Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Remembering the servicemembers who died in the service of their country.

Marine 1st Lt. Dan T. Malcom, Jr.

25, of Brinson, Georgia.
Malcom died as a result of enemy action in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. He was assigned to 1st Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Died on November 10, 2004.

Please send information, photos, and corrections for Marine 1st Lt. Dan T. Malcom, Jr..


Contributions to the Families of the Fallen


Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.

Please report inappropriate messages

"2nd AABN 2nd MARDIV Charlie Company 2nd Platoon.

Lt. Dan Malcom Jr. was not only a great chess player that I had the chance to play against, but the day of his unfortunate death in combat. I spoke and sat with him. I helped him fill his water pack and canteens and laughed about some stuff from the previous float we were both on 26th MEU attached with Alpha Co.
He is a great man and I salute and honor his name by saying thank you Lt. Malcom for all you have done for your country and you will never be forgotten brother."
Sgt Omar Reneau of Visalia CA USA

"I was SSgt Sebastian then when I came to the platoon. I remember the times that we would sit and play chess. He taught me to play because my father who had died a year before never taught me to play but I knew my dad played. Malcolm and I would play hockey on his play station; we had such good conversations and he trusted me and GySgt Cully with all his might. He never talked down to us as some officers due to enlisted but he was respectful kind and patient. There is not one day that I don't wear his name on my wrist and I spend a small portion of my life everyday in Iraq with him. I was not with him when he fell I was on another roof but my heart fell to my feet and I took that feeling to the enemy. I will never forget the hours before the invasion how we played chess for hours. He is a good man and though we all miss him he is waiting for us to join him one day at our Father's House.... Malcolm will always be a part of me he and all those that laid down their lives will always be a part of me. He was a brave man and I admired and respected him. May these words bring you some comfort for he is still alive in me and all those that remember him..."
Ricardo Sebastian of Greenville, SC

"We love you Dan!"
Katie Bates of Powhatan, Va

"Dan was kind and tenacious and could bear a burden with extraordinary grace. It's rare that someone has those qualities in the way he did. He lived beside me one year at school. Man I wish I could call him."
Clint Howard of Hanahan, SC

"To the family of:Dan T.Malcolm
I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015.
Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga""

"I was presenting a brief today about our FSP in Op Al Fajr and my thoughts went to you. Keep the faith. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Semper Fidelis."
Major Steve Kahn, USMC of Virginia

"Our brother,
You still make us so proud."
Heath of Georgia

"You are never forgotten brother."
CWO Kevin Holcomb of Camp Lejeune, NC

"”Honor and Remember” - “Project Compassion” We love our Soldiers! We love our country and we cannot express enough love and compassion to the families of our fallen heroes. War does not discriminate – It breaks our hearts to see the faces of the fallen. We want to give this gift to you. We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization! Over 1,750 portraits have been completed and shipped to the parents and or spouse - at no cost as this is a gift from one American to another!
Mothers of our heroes, please be aware that the Project Compassion sponsors will now help cover the costs of the portraits for you to have one - regardless if the spouse of the hero has one or not!
Contact us directly at Projectcompassion@manti.com. or go to www.heropaintings.com . If you have already had a portrait completed, we pray that you are enjoying the portrait and bless you.
Sincerely and Respectfully,
Project Compassion
P.O. Box 153
Manti, Utah 84642"
Project Compassion - Kenna of Manti, Utah USA

"November 15, 2008
To the family of 1st Lt. Dan T. Malcom, Jr.:
Dan gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV

"I can not remember her face. She is young, not much older than I, too young to feel as she does. Crying she is. My hands tremble to an intermittent melody, not in fear, not in agony or nervousness, not in malady or retribution, but in surreal remembrance. Remembering a day not long ago, in which life was paid in full by life. She sees this day in my eyes, as my wavering hands take hers. She knows, yes she knows my intentions. her face painted in mourning , always askewed, and never forgotten. Mine, repugnantof: anger fear, hatred, agony, regret and, grief. all as my memoried come afore. My eyes cloud, growing opaque as I speak; the storm brawls inside of me. Pure and sure my soul falls from me to her at a crawl. Requesting the last of him any had known from my own heart, I hold all of that which was last left of him in this world in my grasp. Worse her crying comes in a flotilla of tears, impeded my speech now runs, my hold loosens; air, hot and rampant, exudes from my hand. All that is there, all that is, all that may be, is there, this bar lying ever not so fair.
Camouflaged with jaguars's specs of rust, the brass once sprayed black, now gold presently lacks; waits. Through time and sacrifice, an archaic peice of war now resides, remembrance is what this provides; a memory of the day in which life was paid travels amuck.
Through dust and deeath, through fight and fear, through guts and gear; brings me here. To relinquish the last of a fallen comrade, to whom he last loved. Embrace, time laced with an un-recallable face, marking that day. She holds me tight in immeasurable thanks, beholding his last worn rank.....


True story.
Once back in the rear, Lt. Malcom came up in casual convrsation, pertaining to memories (details will not be discussed). A comment was made by our XO, Lt. "K."
"Sir I would have followed him through hell!" was my retort. A simple staement is what followed.

"You did...""
Avenger4gunz@yahoo.com of Charles Town, WV

"Words cannot express the courage, wisdom, and determination of our fallen hero. I had the great honor of meeting Dan when I was eight grade and he the ninth. All he ever talked about was becoming a Marine and serving his country like his father. I miss Dan dearly but it makes me happy that Dan died doing something he forever dreamed . He was a wonderful man."
Ebony K. Hutchins of Colquitt, GA

"Dan was my Citadel classmate, my brother in arms, my friend. I wear his name on my bracelet every day to remind me of his sacrifice in every mission that I still fly. Until we meet again brother. Semper Fidelis."
Tony of Balad Air Base, Iraq

"To the memory of Dan:

I trained with Dan during TBS with the Marine Corps from June 2001 to November 2001. Dan and I became good friends. First, he was a good man but we also had a connection because we both graduated from The Citadel.

My heart sank when I heard about his passing. I know that he died honorably but I think about him all the time. Each Memorial Day and Veteran's Day, my heart hurts because I miss this fine American.

Each day I fly an American flag on his behalf and I tell my family about this man. I have two boys and I can only hope that they grow up with half the honor that he has.

God bless Dan and his family. I hope one day to meet his family and cherish Dan's memory.

Semper Fi,

Jon Hamilton (Capt, USMC 2001-2004)
(909) 539-5927"
Jon Hamilton of Rancho Cucamonga, California

"I was a SEAL sniper team leader in Fallujah. I was with Dan when he was killed, and only knew him very briefly. In the hour or so we knew eachother, I was impressed by his professionalism and the risks he was taking to get a tough job accomplished. A little part of every day of my life will be on that rooftop with Dan. He is missed, and I thank him and all the young Marines in that city who I had the privelidge of working with."
Dan of Virginia Beach

"To honor the Georgia soldiers who have lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan and their families, the professional portrait artists of the Atlanta Fine Arts League are offering to paint a portrait of the individual soldier for his family. These 16 X 20” original portraits are being offered completely free of charge in recognition of the sacrifices made by these brave soldiers and in condolence for their families’ loss. Please visit our website www.atlantafineartsleague.org or email us at AtlantaFineArtsLeague@Yahoo.com for further information."
–The Atlanta Fine Arts League of Atlanta, GA

"To The Family Of 1stLt Malcom,

I had the honor of meeting this fine American during my senior year at The Citadel. I was his Cadre Platoon Commander in Lima Company and I was charged with turning boys into men during the balmy Indian Summer of 1997. Your son gained my immediate attention due to the Red Badge he proudly wore on his chest, that of a NROTC (Marine Option) cadet. I too wore one and still wear the uniform today.

Dan was a fine cadet and although I never saw him after I graduated that fall I was certain he would be successful. The way he stood out from his peers, both physically and mentally, was exceptional. He always gave 110% in all that he did and no one can ask a man for anymore than that.

I have consolation knowing that he fell in combat doing what he undoubtedly loved to do, take care of his Marines.

I am humbled that I had the opportunity to serve with him during his nine month long journey as a 4th Classmen, at the toughest Military College in America.

I will not forget him, nor the sacrifice he has made for this great Nation."
Captain Shannon M. Shea Citadel '98 of Camp Lejeune, NC

"I don't know this Marine, but the BBC reported back in 2004 about his heroism. I just want to share it:

Lt Malcolm was a good chess player. He looked like any other young marines officer: skinny, shaven-headed, although with a quite beaky nose.

Anyway, you could always pick him out. He would be the one with the chess board placed on an up-ended box of MREs (Meal Ready to Eat), working out moves.

I got to know him a little bit, as his bunk was opposite mine.

I would watch as he gave chess tips to those of his men who had not completely given in to poker or hearts.

About five hours into the battle, Lt Malcolm was killed.

He was the weapons officer in Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, the unit I had joined as an "embed".

Just before dawn, Alpha Company blew a large hole in an outer wall, and entered the police station right in the heart of Falluja.

It was still pretty quiet then but as the sun rose the marines found themselves surrounded and under attack from all sides.

Lt Malcolm's squad went up on to the highest roof top they could find - but not higher than the two minarets on either side with snipers.

There was a wall about 40cm (16in) tall for cover. Everyone tried to get close to it while bullets skipped across the paving stones.

When he heard his men were in trouble - the men he'd been giving chess tips just the day before - Lt Malcolm came to get them.

Extraordinary valour

As he ran onto the roof, one of the sniper's bullets hit his helmet, bouncing off.

He kept going, and did not leave until he had shepherded all his men down.

He was killed by the second bullet. It got him in the back, just below the flak jacket, as he jumped down the stairwell.

He must have thought he was home free.

There was no hint of his extraordinary valour in the press release issued two days later.

Alpha Company marines came under fire from all sides
It said: "The Department of Defense announced today the death of two marines who were supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom."

"1st Lt Dan T Malcolm Jr, 25, of Brinson, Ga, died Nov 10 as a result of enemy action in al-Anbar Province, Iraq.""
Frank Vuittonet of Baghdad, Iraq

"Semper Fidelis, sir. Your bravery will never be forgotten."
LCPL HAKKI, RA of Washington, DC

"Sir, you had qualities about you that are highly desireable among Marine Officers. Just a few of those were your humbleness, humility and sincere concern for the safety and welfare of the Marines under your charge. It is because of the ultimate sacrifice that men like you have made that I chose to remain in this 'Gun Club' three months after you left us. I owe it to you. Not a day goes by that I don't think about one particular conversation you and I had, at Al Asad, just weeks before Fallujah. I remember all of our 'offline' discussions like it was yesterday. I never had the oppurtunity to tell you how much I appreciated and admired your leadership. I will always remember you as one of the finest Marine Officers and friends I have ever known and worked with. May God rest your soul Sir. Semper Fidelis."
"Kevin" (SSGT/USMC) of MCBJ

"To the family and friends of Dan: I had the privilege of serving with Dan in First Battalion Eighth Marines in Iraq. He was one of the most conscientious Lieutenants whom I have ever met. His quiet leadership, intelligence and good heart instilled a loyalty in his Marines. He made everyone around him, including me, a better person. I'll never forget that day and where I was when I heard that Dan had been killed doing what he did best--looking after his Marines. My sincerest condolences to you, his family and friends. "No greater love hath any man than to lay down his life for his friend." Semper Fidelis, Dan. You will always be missed and will never be forgotten."
Captain Matt Nodine, USMC (lawdog77@yahoo.com) of Parris Island, SC

"Lt. Malcom was my Plt. Comander. I cannot express how bad we felt when we heard the news over the radio about him, we all deeply miss him, his talks, his kindness, his chess playing, he skinny, tall, smart, good hearted self.

He will be missed by all of us. He was a great man, and an extrodinary leader.
Semper Fi Sir!"
Cpl. Charles Foss of 1st Battalion 8th Marines, Alpha Company, Weapons Platoon 0341\Mortarman

"I had the pleasure of serving with Dan in Iraq. He was a true warrior dedicated to his duty. Dan, you will be missed. Semper Fi Marine"
1st Lt Nick Lodestro of Jacksonville, NC

"Lieutenant Malcom, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas

"I wish to offer my condolences to the friends and family of 1st Lt Malcom. I did not know Lt Malcom, but I was deeply moved by an article in the London Times that reported his tragic death. It described a man who had great affection for the men he led, tremendous courage and an unassuming bravery.
I cannot begin to imagine the terrible loss you endure. My prayers are with you and I hope that you may find some peace in Lt Malcom's heroism, and the fact that it is appreciated not only in his homeland."
Martin Whittingham of Belper, England

"To Dan's family and friends and fellow Americans:
Dan was my friend Kyle's very best friend, more like a brother. He was like a son to Kyle's parents. It was through my friendship with Kyle that I was afforded the opprotunity to meet Marine 1st Lt. Dan Malcolm. I just want everyone to know that Dan was one of the finest individuals I have ever met. You knew there was something special about him at first glance. He was so proud to serve his country and he believed in what he was doing. He went to the Citadel on a full scholarship. It was his life. He also had a heart for people. He never forgot his friends or family. Dan made an everlasting impression on me in the few times we met, and now he leaves an everlasting impression on his country by giving the ultimate sacrifice so that it's citizens can enjoy freedom. My prayers are with the Malcolm famiy, his fiance, and his friends. Thank you Dan!!!"
Stacey Saulters of Foley, AL/USA

"My name is Spc Charles R. Milburn, attached to 571st Medical Evacuation (AA) at Ft Carson, Co, which i am returning to Iraq just a few days after Christmas 04, i went to kindergarten with Lt Malcom(Dan), it seems like it was just yesterday we were making fun of his braces on his teeth, and playing on the school playground, but no matter what, Dan was always the one to give you the biggest smile. Even though he kept to himself most of the time then, i sure he stepped up to lead his Marines into battle, even though i just heard the news about the loss of an old friend, there is a void in my life and heart as i return to the Middle East, and just hoping as i pick up the wounded on the battle field, that i may be more like Lt Malcom and lead my fellow soldiers in this war on Terrorism and strife. My thought and prayers go to the Malcom family, and just what i knew about Dan, he always wanted to be a U.S. Marine and serve, and his life and sacrifice was not in vain..

Charles R. Milburn
4/3 ACR
571st Med Co (AA)
FT Carson, Co 80913
(719) 559-9696"
Charles R. Milburn of Ft Carson, Co USA

"To Dan's Family and Friends:

On behalf of the Blanco-Caldas family, we send our sincerest condolences. We share the same loss ... the same pain. Our prayers are with you in this most difficult time and we thank you for your soldier's bravery and sacrifice.


The Family of Capt. Ernesto M. Blanco-Caldas, 82nd Airborne
KIA Iraq 12/28/2003.
Gloria Caldas (The Big Ern's Mom) of San Antonio, TX

Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Dan will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you ALWAYS. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "

"To Dan's Family:
There are no words to express the sorrow we feel for your loss. May God bless you and help you through this time."
Dan and Meg Manninen of San Antonio, Texas

"Thank You for the gift of freedom. I will honor it in your memory."
P Bell of Macon,Ga

"To the family and friends of 1st Lt. Dan T. Malcom Jr.,

Those we hold most dear, never truly leave us. May you find comfort in love's everlasting connection.

In the Support section of this web site you will find links to many groups that support you at this crucial time. The Marine Comfort Quilt group would be honored to send a quilt to the next of kin. There are many, loving and caring Americans from all over the United States that will never forget the sacrifice that your loved one has made for our Freedom. Please register so we can send you our "Love Stitched Together."

Proud Marine Mom and Proud Member of Marine Comfort Quilts"
Sandra Moudy of Placentia, Ca

"Thank you Dan Malcom, Jr., you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios

"To the family and friends of 1st Lt. Dan Malcom, Jr.:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Dan for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada

"To the family and friends of 1st Lt. Dan Malcom, Jr.:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Dan, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia

Honor them by remembering... Freedom - is their gift to us But his soul goes marching on