Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Remembering the servicemembers who died in the service of their country.

Marine Lance Cpl. Christopher P. Lyons

24, of Shelby, Ohio.
Lyons died when his unit came under attack by enemy small-arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades while conducting combat operations in Cykla, Iraq. He was assigned to the Marine Reserve’s 3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division, Columbus, Ohio. During Operation Iraqi Freedom, his unit was attached to Regimental Combat Team-2, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward). Died on July 28, 2005.

Please send information, photos, and corrections for Marine Lance Cpl. Christopher P. Lyons.


Contributions to the Families of the Fallen


Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.

Please report inappropriate messages

"It’s been just over 19 yrs since your death. Never Forgotten. Semper Fi Devil Dog."
USMC veteran of Shelby of Shelby,ohio

May we honor the lives of those who have fought for our freedom with the way we choose to live our own, I was chosen because of a very close friend who served with the 48 Marines and Corpsmen who sacrificed it all; to read each story, to get to know a small piece of their lives through families and friends. I chose to honor each of them with a bible verse:

Christopher P. Lyons 7/28/05
"He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy." - Job 8:21 (Laughter)"
Haleigh Kilgore of West Virginia

""Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." -John 15:13"
0311 of Plymouth/Shelby, Ohio

"We are running 100 Miles from Cincy to Columbus to honor the Marines of Lima Company on 26 May 2012. We are raising money for the children of the fallen. Please see www.alwaysbrothers.org Semper Fidelis, Semper Fratres"
Dean A Smith of www.alwaysbrothers.org

"Veterans Day 2011. Just remembering your sacrifice to your country on this day. Happy 236th M.C. birthday Devil Dog. Semper Fi"
a brother Marine of Shelby

"I had the privilege of teaming up with Lima 2nd PLT during OP Matador in Sgt Wimberg(RIP)/Cpl Hunter's squad with Lyons. All of those Marines are outstanding. Lyons, in particular, was a really classy guy. He was very friendly, thoughtful, intelligent, well-spoken, and had nerves of steel in that hellacious environment. I recall a conversation in May shortly after the AAV was blown up by an IED where he was talking about how much he loved his wife and couldn't wait to get home and see his daughter.

July 28 was awful. There was absolutely no enemy resistance in that little goat herder town except for that one random house. After that house and the guy hiding in the chicken coop were thoroughly peppered with thousands of rounds, the US Air Force dropped 2 or 3 (1 was a dud) 500lb bombs on it and reduced it to rubble and rebar. His friends and family should know that he served bravely and honorably and definitely spared the lives of his squad by fearlessly being the first man in the courtyard. His sacrifice and impact on my life and his fellow Marines is incalculable, and the loss of his life is painful and tragic. Lyons is greatly missed.
Isa. 51:11"
CE C-4 of VA

"It has been 5 years now that you were taken away from us. Even though I only knew you for a short time when we worked together I felt that we were close friends. You are greatly missed and I will always remember the sacrifice that you gave to protect me and my family. Thank you"
Angie D. of Mansfield, Ohio

"Remembering your sacrifice that you made on the 5 yr anniversary of your death. Your memory lives on Devil Dog. Semper Fi."
A fellow Marine of Shelby, Ohio

"Words could never explain how wonderful is was to know you Chris. You were the type of person who made other people wish to be better human beings. I slip sometimes, and I can hear you in the back of my head laughing and saying a smart-* remark too get me back on track. I can only hope that, myself included, we have made you proud. Your the only reason I believe in Heaven, you wouldn't and couldn't be anywhere else. I miss you my friend."
Jimi Walker of Ashland, Oh

"Your sacrifice is not forgotten as your spirit lives on in the hearts of fellow Marines. Semper Fi Devil Dog! You are a true warrior.
A fellow Marine

"I never want to forget the sacrifices of so many young men and women. I am so proud it makes me cry. I understand in theory only that war is a part of human nature but so is love and caring. I wish I could take the families pain away but I can't. I am committed to loving ALL people, myself and our environment. I am committed to working on my happiness everyday because so many have died for my freedom to live my life. Thank you is not enough but it is all I have. All my love and respect. ogersteiner@yahoo.com"
Scott Steiner of Gahanna, OH / USA


RIP soldier! Thank you"
Brandon of TN

"i will never forget the fun times that we all had at pioneer in shelby, ohio...you were friends with one of my boyfriends and i will always be grateful that i was able to have known such a great, caring, and heroic figure as yourself...thank you for all that you have done, not just for myself but for our country...you are a true hero and you always will be...thank you for protecting me and all of us in the united states of america...you will never ever be forgotten...god bless you chris and your family...thank you so very much"
Michaella of Myrtle Beach, S.C.

"you are my hero thank you for what you did in iraq"

"im 15 ish m doin a report of my engli teacher i chose him as my hreo please cotact me at naruto15vsitachi@gamil.com or my cell 719-964-8676 thank you"
brett.perez of kansas, wicthia , usa

"It's been 3 years ago today that you were taken from us. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. Hope you liked the yellow daisies.
Tina Glorioso of shelby, ohio

"June 21, 2008
To the family of Lance Cpl. Christopher P. Lyons:
Christopher gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV

"I did not have the pleasure of knowing your loved one. As a former Marine myself, I share in your pain as all Marines are forever linked as brothers. Rest assured he is not forgotten nor ever will be by those of us who share the bond. Semper Fi LCPL LYONS."
FormerMarine of Shelby, OH

"Today is Veteran's Day. I don't think a day goes past that I do not think of Chris. I go by his memorial in Shelby every day and I go to work every day and see his desk. The very short time that I had the priviledge of knowing Chris, he touched my heart deeply. I just wanted to say that I and my family are very proud of Chris. We love him and thank him very much. He helped preserve freedom for me, my daughter snd her daughters. Love you Chris. Rest."
Tina of Shelby,Ohio

"Two years have passed and it seems unreal, even now, that you are gone. Memories flood our hearts and home, drawing us once again to the moments that occurred when we heard the news. Some days it seemed that all we could do was place one foot in front of the other and move forward. So much has changed, and our lives have continued, and with each step we continue to carry you in our hearts. The memory of your voice, your laughter, your kindness and devotion does not dim or grow faint. We all embrace you as we've known you, and truly recognize that your life was lived so significantly. You were a man of purpose and our lives are forever changed because you influenced us in so many ways.

The word "hero" just doesn't seem big enough to express all that we want it to, yet you are a hero, and we feel the loss of your life very, very deeply."
Your "other" dad and Jeni-Mum (John and Jennifer Bull) of Ashland, Ohio

"Remembering our fallen hero's on Memorial Day, Semper Fi LCPL Lyons"
A fellow Marine of Shelby, Ohio

I saw the documentary on A&E about your unit and that's how I learned about what happened to you. I would just like to say thank you to you and the other Marine from your unit(L/3/25) who was also KIA that day for your service and sacrifice for our Country. And to your family, loved ones, and fellow Marines from Lima Company, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.

Semper Fi Devil Dog!"

"i am sitting here reading all of the wonderful messages about my cousin chris and i haven't cried this much since the day we laid his body to rest. i miss him so much and i have a picture of him at work that i will leave up for as long as i can so that i never forget what a kind and gentle soul he was. but i also know that i will see him again someday and that God is taking good care of him for all of us down here.
aunt phee, i love you and i wanted you to know that you are one of the best mothers on the planet and if i can grow up someday and raise a child half as well as you did that i will be blessed. it's been a year and a half and i still ache when i hear his name, or see a flag, or hear the national anthem, but all the pain is only for a little while. love ya much candie"
candace humphreys of bellville, oh

"Chris, I never got a chance to meet you. I work with your father and admire him so much. He has become one of my favorite people. He talks of you often and stands proud when he does. I am sorry that I never had the honor of knowing you then, but I am honored to know of you now. This is a poem my son wrote when he was 9 years old.. He wrote this after my husband came home from his tour in Iraq...
I pledge allegiance to the flag
and to all the soldiers who made it through Baghdad.
And to all the soldiers who have been brave... I pledge allegiance to your grave.

God bless you and yours. N. Fouts"
N. Fouts of Meridian, Id

"Happy 26th Birthday Sweetie! Today, September 26th, is your second birthday in heaven. It doesn't seem possible. My greatest comfort is knowing I will see you again - and THEN we will part no more. I love you today Christopher. You are and ever will be my greatest joy and my heart. I miss you so very much. I love you dearly. I can still hear your laughter, see your smile, and feel the love we have for each other. That will never fade. You live forever in my heart. Mom"

"I was also in Iraqi when I herd about Chris. My heart goes out to his Family and loved ones. I went to Pioneer CTC with him and Shelby High. I miss you man. He died a hero defending freedom. God Bless You, Marine"
SSgt Baucom of San Diego, CA/USA

"It is now the anniversary of the loss of Christopher's spectacular life. Still, after an entire year, I think of him every day. Only a remarkable person could leave an impact like that on someone's life. Christopher is Aaron's cousin, but he is my family too, and I love him and Phee as much as I do my own family. I am still tore up about his loss, and tears come everytime I think about it. I admit I never put a whole lot of thought into the war or even realized the sacrafice, until I heard those heart-wrenching words ehoeing on the phone that he was gone. Christopher truely changed my life, in his life and death. The loss of such a profound man is horrible, but I believe that there is a special place in heaven for men like Christopher, an honorable place that everyone who has ever lived will acknowledge.
Phylis, my heart is broken for you, for what you have endured and what you continue to endure. You are a strong woman, no wonder where Christopher got it from. I look up to you and you influence the way I train my own son. We will be here for you anytime.
I want you to know that your baby boy will never be forgotten. His name is and will be spoken of frequently, his stories will be told to my baby, his pictures will be smiled upon in July and September and anytime they are open, and his memorials will always be visited. I am thankful that I got to know him and I'm sorry for all the people that didn't.
With deep love and respect from every piece of my heart."
Misty Francis of Shiloh, Ohio, United States of America

"To the family of:Christopher P. Lyons I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015. Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga"

"I watched the AE special about Lima company last night, and to see Chris's smile again was such a reminder of what a postive, happy person he was."
Aileen Kelly of Ashland, Ohio

"God Bless You, Soldier."
Mick of Ireland

"Lyons, you have done well and are missed by all who knew you. News of your loss was even hard on the Chaplain, no one spoke above a wisper that day."
SSgt Just of Camp Lejeune

"I was doing some research on a possible Lyons/Humphreys genealogical connection and came upon this site. It really touched my heart, and I wanted you to know how sad it made me for your family."
Aileen Bennett of Oak Ridge, Tennessee

"I only knew him for a year, but feel a profound sense of loss in his passing. Chris was a wonderful human being. Even before he left for Iraq he knew how to risk himself for friends. He took responsibility for something that I was my fault and it could have effected his job! It may have seemed trivial at the time but Chris had the heart of a Marine and knew sacrifice before it made its largest demand.
I look at our American flag differently today than I did before his passing. Now, in the red stripes, I see his blood, and the blood of all who had fallen before him.
God Bless you Christopher!
And may God please bless the family that he left behind and help to etch into their hearts that his sacrifice was not in vain, but was for the freedom of a people he didn't know, and the continued freedom of his people and the people who have yet to live.
Freedom Is Not Free"
Chris of Mansfield

"I know there's a GOD and I know that Chris is with Him. That is the one thing that could be considered good to come out of this.

I miss my friend.

Chris: if they have computers in Heaven I'll put hampster dance on your screen when you're not lookin!"
John of Mansfield

"Although I did not know Christopher I am a former Marine and from Shelby. I recently visited his burial site to pay my respects since I was out of town during his funeral. I am saddened by the loss of a young Marine who never got to hold his daughter. I am grateful for his love of country and look forward to greeting him someday when I enter the gates of Heaven and see him standing watch. Semper Fi LCpl Lyons"
SPD517 of Shelby, Ohio

"To the ones Chris left behind:
My name is Sean Bowes, I am from willard ohio and had the pleasure of knowing Chris while I attended Pioneer Career and Technology Center in Shelby OH. I am active duty in the USAF and have deployed and will be deploying to the middle East very soon. I picked up a military news paper and saw on accident Chris's picture with a few other of my brothers in arms that have fallen. I didn't even have to take a second glance, and I said out loud, I know that guy. I instantly went to my house and grabed my year book and had to show it to my flight chief to get an absolute confirmation. I have not seen Chris since High school and I miss him. My heart morns for his family and friends. I knew Chris as a "Happy go Lucky" guy that always knew what to say to get a laugh out of someone. He was a great person and a good friend. People go their seprate ways after high school or college, but they are never forgotten. Know that chris will remain in my heart, and his loved ones will be remembered in my prayers. God bless you Chris and know that this next trip I take over there is for you. You will never be forgotten.
Your Brother in Arms
Sra Sean T Bowes
42nd Security Forces SQ
Maxwell AFB AL."
SrA Bowes, Sean T of Maxwell AFB AL. cell 567-224-1923

"Bethany, I was so sorry to hear the news. I enjoyed meeting Chris and have been praying for you and your family. May God bless you."
Andrew Mueller of Mansfield, OH, USA

"TMC Lyons we feel your family's pain. Although we did not know Christopher personnally we are confident he was a wonderfull man not only from what the other tributes say but we know you from the time we spent together in the Navy. We admire those young men and women who have taken up the fight and appreciate their will to do so. Your son died admirably and we will not forget him."
TMC James Pethick and TM1/SW Lynne Pethick of Port Orchard, WA

"Christopher, you were among us for far too short a time; but if the majesty of a life is best measured by its quality and not by its length, then clearly you scored pretty highly. We know you and Bethany loved poetry, and these lines by Rupert Brooke, though written in a very different time for soldiers in a very different war, would seem to fit your courage and your sacrifice very well:

Blow out, you bugles, over the rich Dead!
There's none of these so lonely and poor of old,
But, dying, has made us rarer gifts than gold.
These laid the world away; poured out the red
Sweet wine of youth; gave up the years to be
Of work and joy, and that unhoped serene,
That men call age; and those who would have been,
Their sons, they gave, their immortality.

Blow, bugles, blow! They brought us, for our dearth,
Holiness, lacked so long, and Love, and Pain.
Honour has come back, as a king, to earth,
And paid his subjects with a royal wage;
And Nobleness walks in our ways again;
And we have come into our heritage.

Our love and thoughts are with you and with Bethany, Ella, Phyllis, Paul and all your family."
Susan, Nick & Sean, of Washington, D.C.

"Christopher, you were among us for far too short a time; but if the majesty of a life is best measured by its quality and not by its length, then clearly you scored pretty highly. We know you and Bethany loved poetry, and these lines by Rupert Brooke, though written in a very different time for soldiers in a very different war, would seem to fit your courage and your sacrifice very well:

Blow out, you bugles, over the rich Dead!
There's none of these so lonely and poor of old,
But, dying, has made us rarer gifts than gold.
These laid the world away; poured out the red
Sweet wine of youth; gave up the years to be
Of work and joy, and that unhoped serene,
That men call age; and those who would have been,
Their sons, they gave, their immortality.

Blow, bugles, blow! They brought us, for our dearth,
Holiness, lacked so long, and Love, and Pain.
Honour has come back, as a king, to earth,
And paid his subjects with a royal wage;
And Nobleness walks in our ways again;
And we have come into our heritage.

Our love and thoughts are with you and with Bethany, Ella, Phyllis, Paul and all your family."
Susan, Nick & Sean, of Washington, D.C.


The soldier stood and faced God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining,
Just as brightly as his brass.
"Step forward now, you soldier,
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To My Church have you been true?"
The soldier squared his shoulders and said,
"No, Lord, I guess I ain't.
Because those of us who carry guns,
Can't always be a saint.
I've had to work most Sundays,
And at times my talk was tough.
And sometimes I've been violent,
Because the world is awfully rough.
But, I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep...
Though I worked a lot of overtime,
When the bills got just too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God, forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place,
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around,
Except to calm their fears.
If you've a place for me here, Lord,
It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't, I'll understand."
There was a silence all around the throne,
Where the saints had often trod.
As the soldier waited quietly,
For the judgement of his God.
"Step forward now, you soldier,
You've borne your burdens well.
Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in Hell."

~Author Unknown~"

"I am a Marine on active duty. If I was to die while doing my duty, this is what I would tell my family,"Do not fear or be sad in my death. For I am now in a better place. Find comfort in my Lord Jesus Christ for he is the Great Comforter and by turning to Him you will not dwell on the life that was lost but of the eternity I have gained. Be true to our Savior. Because I accepted Him in my heart and life, his hand of protection has been over my soul, even unto my death. This world, is temporary, I know that. Heaven is eternal. The sorrow of this earth is but for a second but eternity lasts forever. I love you. I pray and believe in faith that your choice will be to follow the one and true Savior, my Lord, Jesus Christ."

I have lost brothers in arms. Families have lost their relatives and continue to. Let their lives be gloried and their deaths not be in vain by turning to Christ in this time of uncertainty and pain. There is only one comforter, one redeemer, and one love that will sustain us forever. Let not this chance to live right slip away.

No US soldiers death is in vain if it brings one soul to the Lord."
Stan Baker 419-709-0494 of Mansfield, OH

"Phyllis, Bethany, Ella, and family,
I had the privelege to be a youth pastor while Chris was at our church. Chris was so excellent! He was the type of man-as a teenager, that I have always strived to be. I'm not so sure how much I actually taught him, but just by his life alone he has taught me volumes.As a pastor, I was,both, humbled and uplifted by Chris's excellence and tenacity toward life. Phyllis, the wonderful job that you have done in raising such a fine man will never be in vain. His and your examples will live on in the many lives (like ours) that you and he have touched. I hope to raise my own two sons to be of such caliber. Bethany, I remember meeting you for the first time. I will always remember that I thought you two were the cutest couple I have ever seen. Ella is blessed to have some one like you. It would take a very special person to catch Chris's eye. Likewise it is a privelge to know you also. God bless you all. You are all, always, in our prayers."
Kevin Adkins of Mansfield, OH

"Dear Bethany, Phyllis, Ella & all of Christophers family:
I want to mention that I was totally devastated at the news of Christophers death. I worked with Chris at the Mansfield News Journal and he brought such happiness to our lives due to his quick wit, infectious smile and love for life. I won't ever forget him. He truly is a hero, not only from being a soldier, but from being the kind of person we all wish we could be. He truly loved his family more than life itself. I'll never forget the way he proudly displayed the T-shirt with the word "Daddy" when he found out he and Bethany were expecting...he showed us all, more than once, the day he wore it....he loved you both so much! Thank you Phyllis for giving us Christopher, even for a short time. I can only hope to raise my own children half as well as you raised Chris. My hearts and prayers are with you. I'll miss you, Bouncin!"
Heather Paxton of Bellville, Ohio

"As a school project Devin had to write about his hero, he chose Christopher.
May 2005,

My Hero

My hero is my cousin Christopher. He is nice. He is playful. He is in Iraq. My cousin is very smart. Christopher, my cousin, is not afraid of anything. He is cool. He is happy a lot. He writes to us from Iraq. He takes a lot of risks."
Devin Back, 9 years old of Greenwich, Ohio, USA

"We don’t choose our family but we do choose our friends.
Our family is blessed to have the family that we do.

I am honored to say that Christopher is my cousin; but I am privileged to say that we were friends.

For those who did not know him personally;

When I started North Central College,
Christopher wanted to join me in a class “to check it out”.
He wasn’t a student in the class, he was an observer.
But, that didn’t stop him from joining the discussions or answering the questions! Being the gentleman that he was, he opened the doors for me and would not let me carry my books.
After class, one of the students commented on his chivalry, he smiled and said;
“Yes, my mother raised me well”.

Christopher enrolled himself and we often met up in between classes
or after class. One particular day wasn’t going so well for me,
so he suggested we go to the movies I told him I couldn’t and listed my reasons. This included having no sitter for my children and a speech I had to give later that night along with a visual aide. It took Christopher a whole 10 minutes to line up a sitter and come up with the idea for my topic and visual aide. Then he said; “Okay, problem solved, now let’s go to the movies.”

When we went shopping; Christopher would open all of the doors, carry my bags, pick out my clothes, go find me a different size, LOL and would even hold my purse!

You see, Christopher was always a gentleman; he didn’t sweat the small stuff, he made everything fun because he had such a good outlook on life and he brought out the best in you. He was caring and selfless, loving and fun, and extremely intelligent. He was a quick study and taught me many things. We both loved scrabble and he could really give me a run for my money!

Christopher had so many qualities and all of these came from his upbringing, Phyllis you raised a wonderful son and I hope to do as well with McKallah and Devin as you did with Christopher. I know the love you and he shared. You were his hero and now he is a hero to many.

Bethany, when Christopher met you he called me to tell me all about you. We talked (he did most of the talking) and laughed for hours, he was so excited! I shared in his joy and I thank you for bringing him such joy and giving him a daughter who he loved so much even before she was born. You hold a great honor because he chose you to share his life with.

To my cousin and my friend- I know that you are now living in paradise, I grieve because I will miss you, I grieve for your mom and daughter and wife, and all of us who will miss you so very much, but I know that you are marveling at what you’re seeing now! You gave us many happy memories to carry with us until we meet again. We will grieve together and support one another and look towards Heaven with a smile because we know that is your home now. PS. Give my mother-n-law a big hug from us and tell her we miss her and when I get to heaven you and grandpa better give me a chance on that scrabble board! I know I’ll have my work cut out for me then! We love you xxxooo

Phyllis, Bethany and Ella, my heart is with each of you and remember that you have a big family to call on, anytime you need us.
Cherish one another now as Christopher cherished each of you."
Lisa Back, of Greenwich, Ohio, United States of America

Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Christopher will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you ALWAYS. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "

"Dear Family of Christopher Lyons: I lost my son, Marine LCpl Chad Maynard, on June 15, 2005 in Ramadi. When I heard the news on the radio about your son, it was like I was reliving that day all over again. It's hard for me to type this even now. I'm so sorry for your loss. On the temporary head stone on my son's grave is the saying, "Not In Vain". That is truly what my son believed and what we, as his family, have to believe every day. Please know that I feel your pain and loss, and I cry with you. They say time eases the pain, and I guess they may be right, but with every new report, I feel the ache of missing my son so much. Always remember, you are not alone. There are others who love you and care about you and know exactly what you are going through. Thank you for your son and his service to us all."
Cindy Maynard, mother of Marine LCpl Chad Maynard and Marine Cpl Jacob Maynard of Kennewick, WA

"I am very glad to be Christopher's second cousin. Although I did not get to see him as much as I would have liked to, I still loved him very much. He was my hero. And now that everybody says that he is gone it doesn't really mean that he is relly gone, because he is still with us in our hearts and watching out for us every second, of every minute, of every day. So stay in there and be as strong as you can be, for Christopher."
McKallah Lynn Back of Greenwich, OH.

"Being Christopher's aunt,I have the privilege of being only one of our large family to have known and loved him in a special way. Christopher, we all know, loved words!, hence his passion for the Scrabble boardgame. What comes to my mind at this time, and has been the comfort to me, is the fact that I know Christopher has met "The Word" face to face, his Savior Jesus. Also his late grandfather, James W.Humphreys whom he hadn't the privilege to meet here on earth, was also a Scrabble player. My father, James Humphreys, was a school teacher as his occupation, and he utilized this game to help teach his eight children the value of "words". Dad was also a stickler for correct usage and made us children learn and respect the dictionary! I believe that my father has now met his match! Christopher would probably say,"Aunt Gwen, if you only knew!" In loving memory to Christopher, his mother,my wonderful sister Phyllis, his wife Bethany and little Ella, and Bethany's family. All our love and prayers. Aunt Gwen"
Gwen [Humphreys] Gwinner of Willard, Ohio


"To my loved ones Phee and Bethany, I love you, and I pray that the Lord will wrap his loving arms around you both and comfort you through this horrible time. I know Christopher died a hero and died fighting for what he believed in. His letter to the NewsJournal will always be a comfort to me. Cathy and I loved him more than words can express, and will miss him always. I will remember him for his wonderful outlook on life. Christopher truly had the gift of seeing the positive in any situation he faced. Phee you raised a wonderful son and a great nephew. Bethany I know you filled his life with joy and you gave him a precious gift in Ella. Please know that Cathy and I will be there for you both always.

Love Uncle Mike, Aunt Cathy and Gracie"
Mike Day of Somerset, Ky

"To my sweet niece Kristin, Ps. Rob & Tricia Yanok, and each and everyone of you that has taken time to write a message, prayer, or condolences for my son, I deeply thank you. I will compile these into a journal that will bring me comfort for many years. Christopher is my hero - for the child he was and the man he is. He was and is my greatest joy, my whole heart,and my life. As we prepare to honor him in full military services I know that I am being honored as well for having the privilege and great honor of raising this fine young man that has touched so many lives. I am blessed and my soul is at rest. To my sons memory : Christopher, I have loved you, I do love you now, and will always love you son. You are my greatest joy, my heart, and my life. Semper Fi - Your Mother"
Phyllis Lyons of Ontario, Oh

"Bethany , Ella and Phyllis, Our hearts are with you during this time of pain and sorrow. Christopher was a great young man. He was solid and consistant with unwavering integrity. We truly will miss him. We were overwhelmed with saddness when hearing the news. I had spoken with Christopher in January, when he called and emailed me to let me know he was going to Iraq and asked me to pray for him. I did, and our church did, as we pray for all our soldiers at this time. May the Lord give you peace and comfort."
Ps Rob & Tricia Yanok of Adamsville, TN

"Bethany: Please accept my deepest sympathy for your loss. Christopher was a great co-worker and a dedicated Marine. He will definitely be missed until we all meet again some day in God's heaven. Seeing Ella a couple weeks ago; I couldn't believe how much she looks like her daddy. Know that in her you still have Christopher and his love with you. God bless you Bethany...Christopher is a hero I will never forget."
Deb Peters of Loudonville, Ohio

"Rest in Peace Devil Dog
J and T USMC NC"

"I graduated with Chris from Shelby Senior High in 1999. He was a great person. I couldn't believe it when I read the paper. We lost touch after school. I didn't even know he was married. I hope that his family finds a way to get through this. And know that Chris will be watching his daughter always!"
Nikki Oney (Stidam) of Mansfield, Ohio

"I learnt of the tragic loss of Chris here in the UK through my next door neighbour; Chris was a relative of their son in Washington. This week also sees the anniversary a year on of the loss of two of my former regiment in Al Amarah, of the same early age. Long after the politicians have departed, those deployed to foreign shores, not to return on their behalf, will retain our respect, gratitude and pride. I feel so much for his family, and the lives they have lost together. With the closing of 35 years of lives lost in Northern Ireland, let us hope things can move in the same direction elsewhere in the world. RIP Chris; 'Once a Marine, always a Marine'."
Max White, ex Queens' Regiment of England

"Semper Fi Marine. God Bless you and your family."
SK1 Spenn, USNR of Columbus, Ohio

"My deepest sympathy to every family member of Chris Lyons. Chris was a valued member of our newspaper office, the Mansfield News Journal. It was a priviledge to have worked with him. Chris demonstrated unusual character, politeness and professionalism to EVERYONE. He was a standout - especially among those his own age. What a bright example of what the younger generation is capable of becoming. The news of Chris' death penetrated each one of us here very deeply. We grieve with you. It is an honor to have known Chris. His death brings the reality of this war even closer. Please know that his death is not in vein! His sacrifice in Iraq is helping bring stability long term to a struggling nation. Their freedom and own future democratic process will mimimize the opportunity for terrorism. God Bless Chris, his wife and daughter for each of their sacrifice for this most honorable cause. I know the road ahead is not easy. To Chris' mother, God bless you for raising this man with Godly influence. It showed in Chris' life. There are many crowns waiting for you in heaven. Chris is there to gift you with them himself."
Mrs. Julie Bowers of Ashland, Ohio

"I did'nt know christopher, but I thank him with all I have to give. He went into Iraq hopeing to change lives and help America for the better. And because of him, many people in the United States of America are very worthy. I am trully sorry for what has happend. Just always remember that he will be in all of your hearts. And any time you want to see him juss think of your good memories. Dream."
Frances of kissimmee, Florida

"We thank Chris for not only being an American hero who deserves our respect, but for being a friend and cheerful person. Our thoughts go to Bethany and Ella who are left to be strong and continue living life to the fullest as we're sure Chris would have wanted. In fear of being "religious" in a time when too many are - please remember this simple phrase ... "When you have nothing left but God, it is then you realize God is all you need.""
Scott & Kelley VanGilder of Mansfield, OH

"I was so sorry to hear about Chris! It is such a tragedy when a young person dies; they had so much more of life to experience. My heart goes out to the family, especially Phyllis, Bethanny and Ella who will miss their son, husband, and father. Stick together as a family and let God guide you from here - he will sustain you."
Leslie Bradley of Winchester, KY

"There is no greater sacrifice. My heart goes out to all of the family. My nephew died in Iraq on Feb 19, 2004. The pain can seem overwhelming at times but God will help you cope one day at a time. You all are very much in our thoughts and prayers."
Jeff Hohman of Winchester, Ky

"I am proud to say I am related to such a wonderful, selfless, loving person. I say that I still am because I know he's not really gone but at God's side. While we will always miss him here on earth we know that we will see him again someday. As our family grieves over our not seeing him at the moment we know it is only temporary and in that we can take comfort.
To Bethany, Ella, and Aunt Phyllis, we love you and are praying for you. Just remember when you feel sad and lonely that Christopher isn't really gone, just watching over you from higher places...."
Kristin Arlee, cousin and friend, of Willard, Ohio

"Our deepest sympathy goes out to Bethany, Ella and family. Words cannot express how sorry we are for your loss. Chris will always be remembered as a Hero! We keep you in our prayers."
Brad and Mindy Fraelich of Wooster, OH

"The Salute

To those who have died,
And to those who have cried.
We Salute You.

To those who have lost,
Paid the ultimate cost.
We Salute You.

And to those who still serve,
The Red White and Blue.
Our grateful Nation,
Proudly Salutes You."
Tom Balstad of West Warwick RI

"A Prayer For You

I said a prayer for you today
And I know God must have heard
I felt the answer in my heart
Although he spoke not a word.

I didn’t ask for wealth or fame
I knew you wouldn’t mind
I asked for priceless treasures rare
Of a more lasting kind.

I prayed that he’d be near you
At the start of each new day
To grant you peace and blessings fair
And friends to share your way.

I asked that he guide you
In all things great and small
But that you’d know his loving care
I ask for most of all.
My heart goes out to all of you."
Sharon Banta of East Ky. Power Winchester, KY

"May God Bless and comfort this family that made the ultimate sacrifice so that we may all live free."
Debbie Slone of Winchester, KY USA

"We are deeply sorry for your loss. America will forever honor your Hero.
The Courage, Honor, and Valor that your Hero showed will always be remembered.
We are grateful for the sacrifice that was made and we will NEVER FORGET.
God Bless your family and please know that you are not alone.
All of our prayers are with you."
Jennifer and SSGT Larry Mays of Massillon, Ohio

"My deepest sympathy is expressed to Mike Day and the family and friends of Christopher Lyons. May God's blessings comfort you in this time of loss. Thank you Christopher for serving this great country. You are a true American HERO."
Jim McCarty of Winchester, KY

"GOD Bless Christopher for his sacriface for our gift of Freedom. A true American Hero. My condolences to his mother Phyllis. My sympathy to Mike Day, his uncle of whom is a co-worker with EKPC."
Glenda Lansdale of Winchester, Ky. USA

"My prayers are with your family during this difficult time."
Proud Sister of a 3/25 Marine of Massillon, Ohio

""Dear Phyllis: You are very much in our thoughts and prayers. I have a 29 year old and a 15 year old son and I cannot begin to imagine your pain. As I scanned the names of all the young men lost to this war, my heart aches. I pray for God's hand to touch and comfort you through your desperate time of pain.""
Cindy Alexander, Friend of Cathy Day, Christopher's Aunt of Richmond, KY

"Marine Lance Cpl. Christopher P. Lyons, "thank you" isn't enough for the ultimate sacrifice you gave to each of us. Our prayers and thoughts are with your family during this difficult time."
Jerry & Toni Longville of Akron, Ohio

"To Chris's family, especially Bethany, Ella, and his mother:
Chris was a friend of mine, and while I am deeply saddedend by the loss of such a beautiful person, I feel blessed that I had the opportunity to know him. He has a beautiful spirit- one you can be sure will be by your side throughout the hard times you are facing currently, and one that will hang around to see the happiness you will yet experience in your life. He is not gone...he is just away...Chris will never leave.
My deepest sympathy goes out to you. Chris's smiling face and goofy bouncing around like a chihuahua on latte are things that we will never forget.
I will also never forget the love he had for you, Bethany. When he met you, he grew in many ways, and wanted very much to make you happy. I am sure he accomplished that. You were a beautiful pair and will always be connected.
My prayers are with you, as are my fond memories.
With fond memories of Christopher!"
Heather Pohlabel of Shelby, Ohio

"To the family and friends of Lance Corporal Christopher P. Lyons,

Those we hold most dear, never truly leave us. May you find comfort in love's everlasting connection.

In the Support section of this web site you will find links to many groups that support you at this crucial time. The Marine Comfort Quilt group would be honored to send a quilt to the next of kin. There are many, loving and caring Americans from all over the United States that will never forget the sacrifice that your loved one has made for our Freedom. Please use our link and register so we can send you our "Love Stitched Together."

Proud Marine Mom and Proud Member of Marine Comfort Quilts "
Sandra Moudy of Placentia, Ca USA

"To the Lyons Family, I wish to offer to you my deepest condolences. You have raised a fine young Marine who is now a true American Hero. Your Christopher will always be remembered and honored. We are praying for you. May God Bless you all and God Bless Christopher."
Mary Ghaney of Brooklyn, New York

"My heart and prayers go out to the family and friends of Christopher Lyons. May God give you strength to endure your loss."
Marine Mom 3/25/4th of Western NY

"Thank you Christopher Lyons, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios

"To the family and friends of Lance Cpl. Christopher Lyons:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Christopher for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada

"To the family and friends of Lance Cpl. Christopher Lyons:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Christopher, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia

Honor them by remembering... Freedom - is their gift to us But his soul goes marching on