21, of Lexington, Kentucky.
Comley died as a result of an explosion from a suicide, vehicle-borne, improvised explosive device while conducting combat operations against enemy forces near Al Amiriyah, Iraq. He was assigned to the 2nd Assault Amphibian Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Died on August 6, 2005.
Please send information, photos, and corrections for Marine Lance Cpl. Chase J. Comley.
Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.
Please report inappropriate messages
"First and foremost I miss you like crazy brother. For those who dont know me my name is Josh Wilding from Pensacola Fl and was in the Marines with Chase. I consider myself a brother as he to I. Close enough to call him my brother which I say to eveyone my bother from another mother. We were close. Just know that please. Knowing that we will never get to live out all those crazy dreams, bootcamp, Atlanta airport to MCT, to me trying to get into tracks school with you knowing I was colorblind and automatically disqualifies you from that MOS. That was some times. But I remember the basketball court two-on-two. You and I were unstoppable, from your three pointers and my rebounding and defense, we took on everyone. (AWG)" angry white guys " is what they all called us cause we always wanting to win and we would fight ,sweat ,and bleed to win a game. From your day to mine a yr and 6 days apart, I was hit by a IED in the same area you were hit but i got hit August 12th,2006. It's amazing how close we are through many many ways some good so and some bad. I have a silver Fallen Hero's bracelet with your name rank branch and when you past which I wear everyday. I catch myself just off in to the sky wondering what if this what if that,or just wanting to talk to u. I year and 6 days apart, I was close to joining you my brother, and I ask why you,and not me almost everyday. I been wanting to write to u and the family for a long time but I myself have been lost for a long time wondering how I was so close to joining you and why didn't he just let me go, to loosing my best friend. Mr and Mrs Comley I will tell u I've spoke with both of you before, we both have called each others parents at some point in time. I'm sorry it's taken me this long to write and I'm very sorry for everything. We had a group of 3, comley, Humphrey (motor t) chick and me . I had just gotten back from the 31st MEU, when I saw Humphrey , I knew then something was wrong. She told me cause she was over there at the same time chase was. I dropped to my knees and cried for hours,finally gaining strength to call my mom. She love chase like a son as well. Just want yall" CHASE , Mr and Mrs Comley to immediate family, from me and my family we pray everyday for yall and love yall to death. Finally chase, everyday I think about you, and I finally realized the only logical answer for you and I was that if u can't be here to live out those crazy wild dreams, then I must live for and honor you daily. I know if the shoe was on the other foot you would do the same for me and honor me by living the great life. Your my" HERO Comley" and I miss you brother and love you, forever my brother. SEMPER FI Marine I'll see u again and we will have a cold one and play some two-on-two" AWG " 850-463-2934 if anyone wants to call please feel free "SEMPER FI MARINES"
Thanks SGT Wilding"
Joshua Wilding (USMC) of pace, fl USA
"I didn't know you, but ran into our fellow brothers celebrating your legacy in Lexington a few years ago around the time I learned of one of my company Marines passing. To this day, your name sticks in my head....I will never forget the sacrifices made and will always be indebted to you. From one Marine to the next......Semper Fi brothers! None finer!"
Scott Wilson of Lexington, Ky
"I just wanted you to know that you are being thought of on this Veterans Day, 2013. HEROES never die. They live in our hearts forever."
Pam Dustin of mdustin@bak.rr.com
"Chase was a good dude. For the short time I knew him, I could tell that much. I remember him returning one time saying he had hitched a ride with a bunch of girls who said he looked like an Abercrombie and fitch model, I had to look that one up. he sure did. RIP brother."
Kyle of Belau
"I can not really say that I knew Chase but I met him briefly before he went to Iraq, of course I remember how handsome he was and how he made everyone laugh. I remember exactly where I was standing when I got the call that Chase had been killed and from that moment until this July 4, 2013 i view this holiday in a much different way. Tonight while watching the fireworks I thought of Chase and what his family must be thinking this July 4th. I am almost 50 years old and not until I could put a face and a name like that of Chase Comley with the fallen of many wars did I truly feel what Memorial Day, July 4th and every day in between really mean. I want Chase's family to know that he changed the way one woman thinks and he is the reason that she reminds her children often of people like Chase and what his family must feel like everyday."
BH of Florence SC
"It's that time of year again brother. Lost but never forgotten. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you."
Cpl. Derek Michel of Dallas, Texas
"Chase I didnt know you well but I remember you and John Smith every day. We miss you brother."
"You're "The Best",Chase"
dawn of Lexington
"Semper Fi and YAT-YAS! Just thinking about you brother."
Scott Peterson of Quantico, VA
"Miss you brother"
Jason of Louisville Il
"I love you brother. I remember after I was wounded in Iraq how you sat with me and smoked and joked about the fun of MCT in 2004. I remember the family you talked about with love and fondness and the girl at home you intended to marry. There isn't a day that goes by that I think of your smile and certitude. You were a wonderful friend, brother, son and Marine. God bless you."
Christina of LA
Sgt. Doudnik, Artem A. of Staten Island, N.Y.
"We all still miss you, rest well my brother"
Jason Groves of Louisville IL
"Chase :) I still think about you all the time. I know that you are up there watching over us and being a hero for all of us everyday. We all still miss you."
emily of lexington,kentucky
"You brought cheer and good spirits throughout the toughest of times. Even now when times get tough I think, "What would you Say to lighten the mood," I can't help but to laugh and find joy what you might of said. Your veiw on life was an inspiration to us all then and now. We miss you brother, "We Will Never Forget.""
Dave Chouinard of Worcester, MA
"Will never forget who and what you where. Never forget that day, or the warrior band of B co. 2nd plt Marines. Dycus, Alvarado...sorry I had to call upon you to help me, but I had to. Rest in Peace my brother, one way or another, in one place or another, we ll reunite, all of us."
Michael Garreaud (Diablo) of Beaumont, Ca
"Hey bro, not a day goes by that i dont think about you, im sure i speak for everyone in Bravo 2nd though, hell Bravo Company. Even though its almost been 5 years, its still hard to believe. I still talk to Coniglio about you, i will never forget our birthday either man, every year i drink for 3. Its just not the same brother. Much love and respect."
Joey Fithian of Derby, KS
"Rest in peace brother.
Mahan of SC
"Happy Birthday Son!"
Mark of Georgetown, KY
"May God Bless you all."
Leila Shipman of Texas
"Hey brother theres not a day that goes by that i dont think of you. I can speak for everyone when i say that its been an honor serving with you. Especially the boys from second section Bravo CO. We had the honor of working with you day in and day out no matter what the misson was. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. You will never be forgotten bro see you on the other side, much love"
"To all who have lost someone, I find great comfort from this and I hope you do too. Its called in the next room.
Death is nothing at all:
I have only slipped away into the next room.
I am I and you are you;
Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.
Call me by my old familiar name.
Speak to me in the easy way which you always used.
Put no difference in your tone:
Wear no forced air or solemnity or sorrow.
Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am but waiting for you, for an interval,
somewhere very near.
just around the corner. All is well.
Written by Canon Henry Scott Holland."
Jason Brian Comley of Harrogate, England.UK
"Today and forever a HERO is remembered!! Chase Comely was taken three years ago today, yet people still recall him. Not quickly forgotten, Chase will forever inspire me in my day to day life. A young and precarious young man, Chase is remembered by friends from coast to coast. I WILL never forget you my friend... Former Sgt. Clayton Z. Chism 2nd AA Bn 2nd Mar Div Camp Lejeune, NC"
"July 1, 2008
To the family of Lance Cpl. Chase J. Comley:
Chase gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV
"your the man chase and you will never be forgotten by me or anyone else. before you know it we will be taken patron shots together laughing and telling jokes. R.I.P hoowaa!"
APM of Lexington, Ky
"You will never be forgotten Marine. It was tough sitting threw another Marine Corps Birthday without you. Keep watch over Bravo Co as they prepare to head for Iraq again."
SSgt Mendoza of Quantico, VA
"Semper Fi Brother, you are not forgotten."
Cpl. Derek Michel 2nd AABN Bravo Co. of Mckinney Texas
"my heart goes out to you and your loves ones, may god hold you and keep you .may a thousand angels always dance around you"
Sharon Yonts of Lumberton Texas
"I have not forgot you my friend. I remember the first time we met on the plane to California. And all the times we spent together in the Marines. I am one of the fortunate ones that got to serve with you. On and off duty you are still today one of the best men I have ever known. I am truly grateful for having known you. And I carry my memories of you, with the highest regard. Thank you!! Semper Fi."
Sgt. Clay Chism 2nd AA BN of Camp Lejeune
"Happy Birthday Chase. Your Country Thank's you, I thank you. SemperFi Brother."
Brandon A. Culliton of Chesterfield Va.
"Gone But Not Forgotten
SemperFi Brother
Sgt. Brandon A. Culliton (Former)
of Chesterfield, Va
"I love you chase. I still think about you everyday, you are my hero."
WBV of lexington
"Chase- It has been 2 years now, and somehow you still find your way into my thoughts regularly. I miss you, love you, and am so very proud of you. What you did for us is a debt that can never be repaid. What a wonderful person...you will always be missed. I look forward to partying with you in the Big House one day...until then, please don't ever let me forget. Only the good die young Chase..."
Sara of Lexington, KY
"Rest well Marine, your duties done. Thanks to you and your family. And may God's blessing be on all. Semper Fi."
R, LOWES usmc of Memphis,T N
I think of you all of the time. I look forward to seeing and laughing with you again one day."
corey of louisville, Ky
"We think of you often and your family. I am so sad about what is happening to our country. My husband is a Marine. My son is still a baby. I look at him and it breaks my heart to know that one day he will, like his father, and like you, feel a sense of duty to this country only to have that nobelist of committments abused and taken for granted by the very people you gave your life for. Thank you and God Bless your family."
Dawn of Lexington, KY
"We will never forget.
Jim Bachmeier
1stSgt USMC (Ret)
BCo, 2d AABn"
Jim Bachmeier of Jacksonville, NC
"R.I.P. my friend,"
Barrett of Lexington
"Chase is inextricably a part of my life. I have known him since pre-k, and some of my earliest memories are of playing GI Joes together at the Byrne residence. Although we drifted apart for reasons that reflected nothing of eachother's character or opinion of eachother, Chase was always within arms reach; what i mean to say is that he could effortlessly make me feel comfortable again around him by cracking a joke, flashing a smile, or just spreading that delicously addictive attitude that so very much defined who he was. I know that Chase touched many, and that there are packs of people who mourn his passing, however i feel confident that we'll all remember our good friend forever. One day we will crack open a case together in paradise buddy.
From CJC to CJC: thanks for everything.
Clark Johnston Cramer"
Clark Johnston Cramer IV of Savannah
"Keep it real man don't forget us down here. Happy new year"
"i miss u brother and will never forget u."
Jerry Jamison of snyder texas
"What can you see from your window
I can't see anything from mine
Flags on the side of the highway
Scripture on grocery store signs
Maybe 18 was too early
Maybe 30 or 40 is too
Did you get chance to make peace with the man
Before he sent down his angels for you?
Mama's and grandmama's love you
Cause that's all they know how to do
And you never planned on the bombs in the sand
Or sleeping in your dress blues
Your wife said this all would be funny
If you came back home in a week
You'd turn 22 and they'd celebrate you
In a bar or tent by the creek
Your baby would just about be here
Your very last tour would be up
But you ain't coming back
They're all dressing in black
Drinking sweet tea in styrofoam cups
Mama's and grandmama's love you
American boys hate to lose
And you never planned on the bombs in the sand
Or sleeping in your dress blues
The highschool gymnasium is ready
Full of flowers and old legionaires
Nobody showed up to protest
Just a sniffle and stare
Red white and blue in the rafters
And silent old men from the core
What did they say when they shipped you away
To fight somebody's hollywood war
Mama's and grandmama's love you
Cause that's all they know how to do
And you never planned on the bombs in the sand
Or sleeping in your dress blues
Nobody here could forget you
You showed us what we had to lose
And you never planned on the bombs in the sand
Or sleeping in your dress blues
Lyrics By The Drive By Truckers"
Anonymous of Lexington, KY
"United We stand, Divided we fall. You gave the ultimate sacrifice and you will never be forgotten."
Jason Comley of Harrogate.England.UK
"hey man we are back here again, its hard b/c I patroll through that place every day and its all I can do to keep my cool, but I know if I did something to avenge you it would only look bad upon us. I just wanted to let u know that all the boys still think of you. You will never die while in our hearts."
SSGT. Phillips of Iraq, again, B co.
"Chase, I love and miss you buddy. It's not the same around here without you. I know you are in a better place looking down on us and laughing, but I just want you that there is no bigger sacrifice than dying for you family, your friends, and your country. We'll never forget you Chase."
Kevin of Lexington KY
""Semper Fi"
USMC 1970 (SC)"
Rev Abraham Murray of Ladys Island, SC
"To the family of:Chase J.Comley I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015. Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga"
"My heart goes out to the loved ones of your fallen soldier and son! There is no greater suffering then the loss of a son. As a mother of a son who died, part of you die's as well. The loss is not only of the son he was, but the son he was going to be. Hold onto every precious memory. I feel indebted to this brave young man who died for my freedom and protection. Chase is a true hero in a world where heroes are needed. I will forever be grateful and remember your son every morning when I wake up and know that my family is safe because of Chase and brave men like him. My heart aches for you and my family will never forget what he gave us. How proud you must be of him! God Bless Chase and your family!"
Linda Fero of Houghton Lake, MI, USA
"To the Comley family and friends:
My deepest sympathy goes out to you on the loss of this great soldier, son, friend... Chase died 5 days after my good friend, Sgt. David Coullard of the 3/25 batallion out of Brook Park, OH was ambushed in a sniper attack. It amazes me how these brave Marines knew every second of every day of the great danger they were in, yet never wavered from the mission at hand. Their deaths are not in vain for their supreme sacrifice keeps us all safe from the inhumanity other countries live with on a daily basis. Semper Fi Lance Cpl. Comley; you are a true hero. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers."
Brenda Bertolini of Long Beach, CA
"Although I didnt meet Chase until the summer going into my sophmore year in high school, I feel like I have known him for my entire life. We were in a crew of about 10-15 friends who hung out every single day after school and partied every weekend together. Chase was probably the wildest one out of the bunch and when he told me about joining the marines it didnt really surprise me. He had talked about it before because he wanted to do something with his life. I thought he may have just been bullshitting, but when he told me he really had signed up I knew he was for real. This man was so determined he could have done anything. For instance, going to high school at Sayre, Chase was the Cetner of our basketball team. All 6'0" of him. I have never seen an undersized center battle so much with people that much taller than him. He was ferocious on the boards and wasnt afraid to scrap with anyone. In baseball he was a star every year. He really loved baseball more than anything else I think, besides women and partying. Although Chase did a very very brave and noble thing by fighting for his country I would give anything for him to be back here right now asking me to give him rides across town or making jello shots for the big football game coming up this weekend. My prayers are always going out to his family and the rest of his friends all over the world. I am not the only one hurt by this as I can see by reading all of these messages. Chase was a great friend and I loved every minute I spent with him. I will never forget him"
Hock of Lexington, KY
"Chase was a friend of mine during the time he was stationed outside of LA county in Oceanside. It has been almost one year since I last saw him. He was hero; brave, strong and knew what he was about to do. The fact that he gave his life for his country, is very noble, yet I wish that he had not have gone. Chase was a close frined of my roommate at Loyola Marymount University and so my friends and I spent a great deal of time with Chase while he was stationed in Oceanside. Some of my fondest memories of last fall included him and to think he will never again step foot on the beaches of California where we all spent so much time. It makes me sad to know that I only met Chase because he was a Marine, however, if he wasn't a Marine he would still be here with us today. Its a bitter sweet feeling. I know he should still be with us today. He is forever in my thoughts and prayers.
To the Comley family: You are in my prayers and I visit Lexington every summer because of family, and I will make sure that I visit your family so I may tell you the impact your son had on my life and the lives of my friends out here in California. But for now there will be no more "Gedder Dones" nor "Blue Steel" nor any of the other goofy things that remind my friends and I of our time out here with CHASERS. For now, Here's to you Chase with your Makers and Coke!"
Michelle Henning of Los Angeles, CA
"To the family of Chase J Comley: I am deeply saddened and pray for comfort for your family. Altho we will never meet, your son will be in my thoughts and prayers. Find strength in each other."
Kris of Minnesota
""To the family of LCpl Chase Comley: My heart goes out to you. I lost my son, LCpl Chad Maynard in June. It has been 2 months now, but sometimes it feels like it was yesterday. On my son's marker is the phrase "Not In Vain". That is what Chad believed, and it is what we have to believe in order for any of this to make sense. I'm proud of you, LCpl Chase Comley, and I thank you for your service to our country and all of us.""
Cindy Maynard, mother of Marine LCpl Chad Maynard and Marine Cpl Jacob Maynard of Kennewick, Washington
"Rest in Peace."
Jahed of Irvine, CA
"I will always remember you Chase, Godspeed! We Love You."
Jesse McGreevy of Estero, Florida
"To the family and friends of Lance Corporal Chase J. Comley,
Those we hold most dear, never truly leave us. May you find comfort in love's everlasting connection.
In the Support section of this web site you will find links to many groups that support you at this crucial time. The Marine Comfort Quilt group would be honored to send a quilt to the next of kin. There are many, loving and caring Americans from all over the United States that will never forget the sacrifice that your loved one has made for our Freedom. Please use our link and register so we can send you our "Love Stitched Together."
Proud Marine Mom and Proud Member of Marine Comfort Quilts "
Sandra Moudy of Placentia, Ca USA
"Rest in Peace Marine
J and T
"We are so sorry to hear about the death of an other Marine from Camp Lejeune. We lost our son, Sgt. Bryan Opskar on July 23, 2005. There are no words to express how we feel at this time. Please know that we feel your pain!!!!"
Betty Opskar of Pelican Rapids, MN
"We are deeply sorry for your loss. The Courage, Honor, and Valor that your
Hero showed will always be remembered.
We are grateful for the loyal service and sacrifice that was made and
Our cousin LCPL Michael Smith Jr. gave his life on 4-17-04 fighting for freedom.
Please know that this was not in vain and these American Heros will FOREVER be honored.
God Bless your family and please know that you are not alone.
All of our prayers are with you."
Jennifer and SSGT Larry Mays of Massillon, Ohio
You are an American Hero whose ultimate sacrifice will not be forgotten by a grateful nation. Rest in peace Marine. You will be remembered for always being faithful to God, Country, Family and the Corps.
My deepet condolences to the family and friends of Chase and may memories comfort you during this very difficult time and always.
Brad and Dorothy Burt of Portsmouth, RI
"To the Comley Family, I am so sorry for your loss. You have raised a fine young man who is now a true American Hero. Chase will always be remembered and honored. May God Bless you all and God Bless Chase."
Mary Ghaney of Brooklyn, New York
Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Our nations HERO, Chase will be remembered by name.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
God Bless you ALWAYS.
Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "
"Although I do not know you I grieve for your loss. My husband is a deployed soldier in Iraq, and I feel as if all the soldiers serving our country are my family. May God and his angels help you during this sad time. Please be assured that I am etrenally greatful to all those who serve so that we may be free from tryanny and fear."
Kelly of California
"Thank you Chase Comley, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios
"To the family and friends of Lance Cpl. Chase Comley:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Chase for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada
"To the family and friends of Lance Cpl. Chase Comley:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Chase, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia