Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Remembering the servicemembers who died in the service of their country.

Marine Lance Cpl. Cesar F. Machado-Olmos

20, of Spanish Fork, Utah.
Machado-Olmos died due to a non-combat related vehicle accident in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. He was assigned to 2nd Combat Engineer Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Died on September 13, 2004.

Please send information, photos, and corrections for Marine Lance Cpl. Cesar F. Machado-Olmos.


Contributions to the Families of the Fallen


Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.

Please report inappropriate messages

"Happy 40th birthday friend. You always come to mind this time of year. I miss you, and I wish the best to your mother and your family."
Jake of Spanish Fork, UT

"You still cross my mind Machado. You left a lasting impression . I’m glad that our path crossed. You always found a way to make us laugh with your corky humor. RIP man."
Harry of SF,CA

"Still think of you my dude. You had a unique way of making us laugh."
Harry of SF,CA

"I will never forget you buddy."
Harry Garcia of San Francisco, CA

"It's been a long time. It was a bitter sweet day for me. I had EAS. That same day I found out about your untimely passing. You were such a character. A real cool person. Always had me cracking up. Glad I had the honor of serving with you. RIP God Bless"
Cpl Garciacastillo of San Francisco

"Fallen but NEVER forgotten. Its been couple of years since you died and now John is up there to. You to better be holding it down up there until the rest of us get there. Miss you bro and look forward to seeing you again in the next life."
lcpl robert s. randall of schofield barracks, hi.

"To the family of:Cesar F.Machado-Olmos
I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015.
Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga""


I bet you remember what you were suppose to do for my in a couple of days. My birthday 2009, I wish I kept the book from Iraq, I haven't stopped thinking about you. I remember the fight we had about who was suppose to go, I even think Bob remembers. I wish you were here, I need your help. Keep gaurding the gates until I get there, my brother in the sky."
Former Cpl. Littleton of California

"Hey Mo it's been a long time sorry I haven't written to you sooner. I know I didn't know you the best but you were a great friend and I miss you rest in peace."
Krystal Littleton of Apple Valley, Ca

"he bro its been almost 5 years and i still miss you. you where my best friend, and i miss you dude. i would not be the person that i am today if i did not know you. me and you did some pretty funny and stupid things but you all ways had my back. i miss you bro. you were my brother from another mother."
lcpl robert s. randall of ft. lee, va

You don't know me, and i never knew him, but i am a Marine 0311 with three tours in iraq that is currently in the Army serving in Afghanistan. The Corps is a brotherhood, and i want you to know that if there is anything that you ever need, or someone to talk to, I am always here. I live in Morgan City, Utah and will be home in a couple of months, pleae please feel free to call on me for anything. if your car breaks down, i will be there, if you need help fixing anything, i will be there. if you need a marine for any reason i will be there. i am so very sorry for your famil's great loss, and extend my hand in friendship and in any form of help that you may need.
SPC O'Leary, US Army
formerly CPL O'Leary USMC
3/4 Kilo Company "Darkside"
Thomas O'Leary of Morgan City, Utah/ currently serving in Afghanistan

You don't know me, and i never knew him, but i am a Marine 0311 with three tours in iraq that is currently in the Army serving in Afghanistan. The Corps is a brotherhood, and i want you to know that if there is anything that you ever need, or someone to talk to, I am always here. I live in Morgan City, Utah and will be home in a couple of months, pleae please feel free to call on me for anything. if your car breaks down, i will be there, if you need help fixing anything, i will be there. if you need a marine for any reason i will be there. i am so very sorry for your famil's great loss, and extend my hand in friendship and in any form of help that you may need.
SPC O'Leary, US Army
formerly CPL O'Leary USMC
3/4 Kilo Company "Darkside"
Thomas O'Leary of Morgan City, Utah/ currently serving in Afghanistan

"August 20, 2008
To the family of Lance Cpl. Cesar F. Machado-Olmos:
Cesar gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV

"Hey muchacho!

it has been a long time since we've talked. I still remember the times when 10 of us would watch dvds in a 5inch screen. I miss those days, its wierd man, i think about you every day. Rest in Power Lalo."
Former Corporal Aldo Castaneda of Fort Worth, Tx

"My sister and I went to school with Cesar. He was a joker, sweet guy, and most of all a HERO!! My sister was best friends with him, she would write him every week, send him candy, and would recieve phone calls from him every week. He was a kind sweet soul, always looking out for his friends and family. Miss you Cesar!!! We will ALWAYS REMEMBER YOU AND WHAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR YOU, YOUR FAMILY, AND YOUR COUNTRY!! GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.
Heaven Sent Angel, Earth Bound For Happiness, Lifetime Of Love, Awaits Eternal Bliss.-Traci- Love & Miss You!!"
Traci Lehmberg of Spanish Fork, Utah

"If no one could bring up my spirits, you could. You were a great Marine to serve with, and a great friend. Rest in peace, we will never forget you."
Lcpl John LaBossiere of Everett, Wa

"I was a friend of Cesar - I knew him ever since my 10th grade year of high school. I thank him for his service for the country and miss him!"
Albrie (Miller) Waggoner of Shelley, Idaho (Spanish Fork, Utah)

I will never forget the first time we went to Iraq together. Your weren't just a Marine, you were the greatest friend I have ever, will ever, have. You will always be in my heart, I miss you Mo."
Lcpl Littleton Kevin S of 2nd CEB Supt Co Ut Plt

"Fabricio--thank for all the wonderful memories you left us. We remember you for your smile and willingness to always help others. We honor you for serving our country. May the Lord bless your family with comfort and greater faith. We love and miss you. We pray for your family."
Samuel, Sylvia, Susie & Saul Hernandez of Covina, CA USA!

"Corporal Machado-Olmos, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas

"I met this soldier when he was just a kid. Now he is gone and I can only imagine the pain his family is going through. He was a very smart kid. Thank you so much Fabricio for defending this wonderful country. Que Dios te tenga en su gloria."
Fernando Pena (fernypena@hotmail.com) of SALT LAKE CITY, UT. USA.

"Corporal Machado-Olmos, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas

"To Cesar's Family:
There are no words to express the sorrow we feel for your loss. May God bless you and help you through this time."
Dan and Meg Manninen of San Antonio, Texas

"Thank you brave soldier for sacrificing your today for my children's safer tomorrow. You have our utmost respect and gratitude. May God provide your family with comfort in their time of sorrow. May you forever rest in Heavenly peace. Neither you nor your sacrifice will be forgotten."
a grateful family in Phoenix, AZ

"To César's Family and Friends:

On behalf of the Blanco-Caldas family, we send our sincerest condolences. We share the same loss ... the same pain. Our prayers are with you in this most difficult time and we thank you for your soldier's bravery and sacrifice. Que el Señor los bendiga a todos de parte de otra familia que aún llora la perdida de un hijo.


La Familia del Capt. Ernesto M. Blanco-Caldas, 82nd Airborne
KIA Iraq 12/28/2003.
Gloria Caldas (The Big Ern's Mom) of San Antonio, TX

"To the family of Cesar,
Our sincerest condolences for your loss. We know your pain as we have also suffered the loss of a precious life in this battle for freedom. Cesar is a true American hero and will always be remembered for his bravery and sacrifice he gave to our country. May God bless you during this difficult time."
The McClain family--azquail@att.nett of Tucson, AZ

"To the family and friends of Lance Corporal Cesar F. Machado-Olmos,
Those we hold most dear, never truly leave us. May you find comfort in love's everlasting connection.

In the Support section of this web site you will find links to many groups that support you at this crucial time. The Marine Comfort Quilt group would be honored to send a quilt to the next of kin. There are many, loving and caring Americans from all over the United States that will never forget the sacrifice that your loved one has made for our Freedom. Please register so we can send you our "Love Stitched Together."

Proud Marine Mom and Proud Member of Marine Comfort Quilts"
Sandra Moudy of Placentia, Ca

Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Cesar, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "

"Thank you Cesar Machado-Olmos, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios

"To the family and friends of Lance Cpl. Cesar Machado-Olmos:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Cesar for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada

"To the family and friends of Lance Cpl. Cesar Machado-Olmos:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Cesar, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia

Honor them by remembering... Freedom - is their gift to us But his soul goes marching on