30, of Placentia, California.
Harrell died due to injuries received from hostile fire in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. He was assigned to 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, California. Died on April 8, 2004.
Please send information, photos, and corrections for Marine Staff Sgt. William M. Harrell.
Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.
Please report inappropriate messages
"Good evening my brother, 20 years ago David called me, your gone. Wow, I struggle to process Ok, funeral very numb, my apologies to Kelly I was very distant. Kelly and Austin miss you (he is 27 be proud, they both love you, restored your truck for him I have seen). I’m having a dry Scotch in your HONER. I love you man, your not a hero, You’re the man who did his job! I’d be proud to surf by you, who could take the biggest waves? I think you would kick the old mans *, I Love ya, Larry"
Larry of Europe
"Thought of you today Brother! we will meet again in Heaven! SEMPER FI
God Bless Harrell Family!
Cpl D.ELGIN 2/5 1992-1996"
Damian Elgin of Agua Dulce CA
"Happy Memorial Day thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice Billy."
Margaret Delgado of Lucerne Ca
"Always in our thoughts. So grateful for your life . . ."
Shellie Starr of Snohomish, WA
"Im having a tough time today & tonight... This weekend is flooded with Memories, 11 years ago The News, I think sometimes I still struggle to accept you are gone from this life, I feel like its been a million years.. Do people remember? of course they do, I wish you were here for so many things, seeing your son, you & kelli retiring how you wanted, the kids and all they have accomplished... Dad, God he misses you too... I Miss You Brother...."
"RIP, brother Marine. Semper Fi."
LCpl James of California
"FOUND: I found a Memorial metal bracelet this past weekend (2/14/15) at Glamis Sand Dunes, CA. Pad 2 area off Gecko Road. I would love to get it back to its owner. Please contact me if you have any information. 602.663.7407"
Kari of Glendale, Arizona
"I Miss you Brother...."
"Sometimes I wish I could pick up the phone and hear you..."
"As long as there is a breath in my body , Your Sacrifice will NEVER be forgotten... Love & Miss You"
"Happy 40th Best Friend.... You are so missed and loved"
"Thinking of you on what would have been your 40th birthday! Happy birthday Billy! You are missed."
JoAnn Wind Compton of Plano, TX
"Merry Christmas Brother, I will always be Thankful for you , This time of year is tough, I miss you so much more... Christmas was always your favorite, oh the memories.... Love You More"
"Harrell, this was such a shock to us all. Gonzo, took the news pretty hard. My heart ached for Austin and Kellie. I think of them often. I know you are missed. The waves will never be the same without you."
Lisa (Gonzales) Aguilar of San Onofre CA
"As much as I love this wknd, I hate it as well, just another reminder of the amazing life gone....You always took the road less traveled and challenged not only yourself but others around you to be better, Thank You Bill...I miss you so much"
"SSgt Harrell,
I was an MCT student when you were an instructor. I remember on a run you took us off road, we were crawling up the mountain, jumping over walls, running through trees, basically staying off of the road completely.... it was the only run I have ever done like that, and to this day has left such an impression on me... Marines take the road less traveled and you were that dude.. you were so chill to. i also remember seeing your wife and boy show up, you guys were packing up to go snowboard over the weekend- which demonstrated to me the importance of commitment to work and family. Thanks for the impromptu and completely awesome lessons!!! You are remembered!"
Captain Phillip Peacock of Fort Benning, GA
"Easter Wknd is never the same anymore, Lately all i have wanted to do was cry, I miss You so much... Love You Brother"
"Miss you brother"
Doc Al of New London, CT
"Merry Christmas Brother, I miss you more than I can ever express, not a day goes by that I dont think of you...Love you More"
"You are so greatly missed warrior"
"I remember how you always made us all laugh and kept our spirits up. I miss you brother. I know you're still watching over us from up there."
Dizon of Escondido, CA
"Driving Home tonight I watched the sunset & it made me think of You .... Sure do miss you brother... Give them all love from me, Thank You for being the outstanding brother you always have been .... I Love you more than I can ever say ..."
"Please help me with the strength for all of this... I wish I had your voice in my ear telling me how to do it all...Keep an eye on us all please. Love & Miss You Much"
"This year is 8 yrs.each year gets just a lil harder but I already explained that...I went and saw you as you know an as usual left you a letter (: I miss you a lot.. If I could have I would have stayed there all day.. I love you uncle Billy..."
your niece of california
"8 Years Billy....There are simply not enough words to say the Depth of my Gratitude for you My Brother, You are forever Missed beyond anyones ability to understand....Im Thankful for you, we all Miss & Love You Brother"
"It's bitter sweet that the anniversary of your death falls on Easter Sunday this year. Jennifer and I were just talking about you the other day after we left church. At the end of mass the choir sang Amazing Grace and we both looked at one another; we didn't even say a word but we knew what each of us were thinking. I miss you Harrell and I'm certain that I will never get over you being gone, but I think I am getting on with it. On a side note, you will be happy to know that I can recall every conversation that you and I had; It amazes me how I am able to still hear your insults and obnoxious remarks towards me...I would never admit this to you then, but I actually enjoyed them. Happy Easter Billy. I love you bro.
"It's April again, eight years now and we want your family to know we remember . . .Jeff met with Kelli after her returned and said it was the hardest thing he had ever done . . .blessings"
Brian and Shellie Starr
"Sorry Im Late on the Birthday Wishes. I know he is with you now, Please give him love from us all.. Keep watching over Vance , & the Family... I Miss You so much Brother, I wish you were here because I really need to talk to you..."
"Merry Christmas, Things are so different...Wish You were here, Love You Brother"
"Happy Thanksgiving Brother ~ You are love & missed beyond words...."
I still remember meeting you as 1st Platoon Sgt for Bravo Company back in 2003. You were always a great leader and I also remember you being the voice for the Marines in the platoon and you losing your position because you took care of us. Its vetereans day 2011 I have never forgotten how great of a Marine you are and the even better father. God Bless and Hope to see you in heaven one day."
Raymond Marcoux of Fort Hood, Texas
"Thank You Brother For Serving & Fighting for our Freedom, You are Missed beyond words... Thanks for Keepin an eye on my boy , I know that he knows your over there with him lookin out for him. I miss you so much Billy, Love You More"
"snN0d0 web20power.txt;1;1"
zrKtcics of New York
"Semper Fi my brother!!! On this day words aren't enough. I met your sister on the computer...Hell of a girl..She's proud of you and misses you like crazy. I know your up there looking down on them all. Love and miss you..."
Josh Allen of Darlington, Md
"Will be stopping by to see you in one week, Dont worry Im bringing cold Beer...We miss you, Please keep him safe brother"
"Youve been on my mind alot again lately, damnit I miss you so much...
Keep a close eye on him for me please, I love You Brother"
Today you have been on my mind alot. You probably know that Im scared, and nervous about this big move... Man I wish you were here to talk too, Kids are all good, Yeah I know you were with him again that day, Thank You for watching over us all Billy.....Im sorry I wasnt there again on Memorial Day, but You would be telling me to just take care of business & thats what Im trying to do...I Miss you more than there are words....I Love You Brother"
"Yep Cracked a cold one open for you tonight..."
"April 20, 2011
Ssgt Harrell and Family,
It has been almost ten years since I last saw you when we were stationed together at MCT Fox Co, SOI. Though the years have passed by, my memories of you are as clear as the day they happened. I can still remember you coming into Fox Co's office on our off days from training and you would say, "Man, I'd rather be surfing today." But SOI wasn't the first time I had seen you, years earlier I would see your black Chevy truck at 29Palms when I was stationed with 2/7 and I think you were with LAR but we hadn't met at that time. We didn't meet until we were squad instructors with Fox Co MCT. The other day, I was looking at our Fox Co photo that we took as a company (I think in 2000) and I showed my wife where you were at in the picture. I told her how I remember you and your family came to my going away bbq in August 2001 at Sgt Gonzalez's house and that at one point you said that today was/is a good day for surfing. My memories of your smile and how you were dressed that day, are still with me.
As the month of April came around, I found myself thinking of you quite a bit (more than usual). On the 16th, my wife and I were able to visit you and we put some tulips next to you. Though I last saw you almost ten years ago when I got out of the Corps, I still see you in my memories everyday. I miss you. Semper Fi."
(Sgt) N. Valenzuela, Jr. of National City, Ca.
Thank you for the thoughtful message you left on Josh's page. I never met your brother, but from what I have read and heard from others, he's a great Marine, a great family man, and a great American. His sacrifices will forever be remembered. My thoughts are with you and the rest of the family.
Semper Fidelis"
Capt Stacey Barnes of Camp Pendleton, CA
"7 years ago today past Rt Violet in enemy territory I got on the radio and called for support. You and some of your Marines were the first to answer the call and be beside us. But only moments later, after bumping me off the corner, I was on the horn calling for a corpsman for you. I was there with you....now you are with all of us."
Arron of Greenville, MI
"7 Years....I wish I could tell you that it doesnt hurt so much anymore, but that would be a lie too..Its so amazing to see the love for Our Family & you, The Respect. Billy I know you are around us all, Days like today are just harder, but we will pull through...There are some Cold Budweisers on order for tonight...I miss you, Thank You Brother... You are Loved so much !"
"Tomorrow it will be 7 years. There isn't a day that goes by that you are not in our thoughts. I was thinking today of the "jane wayne day" you had to work. You were not a happy man about that. I asked you were Kelli was and you told me she was too salty to attend these silly things. I wondered what the hell I was doing there then. You were making me laugh off and on all day. I know you are looking over all of us now. Thank you for your sacrifice. You will never be forgotten."
Renee Ayres of Virginia
"To the family and friends of William Harrell...I am so sorry that William was KIA. Those 3 letters are so powerfully sorrowful. April 8th is fast approaching so you will all be going through another anniversary. The pain is ever present I know. May God provide you with continued healing. I read that grief is like ocean waves..the firsts of everything are like the mighty waves roaring with foam..over time the waves become smaller as they approach the shore. Through life these waves ebb and flow much like our grief...makes sense to me."
Jenny of Bothell, WA
"Billy, we felt as though we knew you as a group of us prayed for you often. Your sweet sister Cassie had so many fond and loving stories she shared with us. We received the call about your passing the same night that she did. Such a shocking sadness. Hard to believe it has been so many years ago. Time dries the tears, but the heart never fully heals. You were loved in life and missed so greatly in death. Rest well, sweet soldier, until your family is finally and eternally reunited."
Jay and Jeanne Robinson of Damascus, OR, USA
"Happy 37th Birthday Brother ! You are missed so much... Love You ,
"Hey Brother, so so many changes..I know you watch over everyone...You continue to inspire me to want to be a better person everyday! Please Please help guide them....I love You & I Miss you"
"I dont know what to say right now, other than damnit I miss you....."
"To the family of:William M.Harrell
I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015.
Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga"1-3-11"
"Hey Brother its almost Christmas i see the lights everywhere, im trying but just cant get into the spirit . Things are changing fast again, next weekend josh will be here to visit and talk to vance, thats a good thing. We all miss you so much"
"Please watch over him when he goes....Keep him safe, help guide him...
We think about you everyday, thank You for sending those to our lives that you have... Tiny pieces of you are with us in so many different ways everyday... Love & Miss You"
"Wiliiam and I served together with Delta Co. 3RD LAR. He was a young Marine. He brought that smile to everything he did. I will never forget you William Harrell."
Josh Allen of Darlington Maryland
"well im speechless..i didnt no about this site. i miss you uncle billy...the last couple of years have been crazy. but you probably already know that. but anyways i just wanted to say i miss you and i love you lots."
Alexis Vaughan of PRESTON ID
"Holy Cow, can you see him? He is doing it, so is Matt... Please be with them, we all miss you, Love you Brother"
"Hey Brother, wow can you believe in just under 4 weeks he will graduate? Matt in 7...we will be stopping by to visit you , where you rest now....Really miss you, Im sure its going to be strange being there again without you... I know tho that you watch over us all... I love you Brother"
"hey billy just wanted to say that it has been over six years now and you are never forgotten... i talk to eggbeater often, and it helps deal with the pain of losing you. you were a great friend and ryan and i miss you greatly.. i know you are up there smiling down on both of us and one day we will drink a beer in heaven together like we did in oki..love and miss ya bro"
josh hansen bravo 1/5 of federal way wa
"Ive been talkin to Josh & Ryan, it helps ease some of the pain , we can even laugh about stuff....Talking to them almost makes it feel like I still have lil pieces of you here on earth brother... I miss you , I love you...Keep watching over the boys, I know your their first thought ...."
"Hi Brother....I dont know where else to go to talk to you anymore...Im so lost right now, I know that you know this, ha , you always know..I wish I could talk to you right now, I need advice, a kick in the *, IDK...I miss you so much......."
"He left today, Matt goes in 3 weeks,.. Please keep an eye on them... Wow , I wish you were there....I know your are in spirit... Love & Miss You brother"
"This isnt what I exspected to find when I googled my name. I'll add you to my list of fellow soldiers I still mourn even after 30 years..God bless the family you left behind and know that somehow your sacrafice won't be in vain..."
William M. Harrell of Augusta, GA.
"Memorial Day is here.. You will always be remembered, I heard the ceremony this morning was Beautiful.... You are missed & loved by so many..."
"Happy Memorial day SSGT! We miss you! You were my first platoon SGT and the best!"
"Ok so maybe Im struggling a lil bit, How do I continue, where do I get to put that brave face on? I cant compete , I need you, and we all miss you"
"its been more than six now, since the day that you fell, i still thank God every day for your saving me, and for your example of what an an NCO is supposed to be. i try every day with my men to live up to the great things you did for me, and the rest of Bco 1/5. you told me once to follow my dreams, and to not be affraid to step out from the crowd. well i finally get my chance next month at Special Forces Selection, again thank you, you & my other fallen brothers will help keep me motivated.
God bless you,"
robert hart of us forces, korea
it's been a long while since we talked and i just wanted to say you are always on mind, my wrist, and in my families prayers. i took my daughter the memorial statue in temecula on your day and I always tell her that the statue is my friend Bill the Marine whose name is on daddy's bracelet. Since then whenever we visit she says "Daddy, can we go say hi to Bill?!" Thanks for looking over us and I will be heading to 2/4 on friday April 30 back to 5th Marines!! Keep an eye on me brother! Talk to yo again Soon. Kelly and Austin you are always in our prayers Semper Fidelis"
GySgt Woodward, M. C. of Murrieta, CA
"I dont really know what to say , I talk to you every single day...I hate not being able to just go sit down there with you, I feel so selfish sometimes for just wanting you back here with your family...6 years Billy feels like yesterday still, I hate this, I hate that your gone, I miss you so much..."
"I keep you in my heart each and every day. Sending my love to the rest of our family and friends who's hearts are aching today. We miss you so much, but smile with the memories you have left us. Love you my sweet brother, your sister Karla"
Karla Boshaw of Seattle, WA
"It's been six years. Six years ago we lost someone very close to us all. But every time I look back I remember how many times he gave me that oh $h!t look when thing got rough and still keep on truckin' and inspired me to be my best and push no matter how much things hurt. Most of all I can't forget that last day of PT in Okinawa. Lol... it was pouring rain so bad, the rain drops were like pellets and we were head to head playing football. He was so determined to beat us and still wanted to play till he won, and did. Longest football/PT session I could remember. Your never forgotten. Thank you for being a great Ssgt, friend, mentor and big brother. Semper Fi!!! Bravo 1/5 Wpns. Plt."
Sgt. Romero, Bruno. of Fallbrook, Ca.
"April again, remembering the loss of SSgt Harrell . . .blessings to his family."
Shellie Starr of Snohomish, WA
"Happy 36th Birthday ....
Love You Brother"
"Its almost Christmas ,....I miss you so much Brother"
"I never want to forget the sacrifices of so many young men and women. I am so proud it makes me cry. I understand in theory only that war is a part of human nature but so is love and caring. I wish I could take the families pain away but I can't. I am committed to loving ALL people, myself and our environment. I am committed to working on my happiness everyday because so many have died for my freedom to live my life. Thank you is not enough but it is all I have. All my love and respect. ogersteiner@yahoo.com
Scott Steiner of Worthington, OH USA
"Happy Birthday Marine Semper Fi"
"Hey Brother....Somedays things just hit home a little more harder again....Today is one of those days...
Miss you, Love You Always...
"Hello my name is LCPL Wilson , im currently about to graduate SATCOMM school on Fort Gordon in GA . I never knew you personally SSGT. though i took the time to learn about you and your service to our country and im honored to complete a PFT run for you this coming sunday October 18 2009 at 1551 for the 5th annual " Tribute To The Fallen Run" on behalf of your memory and to honor you and your sacrifices . My condolences to the Harrell family as a Marine on Fort Gordon each year we run a PFT for everyone of our fallen brothers and sisters since the beginning of OIF , seeing as it is no longer possible for those Marines to run one . We have not forgotten you and your unselfish duty for the country SSGT . R.I.P and may your service never go unoticed . SEMPER FIDELIS"
LCPL Wilson of Fort Gordon, GA/USA
"Thinkin about you Bill. I miss you and think of you often. Kelli and Austin, Hpoe you are doin well.
Cris Gomez of Oceanside, Ca
"Hi Brother,
You know somedays I forget your not here on earth anymore, and I want to call you. That sucks....an old marine friend of your contacted me today, he just found out, and is upset. Normal for most, but it still makes me sad. Somedays I miss you so much, I cant even put into words. Working on this memorial thing can help ease some of that, in some odd way, I know your with us , always... Until we meet again my big brother~ I love you & Miss you
"I love You brother & I miss you so much"
"Happy Father's Day, I know you see him with all those kids... ha ha the memories he must be having...I heard our sons were on the roof shootin airsoft! oh the days...I love and miss you brother"
Tomorrow is Father's Day. You and Austin are in my thoughts.
Even though you're out of sight, you're NEVER out of mind.
Happy Father's Day Billy!"
Lisa Padilla of Las Vegas, Nevada
It sure was nice to see you; it had been too long since my last visit with you. I know I said a lot last week, so I'll keep this one short. Thank you for your service to this beloved country and we send our prayers to you on this Memorial Day. Semper Fi Bill.
Mark, Jen, Dominic, & Vincent"
"Today is Memorial Day and we are thinking of you. We are thinking of all the Men & Women serving our country and honor those who have Given all. We Love you and Miss you.
Your Brother John and family"
John White of Beaverton, OR/USA!!
"Well the Time has come. Vance is enlisting. He will enlist in the next two weeks when all is said and done. I know I have to put on that brave face, Be the proud mom, But I will worry a tiny bit....I know he will do just fine,. Please look out for him Bill, and know that I really wish so badly you were here for him to talk too....
I love you Brother"
"Today I wont remember you and Cry, I will do something Good to Honor You...and your smile !
Your family misses you everyday, and loves you every second of every minute...
Hearts can heal to extent, but never will be whole again without you here on this earth....I Love You Brother"
"Billy . . . Just wanted to let you know that I'm not only thinking about you today, but you are in my thoughts EVERY day. I miss and love you so much!"
Karla of Seattle, WA
"Billy, it's been nearly five years since you made the greatest sacrafice for our country. I've thought about you throughout the years and can still hear the sound of your voice echo in my mind as I remember random things from the fourth grade on. You are not forgotten my friend and you never will be. Thank you for being brave enough. You are a true hero. I miss you friend."
anne-marie guest-vittori of phoenix az
"It's April again and I wanted to let the Harrell family know we remember and when visiting with some of Jeff's buddies, there is such genuine fondness of Will (they called him Will) they recall such good times . . ."
Shellie Starr of vpm Cpl Jeff Starr, kia Ramadi
"March 28, 2009
To the family of Staff Sgt. William M. Harrell:
William gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV
"Hi Billy, my Brother & hero: Happy 35th. We miss you dearly. Thank you for being my brother. I miss the good times we had growing up together. Keep looking over your Dad-Bernie, your sister Cassie, myself & your Brothers, nephews, nieces & the rest of your family. We love & miss you. Your Bro. aways."
John White of Beaverton, Oregon
"Billy, just sittin here thinking of you. I haven't forgotten and think of you often."
Lisa Padilla (jztagrl@aol.com) of Yorba Linda, CA
"Merry Christmas Billy...
We were all just sitting around and talking about you today.
We love you & Miss you so much"
Cassie of Oregon
"Its Thanksgiving Today....Thinking about you and Dad, and everyone else. We have alot to be thankful for, especially our Freedoms.....Love & Miss Ya Mucho"
"Hi Bud,
Sittin here thinking about you today...Cant believe summer is almost over already. We are missing you so much. Keep watching over them all"
Just thinking of you and your family on this Memorial Day. May you rest in peace."
The Ayres of Texas
"SSGT Harrell
I knew you from MCT and we worked together on more than one occasion. I didn't know. And for what it's worth I learned alot from you and thank you for all you have done. If anyone wants to get ahold of me my e-mail is zues91477@yahoo.com"
Sgt Zufall, Raymond E of Sidell, Illinois
"April once more and I think of your family and know the journey you all are on without your precious Will (or Bill), I note that because when we meet with the Marines that were Jeff's friends and served under/with Will they change names on me, depending I suppose on how they knew him. So he is remembered by those he served with, he is missed."
Shellie Starr of Snohomish, WA
"Hey Bill,
It's Woody! Just wanted to tell you how much I miss you. I hope that you are catching some great waves and are continuing to watch over all of us down here, that care about you so much.
I gave a class talk at a San Bernardino High School today and they asked about why we fight and why we are Marines. I took your memorial pamphlet from your funeral(I carry it in my cover, laminated it and carried it all through Iraq and now everywhere I go) I showed it to the class and explained your legacy to these H. S. school kids. It is still hard to not cry when I think of you and speak about my "Buddy" Bill! But as I told you before you are the epitome of a Marine and you are why we are Marines, because we all strive to be like SSgt Bill Harrell. After I was done talking about how and why your presence as a Marine and the people you touched throughout your time on earth has made us all better people and this world a better place.A 17 yrs old boy came up to me and asked if he could be a Marine. He is exactly the type of Marine you would approve of, he is signing up tommorrow and of course he wants to be a GRUNT!! I love you Brother! Thanks for keeping me under your wing and I'll be seeing you later this week when i come to see you at your resting place. Semper Fidelis Bill!"
GySgt Matt Woodward of Murrieta, CA 92563
"I sit here thinking about what to write to you. It has been 4 years, and although it seems some may have forgotten, many have not. You left your mark in this world, a very profound one at that. So many have great stories of you, both young & old. So many knew you, but there are those of us who knew you more than people could ever have hoped for. You left a lasting legacy, that shines through even the saddest tears, when we speak of missing you. I think none more than your wife, son, bernie, the families. A select few have been lucky enough to know you since you have been born. I read what they write about you, your Marines. I think about how they continue to go on, fighting for what many dont understand, thats ok, they dont have to. Fear makes people ignorant. I know you believed whole heartedly in what you all are doing. Those that have never been in your shoes, or the shoes of others, cannot speak out of wisdom, only fear. I hope that one day people will come to realize the scope of reality that has become of this great nation & what freedom truly means. I am proud of you & Proud to be an American. The world has grown weary of this war, but somehow I think you would be right there, in fact I know you are. You watch over them, and your family. A marine never leaves a man behind. I dont think anyone will ever leave the memory of you behind Bill. Yours is a legacy that will forever live on. We love you , we miss you, we know that one day we will all see you again."
"I sit here thinking about what to write to you. It has been 4 years, and although it seems some may have forgotten, many have not. You left your mark in this world, a very profound one at that. So many have great stories of you, both young & old. So many knew you, but there are those of us who knew you more than people could ever have hoped for. You left a lasting legacy, that shines through even the saddest tears, when we speak of missing you. I think none more than your wife, son, bernie, the families. A select few have been lucky enough to know you since you have been born. I read what they write about you, your Marines. I think about how they continue to go on, fighting for what many dont understand , that is the very freedom you and others have provided. The world has grown weary of this war, but somehow I think you would be right there, in fact I know you are. You watch over them, and your family. A marine never leaves a man behind. I dont think anyone will ever leave the memory of you behind Bill. Yours is a legacy that will forever live on. We love you , we miss you, we know that one day we will all see you again."
"Four years... I miss you Bill I often think about the times we would go around doing crazy stunts as kids. You were never scared to do anything. Your memory is what helps me keep focused on Christ. I love you bro."
Thomas Yett of Banning Ca
"hey ssgt harrell,
its been almost four years now, and i still think about you and all of our other marine brothers that paid the ultimate sacrifice.
i still thank God for you every day, and i'll never forget how you saved my life.
i was going to visit you at your resting place this april but i find myself once again in Iraq. The whole nation has gotten sick of this war,but i dont mind fighting for what we both believe in. Even though others have grown weak your memory helps keep me strong.
RIP SSGT & know i still fight on
robert hart of tikrit, iraq
"In two days you would have been 34~
Happy Birthday To You~
We miss you Billy!!
Love You , See You In Heaven ~"
"Merry Christmas Billy! I know you and Cory are up there talking about the good ol' days! I know you are giving Cassie the extra strength needed to get through the holidays. God bless you and your family."
Courtney Costa of Placentia, CA
"Merry Christmas
You are missed & Loved so Much!"
Your Sister of Oregon
"Mr Harrell,
Thank You for your kind words, I am Bill's sister, His wife is Kelli. Just wanted to clarify that, so as not to disrespect my brother, or his wife & Son."
cassie winter of oregon city
"Cassie, i dont know you but we share the same name, if your family is in need... you lean on your brothers. my wife and i are deeply moved by your husbands friends and fellow marines, if your in need please contact me at the medina county sheriffs office, ohio/3307259135. you will make it through this, keep the faith !!!!"
william a. harrell of doylestown, oh
"i am honored to share the last name with you, and i hope i can continue to show the true warrior in the harrell name, i spent 6 years on the point of a swat team , but never gave what you did. god speed brother! fight on !!!!!"
william a. harrell of doylestown
"I too went to EDHS with Billy and Cassie. I had the pleasure of hanging with Billy a couple of times and remember him as a genuinely nice, respectful person. I lost a brother last year, so please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family."
Celena of McCordsville, IN
"Hey Bud was looking at some pictures we found of the family get together in 99, was the last time the 6 of us were all together, with our own families. What a cool weekend that was. I see the smiles on everyones faces, makes me thankful for the memories. Miss you so much, Keep having fun, and know that you are so loved."
"Just wanted to wish you A Happy Father's Day. I miss you so much still, and Hope that one day we can sit and chat..."
Cassie of oregon
"Billy, we are remembering you today on Memorial Day and always! John really misses you and is having many dreams about you lately. Let him know you are watching over him. We are so proud of you and the men you trained who are still over there fighting. Watch over Kelli and Austin, Uncle Bernie & Cassie.
We all Love you and miss you.
Julie, John & Matthew White (his brother & family)"
Julie of Aloha, OR
"Saw your message to us and right back at you. Jeff thought so much of Bill and their antics proved it. It is not right but it is what it is. I hope our nation will eventually realize the caliber of men lost. Amazing."
"Tippin my beer to you tonight !! Happy cinco you half breed"
"We still think of you each day and pray that your family is well."
Renee of Texas
It's hard to believe that it has been 3 years. It seems like only yesterday we were in Oki, you and Gunny Sagredo bowling with the rest of us. I remeber April 8th as if it were today. I remeber being out there when you came out there with some of your guys to help us out. You are always going to be with all of us, you do live on inside of us all. Its not because you were a great Marine, even though you are, but because you were a great man and a great friend. I'll see you up there someday brother."
Arron Adams of Greenville, MI
On the eve of the anniversary of your death, I want to apologize for not being able to visit you this year. You already know the last two times I came to see you at your sanctuary, it had been in the middle of the night. I'm not discouraged by this though because I can still feel and smell the wet grass beneath my hands as well as the cool breeze that would always rush through when I was with you.
Bill, I want you to know that I haven't forgotten about you and the sacrifice you made for "us." Some of life's most simpliest pleasure are taken for granted Bill; I know that you already know this, but our friendship was one of those simple pleasures that we thought would physically last a lifetime...and we took if for granted. In spite of this painful reality, I can still: see your druken stooper, your smile, see you walking around in your cut off jeans with no shirt while holding your second cup of coffee, but even more I can still hear: you harass me because you could, provide brotherly advice when I needed it, tell your family you loved them, and most importantly to me, the last time we spoke...I'm glad I got to say goodbye. Until next time, so long old friend and I love you."
"As this third year closes, we remember you Kelli, Austin, Cassie, with the loss of your beloved Bill. Jeff really enjoyed and respected him. If there is mischief in Heaven I'm sure they are stirring some up. Blessings to you."
Shellie Starr
"Hey Bill,
Everybody still talks about you. So strange that its been 3 years almost. I still just cant believe you are gone from here. Sometimes we see a marine while we are out and about, and I always stop and have to tell myself its not you. You are one of a kind, there will never be anybody like you on this earth. Austin is a cool kid, and Kelli is doing a great job raising him, they miss you so much. Uncle Bernie does too, but I know that you are with them wherever they go. I always have to laugh when the kids tell stories about you. I am feel so lucky to have grown up with you as my brother, For so many years you guided us on which way to go, crazy to think that we grew up & survived some of the things we did, but yet we had a great role model, That man loves you so much. I hope you know how much everybody loves & misses you."
"Matt, I am Bill's sister Cassie, email me and i can give you the address...
cassie harrell winter
"Can anyone provide me with the address to Bill's gravesite, I cannot find the address. Thank you for any and all help?!"
SSgt Woodward, Matt
"Hello Kelly and Austin,
I wanted to just say that you and your family are always on my mind and will always be in my prayers. I want to visit bill on April 8th and talk to him for a bit, I just wanted to tell you as well that Bill has looked out for me as my family has grown and I have come and gone from Iraq wounded and I know that he is the one that has kept an eye on me and made sure that everything is square. I am now getting ready to go out as a recruiter and it hit me last week that it is my goal, what I want, to bring young men into the Marine Corps that Bill would approve of that are somewhat like Bill. Because no one will ever be like Bill. I hope that you are doing well and that if you ever need anything from myself or my family please let me know. I miss you bro, I will never forget you Bill...The waves are good, I 'll see you later Bill!!(If you know Bill as an instructor @ MCT you know what I mean by that! Semper Fidelis"
SSgt Matt Woodward of Murrieta, CA
"Its a week away , I know, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILL. We love & Miss you terribly. Snowing here today, kinda cool. I think of you everyday, just wish you were still here...Carry On"
"Just thinking about you today bro. I came back from my first tour in Iraq wounded and i am going back. I don't think a day goes by that i don't think about you and how much you have influenced my life and my family's life. Through your example, I have seen how to bond with my son and i will never forget the things you said to me after 9/11. You are a true hero that fought for this country for all the right reasons. I will never forget your sacrifice and will think of you always as i prepare myself and myfamily to possibly offer the same sacrifice. To Kelly and Austin: I hope you guys are doing fine. You are always in my family's heart. These deployments have kept us busy but if this ever ends, I hope I can meet with you again."
Cristo and Jackie Gomez of Oceanside/Jan 8, 2007
"Lord Bless my Uncle Bill This Day, Let him be there with you and have a Great Christmas..And let him know that we are all ok. and that we love him very much"
Zachary Winter of Oregon
"Merry Christmas Marine...we miss you, but we carry on. Heard there are a few babies being named after you, what an Honor. Have a few good days with Uncle Bernie, just wished you could have laughed here with us, although somehow , Im sure you were laughing when I was telling him about a few things we pulled...Life sure is different, and I hope you know how much you are loved, and missed."
"Dear Cassie and Family,
I would like to send my deepest regards for your loss of "BILLY". I will never forget the day I was reading the paper, and saw that he was taken away from this earth.Even though I didnt spend much time with Billy. The time that i had, has been memorible.Kellie. I remember the times when Billy would have his eyes on "YOU"(prior to your involvement w/him)He constintly talk about you."WOW KELLIE IS SOO BEAUTIFUL" as he would say. DJ and I would give him a hardtime about it. He was too nervous/shy to share his feelings towards you.May Billy continue to rest in peace."
Chad Weber of Yorba Linda , Ca
"Staff Sgt. Harrell,
I did not personnely know you but I went to the same high school as you and I was friends with your sister Cassie as a young kid in Placentia. After reading all of the messages for you I know that you were destined to be a Marine. There are very few people in this world who get to do exactly what they wanted to do in life. It must have been a great feeling of accomplishment and pride serving your country over there as I heard your Father did before you. My grandfather who I was very close to fought in the Pacific in WWII and I have a great deal of respect for all of our men and women who serve us and work to preserve our way of life. Maybe one day I'll get to shake your hand. Say hello to Corporal Carl Romeo for me, 25th infantry divison, US. Army."
Jerry Weitzman of Fullerton, CA
"Just wanted you three to know that I am praying for you, Sunday will hurt, but Kelli, keep your head up Girl! Wishing you could both be celebrating. We Love You and Austin so Much."
"Just wanted to tell you that We love you, Kell, and Austin...Monday isnt going to be fun, but with you watching over us, we will be ok...."
"From a marine myself to the friends and family of this young gentlemen. Sorry to hear your loss this is a great deal to me being a new marine My rank is a e 2 pfc and i want to thank you for support and to let you know i will help sorrport you in this still tragic time if you want to locate me by email my email if franklin_duane@yahoo.com and to the gentlemen we lost oohra and semper fidelis"
PFC Franklin of fort knox ky usa
"Happy 4th Bill. We celebrate with you today, in our hearts. Love & Miss You Bud, so very , very much."
cassie of oregon
"I am still very honored to have known you and want you to know that I have thought of you everyday since you passed. I am returning from my short tour in Iraq as a wounded veteran. I wil neveer forgeet the example you set in my mind on haow a father should be to hhis son. I am on my way to see my family and strive everyday to be the examp[le you were to your family. To kelly and Austin, my family wishes you love and happiness. Although we havenot seen each other since April of 2004, My family is foreveer bonded with yours by a man who showed me that you CAN be a Marine and a good father/husband. IU hope we see each other again. We are still at Camp Pendleton."
Cris and Jackie of Gomez
"We Remember You Bill, and The other Heros. We love you and Thank You For Our Freedom....... Two Years feels like yesterday, Keep Comforting Kell, and AUstin, and Bernie ...."
"Hey Bill
Today marks 2 years. Chris attempted to reach Kelly today. We will keep trying.
I was sitting here thinking of you and Josh Palmer. I was taken back to the Warrior Day where you were standing and I started a conversation with you. I asked where Kelly was and you said "oh hell, she is too salty for this stuff"
I still laugh at that. I was pregnant and was not able to go on the O course but we stood together and laughed at everyone trying it.
Chris still thinks of you almost daily. I know he misses you and Josh.
We will always pray for your family and know you will never be forgotten.
Kelly should you read this know we love you and your little man A.
Renee A of Houston Texas
"Billy, i didn't have the honor to know you in this life, but i am sure i will when i get to Heaven where you are...I know your sister, Cas and her family and she is pretty darn close to my heart. I lost my brother 12/05 to brain cancer and she and i tell "brother" stories a lot. It helps to eases the pain and that is not an easy thing to do. I thank you so much for your bravery and sacrifice so that my family and i can lay our heads down each night knowing that we are being watched over...watched over by God and watched over by blessed souls like yourself. Your sister misses you terribly and i hope i can always be a shoulder for her to lean on until she can lean on yours again...Thank you Billy and i just know God is blessing you as you blessed your country...."
Jane Gonzales of Oregon City, Oregon
"You and your family have been on my heart as April approaches. Jeff, as you know, has joined you as a national hero and I hope you have hooked up together. Your family was a great support to us and I know you help guide them every day."
Shellie Starr vpm Cpl Jeff Starr kia 5/30/05 of Snohomish, WA
"I really miss you...I am sorry it had to be you before me, the seahwaks lost, btu vance said thats ok cause you were tippin your bottle to them and saying next year will be it.....I just wish you could be here Bill, so much has changed and so many thigns are different, I got a new tattoo, its cool you would like it. I love you"
"Although I didn't know you, I know your family. I also know what it means to serve. May others never forget that only is freedom not free, but it takes those who have the courage to answer their country's call. Semper Fi from a wingwiper!"
Larry S. Buchanan Jr. of Oregon City, OR
"Merry Christmas Marine. You are always forever in our Hearts and Minds. I so very much Miss You, Wish you were here with everyone. Keep Them Safe.."
of Oregon City, OR
"To Cassie uncle Bern and Kelli and Austin
Bill was a great friend you don't know this but a little over a year and a half now has passed since he left us but since then my life has changed. Uncle Bern you told me Bill loved the Lord and that he had gone home. That touched me ded to my very soul. On that day I asked Christ back into my life. To make a long story short Bill saved my life. His death made me realize that theres more to this life than the pettiness of self. I am now a youth pastor at my local church in Beaumont Ca. Uncle Bern you watered the seed that was planted by you and many of our neighbors a long time ago and Christ reaped the harvest. I said it that day Uncle Bern and I'll say it again I love you sir. Cassie I love you like a little sister and I hope you are doing ok. Kelli I remember all the times Billy talked about you when we were growing up man he loved you. the last thing he told me was how much he loved his son and how he was teaching him about the finer things like sports and surfing. Austin you're dad was very proud of you. I think of you all often and jeep you all in my prayers. May the lord bless all of you. with love the yett family Please if you like contact me at yettf@earthlink.net"
Thomas Yett of Banning Ca
"Today We Honor You Bill, While We Continue To Miss You. Thank You For My Freedom, Love You"
"Dear William M. Harrell Family
God Bless you and your family. Let it be known that you are in our hearts prayers as are all of our men and women in uniform who sacrifice for this great nation of ours. We have a daughter currently serving. I can't imagine your grief but one thing is for sure William is a hero!, and he will be honored and respected for all time as will all of our fallen heros for it is they who give us all here the freedoms we so much enjoy. Be at peace knowing he is with God. Again, God Bless you and keep you."
The Tillman Family of Farmington, NM
"Dear William M. Harrell Family, My sincerest condolences on your loss. My name is Marc Dull, I am a USAF Veteran and an Artist from Illinois. Thank you for your William's Honorable Service and Ultimate Sacrifice for America and it's Values. His Legacy will endure by God! I found William's Memorial page while doing some research for a very important project that I thought you might want to know about. I just returned from Camp Pendleton where I visited the Commanding Officer of the 5th Regiment. I am preparing to sculpt a large monument specifically for the 5th Regiment and the Fallen Heroes in Operation Iraqi Freedom for the Memorial Garden area on Camp San Mateo there. Please e-mail me at dullart7@cs.com if you would like to contribute any input or feedback. I would be honored by your participation on behalf of William! Semper Fidelis, God Bless you and your Family, Salute"
Marc Dull of Illinois
"Keep an eye on me tomorrow please...I know its all ok, I miss you Bill and love you so much."
of oregon city, OR
"My apologies to Brian Kuznik who was also at the funeral; sorry Kuz; you were a great kid to coach!"
Bill Little of Placentia, Ca. USA
"I have so much to say so I'll try and be exact and thorough. First it is so nice to see the familiar names in the guest book: Nate Anderson, better looking Brother of Scott; Alan Kaatz(remember lefty when we beat Los Al?); Greg Davidson, a fine Marine and Hawk; Rob Harvey, the hardest working wrestler in high school history; and Henry Furtado, you cracked me up but I am still funnier! And, of course, Cassie, who I speak with on the phone and e-mail. Others at the funeral were Mike Roth, Joe Lee, Johnny Vallejo, Chris Edwards, Tony and Mike Capellino, Clyve Costa, Greg Davidson, Scott Karrow, Dave Russell, and the many others who are too numerous to remember. You guys deserved much better coaching and should have gone 9-1; I sorry that the coaches couldn't have been more help but there was plenty of turmoil on the coaching staff; please accept my apology! Now let me discuss SSGT Billy Harrell; the ultimate team player, intelligent and tough! He led by example and I never heard him complain! Mike Roth described him as one tough SOB! I'm with you Mike! I have been visiting Billy's place of rest since the funeral, usually on the last weekend of each month. I am the one who is responsible for the red and yellow roses. Billy and I had several common bonds; his Dad and Uncle Bernie are Nam marines while I was Nam Army. But, more than that, Billy and I were both hit by gunshot wounds to the relative same area; I got lucky as my wound was straight on whereas Billy got hit on an angle. I would do anything to trade places with him so he could watch his Son grow up in person and
be the Husband that Kelli deserves;but, we all know that is not reality. Another thing in common that Billy and I have is that his weapons platoon LT. Josh Palmer, was killed several hours later and his professor at SDSU is a real good friend, whose Dad was a Nam Marine. Billy only wanted to be the best USMC M-60 machine gunner and he achieved plenty more than that! I can only imagine how he mothered his men and looked out for their best interests. Billy was the kind of man who would never ask someone to do something he wouldn't do himself! The ceremony today at Loma Vista Cemetary was quite appropriate; it didn't begin until 10:00 a.m. but I was there to square away Billy's domain; I cut the grass around the headstone, added a dozen red and yellow roses, and laid out a 3 by 6 USMC Flag. Dave, who went to school with Billy, stopped by to say hi and numerous people asked if Billy was my Son! What an honor but I had to tell the truth! After the ceremonies were over, I persuaded the guest of honor, Lt. General Sattler and his Aide, a Major, to accompany me to Billy's place and pay proper respects. The General was quite proud to do so!! He and the Major gave Billy a fitting slow hand salute and then, the General let out with a Marine Yell. I was so proud of the respect they showed him!
Coach Bishop is married for the second time and builing custom homes in Imperial Beach on the Mexican Border. I retired from teaching at Bryant Ranch Elementary School, and yes, I cleaned up my mouth but it took some work! I am Currently 100% retired from the Veterans Administration from the legacies of Vietnam like agent Orange and PTSD. I would love to hear from any of you, including the guys from Bravo 1-5 who served with Billy. My e-mail is llittlebill@earthlink.net Please be patient since I have a high level of security screening! God Bless all of you and the United States of America! Freedom is not free and those of us Combat Vets sometimes have to pay the ultimate price! Each time one of us dies, the world becomes a lessor place and some one else has to step up and accept the responsibility! Thanks for listening!"
Bill Little of Placentia, Ca.
"As an addendum to my previous message; Nathan Anderson, and Scott, you guys are also in my memories! Sorry for the slight!"
Bill Little of Placentia, Ca.
"Dear Austin and Kelli, we love you and miss you and miss Bill dearly with all of our hearts. There is not a day that goes by that we do not think of him. Dominick is fighting in Iraq as we speak, trying to make Bill and Gunny Bohr proud of him using everything they taught him about being an upstanding man who gives his all for those he loves, serves and defends. Thank you for the memories, Love, The Torti's"
Dominick and Christina Torti of New Braunfuls Texas
"Please accept my deepest sympathy to the Harrell family. My name is Clancy DeVries and I paint portraits of fallen Heroes and work with Kaziah Hancock as a participating artist on "Project Compassion". Please go to web sight www.heropaintings.com and review my paintings on page 3. My paintings are in oils and are free of charge. My phone number and address is on the web sight or on google under my name. Please call me. God bless you."
Clancy DeVries of Newport Beach, CA.
"We are grateful for your husbands' leadership and devotion to our country. You and your children must be so proud and honored to have known such a fine Marine. I'm sure you miss him as much today as you have over the past year. My prayers and tears are with you."
Christine Evans, Mother of LCpl Ryan Evans of Rome Georgia
"7 April. A year ago tomorrow Bill Harrell was killed. I know very few Marines that had the level of loyalty from the Marines they led. Without exaggeration, his Marines were completely devoted to him. It was impressive to watch at times. He did what he thought was right to make the Marines that followed him better. It's important that he wasn't killed in a random explosion. He was killed by a sniper while he was moving forward with his Marines. Austen, later in life, when you feel cheated that you never really got a chance to know your father, I hope you know, and take pride in the fact, that there are many Marines alive that are very thankful they did."
"A year ago today the life we knew forever changed
A year ago today a brave strong woman had her heart completely shattered
A year ago today she became a widow
A year ago today his son lost his daddy, and his hero
A year ago today A man lost the boy he raised
A year ago today the link to six, suddenly became five
A year ago today a community cried as a family
A year ago today the once strong heart stopped beating
A year ago today the war had a new meaning
A year ago today a part of us all Died
A year ago today You bravely laid down your life, so we could keep ours
A year ago today You went from guarding our country, to guarding the gates of heaven
Because a year ago today Billy , God took you home to be with Mom
The world is a better place for you having been in it
The world is a safer place because you fought for it
A year later we still hurt, we cry, and we think of you everyday
A year later I still miss my Big Brother, the other half of me
Today Billy we remember you, and we hold you close to our hearts
Today Billy we celebrate you, your smile, your laugh
Today I look at the ocean and see you riding that wave
Today I pray for your marines, God keep them safe
We were given a gift when He made you our brother
Today We Honor You, And Thank You
Dear Billy , Thanks for the memories,
I am forever grateful , for You being my Big Brother
Our Forever Love & Semper Fi,
Uncle Bernie, Your Brothers, Your sister Cassie,
Nephews, Nieces, Many Family & Friends"
"Happy Birthday Bill, wish we could all celebrate with you, I cant believe your not around here anymore. I miss you so much, things are strange now, everyone misses you especially kelli & austin, uncle bernie, dave, dennis, john, larry and all of us...vance talks about you all the time...Keep guiding them all, they draw strength from you. I love you"
Cassie of oregon city , oregon
"Happy New Year, missed the annual christmas call , we love and miss you so much."
Cassie of oregon city, OR
"Hey Billy, I always say your name with the utmost of pride, I will never forget you and think of you in times when I need courage. I hope you took a few of those bastards with you."
Brian j. Wallo of Santa ana, Ca.
"I too am a former schoolmate of Billy's at EDHS. Billy was a few years ahead of me in school and I was actually closer to Cassie. But I will always remember Billy's forthright belief in the cause and his eagerness to join the Marines. Many (myself included) talked in those days of making such a commitment to our country. But very few followed through, and even fewer to the extent that Billy did. I was terribly shocked and saddened when I heard the news in April. But at the same time it gave me a sense of sincere and profound pride to have known a man and a family who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and for the freedoms which we cherish. Myself and my family extend our deepest condolences to Billy’s family and the loved ones he leaves behind."
Rob Harvey of Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
"Its been 6 months already. We still miss you so much. Keep watching over them Bill. We love you,
your sister & family"
"My deepest condolences for the Harrell family from Gary D. Harrell, son of Medal of Honor Recipient Staff Sgt William G. Harrell, USMCR, for action in WW II on Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands. Our nation will survive only so long as we continue to receive the sacrifices from brave men such as these."
Gary D. Harrell, CDR, USN (Ret) of Punta Gorda, FL
"I honor the sacrifice of your son and hope for your family to heal from the grief. Our world is better for him..."
Cephus Harrell of Brooker, Florida
"RIP Marine"
Petty Officer Cawthon of RTC Great Lakes, IL
"To the friends and family of Billy Harrell (especially Kelli and her son). Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Billy, among all the soldiers will never be forgotten."
The Gray Family of Whittier, CA
"Sergeant Harrell, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas
"Hey Bill,
can't believe its already the end of May. I hope you can see them still fighting on, they will finish I can tell. I miss you Bill, dont know where it will come from, but we will keep getting stronger everyday , hopefully. You are our strength, and Hero. Words cannot begin to describe the loss I feel for Kelli, uncle bernie, and austin.. not to mention the rest of us. I know you wanted to go, I am proud of you, I just miss you is all.."
cassie winter of oregon city , OR
"To the family of Billy Harrell.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Please know there are those out there that think of you and pray for you each day. He left a hero. Always remembered. Never to be forgotten. May God bless all of you.
Carole Davidson Moyer
Lake Havasu City, Arizona"
"Bill, there's a reason God put you on this Earth to be my friend, it was to make me a better person. There's also a reason God coincidentally, out of the blue, made you my Marine Combat Training Instructor, it was to make me a better Marine. Thanks Bill."
Sgt. Gregory W. Davidson of Temecula, CA
"To a great hero who was a good influence on my life though I never told him so. My brother in arms, my love goes out to you and your family, may you find peace where you are now and know that your dedication to family and our way of life will never be forgotten. Let the world know that a good man gave the ultimate sacrifice and that he will always be loved by all who knew him."
Cristo and Jackie Gomez of Oceanside , California
"He was our Troop, our Friend, and my brother. Who I was so glade to know, and have! My heart goes out to every family that has lost a love one to war. They all hold a speical place in my heart, and my god be with the soldiers that are still fighting for our freedom!!!
his little sister Rosalynn Harrell of Corvallis, MT
"As a mother of a son and daughter that you were friends with in high school, I felt so compelled to write this message. Just to let your family and friends know how much all Americans should be thankful and proud for you Billy, and all the soilders who have gone before you. The ultimate sacrifice that you and they have made, so other's can have their freedom. Hopefully someday Iraq will have the same pride in their country as we do in ours and for those who fought to give other's the same advantages that we enjoy today. Freedom is something that no one should take lightly. May God bless you and your family and also take care of our HERO'S who gave so much."
"My prayers are with your family. Billy thank you for the sacrifice you gave so we can have our freedom. You will be missed. You are a Hero!!!!"
Erik Schimmelman of Phoenix, AZ
"Thank you Billy! You are a true hero! You will be greatly missed by all. God bless you and the family you left behind.Thank you for fighting for our great nation. Your life will never be forgoten, as you will live on in the hearts of all who knew you."
Erin Schimmelman of Aliso Viejo, CA
"Growing up across the street from Billy and Cassie was always interesting, they kept the neighborhood alive. With Uncle Bernie keeping us all on track, we all still managed to have a good time. Billy will always be remembered in my heart. The thing I remember most is going on bike rides, and watching him ride his red motorcycle up and down the street in cut off shorts, no shoes or shirt, or taking time to play soccor with all of us. Uncle Bernies kind heart and love for Billy and Cassie developed them into wonderful people, ones who put family, faith, and friends above everything. Billy will be remembered as a friend, a mentor, a roll model, and most importantly a true American Hero. My prayers go out to Uncle Bernie, Cassie and her wonderful family, Kelli and Austin, and all of Billy's friends, family, and fellow Marines who are continuously fighting for our Freedom, so we can all live the American Dream."
Tymaree Tonjes of Phoenix AZ
"Billy,my brother.You're my hero.I miss you,I love you.Watch over you're sisters&brothers&Uncle Bern.Matthew thanks you&miss you too.You're always in our hearts&thoughts&prayers.You're bro.John."
John White. of Aloha,Ore.
"If you would like to make a contribution to Billy's wife Kelli, and son Austin, please make checks payable to The Billy Harrell Memorial Fund and mail them to the following address:
South County Bank
Attn: Lorrie Padilla-Zellmer
540 South Coast Hwy, Suite 202
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
(949) 464-2800"
"You are my Brother,and my Friend. I love & Miss you more than words can say. Thank you Bill, One day we will see you again, watch over Kelli, Austin, and Uncle Bern Dog! Keep the fields nice and the ball pumped. Love - Eggbeater"
Cassie Harrell Winter of Oregon City, OR
"May you be soaring with eagles, watching over us. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten. I'll always remember our grammar school years. My prayers are with your family."
Lynese (LeBrun) Zukowski of Castle Rock, Colorado
"wow, i cant belive he's actually gone
i knew billy from el dorado high he was a great guy and a great solider may he rest in peace"
henry furtado of placentia ca
"We love you Billy. You will always be in our hearts and prayers. You will be our strength and courage because your our HERO!!! We Love You XOXO"
The Lanksbury Family of Yorba Linda, California
"From one Marine family to another
"Though you cannot always see the bird singing, if you listen with your heart, you can always hear his song.
Though the ones we love may leave life as we know it, in our memory, the love we knew will always carry on." unknown author
Our heart and thoughts are with you at this very sad time. Your precious William will not be forgotten. He was a true American!"
Charles Davis family of Kailua, Hawaii
"---America's Heroes Light the Way ---
We will never forget the sacrifice that he made for our Freedom."
Marine Mom Online of Anaheim, Ca
"To the family and friends of Staff Sgt. William M. Harrell,
Those we hold most dear, never truly leave us. May you find comfort
in love's everlasting connection.
There are many loving and caring Americans from all over the United
States that will never forget the sacrifice that your loved one has
made for our Freedom. In the Support section of this web site you
will find links to many groups that support you at this crucial
time. The Marine Comfort Quilt group would be honored to send a
quilt to the next of kin. Please register so we can send you
our "Love Stitched Together."
Proud Member Of Marine Comfort Quilt group, and Proud Marine Mom"
Sandra Moudy of Placentia, Ca USA
"Rest in Peace Hero"
The Taylors USMC of NC
"To Billy's family,
I am so sorry for the loss of your brother, husband, father and friend. I will never forget Billy! He left this world doing something he always wanted to do. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Billy, you will always be a reminder to me of how lucky I am to enjoy the freedom you gave your life for. I'll always remember my friend from the fourth grade! With much love,"
Anne-Marie Guest of Phoenix, AZ
"To: Bernie, Cassie, Kelli, & Austin-
My deepest condolences to you and your families. I grew up down the street from Billy and we shared some great childhood memories. I will always remember Billy's unmistakable laugh. Billy, you are a true hero in every sense of the word. I thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice to defend the freedom of this great Nation that we cherish so much. You will never be forgotten!"
Bill McKusick of Newport Beach, CA
"My family and I would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the Harrell family. Everybody that knew Billy, understood that Billy was destined to be a United States Marine. Billy died as a hero, and we will never forget what he has done for us, and his country. Thank you for your patriotism and bravery. You will NEVER be forgotten. SEMPER FI."
Frank Stolfi of Placentia, CA
"I am sorry to hear of your loss. Our family want to extend our deepest and sincerest sympathy to the Harrell family. My brother and I grew up and graduated with Billy...we shared many memorable times on the soccer field. You will be missed. We thank you for all that you have done for this great country."
Nathan Anderson of Placentia, CA
"To the Harrell Family-
We here in Billy's hometown send our deepest sympathy and condolences for your loss. Stand tall during your time of grief, for Billy is a true hero...Freedom is something we all cherish and hopefully do not take for granted, without the bravery and sacrifice of him and all of our fallen heroes like him none of us would know the freedom we have today.
Thank you Billy for your courage to fight for what we all believe in."
Alan Kaatz (another proud American) of Placentia, CA
"To William's Family:
Please accept our condolences for your tragic loss, our hearts go out to you and your family. May God bless you all."
Dan and Meg Manninen of San Antonio, Texas
"To William's Family:
On behalf of the Blanco-Caldas family, we send our sincere condolences to you. We share the same loss ... the same pain. Our prayers are with you and we thank you for his bravery and sacrifice.
From the family of Capt. Ernesto M. Blanco-Caldas, KIA Iraq 12/28/2003"
Gloria Caldas (his mom) of San Antonio, TX
"I just wanted to say thanks so much for fighting what we all believe in. We all appreciate you more than you can imagine. My condolences to the family especially Kelli and Austin. Don't forget to keep your heads up high and remember hee left you as a true hero.
Dan Kaatz of Placentia, CA
Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, William, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "
"Thank you William Harrell, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios
"To the family and friends of Staff Sgt. William Harrell:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless William for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada
"To the family and friends of Staff Sgt. William Harrell:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of William, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia