Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Remembering the servicemembers who died in the service of their country.

Army Spc. Kyle A. Brinlee

21, of Pryor, Oklahoma.
Brinlee died in Al Asad, Iraq, when his convoy vehicle struck an improvised explosive device. He was assigned to the Army National Guard's Detachment 1, Company B, 120th Combat Engineer Battalion, Pryor, Oklahoma. Died on May 11, 2004.

Please send information, photos, and corrections for Army Spc. Kyle A. Brinlee.


Contributions to the Families of the Fallen


Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.

Please report inappropriate messages

"Hi Brinlee, my name is Baylee. My dad is Jimmy Edward “Eddie” Ogle Jr. he served with you in Iraq. He died in 2016 from service related ALS, when he was 44 and I was 17 and a senior in high school. I’m 26 now, and I’m writing today because tomorrow is Veterans Day and I’m going on a walk at my law school that’s to honor vet mental health and I thought about my dad, and thus thought about you. I was only 6 when my dad came home from Iraq but I immediately noticed a difference. He wasn’t the same dad that left. I grew up embarrassed feeling like he wasn't normal. My dad had CBT, PTSD, major survivors guilt, and more. He had a very hard time getting emotionally close to me. I knew something happened in Iraq that really shook him up and had grown up hearing your name and knowing you died but never knowing the full story. When I was in high school, I finally learned. My mom had to tell me the story because my dad left the room crying. She told me how you died, and how my dad felt responsible. I guess he was supposed to drive that day and was tired from the night before and you so kindly offered to replace him. My dad knew that route, it was routine for him. And so when you died he felt entirely responsible. He was so shaken up that you were so young and felt like you deserved to live more life and thus would often have episodes where he would cry saying that it should have been him not you. He tried to kill himself many times when I was growing up and was constantly in and out of PTSD treatment, sometimes states away. My mom would plead with him “what about your two daughters?” but he couldn’t see though his grief or survivors guilt. I don’t know much about my dads time in Iraq because he couldn’t talk about it. But I do know that he liked you very much, and that you were a very kind kid. You shouldn’t have died, and neither should he- in Iraq or at home. Even though I never knew you, please know I think about you often. Like I said, I don’t know much about my dads time in Iraq and I’m sure some of you knew him, so if anyone would like to reach out my email is oglehoma18@yahoo.com. Thank you for your service."
Baylee Ogle (Daughter of “Eddie” Ogle) of Moore, Oklahoma

"Happy Birthday Kyle!! You would have been 31 years young today! You were such a wonderful person and always found a reason to smile. You are missed and loved by so many people. You would be proud of your family, and your friends...I know they are proud of you. It will be 10 years this May that you have been gone, continue to watch over us all. We love you and miss you!!"
Beth Headrick of Pryor, OK

"Hi Kyle:) Guess what!?!? I have you dad as my teacher again. I love that class. He's one of my favorite teachers... I saw him on the news today. Volunteers are making wooden triangular flag cases for families of fallen soldiers. It touches my heart that people still remember great soldiers like you. I know i didn't know you but your dad makes you sound pretty cool. The look on his face when he talks about you makes me want to cry sometimes. He really is a great man/teacher. Well anyway, that's why i wrote to you. I don't really know what else to say without sounding cheesy or dumb. soooo Bye Kyle:)"
Mary Jones of Broken Arrow, Ok

"Happy New Years."
Mary Jones of Broken Arrow,Ok

"Kyle I miss you more and more everyday. This month, this year, is one of the hardest ones I have had in a while. I wish you were here, you have a nephew now. I wish so badly you were here to impact his life and see him grow. I can't believe we are going on 9 years. Love you bubba. Your sister, kaylee"
Kaylee Brinlee of Tulsa

"Kyle. I didn't know you but your dad was my government teacher last year. He was amazing. The only teacher that not only actually taught me something but he also taught me about life. He loves you. I can tell. He talks about you all the time. Rest in Peace. And thank you."
Mary Jones of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma


"Thinking of Kyle today. Remembering his sacrifice."
Sid Burgess of Seattle, Washington

"Not a day goes by that I do not think about you! I love you and miss you, and long to hear your voice."
Tiffany True-Floyd of Vinita, OK

"Happy Birthday Kyle, you would have been 29 today. You touched so many lives in such a short time. I love and miss you son."
Robert Showler of Broken Arrow, OK

"Kyle, I don't know you, but your father, is my government teacher, and He talks about you all the time, Rest In Piece."
Matt Emery of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

"Dear Kyle,
You don't know me but I've heard many great things about you. Mr. Showler is my teacher & he really loves you and I didn't know you but I believe you were a great person, Mr. Showler talks about you & seeing the tears in his eyes made me realize I need to be thankful for the ones I love that are in my life because I have no idea how long I will be able to tell them face to face that I love them, God bless your soul and your family thank-you for fighting for our country. Mr. Showler tells the class some funny stuff about you :) Thank you Sir for your service so I could be free and be able to write this to you. God Bless You Thank You Again"
Amanda Haight of Broken Arrow, OK 74012

"i miss you and think of you everyday Kyle... U were such a great man and I love you.."
Kc Summerlin of Pryor, OK

"I can't believe its been almost 6 years, it seems like yesterday you were sitting on the front porch giving me your mischievious little wink. I find myself thinking of you more and more. When Brynlee gets old enough I will be proud to tell her she is named after a wonderful man who made the ultimate sacrifice. I love and miss you. Thank you to all of the men and women who fight for our freedom."
Brandy Ross of Stillwater,Ok

"To the family of:Kyle A.Brinlee
I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015.
Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga"1-18-11"

"I will never forget the day 3 Pryor High School buddies walked in my office and wanted to get in the National Guard. One was medically disqualified and Kyle and the other one were enlisted and served in Iraq together. I would see him at drill and he would smile and mischievously say "see what you got me into". Then I heard he was killed in Iraq. For a long time I felt bad and would cry because I was his recruiter. Then one day a friend of mine told me that if it were not me in that office that day it would have been someone else and that they all 3 WANTED to get in the Guard to serve God, family and country. I learned from his fellow unit members that Kyle did his job over there in an outstanding manner while brightening their lives with his personality. For the record, he was posthumously promoted by his unit to SGT E-5. His unit members have a personal memorial service at his grave site every May 11th. The American Legion Post 182 in Pryor has a plaque on the wall dedicated to Kyle and every time I'm there I see it and/or touch it and remember this wonderful young man. Kyle was, is and will always be my friend and hero. God bless America and may He enjoy that old Kyle Smile."
SSG (Ret) Terry Brown of Pryor, OK/USA

"Kyle,not a day goes by that I do not think about you. I miss and love you so much son."
Robert Showler of Broken Arrow

"Kyle, It is 6 years today that we lost you I think about you all the time. You will never be forgotten Kyle. It hard to believe that its been 6 years already I can remember like yesterday hanging out at my house in Pryor or every memory of growing up together... I misss and Love you"
Kara (Duncan) Ridley of Adair, OK

"kyle, I still catch myself picking up the phone to call you . i really wish you were here bubba. I miss you you so much."
Beau Brinlee of Coweta, Okla

"I can't believe it's been so long, I was just remembering when we were kids, and it really doesn't seem like it was that long ago.... But infact it has. Kyle will never be forgotten, he was the one person who could always make your day in school if it wasn't going so well. I will never forget when we all got detention together, Kyle,Brady, Me, and several others.. Good times that will never be forgotten when we are all still young and Pure at heart. People like Kyle hold a huge part in this world, whether it be here or in heaven.. I hope he's up there with my cousins Seth and Julia watching over us all!!Love you Kyle!"
Kylee Graves of Adair, Ok

"Kyle, we will never forget. I think of you everyday, I miss you son. I will always love you."
Robert Showler

"I can't believe it has been almost been 5 years, I miss you so much buddy, life is just not the same. Sissy is doing so good and she will graduate May 21, I did my best to raise her right, I think you would be very proud of the adult she has become. I see you in her eyes every day. We miss you and love you always."
Melissa Yount of Tulsa Ok USA

"kyle, i still miss your smile and think of you often, love you always"
deanna of coweta,ok

"Its been 5 1/2 years and it still seems like a few months ago that Kyle was helping me get my lawnmower out of the ditch. He was just driving by and being Kyle he did what he always did and that's stop and help. I loved his easy humor and I loved the way he treated his sister. He earned my respect a long time ago when he was in junior high."
Connie Coile of Pryor, OK

"It has been over 4 years now since Kyle lost his life. and I still miss him very much. He was my 1st grandchild and he grew up so fast. Time with him was very short. I know that someday in the future We will get to see kyle again, in PARADISE."
Bob Showler of vinita, ok 74301

"To the family of Kyle A. Brinlee, my heart goes out to you. As a mother of a fallen hero, Doyle "Wayne" Bollinger, Jr. who was killed in Al-Kut, Iraq on June 6, 2003. My heart still hurts for my son, but I know he is in Heaven with his sister and other loved ones. May God always be with you and your family."
Wyvonne Wright of Talihina, Okla

"May 2, 2008
To the family of Spc. Kyle A. Brinlee:
Kyle gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV

You made this world a better place, and touched so many lives in your short time. Not a day goes by that your not on my mind. I miss you so much. I love you son."
Robert A. Showler of broken arrow

"I remember babysitting Kyle when he was just a little baby, my brother was dating his Mother Tracy, and I would look forward to taking care of him... He was the cutest little boy I had ever seen. I remained friends with his mother until her untimely death, and I would run into Kyle from time to time, he would always make a point to go out of his way to say Hi. He was a good kid and a great Man, I am honored to have known him and his Mother. May they both rest in peace."
TATE JENNINGS of Boston Massachusetts

"Bless you all..."
Hank Brinlee of Colorado Springs, CO

"The 3rd year of Kyle being gone is coming up. It still sometimes doesnt seem real. i still miss him so much. Please pray for his family and other families with loved ones that have lost their lives and ones that are still there. It is still very painful for them"
DeAnna of Coweta

"I met Kyle while while attending OSU, he truly will be someone I will never forget. He had the kindest heart and the best personality one could ask for, he was the kind of person that you wanted to be yourself. He always looked for the bright side of every situation.......He will be missed and I'm so glad that I had you in my life!!"
Melissa Brown of Tulsa, Oklahoma

"Kyle it was an honor to know you and to serve with you. You are greatly missed and I know I will see you again someday."
Erin Williamson of Roland, OK

"Im Very sorry for your loss! I didnt personally know him, but he's still a part of my family."
Ashley Brinlee of Keizer, Oregon

"I met Kyle when he was in junior with my little brother, Craig. He was one of the best friends Craig had no matter what he was there for him. Kyle was a great person with a heart of gold. He truly touched everyone he knew. To think that he is gone is hard, even two years later. He is missed and loved and will be remembered. Love ya."
Misha Coile of Owasso, Ok

You was a great friend and soldier and you will never be forgotten, as you have placed your name forever in the history pages by giving the ultimate sacrifice for people to have freedoms that are taken for granted by all who haven't suffered and paid the true price of freedom. I'll never forget the good times we shared as roommates at Fort Sill or while chasing down the haji's at Camp Wolf on the QRF. No one could put a smile on the First Sgt. early in the morning like you did with your humourous remarks. You will remain forever young in a special place in my memory, your friend Sgt. Christopher Shook, Bco 120th Engineers Battalion"
Sgt. Christopher Shook of Claremore,OK/USA

"Kyle, we miss you greatly. Yut Yut!"
SSG Bryant of Oklahoma

"Kyle's little sister is my best friend, I've known her since I was probably 4 or 5 years old and I knew him just as long. Even though when I was younger I didnt act like it, but he meant a lot to me. He cared about my family and even though I never told him, I loved him like he was my own family. And I miss him. He was an amazing person."
Kaitlin Greer of Tulsa OK

"My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Kyle was a very person. He once told me "Keep friends close and Enemies closer" well Kyle was a very good man and I miss him dearly."
Jimmy Eglain of Locust Grove,OKlahoma

"I am so sorry to hear of your loss and my prayer are with you and your family and his brother, Joe..
My dad passed away 1-22-06 in the Navy..you well remember him as NCC Paul A. Sams..
May God Be With You.."
Ashley Sams Corbitt, Dodgegal34@yahoo.com of Bigelow,Ar..

"To Kyle's family:

My deepest thoughts are so often with you, my prayers are so often for you.

I knew Kyle briefly, and yet I know that it was not long enough.

I remember Kyle the most by his charming smile and blissful laugh, not to mention the dents that he put in my truck.

I knew him when I was in the Army, just before I got out, and one thing he told me, is the one thing I will never forget: "Friends like you are hard to get, I don't really know what I did to get you, but I must have done something right."

Many times I catch my thoughts drifting to Kyle and the good times we shared, to that I can only say one thing... Friends like KYLE are hard to get, I'm not too sure what I have done to have had a friend like him, but I surely must have done something right!

He will be missed but never forgotten.

This is from "Sisterpoohwaddalin""
Staci Eglain of Locust Grove, Oklahoma

"Kyle was one of kind he could make you laugh about anything. He was my cousin but he was so much more like a brother . We grew up together and i still cant believe he is gone ill forget and just for a second think of calling him then remember. ill see you again one day until then love ya"

"I'm kyle's cousin Beau Brinlee.kyle,my brother Ben ,& I grew up together.Kyle was like my big brother & best friend.Kyle was a great guy,he made everyone around him smile and laugh.He would light up a room with his smile.Its still hard for me to accept he is gone.He died protecting our freedom and he is hero for serveing & protecting his country & for the way he loved & cared for his family & friends.I love & miss him very much."
Beau Brinlee of Coweta,Ok

"To the Brinlee Family,
I knew Kyle from OSU and he was such a great guy. He always made me smile and he could light up a room with his. It is because of people like Kyle that we stand here free today, and for that I am forever greatful. Kyle, your memory will be burned in my heart forever. Brinlee family, you are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless You."
Jenny Habeeb of Tulsa, OK

"To Kyle A. Brinlee and family:

Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Even though I don't know you, I appreciate what you have done for the preservation of freedom and for all Americans. To the family: I am truly sorry for your untimely loss. To Kyle: I would like to honor your memory and thank you for everything you did. Peace be with you."
Katy of Tulsa, OK

"This is Kyles cousin Casey Brinlee. I heard about his loss a few weeks befor I went to basic training I was devistated and I want to follow in his foot steps he is my heroe i loved him very much."
Casey of Rolla Missouri

"I'm Kyle's little sister and I miss him more than anything in this world! There is no reason anybody should have to be put through this pain! I thank everyone who takes the time to post on here!"
Kaylee Brinlee of Glenpool, OK, USA

"IN Memory of Kyle Brinlee,
I came to know Kyle when I was about 13. He was my neighbor and I thought the world of him because he was always out helping others when they had problems! He is going to be missed greatly and I know where he is at and someday I will get reunited with him! Thank you to all the soldiers who have fought for my freedom! We love you! I love you Kyle and I miss you!"
Lauren Dewey of Pryor, Ok

"I am Kyle's grandfather who misses him very much and I thank everyone who has sent messages offering their prayers and condolences. Please pray for the rest our our brave and courageous soldiers that are still there that the LORD will bring them home safe.
e-mail 03bs42@junct.com"
Bob Showler of Vinita, Oklahoma

"My prayers are with you and your family..When I see a Flag flying it stands for our men and women who have given their lives for freedom..God BLess"
Ashley Sams Corbitt of Bigelow,Arkansas

"I am a Navy widow and my heart aches for you and my prayers are with you for he gave his life for our Country.
May our Lord hold you in the hollow of his hand.
I will remember you in prayer each day.."
Jo Ann Sams of Bigelow,Arkansas

"I went to school with Kyle and was very saddened to hear of his death. He was always smiling and laughing and I know that he would want us to do the same. To his family know that my familys prayers are with you always."
Krysta Swafford of Pryor,OK

"To Kyle's family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you."
LaWanda, Tillman, Nachella and Shavonn Sharp of Pryor, Oklahoma

"I knew Kyle when we were children. We went to elementary and junior high school together. I adored him; in fact, I think every girl did. He was adorable, hilarious, smart, and very charming. His life wasn't easy, but he always had such a great sense of humor about life. The last time I saw him was in line to take our ACT our junior year in high school. I remember thinking how great it was to see him, and that I had missed him. He had a personality that was one of a kind. He had a great smile, and he wore it often. A friend of mine, who was also a friend of Kyle's wrote after hearing of his death, "I did not know the man, only the child, and perhaps that is why I am so sad. Now I never will."
Kyle was loved by so many, even after not seeing him for years. That remains true today... no matter how many years pass, we will all still love him. And we will remember him the way he was... smiling."
Keisha M. Kruse of Tahlequah, OK

"To the Brinlee Family
I was deeply saddened by the loss of Spec. Kyle Brinlee. My heart and prayers go out to you, his family and friends."
Ronica Snyder Warden of Claremore Oklahoma

"To Kyles Family,
I'am so sorry for your loss, Kyle died honorably, he will be missed."
Nikki Cagle, 13 of Tulsa, Oklahoma

"Specialist Brinlee, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas

"Kyle is my nephew. I love and miss him very much. We were very close. He will forever be missed by all who knew him. My life will never be the same without him. He is very special to me."
Melissa Yount of Tulsa, Oklahoma

"My thoughts and prayers are with you, I too have a Son that is " In Gods Army " They will live in our hearts forever !"
Nanci Ward of Tulsa, OK

Nanci Ward of Tulsa, OK

"To Kyle's family, I am so sorry for your tragic loss. Please know that many of us appreciate his service to and sacrifice for our country."
F.Smith of Pennsylvania

"Kyle was a great kid and will be remembered as a hero. He gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and that will never be forgotten."
Ryan of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

"Framily and friends of Kyle,
I did not have the priviligde of getting to know Kyle. Yet, I have the utmost respect and admiration for the young man. We will not take his death for granted! If we can help anyway, let us know. Jeremy Jones, Pastor, Pryor Creek Baptist Church.

He will be honored in our memorial day service, Sunday May 30th. jerjones@sbcglobal.net"
Jeremy Jones of Prory, OK

Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Kyle, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "

"May our frienship in some way help you overcome the tragic loss of Kyle..we are thinking of you and if you need someone to talk to..just let us know at any time day or night. Jim,Betty,Dixie and Hank Stone Pryor, OK"
james Stone of pryor oklahoma USA

"Dear Brinlee Family, My heart aches for you. My nephew, Pfc Bradley Kritzer was killed the same way May 5th. They are truly heroes. God Bless."
Laurie Miles of Coalport, PA

"To Kyle's Family:
There are no words to express the sorrow we feel for your loss. May God bless you and help you through this time."
Dan and Meg Manninen of San Antonio, Texas

"To Kyle's Family and Friends:

On behalf of the Blanco-Caldas family, we send our sincerest condolences. We share the same loss ... the same pain. Our prayers are with you in this most difficult time and we thank you for his bravery and sacrifice.


The Family of Capt. Ernesto M. Blanco-Caldas, 82nd Airborne, KIA Iraq 12/28/2003.

Gloria Caldas (his mom) of San Antonio, TX

"Thank you Kyle Brinlee, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios

"To the family and friends of Spc. Kyle Brinlee:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Kyle for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada

"To the family and friends of Spc. Kyle Brinlee:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and in the future as you recall the memories of Kyle, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia

Honor them by remembering... Freedom - is their gift to us But his soul goes marching on