Fallen Heroes of Operation Enduring Freedom

Remembering the servicemembers who died in the service of their country.

Marine Lance Cpl. Russell P. White

19, of Dagsboro, Delaware.
White died due to a non-combat related incident at Camp Bulldog, Afghanistan. He was assigned to 3rd Battalion, 6th Marines, 2nd Marine Division, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Died on June 20, 2004.

Please send information, photos, and corrections for Marine Lance Cpl. Russell P. White.


Contributions to the Families of the Fallen


Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.

Please report inappropriate messages

"In my thoughts , the horrors of war do not only take place on the battlefields"
Robert "Bob" Corsa of Millsboro De

"This is a message to the parents of Russ. We met at the dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Georgetown De. I was wondering if you will be doing anything at the Memorial of Russ onthe 20th. If you are I would like to attend. Please contact me at 302 9330119 or kco326@aol.com
As a former Marine and a current Commissioner for the Delaware Commission of Veterans Affair I and the DCVA would be honored to be allowed to participate in any type of Dedication or even if you think it would be a good idea for future dates.
Sgt Robert Corsa Usmc
Commissioner RP Corsa DCVA
"take care of the squad
Robert P Corsa of Millsboro De

"Mr. and Mrs. White, I was deployed with 3/6 Lima with your son and my friend, Russell. He was a good man, always there to make someone laugh. I have lived around in and around Baltimore since 2006. Last year, my wife encouraged strongly that I pay Russell a visit at Arlington. I had mentioned several time that I wanted to, but found the notion quite hard. June 20, 2013, I will be making my second visit...just me this time. Going to spend some time talking and reminiscing. You raised a fine young man, and I continue to weep for your loss."
3/6 of Baltimore, MD

"To the family of:Russell P. White
I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015.
Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga"2-3-11"

"Whotey, I know you are singing this song up above...

"And when the night falls on our better days
And we're looking to the sky
For the winds to take us high above the plains
I know that we'll find better ways to look into the eye of the storms that will be calling
Forever we'll be falling
Like the rain I have fallen for you, and I know just why you
Like the rain always calling for you, I'm falling for you now just
Like the rain...."

Always thinking of you-Danielle"
Danielle Rawls of Hoboken, NJ.

"Trish and Greg i love you both my heart is always yours to hold He was a great man and was the one i proudly called my best friend he will never be forgotton and will always hold a spot in my heart as well and many others we are all missin ya bro"
Cpl Justin Stinnett of Akron Ohio

"November 18, 2007
To the family of Lance Cpl. Russell P. White:
Russell gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV

"Your memory lives on in the hearts of 3rd Battalion, 6th Marines, Lima Co. We will never forget your ultimate sacrifice. You are our brother and we miss you dearly."
-Cpl Munk USMC of New Orleans, LA.

"Just reading in todays Times of your loss. Probably more as to the age of your son's grandfather I wish to express my sadness for your loss. Active duty for me was from 1958 to 1961, instilled is my respect for your son choosing The Marine Corp. A smile at your description of Russell patrolling your family dock. For me joining was to prove to myself I could do it, my dad passed away when I was 15 and I needed direction. Today, 67, I feel still a respect for the Corp as did your son I am sure. I feel deeper though for your sadness of the loss of your son compounded by your grief over the handling of his death. Marine Corp Birthday this week is a time for me to reflect on my past, more importantly on those who have gone on after me to serve. God bless the memory of Russell, God bless you Tricia and Gregg, your sons with you. May Russell live in our memories as a young man who felt a duty and followed his heart. George Rogers"

"My thoughts and prayers are with the White family - especially today. He was loved by many. God's plan for him was so short and so tragic, but Russell followed that path with courage, honor and conviction."
Ann of Akron, Ohio

I would like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for our Country. And to your family, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.

Semper Fi Devil Dog!"

"My heartfelt sympathy to the White family in the loss of Russell. I did not know Russell, but my heart is broken and I am saddened for your loss of such a fine young person and hero. May God bring you peace in your heart as you reflect on all the wonderful memories you hold so close. Please know that you are in my heart and prayers.Russell it has been 21 months since you were taken. Today while I was at Arlington National Cemetery I stopped and prayed for you and your family. You are a hero and you will never be forgotten.
I send each of you a hug from the most inner part of my heart.
Love and Peace

To live in the hearts
of those you leave behind
is never to die"
~Robert Orr~"
Tom Gugliuzza-Smith of Springfield, VA

"My thoughts and prayers go to the White family, and my eternal thanks goes to Russell for his willingness to face danger and put the needs of his nation ahead those of his own. God bless."
Darin J. McCann of Ocean View, DE


"To the White family. My older brother and I, both in 3/6 Lima Company, had the privelage of serving with Russel. Our prayers go out to you and your family. From the Zadd brothers."
Scott AKA Little Zadd of Camp Lejeune

"To the White family. My older brother and I, both in 3/6 Lima Company, had the privelage of serving with Russel. Our prayers go out to you and your family. From the Zadd brothers."
Scott AKA Little Zadd of Camp Lejeune

"Mr. & Mrs. White & Family,
I cannot even begin to express to you my condolences. I pray for you all everyday in the hope that you find peace in knowing that Russ is resting in the arms of God. Russ was an incredible human being, so witty and funny. Some of my best memories from STMA were with him while driving to school or at the 2000 Prom. I think of him often and just have to smile. That seemed to be the effect he had on everyone. He will forever & always be my American hero. Not a day will ever go by when I don't thank God for men and women like Russ and families like yours who make the ulimate sacrifice for our lives and our freedom. Please know that both me and my family are extremely thankful for Russ' service and we pray for you everyday."
Litty Smelter of Bishopville, MD, USA

"To the family of LCPL White. I was on the plane that brought your son back to Germany and on his way home to you. Please know of the great respect that was shown to your son by his fellow Marines at Bagram AB, Afghanistan, and by my fellow soldiers on that flight. I pray God may temper your anguish, and that you will always treasure the memories of your fallen Marine. God Bless."
Sgt. Justin Larsen of 19th Special Forces Group (Airborne) Utah

"dear mr and mrs white. i served with your son in afghanistan he was a good man and a good marine he will be missed"
LCPL Travis W. Garrett of spotsylvania, VA

"My condolences go out to you. My boyfriend lost his brother Steven Acosta on October 26, 2004. We dont know what happened to him and nobody is telling us anything. Id appreciate if you would contact me please. Id like to talk to you.
hope from hearing from you soon.
Melissa S of Calexico CA

"To the family and friends,

Our prayers are with you in this most difficult time and we thank you for your loved ones bravery and sacrifice. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. Your loved one is a hero. Greater love have no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13.

God bless you.

Home Front Ministries
Shepherd of the Hills Church
Porter Ranch, CA"

"To the family and friends,

Our prayers are with you in this most difficult time and we thank you for your loved ones bravery and sacrifice. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. Your loved one is a hero. Greater love have no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13.

God bless you.

Home Front Ministries
Shepherd of the Hills Church
Porter Ranch, CA"

"Dear Mr. and Mrs. White,

Your son served his country well, he now sits with God.
It was an honor to know him though only for a brief year. (He was a classmate and fellow golf team member of mine at St. Thomas More Academy 2000-2001). God Bless."
Griffin DuBreuil of Dover, Delaware


"Thanks for stepping forward when America needed you. To the family - Thank you for your contribution to our liberty and freedom. I'm sorry for your tremendous loss."
Ronald Carlson of Montrose, MN

"Family and friends of Russell. We have lost a great young man and he will be forever remembered with the rest of our Heros. I share in your loss and wish I could share words of wisdom, but I have none. I lost my son Juston in Afghanistan 4 days after Russell. The only thing I can say is know that God is with them and they now know only joy and no pain. May God give you comfort at this time.
Semper Fi

Proud Mother of LCPL Juston T. Thacker
2nd Division 3/6 USMC
Afghanistan June 24, 2004"
Sharon Bowling of Princeton, WV United States of America, and Proud of it.

"To Russell's family & friends you are in our thoughts and prayers. My family feels your pain and sorrow. To Russell thank you for giving the ultimate sacrifice for your country. You will never be forgotten. You are a great american hero.

3RD SFG KIA 5/29/2004 Afghanistan"
Tanya Mogensen & family of North Carolina

"To Russell's family, only God can heal the pain and emptyiness that is left when our loved ones life is shortened. these brave men are heroes serving our country. We are very proud of all of them. We must all remember that "Freedom is not free". A price is paid for our freedom by our fallen heroes. our grandson is one of those fallen heroes, LCpl Juston Thacker, Afghan. 6/24/04 3/6 Marine 2nd Div. We honor all of you. The cost of freedom is great, but the lost of freedom is greater."
Tom @ Dixie Sisk of Princeton,WV

"Corporal White, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas

"" Thank you Russ, for serving our country. I'll never forget you. You will always be in my heart and the rest of our familys'. I love you ""
Megan of Jackson, New jersey

"To the family of Russell White,
Thank You for the brave son you brought into this world. He served his country willingly. You must be so very proud.
May God bless all of you."
Deb, DuWayne, Mitchell Cottew of Sauk Rapids, MN

"To Russell's Family:
There are no words to express the sorrow we feel for your loss. May God bless you and help you through this time."
Dan and Meg Manninen of San Antonio, Texas

"To Russell's Family and Friends:

On behalf of the Blanco-Caldas family, we send our sincerest condolences. We share the same loss ... the same pain. Our prayers are with you in this most difficult time and we thank you for his bravery and sacrifice.


The Family of Capt. Ernesto M. Blanco-Caldas, 82nd Airborne
KIA Iraq 12/28/2003.
Gloria Caldas (Ernie's mom) of San Antonio, TX

Please KNOW so many people share your sadness, and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief. Your HERO, Russell, will be remembered by name. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless you. Pat & Sandi Breckenridge from Montana "

"Thank you Russell White, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios

"To the family and friends of Lance Cpl. Russell White:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Russell for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada

"To the family and friends of Lance Cpl. Russell White:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Russell, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia

Honor them by remembering... Freedom - is their gift to us But his soul goes marching on