20, of Spokane, Washington.
Benson died in Baghdad, Iraq from a non-hostile gunshot wound. He was assigned to Company A, 1st Battalion, 35th Armored Regiment, 1st Armored Division, Smith Barracks, Germany. Died on November 4, 2003.
Please send information, photos, and corrections for Army Spc. Robert T. Benson.
Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.
Please report inappropriate messages
"MY SON MY HERO. I am missing you every day of every year. I think about you every day of every year. The hole in my heart will never mend. I do thank the Lord for the time that he gave me with you. I look at pictures and your smiling face, you were such a happy boy and I know you are a happy man now. There is no more pain or suffering for you. Bobby I love you with all my heart and know that I will see you again."
Your Mother of Spokane WA USA
"Happy Birthday to You!!! Happy Birthday to You!!! Happy Birthday Dear Bobby!!!! Happy Birthday to You!! I know you are watching down on us from Heaven. We love and miss you forever and ever."
"Bobby as it gets closer to your birthday I miss you so much. I wish you were here to talk to your sister. We are not getting along and I know you would talk to her for me. Until we meet again son I love you forever and ever................mom"
Susan of Spokane WA USA
"God has been showing me signs that Bobby will be in heaven. God showed me a Bible verse and when I looked it up, the page number of my Bible is 273. Also, we've been calling people at my work with a 703 area code. Both of these signs have Bobby's b-day in it. On top of that, God has shown me signs on my receipts with 73. He has also shown me his date of death as a sign. I am 100% sure that Bobby will be in heaven when the dead in Christ rise first.(1st Thessalonians 4:16) before the firstfruits go to heaven which will be in 58 days or less. If you want to see Bobby in heaven believe in Jesus."
James Daniel (Elijah the prophet) McDonnell of Spokane, WA
"RIP Brother. I visited you just the other day. Your marker is a testament to a mothers love..."
Frank Ugolini, Former SGT, US Army of Spokane, Wa
"Mother's Day is just not the same without you. I miss you so so much it hurts. I will never stop missing you son. You are and always will be my hero. MOM"
Susan of Spokane WA USA
"Please check out this website www.rebuckartisticphotography.com. The artist name is Torrie Rebuck and she created a painting in memory of a fallen soldier named Ninus. She also received recognition from President Barack Obama for her dedication to our soldiers. What an amazing artist and the story behind the painting will truly touch your heart. God Bless"
unknon of Texas
"Missing you my son during the Christmas and New Year holidays. You are and will always be a blessing to me. Love you so much!!!! Mom"
"God has shown me that I will see Bobby in heaven. If you want see Bobby again believe in Jesus!"
James McDonnell (Elijah) of Spokane, WA USA
"My Son, My Hero. Another Angelversery for missing you!!!! Ten years of missing you grow into a man, husband, brother, uncle, son, nephew and grandson. Bobby we miss you more than words can say. Watch over us and keep us safe. Until we meet again.............love you forever and ever!!!"
Susan of Spokane WA USA
"my heart grieved for you and your family please Lord comfort through these trying times! In Jesus precious name!"
michele of Cuyahoga Falls ohio
"My dear Son. You would be 30 years old this year. I feel like I have been cheated by not being able to see you grow into the man that you should of grown into. I have been cheated cause I miss you with all my heart and there is nothing at all I can do about being cheated and missing you. I know you would of been such a wonderful person, father, son, uncle, brother and husband. I know though that you are in a much better place than we are and that you are now watching down on all of us. I know there are times you mess with me by hiding things that I am looking for. I know it is you and I laugh cause that would be something that you would be doing to me if you were still with us. My heart hurts from the loss and the hole in my heart grows every year from missing you. Watch over us please and know one of these days I will be with you. I love you son now and forever more."
your Mother of Spokane WA United States of America
"Bobby there is not a day that goes by that I do not think of you and miss you. They say time helps but I have to disagree. I miss you so very much and the hole in my heart will never heal. Please watch down on us all. With all the love that I could ever give you....I love you son!!!"
Susan, your mother forever & ever!!! of Spokane WA
"Well,there isn't a day in the year when we aren't thinking about you and wishing you could come back to us. You were truly the BEST uncle anyone could have. What you did for us and our country is truly brave. Your our HERO and always will be. We will love you forever a day and more! Please watch over us and protect us. LOVE YOU!!!!"
Nicholle, Michael, and Kimmy your neices and nephew of Spirit Lake, Idaho
"Bobby I miss you so very much. I cannot believe it is 9 years since I saw you. 9 years of sadness, my missing you will never go away. Please watch down on us here and know that one of these days we will all be together. Love and Miss you forever............your mother!!!!"
S Henderson of Spkane WA
"i miss you bud robert evans 1-35 ar bn"
robert evans of kansas city mo
Your mom!! of Colbert WA USA
"Bobby since you are with Jesus right now tell him Happy Birthday and that all of us here are so very lucky to know that one of these days we will all be with you and Jesus. Christmas is and always will be difficult for me now that you are gone Bobby. I look at your pictures and just wish I could of held you and told you how much I love you one more time. I know you knew how much I loved you, it just isn't fair that you went away so soon. The only thing that gets me thru is know you are in a much better place that we are. Our world is getting so out of hand, people don't appreciate what we have and are not gratful for the things we have here. We all need to learn to live in peace and harmony. Watch over us until we meet again Bobby. I love you more than life and miss you even more. Your mother!!!"
Susan of Colbert WA United States of America
"Bobby tonight please watch over us as we have the yearly Candlelight Vigil. It is Veteran's Day and can't think of a better day then to say thank you. We miss you so very much. As much as I say I am doing OK I really am not. I am so sad inside some days I can hardly stand it. But that is being selfish cause I want you here with me. I know you are in such a better place than we all are. Save a place for me next to you, it will be a while but I still want you to save a place. Your mom!!!"
Susan Henderson of Spokane WA USA
"Wish you were here to see 28 today. Happy Birthday Bobby. I love you!"
Aimee Benson of Spokane Wa
"Barb thank you for your thoughts. I have one of those same bracelets. I wear to keep Bobby close to my heart. My thoughts and prayers are with you also. Susan, Bobby's mom"
Susan of USA
"Thinking of Bobby on this Memorial weekend. My son Brian Witt served with him in Iraq and as I stated earlier, Brian wore the bracelet with Bobby's name nearly every day. I have it on the desk beside me right now. Brian died in a job related accident 10/08/2008. I am proud of my son for his heroic service, and proud of Bobby and all the other troops for their service. Your son gave all, Susan, and I know the grief you have and will always have. I will be thinking of him this Memorial Day and many other days. We lost our sons too young."
Barb Witt of Daytona Beach, FL
"Bobby this weekend is Memorial Weekend. I will go and make sure that you have flags and pinwheels and flowers on your headstone. I miss you so very much. The hole in my heart will never mend. Time does help - how I can't say. I do know that you will never be forgotten!!! Love you so very much. Watch over all of us. Your mother Susan"
Susan of Colbert WA USA
"Hi Bobby, It is spring time in the great Northwest. Raining while the sunshines but you already know that. Watch over us. Hold Evelyn's hand as she learns the ropes where you are. I know my dad, your dad's dad & mom and Dan's dad were there to help you. Love you so very much it hurts."
Your mother, Susie of Spokane WA USA
Susan Henderson of Colbert WA USA
"hey benson i should have written this a long time ago but i just couldnt i miss you man and the times we had in germany and in basic training your missed man very much hope to see you one day on the other side and get CRUNK one more time peace brother"
robert "WILL" williams of plains, PA
I love the picture with the confiscated AK you're the man. I miss you a lot. Rest in Peace brother"
Jim of Spokane, WA
"Bobby! I am so glad to have been able to attend the vigil your mom has every year! 7 years I swear it was yesterday we were all outside Aimees house hanging out and being crazy! we miss you!"
Sarah Lopez of las cruces, NM
"Bobby I miss you every single day. It will always be that way too. You are my son and I love you so much. I can't believe it will be 7 years in 3 weeks since you have gone on to a better place. Please watch over us. I know you are happy and God took you because you were so special. As always I will have my Candlelight Vigil this year. Love you. Your mother."
Susan Henderson of Spokane WA United State of America
"09/01/2010 12:28am
Genuwine, Differences! Love our song & will never forget that night in our hotel room you sang it to me. Deffinatly puts a smile on my face :)
<3 your wife"
Aimee Benson of Spokane, Wa.
"I've never known you, I've never met you, yet I have brother. My heart goes out to your family. I regret your sacrifice from one soldier to another and I understand what you have done and what your family has gone through. Soldiers and protectors of not only our country but humanity will pay the price of what is right, and although it pains me to write this, I commend you on your commitment and the belief what WE are doing is the right thing. God bless and you will be missed.
Mikhail Green of Las Vegas, NV,
"You certainly made a winning impression on a lot of people. The world could have been yours. What a shame to lose our brightest and best like this."
Wesley Storer of Spokane, Wa U.S.A.
"Happy Birthday bro, I love ya man"
Jim of Spokane, WA
"Hi Son,
Tomorrow is your Birthday. WOW 27 years. I am missing you alot this year. You would of been such a wonderful man, son, brother, uncle, grandson, nephew, friend all those things. We were so lucky to have you for the time we did. I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday Bobby. I love you & miss you with all my heart. Now I am going to sing to you:
Your mother, Susan of Colbert WA United States of America
"3:55am June 16th 2010: Layin here thinking about you. You know your on my mind all the time, & tonight I'm jus thinkin of all the wonderful times we had. I wish you were here. I can't skake these dreams I been havin of you,... I miss you & love you always! Please watch over us all,....
<3 Your wife"
Aimee Benson of Spokane Wa
"Happy Memorial Day Bobby, we all miss you RIP"
"Hi Bobby,
I know you are watching down on all of us. You do know that ALL your FAMILY every single one of us MISS you everyday. There is a hole in my heart that will never heal and I want so much to hear your laughter. My mom still has you on her cell phone voice mail, it so hard to listen to but so comforting also. Please let your sisters know that there was never any intent to leave anyone out. If they felt that way, I am truly sorry. The shock of losing you was so great I guess I didn't pay enough attention to know that I left someone out and I did not mean to. I miss you so much.
Love your mother!!!"
Susan, your mother of Spokane, WA United States of America
"hey Bobby,been thinking of you a lot lately. your sister Brooke
Lynn, still has the quilt that clara helped you make when she was born, on her bed. she has an album with a ton of pictures of you two together and news clippings about you that she looks at a lot.too bad that she was never acknowledged as your other and younger sister it hurt her a whole lot! some people are just thoughtless and plain cruel! I pray you are with JESUS, grandma Alma, and grandma Ginger. we lost her in august. your brother Matt has a rare brain tumor and has been doing chemo for 5 months, but the darn thing is still growing has to go to seattle for surgery. so please talk to the boss up there to keep him safe, ok? love you and miss you, deb ps. Mike and MATT never ratted on you about the bb gun incident with Lonnies truck untill last year!"
deb of otis orchards,wa
"Feb 19th 2010 1:03am
Havin a real hard time tonight. Been thinkin about you so much more latley. Infact I just spoke w/ our friend Chris for the first time in a while. As hard as it is to talk about your death, I always feel a little better after doing so. It's been 6 years, 3 months, 14 days since you've passed & I still have so many unanswered questions & thoughts,.. it's hard to deal w/ sometimes. I'll forever miss you & love you no matter what."
Your Wife, Aimee Benson
"Love ya Bob"
James McDonnell of Spokane, WA
"Hi Bobby,
Another year is beginning. It just keeps going faster. Please watch over us and keep us safe. We miss you so much. Love you around the world and back"
Your Mother - Susan of Spokane WA USA
"Miss you Buddy, the song by Kenny Chesney - who you'd be today pretty much says it all"
Kevin Rosas of Sweetwater, Tx
"Your mom has a great candlelight vigil for you every year, I'm sure you are proud Bob."
"HI I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! I love you!!!"
Your neice, Nicholle of Spirit Lake, Idaho
"Hi Bobby,
Miss you so much son!!! Please watch down on us and know that we miss your laughter and your smiles. Save a place next to you for me.
Love you forever & ever - Mom"
Susan Henderson of Spokane WA USA
"love ya bro"
James McDonnell of Spokane, WA
"To the Benson Family,
I do not know you, but my Son Kyle Drobny served with your Son Bobby in Iraq. I just want you to know that I can only try to imagine your pain and anguish and am so very sorry for what you have had to go through. I know Kyle and Bobby were friends and he thinks of him often."
Chris Drobny of Juneau, AK
"Happy Birthday to You!! Happy Birthday to You!! Happy Birthday dear Bobby!! Happy Birthday to You!!
We all miss you son, you are getting older and we don't get to see you get older. I miss you with all my heart. Love you around the world and back!!
Your Mother - Sue"
Susan Henderson of Spokane WA USA
"To the Benson family. I was priviledged to serve with your son in Germany. I always remember his smile and zeal, such a vibrant young man. We shared good times, he was and is a true friend to all that knew him. My deepest condolences go out to your family, and know that you are in my prayers. No matter the time that passes, all of his fellow Soldiers, his brothers always think of him."
SGM Edison Rebuck of El Paso, TX
"Bobby we will never ever forget you!!!"
Susan Henderson of Spokane WA USA
"We will never forget you Bobby!"
James McDonnell of Spokane, WA
"We miss you Bobby!"
James McDonnell of Spokane, WA
"Hi Bobby,
Your sister's birthday is tomorrow. I wish you were here to celebrate her turning 32. I wish you were here so I could watch you grow in to a man that you would be wonderful at. They say don't wish my life away but there are times that I wish I would of done things differently. I am trying not to look at the past but it is difficult since you are not here with us. I try everyday to be grateful for the time the good lord gave me with you but there are also times I feel cheated too. I know I can't change the past and I know that right now you are in a much better place than all of us and that is how I make it thru my days. I also know that one day we will be together again. Watch down on us and know that you are so terribly missed and that I love you with all my heart.
Your Mother"
Susan Henderson of Spokane WA USA
"Well Bob, as you know tomorrow is my 25th Birthday, and thoughts of you still bring tears to my eyes. I can't believe you are gone. I wish you were here to celebrate my brithday with me just like old times. I have the highest level of respect for you. You are my hero and I will never forget you for the rest of my life. I'm having a hard time typing this message to you, so I am going to let you go. There are really no words to describe how proud we are of you, and how much we miss you and love you and always will. I would like to raise a toast to the Bravest man I have ever met in my life."
James McDonnell of Spokane, Washington
"Hi Bobby,
It is ground-hog day and the ground-hog saw his shadow so we will be getting another 6 weeks of bad weather. We are all getting by Bunny's kids are growing like weeds and they are all getting good grades in school. I miss you so much son, and I know you are looking down on me and your sister, watch over us - we love you and miss you immensely.
Your Mother - Sue"
Susan Henderson of Spokane WA USA
"Merry Christmas Bobby! We Love You and Miss You!!"
James McDonnell of Spokane
"Merry Christmas Bobby :) Miss you"
Jaime Buzzard of Langley AFB, VA
"In my haste I put down the incorrect email address: shenderson@proag.com"
Susan Henderson of Spokane WA United State of America
"Dear Bobby,
Another year has gone by without you. I miss you as much today as I did the first day you left to go to a better place, with the Lord. That hole in my heart is still there and will never go away. Time helps - how it helps I can't explain but it does. I know your blue eyes are shining down on us son.
PS Mrs Witt I am sorry for your loss. If you would like to email me I would love to hear from you at shenderson@pro.com I will put you in my prayers.
I love you around the world and back.
Susan Henderson of Spokane WA United States of America
This is the mom of Sgt Brian Witt. He made a comment very early on when this memorial first started. First of all, let me say I am very sorry about the loss of Robert and very grateful for his heroic service.
I, too, have suffered a tremendous loss. Brian died on October 7th, as a result of an on the job accident. He was trimming a tree in St. Augustine, FL and electrocuted on the electrical lines.
I just want you to know, that other than work, Brian wore a memorial bracelet every day for Robert. He felt his loss deeply.
Maybe they are sharing a beer together somewhere right now. There is some comfort in that thought.
God bless..."
Barb Witt of Daytona Beach, FL
James "Jimmy" McDonnell of Spokane, WA
"4 years, 9 months, 13 days,... I miss you more than ever. I hate knowing that I will never know what the future would have been like for us. I would give anything to be wrapped in your arms again. I still miss you, I still love you, always and forever will!!"
Mrs. Benson of Spokane Wa
Happy Birthday Bobby!!!
I still can't believe you are gone. I wish you were still here. I love you and miss you. Rest in Peace."
James McDonnell of Spokane, WA
"I love you and miss you Bobby"
James McDonnell of Spokane
"April 23, 2008
To the family of Spc. Robert T. Benson:
Robert gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV
"Wow I cant belive that It has been so long since I left a message for you brother.. I miss you every single day I do howvever have Michael to look at who looks and acts just like his uncle.. Its amazing to me to see how we were growing up and then to see my kids and how much they are like us. It gives me great joy to see some of the faces you used to make and the quirky things you used to do come from my son. I know your alway's here with me and guiding me to do the right things. I miss you so much and I think about all of the things that we used to do together. I have pictures of you at my house on the last christmas we shared. You were being a terd to Nicholle.. Wait your were alway's picking on her LOL I love you and promise to write mor often.. love your only sister"
Bunny Benson of Spirit Lake Idaho
"Hey Bobby,
Im really sorry I didnt write this sooner, its just really hard to find
the right words to say, I just want to tell you how much I miss you and how truly blessed I am to have met you in my life. your memory will always be in my heart and Thank you for always listening. until we meet again."
Kevin Rosas of Sweetwater, Tx
"Bobby we miss your smile, how you cared so much, we miss everything about you. There are no words to explain how much we miss you all we have is the memories and thinking of you brings me so much joy. It doesn't seem like it has been 4 years but it has. I know you have found happiness and that is what counts. We will continue to remember all the good things that you were to us so that one day we can be together again. Thank you for being my son, I am the luckiest mother in the world. Bobby gone but not forgotten.
Bobby I love you, your mother Susan."
Susan H of Spokane, WA United States of America
"I MISS YOU BOBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Jaime Buzzard of Langley AFB, VA
"Bobby. It's Aug. 9, 2007. I can't begin to tell you how much I have thought of you in the past four years. When I lived back in Spokane I came up to the cemetary as much as I could. My sister and I were just talking about you a few days ago. How we all used to just hang out in the neighborhood, back when nothing else mattered. I'm sitting here at work, trying not to cry and type at the same time. I was looking on the internet yesterday and thought I saw you in a group picture of some guys overseas. I've been talking with one of them... if it truly is you... you looked so happy. Even though you were going through rough times I am sure. That's how I will always remember you... Happy. Caring. Thoughtful. Brave. Thank you."
Rachel Korpi of Great Falls, Montana
"Hey Bobby,
I was going to write to you on your birthday but I just couldn't. I did go to the cemetery and sing you Happy Birthday though. I know you were there listening to me - I just wish I could hold you and tell you how much I miss you and want you here with me. There are so many people that miss you and will miss you forever. Watch over us Bobby so one day we can all be together. I love you around the world and back. Your mom!"
Susan Henderson of Spokane WA - USA
"07/03 Happy Birthday Bobby!!
You will never be forgotten, I remember you like yesterday.
I know how much love you had for your loved ones.
We still love you and miss you!!
Rest in peace bro!!!"
James (Jimmy) McDonnell of Spokane, WA
"1:00am and I'm sitting here thinking about everything,... don't even know where to start. I miss you so much! Today is your 24th birthday. Wish you were here. This is too hard for me!!, =`( I'll be at the cemetary in the morning. Bobby i'll forever love you!
Love, your wifey"
Aimee Benson of Spokane, WA. USA
"I still can not believe you are gone Bobby. You were definetely a special person that lit up your family & friends with your brightness. Your loyalty and dignity towards your loved ones and country is remarkable. Your Death is an unexplainable burden on my heart every time I think of you. I will never get over the fact you are gone. After thinking about how much fun we used to have together, I always think about wanting to hang out with you, and then I remember you are gone and I feel the blackest feeling I have ever felt in my life. I guarantee you will never be forgotten. We are blood brothers for life. I will mourn your death for the rest of my life. R.I.P."
James McDonnell of Spokane, Washington
"To the Benson Family. Thank you for your Roberts contribution to our freedom in this great nation of ours and the effort to make other countries free. He did not pass in vain but moved to his next assignment in a new life that I hope we all will achieve. Be strong and know that we pray for all of our fallen heros in the local communities. Aimee if you feel up to it feel free to bring baby Jace to the station and we will show him the ambulances and let him play with the lights and sirens. Here is my email if you think he would like to come visit.
email- emt7173@yahoo.com- My name is Adam."
Bonner County EMS Employees of Sandpoint ID United States
"Hi Bobby,
It has been 4 years today that we went to war. Going into the 4th year since you are gone. They are having protest, candlelight viduals all over America. We need peace and we need to start taking care of America first. It is so sad to see everyday on the news more soldiers have died. Let me tell you this Bobby I could not be any more proud of what you have done for me and this country. Don't people realize what we have here? They need to start thinking about what we have and what will happen if we don't take care of these terrorist now. If everyone would just remember that the terrorist came to this country and killed Americans first it is time to stop the killing. Bobby I will miss you forever, the hole is still in my heart and will always be there, they say time helps.......who ever they are hasn't had this loss done to them but I have to say time does help, how it helps I can not say but it does. I love you and miss you Bobby. Watch over all of us so one day we can all be together again."
Specialist Robert T Benson's mother - Susan of Spokane, WA - United States of America
"Bobby we miss you"
Shawn of spokane
"To the family of:Robert T. Benson I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015. Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga"
"Bobby.. I haven't wrote you in awhile, and I am sorry I haven't been able to come and visit you either.. But I still think of you often, and Miss you tons! I hope you are having fun catching up with Aimees Grandma.. Hugs!"
Jaime of Langley AFB, Virginia
"Bobby, please give my grandma a hug and a kiss for me, and tell her that I love her. I miss u two so much! I'm sure all is well up there,...and you're showin her "the ropes". See you both when I get there.
Love you!"
Aimee Elizabeth Benson of Spokane, WA
"I just wanted remind Benson's family and friends that he is far from forgoten. i was one of the soldiers who served with him in A 1/35, and nobody regrets what happened more than us in A co.
I still think of him all of the time, and if there is anything any of his family needs, you can get a hold of me at Pheonix102483@yahoo.com
happy thanksgiving everybody."
SPC Chris Lahey of Houston,TX
"September 28th 2006, 11:53pm. Just sittin here starring at your web page thinking about you. I still feel you around all the time. I know you haven't left my side. It's still so hard though comming to terms with everything, I miss you so much! I miss all the fun times we had, I miss your smile, I miss your laugh, I miss us being us. I know everything happends for a reason, and what's ment to be, will always be. But that doesn't make it any easier. I still have some real tough times,... I know you know this Bobby! I remember you always telling me not to cry, and that everything will be alright. I try so hard to stay strong for you,.. it's hard. I'm doing my best... I miss you =(
I'll love you always and forever,
Love your Wifey"
Aimee Benson of Spokane, WA
"I still love you like a brother with all my heart Bobby"
James McDonnell of Spokane
"hey bobby, i was thinking of u and i have been so busy to leave a message, for that i apologize. well i am back at school again i was in kellogg all summer working at the silver mines. i want u to know how much u are missed and how often u are thought of. god bless u bobby."
kyle drobny of Moscow, Idaho
"Dear Bobby,
I am writing to you because I miss you so terribly. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about you. I think about your sister everyday too. You two are the most important thing in my life. I have this hole in my heart since you left us that will never heal. It hurts so much. If I could turn back time I would do that but I can't so I am still here and you are in a better place. All of my memories of you are good ones because you are such a kind hearted person. All you ever wanted to do was make everyone happy around you. You would give the shirt off your back to anyone that asked. You are such a giving person, everyone that knew you - truly loved you. Especially me. Thank you for everything. I love you with all my heart and always will.
Your mother and friend....."
Susan Henderson of Spokane WA
"2 years,...7 months,...28 days. I still think of you and what things would be like today if you were here. I miss you so much. Today is your 23rd birthday,...wish you were here Bobby. In the morning baby Jace and I will visit your grave and bring you a birthday card. Someday he will know all about you, and understand all about where his middle name comes from. =) Please continue to watch over us,... I know you do. I have to go now,... I still love you so very much Bobby, I always have and always will. R.I.P.
Love always and forever,
your wife"
Aimee Benson of Spokane, Wa.
"Hey Kyle Drobny... this is Bobbys wife Aimee. I check Bobbys web page here quite often to see all the new comments. Thank you for writting. It puts a smile on my face to see all his friends write him =) I'd love to get in touch with you and be able to chat. If you ever want to just drop a line and say hi, my e-mail address is aimee.benson@comcast.net Take care Kyle!"
Aimee of Spokane, Wa
"Bobby i just wanted u to know that i think of u everyday and u are very missed. I am in school now i am going to the university of idaho i hope to complete ROTC and go back in the army. I made SGT and did a second tour in iraq i talked to you all the time over there. I miss you man. we had so much fun in germany! You are not forgotten my friend."
kyle drobny of Moscow ID
I just wanted for you to know that I still think about you all the time. Wish you were still here. I miss you lots!
Your friend always..."
Jaime Buzzard of Hampton, Virginia
"Hi Bobby,
It is over two years and I still miss you as much as the first day I found out that you were gone. I think of you daily and nothing or nobody can stop me. I go by the cemetary once a week to talk to you. I hope you can hear me. Watch over all of us so we can be with you one of these days.
I Love You Son. Your mother."
Susan Henderson of Spokane WA USA
"SPC Benson,
Just wanted to say that I was thinking of you this holiday season and wish you were still with us to enjoy it, not just watching it. Think of you and the others often. Just wanted to let you know your not forgotten."
chris dagostino of Ft. Knox, KY
"Bobby, guess what... we're doing this thing in spanish class dedicated to the fallen heroes of the Iraq War. And we're going to do it on you. So Aimee is sending me pictures of you and stuff, I'm happy that i get to present my class with the oppurtunity to see who you were and are. A Hero to our country and a Hero to me =). I cant believe that it has almost been 2 years since you past away. But I do miss you everyday, especially when special events come around. But this thursday I get to show my love for you and what you did for us to the class. Cuz u were my cousin and a very respected man. I miss you. Next time i come to spokane i'm going to visit you alrite?... R.I.P.
p/s/ hope you stop by and check out your ceremony ;-)
Love, Jenny"
Jenny of Lynnwood, WA
"Hello all of Bobby's friends and family. I am putting in this message to all to tell you how much you have helped me thru this tragedy. I cannot believe it is two years already. They say time helps when you lose a loved one but right now it just doesn't feel like it. I miss him as much today as I did the first time I heard that he was with our Higher Power. I know he is in good hands that does help but I don't think I will ever get over missing him. I know I will never forget his bright smile and those beautiful blue eyes that light up when he smiles. You will be ever in my thoughts Bobby. Keep watch over all of us so we can be with when our time here ends. I love you forever and ever. Your mother."
Susan Henderson of Spokane, WA USA
"Hey Bob,
I remember when your Grandma Elma asked my Grandma Clara to watch over you before she passed away, now Grandma Clara has gone up to heaven to watch over you. Please give her a big hug from her grandson. Love you Bobby"
James McDonnell of Spokane, WA
"I am proud to have had you as a fellow soldier, I served in a diffrent army but an old buddy of mine who heard about you told me all about you, I served as an officer, but let me say that you are worth more than a lot of officers I served with, I do salute you my comrade."
Leo O'Tola of MN
I am so glad I was finally able to visit you. It's still so unreal, even as i was standing at your grave, it seemed like a dream. I got to see your wife... we talked about all our memories, i am sure you heard us and found out what "bumble" meant. Just always remember Bobby, that I am so thankful to have had a friend like you, for protecting our country, for loving and protecting your wife and for being who you are. You'll always be in my heart, and never forgotton. We'll meet up again one day and catch up. Keep watching down on us."
Jaime Buzzard of Spokane, Washington
"Your loved one was remembered on 27 May 2005 in Bicentennial Memorial Chapel General Protestant Worship Service in Fort Gordon, GA. His life and your sacrifice are not forgotten. Thank you. We are praying for you.
Chaplain (Major) Alva Ray Bennett"
Ray Bennett of Fort Gordon, Augusta, GA, USA
"To my fallen but not forgotten commrade:
Bobby, I will never forget the times we had just laughing and having a good time together. Thank you for all the memories that u have given me. I will never forget u my friend. To Aimee, who I only had the pleasure to met once, I am very sorry for your loss. I am not going to sit here and say I know what u are going through cause i dont, but my heart goes out to u. Stay strong, take care and God Bless"
Spc. Gauthreaux, Chris of Fort Riley, KS
"you might be surprised to see me write to you, but believe it or not, I like everybody else was really hurt when you left us. The whole company misses you. I think about you and the others from our company who have left us and feel that much luckier to be alive and proud of your sacrafices in iraq. You wont be forgotten. You are not forgotten."
SSG Dagostino of Ft. Knox, KY
"After I finished my message I realized I did not include some very important people that have come in my life. First there is Aimee. Aimee I know you loved Bobby with all your heart and when you two got married I was the lucky one cause I now have another daughter. You were good for Bobby. And you were good for each other. Then there is Sean. Sean you will always be a part of my life too. You were good for my son also. Its sometimes hard to believe that he is gone. But we will all make it thru this together. Don't ever forget if you need me Sean I will be there for you. Of course there is Clara. Clara you took my son in like he was your own. Thank you he learned so much from you and you are a very special part of my life and Bobby's. Then there is Jimmy. Jimmy I know you and Bobby were brothers. Maybe you didn't have the same mom and dad but you two were together since you were born and no one can take that away for you either. Then there is his sister and her children. Bunny always know he loved you so much and those kids of yours. One thing no one can take from you is Bobby. He is and always will be your brother. Remember the good times so you two can talk about them some day. My sisters, my mom and dad and all his cousins that will miss him. Bobby if you can see this message know we all loved you and you were a very important part of all of our lives. You will never be forgotten. Keep us all safe until we see you again.
Love you forever,
Susan Henderson of Spokane WA USA
"I sit here and read the messages from all of you and it really warms my heart to know my son was loved by so many. I want to thank all of you for being a part of my son's life. Nobody knows the pain of loosing a child unless they have lost one. It is the worst kind of pain and agony that a person can ever endure. Knowing that there was someone with my son those last hours means more to me than you (the nurse) will ever know. When I read your message saying you were with Bobby those last hours lifted a weight off my shoulders. I could not stand the thought that he was alone those last hours and now I know he wasn't. THANK YOU!!!!! I know that he is in a better place now and that is one of the things that gets me thru my days. I miss him. I miss him so much some days I can't stand it. I will be with him one day though and thats another way I get thru my days.
I know that we all miss him but we have to remember him and what he did for all of us. The memories we all carry with us no one can take away. Knowing I still have his sister and her children helps too. But we will all miss you Bobby. Watch down on us and keep us smiling the way you always use to. I love you son.
Your mother,"
Susan Henderson, Bobby's mother of Spokane, wa USA
"Hey Bobby and Aimee, Its Hareball. I just wanted to say that you are truly missed and thought of often. Its because of you that when my brother is in Iraq I hold my head high. Your bravery is limitless. I will always remember the great times in softball. I will always remember the smiles you brought to everyones face just by being around. You are truly missed. Aimee, hey girl, I respect your bravery and love you tons."
Nicole Hare of Spokane, WA
"Bobby...were do I start, I was with you from the moment that you walked into Aimee and my life..we did everything together, from making home video's to hanging out while Aimee was at work. We had an unspoken bond that will never be broken. I will never forget that day we met, Aimee, you, Shawn and I all crammed into the back of the little car, going to the Merc and hanging out. Spending every weekend in my basement, sitting in the hot tub and just having fun. You me and Aimee always together, rides to school together, slim fast, and our fun locker memories. I remember your wedding like it was yesterday, how much fun you and Aimee had in Spain, the times I talked to you and her on the phone at her house in Germany,how we always remained close even when you were so far away,we were best friends, you me and Aimee, and watching my two best friends get married was one of the happiest days of my life, I was so excited to be able to remain best friends even after you were married. We had talked about living next door to eachother raising our kids together. Although we can't do that now I know you will be watching my children as they grow, keeping them safe and knowing that Aimee will be there to share in my joy. I will never forget that day you died, how it felt like part of me died as well, I never thought of a time when you and Aimee wouldn't be together, when I wouldn't be able to call you two and jaut hang out. Its hard to imagine life without you only 15 minutes away. But Aimee is strong and we are getting through this, although it is hard I know things will be okay. Aimee and I are here for eachother and we will never let your memory die, we make sure to talk about you daily and let everyone remeber you and the legacy you leave behind. You will be missed forever, and I will love you always. You are always and forever in my heart and life."
Lindsey of Spokane WA
"Hey Bob, I'm sure you already know I still miss as much as I did when you left for the army to follow dreams. I knew you since my birth, we are blood brothers, and will love and miss you everyday for the rest of my life."
James McDonnell of Coeur D' Alene, ID
"Wuddup Bobby, it Jacob, Aimees lil Cuz. Even tho i bairly knew you , I can member alot though of tha moments we did talk, you always listened to me when i talked to u even though i was in middle school at the time. You always had somthing to talk about . You got me into alot of the things i am in today... Project Pat's music, the military.. n lots more.. u were awsome to us all. Very Energetic always smile'n ... We all miss you bobby.
Jacob (SB) of Seattle
I have to thank you for a number of things. The first thing would have to be our freedom, because of you the world is becoming safer. The second would be for providing your wife with the strenght, the courage, and teh desire to be who she is. I remember when I met her, I remember hearing the stories. I can still see how her eyes would twinkle just right when she spoke of you. I remember looking at your pictures every day, knowing that she was happy, knowing you were happy. This meant so much to me. Still does.
She is more beautiful each an every day. I know you see it.
Please continue to guide her, please keep her safe, please help her to smile.
You may not be here with us, you will always be with us. Please dont leave us. We all need your spirit.
Thank you Bobby for showing us all how to love!"
Courtney Harper-Shipley of Spokane, WA
""Bobby, I sit and visit your grave sight, trying so hard to be strong and know that someday, somehow, everything will be okay. I try to just think about all the good times we had. Reminiscing about all the wonderful memories we shared together,...I'll never forget any of them as they play over and over through my mind constantly. The first time we met at Chili's, our first kiss and "I Love You," I'll never forget our wish on that star we made together that night. All our fun times in highschool, the many inside jokes that will be cherished and missed by many ("you want some corn?"), all the fun times with the softball team, "cruising Division" in the Neon and partying with all our friends... on many occasions, prom night, graduating together, all our basic training phone calls and letters back and forth ("my lil Army Man"), our wedding day "I do", (Genuwine, Differences & Jagged Edge, Lets Get Married), and all the fun times we shared as newly weds living in Germany and Spain. After all we've made it through, and all we were looking forward to, It's hard to believe that you've gone away. It seems it was just yesterday I heard your voice over the phone, talking about the few days left untill you would be home with me again. I want us back so bad, it hurts, I'd give anything for it. I miss you so much Bobby, and I always will. In everything I do, everywhere I turn, in all my dreams, day and night, I see you, you're all that's on my mind. You are my best friend, my one true love, my husband, and my forever hero! I look at all our pictures of us and read your letters every night. I wish we could have the chance to do all that we wanted and talked of doing together again. I wish I could turn back time to be with you, wrapped in your arms forever is all I want. I haven't stopped loving you, and I never will. I love you with all my heart and soul. Everyday that passes I miss you more and more, you're my everything Bobby. I know you're in a better place now, and you feel no pain. I know your looking down from heaven, and can hear me when I talk to you. I love you unconditionally Bobby! I am so very thankful for the time we shared together. You will always and forever be in my heart, and never be forgotten, I'm so very proud of you. When I told you I would never leave you, I honestly meant it. I am yours forever, I'll see you when I get there.
I'll Love you always and forever Bobby,
Love Your Wife,"
Aimee Elizabeth Benson of Spokane, Washington
""Bobby, - OUR HERO - OH! What A Beautiful Child. The Greatest of Sons'. A Wonderful Person, and the Husband to One! A Friend to Many, with A Heart Full of Love; We Thank You for Sharing, All your Gifts from Above. You could Light the Room Up, with that Smile, it was Second to None. Your Warm, Fun, and Kind Spirit, Our Memories for Life. As a Young Man, fighting for Our Freedom, We Thank You from the Bottom of Hearts. Missing you.
God Bless You"
Peggy (Tissue) Frazier of Spokane, Washington
"To my dearest cousin Bobby,
The last time I saw you, you were just a little boy. I have recently gotten in touch with your dad and your sister...and I'm sure you had something to do with that. I thank you and all the other soldiers for your bravery! You will never be forgotten and you are loved.
Love always,
Jacqueline Failer of Fort Lauderdale, Forida
"Bobby,(Toad) I can't believe that you have been gone for a year now. I still think that You will come running in and with that big smile give me a hug and say Hi Grams. I miss you so much and will always love you and never forget that you are my HERO."
Grandma Lola, Spokane of Spokane, WA
"AOB you will always hold a special place in my heart. You were my best friend and confidant. I know that you will alway be watching down on me and your neices and nephew. You hold a special place in my heart that I will cherish forever. I miss you more than words can say I will be with you again someday. You are my hero and I love you. Your Sister always and Forever."
D.Bunny LeBlanc of Kennewick, WA
"Bobby you were an awsome cousin. We never got to spend that much time together but the times we did, were the best. I want to thank you for all that you've done for each and every one of us and our country. I will miss you much. R.I.P"
Jenny of Lynnwood, Wa
"To the family of Bobby T. Benson I did't know your Son, but I do know he was a Hero in m eyes.I'm sorry for you lost. My prayers are with you. God Bless Bobby, and your family."
Diane of Spokane wa.
"To the family of Bobby T. Benson I didn't know your Son, but I do know he was a Hero in m eyes.I'm sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you. God Bless Bobby,and his family"
Diane of Spokane wa.
"I still remember talking on the roof of the compound in Baghdad. We got eachother out of alot of tuff times. I still feel guilty for 2 reasons. That I couldnt help enough to keep you alive, and that I got to go home and meet the love of my life because of your death. You were a true friend. I will never forget you."
Spc Sean Soran of Spokane, Wa
"To The Family, My name is Elizabeth Ebert, I have just lost my brother, Spc. Ebert, Blain on November 22. My heart goes out to the family that Robert T. Benson has left behind. I know what is going on in your heart and just know that there are thounds of people that are praying. Just keep in the back of your mind that these MEN that are loosing their lives are loosing them for OUR freedom and they are the true heros. God Bless"
Liz Ebert of Moses Lake, Washington, USA
"To Robert's Family: I am the WA state coordinator for the Home of the Brave Quilt Project http://www.historyofquilts.com/honor_soldiers.html
We would like to make a quilt in Robert's honor for your family. Please contact me at barbnlamont@aol.com
Barb Shillinger of Aberdeen, WA
"To The Family of Robert T. Benson,
My name is Pama Phillips and I live in Oklahoma but I have a daughter and son-in-law that live in Renton. I love your great state. I have finished a cross
stitched picture honoring a fallen soldier from Oklahoma. I am currently working on one to honor your fallen soldier. I hope this will bring some comfort to the family. I expect to be finished sometime before Thanksgiving.
Thanks for the opportunity to show appreciation for what your young soldier has down for America.
Pama Phillips of Mountain View, Ok
I wish you were still around man, we miss you alot arond here. We think of you everday and you will never be forgotten."
Sgt. Brian Witt of A co 1-35 Ar
"To the family of Robert Benson, please know that the thoughts and prayers of all Spokane go out to you. You have paid the ultimate sacrifice."
Alex Berger of Spokane, WA
"To the wife of Robert Benson, you are truly a strong woman who lost a brave husband. I was saddened to hear of Roberts' passing even though i did not know him. I am sorry for your loss and pray that you will have the strength to carry on. Your husband truly was a great man, who will be forever remembered by the city of Spokane as a true american hero."
The Hulett Family of Fairchild Air Force Base, WA
I was with you in your last hours- I was your nurse. Your blue eyes always bright. I think of you often and I hope that I provided you with comfort and love. For God's sake Bobby- I will never forget you."
CPT Sarah Grivicic of Arlington, VA
"Specialist Benson, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas
"Dearest Robert, Thank you for the service and ultimate sacrafice! While nothing can give us "Spokanites" back our 20yr old soldier, please know it wasn't all in vain. THE WORLD WILL BE SAFER BECAUSE OF YOU AND THE OTHERS WE'VE LOST IN THIS EFFORT. God Bless and enjoy your heavenly hereafter."
Colleen Patrick of Playas de Tijuana, Mexico
"Bobby Benson was my best friend, my grandma babysat him when he was first born w/ me, we have have been friends all through the years, even to this day. I really wish I knew exactly how Bobby died, so I could feel at peace with his death. I can't express the pain I feel, love you Bobby, Your homie Jim"
Jim of Post Falls
"20 years old, just old enough to start the beginning of his life. I can imagine the pain this family feels, I actually can relate to it, my brother ( cousin, but I grew up knowing him as my brother) Was killed in Iraq August 7th 2003, PFC Duane E. Longstreth. I am so deeply sorry for your lost. But memories are now golden, cherish them."
Brittany of Tacoma Wa
"*To a Spokane family for a soldier who served in and died in Iraq, from a soldier who grew up in Spokane and served in Iraq*
Your son will always be remembered in my heart as a hometown hero! Gods speed.. "Rock Of The Marne" Brother!"
SGT Frank Ugolini of Ft. Stewart, GA
"To Spc Benson's Family:
Though we are strangers, we want you to know how sorry we are your Robert was taken from you. He is our hero. We will never forget. You are in our hearts."
Carol & Larry Miller of Tampa, Florida (2/24/04)
Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Robert, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "
"My name is Cathie Longstreth and I was the grandmother to Duane E. Longstreth, killed in Baghdad on August 7, 2003. I am also a member of the "Bridge People" of Outpost 122. The members of the Bridge Team rally at Outpost 122 (the exit 122 off I 5) every Saturday in an effort to support the troops of Ft. Lewis, McCord AFB and Camp Murray (Washington State National Guard). We have the honor of greeting hundreds of military members and their families every week. The response from the troops is heart warming and welcomed .
I am writing this message to the other families in Washington State that have also lost a family member while serving our country, since September 11, 2001. My family would like to display a picture of the fallen hero, with the name and possibly the date of death, on the bridge while we are rallying. It is intended to honor them for the sacrifice they made but will not be used by us as a personal political statement. We hesitated to replicate the pictures we find on the many web sites without the express permission of the surviving family, as we have had our own experience with the media attempting to use our loss to support their political position.
If you do not object to us using your loved ones picture, please email me with you permission at one of the email addresses below. If you have a special picture that you would like us to use please email that as well, otherwise we will be using one of the pictures already posted on the web.
cathie longstreth of tacoma, wa
"Rest in peace brave soldier!"
Dan and Meg Manninen of San Antonio, Texas
"if anyone knows how to reach the family of bobby benson please call me so i can send u some stuff from high school or email me amberdavis222@aol.com"
amber"dixie" davis of spokane, wa...austin tx
"bobby ..... i remeber ur thoughtfulness in school ur always wanting to help and being so excited when i cheered u on in football u will be missed !! love amber"dixie" davis"
amber "dixie" davis of spokane wa
"Thank you Robert Benson, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios
"my thoughts and prayers are with the family of robert t. benson. god bless you"
janice wigley of maysville,oklahoma
"My thoughts & prayers go out to all the Military men and women who are at war and especially those who have lost their lives. May God bless you forever. Thank you for everything, you are my hero! Rest in peace."
Amanda k Casas of San Diego, Tx
"To the family and friends of Spc. Robert Benson:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Robert for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada
"To the family and friends of Spc. Robert Benson:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Robert, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia