Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Remembering the servicemembers who died in the service of their country.

Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Regina R. Clark

43, of Centralia, Washington.
Clark died in a convoy that was attacked by a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device in Fallujah. She was a culinary specialist deployed with Naval Construction Region Detachment 30, Port Hueneme, California and was temporarily assigned to II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward). Died on June 23, 2005.

Please send information, photos, and corrections for Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Regina R. Clark.


Contributions to the Families of the Fallen


Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.

Please report inappropriate messages

"Regina and I served together at NMCB-18. Always smiling, always positive - I never have, and never will forget her. Rest In Peace Shipmate."
YNCS Leon Huff

"I played softball with Regina "Reggie". I think of her at our softball diamond everytime I put the flag up and the National Anthem is played. She had a fun loving spirit for life. I pray her son, Kerry, knows that her spirit will live forever here in Canton, Illinois. We have started having a Memorial Softball Game in her Honor. It is this coming Friday, May 8. We will all remember her with pride, smiles, and yes, tears! Love you forever, Reggie"
Kari Franzoni of Canton, Illinois

"To the family of my friend Regina, I was with her the day she left on the convoy. I was attached to the 30th with her. There was not a day her and I exchanged memories of our children especially that horrific day. I still remember her wanting to get the coffee cup for her mother. (I'm in the video that was sent to you from all of us), that day I don't want you to remember that horrific moment she was taken from us. Please know how much she smiled THAT DAY talking about the love she felt for her children and how she believed she would see you soon. As strange as I thought it was. I was working in the communications shack and heard the whole thing as it took place and our room went silent and I lost a piece of myself as I heard her name being listed. She was and still is a great friend whom I will never forget and always miss. I want you all to know that she never regretted being there other than the fact that she truly missed you and you were always in her heart and was never forgotten. Know this when they got to her, the way they found her it was sudden, and she truly did not show signs of suffering. If you would like to contact me my email is lildvl75@yahoo.com, may god guide and protect all of you!!!

BU2(scw) Dent, Ronald J of Oxnard, CA

"Another year gone, and the loss of my mother remains as poignant as ever. As I progress in life, her general absence is constantly reminding me of the years she has missed out on that would have offered so much joy to many. I am now going to graduate school, starting this coming fall, and the shared pleasure of such an accomplishment is sadly shared alone, but with the knowledge of a gaurdian helping me along the way in her spirit, constantly providing strength. With that knowledge her spirit carries on, touching every person I meet in the smallest way."
Kerry Clark of Washington

"To the family of:Regina R. Clark
I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015.
Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga""

"I had the pleasure of serving with CS1 Clark in NMCB 18. I was deeply saddened when I heard we had lost one of our own. Knowing RC the way she was, I know she wouldn't want me to dwell on her loss but to remember all the good times. It has been hard."
BUC(SCW) Young of Kennewick, WA

"A day beyond the day six years ago, I remember her being the one truly inspirational person I've ever been motivated by (which anyone familiar with her would know is a great thing), and as such, I miss her and ever stride to prove myself worthy of such a sacrifice. For all the support I've recieved, I'm appriciative, and thank you all."
Kerry Clark of Spokane, WA

"It is with a heavy heart that I am sitting here reading of the death of a friend of mine I had lost contact with and was searching the web in hopes of reuniting with her. I knew Reggie when she lived in the Quad Cities before she enlisted and played softball with her. I am shaken and struggling right now to grasp the fact that she is gone from us. I can only hope her son is okay and knows what a wonderful human being she is...This is hard for me and so wish I had kept in touch and had a chance to tell her how much I love her."
Susy Bishop of Moline, Il

"We have been hesitant to make this post, but we need your help.

If anyone knows the whereabouts of Regina's son, Kerry, please contact us.

A 24K gold plated Honor Buckle has been sponsored, and paid for, to be given to her son.

Honor Buckle is the highest gift of honor that a civilian can give to someone who has put their life on the line for our country, or community. Proceeds benefit disabled veteran

You may contact me at.... ted@honorbuckle.com
We are sincerely trying to find Kerry so any help would be appreciated.

You may want to check out the Fallen Hero page on our website. Linde Insurance of Mount Vernon WA is the sponsor for Regina's Honor Buckle.

Thank you, Semper Fi,
Ted Carney, Founder of Honor Buckle"
Ted Carney of Mount Vernon, WA

"Regi was a great person. I new Regi before her military days back in Canton, IL. We would all play softball and hang out. She was easy going and a friend to all. My mom got in touch with me when she had found out about Regina's death. Good memories linger about the times we all shared. She was a hard charger, that was one of her special qualities. She is missed by many but lives forever in their good memories."
Valerie Howell Schultz of Pleasantville, Ia

"I flew a flag today in your Honor, RC, here at the US Embassy.

I've been here for 2 years as a contractor and I have tried relentlessly to find the memorial with Regi in it at Fallujah, which I was told was there. The jarheads are now all gone from there so I am having no luck. I was also told there may be something in Kuwait.If anyone has info or a POC please email me: Kehaulani13@aol.com. Everytime I go through a checkpoint I think of Regina and the work she was doing. I think of those we've lost out here and the reasons why. God Bless America! I miss you shipmate."
Lee Kehaulani Harper of Baghdad

"May 31,2010, You are remembered Regina Clark. May we remember you and ALL of those that have died for this Grand USA. We AMERICANS stand by her, and pray for her. Thank you from one who remembers."
Joanne Gove of Camarillo

"I knew Regina for a short time as she was reporting when i was going home. My old hooch was going to be her room and she staked a claim on it before I left! She used to drive the golf cart and CS2 Scire-Cirneco (aka Guisseppe)was showing her around. I knew CS2 was involved with the dog Sandy and last I heard he was at Bagdhad Airport. I always wondered what happened to Sandy (I have a picture of him in a jeep looking like he is driving, it is so cute). By reading these posts I know she was trying to work on getting the dog back to the states. She was a good person. Regina and I were the same age, both Reservists near retirement. We talked quite a bit at the smoke pit. I think of her often."
JOC Suzanne Speight, USN of Jacksonville, FL

"I was with Reggie on the convoy and the day she passed away. She was an incredible person and I think of her daily. Her scarifice for our country is somthing that will live forever in the freedoms that we enjoy with our families. God bless her and her family."
SGT Brandon Rhodes of Jupiter, FL

"Today Memorial Day 2009, and the flags are flying high at the Camarillo sight that always gives honor to the Fallen Heros. Today, once again I saw the picture of Regina Clark. Regina I still have my copy of you and know that you will always be remembered. It is always an honor to be given the opportunity to remember those who have served. Today you are remembered, and your family, always in my prayers. Hoped you liked the flowers."
Joanne of Camarillo, CA

"It is Memorial Day, 2009. I think of my friend Regi daily, but especially today. Regi and I played softball together in Illinois when we were in college.We had kept in touch for years, in fact, prior to her last deployment, we were working on getting Sandy to the states. Regi is EVERYTHING that you kind people write. She is remembered by her tenacious drive, charismatic smile, warm personality, and loving spirit.I miss her very much, and pray for Melitta and Kerry. I will see her again one day."
Kelly (Schmitt) Mende of Clearwater, Florida

"Aloha, this is Lee Harper again. I am in Iraq working again and have been trying to find the memorial in Fallujah for Regi and the rest of those that passed. I am having no luck as most of the Marines have left Fallujah. I am at the Embassy in Baghdad if anyone can let me know anything? I have tried to put feelers out but no luck. Not many SeaBees left here as far as I've seen. You can email me: Kehaulani13@aol.com. Mahalo for your help. And Kerry, where are you? You haven't returned my calls, buddy, hope all is well! Drop me an email. Aloha."
Lee Kehaulani Harper of Baghdad, Iraq for now

"Hey Reggie. Miss ya at the smoke pit. 1.5 to go to retire! Can't friggin wait, getting hard to do this anymore. Never did hear back from your son, Sean hasn't either.
Dude, if you're reading this, make contact. We all miss your mom, if you're still in Vegas we can hook up or something.
Anyway, see ya Memorial Day Reg. As usual."
Erick Brockway EO1 of Camarillo, CA

"I was with Regina at the CMOC in Fallujah 2 days prior to her being killed. A group of us were present for a memorial service for Maj. Ricardo Crocker. Also present was Cpl. Sally Saalman who sang "God Bless America". It was a very personal moment for everyone in the room as many fought back tears. Little did we know that two days later Regina would be taken from us and Sally would be in a fight for her life. The loss of those Marines and Sailor in that 7-ton shook all of us to the core. The door to my "hooch" at Baharia was blown open by the over pressure from that explosion. It will soon be 5 years since that attack on MSR Fran. I still think of Regina and Sally almost daily."
Sean Lawlor of Baltimore Maryland

"Regi Clark was a wonderful person and a good friend to me in the short time i knew her in Fallujah prior to her death. I hope her family and friends back home know how much she meant to all who served with her and, having read these messages, I am sure they do. God Bless you Regi."
MA1 Dave Hurwitz of las vegas, nv

"To Kerry and family,
I had the honor of serving with Regi on two occasions, in 2003 and 2005. I met Regi in California while deploying to Iraq and was immediately impressed with her as a sailor and as a person. She was one of the coolest women that I have ever met and we became fast friends. I remember her being so upset when I went north to Iraq and she was stuck in Kuwait. But, I can tell you that those that stayed in Kuwait were blessed to have someone of Regi's calibre with them. I will never forget the times that I spent talking and playing volleyball with her.

Then in 2005 as I was preparing for my next deployment I saw Regi again. It was to my great pleasure that as I was standing in the exchange in Gulfport I ran into Regi and heard that she was going to Iraq as well. She was finally getting her wish to forward deploy and getting the chance to do her job. She was and always will be a HERO. Regi and I had some really good times together and I will always remember the heated debates, the funny conversation as well as the conversations about her pride and joy. Regi truly loved her son and was proud and worried about him.

Regi will be remembered by me as a loving mother, a dedicated sailor and a heroic person, but most of all I will remember her as one of the coolest chicks I have ever had the honor to call my friend. I will miss her. As I prepare for another deployment to the sandbox I can't help but wish that Regi could be there with me, but I guess in a way she will be there, looking out for her boys. Fair winds and following seas, Regi, I will never forget you girl!"
IT1(SCW) Victor Cleveland of MESD 1032, Gulfport, MS

"May 31, 2008
To the family of Petty Officer 1st Class Regina R. Clark:
Regina gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV

"I am reminded of CS1 Regina Clark each and every time that I walk into the Charlie Company warehouse of PHIBCB One and glance above at the Camp Clark sign that hangs on the wall.
I was unaware that Regina had actually passed away until recently. I did have the opportunity to spend some time with Regina in 2003 when we were based at Ali Al Salem in Kuwait. Regina was one of the most memorable people that I had the opportunity to meet.
Even though it has been over two years, my thoughts and prayers are with her family."
SK1 Marian Rose Canzoniero of San Diego, CA


"i was sitting on my porch tonight drinking coffee and smoking cigerettes... thinking of all the conversations Regi and I used to have sitting on the swing. We had so much in common and we literally talked about every subject under the sun. We talked about our kids a lot and Kerry she was so proud of you.I remember when she got Sandy, she was so excited. We made a pillow for Sandy out of an old laundry bag and took it out to the old building where she was at, she was so happy she had a bed. Sandy started out eating MRE'sthen graduated to chow hall food. She loved that dog.She was the most AWESOME chick!!!! She left her mark on everyone she met!She had the brightest smile ever and always worried if everyone around her had everything they needed.She believed in what she was doing and she was dedicated. I will never forget her! She is a true hero!!!"
EO2 Dondi Gasper of Goodlettsville, TN

"I served with Regina in '03 with SU2. She was an awesome woman, and bragged about her son all the time. I saw her last at the Reserve Center in Port Hueneme, where I was surprised to learn she had volunteered to go over there again. I got her address, and a hug, and said I'd see her when she got back to Hueneme. Then I heard the news about the female Marines and a female sailor killed when a HMMWV was destroyed by an IED. I didn't have a clue she was the "sailor" in the vehicle, don't even remember where I first heard it was her, it's all a blur. Shock I guess. I've since learned more about the incident details, and she was indeed brave to the very last.
I put the picture on the Veteran's Memorial in Camarillo. I have a larger one if you want it Joanne, also a picture of the dog we brought back, unless there was more than one? It's doing fine, living in Southern California, and dumb as a box of rocks! Good dog, really.
RIP Cookie, we'll see you again, have some more of that lobster you guys scored for us in Kuwait waiting!
Erick Brockway, EO1 of Camarillo, CA. USA

"This note comes to you on Memorial Day 2007 in Camarillo when I went to place flowers at a wall that is dedicated to all service men and women that have served. I placed my flowers that Monday morning and they were the only ones left. This being 8:00am. During my day I went to see if others had left some and I did find another yellow flower and my flowers.What I noticed was that mine had fallen over so I pulled over to right them. At the step I found a picture with information that read CS1 Regina Clark of Centrailia, WA RIP Sister Seabee. I just cried and thought of her and what had happened. I left the picture and went home. After several hour, and the sun was going down, I went back to the Wall and took the picture to make a copy and then return the original to the Wall. I looked up her name in the Fallen Heroes Memorial and found her name and what had happened. I can not tell you what my heart, my mind, my very body felt as I read ALL of the messages that people had left. Though I did not know your mom/daughter, know that she is in my office in a frame with her fellow soldiers and Iraqies. I will keep it forever. She is what America is Selfless, strong, giving and caring for the right of ALL people. I give you my prayer, and am thankful to have known your mom through the letters of so many people. May God protect you and keep you in his loving care."
Joanne Gove of Camarillo, CA

"I served with Regina for several years at NMCB 18's headquarters. She was a ray of sunshine during even the most trying times. She was always ready to dig in and get the job done even when it wasn't her job. She will be greatly missed, but she will live on in the hearts of all who knew her."
SK1 Pam Denison of Everett, WA

"As I pulled into the parking lot of our Tumwater MegaFoods store, my eye caught the sobering message that we had lost 'one of our own' in the war in Iraq. I had not had the pleasure of meeting Reggie, in person, but she was a part of our 'family', and her loss was felt deeply. In the weeks and months that followed, I couldn't get it out of my mind. A woman . . . a mother . . . in her 40's . . . being sent back to the battlefield, for a THIRD time! By all that is right, she should be with us, still. In tribute to who she was . . . and to her sacrifice, I wrote a song, "She Was A Soldier", that will be adapted for use in our WRINKLES OF WASHINGTON fall musical, at the Washington Center, in Olympia. Proper note of the inspiration for the work will be made in the program. As one of the previous contributors wrote . . . "she was a hero as a soldier, and a hero as a human." We will honor her name and her memory.

With respect,
Vaude deVille, BoD
of Olympia, WA

"I lived just across the hall from Regina when I was deployed to Iraq. She was always sunny and helpful to every woman in our wing of the barracks. When she died I was probably one of the last people over there to find out, but I could feel something went wrong that day. She was a dear friend and will forever be in my thoughts and prayers."
Michelle (Lemieux) King of Bowdoinham, Maine USA

"Regina Clark you are missed deeply. It was indeed a pleasure to have worked with you. rest in peace brave soldier."

"I had the honor and privilege of serving with CS1 Regina Clark while with NMCB 18 for almost 3 years. I have never met a person with a bigger heart then Reggie. She was always smiling and happy. She is one Shipmate I will never forget.

I was there when she left for her deployment and had the Honor to meet her when she came home for the last time. Your friends at 18 miss you!"
EOCS Pat Brennan of Port Orchard

"12-1-06 Hi. First of all I would like to thank you all on behalf of my grandma and I. I just now ran accross this website and was struck by the volume of messages left from people far and wide. It means alot to me and just reconfirms how special and impactful my mother was on people. This manner in which she carried herself was one thing I admired about her day in and day out. i feel as if I am the luckiest person in the world to have had guidence in life from one with such a great understanding for it. She always did the right thing, was very caring for people as well as animals, which she loved greatly all through life. Her integrity was unrivalled by most, as she managed to do right when wrong would have been so easy. I know we all miss her and I would love to hear from you all in person through email if you happen to wander upon this site again. I hope you do. Please email me at kerclock@hotmail.com. Also, I live in Las Vegas and understand many people visit hear. If you are visiting Vegas I would love to meet with any of you and do something while reminising about my mother. So far I have had trouble getting ahold of anyone to talk to that knew my mom other than me and my grandma and my friends. I would love to hear from some of her friends and the people she encountered throguhout her life. Thank you for the support and have a nice one. Be safe and happy holidays."
Kerry Clark of Las vegas, NV

"I served with Regi, or RC as some of us called her, in Hawaii back in the 80's and in California when she was an MS diligently trying to crossover to be an MA. (LOL...those of us close to her know how she persisted, but it was never gonna happen!) We played softball and volleyball together and kept in touch throughout the years. I watched the "toe-head' many times over. He even stayed with me and went to school in Lemoore the two weeks she went off to school in San Diego.

When Kerry was graduating from HS Regi called me in SoBe and was thinking of relocating there. Said Kerry was going off to college and she wanted the warm weather again. I told her to come down so we could go diving together, but then she had to go back overseas and was waiting on the Corrections job.

Last year I decided to go into theater with a govt contract and when I told her she emailed me that her retirement papers were pulled and she had to go back one last time. We kept in touch emailing and once I was in Mosul she kept telling me to try to go to Fallujah to work and hang with her. I tried, but couldn't find a contract job there at the time. I remember giving her a ration of sh*t cuz she couldn't figure out the DSN system nor did she have a phone that I could call her on from my cell phone while I was in Mosul. She was never a teckie! I was trying to talk to her, but her schedule was getting crazy. I remember her telling me about the dog...that was Regi. I was with her when she got "Regal"and told her NOT to name him "D.O.G". Shows just how crazy her sense of humour was!

When I heard of the attack on the female marines I was scared she might have been involved and tried to get in touch with Melitta and Kerry. I couldnt' get an answer. I will try harder now to get a hold of them. Kerr or Oma, (or anyone else) should you read this, pls contact me at Kehaulani13@aol.com
I've been trying to call your number, email and IM. I hope you are doing all right? I just now found this site and tried looking last year, but I spose it wasn't up and running at the time. I am soo sorry for your loss. "Wegi" (as Kerr used to call her) was a true patriot, I never knew anyone that was more of a "martha military" type of gal than MS2! I'll miss ya RC and will remember all the great times we shared. Aloha Nui Loa!"
Lee Kehaulani Harper of Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

"I had the opportunity to get to know CS1 when we were activated last year together in Port Hueneme for the upcoming trip to Iraq. She was the "Battle Mom" to myself and my friend who always looked out after us. We lived together the first month out there and she was always making sure we had what we needed. I remember how excited she was at having the opportunity to work with the Marines in searching the women and children of Fallujah. She truly felt she was doing something. She took many pictures; mostly of the kids and they (both CS1 and the kids) were ALWAYS smiling. Her smile...very contagious and engaging. I remember the day i came into work and found out about what went on and i was in disbelief. I still was weeks and even months afterwards. To this day it still seems unreal and at times i still cry although i'm sure she's up above telling me to quit crying and to live life. I remember Sandy the dog she was always getting food from the galley for and working on getting adopted out of Iraq. She had her hid in an old bldg but made sure her room was cleaned and that she had toys to play with (an old boot) and a blanket to sleep on. CS1 was ALWAYS making sure everyone was taken care of. I remember how proud she was of her son for getting that job at Taco Bell, and about how she was thinking about getting a jeep when she got back. It was always day to day out there. All us ladies would meet up out front on the bench swing and she'd be smoking with a cigarette in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other hand with her socks and boots off, just enjoying the moment. I miss you CS1; i may have only known you for 4 months but you truly made a BIG and DEEP impression in my mind of what life is about and i thank you. I also wish to tell Kerry and CS1's Mom Melitta i am soo sorry for your loss, and that she has touched so many of us and that her memory lives on within me for the rest of my life. Always and forever...Kempf"
YN2 of WA

"My husband and I participated in the IL Motorcycle Freedom run on 6/17/06 and recieved Ms Clark's dog tag. We would like to pass this along to the family if you are interested in having it. If you aren't aware of the Memorial Wall in IL, please see www.ilfreedomrun.org. Please contact us at baldandblonde@earthlink.net. Very sorry for your loss."
Colette Andrjeski of Morris, IL

"It's almost a year and I still haven't gotten over that dreadful day in July, when I found out what happen to my friend, and source of spirit! I shall never forget the lady who could make the rainest day shine brighter than a blisting hot day in July! To her family, thank you for sharing her with me and the Navy! She shall never be forgotten!"
SK1 Jones of NBVC Port Hueneme, Ca.

"feb 19,2006. i just recently found out about regina my heart is broken ive cried for 3 days now, to her family i am so sorry i feel i should have been near her she has always been in my heart i watch kerry alot or stand her duties so she can be with her son she was full of energy and life and her goal was to give her family the best she could do, kerry if you read this write me bostiosrk2@aol sorry i missed seeing you in vegas a couple years ago but would like to see you now as a man god bless you and your grandma,ive gotten most of my in from your granparents in oklahoma the fountains ill close by not saying good bye to regina but see ya some day again you soul mate gilbert bustillos"
gilbert bustillos of oklahoma, enid

"To the Family of CS1 Clark. I was deployed with her 2003 with NCFSU-2 or SU2. She will be remembered as the moral welfare person, she arrange our "Arabian Night Feast" in Kuwait before we left. My deepest condolence for the lost of a great Sailor/Mother/Friend"
"Can do" of California

"To Reggi, like a 2nd mom to me in Iraq she always kept me going. Always gave me good advice.
Sadly I have very few pictures of her. But the ones I do have I will cherish for ever.
I served with her in the Female Search Force. I only knew her for a month or so but she will always be a lifelong friend to me.
I would just like her family to know that she loved you very much. She spoke of you all the time.
Reggi told me how proud she was of her 18 year old son 19 by now. How he was in college and he took care of their home while she was gone.
She always spoke of her German heritage. In which we had in common.
She IS just a wonderful person and I hope to meet up with her again at the Pearly Gates of heaven.
In Loveing Memory
Love ya Lady."
A DEAR FRIEND IRAQ May-June 2005 of Branchville, INDIANA

"Dear Kerry,
I did not know your mom. I heard about her on CNN. I was touched that she sent a dog back to save it's life. As a veterinarian and a dog guardian, I
can tell you that my own dog thanks me daily for saving her life. Your mom was a hero on two
accounts, one as a soldier and another as a human being. I am sure that you will always have a unreplaceable void in your life, but this dog that she saved will be there for you unconditionally. This I know."
DB,dvm of massachusetts

"I just read of Regina's death in the NY Times. I did not know her, but when I read of her shipping the stray dog back to the US, I was particularly moved--that little bit of detail touched me deeply, and really emphasized what all on here have said about her strength and fine character. I cannot begin to imagine the scope of your loss, but hope you have found some comfort in these difficult times."
Another "dog person" of VT

"Melitta and Kerry, my name is Barb Shillinger and I send you my most sincere condolences on the loss of your daughter/mother Regina. I know what you are going through and I will keep you in my prayers. I am the WA state coordinator for the Home of the Brave Quilt Project. We are volunteers making a Civil War reprodution quilt for the family of each of our Fallen from WA. It will have an embroidered label with Rgina's name. We ask nothing of the families except an address to which we can mail the quilt when it is finished or, in your case, I would be glad to bring the quilts (we have one for you, Melitta, and one for Kerry) to your home in Centralia, as I live fairly close by. Please contact me. And, again, I am so sorry for your great loss. Please contact me at barbnlamont@comcast.net
Barb Shillinger of Aberdeen, WA

"Served with PO1 Clark in Fallujah, Iraq, OIF III (2005). We worked hard out there. She worked out there. I remembered her because she was one of the few sailors out there with me (corspman). I reach my condolences out to her loved ones."
3/4 Doc of Californaia

"I served with Regina in 1987 when she was a Mess Management Specialist 2nd Class and I was a 1st class. We attended the 6 week Food Service Administration course in San Diego, we became very good friends as we studied, I even babysat Kerry - A very active young boy; Regina would call him her "toe-head" because of his white blond hair, I can’t believe he is 18 now.

Regina was a lot of fun. We cooked for each other. She loved sports and being active. Her loss hurts me deeply, last year I served in Iraq setting up of the dining facility she was working at and now I find out she was living just up the road from me in Washington.

I am in Portland Oregon now and would love to see Kerry again and provide any assistance he may need for college or whatever.

Regina, you are missed and loved. As a single parent you did the near impossible and you raised a strong boy, you should be proud."
Harry DeWolf, LT, SC, USN (Ret) of Portland Oregon

"We always read the casualty lists, hoping to never see a name we recognize. When we see a familiar name, we hope it's coincidence. I've confirmed this fallen Sailor, was once one of my own. Petty Officer Clark served admirably as my Leading Petty Officer in the CPO Mess onboard USS Nimitz for several months just after 9/11. I'm very sorry for her family's loss, and our nation has lost a patriot. My prayers ask God's blessing on the loved ones she has left behind.
Her name is now on my growing list of Shipmates who have given their lives in the service of our nation. They will never be forgotten."
ATCS (AW/SW) Louis Pepe, USN Ret. of Middleburg, FL

"We always read the casualty lists, hoping to never see a name we recognize. When we see a familiar name, we hope it's coincidence. I've confirmed this fallen Sailor, was once one of my own. Petty Officer Clark served admirably as my Leading Petty Officer in the CPO Mess onboard USS Nimitz for several months just after 9/11. I'm very sorry for her family's loss, and our nation has lost a patriot. My prayers ask God's blessing on the loved ones she has left behind.
Her name is now on my growing list of Shipmates who have given their lives in the service of our nation. They will never be forgotten."
ATCS (AW/SW) Louis Pepe, USN Ret. of Middleburg, FL

"Your bright smile is shining down upon us from heaven. You live on amongst your Seabee friends and you will never be forgotten. I know your loving arms will embrace those soldiers who also sacrificed their lives for the name of freedom as they meet up with you in heaven. The Seabees will never forget the name of CS1 Regina Clark. We love you Reg!!!!"

"Regina and I served together in the USNR with the Seabee's at Fort Lewis, WA. She was always happy, always helpful, always present - as person and soldier/sailor. She was a mom who volunteered for another go, and then who earned the opportunity to serve the people of Iraq with the Marines, ensuring sensitivity to culture when searching female civilians. Her memory will live with me forever - grace under pressure, humor, humility.
I am so sorry for the families loss, and for our loss."
Catherine of Tacoma, WA

"To the family and friends of Petty Officer 1st Class Regina R. Clark,

Those we hold most dear, never truly leave us. May you find comfort in love's everlasting connection.

In the Support section of this web site you will find links to many groups that support you at this crucial time. The Marine Comfort Quilt group would be honored to send a quilt to the next of kin. There are many, loving and caring Americans from all over the United States that will never forget the sacrifice that your loved one has made for our Freedom. Please use our link and register so we can send you our "Love Stitched Together."

Proud Marine Mom and Proud Member of Marine Comfort Quilts "
Sandra Moudy of Placentia, California USA

"To Regina's Family and Friends, I wish to extend my sincere condolence on your loss of Regina. It is truly heartbreaking to read of her passing. May God Bless all of you, and know she is really an American Hero who her daughter will be very proud of."
Mary Ghaney of Brooklyn, New York

"I served with Regi Clark at Naval Station Treasure Island in San Francisco for two years (just before she left active duty). The news shocks me.She was a dear friend, a hard-working shipmate, a dedicated sailor, a loving mother to Kerry...and so much more to me.
I will miss you."
Carmen Hix (MACS/USN(Ret) of Friendswood, Texas

"Thank You Regina, for your heroism. You can rest peacefully at last, for you are finally safe. My heart aches with you family & friends."
Melissa Macchi, (cousin of PFC Mark Barbret from Shelby Twp., MI, killed 10/14/04,) of Roseville, MI

"I knew Regina through the Navy Reserve and spent 2 weeks with her on a project in Arkansas. I can not even express the absolute sorrow I feel that something like this has happened. Here I am ready to retire and here she was going back for a third tour. I knew her as a very happy person, and for this to happen is just unreal. I hope her family well."
Jason of Sacramento, Ca.

"Your presance and laughter will be missed in our club Regina! The Lord is my sheperd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters, He restores my soul. -Psalm 23:1-3"
Curves for Women of Centralia, WA/ USA

"Regina...Your an ANGEL in the sky. Rest in Peace....J and T USMC NC"

US Navy Sailor

Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Regina will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you ALWAYS. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "

"Two weeks ago we lost our dear nephew, Lance Corporal Dustin Birch in Iraq. In the New Testament there are the parables of the Lost Coin, the Lost Sheep and the Lost Son (the prodigal). I believe these writings were included to bring comfort to those who have lost someone/something in their lives also. To assure all that everything lost - everyone lost, including your Regina - will be found once again. In Luke the Savior tells us that He "came to save that which was lost." May these words bring comfort to you - along with the knowledge that all of our prayers - and gratitude for your family's sacrifice are lasting. “These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we attain too cheaply, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article
as freedom should not be highly rated.”

by Thomas Paine, published December 19, 1776"
Drake & Paulette Kirkham of Salt Lake City, Utah

"We are deeply sorry for your loss. America will forever honor your Hero.
The Courage, Honor, and Valor that your Hero showed will always be remembered.
We are grateful for the sacrifice that was made and we will NEVER FORGET.
God Bless your family and please know that you are not alone.
All of our prayers are with you."
Jennifer and SSGT Larry Mays of Massillon, Ohio

"Thank you Regina Clark, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios

"To the family and friends of Petty Officer 1st Class Regina Clark:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Regina for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada

"To the family and friends of Petty Officer 1st Class Regina Clark:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Regina, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia

Honor them by remembering... Freedom - is their gift to us But his soul goes marching on