Lt's do better work and better work meant better results once we arrived in Kuwait and then Iraq. He also understood my inexperience which was hard for me to admit to; I wanted to do an excellent job, but I barely knew what I was doing at all. He knew all of this so he demanded perfection in a professional and level-headed way. Even when I could tell he was a little stressed himself he was just collected and professional and his decisions seemed effortless. I decided that was certainly the way to go about all of this.
Early in the evening on the night our buses were taking us to the flight to Kuwait we sat in my office and talked about the future of Iraq and his past experiences in Iraq, in Desert Storm. We were on the last flight, the vast majority of the battalion already in Kuwait, we being the clean-up crew making sure everyone and everything was headed to Kuwait correctly. His stories were hilarious and it made me realize everything was going to be okay. Some bad stuff could happen, but it was all a part of the job we had signed up for. I certainly knew that, but it was refreshing to talk to someone who had been through something already in Iraq explaining this or that about what we could experience. The calm, cool and collected professionalism that he portrayed and that he taught me to portray had paid off; nerves were relaxed, gear was on its way, the rest of the battalion already working in Kuwait. Major Nave was the key to 3/5 being so prepared to go to Kuwait, and therefore Iraq and since 3/5 was one of the first into Iraq, he was by default one of the keys to the success we saw there.
When we lost him I lost a good friend and a damn good mentor. I worked for him and reported to him, sure. I called him "Sir" or "Major Nave" but he was by that time nothing short of a friend and heck of a mentor. His loss was a stunning blow and it still stings. I had trouble even wrapping my mind around the loss. For a few quick minutes I felt all of the lessons he taught me slip away. I didn't want to be professional and efficient and calm, cool and collected. I wanted to yell at everyone and everything; complain about this and that, be done with this entire situation. But I didn't and I knew I couldn’t be. I knew this was what Major Nave was preparing a young Lt such as me for. This sort of stress and pressure and stinging blow was when it was the most important time to be like Major Nave. The war was still going on and there was still a tremendous amount to be taken care of. I dealt with his loss exactly the way he taught me to deal with this kind of stress. I dealt with it the way he would have; but there were times when we'd have a minute of silence and calm where I just could not believe it was the loss of him I was trying to deal with using his lessons. It was surreal and difficult.
The lessons he taught I will never forget. I left the Marines when we got home; I just felt it was the right thing to do. Today, I am now just an average manager of an average job, but I still keep the some important lessons close. When my employees are running around screaming about the sky falling, well, it isn't. We may be putting in some long hours, but the sky is not falling. I tell them (and I am sure my sons when they are older) to collect their thoughts, relax; figure out a solution. Approach it differently, if that way doesn’t work, try something else. Stay calm, getting excited and frustrated won't do you a bit of good. Make your decisions quickly but not rushed; we don't want to do this again, and then when you present your decision be professional and confident. And, oh, by the way have some fun while you are at it; smile occasionally, because life is really, really short and more precious than you can possibly realize.
Someone taught me that."
"I have kept my memory of Kevin, age 3 or 4, our little neighbor in NW Detroit on Mansfield Street. He had a wonderful family and I know he grew up to become a fine man. Thank God for Kevin. God bless his family."
Becky Davis of Naples, FL
"Carrie, thinking of you and Kevin today. The day you moved we told you to come back anytime to visit the "Old House" and the neighbors. That offer still stands. Kevin will not be forgotten. God Bless."
Ron and Wendy of Port Washington, Wi
"Carrie, It is hard to believe that it has been over 5 years since Kevin left us. I think of you and your family often. I am teaching school in Florida now, and I told my students this week about Kevin, and what Memorial Day is really all about. I will never forget you guys. I learned a lot from seeing the grace and dignity you showed in dealing with this tragedy. Every Sunday in church, we say a prayer for our troops. This morning as I prayed, my eyes filled with tears remembering Kevin. He was a good man, and he is missed. God Bless, You are always in my prayers!"
Mylon Pope of Jacksonville, FL
"It is incredible that so much time has gone by since you left us. I think about you often, and miss you very much. Though my daughter was way too young to remember you, she knows of how much you meant to my wife and I.
I still miss all of my fellow Marines from Fox Co. and my heart goes out to all of them. Keep the streets of Heaven safe for us. God Bless you sir, and all the Marines from Fox Company 2/24 Marines.
I will never forget what you told me when I was leaving the Marines to join the Army, and have done my best to follow your guidance.
SGT Lyle Krueger (U. S. Army) of Hanau, Germany
"carry on sir, five years now and still in the fight."
jason of jacksonville
"Carrie, I think of you often and hope you and the kids are doing well. I wish Maeve a Happy Birthday! Your former neighbor."
Jana Fischer of Pembroke Pines, FL/USA
"Even though it has been almost 5 years since Kevin's passing, I think of him often. His friendship is something I will treasure for the rest of my life. Kevin, you are deeply missed! I know you are watching over all those you love, the same way you did when you were here with us!"
Maxine of Ann Arbor, MI
"I was a childhood friend of Kevin and his sister Katie back in our old neighborhood. Kevin was always a smiling kid eager to ride bikes and go on local adventures. I never heard him speak badly about other kids or treat anyone with an attitude. He was that "likeable" guy we all meet at least once when growing up.
I know he is missed by those he lived with and loved later in his years, and he will never be forgotten. My three boys know of Major Nave, and the sacrifice he made during his mission.
All the best to Kevin's family and friends going forward. A hero isn't always defined by one courageous act; they can also be defined by living each day with honor, honesty, and a great sense of humor."
Gary Lewis of Waterford, Michigan (WTHS Class of 1983)
"You are missed. As the grass prepares to turn green here in Virginia, sometimes I drive by the old pitch and think about laughing as two old scrubs got suited up and tried to make a winning rugby club. And a girl with golden hair that often drove our sometimes broken, sometimes drunken, butts home from matches. Great memories. Save a spot for me on your club, somewhere in the pack. Semper Fi."
Allen B. USMC (Ret.) of Spotsylvania, VA
"Carrie, Anthony and Maeve,
I had the pleasure of working with your husband and father at Camp Pendleton. I met you at your home and again just before the war at Home Depot in Oceanside. I will never forget the moment that he called Anthony and Maeve over and you ran to him without hesitation and clung to his legs.
My prayers have been with you through these years and I hope that this message finds you well. Major Nave lives in me in the values he taught and the discipline that he demanded.
He was an amazing officer and an outstanding human being."
Joe Mahoney
"I had the honor of knowing Kevin. Initially, while I was a sergeant in the MECEP program at the University of Michigan where Kevin was a NROTC cadet. Later, we crossed paths often in the Corps. I last saw him when he was an I&I in Wisconsin and I was one in Michigan, we met for a conference in New Orleans (4th Mar Div). We took in the blues clubs and laughed. He was a fine man, a good friend, and a great Marine. I, like all who knew him, will miss his easy ways and infectious good humor. God Bless Carrie and her children."
Daniel J. Medrano, Major USMC (Ret) of Lansing, Mi
"I had the pleasure of serving with Maj Nave when I was the Tank Platoon Commander attached to BLT 2/1, 13th MEU(SOC) in 1998-1999. I trained with him several times and lived next door to him on the USS Harpers Ferry. He was a good commander, a good mentor, a good man with whom to share a drink and a great American. While I had not seen him in the years between the 13th MEU(SOC) and his untimely death, I had always hoped that some day our paths would cross and that he and I would serve together again. I am glad I had the chance to know him if even for a short time. He contributed greatly to my development as a Marine officer."
Maj David Olson of MCAS Yuma, AZ
"I only knew Major Keven G. Nave through a few people from the program The Young Marines. I knew that he was a very nice man, even though it was hard to tell when he was always yelling. Till this day I stil think about him and his family. I didn't know anyone personally in his family other then himself but I always have them in my heart. He was a good man and anyone that knew him was very lucky. It is crazy how you barley know someone but when the years go by you still cry knowing that his family is going through pain. The family will always be in my prayers."
Rachel Workman of Milwaukee, Wi
"July 4, 2007
To the family of Kevin G. Nave. Kevin gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV
"Kevin was my I&I when I was CO of F/2/24. I can not describe how much I hurt - I miss him, his family and the Marines of "fighting fox" every single day. He represented all that I could ever hope to be as a Marine, a husband and a man. Below are my notes from his memorial service in Milwaukee on April 6, 2003.
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here
And hold their manhoods cheap while any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."
-Shakespeare, “Henry V”
As Marines of all ranks understand, we are a band of brothers, bound by a common calling – to protect and maintain democracy across the globe. There are insufficient words to express the depth of my sadness as I stand before you today, joining together in paying our respects to our Marine brother, Major Kevin Nave. Despite the immense grief I share with you today, I feel incredibly fortunate to call Major Nave my mentor, my warrior-icon, as well as my close friend. His many life-long achievements represent all that is good in our great nation.
Major Nave was the proverbial “perfect fit” as my Inspector-Instructor, or I&I, after I first assumed command of Fox Company. Inspector-Instructor is a position unique to the Marine Corps, where a reserve company commander is joined with an active duty counterpart – his mission is to essentially provide whatever it is the company commander needs before, during and after each and every drill. The Marine Corps does not chose their I&I’s randomly, and their success has been repeatedly demonstrated during several recent conflicts where reserve Marines have been sent into harm’s way – in fact, reserve Marines from Milwaukee landed at Inchon; Fox Company was activated during Desert Storm – and today, because of Major Nave’s efforts, Fox Company stands ready to fight where ever, and whenever the nation calls upon us.
Major Nave’s exceptional operational experience and leadership style made him the ideal I&I for an inexperienced company commander like myself. A veteran of Desert Storm, a graduate of the US Army’s Advanced Armor Course, and a former company commander himself, he was one of the Marine Corps’ premier company-level tacticians. Ask any Marine in Fox Company about our Camp Lejeune AT, or the Plum Island Helo Raid, or the beginning of the new Martial Arts training program and they can attest to the complexity and challenge of our training – none of these events would have seen the light of day without Major Nave’s super-human efforts and foresight. Major Nave kept his duce gear next to his desk, organized and complete, ready to go to the field on a moments notice. Because of his unflinching warrior ethos the Marines of Fox Company looked to him with deep respect and awe. And when I say Fox Company, I include the active duty staff as well as the reserve Marines, as Major Nave never saw a difference between us, and he insured that we all worked together as perfect compliments to each other’s efforts. Additionally, he gained invaluable staff skills while serving on both Bn and MEU staffs. His organizational skills were so remarkable, that to this day the people of Milwaukee and the Marines of Fox Company marvel at the results he obtained in the Toys for Tots and the Young Marines program.
And yet Major Nave was much more than a very professional Marine. He was a devoted father and loving husband – as was readily apparent to anyone who met his family. Kevin invited me into his home whenever I was in Milwaukee for drill weekend, and his tumultuous daily homecoming can only be describe as joyous. Kevin’s wife, Carrie, always made me feel like part of the family, and when she packed Kevin’s lunch, she always included something for me. Since Carrie was from California’s wine country, they maintained an impressive wine collection – yet without a moment’s hesitation Kevin would pull out their most treasured wines for me to sample during dinner - of course, he did this only after he was finished playing with his children, Maeve and Tony, and their dog, Shamus. The Nave home was so full of love you could not help but be swept up in its warmth. One morning I knew I was truly welcomed into the Nave family when Maeve asked her mother, “Is Mr. Doyle still in his bedroom?”
Of course this warmth makes losing him all the more painful. For 18 months I often found myself thinking that every breath Kevin took, every waking moment of thought was selflessly focused on Fox Company, and I marveled at how this in turn made me look good. I found myself wishing I had an I&I for every aspect of my life. Conversely, I now understand that he applied this same passion for perfection to everything he did. Although I am sure he knew how much I appreciated his efforts, when faced with his passing I find myself wishing I could have said thank-you one more time.
I will never forget his hand shake at the airport each month; I will never forget the level of detail he put into planning every drill week-end; I will never forget his e-mails which contained both constructive criticism following drill and thoughtful words of encouragement while I struggled with my dissertation; I will never forget his less than graceful, but determined rugby-like basketball skills; I will never forget the way he and Carrie smiled at each other; and I will never forget the proud look on his father’s face when I was introduced to him during the Marine Corps Birthday Ball. My pain is tempered by knowing that Kevin’s brilliance pierced all of our hearts equally and that we will always be the better for it. Kevin’s buoyant enthusiasm for life could endure a million waves of despair. His strength has become my strength, as I am sure it has for anyone here today who had the pleasure of knowing him. Because of Kevin I stand here today a better Marine, a better father and a better human being.
Thank-you, Kevin - God Bless you, my brother, and God Bless America."
Geoffrey L. Doyle of Charlestown, MD
"We remember your sacrifice Maj Nave, and we lift up your wife and children and all your family and friends in our thoughts and prayers."
Linda L, 3/5 Marine Mom of California
"Four years to the day. Not one goes by that you aren't in our thoughts. You ride forever in our hearts. Forever in the wind, we ride free because of the sacrifice of others. Semper Fi"
Dave Davies of Union City, California
"It was with indescribable sadness that I now learn of your death in Iraq. I knew you a long tome ago at U of M. Even back then I knew there was something special about you. As someone else said you always did things the right way, even when no one was looking. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten, nor will you. You honored your country, your family and the Corps in your service, and in the way you lived your life. My most heartfelt condolences goes out to your family. God bless you, Kevin. SEMPER FI!"
Anonymous of The Halls of Montezuma
"Maj. Nave,
Sir, I would like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for our Country-not just in OIF, but also for your service in Desert Storm as well. And to your family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.
Semper Fi Devil Dog!"
"Dear Carrie, I never look at the stars without remembering Kevin, showing us Jupiter through the telescope at MFP. I continue to pray for you, Tony and Maeve. May God comfort you always..."
Mandy Moore of Stafford, VA/USA
"Kevin, you are in our thoughts every day, you are in our thoughts every night. We love you, we miss you."
Mom & Dad of White Lake, Michigan
"I knew Kevin very well. We went to high school together at Waterford Kettering. I remember going to partys and McDonald's for lunch on M-59 with him frequently. We went our separate ways after graduation like most high school buddies. I heard he joined the Marine Corp. and loved it. Kevin is a hero in every sense of the word.
I'm very sorry for your loss...."
Dean of Springfield Twp,. Michigan
"I knew Major Kevin Nave peronally. He was one of the instructors at the program "The Young Marines" I never really got close to him, but he was a very kind man. He was in the miltary and helped out with a program for teenagers. To his family, you have been in my prayers since, this day 4 1/2 years ago. =( He was one great man! And I shall always miss him!!"
rachel wokman Class Of 2008 of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
"To the family of:Kevin G. Nave, I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully, we will meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor, Rev. John Pearrell, Gateway Community Church, 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015. Your friend in Jesus Chirst, Polly Ballew."
Polly Ballew of Covington,Ga.U S A
"To the family of Maj. Kevin Nave.
I served with Kevin at Camp Pendleton. I knew him then as Maj. Nave, an excellent officer and one hell of a good man. I recived word of his death just four weeks before I left for Iraq myself. I spent 7 months there, and was greatful to come home alive. I left the Marine Corps several weeks after my return stateside. Although I have my own memories of that awful place, those who served, and those who did not come home, I am somehow always reminded of Kevin when I think of the Iraq war. He was the first person I knew who died in there.
I was at the Camp Pendleton memorial chapel when you greaved for his lose. It was cold and wet that afternoon, and on days such as that I remember back to his memorial service.
Kevin was perhaps the finest officer I met during my 6 years as an active duty marine Corps officer. He did it right. Right when no one was looking, right when it would have been easy to cut corners, right when it mattered, and right when it didn't.
As long as I will remember back on the war, as long as as I reminded of what is right from wrong, and as long as there are wet rainy days, I will remember Kevin. I was then, and remain today, very sorry for your lose.
With Warmest regards,
Brian of St. Louis ,Missouri
"I did not know your husband but I am good friends of Mario and Jenni Schweitzer. I know that the depth of love and support that you received from her helped you through those first days. As the second anniversary of his death approaches just know that he has not been forgotten. I pray for each and every service person who is over there as we have 3 very dear friends/family members serving now. I pray that God's peace and comfort will continue to be yours in the years to come."
Maralee Clarke of Marietta, GA
"Semper Fi Maj. Kevin G. Nave OF USMC. RIP SIR and My god rest ur soul Maj.
Devil Do"
Dakota Uriah Dishong of Forest, Ohio, USA
"It came as a complete shook as I drove to work. Your name echoed out of the radio as one of those who were recently killed. I pulled over, took a deep breath and said a prayer for your wife and kids. I want to thank you for trying to uplift me during stressful times which often came in the form of a mediocre joke and a wide smile. It saddens me that you are no longer with us. You were such a great leader, father and friend.
You are not the only friend that I lost in OIF, but certainly the first. I will always think of you and try to live by your example. If your family ever needs any help all they have to do is ask."
Timothy Bell of San Diego, California USA!
"The one and only C.O. of Elvis CO will always be alive in our hearts. Semper Fi!!!!!!"
"Major Nave was an impeccible leader of marines. he brought out the best of everyone under his command.His tenure with Fox Company 2/24 4th Mar Div had great impact on every Marine he encountered. Thank you for your time Major, I for one learned so much from you. Semper Fidelis, Godspeed, Always A Marine."
Sgt J Goodman of Wind Lake, Wisconsin
"To the family of major Nave.I to have had the pleasure of serving with him in the corps..I remember when we had the change of command ceremony when Major Nave took cammand of Echo 2/1. OOOH RAAHH SIR SEMPER FI!!!"
"dear sir u dont know me but i was there that night u left us and i was on duty that night i remember that night too well i just want to say to ur wife mam im sorry for ur lost he was a very good man and is missed he probley in heven paradin marines now
sir semper fi"
lcpl greer of camp pendleton
"semper fi, sir"
Derek (Echo Co) of Santa Barbara, CA
"To the friends and family of Kevin G. Nave:
It brings me chills every time I write one of these to a family, but I want you all to know that so many people think of you and pray for you every day. I lost my husband in Iraq on June 4, 2004. Your loved ones sacrifice will be remembered forever and know that so many greive with you. Kevin will live on forever in your hearts. God bless you!"
Sarah Linden of Portland, OR USA
"RIP Sir"
Petty Officer Cawthon of RTC Great Lakes, IL
"To the family of Major Nave, God bless you on this Memorial Day. Kevin was my platoon commander in Lima Co., 3/9 during the 1st. gulf war. I consider him a friend, leader and most of all, a HERO."
Jim Gross of Chicago, Il
"The picture of Kevin Nave's son at the funeral is the most powerful picture I have ever seen. Words cannot describe the sorrow and pain I feel for your family.
Kevin Nave, a true American heroe. God bless and Semper Fi!"
Darryl (former Marine) of Dallas, Texas
"Kevin G. Nave was a brave soldier who fought in Iraq. He was fighting in Iraq for peace in their country. I send my sympathy for the family of Kevin."
7th grade student of Barker Middle School
"Was thinking about you today, Kevin. Thanks for your friendship from years ago, and thanks for your brave service."
Scott Crumly of Toluca Lake, CA
"Thanks Kevin for your service. I'm looking at a CBS News photo essay of fallen heroes, and came across a picture of your sweet boy leaving your funeral hugging his bear. I'm terribly upset as I have small boys of my own. My heart just breaks just thinking of it. I don't know what to say -- I pray for your wife and boys, as I'm sure you're in Heaven. God Bless."
James of Raleigh, NC
"To Remember Them..In loving Memory..Its been a year..
At the rising of the sun and at its going down, We remember them.
At the blowing of the wind and in the chill of Winter, We remember them.
At the opening of buds and in the rebirth of Spring, We remember them.
At the blueness of the skies and in the warmth of Summer, We remember them.
At the rustling of leaves and the beauty of Autumn, We remember them.
As long as we live, they too will live;
for they are now a part of us, as we remember them.
Rest in Peace Dear Soldier! We will NEVER FORGET!"
The Grogan Family of Lakeland, TN
"Major Nave, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas
"We Will NEVER FORGET !" As the first anniversary of the death of your loved one arrives;
Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering all your family and loved ones in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Kevin, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "
"I had the Honor of sewing the quilt for Kevin,30 people across this nation contributed in making this one quilt..it is our way of saying THANK YOU to Kevin & his family.May you still feel his loving arms wrapped around you."
Maryann Henning of Zilwaukee Michigan
"I had the Honor of sewing the quilt for Kevin,30 people across this nation contributed in aking this one quilt..it is our way of saying THANK YOU to Kevin & his family.May you still feel his loving arms wrapped around you.Believe;-)"
Maryann Henning of Zilwaukee Michigan
"I had the Honor of sewing the quilt for Kevin,30 people across this nation contributed in aking this one quilt..it is our way of saying THANK YOU to Kevin & his family.May you still feel his loving arms wrapped around you.Believe;-)"
Maryann Henning of Zilwaukee Michigan
"As a photographer and photo editor, I've seen hundreds of images from the war.
But none have hit me as hard, or stayed with me as long, as the photograph of Maj. Kevin Nave's 6 year old son, Tony, as he left the memorial for his father.
To his son, daughter, wife and other family members, I can only offer the condolences of our family.
The full value of what Maj. Nave and his comrades gave for others may not be realized for years. But there are a lot of us who, though we never knew him or his family personally, will never forget what they have given."
The Lantz Family of San Francisco, California, USA
"Thank you Kevin Nave, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios
"Major Kevin Nave used to be my platoon commander in 3/9. I learned a great deal from him and respected him not only as an officer but as a fellow marine. May he find peace in the arms of Jesus Christ. Marc Davis"
Marc Davis of Tempe, Arizona, USA
"Our prayers are with your family during this difficult time. Thank you brave soldier, your courage and sacrifice will nerver be forgotten."
Ken and Maritza Holley of Pembroke Pines, Florida
"To the family and friends of Maj. Kevin Nave:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Kevin for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada
"To the family and friends of Maj. Kevin Nave:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Kevin, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera, of Powder Springs, Georgia
"I hope you and your children will find strength knowing that others greive your loss and our nations loss by your husbands passing. I seen the picture of your son holding his eyes and that teddy bear. I can barely think of it without tears welling up. I dont think i have ever felt someone elses pain so acutely before. May you heal and live a blessed life again."
jack shook of pittsburgh pa usa
"I pray God blesses you all with strength and peace. You are in my thoughts and prayers."
Cynthia Padilla of Camp Pendleton, CA
"Thank you Brave Marine for your sacrifice."
The Taylors, USMC of NC
"Hi, I am a Michiganier,too, but live in Georgia, Ft. Benning. My husband is a part of the Third Infantry Divison, he is in Iraq. I just want to let you know that you are appreciated for what your husband has done for our country. Remeber to keep God in your heart, it will be okay. Thank you so much, you and your family is appreicated!"
Mandi of Ft. Benning, Georgia