Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Remembering the servicemembers who died in the service of their country.

Marine Lance Cpl. Nicholas D. Larson

19, of Wheaton, Illinois.
Larson died as a result of enemy action in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. He was assigned to 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, California. Died on November 9, 2004.

Please send information, photos, and corrections for Marine Lance Cpl. Nicholas D. Larson.


Contributions to the Families of the Fallen


Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.

Please report inappropriate messages

"19 years today, Nick. Your sacrifice to our country, and your positive impact on so many people you touched in this life, will never be forgotten. We are all better people for having known you.

Dave, Anne, Katie, and Ed, you are all in our thoughts today."

"Hey Nick,
Not a big fan of expressing myself in words but I’d like to say a couple things.

You’ve made a colossal impact on the way I chose to live my life these past 19 years. I credit you with a majority of the good traits I have. Starting with measuring up to what I hope you would be proud of as a brother-in-law. I love your sister with all my heart. Funny thing is if there’s a squabble in the house, you pop in my head and my temper dissipates.

There’s things I’ll stop by tomorrow and talk with you about like that conversation we never finished when you drove me back to Jenny’s house after I forgot my keys.
Not a day in my life goes by where I don’t think of you especially now that I have George that reminds me of you. I miss you, we all do. I hope to see you again. 11/08/2023"
Ed Mennecke of Wheaton IL


I remember laughing with you and our friends in boot camp and SOI on so many occasions. I remember the crazy fun we all had on weekend liberty. You went to 3/1 and I went to 3/5 and we lost touch. We both went to Fallujah in ‘04. I didn’t know that you died there until years later. Looking at the locations of 3/5 and 3/1 during Phantom Fury, I now know I was just a few city blocks away from you when you were killed. I just want you to know that we finished the job in that city…for what it’s worth. It makes me happy to know you’re in the loving arms of God now. I miss you, my friend. Semper Fi."
Sgt. Ben Jones of Pleasant Grove, Utah

"I always loved you Nick. 7th grade til eternity. I blocked so so much after we lost you. So much grief, regret. I think you always knew we loved each other. The day I lost you, from there on out I searched for you in all I did. It took years for me to fully grasp that insane otherworldly love and connection, thankfully you always reminded me thru these dark years weather it was through our friends, your family, our teachers, who sought me out just to remind me. The countless messages from strangers to old classmates thru the years sending me a pic of a memorial they came across, two (separate and so random)etchings off the wall of Versailles, etc…to think they thought of me in those moments…will carry me through this life until we meet (physically) again. It took until I
Was truly loved by my Chris, that feeling We gave each other, was true love. Meant to be, but before it was ever allowed to grow, never stopped, and if anything grew since Nov 9 2004. two days after my 20th bday. You were so close too. I still hate my bday lol. I know now, your sacrifice is the most powerful form of love one could ever receive. If our love had started in the physical world, like it was meant to, I wouldn’t have ever made it through it.we both know I barely made it thru, and thanks
To you, I’m still alive. The regret I have for not acting on it, recognizing it or ever having it will never leave me, but it’s okay. I’ll keep that with me forever bc I know now, how real, genuine true love is real. But don’t get me
Wrong I’m forever thankful for the insane connection and friendship we had those years growing up together. Thrown in bd classes lol. You and Tony balogna sitting behind me thru the years always having my back thru it all. Always pushing me one way or another. Either to smack you back, or to be the best version of myself I can. You still do. I love you. Thank you.

Forever your “pretty lil girl with the bow in her hair 🎀😭💔❤️‍🔥🇺🇸 (Traveling soldier is og song even tho you hate it, it’s our story and at least I swooped back in with Gunslinger by A7x for ya😇🥰😍😪"
Shari Moon Slipke of Downers Grove

"Nick, you will never be forgotten, I think of you and the family often. Words could never express how much you are missed but as we all know GOD has our number and when he decides its time, we have no say. Your time here with us was too short but GOD had a plan for you, maybe you are guarding the gates into heaven,yeah I can see you in your dress blues looking so sharp,standing tall and looking good.you are fine young man and a fine Marine.We are blessed to have had you in our lives for as long as we did.Annie, Dave, Katie, you need not worry your son/brother will never forgotten.God bless your family."

"I love you Eternally Nick. Thank you for everything. For never leaving my side. For showing me and everyone else around me your protection and presence. Figured it’s been a few years since I wrote you on this. Guess me popping in as much as I have through out the years, late night visits, random last min ones, anniversaries, digging out a hole in the snow and Ice to sit with you. But anyway I can show you my love, is most important. You are so much of who I am today. If anyone knows me, they know you. I know I’m a pain in the * to watch over, but man am I thankful you do. Our bond was seen to more people around than I could ever know. I know you will be with me every step of the way through life. I’m just so happy to have that. My tears still fall, quite a bit. But thanks to your guidance and love, they are healed tears. 15 years of grief, anger, pain, confusion, beautiful signs, my spiritual growth, how you’re still a flirt even in the after life. How you show anyone close to me who is “open” that you’re there. Mostly for showing my baby girl. We will always keep our tradition of me taking her every Memorial Day to visit. It’s so vital for the true meaning of that weekend to be instilled in her to pass on. I know you led me to my wolf (boyfriend) Chris. He see’s and knows when you’re around too. He will play my song for you Gunslinger by A7X wherever We go, and whenever I need to hear it. Without me asking. I know that you’re behind it 😊 That’s what means the most. He didn’t “know” you, but he knows what you mean to me. I don’t think it would have worked with anyone if they didn’t understand lol. love you so much Nick.

Thank you. Semper Fi 🇺🇸🤍💙❤️
Shari Moon (Slipke) of Downers Grove, ILLINOIS

"My husband called you Sven. He talks about you nearly everyday. You were his best friend. You might be the only person who was kind to him in the USMC. I wanted to name our son for you but he said it would be too painful. I named him Patton instead because my husband told me you loved tanks and read all about tank warfare. I know he was army but maybe you'd like that. A huge part of him died when you did. He remembers the plane ride back and thinking both of you had died and he just needed you to wake up so you could both go to heaven together. He cries. I wish i couldve met you but one day I'll have my chance. I will tell you how much you were missed and thank you for everything you did. We love you. You are part of our family."
Brooke Cooper of Pensacola Florida

"I miss you. Everyday. Thank you for showing me youre always around, still messing with me. I wouldnt have it any other way.

Love you always and forever."
Shari Slipke of Woodridge il

We always talked about how they'd eventually erect statues of us in Wheaton haha. Well they named street after you. Front Street... Go figure. The road where we wreaked so much havoc haha! It was pretty cool man. A lot of people showed up for it, including our families.
People still talk about you, write about you, hell, I named my youngest son after you. He's a stubborn little guy, just like you. Makes me nervous.
Miss ya bud. Thanks for the solid memories and influence on my life. Save me a seat.
Tony Donaldson of Addison,IL.

"We plan to recognize Nicholas at our Veterans Day ceremony at Pocahontas School Wednesday, Nov. 9th, 2016. We purchased his flag at the St. Louis Art Hill September 11th memorial. We will have him flag and picture on display. We will also tell his story to the best of our ability. We thank Nicholas and all others veterans for their service."
Jason Rakers of Pocahontas, IL U.S.A.

"Happy 31st Birthday Nick. Miss you..."
Alicia of Wheaton, IL

"Hey buddy, I know its been a long time since I've come to see you. I promise when I get back home I'll give you a visit. Just wanted to say that the time I knew you had a huge impact on the person I've become. I still after 11 years catch myself emulating your mannerisms and your sense of humor. Whenever I see a watermelon I think of you. I still remember the green van, and the huge climbing rope. Whenever I wear my black hoodie I think of you and wish it had Metallica and Pantara patches on the sleeves. I've always looked up to you and always will. Even though I'm approaching my 30's I still see you as someone a year older than me and someone I aspire to be. I am thankful for you being a part in my life. I miss you a ton."
Dustin of Benson MN

"Thinking about you a lot today and missing your scarcastic personality...I could use a good laugh right now, you were good at that."
Alicia of Wheaton, IL

"To the Larson family,
While on a visit to Wheaton, I walked by your home and saw the sign that you placed on your lawn, in memory of Nick. It was 4 days after he had died. I wanted to express to you how sorry I am for your loss, and tell you that I respect Nick's life, even though I never knew him. I appreciate his effort to preserve democracy and battle those who abuse others. Please receive my condolences and that of my family. I too am a combat veteran (israel Defense Forces), and Nick has earned my respect, being that our nations battle common enemies. May God comfort you, and may the memory of your fallen son be a blessing to all Americans. At least one person in Israel will always think of Nick in this way."
David Friedman, retired Lt., IDF of Jerusalem, Israel


I had only been out of basic training / tech school for a year when I heard you were taken from us. I am good friends with our uncle (Baca) and had attended the funeral for support of both your family and him. I drive past your cemetery several times a week. Although I didn't know you; I have heard about you and the great things you have accomplished in your life. I pray for you and all those who have been taken from us, preserving the freedom we enjoy. You were taken much too young. I can only wish that what I do on a daily basis, and the sacrifices I make pay homage to the offering you made. Thank you for looking down and protecting all of us."
SSGT Z Pugh of Aurora IL

"I can't believe you'd be 30...Miss you."
Hannah of TN

Today I think deeply of you and your family. I am currently the principal of Waubonsie Valley High School and we completed our Veteran's Day Assembly. We remembered another Marine, David Caruso who was a graduate here and who also lost his life 10 years ago yesterday. The similarities are all too close for me.
Nick, thank you for helping me understand what sacrifice, courage, commitment and service really means. Thank you for challenging me as a teacher and for being a part of my life as an educator. Your prayer card hangs on my desk and always will be reminder of our freedoms and those that fight to protect it. Your death will never be in vein, as the impact you have had on me will carry with me each and every Veteran's Day.
Nick, thank you. Today, I remember you.
Mr. Stipp"
Jason Stipp of Aurora Illinois

"Happy birthday Marine. 10 Nov, 1775 when this amazing and heroic legacy began."
Hannah of TN

"I love you, and miss you. Not just today, but everyday. Ten years later, and It still hurts. You have helped and shaped me and my life In so many ways. Keep letting me know your around, it makes me so happy. This weekend was amazing. To really see the amount of people who love and care, and the lives you touched is beautiful. My dad and I spoke (my loud * would) and we were both blubbering at the end lol. Your parents and sister are the most kind, strong, welcoming people I've ever met. They met my dad and that meant more than you know.

It's the Marine Corps Bday. Semper Fi

Love you always bud,"
Shari Slipke of Woodridge (Wheaton) Il

"Hey Nick, I can't believe it's been a little over a decade since I've seen you. I also can't believe that ten years ago today, was your final day in our world. Anyways, I just really want to thank you for being a part of my life and for serving our country. Although I was so young when you passed away, your passing had such an impact on me. You made me realize what a true hero was. You also made me realize that you never know what is in store for us and the ones we care about. Our time here on Earth is limited. I guess what I'm trying to say is... thank you. I will continue to keep you in my prayers."
E. Schwarz of Batavia, Illinois

"Hey nick, I know I said I wouldn't post anymore but I decided I needed to again, you have made such an impact on so many lives, thought you should know. We all went to your tribute Katie put together, it was wonderful. People were beyond words at times and that alone speaks volumes. What you gave to your friends and family, and your country...it's such a big thing, we all have bigger shoes to fill because of your sacrifice. I hope that I've made you proud becoming a Marine. Through the past ten years, mistakes and challenges, you always came to me when I needed you most. Thank you for changing my life. Your strength is something I respect so much. A lot of people have decided to go and fight in your honor and your legacy has spread like the wind. That's awesome. Isaac, me, Shari, Tony, and others gathered last night to remember you, they love you so much and miss you so dearly, please continue to be with them, and with your family, especially Katie. She's such an amazing person, I know you're so proud of her. I think she's stronger than anyone could have imagined, I know she misses her big brother.

Semper Fi Nick. Keep our guys over seas safe. I love you."
Hannah of TN

"Nick, I never knew you but I worked with you father at Sather Builders. The way he would talk about you at work made me feel like I knew you. I remember before I joined the Marines, your dad took me to finally meet you. I could see it in his eyes the love he will always have for you. That is one of the main reasons I enlisted and it's been five years now. Thank you Nick for YOUR service to our great country. To your mother Anne, sister Katie and your father Dave, you are all in my prayers. Just remember the good times you shared with Nick and know he's always in your heart. God bless."
Sgt Joshua Kielma USMC of Villa Park, Illinois

"hey bro. Thinking of you allways man. See you soon in heaven. Love and really miss you Nick. Oh my nephew is joining the Marines to, your his hero man mine to. T t y l"
Ralphie of carolstream ill

"Hey Nick, I went and saw you the other day. This was the first time I had the courage to go back since the funeral. I am sorry it has taken me so long to visit. My family is doing well as you must know since my sister has kept you in her prayers this many years. I miss you Nick. It still brings me to tears when I remember hearing the news and having to pull your friends out of class to tell them that we lost you. Thank you for your friendship and kindness bud. I will always miss those walks on the Prarie Path."
Don G of Wheaton, IL

"The US Marine Corps flag was unfurled on an unnamed summit in the Colorado Rocky Mountains at an elevation of approximately 11,800 feet above sea level on January 2, 2014 in honor of Marine Lance Cpl. Nicholas Larson. While not with the group of eight mountaineers in body, he was there in spirit as his story was shared. And it was a brilliant, beautiful day. God bless you, Nick."
Wade Riniker of Steamboat Springs, CO

"To the family of Nick...today is Nov. 9, and yesterday, I saw Nick's name on the wall at the Aurora, highschool. I was a parishioner at St. John's and also did Nick's condolence book . I am keeping Nick in prayer and you guys, too. take care. I know today is a special day, Nov.9th...rest in peace, Nick."
cathy lechowicz of yorkville, IL

"It's Memorial Day, Nick. Thinking of you always, especially today. 2013"

"Thank you, Nicholas, for your service. I am praying for your family and friends. You will never be forgotten!"
Becky Marvin of Woodstock, IL

"December 15, 2011
The official end of operations in Iraq. It's been a long 8 and 1/2 years, and your sacrifice will never be forgotten Nick. You're a hero. You always will be, alongside the rest of your team and Kevin, too. The war may be over, but you'll never be forgotten. NEVER. Semper Fi, Marine. God bless your family. We're missing you."
Mike of Illinois

"To the family of:Nicholas D. Larson
I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015.
Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga""

"Seven Years, how the time flies. How things change. And some things remain the same. The drawdowns in Iraq (and eventually Afghanistan) are coming soon. Your family is amazing, and they're a blessing to my son. Thank you."

i finally read the book. It was the hardest thing i have ever read, but im so glad i did. I got to know what really happened as much as i didnt want to know the details,i felt like i owed it to you to know the Truth. and to know who your fellow comrades were who fought beside you. I felt as though you were there with me as i read it. My dad read it too, now my husband wants to read it. I think about you daily, and will for the rest of my life. love ya buddy. xoxo"
Shari Slipke Mullenix of Woodridge il

"thank you nick for all you did for me watch out for devin on his deployment lov"

"hey nick! Just wanted to say hey again! Thanks for looking out for us.. :) I took my daughter and dad to see you not to long ago, put some flowers and chloe brought a lil flag for you. It was so weird when i put her down she ran right to your grave. Made me cry. Miss ya buddy forever and always. Thanx for looking out for my hubby too :)"
Shari Slipke Mullenix of Woodridge il

"Memorial Day this year, it was nice to see your family again. I'm glad you got to meet my son, and he you. He will know who he is named for. Thank you for changing all of our lives, Nick."

"Hey man, was just thinking of that time at jewel when we decided to set a "world record" pushing 30 carts at a time up that steep hill. We got em halfway up and they went everywhere, hitting cars haha. That and smashing watermelons together on break. Anyway, miss you man, godbless."
Derrick Turner of SLC Utah

"Bin Laden is dead Nick. You're the first person I thought of when I heard the news last night. You and Kevin. You're always in my thoughts."
Mike of Huntley

"Hey Nick- It was a beautiful day yesterday and on those sunny days i always know my loved ones and friends in heaven are looking down on us. I am so proud to have called you a friend and grow up with you. There is a song i listen to and it reminds me of you, its a kenny chesney song ( i think you would make fun of me for that lol) but its called "Who you'd be today" so anyone who loved or knew nick, its a great song. Keep an eye on my daughter and husband who is still serving in the army, and myself :) your always in our hearts Nick, forever!"
Shari (slipke)Mullenix of Ft Bliss, el paso tx

"Hey Nick, There's never a monent that you and you're family isn't in our prayers. you were my son Anthony's inspiration for joining the Marines. He's been in for almost 7yrs and loves it. he's with the 3-9 in Afghan right now and now his "lil" brother just joined. Thank you for everything you've given not just to your friends and family but to your country. Love ya, Miss ya."
pops myrick of wheaton, il

"miss you man wish you were still around to hang with someday ill see you again though"

"as i walked through jewel yesterday I Couldnt help but think of all the fun times we shared. I Feel less of a man because i did not sighn as u did. you showed no fear joining the marines, but i couldnt stop shaking. u said come on ralphie ill be fine u dont need to watch my six anymore. and shamefully i agreed. I Slept buy your grave the other day, talking to u through the night. and i will be back to see you as i promised. I am so so proud of you, if I can someday be half the man you are then i have done well, your friend and street teacher ralphieboy..... love ya"
ralphie of carolstream

"Nick, I miss you so much. You are so loved and missed by so many people. So many times ive talked ta you knowing some way you could hear me. I just miss you so much and am so grateful that you were in my life and for the time we spent tagether. you will always have such a special place in my heart."
Cathy H of Fort hood tx / Glendale heights

"It does not feel like 6 years it feels like yesterday and everyday that passes you are in my heart and thoughts.You were a great person and a true friend. Thank you for all that you did
Love and miss you"
Taylor of Aurora, IL

"6 years Nick...it's been 6 years. Everytime I walk in my hallway and see your picture it's like it was yesterday. I remember hugging you goodbye and crying and you wiping my tears off my face. You promised me you'd be back...but I think we both knew. You were such an awesome and honest friend to me. I can remember like it was yesterday you asking me what shirt you should wear on your date, lol. You were so cute like that. You have always been my savior. Thank you for being such a wonderful person, an amazing friend, and having the strength and courage to fight for our country. You are always on my mind and in my heart. Heck, you're even tattooed on me! :) I miss and love you more than my words can even express. I love you Nicholas Larson! Thanks for being my hero <3"
Kristin Chicoine of Downers Grove, IL

"11/9/2010 More time passes, and those we lost are not forgotten. we miss the the time we werent allotted with you. no matter how short your life was here on this earth, you lived it. you had a goal, and reached it. in such a small time we watched you grow so much. Nick you will never be forgotten. there was always something to smile about or something to be laughed about with you around. Your friendship is still appeciated. -we (wheaton/glenn ellyn crew)love u bud.
let us not be sad for what we lost, but be joyful for what we know. Thank you NDL"
KennyZ of WheatoN Ill USA

"Hey Nick, saw your parents this morning at Mass. We all miss you much...thanks for your sacrifice!"
Rick Larson

"Hey Nick, six years ago today. Can't believe how the time has gone. Just wanted to let you know you're on our minds EVERY DAY. Six years hasn't changed the impact you've had on our lives, and we're better for it. We're missing you, Nick. You're always loved, always."
Mike of Wheaton, IL

"The eve of six years - gone, but not forgotten. Thinking of you tonight as we so often do."
Karen, Isaac, Christian of Wheaton, IL

"I live in Wheaton and have 3 sons, you are the best role model I could think of. God bless you and your family."
Steven of Wheaton

"Hey Nick- Its shari! I just wanted to say hi and i miss you a ton..almost 6 yrs this november. I got married and have a baby girl named chloe, and when i was prego my husband was in iraq, and i used to pray and hope you would look out for him and my lil growing family, and i like to think you did. I miss u everyday, and never will forget about you, you will always be near and dear to my heart.

love ya buddy"
shari (slipke)Mullenix of El Paso Tx (Originally Wheaton IL

"hey nick its not a day goes by where the myrick family doesnt think about you and what you have done. anthony is great hes making it a career and is proud of being a marine just like you. he misses you nick like hell. you were one of his best friends and will always be his best."
Myrick of Wheaton

"Hey Nick--it's grampa---it's Mrmorial Day and almost six years since you gave your life in service to the USA and for all of us---as usual I'll be conducting the annual observance here in Hillside and you will be foremost in the thoughts of all of our family, your aunts and cousions---we all miss you so much, and we are proud of you...please pray for us Nick from where you're at--we need your help---grampa--we'll be visitng you at your grave this afternoon---"
Pat O'Sullivan of Hillside, Il, USA

"sir; I,m so proud of your son, I was in the air force including going to Vietnam. The marines did much more than we did. I was proud to be in the air force, sorry for your loss."
gene feist of astwater, ca Merced co

"Hey Nick it's grampa---It's Christmas Eve and our thoughts are with you and how we miss you---we'll be praying for you at Christmas Mass---but we need your help too----pray for us Nick---we miss you and love you---Grampa"
Pat O'Sullivan of Hillside, Il..Usa

"Nick, I never knew you like many leaving a message here today, but I know your story, and it breaks my heart to see such wonderful men give their life for their brothers, and for my freedom that so many here take for granted. I wish I could have been along side you in those days so far from home, every one of you guys from 3/1 Lima Company are an inspiration to me, but you make a huge impact. I'll never forget what you've done, how much you sacrificed. I only wish for the courage to make mine if need be. I'll remember you, and your story always. Semper Fi, when I get to heaven, you'd be one of the first guys I want to meet."
Future Marine---Zachary Rice of Herndon, Virginia

"Hey Nick! Its Shari. I cant bieleve 5 years has passed. I will never ever forget that day. Your 25th birthday is coming up. It breaks my heart to know how much more life you had and what an amazing life you would have lead, but you gave it up for freedom. I think about you all the time. Ill always remember you, and love ya buddy. Hope your still laughing at me from heaven :) <3"
Shari Slipke of woodridge il


"A note to Nick's family;
As another sad anniversary passes, my heart goes out to all of you and I pray for God's blessing on your family. It doesn't seem possible that 5 years have come and gone. My children went to school with Nick and as the mother of a soldier who has been to Iraq twice I feel such deep sorrow for what you have sacrificed. I only met Nick once, and he seemed like such a confident and courageous young man. I only wish I'd had the pleasure of getting to know him better. After reading the notes left on this page, I can tell what an amazing and loved man he was. His sacrifice (and yours) was something that can never be completely appreciated by most of us. I have such profound compassion for your family each year when this day comes around. ....I pray that today your hearts may be filled with only the joy of happy memories and the pride of a life lived with courage.
God bless you all."
Kere Andes of Wheaton,IL

"I still cannot believe it has been five years. It just seems like the other day when we were driving around in your parents green van listening to death metal. I can't even count all of the good memories we had. Last week I ordered an "I mooned my grammy" at Dennys :) I hope you and my dad are catching up."
Alicia of Wheaton, IL

"Five years ago TODAY, Nick. Not a day goes by that I don't remember you for what you've done, and how much of an inspiration you are to us. THANK YOU, brother. You are missed, and you will never be forgotten."
SGT Schneider of US Army

"you are not forgotten...thank you for your service"
BM2 Huff BUD/S

"Hey Nick--it's grampa--it's five years ago today that you gave your life, how do we thank you---went to mass this morning prayed that you will look out for us--we need your help---we miss you Nick and we love you--thank ypu, Nick--pray for us---grampa"
PaT o'sULLIVAN of Hillside, Il. USA

"Hey Nick--it's grampa--it's five years ago today that you gave your life, how do we thank you---went to mass this morning prayed that you will look out for us--we need your help---we miss you Nick and we love you--thank ypu, Nick--pray for us---grampa"
PaT o'sULLIVAN of Hillside, Il. USA

"5 years today... can't believe it.

Watch over us Nick!"

"hey nick, i really miss you. been wishing you were here to meet Bailey...she's such a miracle. i can't believe it's been almost 5 years and i still cry thinking about you...sometimes cries of happiness from the memories and pictures other times of complete sadness that you are gone. i miss you and love you and think about you always"
Vicki D'Andrea of Westmont, IL

"Thinking of you today .. and every other day. I'll never forget you Nick. xox"

"”Honor and Remember” - “Project Compassion” We love our Soldiers! We love our country and we cannot express enough love and compassion to the families of our fallen heroes. War does not discriminate – It breaks our hearts to see the faces of the fallen. We want to give this gift to you. We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization! Over 1,750 portraits have been completed and shipped to the parents and or spouse - at no cost as this is a gift from one American to another!
Contact us directly at Projectcompassion@manti.com or go to www.heropaintings.com . If you have already had a portrait completed, we pray that you are enjoying the portrait and God Bless You.
Sincerely and Respectfully,
Project Compassion - Kenna of Manti, Utah USA

"Hey Nick I found myself yesterday early in the morning stareing down at your grave. The grass was still wet with the morning dew. ther was a cool but suttle breez. Seeing your face on the headstone brought back a lot of good memories. I tried not to get emotional like you told me not to if anything did happen to you. But I found myself shakeing and i lost it. Why did god take you. There are so many he could of took, why you. I think of you daily, I pray to god that he embrace you into the kingdom of heaven. You are the best man I have ever met or will meet. I often feel guilty. IM at home doing everyday things and you well are being a hero. You gave your life for all of us and for that iam trully gratefull. love u man"
Ralphie Aguilar of Carol Stream

"Hey Nick, it's grampa----It's the 4th of July, and thoughts of you are heavy on our minds---we love you Nick, and ask you to remrmber us---we need your help and your intercession with God---we miss you Nick---grampa"
Pat O'Sullivan of Hillside, Il.

"Nick, I am back from Afghanistan. Thank you for your service. You were a big part of my motivation for joining the Army and heading off to war. You were avenged, I can promise you that. Thank you again so much for your sacrifice. It means the world to me, still."
Schneider of Formerly Wheaton, Illinois

"Hi Nick, its Rick. Want to thank you for looking out for us, protecting us, humbling us. My son, your namesake and cousin once removed, Trace Nicholas Larson, is 2-1/2 now and reminds me of you. Occasionally, I look at him and see some of your facial expressions and it takes me back to when you were a little boy.
We miss your physical presence, but I am thankful you are always with us spiritually!
Love you forever!"

"Hi Nick, its Rick. Want to thank you for looking out for us, protecting us, humbling us. My son, your namesake and cousin once removed, Trace Nicholas Larson, is 2-1/2 now and reminds me of you. Occasionally, I look at him and see some of your facial expressions and it takes me back to when you were a little boy.
We miss your physical presence, but I am thankful you are always with us spiritually!
Love you forever!"

"Hey Nick it's grampa----It's Memorial Day and thoughts of you have filled the memory bank as I'm preparing to conduct Hillside's annual observance im memory of all you guys who gave it up for all of us--we miss and you more all the time especiallyt on days like Memorial Day---gramma and I WENT TO mass this morning, and we're going to visit at the cemetery after our cereminy here. You'll have a special spot in my heart today---pray for all of us NICK---GRAMPA"
Pat O'Sullivan of Hillside, Il.

"I won't be posting in here anymore, found it time to move on. I will never forget. I promise you that."

"As I load a full magazine into my m16, i pray you help guide every round into my enemy. As i pull the charging handle back, i pray you help my sights to be true on target. I click the safety off, I slowly squeeze the trigger.... The memories pass through, We will meet again Nick, I promise..."
An unknown LCpl of too far from battle

"I call it having a Nick day when i'm not doing so well. I have had more than a few lately, just trying to find a sense of self again. Finding my happiness on my own. It's hard, being this close to you now, being back here. I love you forever. Just know my heart still hurts but it's not broken anymore. Keep me safe."
Hannah Christensen of Chicago

"I could use a hug Nick. Having such a hard time right now with Bryan and I splitting up. I miss you, I miss him. I feel like I lost everything I had, even the Marine Corps...I am going to go see Anne again, she always makes me feel better about things."
Hannah Christensen

"Went and talked with your mom for a while yesterday, Dave popped in from work for a min, didn't recognize me, it was so funny, he was like, "no way, is that the Hannah who was here two years ago?" We're all going out to dinner sometime, i'm going to see you sometime this weekend. I miss you Nick, woke up this morning thinking about you. I like living in the city, it's nice and i'm busy. Guess I was always destined to come home. I Love You so much Nick. Always will."
Hannah Christensen of Chicago Il

"Hey Nick, I miss you, it's been really crazy around here, probably moving to Chicago. Wish you were here.

I love you"
hannah christensen

"Thank you LCpl. Larson for what you've done. You are an inspiration to all those who seek to enlist, and are a hero to those who honor and respect the sacrifice of those serving the greatest nation. Best wishes to your family and friends."
Edward Thach (Wheaton North Falcon) of Wheaton, IL

"hey Nick it's grampa---nothing to say--just thinking nabout you---pray for us Nick---miss you---grampa"
Pat O'Sullivan of Hillside, il

"Hey you. It was a great game Nick. Wish you could have been here with us.

I love you, miss you."
hannah christensen

"Nick, I wish you were for the Super Bowl on Sunday! It's gonna be a great game, Steelers vs Cardinals.

Go Steelers!!! Miss you Love you"
hannah christensen

"Hi Nick

Just wanted to let you know i'm thinking about you. Had a dream about you the other night, I guess we really never forget the small things, you voice, your laugh, the way you said I love you. I can't believe how much i've gotten through since you died. Thankfull i'm done with the Marine Corps. My Husband is amazing and I have a great future to look forward to. I am blessed after all. Keep me safe. I love you still."
hannah christensen of Twentynine Palms CA

"Hey Nick it's grampa--thinking of you--have been sick lately---also got new computer--will write later when I learn how to use it---miss you--love you--please pray for all of us--grampa"
Pat O'Sullivan of Hillside, Il.

"Happy New Year Nick.

I'm back with my Husband. Things got rough there for a while but he came down to Phoenix to get me after i'd moved out...We're doing really well right now. Glad it's a new year and a fresh start. Still miss you more than anything. I love you so much. Keep us safe down here."
hannah christensen of 29palms

"hey nick- i still have pictures of you up in my room. do you remember the picture of you, jason, kenny and me in your backyard? jason is bending down and your behind him...well, you guys were being inappropriate as usual lol I miss your sense of humor. I miss you asking me for advice on which shirt makes your arms look bigger for your dates lol. I miss you in general!! You were like my big brother, always looking out for me. Remember when you called me that night you meet the guy from full metal jacket?
you were so excited to meet him. It was the cutest thing. Well, Steve is doing a good job on taking care of me, so you have no worries on that! My son Joseph is doing awesome. I wish he could have meet you. You and Steve would be training him for the Marines at 4 months old, lol. Anyways, i miss you a lot! we are always thinking about you, don't you worry about that! we will never forget about you. ever!!

love always,
krissy, steve and joey =)"
Krissy of Glen Ellyn, IL

"Merry Christmas Nick. I know it's early but i'll be working on xmas so I wanted to write now.

I love you"
hannah christensen of Phoenix AZ

"So, my plans changed, i'm living here in Phoenix AZ. Having a blast. Been hiking, shooting, camping, living life to the fullest. I went through a lot this year...Trying to make it to the end of the year and I wish you were here to share it with me. I miss you and I love you dearly."

"Hey Nick,
Just thinking about you because it is our birthday. Probably one of the reasons that we became friends in the first place besides the fact that we shared the same grueling walk home from Monroe every day was the fact that we share the same birthday. I know we didn't spend a whole lot of time together when we were in high school, but I have been spending a lot of time with Kevin Langan, who was with you a lot in HS. We talk about you a lot. Just wanted to say happy birthday, and say that we are thinking about you.

Thank you for your bravery,"
Charley Tucker of Wheaton/Chicago

"Happy birthday, Nick...always thinking about you."

"Hey Nick. So i'm moving back to Chicago. Things with my Husband didn't work out, just glad to be returning home. I'm going to stop in and see your parents when I get there...Havn't seen them in almost two years. I miss them so much. Been talking to Anne though, she seems to be doing alright. I love you!!

Keep me safe!"

"November 15, 2008
To the family of Lance Cpl. Nicholas D. Larson:
Nicholas gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV

It has been 4 years, and we miss you very much! Today is Veteran's Day and I have been thinking about you all day and weekend long. I am going to bunoa beef soon, they are having a benefit night for the homeless shelter that was dedicated to you. I'll be sure and eat something good! Please continue to watch over us especially during this hard time and during the holidays. I miss you Nick and I love you very much. xoxo"
Karen of Downers Grove, IL

"Once again it's Veterans Day...I can't believe how fast time flys. I'm doing well, miss you like always. Keep my Husband and I safe Nick.

Love you"
Hannah Christensen

"Hey Nick--it's grampa---Tomorrow is Veterans Day; I'll be thinking of you asit's been four yaars since you were KIA---had a Mass said in your memory on your anniversary here in Hillside, and your parents had a Mass at St, John's.
The Village of Hillside gave me a great honor by making me the grand marshal in our annual Veterans Day parade, so I dedicated my avtivities to your memory-- your parents came to yhe parade alomg with gramma, your aunts and cousins, and two of your great=aunts==couldn't stop thinking of you and how we all miss you---pray for all of us Nick---we love you and miss you so much--Semper Fi"
Pat O'Sullvan of Hillside, Il

"Four years is approaching a lot faster that I would like it. These past few weeks have been rough... I'm in a rough place in my life right now and I think about you daily. Stay with me Nick... love you. See you on Sunday <3"
You know who

"Okay, so tomorrow is election day, history is probably going to change, wish you were here to share it with us Nick. I hate November. Strangely enough my wedding anniversary is the 25th...I swear, I didn't plan it. Lol

I love you, always will. Watchin the Steelers game, catch up with you later. Keep an eye on us all."
Hannah Christensen of California

"Hi Nick, I've been thinking about you a lot lately. My little brother joined the Army in January 08 and he's going to Afghanistan in February 09. It was strange to watch him as he worked out, trying to get in really good shape before heading out for basic. It seems like just yesterday that we were working out at good old WSC and you were getting ready for Basic. I still have the article about what happened to you. My parents sent it to me because I was away at college. I want you to know that I am so thankful that there are men like you who are fighting for people like me - people who used to take their freedoms for granted. But I promise I don't anymore. I am so thankful for you. Thankful for your service, and it's awesome to see how many lives you have impacted. I think about you everyday... I know you're in a better place now. Thank you for all you've done. Good bless and I'll see you in heaven. =)"
Melissa Kohler of Winfield, IL

"Hey Nick, I don't even need to tell you I love you. Please keep an eye on my Husband an I. I'll be heading out to Cali soon. Looking forward to Nursing School. I've been blessed a lot lately but I will never forget you for you are the reason I am alive inside."
Hannah Christensen of NC

"Hey Nick, its me Gabe!... you've been the drive in my life in that you gave your life for us. Your death was my awakening, its when i thought WHY! It made me challenge everything i thought of. I head of your death a week prior to joining the marines and with that i wanted to know everything of why you died. Since then all i could think of is why. It opened my up to god, the truth, and more.

I'm sorry i never went to see you after you left Addison, I really wanted to go. And i will find your resting place... i will see you once more, because i said i would.

You will always be one of my best friends... and i still remember your joke about the construction workers! And i still owe you a bag full of those little figures.

I'll remember you every time i think of why i do what i do.

P.S. Greenday is OK... i guess ha ha. And i thought your dads car was the coolest. You'll always be one of the most important person in my life. And yeah i still talk to Zidro (Juan "CanNOT")

One of you childhood best friends,
Gabriel Soria"
Gabriel Soria of Addison, Illinois

"Hey buddy I told you not to go to war. saw your parents after your death, they will be fine. You will always live on in me, I love and miss u so much. thankyou Nick. Ps remember our watermelon tosses at jewel"
RalphieBoy of CarolStream,Il

"Hey Nick, It's been a long week already, just wanted to stop in and say hi. I miss you so much...Had a dream about you lastnight...That doesn't happen much but it's always nice.

Please keep an eye on my husband for me. He's all the way in cali and it's been hard for both of us.

I love you always."
Hannah Christensen

"Hey nick,
It's Julie.. karen and michelle's friend. I heard a song today and thought about you. "if you are reading this, I am already home". "Just remember this I’m in a better place Where soldiers live in peace And angels sing amazing grace". Nick, our hero, in everyone's eyes. Thank you"
Julie of Hillside, IL

"Hey Nick,

I'm close to getting out of the Marine Corps, just wanted to let you know I think about you often, told my Marines about the book, they want to read it. You are a hero to so many Nick. Never forget that."
Hannah Christensen

"I aspecailly missed you this Memorial Day Nick. It was hard, my husband is in Cali and I was alone here in Nc. I just wish you were here with us all.

I love you dearly"
hannah christensen

"Hi Nick! Today is memorial day and I am thinking of you and remembering all the good times that we had. I went to a memorial day service in Hillside today, Grandpa runs it every year, and as they were lowering the flag, I thought of when you were there doing that. Today is a difficult day for all of us, but I know that you are looking down on us today. You are in our hearts today and everyday. xoxoxo"
Karen Baca of Downers Grove, IL

"Hey Nick--it's grampa---It's Memorial Day and a very difficult time as our thoughts turn to you and how we miss you and hoe proud we are of you--I presided over our Memorial Dat observance here in Hillside but I have a special remembrance because it brings many mmories of you--your parents, gramma and me and aunt Mary Kay went to a Mass for you Saturday night, and your cousins attended the Hillside along with their friends and neighbors, just as they've done every year since your death===Memorial Day becomes more difficult, although you're never out of our thoughts every day--We also stopped by the cemetery to visit you--Please pray for us Nick, as we pray for you==Semper Fi, Nick---Grampa"
Pat O"Sullivan of Hillside, Illinois

"hey there nick so im finishing up here in korea i think about you all the time when im suckin the most i what would nick say to me to keep me goin and belive me the hills of korea suck i miss u man"
PFC Mashburn Justin of CP Casey South Korea

"Hey Nick, I just wanted to let you know i'm watching a show about Lima Company Marines in Iraq. It covers may '05. Made me cry, thinking about you in that firefight.

I love you and I dearly miss you"
Hannah Christensen

"Good Morning Nick,
My daughter Shari went to Wheaton North with you. She still carries your picture in her car. You are never to far out of her's or my thoughts. You are a true AMERICAN hero are are a part of the bravest generation this nation has produced. Semper Fi marine. God Bless you"

"Once again i'm sitting here writing to you Nick. Looking back and reading all that everyones wrote, it makes me proud to have been in your life. I wish every second that you could just come back. I dream about that sometimes. You'd just walk in the front door and everything would go back to normal. 3 years has flown by. I'm a Corporal, i'm married, ready to buy a house in 29 Palms...Everything has changed except my love and devotion to you. I will always miss your voice, your words of encouragement, your support, I was completely inlove with you and God took you away. After going to Iraq I still don't have answers but I do have a respect that I didn't have before, for what it means to give your life, I never REALLY understood that. Not until I saw Iraq first hand and saw how you lived over there. I can't believe your strength and fortitude. You are a hero in the eyes of America.

I miss you dearly, I talk about you often with my husband, he too like i've told you before is a Marine, a true motivator. I'm proud to be his wife and i'm proud of have known you Nick.

I love you so much."
Cpl Christensen of NC

"Been thinking about you all day. It's beautiful weather today and I was driving back to base for an appointment and I heard a song that made me thinkof you...You'll always be in my heart Nick. I miss you and love you."
Hannah Christensen of cherry point

"hey nick...we didnt see eachother more than once or twice....but i know you and you know me brother...rest in peace and know that we shall all see you one day semper fi brother"
Lcpl Marshall of winfield

"hey Nick--it's grampa---been thinking of you today March 24-2008---haven't been near the computer for four weeks due to hip replacement surgery---coming along slowly but progressing. your mother has been of immense help during this recuperating time--God bless her---
Nick---continue towatch over us from your spot in heaven---all of us need your prayers---I miss you Nick--we all miss you---yesterday was Easter Sunday and the family was here---we love you Nick, and miss you so much---We'll continue to keep you in our prayers---
Semper Fi----grampa"
Pat O'Sullivan of Hillside, Il

"Hey Nick, it's hannah. Just wanted to say I miss you. My husband and I are having a barbeque at the house. It's beautiful outside, thought of you.

I love you so much, that'll never change. Watch over my husband and I."
Hannah Christensen of NC

"Hey Nick--it's grampa---thinking of you today---your couisin Wade Riniker climbed a mountain in Colorado and carried a Marine Corps flag in dedication of you---wonderful thing to do in your honor---he sent pictures to your mother--yesterday Feb,17--went to tje annual irish dancing's annual family dance---with your parents and Katie---Mary Kay and Michelle; and gramma and me---thought of the many times you also were there--grampa going to have hip surgery on Feb. 28---put in a word for me up there--miss you Nick--pray for us---grampa
Pat O'Sullivan"
Pat O'Sullivan of Hillside, Illinois

"Hey Nick, my husband is finally home from Iraq. Everythings going great. I sent your mom a pic of that run for the fallen. I miss you. It's hard not to be upset sometimes but I have so much going for me. I love you and I always will."
Hannah Christensen of nc

"Hey Nick. It's a new year. I'm still waiting for my husband to get home from Iraq...Finally found half an ouce of courage to read that book...I can't even descibe how sad it made me but how proud of you I am. I will always love you. Till the day I die. You and I, "we were one." Isn't that the truth, never forget what I used to say, "I love being me with you..." Well, I am a better person because of you. Thank you for giving me that opportunity to love you and miss you...Still to this day. It's heartbreaking but you know me, living my life one day at a time. I'm happy. And I miss you."
Hannah....(Mrs Christensen) of Cherry Point NC

"Hey Nick, it's grampa----
It's Christmas Eve, and I'm thinking of you while watching Midnight Mass on TV from the Vatican in Rome and thinking of you--It's been three years since you gave your life in Iraq and the fourth Christmas without you. We're all going over to Mary Kay's tomorrow, amd there will be a toast to you. You are always with us in spirit, Nick. We're happy that you are in the presence of God, but we miss you. Pray for us Nick, we need all the help you can give us. We'll pray for you tomorrow at Christmas Mass. Thank you, Nick. We love you---Grampa"
Pat O'Sullivan of Hillside, Il.

"Ironically, I got married on your birthday. I'm now Mrs. Bryan Christensen. So happy. Miss you, talked to Anne yesterday. It's hard but I am doing well. I will always save a piece of you in my heart."

"Hey Nick, I'm getting married next week. He's a Marine. You'd love him. I hope you're looking down at me and you're proud. I miss you so much, i'll never stop loving you. Semper Fi"

"Hey Nick, it's grampa---It's been three years ago today since you gave your life for country and us, and we miss you so much.We spent the day praying for you--Karen's school had a Veterans Day program and she read a beautiful eology for you..Aunt Mary Kay and I took part in the program by displaying and explaining all your medals and memorabilia, and mine from World War II- We went to a Mass for you at St. Domitilla (Mary Kay, gramma and Me) and the students presented a real nice progran honoring vets and KIAs of all wars.then MK and me went to the program at Karen's school, and we went to visit you at the cemetery--your dad did a great in arranging your medals, etc, on a display-Your were on our minds and in our prayers all day--we miss you Nick, but we also are so proud of you, and we're you are enjoying eternal life and in in the presence of God, where we will see you again---please remember tp pray for us---talk to you later, Nick--we love you and miss you---grampa"
Pat O'Sullivan of Hillside, Illinois

Well Its been 3 years,and let me say.. We sure as hell miss you. Karen is giving a speech today at her school for you. Watch over her, its going to be hard! Miss & Love ya.

P.S Keep an eye out for Karen and Michele."
Ashley of Hillside, IL

"tomorrow is the 3 year mark of your death. We have not forgotten you nor will we ever...you touched a lot of lives in your short lifetime. semper fi"
Brandon Wing of Carol Stream, IL

"You would be very proud of Hannah today as she is one of the best Marines i have come across. i know that you are with her always and look out for her as I do.
-Semper Fi"
-D of Cherry Point, Nc

"Got promoted to Corporal today Nick. It feels wierd. Knowing you'd be working on Sgt...I miss you so much. Getting married in Three weeks. Please keep me safe and know I will always love you."

"Saw Anne and Dave today, almost cried...Glad I went though. Ofcourse we talked about you..Miss you dealy sweetheart."

"I'm home. Goin to see your parents soon...I love you Nick."
Hannah of NC

"Hey Nick, we'll be stateside again soon...About 12 days left in Iraq. I'm sure that you were watching over me while I was here..You're the reason I did this and I am glad I got the chance to love you. I miss you dearly. I think about you everyday. You know how much I love you, I always will. Thank you for getting me through this trip.

You're always with me and you're always in my thoughts. Forever

Miss you"
Hannah of Al Asad

"Hey Nick. Thinking about you today, this Sept 11, 2007. I miss you everyday, and still pray for you and your family. It will be 3 years soon. . .I can't believe it. Feels like just yesterday your smile was lighting up the room while watching Scream. . .Love you!"
Nikki of Schaumburg, IL

"Hi Nick, it's Karen We are all thinking of you today on Septmeber 11. We miss you very much and continue to pray for you everyday. Continue to watch over all of us. I love you Nick! Semper Fi."
Karen Baca of Hillside, IL

"Hey Nick, 4 weeks till we're all stateside again. I miss you more than anything. Keep an eye on me till i'm home...

I love you and always will"
Hannah of Al Asad

"Hey Nick. I was thinkin about you today... and most other days. Still miss you. Hasn't changed. Little things that happen remind me that you're always with me... and I thank you for that. Stay with me Nick. I Miss You.
GE Girl

"Hey Nick.. Its Priscilla.. Just thought i should let u know that Delagarza should be out of Iraq in a week or two... Please contiune to watch out for him... we miss u so much and think about u every passing day. Much love.."
Priscilla of San Marcos,CA

"Hey Nick it's grampa---visited your grave yesterday (aug.21--07) prayed for you Nick, and reminded you to pray for us---your mom. dad and aunt Marykay went to a memorial walk for your friend Collins---i suppose you guys getntogether up there---we miss you Nick very much, and we love you a bunch--talk to you later--Semper Fi-grampa"
Pat O'Sullivan of Hillside, Il.

"Hey Nick its Anthonys Myrick lil Bro
He left for iraq and keep an eye on him for me and my family please
everyone still misses u and he might be going to bagdad or where u were
please keep him safe"
James Myrick of Your home town

"Hi Nick, we're leaving Iraq in about 6 weeks. Decided not to stay...More dangerous than is necessary for me. I've done my time I guess you could say. Can't believe how fast this deployment went. It's been a good one though. As a shop we've accomplished a lot. And the best part is knowing that I did what I set out to do. I came to Iraq, did my job and now i'll be stateside again soon. I miss you so much, everyday I move on a little bit more but I will always carry a piece of you with me.

Love you always, watch over us durring our last few weeks here. Semper Fi Nick."
hannah of Al Asad

"Nick...I think of you often. You are missed dearly. You will never be forgotten. God bless you."
Wade Riniker of Sparta, Wisconsin, USA

Well just wanted to let u know that you are truly missed...let me tell u there is not a day that goes by that we dont think about u... I know that you are watchin over Cpl Jacob De la Garza.. Anne we love u and we miss you.."
Wife of Cpl Jacob De La Garza of San Marcos,CA

"4th of July...Work here goes on...Wish you were here with us all Nick. We all miss you so much.

Never forget how much I love you

Semper Fi"
Hannah of Al Asad

"Hey Nick, I just extended out here in Iraq until '08...Glad I made the decision to stay, I just wish you could be here with me to make time go by faster. You know I love you and always will...Keep me safe while i'm here."
Hannah of Al Asad Iraq

"My Wife and I went to the Middle East Conflicts Memorial Wall today (5/28) and found your name. You're an inspiration and hero to us. Thank you Nick."
Spc. Michael Schneider, ARNG of Formerly of Wheaton, IL

"Today we remember those who have fought for our freedom, that we may live in peace. For those who have fought, for those who have paid the ultimate price, we thank you, and pray for your souls.

Nick, you're still on my mind so very often. "To observe a marine is inspirational. To be a marine is exceptional." You always were and will be exceptional in my eyes. I still carry those letters. I miss you and am sending you smiles today.

To the Larson family - Hope all is well with you and hope to see you soon. God bless you today and every day! Lots of love."
Robyn of Mt. Vernon, IA

"So memorial day is here and ofcourse i've been thinking about you. I will never forget what you told me...You're the hero you never expected to be and I miss you each and everyday.

As a fellow Marine, I know you're waiting at the Gates to Heaven for the rest of us...I will see you again one day Nick. I know it.

I love you."
Hannah of Al Asad Iraq

"Dear Nick,
You will never know how much I miss you. I always thought that I would see you again when God saw it fit. I guess I will see you again in heaven someday. God Bless your family."
SrA Laura (Mikulski) Monterroso of Mountain Home AFB

"Hey Nick--it's grampa---sorry I missed the tree dedication for you at your high school---I hear it was real nice--Memorial Day rapidly approaching, and I will be thinking of you at our Hillside program--Thinking of you and praying for you constantly---we love you Nick--grampa"
Patrick O'Sullivan of Hillside, Il

"We lost a fellow Marine the other day in a small arms attack...It's wierd being here. Knowing you were here and you never got to go home...We're doing our job and supporting the grunts on the ground. I guess that's all we can do. I miss you and always will Nick...I read the book about your platoon...Made me cry like a baby...

Keep me safe

of Al Asad Iraq

"Dear Nick,
I am about to graduate college, and my life is at a crossroads. Because of this, I started thinking about those of my peers that are no longer with us. I remember meeting you in middle school and us walking home from school together nearly every day. I also remember shooting bb guns inside of your attic(sorry, I don't know if your parents knew about that). We drifted apart a little bit in high school, although we did have some classes together. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that you were a great kid and you made everyone that knew you proud. I read a quote recently that said that, "You cannot control the length of your life, but you can do lots about the debth and width." Nick, you touched a lot of lives and served your country with honor, you will be forever remembered.
To the Larsons,
My parents live down the street from you on Lakeside and they tell me that they think of Nick a lot and my mom prays for him. I wish you all the very best."
Charley Tucker of University of Florida/Wheaton Illinois

"Hi Nick, Your parents sent me some care packages...Talk about some serious candy. Haha, now I know how you felt getting mail from them.

Had an accident at work and broke my ankle but i'm just dealing with it each day. I think about you always. Miss you always, love you always, your family does as well. I'm so proud of you Nick, and I hope you're proud of me.

Keep me safe here in Iraq.

Hannah out"
of Al Asad Iraq

"Hey Nick it's grampa---been thinking of you all day==love you and miss you--pray for us Nick, and we continue to remember you in our prayers---Grampa"
Patrick O'Sullivan of Hillside, Il. USA

"It's been a month since we arrived here to Iraq...I miss the oddest things, a real bed ofcourse, weekends off, candy, things I took for granted. I've been thinking about you a lot lately, it's wierd being in the country where you died, but I feel closer to you for coming out here. I just wish you were actually here with me to make it that much sweeter. I am doing this for you, never forget that Nick. I miss you."

"Nick- There is not one day that I don't think about you. I can remember you lighting that fire cracker and having it fly right by my face. Or the time that we were all in McDonald's and you burped real loud and everyone stopped what they were doing and just looked at you. I can remember how paranoid you got when you were going out on a date with a girl and you wanted to wear the best shirt that showed your muscles, lol. I can also remember you climbing that rope in your backyard for your goodbye party and all the boys goofin off. You always knew how to put a smile on anyone's faces...and you especially knew how to make all of us laugh. You have no idea how proud we are of you. Your memories are always with us. And when we do think of you, we can laugh and smile. You were an amazing friend and will ALWAYS be missed. We love you Nick!
Love always and forever,
Krissy Refakes of Glen Ellyn, IL

"Iraq is a tough existence...We're all out of our comfort zone here, still getting used to everything. I wish I could be here in different circumstances Nick. I miss you and think about you everyday. Still talk to your parents all the time. She just wrote me an email earlier this week, we're going to start up the snail mail soon. It's so important to have mail here. I now know what it was like for you to recieve my letters. I am glad that I could do that for you. Isaac is back from the MAYO Clinic...They didn't find anything usefull though, he's holding up pretty well. You know Isaac, tough and stirdy. Especially in his faith nowadays. I'm happy that you two had eachother. Nick you changed so many lives, mine and Isaacs profoundly. I just pray everyday that I make you proud, make Anne and Dave proud. We talk about you all the time, write about you. Never forget how much we all love you. Never forget how much I love you.

Keep me safe"
Hannah of Al Asad Iraq


Give me the strength to talk to your parents. I unwillingly saw your grave and had to keep myself from bursting into tears, although I'm crying now...

I'm no hero like you Nick. I fight because you were 19, you were from IL, you went to wheaton north, you had a fiancée, you were a friend, you have so many people that still to this day wish you were with us, because nobody understands, everyone who hasn't felt my pain makes me furious, because people doubted us, I am alone, because I am ashamed.

I'm so pathetic I can't even read a book written about you. But there is no room for us to be weak and I guess that's our curse... to be the strongest that have ever lived. But the pain lingers.

Rest in peace man, I'll try to do the same.

William Mennecke
United States Marine"

"I got a phone call about 3 years ago of your death. I didn't know what to think, and mabey I still don't. All though we were close friends in high school, I felt detached from you when I heard of your death. But each day I stay in the Marine Corps your pressence has built into a colossal tidal wave that has shattered my moral.

We used to talk about joining the Navy seals and walking tall. We joined the USMC at the same time. People just don't understand what it's like.

My loss is that you were my friend who I loved but no matter how hard I fight, I can't bring you back. My heart is broken that I can't see you, and when I go home people look at me like I'm some kind of hero. I want to disapear when people thank me for fighting, because I haven't paided the ultimate price.

I loved you."

"Iraq is different than I thought but i'm glad i'm finally here. I miss you and love you Nick.

Hope you're proud of me."

"Hey Nick--it's grampa---think about you constantly--I know you're in a better place and we will meet there some day--prepare a place for me Nick because you'll be an "old salt" by then--Miss you and love you Nick--Grampa"
Patrick O'Sullivan of Hillside, Illunois, USA

"Hey you

I leave Sunday. Keep me safe while i'm over there. I love you and always will. "WATCH UR SIX" as I shall Nick. I promise.


"LCPL Nicholas D. Larson was 1 of 7 U.S.Marines of Lima Company, 1st Platoon, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment (3/1) KIA in the battle for Fallujah,Iraq in Nov 2004. The bravery & courage of these Marines is well documented in the book entitled "We Were One" written by Patrick K. O'Donnell. It's recommended this book be read by all Americans to get a true feeling of what these Marines encountered in this battle. Thank YOU, Nicholas, for YOUR service & sacrifice to our great country."
Anonymous Veteran of Melrose Park,Illinois/USA

"hey nick is James Ants lil brother...everyone still misses you. ants told me that everytime we goes sees ur grave he crys and when he was in the same area in iraq he had tears in his eyes...hes doing good he married a girl and now there having a kid with eachother...EVERYONE MISSES YOU and they wish that u were hear with us"
James Myrick of Wheaton il

"Now we're down to four weeks. Actually i'm excited now. On the range this weekend, going to see your parents and Isaac on Monday for a week. Can't wait!

I miss you terribly. Wish you were here to share this with me."
Hannah of NC

"I miss you. Getting nervous about Iraq..I leave in six weeks..Guess it'll be an experiance to say the least. Wish you were here to share it with me. Write letters to me. The stuff I used to to for you while you were over there...I miss that. It would be wonderful if I had you waiting for me back home, had you to look forward to while I was deployed. Some things just happen and we can't do anything about it. I've been strong for two years, and I think i'll be okay. It's hard sometimes when I look at your pics and the letters you sent me. Sometimes it just doesn't make sense but then I think, you wouldn't want me to be sad so i'm doing my best to carry on. Know that I still love you Nick. Very much."

"its been a long tme brother! i still think about you though. i went over to your house in november to see your parents. i hadnt been to see them since the funeral. i think by not coming over it helped to be able to forget the reality of everything. Its been over two years and just writing this message i have broken down into tears and cant see the damn computer screen. still to this day it is soo hard to comprehend everything. i guess were just not always ment to. maybe its been so hard because ive avoided the subject like the plague! its funny how people deal with things like that. whats made everything harder is that you see everyone moving on with their lives and branching off... jason in FLa...kevin in AZ...its been so weird. its funny to see how life takes its own course and seem that you arnt really the one in control all the time. I have just felt guilty lately because i feel that i could do more to be around... to visit more... but i just want you to know that i really truly do think about you everyday! i talk about you all the time and try and tell stories about all the crazy sh*t we did... even if ive told the person three times already. i love you bro! i love you family too. hey you try and keep in touch too! ill keep my end of the bargain up! i miss you bro!"
Barrett Donaldson of oswego IL

"Six weeks left! Gettin excited about the sandbox...Should be interesting Nick.

Love you, miss you"
Hannah of Cherry Point

"Merry Christmas Nick"

"Nick, we can't thank you enough for fighting for us. It seems like just yesterday we were sitting in a classroom together at Wheaton North. We all miss you very much and think about you all the time."
Colleen Buritz of Wheaton, IL

There isn't a day that goes by, were you don't cross my mind. Thank you for serving our country. I miss you. Semper Fi!"
McGovern, Pat of Wheaton, IL

"I just had Thanksgiving dinner with my grandfather...In Uniform...I never told you he was a Captain in the Army did I?

I miss you so much, but i'm finally getting to do something you know i've wanted since I joined...I'm going to Iraq with the 2nd MAW. We ship out the last week in Feb.

Please look after me while i'm there. I love you with all my heart Nick. And I hope you're proud of me."
Hannah of MCAS Cherry Point NC

"Thank-you for serving to keep us all safe in the war on terror. Semper Fidelis"
Nick R. W. Larson of Edmonton Canada

"To the family of Nicholas D. Larson my deepest sorrow goes out to you. But have faith, and keep walking forward.

Nicholas D Larson you will not be forgotten. I just wanted to thank you for your bravery. I knew you back in grade school and just heard. My heart goes out to you and your family."
Gary Stallings Jr of Carol Stream, IL

"I wish you never left. I miss you so much."
Kearstin of Glen Ellyn, IL


"Dear loved ones,

Nick was remembered and honored today in a special demonstration in NYC called "Number the Dead" to raise the public awareness of the immense toll that this extended conflict is taking on our country. I was honored to hold a sign with your brave son's name on it. I took this picture to share this important moment with you. I was standing on the corner of 26th St and 5th Ave. Many people saw it and offered their sincere thanks and concern for the enormous sacrifice your family has made. I am going to try to post the pic here if that doesn't work feel free to email me at: zorablue@aol.com and I will send it to you."
Katie C. of Staten Island, NY USA

"Hey Nick...I went to Wheaton, saw Anne and Dave...It was so good to sit and talk with them...Anne gave me some pics of you i'd never seen before. Pics of you while you were in Iraq...I could'nt help but cry. It's still hard to bear sometimes. Anyway, just wanted to let you know I still love you and I think about you always.

LCpl Hannah Friedheim of Virginia

"Me again,

Just wanted to tell you that I visited the faces of the fallen exihibit in DC. It's so touching and so sad. Your picture is up their and so many people have left you messages, as did I. Ofcourse.

I miss you everyday Nick. I've been talking to Isaac more and more...He's helping me keep ontrack with God. And Adam is doing well. He miss you though. So does jarod. They loved you like a brother. We're all sticking together to get through this. To this day not a moment goes by where I don't think about you.

Katie is off to college soon, and i'm so proud of her, i'm sure you are as well.

Never forget that I love you Nick. I'll see you again someday. We'll all be together again, you, me, isaac, jarod, adam, your family...Someday.

I love you still.


"Anne, Dave and Katie got back the 10th...Glad they had some time to relax. Your mom said Hawaii was beautiful. Wish you could have gone with them Nick. Still miss you, still love you.

Always and forever, SEMPER FIDELIS"
Hannah of va

"As I read these messages for the first time, the tears fall, almost uncontrollably. I know Nick is in good hands, the hands of those who created him, and I also know that he doesn't want us to cry any longer, but even though I hardly knew Nick, the pain and sadness in my heart goes out to Dave, Anne & Katie, with whom we have come to know and love. The void left in the house must be so hard to endure, even after a year and a half. This Memorial Day was tough. The mass we had at the cemetery was so moving and of special meaning. Our pastor spoke of his meeting Dave at Nick's gravesite. I pray that God will grant some measure of peace to the Larson family. I know their faith is strong. We all miss you, Nick! Dave, Anne and Katie....we love you!"
Judy of Wheaton, IL


I talked to Anne lastnight. The whole family is leaving for their summer trip, a cruise... Wish I was going with them. They'll have a blast. I know Anne missed you terribly in Memorial Day. As did I...Just wanted to let you know I sent Anne something for Mothers Day from the two of us. Just like last year. I miss you so much, but i'm doing well. I'm happy. And I know you are to.

ps, Adam misses you to. He's got your picture on his web page. Anne and I talked about you, Isaac, and Adam lastnight. She said she's happy that your friends are doing well.

Miss you, love you."

You will always be remembered, never forgotten.Thank you"
Jim Guenther / Josie DeRiggi of Wheaton , Il

"Isaac and I MISS YOU MAN!

See you again someday, Isaac and I are doing better...Now that we are once again able to openly talk about old times, talk about you and all the goofy things you did...WE LOVE YOU...Don't ever forget that.

Hannah Freidheim

"Please post in this thread respectfully for Nick Larson. If you don't like me I'm sorry but we are here for Nick, not to jugde anyone. Semper Fidelis Marines!"

"hey nick i hope u can see this.man i miss you and i vistet ur grave sight.thank you so much for serving for are freedom. pleaze watch over my brother anthony. i still with that you didnt die. your always my hero"
James Myrick of Wheaton, IL

"Nick, todays a bad day. I can't stop thinking about you. I just want to see you one more time, hear your voice one more time. I'd kill for that, you have no idea. I know you are looking down at me and I hope you are proud of me. I'm trying my best to make the most out of my life, in your honor. I do this all for you. I'll fight and die fo you Nick. My heart hurts when I think about all the wonderful conversations we had, all those times you said you loved me, I want that back so bad it hurts. I've got your picture up on my mirror in my barracks room, every morning I salute it before I leave for work. I want you to know I will never stop loving you and I am so proud of you for being so strong when you could have given up. You're gone but i'll see you again one day. Just wait for me baby."
L/Cpl Hannah Friedheim

"My name is Cameron Schilling and I have started “Portrait of a Soldier” which donates a portrait sketch of every Illinois soldier who has fallen in Iraq or Afghanistan. All 122 sketches will be on display for a Memorial Day Presentation in Chicago, Illinois on May 26-31 at the James R. Thompson Center in downtown Chicago. After the ceremony the sketches will be given to the immediate families of the Illinois soldiers. I would invite any friends or family members to come and honor these men and women from Illinois who have given their lives to our country. For more information please contact OperationHomeFront.org at 866-417-8889 which is an organization headed by the Lt. Governor Pat Quinn of Illinois who is in charge of the Memorial Day Presentation. Thank You.

Please check out www.portraitofasoldier.org
To contact Cameron email cameronschilling84@hotmail.com
To contact Operation Home Front call 866-417-8889"
Cameron Schilling of Charleston, Illinois

"Dear Nick,
my brother Anthony Myrick is now a Lance corpel. Alot of people miss you alot and they want you back alive. ill see you when its m time"
James Myrick of wheaton

"Lcpl Friedheim
Congratulations on the promotion Marine! I pray that time may assuage your grief and that of his family. God will certainly do so! I am now a civilian reliant upon your sacrifices to preserve my young family. Many do not realize the need for our brave warriors to go forth in order to preserve the blessings of liberty they enjoy here in America. Somehow they believe that if they keep all of our military here in America there will be no casualties. They are wrong. They have been proven wrong over and over again. Without those willing to make the sacrifice of personal comfort and safety outside our borders more 911's would certainly happen. The enemy understands only strength and you and Nicholas project and portray that. Thank you for accepting the banner from my generation and carrying it forth! Heroes for the new generation

God Bless!

Deus est Semper Fidelis

Robert T. Johnson
former SGT USMC 1ea
Robert T. Johnson of Mississippi

"It's unbelievable Nick. .the impact your death has had on everyone's life. I think about you everyday, and you have left your footprint on my heart. I will always remember you, and the times we spent together. You and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers! Love and miss! =)"
Me of Chicago, IL

"I'm back again to say hey Nicky. I miss you and I think about you everyday. You're nothing short of a hero. To me you're MY hero and I hope I make you proud.

I'm servin in your honor. I want you to know that I would have taken those bullets for you and I hope to God I see you again someday.

I love you Nicky.

Forever your girl and your Marine,

Lcpl Friedheim, Hannah"

"Dear Nick and Your Family,
I am Anthony Myricks younger brother. I really have a hard time when i think about you and my brother in iraq. please nick i know you can look over my brother and keep him safe. I wish that i could get to know you so much better but i cant cause your in hevean. I will Always miss you and i hope to see you one day in hevean."
Myrick, James of Wheaton, IL

"Dear Nick and Your Family,
I am Anthony Myricks younger brother. I really have a hard time when i think about you and my brother in iraq. please nick i know you can look over my brother and keep him safe. I wish that i could get to know you so much better but i cant cause your in hevean. I will Always miss you and i hope to see you one day in hevean."
Myrick, James of Wheaton, IL

"Thank you, SGT
Robert T. Johnson

I am thankfull for people like you who care so much.

I will miss him forever and I want you to know he would have thought highly of what you wrote.

PFC Friedheim Hannah, B

"SGT USMC 1ea speaking
PFCFriedheim,(1st entry)
I Salute you as I salute Nicholas!

This is something I wrote on my blog Sunday, November 14, 2004 just after his death:

Lord Please Bless this sacrifice laid on the altar of freedom
Bless and comfort the families and friends in this time of mourning.
The latest Department of Defense identifications of casualties in Iraq (1week):
Marine 2nd Lt. James P. Blecksmith, 24, of San Marino, Calif., died Nov. 11 by enemy action in Al Anbar Province.
Lance Cpl. Kyle W. Burns, 20, of Laramie, Wyo., died Nov. 11 by enemy action in Al Anbar.
Marine Staff Sgt. Theodore S. Holder II, 27, of Littleton, Colo., died Nov. 11 by enemy action in Al Anbar.
Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Julian Woods, 22, of Jacksonville, Fla., died Nov. 10 by hostile fire in Fallujah.
Marine Cpl. Theodore A. Bowling, 25, of Casselberry, Fla., died Nov. 11 by enemy action in Al Anbar.
Army Staff Sgt. Sean P. Huey, 28, of Fredericktown, Pa., died Nov. 11 in Habbaniyah when a car bomb detonated near his vehicle.
Army Staff Sgt. Michael C. Ottolini, 45, of Sebastopol, Calif., died Nov. 10 in Balad when a bomb detonated near his vehicle.
Marine Cpl. Joshua D. Palmer, 24, of Blandinsville, Ill., died Nov. 8 by a nonhostile vehicle incident in Al Anbar.
Army Spc. Thomas K. Doerflinger, 20, of Silver Spring, Md., died Nov. 11 in Mosul by small-arms fire.
Marine Cpl. Peter J. Giannopoulos, 22, of Inverness, Ill., died Nov. 11 by enemy action in Babil Province.
Marine Cpl. Romulo J. Jimenez II, 21, of Miami, died Nov. 10 by enemy action in Al Anbar.
Army Pfc. Dennis J. Miller Jr., 21, of La Salle, Mich., died Nov. 10 in Ar Ramadi in an enemy attack when a rocket-propelled grenade struck his tank.
Marine Lance Cpl. Abraham Simpson, 19, Chino, Calif., died Nov. 9 by enemy action in Al Anbar.
Marine Lance Cpl. Justin D. Reppuhn, 20, of Hemlock, Mich., was killed Nov. 11 by enemy action in Al Anbar.
Marine Lance Cpl. Aaron C. Pickering, 20, of Marion, Ill., died Nov. 10 in Al Anbar.
Marine Staff Sgt. Gene Ramirez, 28, of San Antonio, died Nov. 10 in Al Anbar.
Marine Lance Cpl. Erick J. Hodges, 21, of Bay Point, Calif., died Nov. 10 in Al Anbar.
Marine 1st Lt. Dan T. Malcom Jr., 25, of Brinson, Ga., died Nov. 10 in Al Anbar.
Marine Sgt. David M. Caruso, 25, of Naperville, Ill., was killed Nov. 9 by enemy action in Al Anbar.
Army Spc. Travis A. Babbitt, 24, of Uvalde, Texas, died Nov. 9 when his Baghdad patrol was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade and small-arms fire.
Army Sgt. John B. Trotter, 25, of Marble Falls, Texas, died Nov. 9 in Ramadi when his patrol was hit by small-arms fire.
Army Staff Sgt. Todd R. Cornell , 38, of West Bend, Wis., died Nov. 9 in Fallujah while acting in an advisory support capacity when his Iraqi unit came under attack.
Marine Staff Sgt. Russell L. Slay, 28, of Humble, Texas, died Nov. 9 in Al Anbar.
Marine Cpl. William C. James, 24, of Huntington Beach, Calif., died Nov. 9 in Al Anbar.
Marine Lance Cpl. Nicholas D. Larson, 19, of Wheaton, Ill., died Nov. 9 in Al Anbar.
Marine Lance Cpl. Nathan R. Wood, 19, of Kirkland, Wash., died Nov. 9 in Al Anbar.
Marine Lance Cpl. Juan E. Segura, 26, of Homestead, Fla., died Nov. 9 in Al Anbar.
Marine Sgt. Lonny D. Wells, 29, of Vandergrift, Pa., died Nov. 9 in Al Anbar.
Army Command Sgt. Maj. Steven W. Faulkenburg, 45, of Huntingburg, Ind., was killed Nov. 9 by small-arms fire in Fallujah while conducting combat operations.
Air Force Master Sgt. Steven E. Auchman, 37, of Waterloo, N.Y., died Nov. 9 from wounds sustained when multiple rocket-propelled grenades struck his Mosul location.
Marine Cpl. Robert P. Warns II, 23, of Waukesha, Wis., died Nov. 8 as a result of enemy action in Babil Province.
Marine Lance Cpl. Thomas J. Zapp, 20, of Houston, was killed Nov. 8 by enemy action in Al Anbar.
Marine Lance Cpl. Branden P. Ramey, 22, of Boone, Ill., died Nov. 8 as a result of enemy action in Babil.
Marine Staff Sgt. David G. Ries, 29, of Clark, Wash., died Nov. 8 as a result of enemy action in Al Anbar.
Army Staff Sgt. Clinton L. Wisdom, 39, of Atchison, Kan., died Nov. 8 in Baghdad when a car bomb hit his convoy.
Army Spc. Don A. Clary, 21, of Troy, Kan., also was killed by the Nov. 8 car bomb in Baghdad.
Marine Lance Cpl. Jeffrey Lam, 22, of Queens, N.Y., died Nov. 8 in a nonhostile vehicle incident in Al Anbar.
Army Spc. Bryan L. Freeman, 31, of Lumberton, N.J., died Nov. 8 in Baghdad from small-arms wounds suffered while conducting a vehicle search.
Marine Cpl. Nathaniel T. Hammond, 24, of Tulsa, Okla., was killed Nov. 8 by enemy action in Babil Province.
Marine Lance Cpl. Shane K. O'Donnell, 24, of DeForest, Wis., also was killed Nov. 8 in Babil.
Army Spc. Quoc Binh Tran, 26, of Mission Viejo, Calif., died Nov. 7 in Baghdad of wounds from a roadside bomb detonated near his military vehicle on convoy.
Army Spc. Brian K. Baker, 27, of West Seneca, N.Y., was killed Nov. 7 by a car bomb near his security patrol in Baghdad.
Marine Lance Cpl. Sean M. Langley, 20, of Lexington, Ky., died Nov. 7 as a result of enemy action in Al Anbar.

Let us pause to honor one of the youngest.
Nineteen-year-old Marine Lance Corporal Nicholas Larson was killed Tuesday during street battles against insurgents in Iraq. Larson was a graduate of Wheaton North High School, where he was remembered by students Thursday.
"He was focused, determined. He had his vision, you could tell he was going to follow that," said assistant principal Jason Stipp. "Knowing the dangers, he was aware of them but he was adamant, that's what he saw in himself," said school counselor Kim Szymkowiak. The school has been in crisis mode since students learned Wednesday that a 2003 graduate had been killed fighting in Fallujah. Students already have talked with school counselors about their sorrow. "He does have a sister," Szymkowiak said. "Her friends are very distraught. The whole school is having an extremely hard time with it."It's the first time Wheaton schools have had classes on Veterans Day. Larson's parents declined to be interviewed, but a family spokesman says they received an upbeat e-mail from their son last week. They say Larson was proud of the work he was doing in Iraq and expected to come home in a couple of months.
Nicholas may the Lord have mercy upon your brave soul and touch a healing hand to your family.
Those who dare great things such as joining the Marine Corps expect to be put in harms way and face the potential for meeting a violent end. He joined knowing the dangers at a time when the media was hyping the danger even more. Death comes to us all, but it is how we spend the life that the Lord gives us that matters. Nicholas' death was not in vain, it was not for oil, it was not premature in Gods plan. This mans life and death were a glorious testament of self sacrifice while participating in a just cause. This is something that many who are primarily concerned with their own safety will never experience. Freedom comes with a cost that so few of the freed are willing to pay. Those who pay that cost are to be honored and respected. We will justify your sacrifice by defeating the cause of the terrorists who killed you.

Lance Corporal Larson I salute you.
Semper Fi and farewell Marine.

Deus es Semper Fideles

Robert T. Johnson of Mississippi

"It's your girl Nick, I just wanted to say I love you and I miss you more everyday. I did it. I joined the Marine Corps and now i'm deploying to Iraq in March with my fellow Marines. Baby, I can't stop thinking about you and I hope you're proud of me. I talk Anne, Dave and Katie everyday. They are my motivation to stay strong. Your mom misses you so much and we cry over the phone together sometimes...Like on your 21st bday...November 10...I called her...I came to visit you. Anne, Dave and I went to your grave and I left a white rose, kissed your picture and cried. I am going to Iraq to hopefully get some kind of answers. I want so bad to kiss you and hugg you again...I want so bad to call you by your Nickname...Lol...Baby, I know you're watching over me, bring me home from Iraq safetly. I told your mom I would come back for them. For you.

I'll see you again someday Nick. I love you forever. Semper Fidelis!!!

Love always, Your girl
PFC Friedheim, Hannah"
of 29 Palms California

"My name is Cameron Schilling. I am a college student from central Illinois. I am the first generation of my family not to serve his country. I am extremely grateful for the sacrifice you and your loved one has given for the United States. I am disappointed by the way the news media has covered this war and the deaths of our youth. The media has stopped listing the names of the soldiers killed in Iraq and people only talk about the soldiers when we reach a specific milestone in deaths. If you just started watching the news today you would not even know there is a war going on. Partisan politics have replaced coverage of our young generation who have traveled to a foreign land in the name of the United States. Whether you believe the war in Iraq is wrong, right, justified or not everyone should pay even just a little more attention to what these young men and women are sacrificing. This is what I would like to do. I want to do my part in honoring these soldiers and their memories. Along with being a college student I am also a budding artist. I draw pencil portraits of local people in my community. I want to offer a pencil portrait sketch to the immediate family of every Illinois soldier killed in Iraq. Please contact me at cameronschilling84@hotmail.com."
Cameron of Illinois

"Happy 21st Birthday Nick! You are truly missed by many people. My daughter Stephanie went to vist you today and leave you red, white and blue roses, along with a little libation that you would have been enjoying today if not for your loss over a year ago on November 9th.

Thanks to you and your family for your service to our great nation."
Mark Leisen of Woodridge, Il

"Nick was a person you could never forget and here I am exactly one year after his death remebering....His father Dave said today at Nick's memorial service at is grave, "Faith is not a word....it's a feeling". This is very true. We must put our faith in God and the actions he makes....everything happends for a reason....we must accept this and move on with our hearts and celebrate and remember all the good times we shared with Nick........

RIP we miss you"
Brandon Wing of Wheaton, IL- USA!

"Condolences to the family of Nicholas D. Larson on the loss of their son. Rest in peace, Nicholas, and thank YOU for YOUR service & sacrifice to our great country."
Anonymous Vietnam Vet of Melrose Park, Illinois

"To Nick,
I never personally knew you but I heard of you. You are a true hero and will never be forgotten. You are missed and loved. Thanks"

"Nick, I miss you so much. I think about you everyday and wish you were still with us. You will forever be in my heart. You are truly my hero. I love you and miss you every day."
Kristin of Carol Stream

"To the family of Nicholas Larson: Your son's name has been added to our "Those We Know Who Serve" honor list at West Chicago Middle School for Patriot's Day. Your friend, Koressa Freyling, has told us of Nick. Our 7-Blue team would like you to know that Nick will not be forgotten."
Pat Stacey of West Chicago Middle School

"To My Friend NICK, Thanks to you i'm in the Marine Corp, I made a promise to you that i would join. i Kept that Promised, now i look up to you everytime i accomplise things. when i recieved that eagle globe and anchor, i had a tear in my eye, that tear was for you. working at the same place for 3 years was great. to bad we didn't get a chance to meet each other in the marine corp, To Nick Family i will keep in touch with you guys, you guys are like a second family to me.

PFC Beltran, Miguel of Glendale Heights, IL USA

"To the Family of LCpl. Nicholas Larson:

My friends and I have constructed a memorial to the service men and women from Wisconsin and Illinois who have died in Iraq which includes, as of 7/12/05, 112 crosses and Stars of David. We would like your permission to put Nick's name on one of them.
We have called our display "Arlington Midwest" and it is located in Wisconsin Dells, WI.
It is our expression of mourning for the indescribable loss you have suffered for our country.

If you would like us to do this, please email me at ArlingtonMidwest@yahoo.com.

We invite you to visit Arlington Midwest. I can send you directions and some pictures by email.

"As long as we live, they too will live;
for they are now a part of us,
as we remember them."
Marty Preston of Wisconsin Dells, WI

"Nick- You were my best guy friend that I ever had. You were always there for me when I needed you. I miss our two hour phone calls when you could call me at boot camp. I miss you so much. You will always be in my heart and on my mind. I love you!
Nick's parents- I'm glad that we keep in touch still. Keep your head up, and remember: If it wasn't for your upbringing with Nick, he wouldn't have given up his life to protect us. I love you guys!"
Krissy of Glen Ellyn

"Nick ever since i have know you i knew you would be a great soldier. just because you are gone does not mean you are not forgotten. Luke, his brother matt, and i know you are lookin over us while we are over in iraq."
Scott B of Carol Stream

"Nick Larson a fallen hero but never forgotten!!! Nick I will miss u till the day that I die... and I will always remember you for the amazing things that u have done for our country along with ur fellow comrades! All you need to know it that ur family misses you more than you could imagine and all of your friends are also still greiving the loss of a GREAT friend like you... and I just Thank God EVERY day that you got to do the one thing u always wanted to do and that was to serve you counrty! U better be waiting for all of us up in heaven saving our spots!!
much love forever"
Kelly O'Dea of Hillside, IL

"Nick, you always were and always will be my hero. You will always be in my heart. To the family- Annie, Katie and Dave, I'm so sorry for your loss and if you need anything at all... let me know. To Hannah- you never were engaged to Nick nor did you date him."
Valerie of Hillside, IL

"Hey baby, it's your girl. I miss you sweetheart. I think about you everyday and I want you to know I was looking forward to a life with you. Just remember that I love you and I joined the Marine Corps in your honor. I know you told me not to join the military but I have to do this baby. Trust me. I'll make you proud. I love you with all my heart. I know you know that. Miss your voice Nick. Wish I could hear it again. But I do want to thank you for being the most wonderful boyfriend I could ever ask for. Thank you. Forever. I love you still. Muah!!

Ps. "Yer my hero baby." That's how you would always spell it in your letters and emails to me. I will never forget that. :)"
Hannah Friedheim of Dalton Georgia

"Nick, thank you so much for all that you have done. You will be truely missed and will ALWAYS be remembered! You, your family, and friends will be in my prayers. Thank you again and you are a great hero!"
jenna of Glen Ellyn, Ill

"Corporal Larson, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas

"Thank you so much Nicholas for defending us all. God Bless you and may He grant comfort to your loved ones at this time. From a very grateful American family."
The Shaw family of Pasadena, Maryland

"Nick, I love you and miss you so much! You will always be a part of my Wheaton Boys and I will forever be one of your Glen Ellyn Girls! You are my hero now and forever. I miss you way too much, but now I know that you are forever with me. What you did for our country was amazing and I am forever grateful! Nick Larson you may have fallen but you will never be forgotten in my heart and in the hearts of many!"
Natalie (Glen Ellyn Girl)

"Nick you are truely being missed by many. There's not a day that goes by with anyone without thinking about you! You will always be in the hearts of those who knew you and the hearts of those you have touched. You will always be a hero in my heart and in the hearts of everyone. Watch over everyone! we all love you! To the Family: Im truely sorry for your loss... all we can do is just remember the good times we all had with eachother. I love you all and i am always here! Michele and Karen, I love you so much! Nicks watching over you!"
Ashley of Hillside,IL

"Nick you were a great person. You know I loved you and will never forget you. Your family is always in my thoughts and prayers. Miss you!"
Nicole of Addison, IL

"To Nick's Family and Friends:

On behalf of the Blanco-Caldas family, we send our sincerest condolences. We share the same loss ... the same pain. Our prayers are with you in this most difficult time and we thank you for your soldier's bravery and sacrifice.


The Family of Capt. Ernesto M. Blanco-Caldas, 82nd Airborne
KIA Iraq 12/28/2003.
Gloria Caldas (The Big Ern's Mom) of San Antonio, TX

You have family and friends who cared for you dearly and could not be any more proud for what you have done for us. You were a great friend and I will always remember the good times we both had. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family."
Barrett Donaldson of Oswego, IL 60543

Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Nicholas will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you ALWAYS. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "

"To Nicholas' Family:
There are no words to express the sorrow we feel for your loss. May God bless you and help you through this time."
Dan and Meg Manninen of San Antonio, Texas

"To the family and friends of Corporal Nicholas D. Larson,

Those we hold most dear, never truly leave us. May you find comfort in love's everlasting connection.

In the Support section of this web site you will find links to many groups that support you at this crucial time. The Marine Comfort Quilt group would be honored to send a quilt to the next of kin. There are many, loving and caring Americans from all over the United States that will never forget the sacrifice that your loved one has made for our Freedom. Please register so we can send you our "Love Stitched Together."

Proud Marine Mom and Proud Member of Marine Comfort Quilts"
Sandra Moudy of Placentia, Ca

"Thank you Nicholas Larson, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios

"To the family and friends of Lance Cpl. Nicholas Larson:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Nicholas for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada

"To the family and friends of Lance Cpl. Nicholas Larson:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Nicholas, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia

Honor them by remembering... Freedom - is their gift to us But his soul goes marching on