22, of Santa Maria, California.
Heredia died at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany, from wounds received as a result of enemy action on November 10, 2004 in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. He was assigned to 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. Died on November 20, 2004.
Please send information, photos, and corrections for Marine Cpl. Joseph J. Heredia.
Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.
Please report inappropriate messages
"Cpl Heredia,
Thank you for your sacrifice and service to our country. May we never forget.
Your final escort home."
Maj Allen
"Rest in peace bro ur always missed and in our thoughts. Thank u for watching over us..semper fi"
Sgt gonzo 3/5 of Los angeles
"I will always remember one of the greatest marines I have ever served with one of the greatest leaders I have ever met"
charles hermanson of Mims,florida
"30 Nov. 2016; Memorial Day. You will not be forgotten. Semper Fidelis Marine."
Sgt. Nathan Felsing of Minneapolis, MN
"September 2015 - Joseph, I did not have the honor of knowing you personally but in the last two years that I've known your mom, I have gotten to know you a little and also how much you are missed! I promise to watch over your mom as much as possible but I need your help, please... She continues to struggle with your departure and it breaks my heart. I don't have the words to console her. I pray that God gives her heart peace. Your siblings have purchased a banner that will sit at the 42 yard line at the SMHS football field to honor your sacrifice and also of ALL fallen heroes and veterans. May God Bless you all!"
Much Love & Respect - Your moms friend of Santa Maria, CA
"Always greatful for what you did for our country 2015"
Nick Luque of Orcutt,Ca
"After going to school with this great person named Joe from 6 grade and on I remember on the last day of freshman year in high school Joe was telling me he wanted to talk to the finest girl in the school but was so nervous to do so. I told him dooo it or you will regret it all summer. I didn't think he would cuz he was so nervous but as I was leaving to the parking lot I seen him talking to this girl he's bin talking about for months her name is natalia and what do u know he ended up marrying this wonderful girl lol. He's aways bin brave as far as I can remember. Much love to all his family I'm so proud of u Joe love u bro see u one day agin"
Nick Luque of Orcutt,Ca
"its been 10 years and ur always in my thoughts. thank you for watching over us.. always missed man.
"You have not been forgotten~"
a former 3/5 mom of California
"semper fi joseph... thank you for watching over us..cant believe it has been so many years since u left us... miss u brother...til we meet again"
sgt gonzo 3/5 of west covina
"I served with your husband in Fallujah during that tragic day. I am so sorry for your loss. He was a great man and there is not a day goes by that I don't think of him.I wish every day that I could change what happened.So sorry. Semper Fi"
Sgt. Nist of Somerset,Pa
"My name is Natalia Heredia, Cpl Heredia's wife. I barely learned of this page and would like to thank each and every one of you who took the time to leave a message, I greatly appreciate the kind words that have been written. I cant believe it will be 8 yrs since he has passed tomorrow. It saddens me but also I know deep in my heart that he passed doing what he loved and fighting for something he believed in. Always in our hearts and never forgotten Joe! Love u and miss you everyday.
Natalia Heredia, wife of Cpl Joseph J Heredia of Santa maria, ca
"just had a cold beer for u bro and remembering the goodtimes we all had in oki. salzeros style lol.. u r missed."
sgt gonzo 3/5 of west covina
"just had a cold beer for u bro and remembering the goodtimes we all had in oki. salzeros style lol.. u r missed."
sgt gonzo 3/5 of west covina
"Never having met you or your family, I think about you often, and have a constant view of you and Jonathan together in a picture/portrait atop Jon's piano."
Donna Harvison (Jonathan's Mom) of McKeesport, Pennsylvania
"hey brother, this is cpl tafoya , we had great times on base ,in japan , and even your first tour in iraq.
i will never forget you and i hope all is well with your mother and family.
god bless and semper fidelis"
cpl tafoya 3/5 marines motor t of fontana ca
"Cpl Heredia was my Marine. Not a month goes by that I don't think of him. On this Memorial Day weekend, I felt compelled to write a short note of remembrance. He was an outstanding NCO and showed courage under fire. I truly thought he would pull through especially with the quality care provided in Germany. I was saddened and shocked when told of his passing. I wish I had more Marines just like Joseph. I will never forget him nor the sacrifice he made for our Country and Corps. Rest in peace Marine.
Maj Tim Robertson
Former BN S-4 Officer, 3/5
Major Tim Robertson of 29 Palms, CA
"Rest in Peace brother..."
Cpl. Gonzalez, Juan of Scottsbluff, Nebraska
"I never want to forget the sacrifices of so many young men and women. I am so proud it makes me cry. I understand in theory only that war is a part of human nature but so is love and caring. I wish I could take the families pain away but I can't. I am committed to loving ALL people, myself and our environment. I am committed to working on my happiness everyday because so many have died for my freedom to live my life. Thank you is not enough but it is all I have. All my love and respect. ogersteiner@yahoo.com
Scott Steiner of Worthington, OH USA
"A memorial profile has been created for Cpl Heredia at Marines Together We Served. View it at http://marines.togetherweserved.com/profile/228494
God bless the Heredia family.
Rest in peace brother,...Semper Fi.
SSgt Cole"
SSgt Cole of Visalia, CA
"November 16, 2008
To the family of Cpl. Joseph J. Heredia:
Joseph gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV
"I never served with Joseph, I had the honor of being his friend. We spent alot of time together on the football field from youth to Varsity, one thing you could always count on from Joe that was as much apart of him it sits in my heart as the only way I could remeber his face, when you looked at Joe he always had a smile on and as sad as I get think of that smile and I'm happy again. We love you Joe and we will never forget you."
GSM3 Ruben Ramos of Santa Maria Ca
"Remembering Joseph, I havent forgotten, I served with Joseph and was in his platoon. We switched places that day, I was the gunner on that Hmmwv an hr before they ran over the cluster bomb. I wont forget his mother either. She was the first person I saw when we arrived in Camp Pendleton. She told us all that she wanted to know was how it would feel for her son to come home. Some of us attended church with her a few months later and I walked her down the ile and will never forget that day. I also visited his resting place with Kellum and Wildrick who were good friends and were in the platoon. If anyone who reads this has info on how to get a hold of his mother email me or call baezmario2001@yahoo.com 773-369-6145"
Cpl Baez Mario of Chicago IL
"God Bless you and thank you for your sacrifice"
Carlos Heredia of San Francisco CA
"hey joseph i got a flag and i am passing it on to this physical theropy office in temple california were i am getting re-hab. for a line of duty injury that i sistained. and they will post it up on the wall in your honor. ok again. love you joseph. Your Best Coach ever SSG Norman A. Snowden."
SSG Norman A Snowden of Paso robles CA.
"Joseph this is your high school jv football coach. i remember the last time that i had talked to you. you were really upset about your break up with your wife and was talking about you did not care what happened now. we had a talked for about an hour on the matter. i found out when i got deployed that you were gone. man! i wish i could have said something better. well hopefully i did. you were one of the best kids that i have ever coached in the high school system. i once told you that i would always be there for you. maybe i did not know what i was saying because i could not help when it seemed you needed me most. but i am still here and thinking of you always. Your Coach SSG Norman A. Snowden."
SSG Snowden of Santa Maria CA
"In your honor and with gratitude to you, Joseph Javier Heredia, I’ve planted a daffodil in your name, as have others across the United States as part of Project LIVE ON, a not-for-profit program founded to memorialize each U. S. military who has died in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Thousands of beautiful daffodils across the country will come up each Spring, and, like your Spirit, will LIVE ON...and ON. Blessings to you, the family, as you grieve, and heal. For details, contact projectliveon@aol.com. Jan. 23, 2006."
Gretchen Forbes of the northcentral mountains of Pennsylvania
"I have planted a daffodil for you, along with 49 more bulbs to represent other soldiers who were killed in Iraq. Your flower will be seen every year and sacrifice remembered. Projectliveon@aol.com"
Ruth Anderson of Mountain View , California
"Dear Joseph J. Heredia Family, My sincerest condolences on your loss. My name is Marc Dull, I am a USAF Veteran and an Artist from Illinois. Thank you for your Joseph's Honorable Service and Ultimate Sacrifice for America and it's Values. His Legacy will endure by God! I found Joseph's Memorial page while doing some research for a very important project that I thought you might want to know about. I just returned from Camp Pendleton where I visited the Commanding Officer of the 5th Regiment. I am preparing to sculpt a large monument specifically for the 5th Regiment and the Fallen Heroes in Operation Iraqi Freedom for the Memorial Garden area on Camp San Mateo there. Please e-mail me at dullart7@cs.com if you would like to contribute any input or feedback. I would be honored by your participation on behalf of Joseph! Semper Fidelis, God Bless you and your Family, Salute"
Marc Dull of Illinois
"To the family and friends of CPL Heredia,
My name is Jack Lewis, a 10th grade in Upstate NY. I had ordered a POW/KIA braclete from a company online, and recieed CPL Heredia's name. I just want you to know, I think of him, and the sacrifice he made for us everyday. His bravery and selflessness will never be forgoten."
Jack Lewis of New York
"hey brother. my condolenses to your family. I attended boot camp with joseph in Jan. 2001. Mike co. plt. 3143. I just learned of the tragedy a week or two ago when i seen your picture on TV. YOu are a hero in all of our eyes. See you in the crossroads brother. Semper Fi"
A. Torres of CAmp Pendleton, CA/USA
"To The family of Heredia:
I served with him during the war we fought by each others side for 7 mths he was a very good friend and a loyal marine may god bless him and the rest of the family. To Joseph man it was great knowing you I'll keep that brand new case of Double Six Dominoes for you!!!"
Pedro Quintana of Flushing,NY/US
"I served with Joseph as a member of 3/5. You could not find a better Marine or person. It deeply saddens my heart to hear this news. My prayers are with his family and the everyone else that is involved. He did not lay down his life for nothing, he realized like many of us the greater good and a calling greater than ourselves. Rest in Peace my "BROTHER"."
Sgt. Brandon Braun of Omaha, NE
"Corporal Heredia, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas
"I am sorry to hear the lose of Joseph, I served with him in the pooley program in Santa Maria, CA. He sacrificed his life for God, our country and freedom. May peace be with your family. God bless your family and all the troops serving. Semper Fidelis Joe."
Sergeant D. R. Velasquez of Jacksonville, NC
"We are all sorry for the lost of such a good friend an solider. My husband served with you and hearing of this makes you pray even more for the safe return of all our soliders, especially the young ones whose lives have just begun."
babygirl of Cali
"To the family and friends of Corporal Joseph J. Heredia,
Those we hold most dear, never truly leave us. May you find comfort in love's everlasting connection.
In the Support section of this web site you will find links to many groups that support you at this crucial time. The Marine Comfort Quilt group would be honored to send a quilt to the next of kin. There are many, loving and caring Americans from all over the United States that will never forget the sacrifice that your loved one has made for our Freedom. Please use our link and register so we can send our "Love Stitched Together."
Proud Marine Mom and Proud Member of Marine Comfort Quilts"
Sandra Moudy of Placentia, Ca USA
Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Joseph, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you ALWAYS. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "
"Thank you Joseph Heredia, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios
"To the family and friends of Cpl. Joseph Heredia:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Joseph for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada
"To the family and friends of Cpl. Joseph Heredia:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Joseph, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia