39, of Raleigh, North Carolina.
Greene died due to enemy action in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. He was a reservist assigned to Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 775, Marine Aircraft Group 16, 3D Marine Air Wing, Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, California. Died on July 28, 2004.
Please send information, photos, and corrections for Marine Lt. Col. David S. Greene.
Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.
Please report inappropriate messages
"Hey my name is LUC TEKASIKAMA I'm a CONGOLESE DRC . THIS message is for the memory of David s Green 🙏
Me too I just watched 24 ...and I am so shocked by his death yes I am not an American but this is a country I love and I love to become an American. So thank you for the sacrifice and also may God strengthen the Dave Greene family, because
Every day he got up with the determination to defend his country and also our values and freedoms. In a world where peace is often threatened, he chose to answer the call of duty, ready to sacrifice everything to protect those he loved.
We must remember him not only for his bravery, but also for the values he represented: integrity, solidarity and commitment to others. His sacrifice must not be forgotten, because it reminds us of the costs of freedom and the importance of peace.
Actually I live at kigali Rwanda and I know one day I'll become an American man so while waiting for the visa lottery...
may God bless the United States of America. Love you family.
Luc Tekasikama of Kigali City, Rwanda.
"I just watched 24 (Nov. 24, 2021) and googled Lt. Col. Greene. I will pray for him. Deepest sympathy to his family and friends."
Sandy of Reston, Virginia, USA
"To Lt.Col.David Greene or someone I just knew as Dave... I am honored to have known you. I can't believe its been 17 years since your passing. I am reminded of you almost daily. RIP and God Bless your family."
Nicole of Vergennes, VT
"I just watched the "24" show dedicated to him. I have been watching the series by getting the dvd's at the library. Even though it is 2015 I thank him for his service and thank his family."
joyce of rogers ar
"Thanks for your efforts."
Nikolai of Hamar, Norway
"Thank You."
Dillon of Phoenix AZ
"i was so touched after i watched a 24 series movie which col.dave was honoured..i pass my regards to his family and love once...he is truely a great man"
chike okwara christopher of nigeria/lagos
"Lt. Col. David S. Greene - Your service to this great country and the ultimate sacrifice you made in the name of freedom will not be forgotten.
Eternally grateful,"
RL of Gig Harbor, WA
"David was an extemely good leader as one of my upperclassmen at USNA. Some guys had to be in your face about the fact they were a couple of years older than you. He never had to. RIP, Sir"
Bryan Monteith of San Diego, CA
"To the memory of Lt. Col. David S. Greene. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten. Thank you and all those throughout our history who have died so we who remain may taste the taste of freedom on our lips for one more day. It is because of people like you, Col. Greene, I live in freedom. I hope to thank you in person one day in heaven. Again, thank you, sir.
Peter of Sterling, CT USA
"Lt Col Greene was by far one of the best officers we had the pleasure of serving with. He treated all of his people fairly and never once thought of himself as being better then his enlisted. He treated us all with respect and dignity. The day he passed was a tough day for all of us serving with him that day in Iraq. Know we all carry your memory and are proud to say that we served with you as Coyotes. Someday I look forward to toasting a beer with you in a job well done. Rest in peace brother. Semper Fi."
Cpl Gowing of HMLA-775 of CA
"We are saddened by the loss of your loved one. Lt Col Dave Green will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of David, who continues to live on in your heart. May his soul rest in peace."
Lynn Mhlanga of London
"I just watched the episode of 24 that was dedicated to David Greene. I am praying that his family has received peace and I look forward to a day when I can meet him in heaven and say thank you...he didn't die for no reason, he gave his life for what he believed in, our country and he is a hero. Love to you all..."
Teri of Atlanta, GA
"To the family of:David S.Greene
I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015.
Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga"2-18-11"
"It's a shame that young men have to die, for things not really worth dying for. I am not an advocate of war but at the moment there's no better solution for stabilizing the middle east than the use of western military force. Let's just hope this won't turn out to be a never ending conflict... A sincere Thank You to David S Greene and all the other international soldiers but especially US soldiers for the sacrifices you are making down there."
Sascha of Dresden, Germany
"I just watched episode 6 of 24 and saw your picture at the end. Thank you for your sacrifice. You and your mates all over the world are making this crazy world a little safer, defending the FREEDOM. God bless you, your family and all the other soldiers fighting the terror. my country just lost 8 heroes fighting the taliban. my thoughts are with you and all the others doing a great job out there."
Jan of Hannover, Germany
"Thank You Sir! I know you are now resting with God."
Jazon of Manila, Philippines
"War is stupid, bring everybody home. No more dead people for no reason."
Haris of Crete
"My dad and grandfather are both Marine vets named David Greene. May you rest in peace and may your memory be eternal. We thank you for your service."
Katie of Kentucky
"”Honor and Remember” - “Project Compassion” We love our Soldiers! We love our country and we cannot express enough love and compassion to the families of our fallen heroes. War does not discriminate – It breaks our hearts to see the faces of the fallen. We want to give this gift to you. We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization! Over 1,800 portraits have been completed and shipped to the parents and or spouse - at no cost as this is a gift from one American to another!
Mothers and/or Fathers, of our heroes, please be aware that the Project Compassion sponsors will now help cover the costs of the portraits for you to have one - regardless if the spouse of the hero has one or not!
Contact us directly at Projectcompassion@manti.com. or go to www.heropaintings.com . If you have already had a portrait completed, we pray that you are enjoying the portrait and bless you.
Sincerely and Respectfully,
Project Compassion
P.O. Box 153
Manti, Utah 84642"
Kenna-Project Compassion of Manti, Utah, USA
I can't believe 5 years has already passed since you're final flight. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you and the sacrifice you made.
I recently came across a picture of you in an old thumb drive. It was from Iraq, standing in front of a Cobra with Mark Gilson's #28 Rhode Island State Police license plate. I noted that the picture was taken only 12 days before your passing. I've added that picture to my slide show screen saver at work. You're right in the mix with my family and children's photos.
Though I never flew with you, I enjoyed flying on your wing from the Huey and always felt good seeing you out the crew door on my wing. I always felt that extra bit of comfort having you in my sections on the missions in Iraq.
Our only flight together was in the pine crate in Canaan, Maine. I thought we were going to break the thing. That was a cross country trip which I will never forget. I hope to bring my family up there one day for the festival. I'll just have to get over the "Where going where?????????" response from the other half. The old reliable Crew Chief response should kick right in. Sit down, strap in and shut up!
I enjoyed working with you and miss you dearly. You were always the voice of reason. For a man from whom I never saw a moment of anger, you had an art for cooling me down when I most needed it. Usually involving a cold beer.
As the leaves begin to turn for another year here in New England, I'll continue to think about you and your family, I'll continue to miss you dearly and I will toast you. Often."
GySgt. Ed Viera of Tiverton, RI/ US
I can't believe 5 years has already passed since you're final flight. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you and the sacrifice you made.
I recently came across a picture of you in an old thumb drive. It was from Iraq, standing in front of a Cobra with Mark Gilson's #28 Rhode Island State Police license plate. I noted that the picture was taken only 12 days before your passing. I've added that picture to my slide show screen saver at work. You're right in the mix with my family and children's photos.
Though I never flew with you, I enjoyed flying on your wing from the Huey and always felt good seeing you out the crew door on my wing. I always felt that extra bit of comfort having you in my sections on the missions in Iraq.
Our only flight together was in the pine crate in Canaan, Maine. I thought we were going to break the thing. That was a cross country trip which I will never forget. I hope to bring my family up there one day for the festival. I'll just have to get over the "Where going where?????????" response from the other half. The old reliable Crew Chief response should kick right in. Sit down, strap in and shut up!
I enjoyed working with you and miss you dearly. You were always the voice of reason. For a man from whom I never saw a moment of anger, you had an art for cooling me down when I most needed it. Usually involving a cold beer.
As the leaves begin to turn for another year here in New England, I'll continue to think about you and your family, I'll continue to miss you dearly and I will toast you. Often."
GySgt. Ed Viera of Tiverton, RI/ US
"We sleep in our beds because you stay up all night long... Thank you all."
Ruwantha of Colombo, Sri Lanka
"Sir, it was an Honor serving with you. The memory of you is still ingrained in my mind; in all of our minds, your fellow Coyotes. You will be miss By all dearly. We hope to see you in the Here-After."
Lcpl. Gomez of Los Angeles, CA
"we will never forget all that you have done for this country...you may have died serving this country...but your soul lives on forever...R.I.P. sir..."
Kevin of Fairfield ohio United states of america
"God bless Dave, his family, and God bless the USA."
Tony of Pasadena, CA
"Thank you. I have your picture on my screen saver. It reminds me not to take freedom for granted and what an honor it is to live in this country. We have hero's such as yourself to thank for that and you will never be forgotten"
Michael Lockridge of Charlotte, NC
"I saw him at 24 season 4 at the end of one season. I thank you that you defend the freedom for all of us. My gratitude to you for fighting against tyranny und terrorism.
From the bottom of my heart, for your service and committment ... Thank you
You will never be forgotten"
Tim H. of Gelsenkirchen, Germany
"June 12, 2008
To the family of Lt. Col. David S. Greene:
David gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV
"when was he born"
jessica of bakersfiled,ca
"when was he born"
jessica of bakersfiled,ca
"Once again Sir a massive thank you from a civilian across the pond. I never took part in active military service and I regret that from seeing what men such as you and your team, as well as countless others provide us with without us even knowing. God bless your memory and your families prosperity."
Martin James of CHELTENHAM
"My wife and I just finished watching Season 4, Episode 6 of "24." At the end we saw the In Memory of LTC Greene. I had to learn who he was as my wife and I also lost our son in the War on Terror. We understand your pain and pray that God will give you some measure of comfort though we know the pain will never go away. Our thoughts are with you."
Ronald L. Bracy of San Antonio, TX
"Lt Col Greene
Your dedication to our Corps and to defending our nation and her citizens is an inspiration and will not be soon forgotten. Even to the moment of your death, you lived to our motto of "Always Faithful".
Semper Fi, Sir, and you will never be forgotten."
LCpl Larry Bengough, USMC of Ft Worth, Tx
"Lt.Col Greene
This former Marine had the privilege of visiting with your squadron-mates at Camp Pendleton a couple years back, and was able to meet with the folks that you served with.
Today, Memorial Day, my thoughts and prayers are squarely with you and your family sir, and I ask God that the day shall come that I can tell you in person
what your service meant to me and my family.
Semper Fidelis,"
Ben Hanson of North Port, Florida/USA
"I just watched 24, season 4 epi.6, saw his name and did a search. Thank you for your sacrifice. I hope your family is taken care of by our government now that you are gone. As a private I lose track of what I’m really doing here with the seemingly meaningless daily duties I go through. Reading this helps to refocus me in what I’m doing here and brings a tear to my eyes. Thank you sir and all others for your sacrifices and know that others regardless of rank, support you and would gladly do the same."
PFC Parrott, David A. III of 2ID, 602 ASB, Korea, US ARMY.
Words could not express the gratitude many of us feel for your sacrifice and for the service of all United States Marines."
Chief Al Nall, USAF of Providence, RI
"My Mother worked with Dave for a number of years in Philadelphia. She had nothing but kind words to say about him, calling him "perhaps the only true gentleman she ever had the priveledge of knowing" and she truely cherished their friendship. My heart continues to go out to Dave's Family. We still have your children's picture on the side of our fridge compliments of Ma'. As a Naval Flight Surgeon at NAS Brunswick in Maine, I think often of Dave and his family when I am providing care for my patients and their families. As an officer, I aspire to have Dave's highly esteemed character, class and honor in providing service."
LT Dever of Brunswick, ME
"I saw your name at the end of episode 6 of 24. 1 life on this planet and in this world, is just a fraction of your real life in this universe so I'm sure you'll be fine somewhere in this universe."
Seppe of Belgium, Europe
"Sir, Thank you for protecting our FREEDOM. "For those who fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know"."
Don/HeliPilot of IL
"Dave: you have made a path that cannot be erased, a path of detication to what is right and wrong, and for the course you died, your death has brought sorrow to many but is not in vain, if i had my way i would continue what you started but what ever happens you are forever remembered by all. RIP"
Jay of London
"Dave: you have made a path that cannot be erased, a path of detication to what is right and wrong, and for the course you died, your death has brought sorrow to many but is not in vain, if i had my way i would continue what you started but what ever happens you are forever remembered by all. RIP"
Jay of London
"Whatching "24" season 4, I saw your name at the end of chapter 6. Since Islamics groups started to spread their crazy, infame, faithless, repugnant, devilish way of life, all the world became awkward. God bless all the heroes that gave up their lifes for a better world cause.
God bless you, see you in heaven.
Luiz, Sao Paulo, Brazil"
Luiz of Sao Paulo SP/Brazil
"You are still alive in the hearts of those who loved you. The world whould be a brighter place if we had more people like you. I would do anything to be like you!!!"
Andy of Norway
"When I watch "24", season 4, i saw your name on the screen. You are a hero!!God bless you!!"
Bellamy.Deng of Shanghai.China
"A heartfelt thank you to LTC David Greene from a British citizen who appreciates the integrity and courage of American military personnel defending the freedom not only of their own nation but of all nations united to preserve human dignity.
Sending condolence from across the ocean to a family who have been parted from a true man of honor. Your allies are greatful beyond words for all you are doing for us."
S Whelan of United Kingdom, London
I really wish I had spoken to you the morning you left us. I saw you in the chowhall as I was getting of duty and you were going on duty. We passed each other along the back end of the hall and I dont know what stopped me from speaking to you, because you were always someone who was genuine and caring for your junior Marines. Please forgive me.
May God bless your widow, your children family, and your soul.
Rest in peace."
Sgt. Frank, EG of Orlando, FL USA
"The freedoms we have and sometimes take for granted are beacuse of men like David Greene. God bless him and his family. Semper Fi."
N Brown of Orlando, Fl
"Thank you for your sacrifice."
Mark Brannon of Hemel Hempstead, Herts, England
Four years together at the Naval Academy, four years as Herdsters. You were always the nicest, most easy going person I had ever known. Your generosity during Second Class Summer, where you invited me to spend the weekend with you and your family in New York, made me feel so welcome. I appreciate it to this day.
Your memorial service was hard to get through but it was good to know that somehow you were near.
May God bless your wife and your children and may they know always that their father was a hero and a friend to so many.
You are missed."
Stosh stan_pendergrass@yahoo.com of Odenton, MD
You died on that day over Ramadi, trying to help that Marine patrol on the east side of town. I was your co-pilot, somehow I was able to take us back to homefield, I landed at the medevac pad hoping you could be saved. I wish there was something I could have done to save you. I stood outside the medical tent watching the doctors and nurses trying to revive you. I thought of your family, a wife, a boy and a girl, just like me. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and your family and your sacrifice.
I always enjoyed flying with you, I hope to fly with you again someday.
God bless
Semper Fi!"
snooze of Atlanta, GA
"I just watched the episode of "24" (Episode 6, Season 4) where I noticed the mention of Lt. Col. David Greene.
I would like to say thank you for defending freedom for the everyone on this planet and sacrificing your life for every innocent life."
Salar Baki of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
"Sir, it has been an honour to chare the same soil as you. It's men like you that keeps men like me going, that stand up to the values and rights we hold dear, men of the west! God bless your memory/ Lt. Khamal"
Khamal Arhami of Chicago, Illinois
"Thank you"
David Thiel of Oklahoma City, OK
"Brother and friend, Thank you for serving our country and may the good lord bless you and keep you."
Joanie of California
"To: The Family of Lt.Col. Greene
I am deeply sorry for your loss...
His memories and heroism will live on forever...
To: Lt. Col. Greene
SEMPER FI my brother... A MARINE till the End...
See you at the Pearly Gates..."
Cpl. Howard of Boston
"Col. Greene,
Sir, I was reading an old copy of the Navy Times and I read an Opion piece written by your friend Major Danyluk. I would like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for our Country. And to your family, I wish to extend my deeepest sympathy.
Semper Fi Devil Dog!"
"Tonight we were watching "24" and we saw the picture of David - we went back again and again to see his sweet smiling face. We were deeply touched and our hearts cry out to David's family. Please know that although months may have passed since David gave the highest sacrifice for his country, that his name and his memory live on. We pray that God has received David into His loving arms. We pray God's peace upon David's family. We send you our deepest sympathy and our gratitude for David and his service to our country. Please know that our love reaches out to you where ever you may be. God bless you. 12-21-05"
Kaye & Mark Youngren of Portland, OR
"It was disturbing to learn of Dave's passing. I am proud and thankful to have had him as a friend. We talked about aviation and things in general. God Speed!"
Craig Clapper of West Chester, PA
"Thank you for your service for freedom LTC Greene-God bless you and your family.."
The Schultz Family of Dubuque Iowa USA
"Missing a friend who paid ‘a heavy price’
One of the wonderful things about being an officer in the Marine Corps, active or Reserve, is that the longer you serve, the more regularly you encounter guys with whom you served in the past. In some respects, it’s akin to life as a major league ballplayer: “Yeah, we played together with the Indians for a few years, but then he got traded to the Yanks. But now we’re both Cubs.”
Lt. Col. Dave Greene and I “played” together for a brief stint in the same unit eight years ago at Camp Lejeune, N.C. I was on my way out of a two-year tour as he was on his way in. Our worlds collided for four or five months.
The initial impression Dave gave was that of a great guy, both physically and spiritually, with an instantly likable demeanor. More time around him only confirmed that assessment. Seeing him again recently, over the course of several days in West Anbar province, Iraq, was like a reunion.
An AH-1W Super Cobra helicopter pilot, Dave was part of a small detachment supporting the grunts. He was a reservist in Pennsylvania with a good job at a tire manufacturer. Knowing Dave, his neighbors and co-workers probably didn’t have a clue concerning his affiliation with the Marine Corps until he deployed to Iraq.
I ended up spending most of my down time in West Anbar province in the pilots’ “ready room,” solely because Dave made me feel so welcome. We reminisced about “the old days” and bragged to one another about our kids — stuff you’d do back home with your buds on the patio on a nice summer afternoon. It was a welcome respite of normalcy amid the chaos. My last night there, we had dinner together, exchanged addresses and promised to stay in touch.
But on July 28, Lt. Col. David Greene, 39, of Raleigh, N.C., was shot and killed while supporting ground operations.
The bullet penetrated the windshield of his attack helicopter, and instantaneously Dave became the highest-ranking Marine to be killed thus far in this slice of the greater war on terrorism.
Dave was going home in a month and should have been taking one of his kids to a soccer game or doing some other mundane task that decent parents, such as he was, do daily. His kids won’t get that with him now.
In war, we must be prepared to pay a heavy price, but the contribution Lt. Col. Greene and his family made was priceless.
He is sorely missed.
The writer is a Marine major serving in south-central Iraq."
annoymous of nc
"When Larry Ross hauled the old wooden crate out of the New Hampshire woods to his home in Canaan in 1990, he became the proud owner of a truly eccentric piece of Americana. The 27-foot-long, 12-foot-wide, 9-foot-tall pine box was, in fact, the very packing crate in which Charles Lindbergh shipped his Spirit of St. Louis airplane back to the United States from Paris, after it carried him on the world's first nonstop, solo flight across the Atlantic in 1927.
Soon after Lindbergh's flight, as Ross found out, the commander of America's European fleet and a friend of the famous aviator had taken the souvenir to his property in New Hampshire, put a roof on it and a porch around it, and transformed it into a rustic little cabin for his family. Because the once-pretty dwelling had become run-down over the decades, however, the owner decided to sell it to Ross before the curious relic rotted into oblivion.
Ross, who teaches fifth- and sixth-graders at the Margaret Chase Smith School in Skowhegan, quickly saw in the odd building something more than a just simple box with an interesting past. He saw it as a potential teaching tool for his young students, an inspirational symbol of what the children could achieve one day if, like Lindbergh, they developed a vision, a plan, a team to help them, and the focus to turn even the loftiest dreams into reality.
So Ross restored the crate's original roof and porch. He filled it with photos from the U.S. Navy archives of the historic crate being loaded onto the USS Memphis, as well as scrapbooks of pictures, letters and news clippings that amounted to a personal record of early aviation history. And on May 21, 1992, the 65th anniversary of Lindbergh's flight, Ross invited local school kids to visit the restored cottage-turned-museum and share in his vision.
Ross has held a "Lindbergh Crate Day" on the last Friday of the school year ever since. Military aircraft from bases throughout New England fly over the backyard site every year, making it, as Ross tells people with a chuckle, the smallest air show venue in the country.
"What intrigued me most when I started was the spirit that went into the Spirit of St. Louis," Ross said recently. "I wanted to tell kids a story not only of the flight itself but of all the people who played a role in making it happen."
Over the years, however, Ross' original vision for the Lindbergh crate and what it is meant to symbolize have evolved in ways that even he cannot fully grasp. He has always regarded the crate as a "repository for memories," and the war in Iraq has added a couple of especially poignant ones recently.
As last year's crate day approached, Ross decided to honor Marine Maj. Jay Aubin of Skowhegan, a former pupil at the Margaret Chase Smith School who was killed in a helicopter collision in Iraq, as well as Thomas Adams, a U.S. Navy pilot killed in the same collision. The two men were buried side by side at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego.
Ross spoke with Aubin's squadron leader and arranged to have a Marine helicopter fly to the event in Canaan. He also got a group of children to plant 3,031 small flags - one for each of the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks - in the ground near the museum, and raised enough money to buy two memorial stones that were etched with the names Aubin and Adams.
On that Friday last year, 135 local schoolchildren and 13 invited guests from around the country stood at the site with Aubin's mother, Nancy Chamberlain, to honor the memory of the two fallen pilots. Surrounded by a large American flag and the sea of smaller ones that covered the grounds, the gathering looked on with emotion and pride as several military aircraft, including two Marine helicopters from Johnstown, Pa., passed noisily overhead. After landing to collect the large flag from the grounds, one of the helicopters hovered over Ross' humble backyard attraction for a while as a Marine pilot from Vermont named Lt. Col. David Greene waved the large flag out the aircraft's window in honor of the slain comrades.
"I really think something magical happened there that day," Ross said of the moment when his old packing crate became a conduit for an extraordinary convergence of events. Greene's Marine squadron apparently felt exactly the same way about the emotional event.
"The day was beautiful. We took our last note of recognition as we flew over the pattern one last time," one of the helicopter crewmen wrote in a letter to Ross not long after the visit. "We waved not a good-bye, but a salutation until we meet again. As we flew to our next destination we sat there thinking, 'This is what we do, this is our profession. We do not do it for glory or fame, not for the paycheck, but for those who would be most affected if we were not there.'"
Then last month, Ross learned that Greene, the Marine pilot who had so proudly displayed the flag high above the tiny museum in Canaan, was killed in July when his AH-1 Cobra helicopter was hit by ground fire while flying in Iraq's Al Anbar province.
"Now there is a hole in the sky over my back yard," said Ross. "These good people who showed up that day knew why they were here in this most unlikely place, and why their presence was so important and comforting to the Aubin family, to all of us. Being close to that moment made me aware of the pain that so many families are going through these days, across the country, and that it really affects us all."
Ross' eccentric piece of Americana has been transformed by the unexpected events that have surrounded it over the years, and by the many visitors who have been moved by their experiences there and who always leave a little of their own spirit behind.
"When I think of all that's happened in my back yard," Ross said, "I can't help but see it as a series of small acts of kindness and compassion coming together in one place that add up to something powerful in the end. It might have started with the Lindbergh flight, but it's really evolved beyond that now. It's a symbol of who we are in our best moments, of the importance of people connecting with one another, and I feel so lucky to be part of that.""
JP of cary,nc,usa
"There are no more words than "Thank You" that could be said to men/women like this. Many people around the world sacrifice so much in their support and commitment to such causes. It is painful to realise that many more will follow, to ensure we are all kept safe in the future."
Mark F (9842) of United Kingdom
"I was also brought to this page by Google after watching an episode of Fox's 24. It's sad the people have to die to promote peace. I still hope that someday people would live in a world without war.
A salute to fallen heroes."
Alfredo of Philippines
"The "24" dedication was a great dedication to a great person who paid the ultimate sacrifice for his country. www.angelfire.com/wi3/775taqaddum"
LCpl Retzlaff of Camp Pendleton, CA, USA
"Those who die in the service of freedom are all my heroes."
Bon Lee of Zhanjiang,China
"I too have learned of Lt. Col. Greene's sacrifice through the "24"-episode. I want to express my gratitude to Lt. Col. Greene for fighting against tyranny and oppression in the world and participating in a great endeavour that helped to free the world of evil.
His deeds and actions will be remembered alongside with all those of the other army service members that have fallen, defending freedom - may they never be forgotten."
Felix Schirner of Nürnberg, Germany
"To the family and friends of Lt. Col. Greene:
I was brought to this page by Google after watching an episode of Fox's 24, which was dedicated to the memory of Lt. Col. Dave Greene.
The great courage, resolve and dedication that Lt. Col. Greene has devoted in this campaign to rid the world of tyranny and oppression, should pale any human words of gratefulness.
I cannot find any other words but to quote Abraham Lincoln:
"I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.""
Daniel H. Yuan of Shanghai, China
"Freedom is not free.
I owe great respect and gratitude to who have fought and died for the freedom of humanbeings."
Michael Liu of Shanghai/China
"I would like to thank Lt Col. David Greene for his sacrifice. I hope that one day the Iraqi people can enjoy the same peace and freedom we know today."
Paul of UK
"I have just watched the episode of "24" and I would like to say you we are alive now because men as Lt Col Greene give there life for the other. Thank you to you and the other soldiers, dead in heroes for his country. May God Bless you."
Benjamin Baque of Toulouse, France
"Your courage and sacrifice will NEVER be forgotten because men like you are the reason democracy exists. God Bless you and your family and may your memory live on in our hearts forever."
Joshua Cartu of Tel Aviv, Israel
"I am just one of the many who learned about Lt Col. Greene's lost through the dedication in FOX's "24" show. Being far away, I and my family unite with the Lt Col. Greene's family i sorrow and pain. May God Bless you."
Jurek of Jelenia Gora, Poland
"I just watched and episode of the FOX show "24" and they mentioned Lt. Col. Dave Greene. While I did not know Lt. Col. Greene, I offer my condolences to his family, as words will never be able to take the pain away. God bless your family. Thank you, gentle marine, for defending freedon and the American way of life that I hold so dear. I am reminded of a bible verse that states there is no greater love than to lay your life down for your friends. May God bless your family, and help you through the loss of your loved one, a real American hero."
Brad Cline of Clarksville, Tn
"From a former Army scout helicopter pilot - God Bless you and your family LTC Greene. You are an inspiration to all of us, and represent the very best of this nation. Godspeed my friend - here's to blue skies and a strong tailwind. "De Opreso Liber""
Pete Bilden of Chicago, IL
"I'm one of millions who just learned of David Greene's sacrifice, and, through this site, the man himself, from the "24" dedication. I'm glad I did.
Thank you."
Jack of Columbus, OH
"To Dave's Family,
I just recently learned of Dave's sacrifice and thought to myself...why did they have to take one of the best. I knew Dave from the academy, flight school, and for some of my squadron days. We crossed paths often and knew of each other and worked around the same areas (I was a CH-46E pilot) 87-94. My thoughts and memories of Dave were always one of a class act. He had strength but didn't have to show it outwardly. I never saw him speak an ill word of anyone. If you needed help he offered it without a hesitation. You knew you could always depend on Dave for he just had that inner strength. His family always came first and I remember seeing how complete he looked after his Marriage. I'm glade his daughter were able to be old enough to know themselves what a wonderful man he is and how many of us will miss him. Godspeed David....you were one of the Best of us!!"
Anthony Devino of Stafford, VA
"LtCol Dave Greene was a close friend of mine - we served on active duty together our last two years at 2D ANGLICO. Our children were born only months apart while we shared many memories of deployments and family separations prior to going into the Reserves. Dave was a true friend, devoted family man, patriot and a man of the highest honor. You will be sorely missed by all of us who have been blessed with the privilege of knowing your friendship. To Sarah, Jena & Wes - the Breault family sends our love and support."
LCDR Tony Breault - motiv8ing@hotmail.com of Portland, Oregon
"Yes I remember David. I remember him as a young teenager. I first came to know him when his dad kept their cessna 150 at my private strip in Florence N.Y. I remember spending time with him in my cessna 172 when I took him into icing conditions over Lake Ontario to show him the wonder and dynamics of flight. I will never forget sitting under the wings of the airplane in the warm sun as the ice fell off the aircraft. We sat on the grass talking about what the future might hold for a young lad in the world of aviation. There is a reason for every thing. I have no idea as to how many lives that David touched but this I know. David did not die in vain. Please accept my deepest condolences."
Robert F. Hurd of Camden N.Y.
"To the family and friends of Lt. Col. David S. Greene,
Those we hold most dear, never truly leave us. May you find comfort in love's everlasting connection.
In the Support section of this web site you will find links to many groups that support you at this crucial time. The Marine Comfort Quilt group would be honored to send a quilt to the next of kin. There are many, loving and caring Americans from all over the United States that will never forget the sacrifice that your loved one has made for our Freedom. Please register so we can send you our "Love Stitched Together."
Proud Marine Mom and Proud Member of Marine Comfort Quilts"
Sandra Moudy of Placentia, Ca
"Thank you Lt. Col. Greene. Your nephew Steve is one of my best friends, he talked about you a lot. I thank you sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, for your service and committment. Brave men like you make me know how I want to be. Thank you."
Tom of CT
""Yea though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me." Psalm 23:4
Mazin Enwiya of Chicago, IL
"I am deeply sorry for your loss of LtCol Greene. I did not have the pleasure of knowing him but I can tell he was a great man. I believe the actions of one man can change the history of an entire country. He is such a man, May God Bless You... (oorah) /salute"
Cpl Wilmer E Parrish III of Kansas City MO
You left me with a lot of valuable memories of your youth and your pre adult life back at Timberland. Your parents Ross and Marjorie, brother Ross jr.and sisters Donna and Karen will forever hold your memory dearly. As you know David, I am against this war without a clear mandate and reason. The President promised a clear mandate and exit strategy which I haven't seen. My feelings in no way diminish the grief I suffer from your loss. Thank you for doing your job to the best of your ability and doing your best to protect and providing for the safety of your men."
Jan of cary nc usa
Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering all your family and loved ones
in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, David, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge Montana "
"Colonel Greene, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas
"We lost our son April 7th '04 in Fallujah. We know your pain and anguish. May God bless you and hold onto David. His bravery and service makes him one of our heroes."
Mike Morel of Martin Tn.
"To David's Family:
There are no words to express the sorrow we feel for your loss. May God bless you and help you through this time."
Dan and Meg Manninen of San Antonio, Texas
"To David's Family and Friends:
On behalf of the Blanco-Caldas family, we send our sincerest condolences. We share the same loss ... the same pain. Our prayers are with you in this most difficult time and we thank you for your loved one's bravery and sacrifice.
The Family of Capt. Ernesto M. Blanco-Caldas, 82nd Airborne
KIA Iraq 12/28/2003.
Gloria Caldas (Big Ern's Mom) of San Antonio, TX
"Thank you brave soldier for sacrificing your today for my children's safer tomorrow. You have our utmost respect and gratitude.
May G-d provide your family with comfort in their time of sorrow. May you forever rest in peace. Neither you nor your sacrifice will be forgotten.
A grateful citizen and a Proud Marine Mom, (purplelily219@yahoo.com)"
Lily of Wakefield MA
"To the family of David Greene you are in our thoughts and prayers. We lost our son in Kufa, Iraq on May 30, 2004 and we know your sadness. May you find comfort in the memories of his life. He is a hero and will not be forgotten."
Lisa and Gino Zimmer of Columbus, Ohio
"Thank you, David Greene, for fighting so courageously for me and my country. You are a true disciple of Christ! My prayers are with your family as they sadly mourn the loss of you...a great son, brother, uncle, father, husband, and soldier. Till we all meet again!"
sue castelli of northville, michigan
"Thank you David Greene, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios
"To the family and friends of Lt. Col. David Greene:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless David for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada
"To the family and friends of Lt. Col. David Greene:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of David, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia