Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Remembering the servicemembers who died in the service of their country.

Marine Sgt. Foster L. Harrington

31, of Ft. Worth, Texas.
Harrington died due to enemy action in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. He was assigned to the Marine Corps Reserve's 3rd Force Reconnaissance Company, 4th Marine Division, Mobile, Alabama. Died on September 20, 2004.

Please send information, photos, and corrections for Marine Sgt. Foster L. Harrington.


Contributions to the Families of the Fallen


Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.

Please report inappropriate messages

"Not forgotten brother. Missing you tonight, and remembering the "good times" like those of Rosy singing the "back side" of the albums or having a Captain and Coke. Rest easy. S/F"
Shane T of 3rd Force Recon Co

"You never knew me but your legacy lives on through me. Thank you for your sacrifice to our nation. Your legacy lives on through us."
CPT T. Black, USA

"You will always be missed Brother! 20200525"
Chris Maser GySgt (Rt.) of Quantico

"I remember your name Brother"
Doc Hewett of Tampa Bay Area

"Forever indebted, forever grateful, never forgotten."
Greg of Texas

"My name is Michelle, I am Fosters cousin. I just wanted to say thank you all for writing all these amazing words about my cousin . He was such an amazing man that I miss very much. It makes me smile just reading the out pour of love and great stories. Thank you again."
Michelle Fabrizio of CT

"Foster you are still remembered"
Wade of Ft Worth

Thank you for your friendship, courage, and sacrifice. You are not forgotten.

Company C, Plt1102, MCRD 1992"
Woodworth of San Jose, CA

"Just thinking of you on this Memorial Day old SOI buddy and ft worth boy"

"I served with 3rd Force during 1968-69-70 in I Corp.So I know how you folks feel.I salute you for your service and in keeping the honor of our great company.We will never forget. SF Ruben Alvarez H:904 778 7650 C:904 699 3670"
Ruben Alvarez of Jacksonville Fl.

"Foster was my friend.... I will miss him very much...but I will ALWAYS remember and honor him... To the family of Foster, May god bring you the peace and reassurance that Foster was a great man, American, Marine, and brother to us all.... He will be missed but never forgotten!! Semper Fidelis Foster....."
MSgt Jimenez JJ of Miami, Fl

"My sincerest condolences to the Harrington family. Foster you will be missed. Semper Fi brother."
Andy Fernandez of Miami

"I went to Jump School with Foster in 2001, and he was at my house when he got his deployment orders. What a True Warrior. He is missed.... I cant say enough good things about him..."
Leath of Coral Springs FL

"To the family of:Foster L.Harrington
I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015.
Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga""

"It has been 7 years buddy. Thank you, for everything you gave for our freedoms."
Woodworth, Plt1102, Co.C

"I still think of Foster often-he was truly an amazing soldier, boyfriend to my sister, brother and friend who gave of himself freely everyday . He was one of the coolest guys I had ever met.Thank you again Foster for the greatest sacrifice anyone could give. I miss you man.."
Laura of Mobile, Al

"I went through SOI with Foster and remember him as one motivated Rouge Warrior. Thank you Foster for giving the ultimate sacrifice."
James Currie of SF, CA Left Coast

"Happy Memorial Day Sgt. Harrington. You are missed.

Cpl. J. Wilson"

"I was in boot camp and SOI with Foster and we loved being 0331's. Carrying the big machine guns and thinking we were invinsible. I was shocked to hear of his death about a year ago and I pray that his family and friends are well and know that I had a great deal of respect for Foster and and know he is with our God. I left the Corps years ago and Foster is the true hero and may god always protect him and his family."
Sgt Wade Walls of Ft Worth, Texas

"Sgt. Harrington,
I think about that afternoon often. It's something that I will never forget."
Brandon Johns of Charlotte, NC

"To the family of Sgt.Harrington you have my condolences i am a marine vet from Fort Worth during my spare time i have made some Gold Star Pillows for the Fallen Heros and i would like to give his family one to let them know we have not forgotten what that marine done for his country my email address is(socool371@yahoo.com) and i am with the Fort Worth Marine Corps League Det#731"
Anthony King of Fort Worth.Texas U.S.A

"It has been a few years now and I still think about what 3rd force recon lost that day in Iraq. Much before you had a chance to show your valor on the battlefield, you were showing it day to day in the time that most people take for granted. I remember while we were on DET, someone was making their cherry jump and they landed wrong. I was looking on trying to determine from afar if the doc was okay after the impact. Without hesitation you bolted to the rescue. I can still see the slogans written on your helmet as it hit the ground clouded in the dust from your sprint to the injured jumper. G.I. Jew, Real American Hebrew. I will never forget your selflessness and your humor. Third force was where I grew up and Sgt. Harrington and others for better or for worse were my role models. I could go on and on about how much class Sgt. Harrington had and how special he was, but everyone who knew him already knows that. To the family and loved ones of one of the greatest human beings to ever live, God Bless.

Sgt. Jesus Granados of Orlando, FL

"”Honor and Remember” - “Project Compassion” We love our Soldiers! We love our country and we cannot express enough love and compassion to the families of our fallen heroes. War does not discriminate – It breaks our hearts to see the faces of the fallen. We want to give this gift to you. We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization! Over 1,750 portraits have been completed and shipped to the parents and or spouse - at no cost as this is a gift from one American to another!
Mothers of our heroes, please be aware that the Project Compassion sponsors will now help cover the costs of the portraits for you to have one - regardless if the spouse of the hero has one or not!
Contact us directly at Projectcompassion@manti.com or go to www.heropaintings.com . If you have already had a portrait completed, we pray that you are enjoying the portrait and God Bless You.
Sincerely and Respectfully,
Project Compassion
P.O. Box 153
Manti, Utah 84642"
Project Compassion of Manti, Utah USA

"Foster, we haven't forgotten your sacrifice."
Jeff Moore of Arlington, Va


We met in Highschool and thru the Haltom City Explorers. I had the great pleasure of you being my best man, at my wedding. You are an unbelieveable person and best of all a Marine. I just found out you died and im sick that i didnt make an effort to find you before God had you come back and guard his kingdom. The letters below are a great legacy as to your character, honor and your frienship to so many people. Your name will forever be remembered in my heart. God bless you my friend, thank you for your valiant service and protector of peace and the weak.

Brian Head
Ftw, Texas"
Brian Head of Ftw,Texas

"Semper Fidelis"
SSGT Guzinsky, D.S. of Huntsville, AL

"Foster, I just found out. I am sorry my brother. You are greatly missed, and my heart is heavy. Altruism - Concern for or devotion to the interests of others as a matter of principle. In rabbinic terms, an altruist is one who performs a good deed or fulfills a precept disinterestedly or le-shem shamayim---"for the sake of heaven." Whether a person is attending to his own needs or to those of the community, he should not concentrate on personal gain, achieving power, or self-glorification. You are the epitimy of this word. You have always been an outstanding person, and Marine from since we became friends in Recon. I served with Harrington in 1/7 Recon. My brother, may god bless your travels.

Cpl Coste"
Tony of Lansing,MI

"Hi -
I met Foster in a dance club in the Redlands area. A year or so later, he came up to see me in UT. Then we lost contact and I got married. I've thought and prayed for him, but couldn't remember his last name. Then the other day, I decided to try to find some soldier we could write to and show support to and it was as if someone were wispering it in my ear - Foster Harrington! Then when I searched online for him and found this Memorial. His Spirit, no doubt lives on! I went to a viewing the other day and no doubt her body was lifeless, but part of us never dies!

I remember Foster as someone who put his all into whatever he was doing, whether it was the marines, his music or his heart. His Mom's death was very difficult for him - he felt very alone, but now he's with her and others that love him. I hope that his family feels comfort and love every time they think about him. Foster - You're a great person! Thank you for the love you showed me as my friend and as a hero giving your all for our country!
Julie of UT

Thank you for always including me, listening to me, believing in me and for making me feel like I belonged. Your strength, courage, friendship, laughter and stories will remain with me for the remainder of my life, thank you for all you taught me. I will never forget you! Semper Fi.

“Tears are permitted to us, but they must glisten in the light of faith and hope.” – C.H. Spurgeon

SSgt S. J. Teske, USMC"
Sarah Teske of New Orleans, LA

"August 3, 2008
To the family of Sgt. Foster L. Harrington:
Foster gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV

"July 4 2008
You are remembered and missed.
Thank you for your sacrifice.
Rest in peace.
G-d Bless"

"Sgt. Foster Harrington:

You are not forgotten on this Memorial Day 2008. Returned from #2 tour in Iraq a few months ago. Your sacrifice has paved the way for a lot of progress in Anbar. A long road, but things are happening that we hoped would occur in 2004. Semper Fi."
Col. V.

"In his loving memory, I truly feel drums in my heart for my brother."
Ocampo, A. R. of U.S.M.C.

"In his loving memory, I truly feel drums in my heart for my brother."
Ocampo, A. R. of U.S.A.

"A note from a passerby to reaffirm to those who miss and love you that you are thought of and remembered. Cherish those memories. 1/10/2008
Rest in peace."

"I am so saddened by this loss. rest in peace."

"I wanted to thank everyone who has shared their memories and feelings on this site. You have helped me get to know a man that I have never met but I wear his KIA bracelet EVERYDAY. I speak to Foster regularly and do my best to keep his memory alive. Thank you Foster for your great sacrifice!!"
Tiffany of Oakland, New Jersey

"One of the hardest working Marines I have served with. Likable, knowlegable and always proud to serve his country.

7th Marines "Recon Platoon""
SGT Handzus of Charleston IL

"Foster was my best friend growing up. We were both going to join the marine core together. I wanted to be a helicopter pilot for the marines, but decided to go to college instead and studied to be dramatic arts and pedagogy (School teacher courses). Foster wrote me many letters thru 1993, during bootcamp, and in 1995 when he was stationed out in Cali, and visted me often in Fort Worth where I went to school at Texas Wesleyan. I suffered a mental breakdown in 1995 and Fosters letters help me much to pull through in the hospital. He was the most loyal and best friend I ever had. I transfered to Univ. of North Texas in the late 1990's and he moved out to Florida from California were he was stationed. We talked on the phone when we could but eventually lost contact.
He told me he was a life guard and worked on the beach out near Palm Beach Fl and never would be a lifer.
He always wanted to be a police officer and wanted to work for the DEA. That was one of his dreams. He did get to be a fireman in his last residential town. His biggest dream was to be in the Recon for the USMC. He made it to the Marines. And died as a Marine. That is the way he would of wanted it to end.
I remember he was so excited during his tryouts to be a sniper.
He almost made it to sniper but did achieve Sgt. in the recon. I was so happy for him. I was teaching at Keller ISD, near Keller Junior High, where Fos and I met in sixth grade, when I heard of his death. Keller Junior High is where we became best friends. We met in a Reading class in 6th grade in Ms. Davis's class. We used to throw spit balls at the dorks.
The first thing Foster ever told me was about how his father faught and survived Viet Nam as a Navy Seal.
We used to dress up in camo and go on bunk recon missions, out in the fields in summerfields and Haltom. Sometimes his brother Jason would hang out and I remember one time Jason got jumped by a bunch of drunken hood rats in the front yard, we were all Freshmen in High School, Jason was in Junior High. I remember Foster came out of the front door with a hunting bow and arrow and pointed at the hood rats. They all scattered like insurgants. I called 911 and the police came and laughed about it. At the time, Foster was joining the Explorer program with the Fort Worth Police Dept. That is a program directed to young, up in coming police officer. Mostly school kids wanted to study law enforcement. Foster even took me to my first autopsy. In High School, 1991, Foster took me to my first autopsy. We got to watch a doctor cut open a gun shot victim and observe the CSI procedures and the analyzation of the bullet and possible leads to an real investigation.
We had the best of times together. We went on canoe trips and he loved hunting. We never got to go hunting but we did spend great times together like in that movie Stand By Me. Foster was always gung ho and loved the marines. He loved MASH, and Platoon and the movie Heartbreak Ridge with Clint Eastwood. We used to sing the marine chants when we go on nightly jogs. I was there for him in New York 1993 when his mother died. It was a tragic time and he cried in my presence. He loved his mother very much. When I found out Foster was killed in action during 2004 I was teaching and had to leave the classroom to get away from work. I cried for about an hour, alone. I even got in trouble at work, but I told them the situation. I miss Foster. He was the best friend I ever will have. My God bless his soul. And God Bless the USMC
Jonathan Cole Spivey of Crowley TX USA

"To Fosters Family,

I went to Boot Camp, MCT, SOI, and we were staioned in 29 Palms together as well. We always had a good time and laugh whenever we saw each other. He was a great Marine and great man. God Bless Foster!

T. Brady
Chicago Police Dept."

"Miss you man. We had some good times at 3rd Force. You were always interested in making things better/faster/leaner."
SSgt Keefover of Key West, FL

"Foster, it has been over two and a half years, and I think about the most respected Sergeant I have ever met. Thanks for always being there, when I needed to to talk or just get out of the office. I now have a daughter who has Cerebral Palsy and I hope you could watch over her everyday. She is so beautiful Foster and I really wish you would have met her. Thanks for being my friend, and talking on the phone with me as we both drove from mobile to home for Thanksgiving 2003. I miss you Foster."
Sgt Donald Tyler of New Orleans, LA

"i'll miss u uncle"
nick of keller

"Foster you were always a great mentor and friend. I looked up to you for years as a role model and I will never forget the example you set for others to follow. Semper Fi."
John Toel of Canton, GA

"Foster is a son to me .He lived with me and my family .It has taken over 2 years to be able to write this letter .
Foster was a rare and wonderful person .I received his last letter to me 1 month after his death . I read it every week and mourn the loss of this son . My other son William D. has left a message and that is good .
He and i spent alot of time discussing war as i served during VN . We had that bond and kinship of those who defend freedom . He was not fearful AND HE WAS RESOLUTE IN THE CAUSE OF DEFENDING THE WESTERN WORLD .
Dan Dragonetti
Sebastian, Fl."
Dan Dragonetti of Sebastian

"Foster, its Smily. I just ran into Kristen Huan at the Down Under restaurant in Frisco and your name came up. I saw you last at the High School reunion in the Stockyards in 2002. I know, I thought it was pretty weak too. Neither of us had done a good job of keeping up with the other. It's hard when you serve.

Well, I miss you bro. I will keep you in my thoughts as I leave for Afghanistan this Sunday. I'll keep your pic in my helmet.

As someone once said, guard those "streets" well my friend!"
LT Tim "Smily" Sommers of Monterey, CA

"Foster was as close to a brother to me. I miss him. He was a man that lived right and did not care what status quo did. I will miss you my brother."
Robert "Doc" Creager of Orlando, FLorida

"Hey Buddy can't believe your lookiing down on us from Heaven. I still remember the good old times we had in Twentynine Palms Ca 1\7 Marines, the Metro in Riverside ,TJ in Mexico and finally in Okinawa Japan. I still remember the saying you always said "Faster than a Texas Heratbeat". To Foster's girlfriend I was a Marine stationed with Foster when he and I were on active duty we were in the same platoon. I will never forget him and his goodwill heart that he has and will always have. I will miss you my brother OOOH RAH DEVILDOG.

Chang and also known as Changles"
Tuk Chang of Mundelein IL US

"We never met, but I wanted to let you know on behalf of all here in Fort Lauderdale, we are proud of you and will honor your memory forever."
JM of Fort Lauderdale, USA

"hey brother,
just poppin in again. ive been here in fallujah for 2 months now, and they havent managed to get me yet, guess youre keepin an eye on me. thanks. want ya to know i think about ya every time i leave the gate, and dont worry, we'll clean up here. we all miss ya bro. and fran, i know you dont know who i am, but foster talked about you all the time, and im sure you heard me in the background while we were at the MCITWS course. i hope youre doing well."
SSgt Scott J McLaughlin RCT5 PSD PLTSGT of Fallujah, Iraq

"God Bless you Foster. Thanks for being my friend. I will never forget you or your sacrifice."
Frank Laureano of Jacksonville, Alabama


I am so proud of you, hardcharger. You are brave and noble and I am proud to have known you. Guard those streets well, brother.
Platoon 1102, Charlie Company"
Charles W. Little I of Ft Worth TX

"I will never forget the last time I saw you Sgt. Harrington at the unit. I know that due to your sacrifice we all can sleep easier at night. I miss you and you will never be forgotten in the hearts and minds of the Marines at 3d FORREC/ 4th SCAMP."
Thornton of Mobile, AL. USA

"My condolences to the family. Although, we didn't know each other, I wanted to pay my respects to a fallen hometown hero. I salute you for your service, Sgt Harrington!"
Angela Turman of Fort Worth, Texas


PLT 1102"


I'll never forget everything you did for all the other recruits at bootcamp. You never slowed down and you never let anyone give up. How many nights did we sit up polishing boots and roaches? You were a true Marine from the start."
Woodworth of Plt 1102


"Hola Amigo." We think of you always. I promise you that your brothers will not allow your sacrifice to be in vain. Til' we meet again in Valhalla.

Your "Freakin Rican",


P.S. Derrick and "Beandip" miss you too."
SGT Miguel Rosario of West Palm Beach, Fl

"Foster I miss you more and more everyday. You brought so much joy to me, and while I will never understand why you had to be taken away from me, I thank God everyday for having you in my life. I am a better person for knowing you. I just hope you know just how much I love you."
Fran of Mobile, Al

"Foster was one of the best people I have ever known. He was my " adopted brother". Foster had a heart that was bigger than the great state of Texas he was born in. I met Foster here in FT Lauderdale, and from the momment we met, Foster and I became great friends. He would do anything for anyone, and never met a stranger. Foster's passing has left an empty place in my heart, but his life in this world a better place. I learned a lot from Foster, and knowing him made me a better person. You could not meet a finer person than Foster. I made a promise that every year, a candle will be lit for Foster on the day of his passing, to remember the wonderful, smiling person with so much heart that was, and always will be , my friend Foster. Aloha , my brother, and I will see you one day on that big wave upstairs."
Bill D. of Ft Lauderdale

"Foster, you were one of my favorite people. We all miss you here in Broward. Thanks for the good times and we’ll never forget you. Last time I saw you was at the Tool show. I hope you are now with your parents. Sincerely, Andrew.."
Andrew of Ft. Lauderdale, FL

"I was sitting here working tonight listening to some tunes and heard a song that reminded me of our single helmet times in Ft. Lauderdale. Thought I would look you up and see how you were doing..............................................I wished I had done this 4 months ago! Foster you were a great man and you will live on in the stories that i will tell my 3 month old daughter as she grows old.

Thanks for being there for me!"
Jason of Atlanta

"I had the opportunity to spend three years of my life in Fort Lauderdale Fl. with a guy named Foster Harrington who was origanlly from somewhere in Texas. We were life guards on the beach, a great man, friend and roomate. The last time I spoke with him he was working at a hospital in Miami. If this is my fallen friend.................Thanks for giving me the chance and opportunity to be free!"
Jason Thacker of Atlanta


"To the family and loved ones of Sgt. Harrington. In another war in another land, I served TDY with 3rd Force and 1st Recon while in Viet Nam. I knew men like Sgt. Harrington. Thanks to this great man and great Marine, the cause of Freedom has been kept alive through his ultimate sacrifice. May all of your grief and sadness be replaced with pride and honor and dignity. He served you and all of us and he will be always remembered as a true hero."
Former Sgt. J. R. Hall of Cedar Park, Texas USA

"Foster Harrington was a reserve Marine and true "citizen soldier". He treasured both those roles and was a fine Marine and a fine citizen. He won a place in the hearts and minds of his fellow Marines as a Force Reconnaissance team leader. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and fiance--his role in their lives was unknown to me until his funeral, but exteremly moving. He will be missed most profoundly by his family and his fellow Marines. We will not forget his sacrifice. Semper Fi."
M. D. Visconage, Colonel, USMCR of San Antonio, Texas

"I don't know if we're related, but I noticed Foster's surname in a list of the fallen in Iraq. To Foster's family and friends, I grieve for your loss, and I wish Foster had never been sent to Iraq."
John Harrington of Southern California

"Foster- You will never be forgotten at 3rd Force Recon Co. We were at your funeral in Ft. Worth and your memorial service in Mobile, but we will remember you most by your positive attitude under adversity and your ability to teach and inspire others. I last saw you in Husaybah, Iraq in August '04 when we conducted our relief-in-place, but I know that you're still watching out for all of us until we link up in the future. Rest in peace, Brother."
Capt Jeff Moore, USMCR of 3rd Force Reconnaissance Co., Mobile, AL

Hey man, I know you can read this up there. It seems like just yesterday that I sent you cammies so you could go over there. You were supposed to come back. Anyways, my prayers go out to your girlfriend. I remember you two on the phone all the time at the T course. Man, you were a pretty awesome dude, and a bad-a$$ Marine. You never let your bubbles and wings go to your head, and all of us from SD respected the hell out of you for it. I'll never forget that night drinking shots at the Dirtwood. You'll be missed Brother, and definitely never forgotten. Smitty, Padilla, Coyer, and Alviso feel the same too man. Look down upon us, and watch the backs of your fellow Marines from above. Later Bro, I'll miss ya."
SSgt Scott J. McLaughlin of MCRD San Diego, CA

"To the Family of Foster, I had the pleasure of working with Foster. I went to Jump School with him several years ago and we became good friends right away. He was an outstanding Force Reconnaissance Marine earning many honors for his leadership. I always wanted to visit him in Florida. He will live on forever in the hearts who loved him.
Semper Fi Brother
I'll see you in the next life."
Jason "Billy" Watts of of 1st Force Recon Company

"Sergeant Harrington, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas


Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Foster, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you ALWAYS. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "

"To the family of Foster,
Our sincerest condolences for your loss. Foster is a true American hero and will always be remembered for his bravery and sacrifice he gave to our country. Our family has also suffered the loss of my nephew in this battle for freedom. May God bless you during this difficult time."
Vic and Tammy McClain--azquail@att.net of Tucson, AZ

"My deepest sympathy, our family to has also suffered the loss of a precious life in this battle for freedom. May God bless you and help you through this time. Forever in our hearts a HERO Foster L. Harrington."
Amy & Aaron Monier of Waterford, MI.

"Thank you Foster Harrington, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios

"To the family and friends of Sgt. Foster Harrington:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Foster for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada

"To the family and friends of Sgt. Foster Harrington:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Foster, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia

Honor them by remembering... Freedom - is their gift to us But his soul goes marching on