36, of Brandon, Mississippi.
Robinson died in Sangain District, Afghanistan, when his HMMWV came under enemy small arms fire during combat operations. He was assigned to the Army National Guard's 2nd Battalion, 20th Special Forces Group, Jackson, Mississippi. Died on March 25, 2006.
Please send information, photos, and corrections for Army Staff Sgt. Christopher L. Robinson.
Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.
Please report inappropriate messages
"Chris, just stopping by to say hello. None of us are getting off this planet alive. Until we meet again. AIRBORNE!"
Randy Dickover of Manhattan,KS,USA
"To the family of:Christopher L. Robinson
I am so sorry for the loss of your love one. My heart cries out for you in your grief and you have my thoughts and prayers. He died a hero defending freedom. May you have the peace and understanding that only comes from God. Prayerfully we will all meet in Heaven one day where we will rest in the arms of Jesus. If you need prayer or need someone to talk to, please call or write my pastor: Rev. John Pearrell 11677 Brown Bridge Rd., Covington, GA 30016. (770)787-1015.
Your friend in Jesus Christ, Polly Ballew Covington,Ga""
Thinking of you and others this weekend.
Here is story about Chris. He was hilarious. During SFQC we had to run REALLY EARLY. Chris fell back asleep and missed the run but the instructor didn't catch it. When we came back he had this panic look but quickly improvised and ran into the shower with his PT clothes on and then looked like us. Hilarious.
A true SF reaction.
Good Bless Chris and his family
Richard of Houston, TX
"March 25, five years ago today the world stoped turning and time stood still, as my family received the news that no one around this world wants to hear. The loss of a son, brother, friend and cousin. Today as it was five years ago a big hole has been left in the hearts of many. Today we remember a person who was taken from this earth far to early in life, but one who left doing just what he wanted to do since he was a young boy. Christopher Robinson, we salute you, we miss you, and we thank you for the sacrific that you gave to all of us, THE FREEDOM we enjoy. THANK YOU!!!!! Your Cousin Shari"
Shari Brown of Madison, MS
"It has been some time, but I just found this web site. Wouldn't you know it, is while I am deployed. I met Chris while in Miss. on pre deployment during a class that he was conducting. I didn't understand something and he stopped what he was doing to make sure I didn't go any further before I fully understood. He was that kind of man and very, very funny. On the day he was killed, we were to launch a week long mission into the desert. We paused to await word of what happened and then after hearing, we moved out to start the mission. In our own way, we had a moment of silence and a make shift slide show at the next firebase that we came to. After his passing, it was put out that we could purchase bracelets in his honor to wear on our arms. $15, $5 for bracelet, $10 proceeds to the family he left behind. I bought 10, as did others (they sold out in hours). I know that he is in heaven with a cigar and a Hawaiian shirt, smiling down on us as we work to make right, in the very wrong parts of the world. I haven't removed that bracelet and never will as I deploy again and again, I see Chris's bracelets from time to time. God bless Chris Robinson."
Matt of North Carolina
"I knew Chris Robinson for about 8 years and never heard him say a bad word about anyone. If some guy was messed up instead of saying something bad about the guy he just tried to help them get squared away. He was movie star handsome. smart as a whip, had a sense of humor that worked on everyone and the best Special Forces Commo Man I ever knew. They don't make to many like him. God knows you can't just call down to the replacement depot and ask for another Chris Robinson. He was the epitome of the American Green Beret. I'm sorry he's gone."
Ted of Texas
"I was with Chris and the team when he and the team SGT were shot. They both lived (slept)in the same truck conex with me out there. I only spent a little time getting to know Chris, but in that time he made me laugh and made that place more tolerable. I remember throwing a boot at him when he snored so loud, it shook the conex. We were all very sad after and angry. I carried with me the thought that if I could have gotten the MEDEVAC in sooner, he may have lived. As I have found out, this was not the case. My deepest sympathy to his family and know that he will always be remembered."
Scott Innis
"To Chris' family,
I met Chris soonafter he arrived at the firebase in Sangin. His actions saved the lives of his fellow Green Berets that morning. Although I wasn't in the firefight, I'll never forget how saddened we all were for days afterwards. It was momentous when the firebase was renamed to Forward Operating Base Robinson. We would never forget what happened on March 25, 2006."
Roger Dube' of Lake Mary, FL
"September 14, 2007
To the family of Staff Sgt. Christopher L. Robinson:
Christopher gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV
"God Bless..."
Jill Desmond, widow Sgt. Dennis J Boles of Homosassa, FL USA
"Chris' family,
My name is John Caylor im fourteen and i never knew Chris. I actually live right down the street and participated in his funural escort with my grandfather. Chris is a true hero and i try as hard as i can to not let people forget his sacrifice. He gave all he had so that i could grow up with the same privilages he had and i cant wait to meet him in heaven. Please accept my sympothy for ur lost and to Chris..... Thank you!!!!"
John Caylor of Brandon, MS
Miss ya pal. Your experiance and sence of humor in the NGB Ground Recconnisacne Courses made the time endurable. I will see you in heaven and we'll have a few beers."
LTC Reyes Cole of Washington DC
I would like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for our Country. And to your family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.
"Green Berets All The Way!""
Hey buddy,exceedingly well done trooper. Until we meet again. All the way!"
Randy Dickover of Oxford, Alabama
"To Chris' family,
Please accept my deepest sympathy for your loss. Though I did not have the honor of knowing Chris, I have learned much about him and am grateful for his service to our country. Men and women like Chris who stand up in the face of what is wrong and defend our freedom are truly the embodiment of what it is to be an American.
May God bless you and give you comfort."
Jim Williams of Scottsville, VA
"I wish to extend my deepest of sympathy to you and your family. I did not know your son. But my son's name also was Christopher D Robinson and he served in Opertion Iraqi Freedom. He returned after 10 months in Iraq only to saddly lose his life in a motor cycle accident this June. He was 23. So i feel your sorrow and your loss. May the kind words about your son comfort you. By the stories he sounded like a wonderful person and remember that "Memories are free and they can never be taken away" God Bless your whole family."
Sherry L Robinson of Elma, NY
"to Chris's family- Chris helped me out every chance he could it never mattered how late or how much of an inconvenience it was to help me , i was on a helicopter that day he gave his life for his country , he was fighting the enemy trying to give us a safe place to land, when i got back from that mission and had heard what happened to chris i couldn't believe it, but not just me , everyone who had ever had the pleasure of meeting him if only once knew how great of a person he was. he will be missed"
fellow green beret
Please KNOW so many people share your sadness,
and we are remembering your family in your loss and your deep grief.
Our nations HERO, Christopher will be remembered by name.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Pat & Sandi Breckenridge / Montana
May we always remember: FREEDOM ISN'T FREE! "
"Thank you for leaving messages for Chris's family. I am his mother and these messages are very comforting. I wish you could have personelly known Chris, he was a very great human beign. He loved his family, as his little 5 year old daughter said."I will always remember my daddy, he was a fun daddy." He held his new born son and told him how much he loved him and read him his favorite little boy book, "Winnie The Pooh"."
Mary Robinson of Madison, MS USA
"I wish everyone had a chance to know Chris. He was a wonderful father, son, brother, uncle, and soldier. He loved his country and considered it an honor to serve and die for his country. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him. He had the uncanny ability to bring fun and laughter to any situation. He loved to play practical jokes on people. It was only fitting for him to be buried on April Fool's Day.
We will forever miss him, and be proud that he gave the ultimate sacrifice for his country."
Kandice (sister-in-law) of Jackson, MS
"I did not have the honor of meeting you, SFC Chris Robinson, but I know some of your family members who love you dearly. I know your nephew Connor the best. What an amazing young child who will always love his Uncle Chris and will truly never forget you. I know the loss of a loved one all too well. My husband is with the 155th Infantry Battalion that just recently returned from Iraq. A year ago in February we had to say goodbye to his best friend, SGT Drew Rahaim, who died while serving in Iraq. Because of that great loss in our lives, I was able to truly understand the depth of Connor's grief and help him as he tried to figure out how to cope with losing you, his uncle. Even though we know our loved ones are in heaven, we so desperately want them here. As we strive everyday to heal our hearts, we are so thankful for the precious memories that we will always have and hold tight to the promise that through Jesus we will see y'all once again when we too get the honor of coming home to heaven. You are a hero, Chris. Your sacrifice, your bravery, your heart for your family...they are a legacy now...and we will never forget that you left this world doing exactly what you loved doing...protecting your family, preserving our freedom, and fighting for your country. We can never truly say thank you for heroes like you and our brother, Drew....but I will live my life to tell your stories one day to my children. To your family...take one day...one moment at a time. When it is hard to breathe...remember your sweet memories and hold tight to your faith. Jesus will see you through. He will hold every one of your tears...He will carry you when you can't go anymore...and He will heal your heart. There is a song by Casting Crowns that helped me tremendously and still helps me on my tougher days...it is called Praise You In This Storm....listen to it....and remember...to praise Jesus even in this enormous storm in your life. He is the only One who will ever truly understand how bad your heart is aching. Please don't lose hope. I am still praying for you.
God Bless You, SFC Chris Robinson...God Bless Your Wife and Children...and God Bless Your Family."
Kandice Rowe of Byram, Mississippi
"Thank you Christopher Robinson, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios
"To the family and friends of Staff Sgt. Christopher Robinson:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Christopher for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada
"To the family and friends of Staff Sgt. Christopher Robinson:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Christopher, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia