21, of Middlebury, Pennsylvania.
Campbell died in Baghdad, Iraq, when an improvised explosive device detonated near his HMMWV during patrol operations. He was assigned to the 108th Military Police Company, 503rd Military Police Battalion (Airborne), 16th Military Police Brigade (Airborne), Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Died on September 11, 2005.
Please send information, photos, and corrections for Army Spc. Jeremy M. Campbell.
Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.
Please report inappropriate messages
"scary video games"
Jim Harxmon of Manchester
"I have created a page on facebook in honor of Jeremy, if any of you are interested in it here is the link.
Maddison Campbell of Nashville, TN
"Jeremy, we will NEVER FORGET YOU. We thank you every day and especially on this 7th anniversary of 9-11-2005 when you gave us your ultimate sacrifice, your life, defending our freedoms and way of life! Rest In Eternal Peace with God's loving arms wrapped around you and your loved ones."
Dawn Pletcher of Wellsboro PA
"June 10, 2011
Happy Birthday to you!! You know I wouldn't miss your birthday. You know I could never forget about you Cammy. You are still missed and loved so much friend!"
Laquawna Baker of Denver, CO
"My brother you and I grew up together in the smallest place in the world. I will never forget the memories we shared. I love you bro and never will forget the ultimate sacrifice you made. I will see you again soon and we will talk abou the old days. I miss you."
SSgt Hammond Christopher USAF SF/K9 of Pakistan
"I know this is late its been almost 6 years I was just thinking back before that day I could always talk to jeremy about anything going on he was a good friend. Im sorry for your loss."
ash of Winston salem nc
"It's my goal to go to Jeremy's gave this year on the anniv of his death...I miss him a lot and think about him often. Even though, I never knew his wife she is in my thoughts. I would never want to be in her position since I am now a marines wife."
Leslie Spell of Raleigh,NC
"I did not know Jeremy until today, Saturday. Dec. 11, 2010, when I placed a wreath on his grave at the Arlington Cemetery. Now I feel such connection with this young man, that I will continue visiting him on his birthdays and every Sept. 11, the anniversary of his death.
He must have been a remarkable young man."
Valentine Szybko of Washington, DC
"I was one of the lucky ones who knew Jeremy. One of his absolute favorite things to do was to pick on me for being a complete clutz- which I wasn't! (okay, so I was.). I have year books from several years filled with pictures he drew of me breaking my nose on a parking meter, falling off a horse, getting kicked by a horse, and falling down the dance-studio stairs. I have several framed in my room because they always make me smile.
Jeremy and I became close during senior year and he would often call to talk about homework and what bone I would break next.
After one of our classmate's funerals senior year, a few classmates, Jeremy, and I went to Big Falls to escape our sadness. While we were there, Jeremy and I spent a lot of time talking about how we wanted to be remembered and he said,
"If I die, I want to be remembered as the guy who always made everyone laugh. I want to be remembered as the fun guy. I want people to have a huge party when I die because I'm too awesome to cry over."
I visited Arlington last weekend for the first time since he was laid to rest. I went to the memorial in Wellsboro and finally was able to make it to Arlington. It was so hard to be there, but I knew I needed to go. At first I was sad, but then the conversation we had at Big Falls came back to me and I just started laughing. I thought about all of the great times, the calls, the jokes, and what an amazing person Jeremy was.
When I left, I was smiling and I felt so uplifted- and I knew it was Jeremy that made me feel that way.
To his family and his wife- there is no way to avoid missing him, but always remember what he said, "I'm too awesome to cry over." So instead, remember the awesome guy that he was and everything that he stood for and believed in. I know I speak for everyone when I say we will always miss him, but we are so thankful for all that he did for us.
Miss you Jer!!!!!!"
Victoria of Phildelphia, PA/USA
"To the Family, I had the distinct Honor and priveledge to read the name Jeremy M. Campbell on June 20 this year at the Illinois Freedom Run and Mideast Conflicts Wall Memorial in Marseilles, Illinois. I offer to you my most heartfelt condolences on your loss of such a fine young Man, Hero and Soldier. Being a Gold Star Father myself, I know of the pain and heartache you are all enduring and send a big hug from the most innerpart of my soul. Know that these young Hero's will never be forgotten."
Kory Thompson of Harrah, Oklahoma
"We were the the relief patrol for Jeremy's Squad after the nightshift. Our Squad was in getting chow and I was monitoring the the radio. I heard everyhing go down. I heard the KIA call. I fell in the floor. I sent for our Squad and we were not able approach beacause the landowners had restricted all access to the site. We Sp'd as fast as possible, but were unable to react.
We were helpless... I have never been so proud to perform as a rifleman in a 21 gun salute and to the family of Jeremy, honor was in the forefront of his actions and heart. It took an Army and a Nation to fight this war and Jeremy was part of that fight. He will be missed. ?You cannot believe in honor until you have achieved it, better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world? George Bernard Shaw... SGT. Campbell. Rest in Peace."
Joel Wolfe of Denver, Colorado
"Hey brother, just wanted to let you know I missed you. All the "hey lets just start driving and see where we end up weekends", along with all the other random crap we did, will always be a great part of my memory."
"Campbell.. its been 5 years almost 6 already and still you are thought of very often. I had the great pleasure to have served with you for a short time. It was truely a blessing. You were an AMAZING soldier and most importantly a Great friend. I still see your beautiful smile and hear your calming voice as I would walk past you every morning before PT with my big pregnant belly sticking out and you saying with a smirk.. "Good Morning Mo!!" Those are the little times I cherish. I brought my family to your grave back in Jan 06 while Petey was at Walter Reed. Shamanda and I left something there for you and I hope you liked it! Just know Campbell you are in my thoughts and we miss you dearly. Rest In Peace Brother!"
Michelle O'Neal of Camp Darby, Italy
"I personally knew Jeremy he was one of my good friends. I talked to him only a few days before he died. Even though it was a long time ago I still think about him and wish this didn't happen to such a good person. I will always remember him."
Leslie Spell of Wilmington, NC
"A great soldier, a great son who will always live forever. He always will be missed. I remember him as if it was yesterday. I had the opporunity to defend our country along his side. I spoke with Jeremy before his deployment, I could not imagine him as one of the fallen. Jeremy, a happy go person, always had a smile on his face.I will never foget him. He will always live forever. Bless his family. My service with Jeremy- Deployment to Kandahar 2001-2002 and Mosul April 2003-July 2003."
Johnny C. Mc Williams of Fayetteville, NC
"I am Warlord 7, 1SG Allen G. Blanchette (Retired) I hold nothing back and often am criticized for defending my men all too often. Jeremy was one of MY Men and I am thankful for the opportunity to share Jeremy with his beloved Madison. I want to share with you my first impression of Jeremy....
WE, the 108th...My Family; were Airborne Military Police AND Air Assault. We had to do more...with less and be successful. We volunteered for hell,... and transformed it into a workable solution....WE..the men AND Jeremy did this daily. At least it was daily on my watch as 1SG.
We had just air lifted into an LZ about 2 miles from an ORP where we would gather our assembled forces to overwatch a "terrorist" training camp. We would call in our coordinaites and then enter, disect, clear the camp and call for our pick up. WE almost always involved rotary wing aircraft. These vehicles from the sky were our life line and we wanted to ensure we made contacts and knew how to use them. Campbell was on the initial wave. We all landed.... called in the "all clear and started to move. We humped for about 1 and half miles. I knew we were in eye sight of the "training camp. Campbell and his buddy "Q" (Turnquest) were up front...LEADING the way. it was about two in the afternoon. I was about 40 years old and my bags weren't smoked yet. I approached a rise and as I got near the crest...Campbell slowly stood up from a kneeling position. He had his eyes on me the entire time. As I gazed at him, he was covered in sweat that didn't seem to bother him...he had a huge wad of chew and I asked how long he had been in his position...he replied quietly ("about 20 minutes Top....") His composure was beyond words. I asked if there was any movement... he replied with a quick body count, where they were.... and the fact they were alerted to the main body getting close and making too much noise. I nodded and moved back to inform my commander. I got a glimpse of him while he returned back to scanning the camp...this guy had heat waves emmitting from his body....I guess I caught him in the setting sun. When I gave the command to move....he moved forward, slowly and deliberately...what a professional. That image never left me. He was one of our best soldiers.....
I went to his memorial on Ft Bragg...placed four yellow roses on his memorial at 0615, 11 SEP 2009, said a prayer for him and left....one of the detail soldiers asked the other one who was watering the flowers...who is he? The other knew..."Thats 1SG Blanchette, he'll never leave his men."
God Bless YOU Jeremy. May God keep you until I get there to do head count.
Air Assault!
Warlord 7"
Allen G Blanchette of Cameron, NC USA
"Re: SPC Jeremy M Campbell
I represent PRAYER SHAWLS 4 FALLEN SOLDIERS (PS4FS), an organization that since October 2007 has sent over 2,700 prayer shawls to military families who have lost a loved one. We are an organization of over 240 groups from all over the country. We make every effort to reach families even when post cards are returned after they have moved. Would you kindly send me a contact email/address so that we may send a loving hand-made prayer shawl to the family? Thank ygerty, Prayer Shawls 4 Fallen Soldiers
Email: ps4fs@charter.net
Website Address: http://webpages.charter.net/ps4fs/shawls"
Cozette Haggerty of Wilbraham, Mass.
"Jeremy (Delta 1),
I'll never forget you. From your laugh to that big dip you always had in your lip, you were a real man. Thank you for letting me be your friend, and thank you for being such a great friend. I'll never forget the morning we lost you and I'm so sorry that there was nothing I could do. You were an example for all as a soldier and as a person. I'll always remember you as you lived, not as you died. You were an amazing man and an amazing husband to Maddison.
Maddison, I'm so sorry. I pray that you are well."
Amanda Fisher of Camp Carroll, Korea
"14 October 2008
Jerbear, I still miss you. I still dream of you. I wish there had been more I could have done. You wouldn't believe how corrupt I have become in your absence. I remember a day back at CP 28 on Tampa, when you guys rolled in for a pit stop, and I was pissing behind the truck, and you came over to talk to me, but you wouldn't step around the door until I had my pants up. Last month when I was at ANC I cried, and I told Oz "he'd kick my * if he could, he always hated it when I cried." So much of Iraq is coming back to me. I didn't realize how much I had forgotten until I started to remember, and now I wish I could forget it all over again. I wake up haunted by CPT Stoneburgs voice when he told me, I screamed at him. I still can't believe you're gone. You kept me so innocent, and now it's all gone, I have no faith in humanity. I will love you eternally."
Hotel-6 Maddison Campbell of Ft. Lewis, Washington
"I never knew Jeremy but I wear a memorial bracelet with his name I received randomly. On my other wrist I wear a bracelet for Marlyn Garcia who died in the WTC on 9/11, she was also just 21. I'm so sad that Jeremy died, fighting for her and all of us. I am so sorry for your loss Maddison, you and Jeremy's family and friends have my thoughts and prayers."
Diana of Centerburg, Ohio
"Its been three years since we lost you and there hasn't been a day passed that your not thought about "Brothers in Arms'"
Spc Beck
"Hey Jeremy today is your birthday and it's been so long since I've visited this site but there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you. I miss you just as much and it's still just as hard when I think about you. I wear my bracelet with your name on it everyday so that I don't forget the scarifice that you made. Thank you."
Laquawna Baker of Camp Zama, Japan
"Jeremy, it's Ranew from basic. I miss you everyday and I always think of you and your family. You helped me get through a few pretty hard times. Remember when i got that flat tire in Greensboro and you drove all the way down just to make sure I was ok? man that was fun. I have a picture of us on my wall at home. I miss you so much. After I found out that you were gone, I used to call your phone just to listen to your voicemail. I didn't want to believe it, I would call over and over and over just to hear you. I always wanted to send your mother flowers but I didn't want to make her sad.
To the family: your son was by far one of the most amazing people I have ever met in my entire life. He always brought a smile to my face, he could always make me laugh. And he knew exactly what to say to make someone feel special. It pains me to know the world lost such an amazing person. He is truly my hero."
Stacey Ranew of Ft. Polk, LA U.S.A.
"May 24, 2008
To the family of Spc. Jeremy M. Campbell:
Jeremy gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV
"To the family of:Jeremy M. Campbell I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief. He died a hero defending freedom and we are so grateful for anyone defending our freedom.
Know that I am praying for the peace of God that surpasses all understanding for you and that one day we will all meet in Heaven where we will rest in the arms of Jesus.
If you need someone to talk to or someone to pray with please call my Pastor at Gateway Community Church, Reverand John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd Covington Ga. 30016 Phone 770- 787- 1015 (fax)770-787-8215.Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew"
"Jeremy, next month will be two years since I lost you, and I cannot believe I came back to this place. It still feels like it was last week we bumped into eachother on Tampa for ten minutes. I still get excited when I see the 108th trucks at our chow hall, because I know that Moubry will always talk to me, about you.....I love you!"
Maddison Campbell of Mosul, Iraq
"Jeremy and I where friends for a short time, but he had a very big impact on me. He and I went to an MP Ball together and it was the most fun I ever had at a military event, because he made it so great! Jeremy's commitment to the army was just one of the many things to love about him. I will forever be changed by him and by what he gave for his country, his fellow soliders, and most of all... his friends! My husband and I will never stop paying homage to his memory."
Brenda Petersen of Wiesbaden, Germany
"It was my honor to serve with Jeremy Campbell in 108th MP Company (ABN)(AASLT) for about two years, from September 2003 until his death on 9/11/05. He was a dedicated Soldier and a funny, charming young man. I think of him often and continue to pray that God will comfort his family and all who knew and loved him."
SGT Don Hallock, COARNG of Denver, CO
"I never knew Jeremy, but I've heard a lot about him. My brother, Bryan Riley, and him were best friends right off the back when they met in Ft. Bragg. I pray for his family all the time. He is a hero in my eyes. Rest in peace Jeremy... God Bless."
Kristen Brownell of CA, USA
"I am sorry that it has taken so long for me to leave a message on your memorial page. I guess i still can't believe you are gone. I still remember the day you threw rocks at me because I made you go to the green zone. You were always sweet and always had something nice or comical to say. I have so many memories of you and I will always carry them with me wherever I go. I want your family to know that you were a great person, soldier, and friend. Thank you for always taking care of your favorite medic out in sector. Love ya and miss you for life."
SSG Greene of Fort Sam Houston
"I miss you brother, and thanks again for driving my drunken butt home after the Buckeyes won the national championship."
SFC Byrd of Schofield BKS, Hi
"Today marks the 1 year anniversary of Cammy's death. I don't remember him today for how he died, but for what he lived for."
karl souffront of tampa fl. USA
"Will there be a place in heaven
For a person such as me
Who, through youth and the love for life
Isn't all you'd have me be?
I've been a man but a short time now
And I'll ask you this, if I might
Isn't fighting for freedom's cause
A fight that's always right?
The men I've killed, some things I've done
Are not things I've wanted to do
But a job I believe had to be done
By we who believe in you
I had those thoughts upon my mind
When I heard that deadly sound
Then, all around me, one by one
My friends fell to the ground
Somehow I knew before it hit
Fear ran up my spine
I felt the blast tearing my side
I knew this one was mine
There'll be much grief for loved ones at home
when they learn that I am dead
Please ease their pain and let them know
These things that I have said
Time's run out, I can feel death's sting
Oh, God, please hear my plea
Let there be a place in heaven
For a person such as me
Lord, this is the chaplain, I'm here with this lad
Our country's given the finest it had
We who are older and have studied your word
Know this boy's prayer is more than just heard
It is answered with your love
And the promise that there'll be
A special place in heaven
For a person such as he....
Cammy and I served together from January 03 till June of 05 when I left the 108th.
To the family of Jeremy you have my sincerest condolences. Jeremy may god smile upon you and grant you all the wonders of the kingdom of heaven. And may you finally Rest in Peace. Airborne.."
Jack C. Marshall of Virginia Beach, VA.
"Campbell was one of the best Soldiers I have ever had the honor of knowing. He was deticated to his Country and his friends. I will miss him always. To his family I would just like to say he was a very fine young man and was brought up very well."
SSG Miller
"Dear is the memory of our wedded lives,
And dear the last embraces of our wives
And their warm tears: but all hath suffer'd change:
For surely now our household hearths are cold,
Our sons inherit us: our looks are strange:
And we should come like ghosts to trouble joy.
Or else the island princes over-bold
Have eat our substance, and the minstrel sings
Before them of the ten years' war in Troy,
And our great deeds, as half-forgotten things.
Is there confusion in the little isle?
Let what is broken so remain.
The Gods are hard to reconcile:
'Tis hard to settle order once again.
There is confusion worse than death,
Trouble on trouble, pain on pain,
Long labour unto aged breath,
Sore task to hearts worn out by many wars
And eyes grown dim with gazing on the pt;
Maddison Campbell of Ft. Lewis, Wa
"Campbell and I went to basic training with each other, He was the fastest person in the whole company for the 2 mile run, He was always happy about being in the Army and just living life, He is missed."
SGT Robinson, Christopher of Camp Victory, Iraq
"I went to high school with Jeremy. I can remember the first time I met him and the last time we talked. He was a very special person. His smile, laughter, and all around wonderful personality are things that no one from Wellsboro will ever be able to forget. I attended his funeral and had the honor of saluting him. I am proud to call Jeremy a friend. He is greatly missed and will never be forgotten."
Kate O'Shea of State College, PA
"To Jeremy's family
I wish I had gotten to know Jeremy better during our short stay in A 795. I was never really that close to him, because we were in different platoons during training. I have thought about him very often. He will NEVER be forgotten."
SPC Betsy Galbreath of Macomb, IL
"I met Jeremy when we both got to Ft. Leonard Wood, MO for basic and AIT. He was a great soldier who always found a way to brighten your day. I will always remember the few days that we got to see each other and catch up on the times at camp Virgina, Kuwait, where we were both waiting to go up north into Iraq in April 2003. I will always remember Jeremy, and my thoughts and prayers go out to his family in this very difficult time."
SGT Dustin Ayres of FOB Diamondback, Iraq
"I did not know Jeremy, but he had the bunk next to our son Sgt. Dustin Ayres during their first 18 weeks in the Army. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this very difficult time. Jeremy is a true American Hero. America is the land of the free because of the brave."
Doris & Jeff Ayres of Richland, WA
"I knew Jeremy for a total of two weeks while he was in the states on R&R during his latest tour. He was a fun guy, I learned a lot about him and he had some great stories. I just wish, like so many others, that he would have been able to complete his latest tour and return home. The short time I knew him I could tell he was going to be a great brother-in-law."
Alex Warriner of Anderson Island, Washington
"I never met Jeremy in person, but I pray for his family, and that he may find peace. I had the somber honor of being the pilot of the C-130 that flew him out of Iraq so that he could start his journey home. I never knew him, but I will never forget him either."
Capt Chris Dickens of Dyess AFB, TX
"This is the link to my pictures of Campbell. http://www.kodakgallery.com/Slideshow.jsp?Uc=m7q87f6.2b9hbsia&Uy=-1ij9zq&Upost_signin=Slideshow.jsp%3Dfromshare&Ux=0&mode=fromshare&conn_speed=1"
SSG Marble, Derrick of Camp Zama, Japan
"I was Jeremy's team leader from the time he got to the 108th, through his first tour in Iraq, and untill I left the 108th in June of 04. I worked with him everyday, we slept in the same room, and drove in the same vehicle. He was so enthusiastic and it was virtually impossible to put a dent in his ever-positive outlook. He was always a very commited soldier and I never had to teach him anything more than once. In fact he taught me many things. I remember having to ask him to teach me how to load and fire a shotgun in case we needed to use it in a riot control situation after the capture of Saddam was announced. I will always remember Cammy. I have pictures of Jeremy on kodakgallery.com. Email me at Doshaza@lycos.com if you want me to send you an invitation to view them."
SSG Marble, Derrick of Camp Zama, Japan
"Jeremy you are a great causen and I will always remeber you. I can remeber when me, cody, and Rickie went down to see you at your home when we were little and you made glass for us that was asome and fun. I will miss you a alot and sad because you were a great person. I will never forget you and remeber the great mems when I got to see you well goodbye."
Shannon of Philadelphia NY
"I am so very sorry for your loss!! I didn't have the honor of ever meeting Jeremy personally, However he was in the same unit as my nephew in Iraq and they became pretty good friends! I know how this tragedy saddened my nephew PFC Don Cary. I just want to say THANK YOU to Jeremy and to let his family and friends know that he will not be forgotten!! My prayers and thoughts will be with you!"
Kelly Foster of Carthage, MS. USA
"Never really got to spend a lot of time with you, but the time we spent will always be carried in our hearts. Thanks for the memories, and thanks for my number 3. Thanks for making a difference we are all proud to have had you in our lives."
Laurie of Philadelphia NY US
"To you Cammy, thank you for teaching me what it is to be a soldier. I miss you. AIRBORNE!!"
Jake Thill of Beloit Wi
"To Jeremy's family- I loved Jeremy so much. He was the captain, and "Charlie," to our bowling team in high school. I was one of his three "angels." Everytime he called me from serving, he was always saying he missed his angels. I cannot be anymore proud of him and what he accomplished. I am comforted by the thought that he is now my Angel. He will never be forgotten. He truly touched my life."
Becky Shettel of Wellsboro, PA
"I served with Campbell in Iraq during his first tour (May 03- May 04) in the 108th MP Co., 4th PLT. He was one of the finest, most knowledgeable, and driven Soldiers I ever had the honor of serving with. Cammy, we will always mourn you. AIRBORNE!"
SGT Brad A. James of Ft. Meade, MD
"To Jeremy's family and friends.. I did not know your loved one but lost someone very special to me last month on August 1st. His name was Sgt. David Coullard, of the 3/25 Marine Batallion out of Ohio that lost over 20 brave men in just three days. I am so sorry for your loss and may it give some comfort to know that these brave men died not in vain, but of a true belief that they were making a differnece over there... and they were. If it were not for them, we would have that savagery over here and so we have much to be grateful for. My prayers are with you. Let's pray for those still fighting the fight..."
Brenda Bertolini of Long Beach, CA
"To the family of Jeremy,
I didn't know Jeremy very well but I do remember seeing his smiling face around base. My fiance Joe was in Iraq with him both time and is deaply saddened by his loss. The thoughts of myself, my family and my friends are with you."
Tara Broyles of New Jersey/ North Carolina
"My heart goes out to you and yours. I knew SPC Campbell and was once assigned with him in 503d Military Police Battalion. I deployed to Iraq with him the first time, he always found a way to bring laughter, at least he made me laugh. He was a great person and soldier. He will forever be remembered and missed.
SPC Ruiz"
Shelly of El Paso, Tx
"I am Very sorry for your loss. Our son Mike was KIA March 7, 2005 Ramadi. I know the loss all to well. Please know that our family will never forget. You are in our thoughts & prayers."
Tina Franklin, Mike's Mom of Coudersport, PA, USA
"To Jeremy's Family and Friends:
On behalf of the Blanco-Caldas family, we send our
Please KNOW so many people share your sadness,
and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief.
Our nations HERO, Jeremy will be remembered by name.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
God Bless you ALWAYS.
Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "
"Uncle Aaron and family, I am so sorry for your loss.I met Jeremy one time and I was so impressed with him, he was so excited about the Army. He paid the ultimate price for what he believed in and I am so PROUD to say he was part of my family!My heart goes out to you and ALWAYS know that I love you!!!! Meloney"
Meloney (Clark) Spencer of Osceola, Pa USA
"To the Campbell Family, I am so sorry for your loss and our country's loss of your fine young soldier. Jeremy is a true American Hero. He will always be remembered and honored. We are praying for you all. May God Bless you all and God Bless Jeremy."
Mary Ghaney of Brooklyn, New York
"Thank you Jeremy Campbell, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios
"To the family and friends of Spc. Jeremy Campbell:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Jeremy for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada
"To the family and friends of Spc. Jeremy Campbell:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Jeremy, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia