39, of Wichita, Kansas.
Millsap died in Baghdad, Iraq, of injuries sustained in Taji, Iraq, when an improvised explosive device detonated near his HMMWV. He was assigned to the 70th Engineer Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 1st Armored Division, Fort Riley, Kansas. Died on April 25, 2005.
Please send information, photos, and corrections for Army 1st Sgt. Timmy J. Millsap.
Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.
Please report inappropriate messages
"I had the privilege to serve with then SSG Milsap with C Co 65th EN BN at Schofiled Barracks, HI. He was my squad leader back in 1994. I learned a great deal while under his leadership and he will never be forgotten, he is surely missed! First In, Last Out! Light Fighter! Tropic Lightning! J. Van Reenan SFC (Ret) USA (Specialist/E4 - C Co 65th EN BN 92-94)"
J. Van Reenan of Buckeye, West Virginia
"He showed me how to be a leader of men under pressure by applying pressure. I wont forget him. ever. out."
Walland of B co. Aco. Cleveland OH
"First to the family my deepest condolence s. I knew him as SFC Milsap 70th Eng career counselor. I was the Brigade taskings NCO and we actually met on the 02 Iraq rotation. We had some very deep conversations which surprised me because his demeanor was always hard as a rock I was shocked he let his wall down. Some people touch your soul and that was him,not a year goes by that I dont think about him. I am blessed to have known him."
Retired Ty Kirk of killeen, Texas
"He was my battle buddie while instructing at Drill Sergeant School. He taught me how to run our squad and the day to day do's and don'ts. The most important thing I learned from him was balance between work and family. He was a true family man who put his family first. He really enjoyed the simple pleasures of life. I will never forget our talks in the office. He would always say after an exam, "Blue is blue". Then I would respond by saying "Too easy"! I miss him! His legacy lives on!"
CSM Gregory M. Lott of Fort Bragg, NC
"1SG Millsap, was one of my drill sergeants in February of 1997 with A 35th EN. I remember him being one of the ones I did not want to cross. He smoked me one time and I never wanted to be smoked by him again. He was hard and I respected the hell out of him. I still try to emulate him. He was a good man and a great NCO. I think about him all the time. After 19 years in the army he and my other drill sergeant's lessons still impact who I am as a soldier to this day. I hope I have made him proud. Sapper, Ranger, Airborne."
SFC Cole of Waynesville, MO
"To the family of Tim, he was the best man in our wedding and a dear friend. We often talk of him and remember him with fondness. We will never forget the sacrifice he made, and his loss has saddened our hearts.
Neil and Patty Fadgen
Neil and Patty Fadgen of St. Robert, MO
"Thank you 1SG Millsap! You will never be forgotten. I didn't know you personally but I did missions with you and passed by you a few times. I must have looked nervous because you always gave me that reassuring smile that let me know that everything would be ok. I will never forget."
"On the morning of the 24th of April before that very mission, I had the honor of meeting 1SG Milsap. I was the Medic in charge of supporting that very mission where 1SG Milsap's vehicle was hit by that IED. We drove into that small village the night before his vehicle was hit. I recall the treacherous canal and winding road that we had to maneuver around to get to our SP/OP base. When they got hit, My M113 was at least a half a mile from where his vehicle was hit so, by the time we got there in our Tracked 113 Ambulance, his vehicle was fully engulfed and destroyed so there wasn't much we could do for them. I wish it could've been different that morning. My medic and I ended up transporting him back to the FOB to Mortuary Affairs. Anyway, I do not mean to bring up the past but it does help me to talk about it. 1SG Milsap was a very straightforward and dedicated Soldier and a great man who will never be forgotten. My medic, SPC Torres and I talk about that day very often. I just want to say that it was an honor to serve with you 1SG Milsap. I will NEVER forget you as long as I live. Rest in Peace and GOD BLESS!!
Remember that Greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for his fellow friends, comrades, and Soldiers. You will not be forgotten 1SG Milsap!"
SSG Christopher Pettit, Senior Medic on that mission. of 1st Armored Division, 3rd Brigade, 125th Forward Support Battalion, Taji, Iraq, and Ft. Riley, KS, Spencer, Tennessee
"On the morning of the 24th of April before that very mission, I had the honor of meeting 1SG Milsap. I was the Medic in charge of supporting that very mission where 1SG Milsap's vehicle was hit by that IED. We drove into that small village the night before his vehicle was hit. I recall the treacherous canal and winding road that we had to maneuver around to get to our SP/OP base. When they got hit, My M113 was at least a half a mile from where his vehicle was hit so, by the time we got there in our Tracked 113 Ambulance, his vehicle was fully engulfed and destroyed so there wasn't much we could do for them. I wish it could've been different that morning. My medic and I ended up transporting him back to the FOB to Mortuary Affairs. Anyway, I do not mean to bring up the past but it does help me to talk about it. 1SG Milsap was a very straightforward and dedicated Soldier and a great man who will never be forgotten. My medic, SPC Torres and I talk about that day very often. I just want to say that it was an honor to serve with you 1SG Milsap. I will NEVER forget you as long as I live. Rest in Peace and GOD BLESS!!
Remember that Greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for his fellow friends, comrades, and Soldiers. You will not be forgotten 1SG Milsap!"
SSG Christopher Pettit, Senior Medic on that mission. of 1st Armored Division, 3rd Brigade, 125th Forward Support Battalion, Taji, Iraq, and Ft. Riley, KS, Spencer, Tennessee
"To the Family of 1SG Timmy Millsap:
I did not know Timmy personally, I did not serve under him, nor did I know his family. That does not say that I don’t think of him daily. My heart goes out to both his parents and siblings. I will never forget the pain in your face the night I informed you of your son’s untimely passing. I pray for you daily and for his wife and daughter. God bless you and I hope you find piece one day. Respectfully"
SGM Winters of Mendota Heights, MN
"I served with 1SG Millsap back in Ft Riley Ks from 1999-2001. He was a platoon SGT at the time for 1st platoon . Awesome human being. He would always ask "Ramirez my commo good to go?" I would say yes Sgt. Yours is always 1st. He was a dedicated soldier. Loved his job. Its September 17th 2013 and it feels like it was just yesterday we were at Riley. RIP Top"
Cpl George Ramirez of Aspermont , Texas USA
"I served under Sgt. Milsap in the 65th. He was one of the most knowledgeable, dedicated and inspirational soldiers I ever knew. You will never be forgotten Light Fighter!!! SAPPER LIGHT!!!"
SPC Fisher of Atlanta, GA
"1SG Millsap was a good friend and mentor. Each morning we had coffee (if there was time). I think of you every day and have applied your wisdom in my everyday actions. I remember my last moments with you as if they were only yesterday. You are missed in person, but remain in my heart and soul as a great leader, mentor, and friend."
SFC Boberg of Fort Meade
"Thank You!"
PFC Q of Killeen, TX
"I think about you every day brother"
"I was a soldier under you, and in Iraq on mission when you died. Great NCO"
"1Sgt Millsap was one of my DI's at Ft Leonardwood in 96. He was a great NCO and an amazing leader. There are too many inspirational moments I experienced under his instruction to list here. I will never forget him. To the family I am deeply saddend and sorry for your loss. He was one of the greatest men the world will ever know..."
SGT John Supak of Coupland, Texas
"He was a great 1SG and a great person. He will be missed by many people."
SFC (RET) Thornton of Camp Arifjan, Kuwait
"I was there when you fell and I will never let you go. I love you brother. I wish it were me and not you."
Chad of Austin, TX
"I will always remember you, my Friend my Hero. "65th Engineers HI""
SSG Melendez of Miami, Fl
"I went through OSUT Basic Training at Leonardwood in May of 1996. Then Sgt. Millsap was one of my Drill Instructors. A hard but fair man who trained and impacted the lives of literally hundreds of young men. I am proud to say that I was one of them but saddened to learn the news. I feel blessed for the time I was given and my hope is that we all feel the same. My love and condolences go out the family."
Kent of Wharton, TX
"I will miss him. 1SG Millsap was a Drill Sergeant Leader at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo around 1997. I remember him as very tough physically and fair. I am saddened by his passing. He was an impact player in this game. Respectfully,"
SFC Todd (RET) of San Antonio, TX
"I served with SFC Milsapp (Timmy) in Bco 1st EN Bn and had the honor of sharing a seahut with just me,him the LT and his driver Spc. Delgado. we spent countless nights together and lots of good memories. He was my Drill Instructor and also a Platoon Sgt. of mine. He is what a SOLDIER dreams to be he was a Leader and Mentor..... but most of all he was a wonderful person. I just found out about his death from a long time buddy and it struck me hard because I always wondered what happened to him throughout my career. my regards to his family. RIP SAPPER your never forgotten."
SGT. Michael C. Davis of Lakeland, Florida
"When i found out that 1sgt Millsap past my heart broke, and still feels the pain when thinking of him, He was a great NCO, We were deployed together in OIF 1, we were in the same battalion, he helped me through my tough time transitioning back from Iraq. He gave me motivation to keep going. He believed in me, His words gave me a sense of worth, and his doors was always open!
I remember when I first saw his 1sgt. Rank, we were in California, training...I teased that he wouldn't want to lunch with us now...he laughed and stood right next to us Privates as we all ate lunch!!!
I Wish the Millsap's the best! My heart goes out to you! I wish I could of found this page so long ago, so that I could of written this then.
A honorable man and soldier !"
J Centeno of Ft. Riley, KS
"Brian and I served with SSG/SFC Millsap in B Co. 1st Eng Bn, Ft. Riley and deployed to Bosnia with him in ’99. I was always a little intimidated by him, and rumor had it he’d just come off the (Drill SGT) “trail”, so that just added to my fear. I also remember finding out that this super tough guy was named Timmy! Not Tim, Timothy, but Timmy! Funny the things we remember. As time passed, I saw only fairness, integrity and professionalism from SFC Millsap. It’s 2010 now, we left Riley in 2000, and there are very few people who I remember. 1SG Millsap has stuck with us, probably for exemplifying what it means to be a soldier, a leader and living the Army Values. God bless your family, thank you for your Service. God bless America."
Stephanie Breaker of CA.
"To the Milsap Family,
Words can never say enough about the man that was the 1SG of one of companies in my Battalion. I had the honor of knowing him but that time was cut short in his un-timley death. I remember him as a hard but fair 1SG and his troops loved him for that. The NCO CORPS lost a great leader that day.
To his wife and family,
Time heals but never heals it all. Just remember that they might be gone but NEVER FORGOTTEN!!!"
SSG Ryan H. Elder of FT Riley, Kansas
"I was The millsaps neighbor and i also watched there daughter!i will always remember te funny times we had while watching him put up a pool in my backyard so that me and his daughter could have somewhere to spend during the hot summer! may God be with him and his family!"
sabrina of Junction City, Ks
"I served with Sgt. Millsap in Bravo Co. at Ft. Riley KS. He was a man filled with honor, integrity, and an immeasurable amount of devotion to his soldiers as well. Sgt. Millsap was a man that someone could go to for sound advice and encouragement, or just one heck of a game of racquetball. I never did beat him. He was never short on a whimsical remark or a correction of your uniform. Sgt. Millsap built strong rapport with everyone and was just a natural leader. I look back now, and realize how lucky I was to have the opportunity to have served and learned from him. He will be missed, but never forgotten by anyone that knew him."
James Justison of East Palestine Ohio
"To the family of 1SG Millsap,
I new him very well and he is sorely missed. We had talked often about everything from work, family, retirement, and life in general. I also knew he loved his family, his soldiers, and his job. I believe he had a great passion for all three."
1SG (R) Jimmie Culley of Morgantown, WV
"April 16, 2009
To the family of 1st Sgt. Timmy J. Millsap:
Timmy gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV
"I remeber all the good times we had when we were in High school together. He was a really good guy and I miss him!"
Matt Bottenberg of Wichita, Kansas
"I Served with 1st Sgt Millsap when he was a SFC/E-7 in the 1st Engr Bn. He was my Platoon Sgt. I even drove for him time to time. We deployed to Bosnia in 1999. It was very sad to hear he had fallen in Iraq. I have and will always remember 1st Sgt Millsap. God Bless him and his family. He will always be missed."
Christopher Brown of Winnabow, North Carolina
"Hi, D && A.
Mom and I miss you a lot.
We were able to get the Soccer field dedicated to Tim, they still haven't put a statue up like they were suppposed to.
Well I miss and love you guys so much.
Call mom A!!"
Dani Kastens of Wichita, KS US
"I knew 1st Sgt Millsap for 3 months when he was SSG Millsap I was in Alpha 36th in Fort Leonardwood with him and happened to take a look at my basic training picture tonight and wondered whatever came of him, I had the highest regard for him and his leadership has been a very large impact in my life, I don't believe I'd be the man I am today if not for him. I am deeply saddened having learned of this and I can only wish my greatest sympathies to his family, this was a great man, I am happy and grateful for having known and learned from him."
Chad Helland of Chippewa Falls, WI, USA
"To the family of:Timmy J. Millsap I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015. Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga"
"Sorry to here about the loss of Tim. I heard about his passing several years later from Fadgen. Sgt Millsap was my squad leader at Ft. Carson ,2nd Plt A Co 4th Engr Bn. Iorn Horse Sappers Lead The Way Sgt. Millsap"
Dave Thomas of Cleveland, Oh
"Dear Family of Timmy Millsap:
To honor the Kansas soldiers who have lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan and their families,the professional portrait artists of the Grateful Hearts Project are offering to paint a portrait of the individual soldier for his family.
These 16"x20" original portraits are being offered completely free of charge in recognition of the sacrificies made by these brave soldiers and in condolence for their families loss.
Please email us at gratefulheartsproj@sbcglobal.net for more information.
The Artists of Grateful Hearts"
J.Gragg of Lee's Summit,Mo.
"To the Millsap Family
My daughter-in-law & I participated in the laying of Christmas wreaths in memory of the soldiers honored at Warriors Walk at Ft Stewart, GA, today (Dec 15, 2007). We were honored to lay a wreath for 1SG Timmy J. Millsap.
Pictures were taken and I would like to send them to you. My son is in the Marines and is serving his 2nd tour in Iraq. If you will email me, I will contact you for your address so I can send you the pictures. My prayers are with you during this Christmas season."
Cindy Sova (csova1254@aol.com) of Savannah, GA
"Our time together at Ft. Riley was special. You taught me the ropes to being a great officer and Soldier. Our memories and experiences together in B. Co. 1st Eng BN will forever be imprinted in my heart. To all of the Millsap family, my prayers are with you. Timmy was truly a great leader and an outstanding Soldier and one of my mentors. I'll see you up there brother,"
Kevin Tramonte of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, USA
"GOD be with your family, we know you are ok, you got the wings...thank you for serving"
Kathy Millsap of Glendale, AZ
We are so sorry to hear about Tim. Although many yars and military moves have seperated us, we often talk about Tim and all of the fond memories. After all, he was the best man in our wedding, and managed to keep Neil up there when I needed him to. We have only just heard of this tragedy, and our thoughts and prayers go out to you. You may reach us at npfad1@cablemo.net All our love, Neil and Patty Fadgen"
Patty Fadgen of Saint Robert, Mo
"To Mrs. Millsap: We lost my nephew, Gary W. Walters, Jr., the day before the loss of your loved one. Their names will forever be connected in my heart. Gary's mother and I just returned from the Middle East Conflicts Memorial Wall in Marseilles, IL, where I took a rubbing of 1st Sgt Millsap's name. If you would like this rubbing, as well as pictures of the Memorial site, please email me and let me know. porkysmom@aol.com
God bless you and your family."
Sandy Floyd of Ardmore, OK
"To the Millsap family: I was associated with 1SG Millsap briefly while at Ft. Riley, but it was in Iraq where I was able to see what kind of man he really was. He was a frequent visitor to my office. He came not for leisure, but to ensure his Soldiers were being taken care of. That is just what he was doing that day as well-taking care of his Soldiers. His untimely passing hit me in a way that I will never forget-I think of him often; I cannot imagine how this affected family. 1SG Millsap was a hero who will be remembered by many. God Bless."
MSG Tim Glenn of Ft. Riley, KS
"To Rose and Kenny I want you to know that there is not a day that your son is not remembered. From the first time I met Timmy (I was 17, he was 15) and he asked to drive my car (which of course I let him do!), through our soccer years when he scored the first winning goal in Kansas Newman history (2 seconds left...BRILLIANT!) till today...when your son is still remembered by me as a friend, a brother and a fellow soldier...I will NEVER forget..."
Timothy Joe Clough (TJClough1@aol.com) of Simi Valley, California
"To Allyne, to Deanna, and to those much are closer than I; to Timmy.
It has taken decades to find you, a couple of Christmas cards a long while ago, days of research, and hours to think. As I reflect, I aim to type a worthy compilation - and hopefully appropriate message – obviously way too late for me.
Only if I had known…
Having served alongside Timmy in West Germany a very very long time ago, along the East German (DDR) border; for me there was a clear mix of pure professionalism with a great sense of humor - and more importantly – dignity – in Timmy’s demeanor, and everything he did.
Thoughts: As I look back, Soccer matches against the very best, inches from the East Germany border. A broken leg came later in another ordeal – and a new word came into our vocabularies – “Krankenhous” (sp). Later, Deanna came along. Challenges – was all what is was, and Timmy showed everyone how to hack through it all.
For some reason we also hack through life, no matter where we are, and expect those who might not be in such good contact, and in Timmy’s case, with very good reason; it is tragic to find out such news.
So I offer the Millsap’s friends and family my deepest sympathies from where I live now- Spain. I would like to finish with a quote from my own younger brother, who visited Bad Hersfeld – where we served – as advice for the the next generation:
“[11:00:55 PM] Luke Polansky HOME says: tell her (Allyne) that your brother .... who never served... holds a man who he never met in the highest respect –
[11:01:08 PM] Luke Polansky HOME says: and he has bought our freedom”
Go Red Devils….
Joby Polansky (Mojacar Spain - Waupaca, WI)"
Joby Polansky of Mojacar-Almeria,Spain
"To the family and friends of 1st Sgt. Timmy Millsap:
My son was one of the 3 people in the vehicle on April 25th. He speaks quite highly of your loved one and doesn’t miss out on the opportunity to tell people about his 1st Sgt… his friend... his hero… I’m very thankful to have my son returned to me… injuries and all. And I can guarantee that for generations to come, your loved one will be fondly remembered and immortalized by my son’s tales about Timmy. He is truly missed and loved.
Will deepest sympathy. The mother of an American Soldier…
Norma Morgan – Mother of Pfc Kenneth Davis - 70th Engineers
Medically retired – Fort Riley KS – Ramsey, IL
Feel free to contact me/us @ nermal64@yahoo.com"
Norma Morgan of Herrick, IL USA
"To all of the Millsap family:
Our son's 1st Sgt. may be gone, but will NEVER be forgotten. He was spoken very highly of, and well respected by his soldiers. He disciplined, motivated, and cared for our son while stationed at Fort Riley and in Taji, Iraq. Sgt. Millsap made his way into many hearts, including ours, and that's where he can always be found. Our condolences to all of you. May God comfort you and reward you for your contribution to this world we live in, and for the ultimate sacrifice paid for our freedom. You're in our thoughts & prayers!"
Philip & Mayra Zamora, (parents of SPC Zamora, Philip IV 70th Engineers) of Fontana, California
"To the family of 1SG Millsap,
He was an inspiration to all that knew him. He was a co-worker whom I could always depend on as a fellow Equal Opportunity Advisor. My prayers are constantly with you all (wife, daughter and other family members). He was truly a person, a leader and a role model for others to emulate."
Jennifer of APO AP /Korea
"To the wife, and daughter of 1st.SGT. milsap, may God bless you, and keep you both in his grace. My husband served under SGT. Milsap, while we were station at FT.Riley, KS. We remember him, share very honest memories of him. We left Ft. Riley in 2001, but my husband ran into him, February this year, while they were both in transition to Iraq. They exchange kind words, and memories. Only God knows what our tomorrow holds, but for his family i offer prayers, and good wishes. May God bless his daughter with peace, and his wife with strength to continue through the years. God bless."
Christine Joseph of Ft. Stewart. GA
"Alyne and Deanna,
I went to high school with Timmy and I will always remember him as being larger than life. He was always there for everyone around him. My husband is in the Marine Corps and has served almost two years in Iraq and will be returing next year for another year. I can't even imagine the pain that you are going through but know that you are not alone and that my wishes for all the best are with both of you."
Sheila Hauser (Parks) of Virginia Beach, Va
"To the family of Timmy Millsap, my heart goes out to you for your loss. My son is currently at Camp Taji and I am sure that all of his buddies feel your loss. May you find strengh in your memories and know that your loved one is a true hero giving the ultimate sacrifice. may God bless you all."
Debby Marshall of San Bernardino, California
"I honor Sgt. Millsap and remember him as a hero. I am grateful that he did his job willingly and that he died protecting my family. I pray that God will be with you."
Sharon Stanger of Idaho Falls, ID USA
"To the friends and family of Timmy. May God be with you at your time of sorrow, and until you meet with Timmy again. Timmy is a true hero and will always be remembered. Our family shares in your sorrow we lost my brother, SPC Shawn Davies on 7-8-04. Keep the good memories of Timmy in your hearts always."
Toni Peters, (toniannp@sbcglobal.net) of Concord, OH
"To Timmy and his family. My family honors your Hero. He was a brave man who gave his life for freedom. We will never forget the sacrifice that he made. God Bless Timmy and his family."
Jennifer and SSGT Larry Mays and family of Massillon, Ohio
"To Timmy's family: I have known Timmy for over 30 years. I went to school with him from grade school till he graduated from high school. I sort of lost touch with him when he joined the Army, but would hear about him here and there. My brother, Chris, was fortunate enough to see Timmy in Kuwait this past March. Chris said he was the same Timmy we grew up with!!! I cannot express my regrets for your loss. I have been over in Iraq off and on since 1991 and I know what a warrior feels when he is doing his job and serving his country there. Timmy was a "Warrior" and will sorely be missed by all of us who played soccer with him growing up and even had a few beers with him. Timmy, you are one of "America's Heroes!""
Matt Brown of Fort Campbell, KY
"We will always remember 1st Sgt Millsap. My husband has served with him since he became 1st Sgt. with A Co. 70th Eng. May god bless you and your family in your time of sorrow."
Stepahnie of Nebraska
"A respected colleague, true to his faith and support of soldiers. You'll truly be missed by the EO and EEO professionals, past and present, at Fort Riley."
L'Tanya of Fort Riley, Kansas
"Sergeant Millsap, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas
"To Alyne and Deanna Millsap and other family members of Timmy J. Millsap,
As a fellow Salinan I share in your grief over the loss of your beloved, Tim. May God Bless You and hold you close to his heart. I pray for you to have strength to get through the grief and find the sunshine in your life daily."
Mary Wright of Salina,KS
Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Timmy will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you ALWAYS. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "
"Im sorry you had to leave like this. You will always be remembered as a true hero, soneone that gave their life up for ours."
Catherine of New York
"Thank you Timmy Millsap, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios
"To the family and friends of 1st Sgt. Timmy Millsap:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Timmy for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada
"To the family and friends of 1st Sgt. Timmy Millsap:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Timmy, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia