Fallen Heroes of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Remembering the servicemembers who died in the service of their country.

Marine Pfc. Christopher S. Adlesperger

20, of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Adlesperger died as result of enemy action in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. He was assigned to 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. Died on December 9, 2004.

Please send information, photos, and corrections for Marine Pfc. Christopher S. Adlesperger.


Contributions to the Families of the Fallen


Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.

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"I was honored to carry Christopher's candle last night at Veteran's Park for Memorial Service"
Carol Oxford of Las Cruces, NM

"I, Carol Oxford, Las Cruces, NM will carry the candle tomorrow Memorial Day for Marine Pfc. Christopher S. Adlesperger at Veteran's Park. It is my honor to do so, I carried it last year also."
Carol Oxford of Las Cruces, N.M.

"hope you are in peace sorry this is late but i just found out about you from rachel fitzwater. love you"
lilly and jackie of albuquerque

"I found the story of LCpl Christopher Adlesperger while doing some research on the Battle of Fallujah. I saw your picture in your Eldorado Letterman's jacket and made me think of my son who ran XC there and graduates this year. Your bravery, honor and sacrifice hasn't gone unnoticed. I will tell as many people I know about you and how you took care of your fellow Marines. I fortunately served in The Marines during peacetime. And cause of Marines like you, I still have that freedom. To your family, my heart goes out to you even these many years later. Semper Fi LCpl Adlesperger and Thank You. I hope I can shake your hand on the other side. Oorah!"
Ronald J Greig of Albuquerque

"To the family of:Christopher S.Adlesperger
I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015.
Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga""

"Hello you and your family do not know me but we share 2 things in common. one We were both Marines and furthermore We were both members of the Darkhorse family (3/5) I was there when he received the Navy Cross posthumously I still remember that day i never knew you but i sure wish i did at that time i was a Lance Corporal myself"
Jeffery R Crawley ( LCPL) of San Marcos CA

"To the friends and family of PFC. Christopher S. Aldlesperger,

Allow me to add my condolences and sympathy to you on your loss. I drew Chris' name at a worship service at Yale Divinity School. I pray you are comforted by the loving God of all creation. I wish you grace & peace, Serge"
Serge of Wilton, CT

"Chris, you were my brothers friend growing up. You were the only one out of ALL of his friends that was nice to me. You genuinely cared. I had the biggest crush on you. I still remember you coming to the door to ask for my brother and I was so taken aback because you asked how I was! You had silly yellow pants on. You were always so nice and genuine. I am PROUD that I knew you. You are so looked up to old friend. You will forever be respected for your bravery, loved, and missed."
Kara of Albuquerque, NM

"i never met you chris i've heard many stories and wish i had. theres no words for how i feel and i sometimes wonder if i would have ever met your family if you never died. god bless your family for the loss and watch over them like i know you will"
same number? of albuquerque NM

"Hey Brother, I miss you, and glad i got to meet you and fly to mcrd together, then, soi, then to 3/5, It was a honor serving with you and fighting along side you. You will never be forgotten!"
Marjon Pino 3/5 Wpns-1/5 Wpns of Grants,NM-Camp Pendleton,CA

"Hi Chris, I know you have gone long back. Im too a Chrison. I'm from India, i came across the Iraqi Freedom videos and what you guys had in Iraq. Those videos made me really sad by watching the pain you all took for a better day in Iraq. Many of your friends out there had that bravery to do it. Hwy Christopher You did something great to your people and to this nation. You will rewarded in Heaven. we will meet you there. You left us a great motivation in life to be proud"
Chrison of Kochi,Kerala,India

"Semper Fi Devil Dog! Your service and devotion are examples to all that serve our great nation.
"And if the army and the navy, should ever look on heavens scene, they will find the streets are guarded, BY UNITED STATES MARINES!"
GySgt Mark Kirkland (ret) of Davao City, Philippines

"”Honor and Remember” - “Project Compassion” We love our Soldiers! We love our country and we cannot express enough love and compassion to the families of our fallen heroes. War does not discriminate – It breaks our hearts to see the faces of the fallen. We want to give this gift to you. We are a 501c3 nonprofit organization! Over 1,660 portraits have been completed and shipped to the parents and or spouse - at no cost as this is a gift from one American to another!
Contact us directly at Projectcompassion@manti.com or go to www.heropaintings.com . If you have already had a portrait completed, we pray that you are enjoying the portrait and God Bless You.
Sincerely and Respectfully,
Project Compassion - Kenna of Manti, Utah USA


I remember seeing you at Tae Kwon Do and every Sunday at church. You ALWAYS had a smile on your face and that always made me smile. I know that everyone in heaven smiling because of you. You will always be missed

Love you forever"
Cristina Calderon Dawson of Albuquerque, NM

"Chris, I remember seeing you a few days before you left to iraq. You came to see me at work, I was so sad and in tears. Then your little brother called and told me the news, I remember it as if it was yesterday and its almost 4 years... I miss you and our late night conversaitons and arguements! I love you Christopher!!!!"
Cousins Forever of Albuquerque

"Chris you used to do your home work in my office when you where about 10 or 11 years old. I worked with your dad Gary.
I was watching a rerun of the news a 2am in the morning when I heard about you death. I always think of you as an inspiration when ever I get down over petty things. You made the ultimate sacrifice and you will be my hero and I will never forget you as long as I live. I pray for your family daily.
I have 3 sons of my own and I made them read the article about your death and heroics so they now have a huge appreciation of your sacrifice."
Kelly Adams of Albuquerque, New Mexico

"Chris, thank you for giving all. God bless you and your family. <><"
Phil of 29 Palms, CA

"Hey Chris, I got back from Iraq about two months ago. It goes by so quick, I remember your funeral like it was the other day. We did well out there, and as about half of my deployment had gone by, I picked up a magazine at the PX there at Balad AB. I flipped through the pages, and to my shock, there you were, looking at me. I read the article, and more importantly I cut your picture out. I put it in my ID holder, and from that day on, I carried you next to my heart in combat. I know I will never be able to amount to the great man you had become in such short time, but your example, your love, and your devotion to others is an example that I hold dearly since your passing."
SSgt William Fitzpatrick of Albuquerque, NM

"Prayers go out to you and yours

Commander Perry
Homeless Veteran Angels Network
http://homelessveteranangelsnetwork.com coming soon"
Commander Alan Perry Jr of Las Vegas

"I took a roadtrip out to Sante Fe to visit you last month, brother. You are not forgotten."
John Giacoma of Gilbert, AZ

"December 30, 2007
To the family of Lance Cpl. Christopher S. Adlesperger:
Christopher gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV

"Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and your smile! I miss you like crazy!"
of Albuquerque, NM

"Remembering you three years later, brother."
John Giacoma (Plt. 2145) of Gilbert, AZ

"Spurge was the kind of Marine you were glad to have by your side he absorbed every bit of information you could give him and he always wanted to more . i have missed Chris everyday since he has been gone thank you it was a pleasure to know you"
Guy Wall of Springfield ,Il 3/5 wpns plt

"I find myself at times surfing the net curious to learn about our soldiers. I came across the story about Chris, read it, and was totally blown away...what he did was truelly amazing. Im so grateful when I read stories like this and there's no doubt in my mind that chris and others who have paid the ultimate sacrifice are now with god. No words of mine could ever say thank you enough. Im truelly inspired. Thanks Chris."
Samuel Cochran of los angeles, CA

"Remembering you on Veteran's Day, brother."
John Giacoma (Plt. 2145) of Gilbert, AZ

I would like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for our Country. And to your family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy. I read in Leatherneck Magazine about your family receiving your Navy Cross for what you did in Fallujah-you are true hero. I served in the USMC in the eighties and fortunately didn't see anycombat but I am proud and honored to be able to say that I a member of an organization that has heroes like you in it.

Semper Fi Devil Dog!"

"To all my family members both on Uncle Edwen's side and My dad's Side on this Memorial Day to all that served in the armed forces. I am proud of you and what you have done for our country I may not have been able to get in the armed services but twenty year as an army brat has given me great pride in my family. One and All close members and cousins. adlesperger1@msn.com"
Tarril Adlesperger of Colorado Springs ,Colorado

Legeta of Artesia,New MexicoUSA

"A True Hero,
I worked with Chris back in high school and attended school with him, he was always a stand up and honorable man. He will never be forgotten. My deepest sympathies go to his family, and my gratitude to Chris and the Marine corp."
Officer Ginn of Albuquerque, New Mexico

"For Tamara Adlesperger(and her family),

You may not remember me, but I went to middle school with you at Desert Ridge. With it being Memorial Day, I couldn't help wondering if someone I knew from Albuquerque had fallen. I checked archives online and found your cousin's name, recognizing the last name as being the same as yours. With a little more research I found that you named your son after him, confirming you were indeed related. I just wanted to extend my heartfelt sympathies to you, Matt, and your family on this Memorial Day. My prayers are with you, and please keep safe and take care of yourselves.

If you need to contact me, you can email me @ pinktherapy@fastmail.fm

Lisa Hlavacek"
Lisa Hlavacek of Colorado Springs, CO, USA




"When I was in Recruit Training, one night during square away time, our senior drill instructor handed out little slips of paper, everyone got one. When we looked at them, we realized they were obituaries of Marines that had died in Iraq and Afghanistan. My slip had Christopher's name on it. It was after reading the slip that that the reality of my situation hit me. He was the same age and the same rank as me. Chris is the Marine that I am replacing. When this hit me, I made a promise to myself that I would be the most exemplary Marine possible, not for myself, but in honor of Chris and other fallen brothers like him. Christopher S. Adlesperger is not forgotten. His name will live with this Marine forever."
Pfc Simonson of Jacksonville, Florida

"Hey cuz,
I don't know who started this but it's cool. I remember the last time I saw you, you came by my house with aunty you know. Ya that was funny I was all pretending to work out in my wannabe gym, and then my phone rang and you were like that better not be a boy. ya what else like that one day I spent the day with you and we snuck out with your girlfriend to the mall and sonic and I so kicked your butt on video games. Then we tried to hide the sonic cups from my aunty, well guess what she found out anyways, even though you said she wouldn't. It's unreal to think you are gone and all it's really crazy. I miss you a whole bunch and I don't really feel like you're gone. I know my aunty misses you like crazy and always recalls how you always thought of her like a mom. She got a house now it's pretty she's doing well and we all miss you.
I'll love you forever cousin."
The little brat that bugged you of New Mexico, Albuquerque

"Although his time here was cut short, you brought an amazing young man into this world. I think of so many young men that have chose to live their lives without purpose. It is because of your son and so many like him we can live in the security that we are protected. I know that Chris has a special place in Heaven at Gods side. My prayers go out to you from my heart. My Grandson recently finished basic training and I pray for him everyday to be under Gods care."
Barbara Kemp of Monticello, AR. USA

"This story touched my heart in ways I didn't see coming. You did a wonderful job raising your son. I am proud to be an American. I hope your son receives The Medal of Honor. My prayers are with you."
Angie A of Ogden, Utah

"I am sorry for your loss.
This man should be awarded the Medal of Honor he deserves it he gave the ultimate sacrifice."
Joe Cantello USMC of Norristown,PA.

"As a man who has done everything in his power to be the best Marine he could possibly be. I have to say that the name Christopher Adlesperger has made me want to be a better one.
I never knew Chris, but he is a Marine so he is my brother and I now have a new person in my life to honor.

Semper Fi"
Tavis of Brooklyn, NY

"I was surfing the internet one night and i found an article on you. I sure as hell hope that the president approves the medal of honor for you. you earned it, leatherneck!"
jimmy, a marine in another life of kentucky

""wow i have been waiting for a time to send my thanks to you and your family chris. I'll never forget you and the time that you wanted to wrestle me after practice,even though i out weighed you by like 50 pounds you still managed to only lose by one point you were a great wrestler, a great person, and no doubt in my mind you were a great marine. God Bless you and your family, and every time i wrestle i laugh because i almost lost to you." mad love kid. jason"
Jason Smith of Albuquerque

"To Chris' family: Chris was a wonderful person, Tiara and I would pick Chris up everyday for school in high school, he always had a smile on his face, and could always make us laugh. He has not fallen, but risen into heaven, and is an angel, as well as my hero!!! I miss you Chris, you were a real soldier, and a real hero, you changed the lives of many, you will NEVER be forgotten, I LOVE YOU CHRIS!!!"
Sara Sedillo of Abq, NM

"To Chris and his family.
I wasnt best friends with Chris but I remember him very well from High School and Track. He was a great guy, he knew how to make you laugh without even trying. He never complaind and always pushed to be his best in every way! You moved in two doors down from me (im in 235) just before he past and ill always be here if you need anything. Just ask.

We as Christians know that Chris has not fallen, but risen to be with our lord and savior, Jesus Christ."
Stuart St. Louis of Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

"Chris was a great person and I have known him my whole life basically grown up in school with him. I wish his family the best and I will be there soon to visit you chris and Joe I miss you and love you!! Keep an eye on me"
Nikki Gibson of Albuquerque, NM

"To the family and friends of Chris Adlesperger,
As I sit here in my home with all the blessings, safety, and comfort that this great country has and continues to provide me, I think of the service of people like Chris who are the reason for my good fortune. I wish I was capable of putting my full gratitude into words. I'm not sure it's possible. May God rest his soul."
Jeff Sebek of Irvine, Ca. 92614


Dear Mr. Aldesperger:

I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate your son so very much. I know how proud of him you must be. I know because my son was a Marine and was KIA in Fallujah April 26, 2004. I also know how proud you are because my husband and I immediately remembered your name and remembered what a kind and gentle man you were...so very interested in how you could volunteer your services. Greg and I met you when the bricks with our son's names were dedicated at the New Mexico Veteran's Memorial.

My son rcvd. The Silver Star. Texas & NM both claim him.

We have every reason to be so very proud of them. In these ways, they will continue to bless us and so many others for generations to come-- into eternity.

God bless you for "your" sacrifice.

Semper Fi"
De'on Miller --Proud Gold Star Mom of LCpl. Aaron C. Austin, USMC KIA April 26, 2004 Fallujah, Iraq of Lovington, NM USA

"To Family and Friends,

First of all I'd like to express my deepest sympathies to all of the family and friends of this heroic young man. I myself served in Operation Iraqi Freedom 1,2, and 3. I know that at times it could get frustrating out there for us and we felt like just going home. Yet it's actions like the one of this young man that kept us going. I had just recently heard of Christopher's bravery and just had to find out where I could leave some words of respect. He will never be forgotten by myself, or the rest of his brothers still serving overseas. Also to the family and freinds of this young man, you may have lost a son, but you still have thousands more whom are here for you."
Sgt Alberto Tarango (USMC) of Albuquerque, NM

"To the Family and Friends,

I read the LA Times article about Chris. What an amazing young man and Marine. Please know that there are many of us who do care and will remember the story of your son for the rest of our lives. The world is indeed a little darker with the loss of this incredible man."
Rebecca of Alexandria, VA

"I knew Chris...he was kind, smart and a hillarious guy! We went to school together and I never knew he even joined the service by the time id found out he had passed. I respect him so much for his courage. I just wanna say he was pretty much an amazing person who i will NEVER ever forget. I pray for him and his family almost every day..."
Ashley Warmington of Albuquerque, N.M

"I just read the LA Times article about Chris today, 10/3/06, entitled "His Corps Value Was Bravery." I just want to say "Thank You" to the family and "Thank You" to all the present Marines in combat for ensuring our freedom in America. God bless you all and keep you safe!!"
Dennis Vogel of Long Beach, California

"I just read the article in the L.A. Times about Chris on Oct 3rd 2006. You know I love recalling how the Marines got their knickname "Devil Dog." The Germans said they fought like dogs and they thought the Marines had the devil in them. This same fighting spirit that Marines displayed over the past 200 years is still being displayed today, and Chris is an example of this. People like Chris make the Marine Corps such an honored place to be. It's acts of heroism like Chris' that make the Marine Corps such a feared fighting force all over world. While someone like myself never served in combat, when people hear that I was a Marine I get a whole new respect from them. And so to you Chris, I thank you for making the Marine Corps such an honorable branch of service to serve in."
Steve of Los Angeles

"You Chris is what we who wear a uniform hopes to be. God bless you and your family."
Rick of Los Angeles, California

"To Christopher Adlesperger's family: I read the article in the LA Times about Christopher and his journey. I wept and still weep as I write this to you to thank you. His courage in Iraq is so incredible. What a wonderful person he was and it is an inspiration to me every day. Thank you again and I will continue to pray for him and our troops."
Susan Caponigro of Sun City, CA, USA

"To Chris: Thank you. Semper Fidelis."
SDI SSgt Gonzalez of San Diego

"I did not personally know Pfc. Christopher S. Adlesperger nor have I ever seen or met him. I was very proud to have the "Healing Field" memorial team visit our City (Cathedral City Ca.) this Sept. 11 2006 and help the city dedicate a park "Patriot Park". There was nearly three thousand full size American flag representing all of the Fallen American Hero in the Armed Services. I was able to donate money to the Memorial and I was given one of the flags. The American flag I got was in loving Memory of Pfc. Christopher S. Adlesperger. Pfc. Adlesperger was I’m sure a great person and an outstanding Marine..... It brought tears to my eyes when I read his name. I wished I could have met him and gave my thanks for his bravery, dedication and service to our great country. May the Lord Jesus Christ Bless you Christopher and your family."
Police Officer Mauch of Cathedral City Ca.

"On the the 9th of Sept 2006 I was asked to get the invocation at the opening ceremony in Cathedral City, CA. This event was a four day event with a flag honoring each servicemember who gave their life for our freedom. After my prayer I got in line to take a flag to place it in the field with the others. When I picked up the flag the name PFC Christopher Adlesperger from Albuquerque, New Mexico was read. I wept. You see, I am from Albuquerque and I was a young Marine years ago before becoming a Navy Chaplain. During this war I deal daily with Marine and their families and know their Sacrifices. When Christophers name was called I wept for a man from my home town. I place his flag in the field of healing, saluted, and said a pray for him and his family. I thought you should know.

Blessings, and may God watch over you."
Chaplain David Starkey CAPT, CHC, USN of 29 Palms, CA

"I salute you!"
Angela Turman of Fort Worth, Texas

We had some fun over there and it was an honor to serve with you bro. This is to you and your family, a sincere thank you for letting all of us come home and live and love. But most important showing us what sacrifice and being a true man is all about. Until we meet again bro, thank you."
MAV 3/5 of OC, Cali

"I am sorry about your husbands death. I knew him well."
Albert Villalobos of California

""Let us solemnly remember the sacrifices of all those who fought so valiantly, on the seas, in the air, and on foreign shores, to preserve our heritage of freedom, and let us re-consecrate ourselves to the task of promoting an enduring peace so that their efforts shall not have been in vain.”
--Dwight D. Eisenhower""
Veteran's Day...2005

"You fought valiently brother, Semper Fi."
Smokin' Guns Kilo 3/5

"It is strange how we are all connected somehow. I work with Marine Daryl F. Brown's father, who told me about this website. I serve Veterans at the Waco VA Regional Center, and as a vet myself I always feel a pang of undescribable hurt whenever I hear that another service member has died in our war against terror. I always try to find out their names, either looking for the names of buddies still serving, or just to give them the courtesy of individual recognition. I have not one doubt that PFC Christopher Adlesperger was a fine man, and a brave one. I am sorry for his family's loss, the Marine Corps' loss, and our country's loss."
Joshua Nims of Waco, Texas

"I may not known my young cosuin well but I wish to let my family members on Uncle Edwens side know that, this life has touched us All. And I am proud of him and what he has done."
Tarril Ray John Adlesperger of Colorado Springs

"To the family of christopher Adlesperger, I am sorry to hear about your son. I was also in Boot Camp with him. He was very religious and close to the lord, he was the lay leader for the christians at night. You are not gone Adlesperger we will all see you when we get to heaven too.

PLT. 2145 H CO. DEC 1, 2003- FEB 27 2004"

"Dear Christoper's family and friends. I was sorry to hear about Christoper. May God Bless all of you and know that Christoper is now safe with God, he is a true American Hero."
Mary Ghaney of Brooklyn, New York

"To the family of Christopher:
I am so sorry to hear about your son. I was in Fallujah, Iraq when I heard about what happened to Christopher. I was in his platoon in bootcamp also. Christopher was always there to motivate myself and the other Marines. I will not forget him. Semper Fi"
Lcpl. Hofpar, Adam C. of 31st. M.E.U Okinawa, Japan

"From one of your Drill Instructors-
Semper Fi Marine. We'll meet again."
SSgt T of San Diego, Ca

"Private Adlesperger, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas


Dear Mr. Adlesperger,

What an honor to meet and talk with you yesterday. I heard little pieces of conversation you had with others. I heard you ask about volunteering at the Veterans Memorial. I heard you ask about honoring your uncles with memorial bricks, and I had my own conversations with you as well. What an awesome peek at the heart of the Dad of a Fallen Marine. It's easy to understand how you raised a son to be a Marine and to give his life for others. You are honest about your pain, but use it to reach out to touch a positive note in other lives. Thank you. You are the kind of parent I could spend hours talking with. May the pain never be more than the strength that God wants to give us.

Semper Fi,"
De'on Miller, Proud Mom of L.Cpl. Aaron C. Austin, USMC, KIA April 26, 2004 Fallujah, Iraq of Lovington, NM, USA

"Chris, it had been years since the last time i saw you but i had not forgotten you. when my parents had told me what had happened i broke down in tears. you are such an inspiration to me now and when i was younger at Tae Kwon Do. You have inspired to me to join the armed forces and fight for my country. i love you from the bottom of my heart and i will never forget you."
Nathan of Alb, NM

"Chris ... you were one of my best friends ... i'll never forget the good and bad times that we shared.... its hard to watch our old videos from highschool... and its hard to look at my pictuers of the "gang" ( chad, brian, raf, shell, me, and you) just the other day all of us were planing on going home from college and going to White sands... and it breaks my heart to think that you wont be there with us... remember the last time we went down there... haha those were some good times... Chris we miss you and I hope you know that I will forever look up to you and what you did for all of us! one more thing... I was looking in my yearbook and read your quote that you left me... and you had said that my testimony at bible study made you envy me for my conviction that I had... well buddy now I envy you for your bravery and for your convictions.... loved always and forever........."
kati huybrechts of Tempe, Arizona

You touched my life in so many ways and I will never forget the many wonderful memories I have of you. Your always in my heart and I will miss you forever! I love you!!!"
Ashley of Albuquerque, NM

"Jessica M.

Directly below your last posting was a posting from my brother, LCPL Daryl F. Brown Jr. I just came across this and his message to you. Daryl was himself wounded in Iraq on April 1 2005."
Danica Love of Baytown, Texas

"To the family of PFC Christopher S. Adlesperger. I'm deeply sorry for the lost of your son. He was an caring and loving person but at the same time a outstanding Marine. I knew him from boot camp. He lifted our hearts and spirits with the wisdom that our Lord gave him. He will always be remembered. "We will miss you Adlesperger!""
Lcpl Pedro Castro III of Camp Pendleton, CA

"Thank you, rest in peace sweet angel!"
Violeta Sepulveda of San Diego Ca

"your memory will never be forgotten"
Lcpl Bauer of Camp Lejune, NC

"Semper Fidelis brother"
PFC Ryan Peeples of MAG 46/MWCS 48/3rd MAW

"Wow! You people are awesome! Thank You so much for showing you support to my family. Thank You so much for your thoughts and Prayers."
Jessica M. of Albuquerque,NM

"To the family of Christopher Adlesperger. I knew your son well, I was in bootcamp with him and in SOI with him same platoon the whole way. I am deply sorry for your lose. I learned of his death when I was at CAX from some of my bodies who where in SOI with me and your son. I wish that I could of done something but I was moved out of the unit your son was in , to go to anether unit. I wish I could of been there for him. I am so very sorry."
Lcpl Daryl F. Brown Jr of Camp Pendelton, Ca

Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Christopher, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you ALWAYS. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "

"Thank you Christopher for your gift of freedom you so proudly defended for us all. You will be thought of each day we raise out flag in the front yard. Semper Fi Marine. From a very grateful American family."
The Shaw family of Pasadena, Maryland

"There are no words to express the sorrow we feel for your loss. May God bless you and help you through this time."
Dan and Meg Manninen of San Antonio, Texas

"To the family and friends of PFC Christopher S. Adlesperger,

Those we hold most dear, never truly leave us. May you find comfort in love's everlasting connection.

In the Support section of this web site you will find links to many groups that support you at this crucial time. The Marine Comfort Quilt group would be honored to send a quilt to the next of kin. There are many, loving and caring Americans from all over the United States that will never forget the sacrifice that your loved one has made for our Freedom. Please use our link and register so we can send you our "Love Stitched Together."

Proud Marine Mom and Proud Member of Marine Comfort Quilts"
Sandra Moudy of Placentia, Ca USA

"Thank you Christopher Adlesperger, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios

"To the family and friends of Pfc. Christopher Adlesperger:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Christopher for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada

"To the family and friends of Pfc. Christopher Adlesperger:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Christopher, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia

Honor them by remembering... Freedom - is their gift to us But his soul goes marching on