Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Remembering the servicemembers who died in the service of their country.

Army Staff Sgt. Sean P. Huey

28, of Fredericktown, Pennsylvania.
Huey died in Habbaniyah, Iraq, when his unit was on patrol and a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device detonated near his HMMWV. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, Camp Greaves, Korea. Died on November 11, 2004.

Please send information, photos, and corrections for Army Staff Sgt. Sean P. Huey.


Contributions to the Families of the Fallen


Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.

Please report inappropriate messages

"I served in the 82nd Airborne with Sean, he was a great man. I think of him and the family and friends that miss him on this Memorial Day."
Damon of Oregon

"Think about you all the time brother. 🇺🇸
Served with Sean in the 1/504th 82nd ABN."
Scott Crawford of Orrville, Ohio / from Brownsville, Pa

"SSG Huey, You are always in our hearts and minds, but especially today. Currahee!"
The Paulding Family of Leesburg, VA

Rickhuey of Smithfield

"I served with huey when he was just a pvt. I did not know he was still serving he was a hell of a guy. My condolences and heartfelt sympathy goes out to his family. You are forever engraved as a brother and your ultimate sacrifice will always be remembered R.I.P. my brother"
Garcia of Plainview Tx

"Always thinking of you Brother."
Scott of Orrville

"Sean i'm glad I got a chance to meet you and serve beside you. You would always make me laugh even during the stressful times. You went from just being a friend to being a brother. I remember us chasing down some insurgents and we looked at each other out of breath and you said to me" i'm getting to old for this *" i looked at you and I said " what about me" and we both broke out laughing."
SFC Hector Rodriguez jr Ret. of lebanon Pa

"As a fellow veteran and resident of Washington County, I think about Sean every time I'm in Fredericksburg. Never knew him but heard he was an amazing person."
Neighbor of Charleroi PA

"Happy Fathers Day! I miss you every day and love you bunches!"
CMSgt Colleen Huey-Garra of Robins AFB GA

"Still thinking of you Brother."
Scott of Orrville, OH. (Brownsville, PA)

"Sergeant... You took me from being a soldier who had given up, to being a soldier who actually gave a damn..."
Matthew of Kent, WA

"SSG Huey, it's hard to believe it's coming up on 10 years. Not a day goes by that I don't relive that day. I did not know you personally but that day as we responded I had no idea my life would be forever changed. Your strength and bravery that day has impacted my life more than I could have ever imagined. I love you brother and you will always be a HERO in my family. Curahee!"
SSG. Miller of Little river SC

"My husband was SPC Steven Robertson who went to Iraq with SSG Huey. When he returned, Steve got SSG Huey's name tattooed in memory. Steve is gone now, but I thought you should know how much he respected Huey. My sincerest condolences this Memorial Day."
Megan Robertson of Lexington, KY

"SSG Huey,
My thoughts and prayers go out to your family. You were and will always be one hell of a guy."
SFC, US Army of Hawaii

"This Memorial Day weekend I am thinking of you Sean Huey and the great sacrifice you made for your country. You are greatly missed and will never be forgotten !"
April Phillips-Ricci of Jefferson, Pa. USA

"Every day I miss you more and more!"
Colleen Huey-Garra

"I miss you everyday Sean! I carry you with me everyday- I love you so very much! Today is the worst day - my heart breaks!."
Colleen Huey garra of Robins AFB

"It's been a long time bro. My kids know who you are and how you gave everything for your brothers and your country. You will not be forgotten."

"Think of you all the time brother..."
Scott Crawford

"It's been a long time bro and time goes by without the blink of an eye. I was just ordering some dogtags and am ordering one in your memory. You are missed and I will be out to visit you next week."
Tom Smith of Fayetteville, NC

"Happy Father's Day bubby- I love you"
Colleen Huey-Garra of Robins AFB GA

"I knew Huey (as we called him) when he was stationed at Fort Bragg. He was so funny and had a great smile. I lost touch when he went to Haiti. One day I was reading the paraglide or Fayetteville Observer and I saw his photo and was shocked and saddened by what I read. I will never forget how goofy he was nor his kindness."
Dee of spring lake, nc

"Hello Kelly - I'm doing well. I hope to talk to you soon. Send me your e-mail address, mine is colleen.garra@us.af.mil"
Colleen Huey-Garra of RAFB GA

"I still miss you everyday...your laugh, your jokes, your smile. Daddy is with you now...he told mom you came to vist him when he was close to passing and that you would be back when it was time. Thank you Sean, he was so happy to see you again. We all love and miss you so much...I wish you were still here but the good Lord needed you and you went proudly defending this great nation. Love you with all my heart."
SMSgt Colleen Huey-Garra of Robins AFB GA

"Hi Colleen! I was just thinking of you and Sean today and wanted to let you know. I hope you are well."
Kelly Bowman, navy nurse of Camp Pendleton, CA

"I go way back to when Sean first came in the Army and was station at FT Bragg. I grew up across the river from Sean in Brownsville, PA and Sean and I would sometimes travel back to PA together. I was in Haiti with Sean and we shared that back home bond and looked out after each other. I think of Sean alot and how he stood out as a great soldier and a gentleman. I ll never forget Sean and what he stood for and everytime I am back in Brownsville I silently salute him with a beer. I miss you brother and your never forgotten."
Scott Crawford of Brownsville, PA

"Sean, I only knew you as a young boy. But I remember you as a dear sweet kind boy. I think of you often and I know that you are very missed and very loved."
Tracee Baddley, USMC of Birmingham, AL

"Miss you buddy"
Trunzo of Pa

"To the family of:Sean P.Huey
I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015.
Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga""

"I only know of your life and death from Frontline. Thank you and your family for your service."
Matthew of San Francisco, CA

"To the family and friends of Staff Sgt. Sean P. Huey,

Please know that today, your loved one was individually remembered by my family at the Memorial Day Services at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery in Lehighton Pennsylvania.

We are so appreciative of your sacrifice and pray God will bless you all always!"
The Aaron Family of Lehighton, PA

"Hello everyone. I've been checking this page every memorial day for quite a few years now and I've always wanted to write something but never did. I'm a distant cousin of Sean and although I wish I could, I can't say I knew him very well. Being so much younger I can't remember much more than him just dropping by to visit my dad and the rest of the family on his leaves from the military. Although I didn't know him very well I feel like I do now from all the stuff Ive heard, seen, and read about him. It seems we had alot in common and probably would have gotten along very well. With that being said I just wanted to leave this message here today to honor Sean. In my eyes theres not many people to give credit to these days besides our service members so I feel he deserves all the credit in the world. I'm proud to say he was my cousin and if I had to choose one, my hero. My thoughts and prayers go out to the rest of Sean's family and friends as I know it must be hard especially on days like today."
Mark Huey Jr of Uniontown, Pa

"Merry Christmas to my very special Angel! I love you Sean Patrick and I miss you every day! Please know I'm always thinking about you!"
Colleen Huey-Garra of Cabot AR

"I cannot believe it has been 6 years. I cannot believe it even happened in the first place to be honest. Love you man,Miss you"
Trunzo of F-Town

"Sean...as year 6 approaches I want you to know how much I miss you. I think of you at least 50 times a day. Oh how I wish you were still here. I love you Sean!"
Colleen of Cabot Ar

"I miss you so much!"

"Happy Birthday baby brother! Love you and miss you always!"
Colleen of Litte Rock AFB AR

"I love you baby brother! Thinking of you always! All my love forever!"
Colleen Huey-Garra of Little Rock AR

"Kelly B from Camp Pendleton, I am Sean's sister Colleen and I'd love to speak with either of you. It would be an honor. My email address is Colleen.garra@littlerock.af.mil. My phone number is 501-425-3283. Call or email me whatever you feel is more comfortable for you. Thanks. Much love! Colleen"
Colleen of Little Rock AFB ar

"Kelly B from Camp Pendleton, I am Sean's sister Colleen and I'd love to speak with either of you. It would be an honor. My email address is Colleen.garra@littlerock.af.mil. My phone number is 501-425-3283. Call or email me whatever you feel is more comfortable for you. Thanks. Much love! Colleen"
Colleen of Little Rock AFB ar

"I was the Navy nurse who was there in Iraq and helped to take care of Sean in his final moments on this earth. There is a special person who was with me in Iraq, who I feel needs closure with your family. He thinks about Sean so much, even to this day. Please, if someone from Sean's family is willing to speak with us, it may do a lot of good with healing. I am reluctant to put my email or phone number on the site, so I will check back in a few days and see if anyone responds. Thank you! With Love, Kelly."
Kelly B. of Camp Pendleton, CA

"As an Army brat, I just watched the Frontline Documentary about Sgt. Huey and his soldiers and was moved to comment. To his family and friends, I am so sorry for your loss. He seemed like a wonderful, energetic man who was loved by many. May he never be forgotten."
Aubree' of Atlanta, GA

"To the Wife and Family of Sean P. Huey:

Stay strong and continue to carry the memory and legacy of your husband. What you are going through and have gone through is unimaginable and there is nothing that any of us can do to thank you for the sacrifice you and your family have made. I personally feel eternally in debt to you. We owe your husband and family our freedom and happiness. I wish I could somehow let you know how grateful I am to you for your strength in marrying a soldier. I can only hope and pray that you have happiness for the rest of your life."
Katie of Sacramento, CA

"i saw an item here on Dutch television only some minutes ago where sean's buddies from iraq came together at his grave in north carolina,very impressive and sad to hear some of them aren't doing well,you were over there for us europeans too so thanks a lot from Holland!"
Robert van Holland of Haarlem-Holland

"Happy Fathers Day baby brother! I love you and miss you"
Colleen Huey-Garra of Cabot Ar

"Sean...I miss you baby brother, it's been 6 years...but it still seems like yesterday that I hugged you good bye and cried like a baby. I thought you would come home...I never thought this would happen to you. You are the light of my life and I think of you everyday, I am so very proud of you. I'm glad that we were always raised to say I love you...because I know you died knowing you were loved, we all loved you so very much. Joey is growing up to be a good boy, Heather is taking great care of him, he plays baseball lke you, he reminds me of you. He has freckles on his face just like you did. I want to say thank you for paying the ultimate price. You are my hero and I love you so very much!"
Colleen Huey-Garra of Cabot AR

"My life as with others changed in 2001, but I like others was proud to be an American. For the next 9 years my life was about to metamorphose. Most do not know this but Nov 11 of 2004 while I was serving in Iraq a dear friend which I considered my brother was killed in action. I have not spoken of it since. I received the news from my ex-wife ... See MoreAngela, through an e-mail. The e-mail said he had picked the song seven Spanish angels to be played at his funeral. I sit there for I don’t know for how long in shock and just stared in a daze at my laptop. We had already been through some tough times and had casualties in my Company and the guilt was weighing heavy upon me. I just broke down as I played his song on my computer. After that day I was never the same and things just seemed to completely fall apart in my life. Besides my relationship of 21 years not making it through Iraq, my father passed away from cancer after my return. These two were the hardest to get through but my journey ahead was still full of great tragedy. My inability to visit my daughter because I was a wreck is something I will always regret but I have the rest of my life to be the father she needs me to be. I’m in a better place today and because Memorial Day is coming up I want Sean Huey to know I Love him still as those where the last things I spoke to him as we hugged good bye and he was sent to his new unit in Korea but I feel lucky because as much as I may have went through he never got to come home and raise his 6 month old son he left behind so he could go serve his country."
1SG Burt (ret) Ranger Buddy. of Lebanon, Oregon

"I learned of your life and death today from the Frontline program. You are clearly are a man of the finest character. Your sacrifice is not forgotten."
Andrew of San Mateo, CA

"Though long ago, still fresh on our hearts and souls,
Time diminishes the pain and heartache, though it forever lingers.
And soon only the horror remains,
The horror of continuing on without you,
Of loving without you,
Of triumphing without you,
Of failing without you,
Of living without you.
The reality slowly sets in,
The reality that you will never return,
That you were so brutally ripped from our arms,
Our lives,
Our souls.
We miss you Sean Patrick Huey,
We love you,
We need you,
We want you back,
We cannot have you,
You have been taken from us,
By those bastards,
Taken by those who do not deserve you.
Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

Anonymous of Somewhere

"I'm sorry I can't be there to see you this year Sean, you know where I'm at... hopefully I will be able to get some retribution in the next couple of days bro..... Take care of Heather and Joey from above dude, not like you don't already rite? Besides, Paratroopers always come from above to do our work. Take care dude and I will see you on the flip side......"
Me of Somewhere in Afghanistan

"We miss you Sean! You are my hero! A sister could not be more proud of her brother that I am of you. All my love always."
Colleen of Cabot AR

"I know I'm a day early but Happy Birthday Sean. I love you and miss you dearly! Your always in my heart..."
Colleen Huey-Garra of Little Rock

"Sean, Happy Fathers Day! I miss you and love you...Always!"
Colleen Huey-Garra of Cabot AR

"Happy Father's Day Sean
Love Ya,
Melissa Ray of Carolina Beach, North Carolina

"To the family of SSG Sean Huey. My name is Harry Harvison and I am the website administrator for AMVETS Post 911 (Washington County Pa. Veterans Memorial Association) in Canonsburg, Pa. Just want to let you know that we have established a web-page to honor Seans service and sacrifice to our great nation, however more information is needed to complete his webpage. His page can be viewed at [www.washpavets.org]. Also we are sponsoring Eagle Scout candidate Ted Sankeys project for the erection of a Gulf Wars Memorial to honor the KIA'S of Washington County during Desert Storm and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Dedication is scheduled for November 8, 2009 at 2pm at the Chartiers Twp. Municipal Building in Meadoelands, Pa. My e-mail address is csharvison@comcast.net and my phone Numbers are: HOME-724-746-5139 CELL 724-344-9340. The members and officers of Post 911 extend to you our deepest sympathies at your loss."
Harry Harvison of Houston, Pa. Washington County

"It's Memorial Day 2009. Of course your in my heart everyday, but today it is just more in my face. I love Sean and miss you very much. I had to explain to Drew about Memorial Day and he said " That includes my Uncle Sean, I said Yes it most sicerently does", He speaks of you often and misses you too. See you again One day, until then I am proud of you and what you stood for and what you did for this country.

Much love,
Melissa Ray of Carolina Beach, North Carolina

"I knew Sean when we were at Bragg with the 504'. Whenever our company was about to do something incredibly "Army stupid," he would joke about it and make alot of us laugh and feel better. He marched to his own beat, with what he knew was right. It takes courage to do that in the Army. I will miss him."
Dan of Fort Drum, NY

"November 15, 2008
To the family of Staff Sgt. Sean P. Huey:
Sean gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV

"Well it's been 4yrs. today and it seems like it was today that it happened. I just spoke with Heather and she misses you too. I had Joey with me this weekend he reminds me of you alot with the way he acts like you and how he looks like you. You will live on in him, but it still isn't the same as having you here. I am very proud of you and much you deeply. Love you, Missy"
Melissa Ray of Carolina Beach, North Carolina

"Happy Father's Day. I love you"
Colleen Huey-Garra of Little Rock AFB AR

"Sean, we just got back from visitng mom and dad on leave. It's hard being home, I see you everywhere, all the memories, and great times we had growing up. I am so honored to be your sister and to have served along side you, I valued your advice, enjoyed talking to you and really admired the soldier you grew into. You are a born leader, whom I try to emulate everyday. In a few months I am going to school to be a First Sergeant, my dream and I wish you were here to see me graduate. You are such an inspiration to me and I'm sure to others who have crossed your path. I think of you everyday and I love you more than you know, if I had not been preganant I would have gladly switched places with you, but you wouldn't have wanted that. Always know you are a true inspiration to me and I love you more than anything...I miss you, thank you for all you ave done for our country. All my love..."
Colleen Huey-Garra of Cabot AR

"I had to place this poem here that was written by Heather's friend Bonnie, It is very touching and very true to heart for all that knew Sean:

Thanks Bonnie for such a wonderful tribute to such a LOVED man!!"
Melissa Ray of Carolina Beach, North Carolina

"Just wanted to leave a message of Thanks for everyone who has written a message for Sean and our family. We appreicate it very much and remember to keep our fellow soldiers in our prayers everyday. Love you and miss you deeply Sean."
Melissa of Carolina Beach, North Carolina

"To the Family of Sean Huey,
I wish you all peace in knowing that your son/brother gave his life for me and many others. For that I am forever grateful. God bless you all."
Lori Canetta-Siciliano of Port Richey, FL

"Huey you helped me grow into a man. I will always remember the fun times we had on Fredericktown Hill riding KX 80's and tick-tacking houses during Halloween . You will be truly missed. You and your family will be forever be in my families thoughts,hearts and mind's. God Bless you"
Trunzo Family of Fredericktown Pa 15333

"Sean, I think about you quite a bit. I havent been back to the states since you left us. but as soon as I get back Im going to try to get to Bragg to see you. Everytime someone mentions Bragg, I think of all the great times we had, playing ball parting or just hanging out. Heather sends pictures of Joey all the time. That is a good looking kid. Thank God he looks like Heather. lol I miss you brother."
Chris Ellis of Jalalabad, Afghanistan

"I miss you Sean! It's been three years today and I still can't beleive your gone. I love you more than you'll ever know. Love you!
Colleen of Little Rock AFB AR

"Sean, Happy Birthday! We all miss you so much. Not a single day goes by that I don't think of you. You are, and will always be my hero. Seane talks of you all the time, you are her Uncle Angel. She reminds me of you, and it makes me laugh. Our family will never be the same without you, but I think Joey and Seane fill the void somewhat for mom and dad. They love those two more than anything. All my love...Colleen"
Colleen of LRAFB AR

"Sean, First I want to wish you a happy birthday. I cant tell you where the time has gone but we all still miss you alot. Joey is growing into a crazy short irish boy. Everyday he does things that remind us of you. I know you are watching over everyone and helping keep us safe. Also please watch over Matt to make sure he comes home to see the birth of our little girl. I love you and miss you!!!"
April Nachman of Carolina Beach, NC

"SSG Burwell, Sean is buried at Sandhills Veterans Cemetary in Fayetteville NC (right outside of Ft Bragg) If you get a chance please contact me at colleen.garra@littlerock.af.mil


"Sean, I miss you and I love you so much! You are my hero! I am so proud of you! All my love always PS...when this MSgt stripe comes out in a few weeks it's your brother, I did it for you."
Colleen Huey-Garra of Little Rock AFB AR

"To whom it may concern:
We have gone to Washington D.C. for a field trip. We had many memories, but our favorite was definitely the Faces of the Fallen. In which your son/friend/husband has his name and picture.
Thank you so much for your son/friend/cousin/husband’s service in fighting for America. He has contributed to our freedom. This just shows that freedom is not free!!! He has made it safe and now I know that I can sleep on my pillow every night, without worrying about my freedom. Thank you so much. I am so sorry for your loss. I think that our country needs to come together. From my research, I have found that he was a great man. You must have been a great addition to his life and taught him good morals.

Tommy, Garrett, Ryan, and Joe"
Tommy, Garrett, Ryan, and Joe of Orange, California

"To the family members and friends of SSG Sean Huey, may God always watch over and help you in your rough times. I was Sean's roommate when I first got to Korea, he always talked about his family and how proud he was and how much he loved them. Sean was an intelligent, brave, strong, and caring man. He was well like and loved by all who knew him, especially by all in Hardrock Company. Not a day goes by that I don't think of Sean and his great sense of humor he had. Him leaving was the hardest thing in my life to accept. My prayers and thoughts are with you all on this Memorial Day and upcoming Father's Day. I was also curious where he was laid to rest so that one day I may visit him."
SSG Brian G. Burwell of Fort Benning, Georgia

Happy Birthday baby brother. We really miss you, it's hard to believe that it has been almost 2 years since you passed away. I can tell you that you are missed so very much. I think of you everyday at least 100 times, I wish things turned out differently and that you were still here. Even if only for a minute so I could tell you everything I didn't tell you when I seen you the last time. Your son will know what a great man his father was, and how much you loved him. Seane calls you Uncle Angel, she is growing so big. I wish you were here to see her. She loves Joe Pa, the other day we were watching the Penn State game and he came across the field and she went crazy, yelling his name. You would have been proud, I know I am. Please watch over Joey, Seane and Andrew. I love you Sean!"
Colleen of Fort Bragg NC

"Sean, Happy Birthday, I miss you bunches
Love You"
Melissa Ray of Carolina Beach, NC


Happy Father's Day. I love you..."
Colleen of Fort Bragg NC

"To the family of Sean P. Huey. With Father's Day approaching, I'd you to know that you are all in our prayers. Sean: Happy Father's Day. You made the ultimate sacrifice to insure that we here in the U.S. are able to be with our Fathers on Sunday. Thank you seems so inadequate. May God bless you and your family. From a grateful and proud American."
Andrea Mangione Standish of Austin, TX USA

It is our second Memorial Day without you...Since I am the NCO Academy and can't be at your grave, I sat by the American flag being flown at half staff in your honor and all of America's heros who died for this country. I still miss you everyday and I think of you always, if I would have know that 16 Jun 04 would be the last time I seen you alive I would have held onto you forver and never let you go. We are all very proud of you...If love could have kept you alive you would have lived forever. All my love, Colleen"
Colleen Huey-Garra of Foert Bragg NC

"Sean. Sitting here at work thinking of you. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you, Heather and Joey. I want to wish you a Merry Christmas. Just to let you know even though I am a Notre Dame fan, I will be rooting for th Nitny Lions and Joe pa. I know you'd want to see that game and I would probably be next to you having a drink razzing you about how good the Irish are or how bad Penn State is. But I will be thinking of you through the holiday's. Your greatly missed. As the Ranger creed states "Lead The Way" , and you did that for so many including the whole country of America. Tom, Cythia, and Daniel"
Tom of Fayetteville, NC

"Huey, It's been a year, sorry it took me so long. Other former Devils are with you now. Sean and I served together in the Red Devils. He was everything everbody said, hard working, smart, dedicated. I know he is missed and I think of him and other old paratroop buddies often. RIP."
Bruce Kocher of East Berlin PA

"Sean...it's been 1 year since you've been gone but it still hurts as much as the day I found out you were killed. I think I expected us to both retire from the military, move close to one another and watch Joey and Seane grow up together. I know God had other plans for you but how I wish you were still here with us. Since you have been gone, I learned to cherish the time we have on earth because we just never know when we will be gone. It's hard putting on a uniform everyday, but I have to keep on going and retire for the both of us. You are always with me, not an hour goes by that I don't think of you. I miss you baby brother more than I could ever express but I am proud of you and all the things you've done. The impact that you left in your short 28 years will aways be with our family, your son, and the soldiers that you looked out for. I love you and I'll see you again one day..."
Colleen of Fort Bragg NC

"Sean...you can rest easy now, your squad is home safe and sound. I want you to know that his has been a very hard week for me, knowing that if only you hadn't left us you would be home making me laugh right now. I miss you more and more every day but I am so very proud of you. Have fun sitting on the 50 yard line watching Penn State play football this year. I love you Sean."
Colleen of Ft Bragg NC

"I just learned of Sean's death today after reading about another fallen soldier from Washington County. I am deeply sorry. I can not express the sorrow I feel for the Huey Family. I met Sean many years ago when, Sean, Colleen and I were in my Aunt Kelly's wedding. I am so happy to know that Sean grew up to be such an awesome person. A Husband, Father, Soldier, a Hero and an Angel. Thank you Sean for giving the ultimate sacrifice for your country! You will never be forgotten!"
Candace Martin-Thomas of Washington, PA

"Happy Fathers Day Sean... I miss you and I love you. I hope that your happy wherever you are! Love you!"
Colleen of Ft Bragg NC

"Heather,(my heffalumps) I never have the right things to say... We were all blessed to have had Sean in our lives. My greatest sadness is for Joey, I wish he could've known him. I hope that he will always know how much his daddy loved him. Heather I know you'll always miss him, but he wouldn't want you to be sad, he'd want a party in his honor. As so many others have said, if he had to go, this is how he would've wanted it. I love you girl, I'll always be here for you."
Jeanette of Fayetteville, NC

"Thank you Sean, you have given the ultimate sacrifice. Not an hour goes by that I don't think of you. I miss you and I am so very proud of you! I promise you that I will finish out my career for the both of us and make you just as proud as you have made me."
Colleen Huey-Garra of Ft Bragg NC

"To my favorite son-in-law. You were more than that .You were the son I never had. A day does not go by that I do not think of you and miss you."
Robin Ray of Hope MIlls, NC

"To a brave soldier and a brother-in-law I wish I could have known longer. You will always be remembered for your sacrifice and you will live on through your son. We will never forget you and we'll meet again one day."
TSgt. Jim Garra of Pope AFB, NC

"My name is Captain William Jones, I was SSG Huey's company commander and I was with him the day he was killed. He was an outstanding Non-Commissioned Officer and a Great American. His death was a great loss and personally hurt me worse than anything has ever hurt me. He was one of my squad leaders but he was also my friend. He was my best squad leader and I came to depend on his knowledge and advice. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of my fallen friend. To Heather, I cannot begin to understand how you must feel with the loss of your best friend, your partner, father of your son and lover. He talked of you often and Joey always. He made me want to meet you to get to know such a wonderful woman. To Joey, your Dad was the best. He was liked by all who knew of him and loved by those who knew him best. He had an ego as big as a house and the smarts and muscle to back it up."
CPT William Jones of Bel Air, Maryland

"to our son sean, we love and miss you very much. we're so proud of you for all you've done. you made us so happy and we had o laugh a you all the time. you were our baby and you will always be our baby. love you with all our hearts dad & mom"
bob & kathy huey of fredericktown, pa

"To the Huey Family, I am SFC Tim Stricklin and I was Sean's platoon sergeant. I was standing right next to Sean the day he died. I can not express the sorrow I feel for your loss. Sean was a true leader, soldier, and most importantly a true friend. I was evacted with Sean and I held his hand until he was gone. Even though he was my squad leader I looked at him more as an equal. I think of him and all of you everyday. To his family thank you for the calls and the emails that you have given me they mean more than you know. To Heather I try everyday to contact you but I just cant get myself to do it I am sorry and I will talk to you real soon. I just want everybody that reads this to know what a great person Sean is and that I will never never forget him. God bless all of you."
SFC Tim Stricklin of Fort Carson, Co



"Heather and Sean,
I was Sean's platoon leader in C/1-504 at Ft. Bragg and he was my radio man. We shared many a laugh, many a long night and many discussions about life in general. When I became the Support Platoon leader and then the BN S4, Sean followed me and became my Air NCO. I always admired how he "made things happen." One of the funniest was when he convinced some SFC that he was a CSM. We all had a good laugh. We had our share of disargeements - expected between an officer and his NCO, most of which were just pretty dang humerous. You guys are in the prayers of my wife and I."
Alan Roper of Bentonville, AR

"to my husband and best friend, Thank you for all you have done for me. For giving me a beautiful son who will forever carry on your name and personality. to everybosy who has posted thank you. Sean i will never forget you and always love you"
Heather huey of Hope Mills, NC

"My Dearest Sean,
You are so much more to me than a brother-in-law. You are my hero and Drew's too. Drew misses you dearly and talks about you just about everyday.
I have named a star after to help Drew know that anytime he feels sad he can look up to the sky and know that you are always there looking out for him. Your son is so precious and looks at your pictures and says DaDa. I'm so sorry he will never know you like Drew has but you can be sure that Drew will tell him all about you. I love you and miss you bunches my little leperchaun."
Melissa of Carolina Beach, NC

"Uncle Sean, I am four months old today! Mommy named me after you, but you already knew that since she had decided to call me Seane before you left for Iraq. I love you Uncle Sean and I wish that I got to meet you. Please watch over Joey and I while we grow up! I'm proud of you Uncle Sean, thank yu for fighting for our freedom. All my love, Seane"
Seane of Fayetteville NC

"Sean it has been 6 months and i still cant believe you are gone. I watch Joey grow more like you everyday, with the way he walks talks and acts. We all wish you were here to see the man your son will grow up to be. But have no worries we will never let him forget the wonderful father and man you were. Your memory and soul will live with in him. We all miss you and love you and we will all see you one day."
April- sister in law of Fayetteville NC

"Sean, it is still hard to believe that you have payed the ulitmate price. We still have a hard time getting over these news, but you will always have a special place in our hearts, as does your family. Chris never had a better friend then you and he still misses you ever day."
Patty Ellis of Vecinza, Italy

"Sean, you were a great friend. You are an inspiration to me and to many others. I will cherish your friendship forever. The United States lost a great soldier and leader. I'll carry your spirit with me."
SSG Mike Branham of Ft. Lewis, Wa

"Well, it's almost been 3 months and I miss you more and more with each passing day. Thank you for fighting for our freedom, you are my hero, brother and best friend. I will see you again one day, until then keep cracking the jokes! I love you."
Colleen Huey-Garra of Fayetteville NC

"Sean you are so missed. I think of you every day. I love you so much and will never forget you. You will always be in our hearts and prayers."
Aunt Peggy of Pittsburgh, PA

"Sergeant Huey, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas

"SSG Huey was a squad leader in my boyfriend's platoon. He was injured the day SSG was killed. Thank you so much to the family for raising such a fine young man, he was absolutely loved and adored by the entire 2BCT who knew him."
Nicole of Franklin, MA

"We are so sorry for your loss. We lost Army Spc.Joshua Justice Henry on 9-20-04. This was the hardest day of our lives. We honor these guys as our Heroes and hope no one else has to go through with what we are all dealing with. Rest in peace Sean, and thank you for serving your country to the fullest."
Henry family of Vandergrift , PA

"sean is my brother, i would like to thank eveyone that has posted for him, he will be missed dearly, ans he will always be alive in my heart,"
mike of fredricktown pa

"To Sean's Family and Friends:

On behalf of the Blanco-Caldas family, we send our sincerest condolences. We share the same loss ... the same pain. Our prayers are with you in this most difficult time and we thank you for your soldier's bravery and sacrifice.


The Family of Capt. Ernesto M. Blanco-Caldas, 82nd Airborne
KIA Iraq 12/28/2003.
Gloria Caldas (The Big Ern's Mom) of San Antonio, TX

Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Sean, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you ALWAYS. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "

"To Sean's Family:
There are no words to express the sorrow we feel for your loss. May God bless you and help you through this time."
Dan and Meg Manninen of San Antonio, Texas

"Thank you Sean Huey, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios

"To the family and friends of Staff Sgt. Sean Huey:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Sean for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada

"To the family and friends of Staff Sgt. Sean Huey:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Sean, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia

Honor them by remembering... Freedom - is their gift to us But his soul goes marching on