Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Remembering the servicemembers who died in the service of their country.

Army Spc. Ray J. Hutchinson

20, of League City, Texas.
Hutchinson was returning from a patrol when an improvised explosive device hit his vehicle in Mosul, Iraq. He was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Died on December 7, 2003.

Hutchinson was posthumously promoted to Specialist.

Please send information, photos, and corrections for Army Spc. Ray J. Hutchinson.


Houston Chronicle - Death Notices: Ray Joseph Hutchinson
Contributions to the Families of the Fallen


Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.

Please report inappropriate messages

"i am so glad you served our counrtry"
ETHAN KEELING of seabrook,texas

"I'll never forget seeing your smile every day in journalism class and the way you always made everyone laugh. If we needed a kind word, a supportive friend, or someone to distract from our troubles you were there, & then you were not. You are very dearly missed, friend."
Lisa P of League City, TX USA

"This is Memorial Day weekend, Ray. I still think of you as I wear the uniform. Thank you, for your kindness, for your bravery, for your compassion. In 101st ABN, 2BCT, A Co, 2-502 IN and Pi Kappa Phi"
CPT Shiloh McMasters of Ft Bragg, NC

"Hello , my name is Abdulrida ( known as Abdul ) from Iraq , i worked as an interpreter in the same unit that late Hutchinson was serving as a soldier ... what can i say about him ? he was among the most kind , gentlemen, and generous person i have ever met in my life ... he used to share with me everything was sent to him by his family specially cigarettes ... he was calling me : my brother , all the time , every time i meet him he will give me a hug ... i still remember that doomsday that gloomy sad cold rainy day if winter 2003 when we lost Hutchi forever ... damn how much i cried that day ?! though almost 17 years passed but i never ever forget dearest Hutchinson bucause he wasn't just a man , no he was definitely an angel ! Wish we never met wish i didn't know you brother 😥😥😥 cause all those years and still i grieve you and oh all those memories torturing me with unbearable pains ... rest in peace , if just i would know where uor tomb is i will come to rest my head on the marbel of your grave , cry forever and instead of putting flowers 🌹🌷🌺🥀⚘ i will leave my soul there 😥♥️"
Abdlrda.mohamad of Mosul , Nineveh, Iraq

"Voor bepaalde woningen zijn geen containers beschikbaar gesteld. Dit is vaak het geval bij geclusterde senioren- of aanleunwoningen. Als u in zo�n woning woont,, autoverzekering berekenen, yvo, autoverzekeringen vergelijken, =-[,"

"I haven't forgot bro! Brothers in arms and nothing in this life is free!!"
Harlan of Texas

""hutch" you have gone but i will never forget you! there's not a day that goes by that i don't think of that day. i sometimes wonder where you'd be. you where an inspiration to everyone around you and i fell better have knowing you. only wish i could have done more! i do know that i'll see you again though and until then i will carry your memory with me!"
sam woods of fayette, al

"Never forgotten brother."
Justin of Houston, TX

"I haven't forgotten bro..."
Harlan Diesburg of Kingwwod, TX

"Ray touched my life in my ways, he is one of the reasons i continue to serve today. He was one of the best friends a person could ask for, when you were down in the dumps his crazy grin and funny jokes would always bring you back he is miss but will never be forgotten. i have worn my screaming eagle patch everyday since his passing and will continue to even though my unit the 4ID wants me to wear thiers i wont in memory of hutch."
gabe D of BASSARA, iraq

"We "Strike Force" soldiers of the past, remember those who have come after us and have given the ultimate sacrifice. Specialist Hutchinson is NOT forgotten. We never served together, but you were a fellow Screaming Eagle--a fellow STRIKE FORCE trooper--a brother for eternity. Rest easy 'bro."
Bruce Howard of Atlanta, GA

"To the family of Ray Hutchinson,
I am a current creek student and I am proud to know that a man such as Ray can live on our green earth, even with every thing that's happened in it. I watched a video recently that taught me about Rays life and after reading some of the other comment He really sounds like he touched people. He is, and deserves to be, and inspiration to us all."
Hunter Velie of League City, Texas

"I am a student at creek as was Ray,and i wanted to say I'm sorry for your loss.I too have family in Iraq and i would not want to lose them."
Tianah Brewer of League City.Texas

"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson,
I recently watched the tribute video to your son Ray and I was really touched. Ray seemed like such a hero and was a big inspiration to me. I thought it was great how he was so strong and brave to go into the Army and defend our country, even though he was so young. Ray seemed so optimistic about life and fighting to help the people in Afghanistan. Best wishes to you and your family and know that all of us in journalism at Clear Creek High School are inspired by Ray's contribution to our country and are very sorry for his loss."
Ellen Gaudet of League City, TX

"November 30, 2008
To the family of Spc. Ray J. Hutchinson:
Ray gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV

"A2 19 Ft Benning, Ga. He was a good kid and the DI's would joke of war I never knew it would take some many away. Ray is one three that I knew in boot that have passed. It is sad when a young man wanting to do the right thing can be taken away for the wrong thing. R.I.P brother."
Harlan Diesburg of Texas City, TX USA

"I met Ray's mother in the 1st Colony Mall in Sugarland,TX after returning home from Iraq. We spoke about the war and my injuries from a gun shot wound a recieved in 2003. My name is SGT Robert Delgado and I want everyone to know how good a mother Ray has. I could see all the pain in her eyes as she spoke to me and I will never forget the gratitude I received when she gave me a hug and thanked me for my service. Ray I know you and the many fallen soldiers are in Heaven looking down and watching over us everyday. Your memory will never beforgotten god bless."
SGT Robert Delgado of Rosenberg,TX

"Ray was the kind of guy everyone wanted to be around. I send my sympathy out to his family. I will always keep you in my prayers."

"I, too, met Ray in high school at CCHS. He was a true friend that you could always count on for a shoulder and a smile. The last time I saw Ray was on a summer break from college and the Army wasn't mentioned, so when I heard of his death, my reaction was of complete disbelief. I will never forget Ray's smiling face or the good times we had together. To his family and all of his friends, you're always in my thoughts and prayers. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't remember Ray and the kind person that he was."
Megan (Fincher) Marshall of League City, Texas

"I too like many others met Ray when we were in School at Walter Hall Elementary.He was a fun guy and i remember like others band, Ms. Vanhorn's class,the rock gym, a party at his house, graduation and many other memories. I hope that the Hutchinson family feels all of his fellow Creek friends love and know there is not a day that goes by that we don't think him for his service and for the ultimate sacrifice. Always in our prayers."
Arthur Leal of League City, Texas

"I know it has been almost 3 years since rays tragic death, but i just now found this website and wanted to leave my love and respect. I first met Ray way back in the 6th grade at Creekside Intermediate. We played saxophone together, he was such a good friend, even in high school when he was a squad leader in the marching band, he was by far the coolest squad leader of all time. He would sit with our group and eat lunch almost everyday. He would come over to my house with his old busted up guitar and we would jam together. I remember the last time I saw you was at Jeff Hauslers house and you were telling me how you were going to be in the special forces. I know if Ray were still here today we would be going out, having a good time. But that is okay, becuase I will see you soon enough Ray and when I get there we are going to pick up where we left off...

I miss you man...."
Justin Lovell of League City, Tx

"To the family of Ray Hutchinson.. please accept my condolences on the loss of your precious son. My son just completed bootcamp and is now in the US Navy. I can only imagine the loss you've experienced. I want you to know that my family and I are so sorry to hear of your great loss. Ray's sacrifice will not be forgotten. He died doing an honorable thing and his sacrifice is not in vain. May God comfort you, give you strength & help you to recall the good, happy memories until you see him again."
A grateful American Family of Portland, Oregon

"Searched My name on google and found My name is also that of a fallen war hero. Best Wishes to your Family
Ray Hutchinson of London, England

"I knew Ray in highschool. Not very well but I had a couple of classes with him. And my friend Josh was room mates with him at SW. The time I spent around him was a joy. He was a person not only worried about himself but worried about others. So I was not suprised when I heard he was going to Iraq. He will be missed. Thanks Ray for all you have done."
Jonathan Dunn of League City, TX USA

"I knew Ray J mostly in high school as boss-man ....the guy that loved people and everybody loved.... could not help but befriend him...when i found out he went into the military i was shocked.....Ray?? no way....for sure i thought degree from a university or something great ....well hes turned out a hero now ..What honor could be greater.. its hard to believe that his flame is blown out but I know he's lighting up the heavens just being Ray ....miss you bud.... and my thoughts and prayers go to your family ...."
Kyle Flood of New York

"To the family of Ray Hutchinson: I am so sorry for the loss of your loved one. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Hopefully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor, John Pearrell, at Gateway Community Church, 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016 Phone: (770) 787-1015. Your friend in Jesus Chrsit,"
Pauline Ballew of Covington, GA

"Thank you Ray for the gift of freedom you have so proudly defended for us all. You will be in our thoughts each day we raise our flag in the front yard. From a grateful American family"
The Shaw family of Pasadena, Maryland

"I never met Ray but I heard very much about him from my brother William Hackney who served with him in 2/502. I will never forget the amazing stories he told of Ray. I feel as if I knew him. But I just want his family and friends to know that you all are in my prayers."
Briana of Baghdad, Iraq

"this is a thanks to all the wonderful people whom have left these amazing messages for my best friend whom i miss everyday. these are only small messages which he deserves so greatly. i had the opportunuity to be a blessed with ray's presence while we served in iraq. as teammates and friends. sometimes i wish it were me who were in the his spot and not mine. but i know it would have been he who chose me to live as i did. that is how great of a person this young man lived to be. i only thank his parents for how well they raised this gentleman to be such a respectable person. i was injured in the incident which took him from us and only wish for a few more moments with him. it has now been a year since it happened and i see his laughing and smiling characteristics in my mind. i only hope i can raise my children half as well as he was raised to be. in loving memory we love ya ray. anyone wanna here stories of ray just e-mail me plz. happy to share"
matthew watson of nampa, id

"Thank You for the gift of Freedom. I will honor it in your memory. Your sacarfice will never be forgotten. 12/4/04"
Grateful American of Macon,Ga

"To the Family, Friends, and Loved Ones of Ray "Hutch" Hutchinson

I was in Hutch's platoon in basic. In that small time we had together he and I became good friends. I was excited to hear that we were both assigned to the 101st as was he. The last time i saw him was the first week of Feb 2003 after he arrived at Ft Campbell from Airborne school and all he could talk about was getting to his unit and getting the show on the road. I heard about his death from an article in the Army Times and upon my realization that it was really him, I broke down and cried. I don't believe I have ever known anyone who has had such a great attitude toward life and don't believe I ever will again. I will never forget him."
SPC Will Smith of Clarksville, TN

"I knew Ray in high school through some rock gym friends. He was a very witty kid, and his humor and smile will be missed."
Ann of Houston, TX

"It has been well over 6 months since Ray Joseph went home to be with our Father, and yet, not a day has passed that I didn't think of him at least once. I met Ray during his year at Texas State (formerly SWT) and will always consider him one of my closest and most special friends for the remainder of my life. It is hard to imagine that knowing a person for only a year could affect another for her entire lifetime, but I know in my heart that it will be so for me when it comes to my relationship with Ray. I have never and will never meet another person as incredibly hilarious, sensitive, caring, patient, compassionate, intuitive, respectful, faithful, loving, honest, devoted, willing, and considerate as Ray. He was always so much fun to be around, and could put a smile on anyone's face. Ray was a gentleman in the truest sense of the word. He was constantly putting other people's happiness before his own. Ray was the type of person that would not only give a girl the moon, but would capture the stars, the planets, and the entire universe. He will, however, remain my "Ray of Sunshine" always. I care so much for him and feel his loss with every moment. I understand that Ray kept the morale of his unit high in the darkest of times and helped many soldiers to pray. Not only was he a very decorated soldier, but a humble one as well. He simply wanted to do his duty and do it well. Ray is the definition of hero. I sometimes wonder if this was all worth it. But I am reminded of how much Ray believed in giving freedom to the Iraqi people, especially the children. He also cared so much for his family and friends. He would do anything to protect them and to serve his country in the name of freedom and truth. I know that he is with the Lord, as are all the other men and women who have paid the ultimate price in the name of our safety and security. I pray for his family and friends every night that they may find peace and comfort in their loving memories of a soldier who fought to spare others from harm, the same danger that he so bravely faced without ever once complaining. We are all deeply grateful for those who lay down their lives to protect everything that we hold dear. God bless the fallen soldier, the military, the families of these great men and women, and the United States!
And Ray-Ray..."Olive juice.""
Sarah Griffin of Houston/San Marcos, TX USA

"To the Parents of Ray Hutchinson;
My heart goes out to you and your family. Spc Hutchinson was an outstanding soldier and a great mentor. Even thought I didn't know him very well, everytime I seen him he always had a smile on his face. He never let things bother him and never let things get in the way of doing his job. I love you Spc. Ray Hutchinson you will never be forgotten!

Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me."
SSG Girard, James of FT Campbell, KY 3rd Platoon

"My cousin is Adam Martin who was good friends with Ray in Iraq. I greatly appreciate Ray and Adam and all the others. I know Ray must have been a great guy because Adam said so. I know that it could have been Adam instead of Ray. Thank you Ray for your sacrifice for all of us. Adam is still with us today partly because of you I believe. You will be greatly missed. God bless you and your family."
Erica of Columbus, Ohio

"Specialist Hutchinson, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas

"Ray was true hero. He will be sadely missed. may God comfort his family. He was so very brave with alot of courage.
May God Bless Wanda
Wanda of Manchester,Tenn USA

"I didn't know Ray, but my mom works with his Aunt Sherry. But, I fell very connected to him my brother is also in the Army who is serving in Korea. Ray you will always be rembered. Our men and women in the Armed Forces are truly my heroes. God Bless

And God Bless America

Amy Smith of Sachse, Texas USA

"We feel linked to your family for many reasons. I remember reading of Ray's
death in Iraq back in December. I remembered how he had given up a space so that another could go home ahead of him (from Iraq). We know you miss him so much. We were able to meet two from your family last weekend when they attended our son's funeral. Our son also died in Iraq. He is buried in the same section as your son and had his
service at the same church as your son. Our son, Leroy Sandoval,Jr. died in Iraq 2 weeks ago. He was buried on April
3rd. I heard through the church of your
son's story again. And our hearts went out to you all, all over again. We will pray for you always. We will surely remember your son every time we visit
the cemetery, even though these brave young men are in a far better place. A place where they will not have to fight another war (and enjoy peace and joy for eternity). God be with all of you. I see your son would have had a birthday in February, ours would have had one at the end of April. In Christ,The Walters Family."
Steve Walters of Houston, Texas

"What can I say about Rey? He will always be in my memories. Always a great inspiration. My prayers go out to all that have known you because we have truly lost a great friend and brother."
Spc McLaughlin AKA Doc of USA

Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Ray, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "

"Yesterday(February 9) would have been Ray's 21st birthday. It is just so sad that such a beautiful young man's light is snuffed out so soon. I, like many others, knew him and loved him. What a joy he was to me, the newspaper and the high school. How much he will be missed is incalculable.
To help keep his memory alive, please donate to a scholarship in his name.
Send checks to Ray Joseph Hutchinson Scholarship-2305 East
Main-League City, Tx 77573. Checks can be made to Clear Creek High School with Ray's name in the memo. I promise his name will live on forever here and
he will be helping those who needed it just like he did when he walked these halls. Keep his family in your thoughts and prayers please."
Wynette Jameson of League City, Texas

"Ray was a good man. I had the honor of working with this great man. He was the type of guy that was easy to talk to especially durring the hard times that each of us in 1st platoon suffered. I remember a time when he was sick and could bearly get out of bed, but he still made the best out of it and could still bring a smile to my face. I think that each of us in 1st platoon had a deep love for him and he will always be a part of our lives and in our hearts. I miss him dearly and wish that I could have spent more time with him. I would like to thank his parents from the bottom of my heart thank you for bringing such a great man into the lives of the boys of A co 2/502. We will always remember him. Thank you."
SPC David J. Leavitt of Twin Falls, ID

"I only met Ray a few times. He joined my fraternity at Southwest Texas State University. He always had positive energy and seemed to brighten others' days with it. He will be greatly missed by our fraternity and all who ever met. God Bless the Hutchison Family and may we never forget Ray and others who have done for our country and the world a most honorable deed."
Bryan Whisenant of San Marcos, Texas/USA

"Spc. Hutchinson:
Thank your for giving yourself so that those of us at home can live freely and safely. There are not enough 'thank yous' for a gift such as this. Rest in peace soldier."
Dan and Meg Manninen of San Antonio, Texas

"RIP...Your an angel is the sky.."
The Taylors of NC USMC

"I did not have the privilege of meeting this young man but I "feel" the loss. I too have a son in the Army that knew Ray and Graduated from Clear Creek the year after Ray. My heart goes out to all of Ray's family and friends. He fought a good battle....and now he has found his peace...and his FREEDOM.

God Bless him and all of our fallen soldiers.

Deborah Eby (known by most as Mom Eby) of League City, Tx. USA

"my name is brandon williams, i'm in iraq with 4th i.d. and i knew ray quit well matter of fact we signed up together. i remember the trip we took to fort hood and we talked about future plans, and never did i anticipate this. he was a great man a good friend , and i'm deeply sorry this had to happen to such a wonderful gift from god. my heart goes out to his family and from another soldier still in the fight, he died for his country and i honor him for that. i love you ray god has a spot for you now"
kajun of iraq

"Ray you are a true hero! Although I have only known you for a short time, I see your smile everytime I close my eyes. Now that you are in heaven, I ask that you watch over the rest of the Hooligans and help them get home safely!"
Hooligan 6 of USA

"I thank God for heros like Ray!"
Farrah Momayezi of Dallas, TX

"Thank you Ray Hutchinson, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios

"I did not know Ray, but as I go to Clear Creek High school, I have heard a lot about him. I mourn for your loss, and I'm proud to say that my high school produced a hero."
Jaime of League City, TX, USA

"I was completely shocked to hear of Ray's death. Ray and I were in algebra class together at Clear Creek High School. I can honestly say that Ray fit every definition of a great guy. We kept in touch on and off through AIM after my family moved away from Texas and I remember in our conversations how strongly he desired to serve his country. Ray will be deeply missed. I would like to extend my deepest condolences to Ray's family, friends, and all those whose hearts were touched with his presence."
Nicole Klekowski of Tuebingen, Germany

"Ray will be forever missed in my heart. He was one of the first friends I made when I moved to League City in 7th grade. We grew to be the best of friends and did everything together. It's hard to even count the number of times we must have gone rock climbing or moutain biking together. Or the number of times Mrs. Hutchinson must have fed my hungry mouth while Ray and I sat and watched TV. Eventually we went off to college and roomed together at Southwest Texas U.... We had so many great memories together... After our 1st year as roommates in the dorm, I had always assumed we would go back to school together.When he told me he was entering the army I was shocked, when he told me he was going to Iraq, I was more shocked. When I found out he was killed, I was horrified. He was a great roommate, a great friend, and a great soldier. He died to protect our freedom. I will always think of the times we had together, and the times we should have had together. Rest in Peace Ray."
Joshua de Boisblanc of San Marcos, TX

"I met Ray in 6th grade and in the 7 yrs between then and our graduation we became great friends. For the rest of my life I will cherish the good memories I have of him, and that will be all the memories, because there were no bad ones. As everyone knows he was a great guy so everyone is left with great memories, but that is all we are left with so we must all cherish them and know that we lost something precious in this world. To me he will always be the guy who took me to and from school everyday without ever accepting gas money. We must rest easy knowing he is in a better place now sharing his smile with others, but we will never forget him. My prayers go out to everyone who was lucky enough to know him."
Lili of Houston, Tx

"I went to Clear Creek High School with Ray. We were in the PALs program together and the Senior Musical. Ray was always so funny and had a great sense of humor. He had a constant desire to help others. I was very sad to hear the recent news of Ray's death. My thoughts and prayers are with the Hutchinson Family and everyone affected by Ray's death."
Marita Wentworth of League City, TX (currently @ TX State Univ.-San Marcos)

"I served with Ray, the loss of him was a great loss to our company... he was the first soldier from A co. 2-502 to really talk to me when i got in-country, he was a great guy and an excellent soldier, i will never forget him"
Pfc. Thomas Smith of Aco. 2-502, Mosul, Iraq

"Ray was one of those people who truly was one of a kind. Many times you hear that phrase when someone passes away, but with Ray it was the truth. I knew him all through school and was in band with him in junior high. I could go on and on, but the truth is that a great man passed away and the world lost something special.

I wish his family the best."
Beau Pedraza of League City, TX

"i was in band with ray since he was in 6th grade..he was a wonderful, funny, and caring guy and will be missed. my thoughts and prayers go out to the hutchinson family in this sad time."
Randi Newmark of League City, Tx

"Ray was one of the few people who actually befriended me when I went to Creekside Intermediate. He always had a kind word or joke for me and never put me down. He will be in my heart forever"
Kirsten D'Agostaro of League City, TX

"My heart goes out to Rays family and friends. God Bless you all."
Lynn of New Jersey

"My thoughts and prayers are with you continually."
Michael R. Majeska of Houston, TX Harris County

"I got to know Ray just a little as he joined my fraternity right after I graduated. The thing I most remember, as many others have stated is that his smile always lit up the room.

In recently visiting with many of my fraternity brothers we talked a lot about Ray and his positive contributions. I came away so impressed by what I heard, particuarly with his enthusiasm towards our philanthropy called Push America. Everyone mentioned how much he loved to do philanthropical work related to Push America. Using that gift of a smile that he possessed, he would often be the top fundraiser at our events. Additionally, I was even more impressed to hear that he was still contributing towards Push America well after leaving our school.

Ray, it is obvious that you are a wonderful person and we will always miss you."
Dustin Alexander of Dallas, TX

"I did not know Ray personally, but would like to send my prayers and condolences to the family. Ray will be greatly missed and forever hold a place in our hearts!"
Kristin Douglas of League City, Texas

"Ray was a very good friend of mine. I was in saxophone section with him at Creek. I feel so privileged to have known him. He was a fine man, who always cared about others. He made everyone feel special. I never heard an unkind word spoken about him. He has touched my life more than I can ever express. There aren't kind enough to describe Ray. When you spend so much time with someone like I did with Ray in band you learn how people really are, and Ray never was anything but truely a great person. I am so proud to call Ray my friend. Heaven has gained a beautiful soul. To the Hutchinson family, you raised a fine young man. I am so sorry for your loss, I pray God keeps you in these times. To Ray, thank you for enriching my life and making me feel better about myself during tough times.You will be missed. (climb hard)"
Bernadette Walls of League City, TX

"I never knew Ray very personally, but his girlfriend Beth Requist was a close friend of mine. I know she is going through a hard time, and I just want to tell her that she is in my prayers, and that if she needs anything, I am always here for her."
Rebecca Foster of Kemah, TX

"I am honored to have personally known Ray through intermediate and into High School. He was smart, funny, and always very friendly to everyone. The last time I spoke to Ray I was working in Bay Brook Mall and he came up to my booth to greet me and tell me that he was going to the army. I asked him where he was going to school and he told me that he was going to enroll in the army. I was shocked because I thought for sure that Ray would go on to college, earn many degrees's and be richer than rich. He explained to me his desire to go to the military and travel, and I congradulated him and wished him luck. I respected his decision and his bravery. In his honor I am having a tag engraved with his name, and I will keep it forever. My prayers are with his family, heaven is a brighter place now that Ray J. Hutchinson is spreading joy and laughter there."
Henry Garcia of League City TX

"Ray Joseph was one of my closest friends. I know that he will live on in many peoples hearts. He was as his name says a ray on sunshine, you could not be around him without having a smile on your face. He died knowing that he was earning many others the freedom we experience every day. I pray that his family will find peace and comfort knowing that Ray is with the Lord. My deepest sympathies go out to everyone who knew this wonderful young man. He is loved and will be missed so much."
Kelly Solarczyk of League City, TX

"My daughter played the sax along with Ray in the Clear Creek Mightly Wildcat Marching Band. She never had one unkind thing to say about this young man. As matter of fact, I rarely let her attend many of the parties thrown in high school, but I never hesistated to let her go to Ray's. That says a ton about this very FINE man that gave his all for the people of Iraq as well as for the rest of the world. I thank God for Ray and appreciate his sacrifice. May God bless his family and give them the peace that surpasses all understanding."
Ms. Walls of League City, Texas

"To the family and friends of Pfc. Ray Hutchinson:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Ray for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada

"To the family and friends of Pfc. Ray Hutchinson:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Ray, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia

Honor them by remembering... Freedom - is their gift to us But his soul goes marching on