Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Remembering the servicemembers who died in the service of their country.

Marine Cpl. Jeremiah A. Baro

21, of Fresno, California.
Baro died from injuries received as a result of enemy action in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. He was assigned to 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, California. Died on November 4, 2004.

Please send information, photos, and corrections for Marine Cpl. Jeremiah A. Baro.


Contributions to the Families of the Fallen


Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.

Please report inappropriate messages

"I just wanted to let Cpl Baro&Hubbard Family know that there names are side by side on the Granite Wall as in Life. It was stunning."
David Conklin of Riverside CA

"I went to the Wall in Illinois on the river for the fallen, it took a half day to find it, l stopped at the Local VFW , as l am a Life Member in Calif. and they directed me.l knew what happened, as my nephew was Joey. I grive for you and prey for our Brothers.War is Hell."
Cpl Dave Conklin, 9 th Marines of Riverside, CA. 92505

"We remembered you on Memorial Day. Rest in Peace Marine."
Andrew Pedry of Ider, AL

"Told your story on this Memorial Day, 2023. Rest in Peace Marine."
Andrew Pedry of Chattanooga, TN

"On this Memorial Day, in 2022, I will tell your story to my church. You are not forgotten. Semper Fi."
Andrew Pedry of Pisgah, AL

"God's peace on your family brother."
Andrew Pedry of Gainesville, GA

"I am a little behind, but we had guests on Memorial Day and I didn't make it onto the site. However, we did tell your story to our girls and our guests and remembered your sacrifice. Thank you, and may you rest peacefully and your family be at ease."
Andrew Pedry of Gainesville, GA

""Hubbard, we're thinking of you on this 2015 Memorial Day. We were at a picnic and party on Saturday and I was asked to say a few words; I told the gathered about you and LCPL Hubbard and First Sergeant Smith. I thought it was important that the assembled had a name and a person to remember on this day which can so easily drift into anonymity or worse. As my older daughter, all of eight, put it afterwords: "Daddy, I'm glad you didn't get blown up." I am too, and I weep that others did in my place. God bless you, and the life you gave up for us.""
Andrew Pedry of Hamilton, Virginia

"Happy 239th brother! Today my family will hear your story again as we celebrate the Corps' birthday."
Andrew Pedry of Hamilton, Virginia

"Memorial Day has come again, and again we remember you. My children know your story, and that of your friendship with Hubbard. Our prayers are especially with your family on this day of remembrance."
Andrew Pedry of Hamilton, Virginia

"To the Baro family,
On this Memorial Day please allow my family to offer you our deepest condolences. Though the years go on he is often in our minds, today we celebrate his life and mourn his loss.

Semper Fidelis,"
Andrew Pedry of Podgorica, Montenegro

"I was one of the senior snipers who helped train Barrow before the end of my tour in May of '04, and I only wish that I could have imparted something more that would have averted his loss. I remember him as an aggressive, vibrant young Marine with a great deal to offer the world. Every Memorial Day and Marine Corps Birthday my family, including my two young daughters, remember his sacrifice. God bless you."
Andrew Pedry of Leesburg, Virginia

"To the family of:Jeremiah A Baro
I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015.
Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga""

"Hey dude, I saw marty yesterday and it made me think of you, I remember when you guys rolled together on the grass.. you won! Keep it real man."
Joseph of All over USA

"To the loved ones of Jeremiah, please know that we have not forgotten your marine. Every year at Easter, we buy another flower to plant in his garden to help keep his memory alive. We do it to honor Jared and Jason too. So very sad. May God Bless You All"
Janice Grimaldi of Whitehall, Michigan

"I never want to forget the sacrifices of so many young men and women. I am so proud it makes me cry. I understand in theory only that war is a part of human nature but so is love and caring. I wish I could take the families pain away but I can't. I am committed to loving ALL people, myself and our environment. I am committed to working on my happiness everyday because so many have died for my freedom to live my life. Thank you is not enough but it is all I have. All my love and respect. ogersteiner@yahoo.com

Scott Steiner of Worthington, OH USA

"Just thinking of you today buddy. It was great to serve with such a great Marine. I took my girlfriend to visit you when I was in Clovis last weekend. I told her about you and the sacrifice you made. You will be forever remembered and never forgotten. Semper Fi!"
Ryan Nieto of Boulder, CO

"Jeral, I havent been here in forever, but I think of you everyday! I was blessed with a beautiful baby boy the day before your birthday, he will turn 3 this year. He shares a LOT of your love for life and has ALL of your energy. He also shares your name and ironically your initials. I love you cousin and now you are watching us from heaven!"
Amber Bales (Crawford) of Midland, Tx

"I am the mother of Gunny Sgt. Timothy LaSage who was with Jeremiah on 11/4/04. I want you to know my husband and I have planted a "North Woods Maple" in honor of your son on Memorial Day 2008 and said prayers in his honor and for his family."
Dorothy LaSage Borowski of Cecil, WI

"You are not forgotten."

"To the family and friends of jeremiah,
I am so sorry for your loss i cant imagine how it feels. I thank baro everyday for what he did to keep me and my family safe, i will never forget him or that day as i was wounded that same raid. he may be gone but he will never be forgotten!"
SGT KC Sivumaki of Great Falls, MT

"Hello everyone. I wanted to take this time to thank everyone who continues to remember our Jeral. We all miss him terribly. He loved his family and friends so I know he appreciates your remembrance. To Father Eric Albertson, thank you for your note; we will pray that you stay safe on your return to Iraq. We appreciate that you were there to pray for Jeral and Jared. I will ensure that our family reads your message and we thank you for taking the time to write. Let's all pray that our men and women come home soon, we've lost too many! I miss you Jeral! Love you so much, Auntie Katherine."
Katherine Ledesma of Folsom, CA

"April 13, 2008
To the family of Cpl. Jeremiah A. Baro:
Jeremiah gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV

"Hey buddy. I'm sorry I haven't been to see you lately. I love you man and I miss you like crazy. I think about you and Hub every day. I wish you guys were still here. I hope you guys are doing good.I know you two are causing God all kinds of grief up there. I made it through the police academy and i'm a cop now. I hope you are proud of me. My boy Lucas just turned 1 this past friday. As soon as he is old enough to understand you can bet that he be hearing war stories about thhe three of us. I'm so proud of you buddy. Not a day goes bye that i don't apreciate my life a little more because of your sacrifice. I know you know, but I will never forget you. It seems like the more time passes the harder it gets. The more memeories I get to make are all the more that you don't get. I love you and i'll love you forever. Talk to you later."
Your brother, Sgt. K. Lundy of Rancho Cucamonga, CA

"Hey man,

Its been almost four years now. I think about you every morning when I get up, its hard thinking about it but I swore I would not forget. Tell Jared I am sorry his brother had to join him and I say prayers for his family. I feel guilty that I am not more involved with the Hubbards, but its hard enough staying involved with my own family. Every morning when I wake up and feel the ache in my arm and the shrapnel in my legs I think of how lucky I am to be alive. I could be there with you and my family could be writing on these messages boards. Well I am still at it, fighting the war on terror... but I am getting out, maybe.. you know how that goes. Well I have to get going. Love you guys. Joe"
Joseph Grimaldi of All over USA

"Hello, My name is Father Eric Albertson. I am a Chaplain in the Army, and was the BCT Chaplain in Ramadi when CPL Hubbard and CPL Baro were killed in action. They were brought to Charley-Med and I was there when they were brought in. My message is terribly late, and I very much apologize for not contacting you sooner. You should know, however, that I administered the Anointing of the Sick to each of them and said the final Prayers of Commendation. There were a number of casualties that day and throughout the remainder of our time there, and I still grieve our losses. Just got word that I am heading back to Iraq, so I renewed my desire to let the families know that these two heroes had a Priest with them during their final time in this world. (I just left this message for CPL Hubbard, and found that I could leave this message for you too. You might find a duplicate.) I hope that this may help with your grief. I was honored to have been there for them, and hopefully, for you as well.
Blessings and prayers for you and all the families of our fallen. Fr. Albertson, Chaplain, US Army"
Father Eric Albertson of Fort Belvoir, VA

"Hey Marine,
We were just getting ready to go to Fresno for Lucas' birthday. I'll visit you. It's crazy, but it's been almost two years now. We miss you! You have another new cousin due in Nov. His name's going to be Mason Jeremiah. I'm so proud of you Marine! I'll let him know who he's named after. I love you man. Your Uncle, Mike Semper Fi Marine"
Michael Baro of Folsom, Ca

"2 years later. All 15 of you are remembered."


Hi, it's Auntie Katherine - I was listening to your music today and found myself, again, in disbelief that you are not here with us. The world is crazy right now; so many conflicts - makes me really wonder what God is thinking - so much evil in the world today with so many good people dying every day.

I look at Rage and see your face and I remember your sweet, yet goofy ways. I will love you always . . . . Auntie"
Katherine Ledesma of Folsom, CA

"To the family of Jeremiah:

Today, it's been almost 17 months since you lost your sweet marine in Ramadi. I will never forget the sacrifice you have made and continue to make every day as you carry on without him. I pray for you daily."
Janice Grimaldi of Michigan

"Jeral, Merry Christmas. Our love for you is forever, our memories keep you alive. We continue to ask why, your's and Jared's lives so quickly taken from us, our only resolve is that you are now in peace and free from seeing all the hurt going on elsewhere in the world. We talk about you often, it's what keeps you here with us and remember how much we love you still."
Auntie Katherine of Folsom, CA

"Jeral, Merry Christmas. Our love for you is forever, our memories keep you alive. We continue to ask why, your's and Jared's lives so quickly taken from us, our only resolve is that you are now in peace and free from seeing all the hurt going on elsewhere in the world. We talk about you often, it's what keeps you here with us and remember how much we love you still."
Auntie Katherine of Folsom, CA

"Today I Cried
(War on Iraq)
Today I cried
As I read a story
Of two boyhood friends
Killed together
As they had lived together
Two friends
A world away
Trying to free a nation
When they should have been at home
In a different situation
Enjoying Saturday nights on the town
Softball or football or just messing around
Enjoying the friendship they had
Nourished since childhood
Today I cried for
Their parents and friends
Such a traumatic loss
And all for what cost?
Today I cried
For a nation who
Has lost so many of our most valuable resources
I like so many try to remain oblivious
Unconcerned for the most part
While so many have a direct connection
Their concern is real
Their fear overwhelming
Not wanting that knock at the door
From a uniformed bearer of bad news
Patriotism on overload
They gave both their heart and soul
Jared and Jeremiah
Models for friendship and honor
Today I cried for people I did not know
Yet I allowed my tears flow
As if I had lost two of my dearest friends
So many good young women and men
Color and economic lines erased
When in danger our children are placed
Today I cried for
The future no longer exist for these two friends
Who immediately went from boys to men
Died in another country
Killing with them their families dreams
For causes that really aren't yet foreseen
Ideally we want to believe
In things that our minds can't really conceive
Today I cried
Because I understood
That this spot on earth has no worldly good
For us
Today I cried
Because I recognize
That it will continue
Until more of us cry
Until more of us try
Until United we stand
Until together we demand
Bring our children back home
Where they belong
To better our nation
Through graduation
Instead of annihilation
Today I cried
Tomorrow and the
Tomorrow following
I will pursue
How many more Jared's and Jeremiah's
Must we sacrifice
It far too great a price to pay.
Today I cried...........

Their story touched me and put a face on this war. I wish God's LOVE to each person who has lost a loved one in this war. I wish God's protection to anyone still there or has a loved one there. I wish God's peace upon all who breathe his air. Never forget the REAL cost of war. These families never will."
Anthony D Miller of Dallas, Texas phoneman4424@aol.com

"I know Jeral must miss his friends and family tremendously; your love and support for him is very evident. While I never met Jeral, I have a strong sense that he is doing great work for peace wherever he is. Many blessings to you all."
Emily Hine of Seattle, WA

"Happy Birthday Jeral!

Today is your special day
Our lost, pain and sorrow mere words can't explain
With each day that passes
We long for your smile and quick wit responses
There's no one quite like you
You are uniquely oustanding in every way but yet so simple like a crisp morning dew.
You can rest in peace now and never doubt, our love for you lives on forever."
Katherine Ledesma of Folsom, CA

"Please know that I am thinking of all of you everyday. I grieve for your loss and will never forget the day. My hearfelt and sincerest regards to you and yours. May God bless you all."
Dorothy Borowski, Sgt. LaSage's mom of Germantown, WI

"Jeral, you are in our thoughts everyday and even though you are not physically with us - you are still a big part of our lives and family. I really miss your smile and your craziness, you really know how to have fun. I will love you and miss you every day. See you in my dreams -- Auntie."
Katherine Ledesma of Folsom, CA

"Hey Lil Bezie...

I love you man... we had some fun huh? Well maybe we did a few things that might of kept us out of heaven but I think your there... I think about you everyday... I don't think I will ever live down my nickname and every time I hear it I will think of you. I miss you man and when I go back to Iraq here soon I will avenge you and hubbie... so no worries there... take care up there and if all goes well I will see you soon, love you man. Joe"
Joseph Grimaldi of All over, USA

"Wow it's coming up on a year since Jeral's passing and it still comes as a shock to me. Since his passing I have gone through losing two classmates of mine in car accidents and every time a tragic thing happens thoughts of him come racing to my head. I miss him terribly and I want him to remember how proud of him we all are and that his memory will stay with us always. I LOVE YOU!"
Sabrina C. (Jeral's Cousin) of Kailua Kona, HI

"I would like to share the words my husband spoke at the Clovis Hall of Fame awards. I hope it touches you as much as it touched everyone present that evening:

I just want to say thank you for the honor you give my son and his best friend today and I will keep this short. I just want to say a few things that I think need to be said.

Life, liberty, justice and prosperity for all. These are noble words and beautiful ideals. But to be a reality and to guaranty its existence, another set of words must come into play. Those words are service, duty, honor and sacrifice.

During the dark days of WW2, in the battle of Britain, Winston Churchill once said “Never before has so many owed so much to so few”. That was true but not entirely accurate. Our country has always owed its existence, prosperity, and relative peace to the selfless acts of the few who answer the call of duty. Without them we would be crushed by the weight of our own indulgences and complacencies. Everything we strive for and work for will be for nothing. One can not keep what one can not or will not defend.

That is what our boys, men and women in uniform do day in and day out. They are the gate keepers, defenders and liberators.

I loved my son; he was my pride, my joy and my greatest sorrow. I think of him all the time. I think of the life that should have been but never will be. Freedom truly is an expensive proposition and is most definitely not free. It demands constant attention, and once in while, from time to time, it needs to be nourished by the blood of patriots. That is what Jeremiah is. That is what Jared is. That is what their brothers and sisters in arms are. Patriots, one and all. Nothing more, nothing less. He is my son. He is Jeff’s son. They are our sons. They are your sons.

Thank you.
Terry Baro (Clovis, CA )"
Terry Baro of Clovis, CA

"Jeremiah It was a true blessing from GOD to have had the great pleasure of having you and Jarred as Best friends. You will be forever remembered and missed. I can't wait to see you both again in heaven.Love you bro, The PACK lives on."
Cpl Nicolas Roberts of Fort Collins, CO USA

"Jeremiah and Jared were mmy best friends in the marine corp. I served in the sniper platoon with them and and visited their home town on a regular basis. Their families took me in as if being my 2nd parents. Jeremiah and Jared I miss you guys and I thank you for your company and friendship. Brothers By Blood. Rios, Spaulding, Roberts, Baro, and Hubbard."
Ben Spaulding of Fort Collins, CO

Your new lil cousin is due on your birthday!! I wonder if you had anything to do with that!!! If its a boy he will share your name. We love you and miss you."
Your cousin Amber of Marble Falls TX

"May you forever know that your son will never be forgotten! Your son will be missed terribly and honored forever!"
Stephanie of Nampa, Idaho

"I was in Baro and Hubbard's plt in boot camp and later the same company in SOI. These two exemplified the word Marine. Baro had true leadership and Hubbard was a more quiet but strong Marine. These two warriors are a huge lost for our country and will be greatly missed. I can remember them always taking on any wrestling match thrown their way and I can just imagine the same kind of toughness and bravery they displayed on the battlefield. I was not in the same unit as them but I am a greater person for having the chance to train with such great Marines. I just found out about thier loss a few weeks ago but I will never forget these two Marines for the rest of my life. I truly thank both you and your families for your service to our country. Semper Fi."
Cpl Davis USMC/USA of Ft. Irwin Ca

"I left a message earlier, honoring Jeremiah's sacrifice for his country. Now that his 2/5 unit has returned from its second deployment to Iraq, I have discovered that Jeremiah and Jared were serving in the same company with my "adopted" Marine. I truly believe that Jeremiah and Jared, and the other 13 heroes that gave the ultimate on this tour, were watching over their buddies from above and helped get Marc and the rest home safely. That's the Marine way--they look out for each other."
Ted Cagley of Pontiac, Illinois

"Words cannot thank Jeremiah for his sacrifice nor could they ease your pain. Know, however, that we are grateful for his courage and will keep him and your family in our prayers. -- Thank you."
M. Baro of Fillmore, California

"I've heard a lot about you. I never knew you personally but wish i did. You are like me a good guy who joined the marines to do something for a cause he believed in. I will do the same in 2008 when I enlist in the Maines. You and Jared will be in my heart and I will remember you forever Semper Fi Marine!"
James DiCarlo of Lynn, Massachusetts/ United States

"I want to thank everyone who posted on this site, as well as everyone who has gave their support. I really mean that from the bottom of my heart. I'm one of Jeremiah's(Jeral's) cousins. And this is by far the hardest thing to ever cross our families path. But we know Jeral is now watching over each and everyone of us, and he is now our guardian angel. If you look on Heaven's scenes, you will find the gates are guarded by the United States Marines. May God be with all of you, thank you all so much.
Semper Fi"
Michael Ledesma of Morgan Hill, CA

"Your handsome son Jared will be remembered as a Hero as well as his childhood friend Jeremiah. I did not know these brave guys but I know through all the stories they both were one in a million. I'll carry them in my thoughts as I go on with my life. They will never be forgotten for they died on my birthday and they were as old as me. May God bless you all. My prayers are with you. May you guys Rest In Peace!
Christine B. of Montreal, Canada

"When I read the stories of these true American heroes like Jeremiah and Jared, I know that America will continue to be free and safe because of the men and women willing to give the ultimate sacrifice. It must be almost beyond bearing for the families, but always remember they were together and will remain together forever. I have an "adopted" Marine serving in the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force. My prayer is that he and all serving in Iraq arrive home safe and soon. Semper Fi, buddies; rest in peace."
Ted Cagley of Pontiac, Illinois

"Jeral is my younger cousin that I grew up with for a good part of my childhood in San Jose, CA. We were the two younger 'mischievious' ones of the bunch, always finding something to do we ought not to be:-) I remember when we first got roller blades one summer and we were chasing each other in circles at the park. I ended up bailing and scraping both of my knees really bad and he ran all the way home to get me band-aids and take the heat from Uncle Ronnie! We used to always walk to the creek by my parents' house with our siblings to pretend we were on the hunt for some creature that hasn't been discovered yet. Or more recently, out of boredom, Jeral came up with a game with this toy gumball machine we had. His rules said that we would pass the gumball machine around to each other and try to get a sequence of gumballs in the order of the rainbow. If the color you got wasn't right, you had to eat the gumball - we finished every single one!! Other than his antics, there was always something about him you had to admire - though younger, I know my sister and I still looked up to him. I remember every single word of my last conversation with him before he took off for his second tour. I told him how much I loved him and to be safe and I made him promise 100 times that he would be back home in time for my wedding... I'm still saving you a dance cousin:-) I love you and miss you a bunch and the time shall come when we will meet again... God Bless!"
Jan Camposanto of San Jose, CA

"We just read the article in People magazine about your son. We were so moved with the story of two friends. May God be with your family and may he fill your hearts with wonderful memories. Thank you, Jeremiah, for your sacrifice."
Jodie and Ginger of Warren, IN

"Jeremiah and Jared where friends of mine in High School. Jeremiah and I were in Government class together. During our free time we would sit and talk about how awesome it was going to be to become Marines. I went to boot camp in June of 2001. After boot camp I went to my job school for Combat Photography at Fort Mead Maryland. Next I went on to the Marine Corps Air Station Yuma Arizona. I went home to Clovis on leave for the 4th of July, which is a very special day for me. I was standing in a circle of friends at a party and heard someone say "Hey there Devildog!" and was punched in the ribs. I turned around and saw a short stocky person standing there. It was Jeremiah. We gave each other a big huge and I saw Jared standing behind him. I gave him a huge also and said "Hey there Leather Necks." We spoke about how the Corps was treating us and that we were happy to be serving our country. That was the last time I spoke to either Jeremiah or Jared. To the families, thank you for giving life to two outstanding Marines and human beings. I only hope that if anything good comes out of this is that it will open the eyes of the people in this country that dislike the government and the military. I hope that it shows them that military members, especially Marines, are the kind of people that are brave enough to risk their lives and/or pay the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you Jeremiah and Jared for your service. I will miss you as friends and brothers in arms.

Lance Corporal Jonathan P. Sotelo"
Jonathan Sotelo of Clovis Ca

"My symphathies to the Baro family. Please know your son died a Hero. I know too well the pain of losing a Marine. I lost my Marine in mid-October 2004. God Bless all our Fallen Heroes."
Anne Garcia of Los Angeles, CA

"To the family of Jeremiah

Thank you so much for your son and may God bless you. Jeremiah is a true Hero and we will remember him and pray for you all."
The Phillips Family of Fresno, Ca.

"Jeremiah(Jeral), I will always remember you as my little "Boogie". Thank you for making me a part of your life and I'm very proud to say "MY SON IS A TRUE AMERICAN HERO". I will miss you a lot son."
Uncle Ronnie of San Jose, CA

"Corporal Baro, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas

"Thank you so much to all of you who took the time to write some encouraging words. What I want you most to know is that Jeremiah was more than a soldier, he was a sweet and loving person who could melt your heart with just a simple smile. We will miss him trememdously, but he will live on in our memories and in our hearts. Thank you so much for caring."
Katherine Ledesma, Aunt of Morgan Hill, CA

"These two men, Jeremiah and Jared are very speical to us, they will live in us forever. We love them with all our hearts and souls. We miss you like crazy Jeral. Thank you all for the kind words and support. It's been extremely hard on all of us! Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.

Mike Baro & Jazmin Gonzalez
(Uncle & Aunt)"
Mike & Jazz of El Dorado Hills

"Thank You All!!

Jeremiah is my cousin, and I thank you all for you kind words. It is so great to see all of the love shown by you all! I know Jeremiah is looking down and smiling, because he really was and always will be so loved. Jeral I Love you!! You will always be our boogie, and our american hero!"
Angelique Ledesma of Morgan Hill, CA/US

"To the family of Jeremiah. Your son was a true hero. There are no words that can explain how sadden I was as an American to hear of your sons tragic death on the battlefield. I believe Jeremiah and Jared are now in a better place and will be watching over their brothers and sisters who remain fighting this horrible war against terrorism. God bless your family."
Glenn Humphries, gdhumphries@comcast.net of Folsom, Ca.

"To the family of Jeremiah;

Our sincerest condolences for your loss. Jeremiah is a true American hero and will always be remembered by us for his bravery and ultimate sacrifice he gave to our country. Our family has also suffered the loss of my nephew in this battle for freedom. May God bless you during this difficult time."
Vic and Tammy McClain--azquail@att.net of Tucson, AZ

"RIP Tufelhunden. The Taylors USMC NC"

"To Jeremiah's Family & Friends
With Heart felt continued prayers for you and Jeremiah on his Journey to become a right hand Warrior of God, he gave his ulitmate for ALL OF US, to you all of his family thank you for raising such a Brave Young Hero.
He is a True Warrior. I can only imagine the pride you have in him. Please know we are proud to have such a brave young man do this for his Country. I to have a very special man in my life deploying shortly and this news of losing Jeremiah who was part of Our Marine family was very hard to hear,I just learned from my boyfriend they went through boot camp together so this news was very difficult for him, remember you will always be part of Our Marine Family. You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers always."
Semper Fi!
Elsa Estrada of Monterey Park, Calif

"Jeremiah was a true hero. May God bless you brother."
Charles D. of Memphis, TN USA

Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Jeremiah, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you ALWAYS. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "

"My deepest sympathy, our family has also suffered the loss of a precious life in this battle for freedom. May God bless you and help you through this time. Forever in our hearts a HERO Jeremiah A. Baro."
Amy & Aaron Monier of Waterford, MI.

"To the friends and family of Cpl. Jeremiah Baro,

There are no words that can possibly ease your pain but please know that many across this country are grateful to your son and you. His bravery and sacrifice will never be forgotten. Please accept these words as a token of my heartfelt sorrow for your loss.

Rebecca of Los Angeles

"To the family and friends of Corporal Jeremiah A. Baro,

Those we hold most dear, never truly leave us. May you find comfort in love's everlasting connection.

In the Support section of this web site you will find links to many groups that support you at this crucial time. The Marine Comfort Quilt group would be honored to send a quilt to the next of kin. There are many, loving and caring Americans from all over the United States that will never forget the sacrifice that your loved one has made for our Freedom. Please register so we can send you our "Love Stitched Together."

Proud Marine Mom and Proud Member of Marine Comfort Quilts"
Sandra Moudy of Placentia, Ca

"To Jeremiah's Family and Friends:

On behalf of the Blanco-Caldas family, we send our sincerest condolences. We share the same loss ... the same pain. Our prayers are with you in this most difficult time and we thank you for your soldier's bravery and sacrifice.


The Family of Capt. Ernesto M. Blanco-Caldas, 82nd Airborne
KIA Iraq 12/28/2003.
Gloria Caldas (The Big Ern's Mom) of San Antonio, TX

"To Jeremiah's Family and Friends:

Thank you Jeremiah for your bravery and sacrafice. Without men like you there would be no land of the free. Our family shares in your grief and unfortunately knows your sorrow. May God's grace bring you comfort. God Bless you and God Bless Jeremiah."
The Lanksbury Family of Yorba Linda, CA.

"To Jeremiah's Family:
There are no words to express the sorrow we feel for your loss. May God bless you and help you through this time."
Dan and Meg Manninen of San Antonio, Texas

"Thank you Jeremiah Baro, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios

"To the family and friends of Cpl. Jeremiah Baro:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Jeremiah for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada

"To the family and friends of Cpl. Jeremiah Baro:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Jeremiah, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia

Honor them by remembering... Freedom - is their gift to us But his soul goes marching on