Fallen Heroes of Operation Enduring Freedom

Remembering the servicemembers who died in the service of their country.

Air Force Master Sgt. Michael Maltz

42, of St. Petersburg, Florida.
Maltz died in an HH-60 Pave Hawk accident in Afghanistan. He was assigned to the 38th Rescue Squadron, Moody Air Force Base, Georgia. Died on March 23, 2003.

Please send information, photos, and corrections for Air Force Master Sgt. Michael Maltz.


Contributions to the Families of the Fallen


Leave a message in memory of this servicemember, and/or to the loved ones left behind.

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"My name is Bob Medeiros and I have photos of Mike during one of Moody AFB Youth Outdoor Adventure Programs. I would like to pass the photos on to his son Kyle (I think that was his name). We did a ropes course and some water activities that Mike’s son participated in. Mike joined us as a volunteer to assist with the kids. I can be reached at: bobarazzi@mac.com and would be willing to send digital copies. Both Mike and his son are in the photos. I would have done this a long time ago but the pics were in storage and I’m just now getting around to organizing them."
Bob Medeiros of Brandon FL 33511

"All these years later, you are not forgotten. Miss your humor! Thanks for having my back and helping me out."
B.G. Rain of Albuquerque, NM

"Mike put me thru OL-H MACOS(at the time). Mike was always the dread of many of the cones at the time. I had been setback for med reasons enough that I had earned his trust to a certain point. Mike and I continued to be friends after I was assigned to the 22STS Combat Control team. He called me occasionally to check on surveys and some JM current type of things. He shaped me to be the operator I became and ultimately Chief. He is a great American that should never be forgotten."
Scott Innis of Does it Matter?

"MSGT. Mike Maltz was like a big brother to me. When things didn't go as I wanted he gave me hope. He was one of my best friends who taught me that life was more than a day. We worked out together and he is the reason I completed my military term. Just to say it one more time in his words. "COME ON BROTHER LET'S HIT THE BAGS 30 MORE MINUTES THEN TO RYAN'S WE GO. ". I KNOW FOOD AFTER WORK OUT BUT HE WAS SO FIT SO WHAT'S THE PROBLEM"
Kenneth Davis of Marion,SC/ MARION

"I was in his first class at OLH in Lackland AFB. OBVIOUSLY he left a mark on my life. Because of him I made a career... now an 06, without his motivation, I’d be just another Nug."
Rasty of Tampa.

"Hello again Michael, I can't believe it's been 13 years. We miss you so much. The kids are amazing, just like you were. Know that you are not forgotten. 💙"
Beverly (Maltz) Davidson of North Bend, WA

"I was one of Mike's trainees at OLH during the Spring of 1992. Of all the cadre we had, Mike was the one who stood out the most and impacted my life. He would call us "effing jamokes" all the time, in fact to this day I can still hear his voice in the back of my head. Mike has inspired me to do things I never thought was possible. Even though his job was to make my life a living hell, I had tremendous respect for him. Somehow he managed to get me to embrace the suck, nobody else has ever come close to what Mike has accomplished on so many levels. I've been out of the military for decades and my only sense of adventure these days consists of doing adventure races and triathlon... and whenever I feel like quitting or slacking off, I simply think of Mike yelling at me... "come on you effing jamoke, let's pick it up"!

TACP 1992-1996"
Bill DeLong of Austin,TX

"MSgt Michael Maltz, USAF PJ. I first him as one of my instructors at CCT/PJ OLH - Lackland in '93. My "balls" class nicknamed him "Vinnie Barbarino". LOL! Although I didn't make the grade at OLH, I met him again at Prince Sultan AB, S.A. in 96. I was in the gym doing "hello darlings" and other "motivational exercises" I learned from OLH. Mike noticed this and after a few moments he came up to me and asked if I had ever gone to OLH. I said yes and after a chat he said he remembered me. We chatted more and I told him I have had self-shame since not making it at OLH and on but Mike told me to hell with that. He basically said at least I tried and that was better than not trying at all. He told me to press on with my current careerfield and make the best of it. Needless to say, his words helped me get over myself but also made me realized he was a good person at heart. I knew he was tough as a PJ but he was a good person to where he didn't rag on me for not making it in OLH but encouraging me to make the most at what I did for the Air Force. Fast forward to 98, DESERT FOX, Ali Al Salem "The Rock". My crew and I are driving around the bombed out aircraft bunkers and guess who's standing there? Yep Mike Maltz! At first he didn't recognize me but as I walk up he smiled and said "holy sh**"! We got caught up again and that was the last time I saw Mike alive. Fast forward to '03, I was on a special duty assignment at Goodfellow AFB reading the latest news on the wars and came across an article of a H-60 crash in Afghan. As I read the names of the deceased crew, I froze when I read Mike's name. I did some further checking and it was him. That was a sh**-day! I'm retired from the USAF now and the only people I remember from the Air Force are the certain few from my careerfield and the AFSOC community including MSgt Mike Maltz. God bless all! Memorial Day 2015."
Mark Wanner of Cincinnati, Ohio

"It's been 12 years today since Komodo 11 launched out & didn't return that night from a humanitarian mission to provide aid to 2 children in Afghanistan. And still, as always, we remember the 6 crew members and their sacrifice. I don't know for sure if my USAF career ever crossed paths with any of the of these heroes, but I would be most honored if it had, as would any of us be so honored. May God continue to Bless these 6 fallen Airmen, their families, and members of all the US Armed Forces branches & our allied Services who continue on with the mission, "That Others May Live". In the end, that's what all of the US military missions boil down to. That this nation and all our allies and like minded peoples around the world may continue to enjoy the inalienable blessings of freedom & liberty. "These Things We Do That Others May Live."

From a retired USAF NCO and original member (plank holder) of the 512th SOS/RQS, The Rescue Schoolhouse, KAFB, NM"
F111ECM of Rio Rancho NM

"Thirteen years have passed, I think of Mike, his friendship and humor I miss. He was great person. Most of all the things he was dedicated to or immersed in I remember how he loved his two boys. They were his greatest joy. I hope they still feel the love he had for them."
Jenn of Unted States

"Mike was the reason I added another four years of service to my time served! We were in Saudi together and he set it up on their C130 on a mission to Kawait. He was a great PJ and a good friend to have!"
Adam Thompson of Omaha NE

"I never met Michael, but I was at the OL-H MACOS from 3/88-6/88. I got hurt in training and was no longer jump qualified. I was stationed with some remarkable operators at HFLD from 89-92. My job allowed me the privilege to serve along side some. I know from the other testimonies here that you were an amazing individual and I pray for your family. Thank you for fighting for my freedom.
Con R. Howerton
Pastor, Temple Baptist Church
Wichita, KS"
Con R. Howerton of Wichita, KS

"I remember you Msgt. It was a honor to have served by your side. May you rest in peace my brother."
A Operator

"Mike, although it has been so many years not a week goes by that I don't miss you as my supervisor and mentor. I still recall the misadventures we shared. We have come so far since you left us to continue the mission. Doc and I raised a beer in your tribute while on a spin up in Hawaii the month before we left on our tenth combat rotations each. I want readers to know that I felt your prescence with me as we flew in and out of the hot areas around Kandahar. As we flew in I privately called on your spirit to join us on the mission...I felt like you were right there with us. You see, a few years ago, I became Catholic and have taken your namesake as my own...St Michael or "Mike" for short is never far from my thoughts or my deeds. Thanks for watching out for us over there and at home. Lastly, you know we've lost quite a few men since you've gone, please continue to welcome them and show them the ropes like you always did for us pups...if you've got room on your team, save some places for us, I'm sure we'll be joining you soon enough. God Be with you, my cherished friend."
Capt J. Harmon of Vegas

"R.I.P. Hero Michael Maltz - you will always be remembered and America will never forget."
Kenna of Manti, Utah

"I am so deeply saddened. I just discovered that Michael is gone. He was one of those strong people that you just always thought would be there forever. We dated when we were such young, fresh, green Airman at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska (1980). He was crazy about skiing and tried to teach a silly Texas girl who'd only seen a few inches of snow her whole life how to ski, but he kinda forgot to tell me about traversing, so I skied right into the ski lodge! We had some great adventures up there, being chased by bears, sneaking into the ski lodge late at night and tubing in the dark with a bunch of his ski bum friends, Foosball in Chilcoot Charlies in Anchorage, crabbing at the wrong time of year in Homer (only caught a bunch of baby crabs), hiking up beautiful small mountains, getting to within a few feet of a bald eagle eating a dead moose on the side of the highway, the list goes on. He taught me all about yellow snow. :) We explored all over that region in his light blue old station wagon, Wilson. He always made me laugh. Back then, he was in communications, but when I read just now that he'd transferred to rescue, I could totally see him doing that sort of thing. He was fearless and brave and I always felt so safe when I was with him. I am so glad to know that he had a wonderful life with a great wife and two fantastic boys. He always conducted himself as a true hero, so I'm not surprised that he lost his life trying to save others. Funny, even if you haven't been in touch with someone for decades, you still feel their presence, in a little closet in your mind. You can take their memory out now and then and imagine how they may have changed, what they are doing in their life now, etc. Now, that closet is so empty. I know he watches over his loved ones now as he did in life.

Michael,my heart goes out to your family, your wife, two boys, your Mom, dad and brother and the half sister you didn't even know you had when you and I knew each other.

The sun shines a little less brightly with you gone from this world. Peace be with you, Michael Maltz, my first love."
Shawna Brittain Whiteaker of San Francisco, Ca

"I wish I could say I knew Mike better than I did, but I was just one of many students he had many years ago. Even today, in 2010, he has left a lasting impression on me. He taught me to think before I speak, and to act respectably to earn respect. He was the toughest SOB I ever met - bar none! A TRUE American hero. I tell my children about him, and I hope that one day I can grow up to be half the man he was.

We miss you Mike, and those like you that have gone before us to secure our freedoms."
Greg Whitley of Knoxville, TN

"Mike, it was a pleasure to both know and work with you. A true professional with a huge heart and amazing sense of humor. You are missed dearly..."
Eric D of Patrick AFB, Florida

"Seven years later - still remembering Mike this Memorial Day weekend! Best wishes and prayers."
Lt Col Cheryl Schramm of Toledo, Ohio


I will never forget your smiling face and the way you would always chat with me when you worked out at the gym at Moody AFB. You were always a friend to me, and I miss you even to this day. The world is not the same without you in it. Be at rest, my friend, and my brother in arms. I know one day we will meet again."
Tura Glover (Tominov) of Tucson, AZ

"I had recently moved to wheatley heights ny and had just started 6th grade at Taukomas elementary that september of 1971, that is where I first met michael maltz. Mike (as he liked to be called) came over and introduced himself , he asked where i was from and i told him Cambria heights , Queens, he told me "no kiddin, I once lived there too for a short time!. A few days later as I sat in the family room of my raised ranch home , there was a knock at the front door, my mom answered the door and then hollered down to me that there was a boy at the door named mike maltz and he wants to know if you want to come out and play. I was new to the neighborhood and quite frankly i was miserable because i missed my old neighborhood and friends, little did i know as i went up the stairs to greet mike that my homesickness for my old neighborhood was about to end and a great friendship that would last many years was about to begin. God Bless You Mike, and my heartfelt condolences to mikes parents and his sister Terry and brothers ricky and derek."
Kevin Garland of Syracuse, NY

"Hey Mike, I know I never got a chance to meet you but I went to high school, and swam with Kyle who is one of the coolest guys I know. I was in Indoc just over a year ago and what made me keep pushing on was the thought of you and how much you would give to be back at home right now. I felt like I just couldn't give enough. Last time I went home, Beverley gave me your old Indoc instructor shirt and UDT's which are now proudly at the school house at Kirtland AFB. Your picture beams at all the students in the hallways and just by your gaze, you motivate all of us."
Robert Trubee of Redmond, WA


"To the Maltz family, we lived next to each other while at Patrick in 1994-97. I can recall so many times Mike and I just sat there and BS'd about life and the Air Force. I remember when the new Air Force PJ Recruiting brouchure hit the streets and I recall looking at the PJ on the cover and saying I knew him, it was my next door neighbor, Mike!! I'm still recruiting and I am the Commandant at the AF Recruiting School at Lackland and just heard today (28 Mar 08) about Mike's passing, from another PJ. Bev, Kyle and Cody I sure hope you remember us ("Mr Mike and Mrs Debi" Rowland, our daughter Melissa who is graduating from the U of Minnesota next month and made us grandparents a few months back, and of course the boys should remember our Lab Sabbath, or as they called her "sabbish", who used to play with the boys and Jack all the time). We are so sorry to hear of this news, even though it happened so long ago it hit me so hard today and all I can say is Mike left a lasting impression on me that I will never forget, a true warrior who deserved to have his photo on our recruiting literature, since he was and always will be the perfect image of what a PJ and an American Airman truly is. Bev, Kyle and Cody, I would love to hear from you. If you could please drop me a line sometime at michael.rowland@lackland.af.mil or golfnmike@aol,com. Deb, Melissa and I are so very sorry for your loss. As I work to ensure our recruiting force remains ready to meet the challenges of keeping ur Air Force the best on the planet, I will think about Mike and his ultimate sacrifce as I continue to serve this wonderful free country of ours all because of guys like MSgt Mike Maltz!! Godspeed my brother............."
CMSgt Mike Rowland of Lackland AFB, TX

"Hi this is ANNA MALTZ i changed my phone number to 631 4187273 if any one has a picture or a story to tell me about my half brother on my fathers side that I never could see in life,PLEASE CONTACT ME,MIKE WE ALL LOVE U REST WITH GOD AND TO HIS FAMILY GOD BE WITH U ALL . ANNA."
HALF SISTER ANNA of long island n.y

"Beverly I am so glad that you and the boys are doing well. The boy’s sound just like Mike. I thought of him today and went on this site. I do miss him; he was a good friend for many years throughout HS. I wish you and the boy’s all the best. Love Brian"

"I served with MSgt Maltz in Saudi Arabia from June 01 to Sep 01. We both worked in the CAOC, MSgt Maltz was a part of the CSAR cell. From the very first day I knew I was in for an adventure working and living close to MSgt Maltz, and boy was I correct! I want to say that I am very proud and honored to have known MSgt Maltz for the short time that I did. I will never forget the fun times we had and all the talks. My prayers and thoughts go out to his family. If anyone would like to contact me and hear a couple of really funny, but nice, stories about my experience with MSgt Maltz, feel free to contact me at fullblastjkd@gmail.com

MSgt Maltz, RIP my friend."
SSgt Bryan Smith of Tuscaloosa, AL

"Hi its Anna Maltz, The family may not want to contact me but keep in mind Mike was my half brother I never had the chance to see. When he died I was SOO sad! My wish would be to see more pictures and information of him. I AM 100% SURE MIKE WOULD LOVE THAT. Anyway to his close family and friends mike is now your angel do whats right for him. My father /his dad left me and my mother after Mikes death. I still do not know why? I am now 25 years of age. I NEED more information about my other half. I LOVE MIKE even if we never met one on one. my number is (631)3847512"

"Mike, I flew with you a number of times over Kuwait in the '95-'97 timeframe. You had a very positive presence about you and I remember well that all the younger PJs at the time looked at you as if you were superhuman. You were superhuman. Godspeed."
Lee Moore (former HH-60G Pavehawk FE) of Gardner, KS

"08 Oct 2007- I was doing some searching for old friends back in the OLH days at Lackland and discovered Mike had passed away. I can't tell the family members how sorry I am for that. Mike had a very positive influence on me about being a PJ when I was going thru the indoc course in the 93-94 time frame. No other Cadre made me laugh more than him. Who would think being dropped for push ups could be so funny when he did it to you. In any event, my prayers go out to the members of his family. For any of you who wish to contact me about my time spent at Lackland, feel free to email me at usatri10@yahoo.com. I was a four time return student at OLH (90-002, 90-004, 94-003, 94-006). Long story! Chances are I came across and large number of people that knew Mike as well and it would be a fitting chat to remember someone who was such a huge impact on so many lives. Hope all is well with everyone."
Michael Ludington of Phoenix, AZ

"Mike: I had the pleasure of deploying with you many times to Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. (4411th Rescue Squadron). Bill Sine and you made the TDY's fun!How we ever got back over the Bahrain causeway...I'll never know, with you and Darryle Grimes passed out on the bus at the Saudi checkpoint. Thanks for the memories!"
Brice Robinson, LTC (Retired) of Memphis, TN

"May 28, 2007 (Memorial Day)
To the family of Michael Maltz. Michael gave the ultimate sacrifice and will be held in the hearts of Americans forever. I cannot and will not let our fallen heroes be forgotten. My deepest sympathy to you. "Some gave all."
Peggy Childers
"Don't Let The Memory Of Them Drift Away"
Peggy Childers of Carson City, NV

I have so many fond memories of you, Mike and the boys when we lived across the street from one another in Texas. As I have been working through pictures to assemble an album for Josh I have relived many of those fond memories! Josh is about to graduate from high school and will be reporting to the Air Force Academy this June. Drew is a sophomore in high school and is thriving both academically and athletically - to say nothing of the girls! We are currently living in Colorado Springs and Larry is stationed at the AFA hospital. I would love to visit with you so please contact me at lshovelton@hotmail.com Please know that we have thought of you often over the years and were deeply saddened to hear of your loss. We all loved "Mr. Mike"!"
Leda Shovelton of Colorado Springs, CO

"Hi Michael, Our love for you endures, as we mark another year without your radiant presence in our lives. The boys are just incredible. Kyle is so much like you, athletic, smart and sure of himself. He is dating the same lovely girl for almost four years now. He is doing well in school, a freshman at Western Washington, studying environmental science and business. He intends to participate in the intern program with the DEA. Just like Deedles and Pops. He is on the Cheer squad there and holds girls above his head with one hand! Strong like you. His grades are good and he studies hard. I know you'd be proud and I tell him often. Codeman is growing like crazy, 5'8 1/2" and taller than Kyle. I'm sure you are among the angels whom are still singing praises that finally his voice has deepened, no more screeching. He too is an icredible athlete like you. Cody rows on a crew team five nights a week and is looking forward to a regatta on Greenlake Saturday. He is really becoming a young man... Please watch over him as he is counting the days until he is eligible to get his driver's permit in June, yeeks! The boys and I continue to honor your love of the outdoors and took up whitewater kayaking and rafting last year. The boys got their roll so easy, and I got them both kayaks for Christmas. Wow, they make it look easy. I just got my first roll in the pool lastnight and they are really happy about that... Now we can kayak together, mom's not such a Fraidy Cat. Kyle still has his big, fast motorcycle, but sold the Suburu. He is looking for a car with lower insurance. Anyway, Mikey, we are doing well, but missing you the same as the day you left for Heaven. The boys continue to grow and become the men that you and I would be proud of. We talk about you often when we are having adventures and wish that you were here to share them. I know that you are watching over the boys, because like you they embrace life and all it has to offer and yet they remain safe despite. We love you and miss you dearly. Be well in Heaven my sweet man and know that we honor your memory every day in living life with passion. You are sorely missed and are everpresent with us. God Bless Micheal. Love, Beverly <><"
Beverly Chabot (Maltz) of Woodinville, WA 98072

"A friend forever, I will never forget you Mike.

Brian, Long Island, NY"
Brian of Long Island, NY

"Mike...One of the old faces I still see and a voice I still hear from back in my last few years in Air Force. You always projected a positive image and were well respected by all who knew you. I only wish I could have known you better outside of the Rescue community.
To Mikes family -Godspeed-"
MSgt Jerry Anderson USAF, Ret.

"Hi mike Im your half sister Anna I know we never met but u r in my heart And maybe one day we will meet in heaven. To Family hope u contact me.631/3847512"
Anna maltz of Rocky point ny

""You wanna flip burgers for a living or do you wanna be something special?" I don't think there was one day went by at OLH-MACOS that I did not hear that from then SSGT Maltz. He dropped me one day at the reception desk and left me in the lean and rest position for just over 8 hours. When he finally came back around to discover me in that possition, he said "BAILEY, who dropped you?" I said "You did Sargeant". He said "When was that?" I relplied, "this morning around 0700" - it was around 1530 then. He said , "Oh, I did? Well...KNOCK EM OUT!! When a cadre drops you and says knock em out, that's the way to make you do the amount of pushups required to pass that current week's evaluation. He then recovered me.
SGT Maltz was a model human being, Sargeant, CADRE. He pushed me and drove more than any one has ever done so before. No one believed I could make it through the Pararescue Combat Control indoctrination course at Lackland but him. I owe graduation to him. I know that many many more people owe their lives to him. He was an outstanding human. You could trust him with your life. He had your back. What an extreme loss to this country and his family and friends. He will be sorely missed. God Bless you MSGT Maltz and your entire family.

If anyone would like to hear more about my experience with him, and there was a lot of things that are funny now, but not when I was going through them, feel free to drop an email. addi5@aol.com"
C. Scott Bailey of Castaic, CA USA

"I had more than one flight with Mike Maltz on my crew and will always remember his positive attitude. May God bless your family and loved ones with happy memories this Memorial Day and always."
Maj Cheryl Schramm of St Petersburg, FL

"Mr. Mike, I look at your picture framed on my shelf everyday and remember all of the good times we shared together; my dad, you, your boys, and Bev, swiming in the hot florida sun and laughing all day. I remember what a cool guy you were and what a good friend you were to my dad, i know that he misses you and thinks of you often. My dad called and informed me of the accident at 4:00 in the morning and i was absolutely crushed and heartbroken to hear the news. Shortly after i went to visit Kyle Cody and Bev. The boys have grown up sooo much, its weird to think me and Kyle are graduating soon!! I wish with all of my heart you were still with us, I miss you so much and always keep your family in my prayers. You are my hero and i thank you."
Bethany Stanton of Everett Wa

"Mr. Mike, I look at your picture framed on my shelf everyday and remember all of the good times we shared together; my dad, you, your boys, and Bev, swiming in the hot florida son and laughing all day. I remember what a cool guy you were and what a good friend you were to my dad, i know that he misses you and thinks of you often. My dad called and informed me of the accident at 4:00 in the morning and i was absolutely crushed and heartbroken to hear the news. Shortly after i went to visit Kyle Cody and Bev. The boys have grown up sooo much, its weird to think me and Kyle are graduating soon!! I wish with all of my heart you were still with us, I miss you so much and always keep your family in my prayers. You are my hero and i thank you."
Bethany Stanton of Everett Wa

"God bless you Michael and the sacrifice you have made "THAT OTHERS MAY LIVE." It's the thought of guys like you that will keep me motivated and focused at indoc. Rest in peace, from a future fellow PJ and airman."
Cdt. Armon Drysdale of Tuscaloosa, AL

"SSgt Maltz, I was devistated to hear about your death. You were one of my instructors at OLH-Macos at LAFB, TX and have been a huge influence on my Air Force career. It has been almost 15 years since I first met you at Lackland. Through your unique leadership style you inspired me to be an honorable Airman and NCO. I still remember the talks that you had with me after you caught me breaking PJ trainee rules. God knows I broke enough rules there! Although I got injured and could not complete PJ training, you inspired me to cross-train into a career field that meant something to me. I am proud to say that I did and I have gone on to be the best Environmental Health Manager around in my civilian job and in the Air Force Reserves/Air National Guard. I am proud to say that I have recently been promoted to the position of 1st Sgt at my Air National Guard Unit in Texas.

Since I last saw you, I have done many positive things in my life. I earned my Bachelor of Science degree from the Univ. of Texas at Dallas and I have also earned 2 Air Force Degrees. I have had many opportunities to be commissioned as an officer but I have chosen not to because, like you, I am proud to be an NCO. I only hope that I can live up to the standard that you set for me and all NCO's. I respect you like no other. You are truly an American Hero SSgt Maltz. Rest in peace my friend and mentor. Hoo Yah Team!"
Joey Allette, TGST, USAF of Allen, TX USA

"He believed in the few that didn't believe in themselves. We are richer for knowing him, and poorer for our nation's loss of one of it's best and most honorable. God Bless."
SrA Doug Szabo, ret. of Escondido, CA

"Dear Michael,
The boys and I miss you as much today as if it were the first day after you left to be with God. The guys are so much like you. Kyle brought home a medal for 7th best diver in Washington State last weekend and is captain of his swim and dive team. Cody is active wrestling and learning to ride a unicycle. All three of us have been blowing glass lately and are starting to sell some nice pieces. Both fellas are growing like weeds. We talk about you a lot and when things are rough at home, I ask the boys what Dad would have them do. This keeps you involved in bringing up these terrific boys, even though you can't be here with us. I call your Grandma often and we talk about how much we love and miss you. We went to see her when your mom passed away and were so thankful to see everyone in Florida. Tell your mom we love her and are sorry that we didn't get a chance to talk to her and tell her how much she meant to us before she joined you in Heaven. We keep in touch with your PJ family through Jules, your old friend,"Frenchie" and a new friend, but an old PJ, Brian Trubee, whose son is on swim team with Kyle. It's hard to believe Cody will drive soon and that Kyle will soon leave for college. I so wish you were here to see them grow up, but know that I am doing my best and that despite my best efforts to reform their wild ways, they are so much like you. Both full of curiosity and a passion for life. Kyle bought a Ducati 900SS street bike, which forced me to buy a Ninja 650R, just so I could ride with him. I know you would approve and wish that you were here to ride with us. I spoke to Stacy last week, she's as sweet as ever. Everyone sends love and kisses. Watch over the boys and help keep them safe and healthy. We love you, Mikey.
To all who have wished us well, I thank you. We are grateful for your comforting words. God Bless."
Beverly Chabot (Maltz) of Woodinville, WA

"Sgt. Maltz,

Thank you for believing in me back in the day at OL-H MACOS. You were my class proctor, and as many have said at this memorial, you made a life-long impression. Thank you for your sacrifice. Hoo Yah and God Speed."
Scott St.Aubin of Napa, CA

"Mike was larger than life. It was a great mission when he was aboard. He always made me crack up."
Marie Shipley of Langley Air Force Base VA

"Derek, Ricky, Terri, and all Michael's loved ones: My sincere condolences to you. I feel honored and humbled to have grown up on the same block with a real-life American Hero. My sister said it best with her "hamster" story (see her message just below) - a good neighbor is someone who you can count on when you need help. Michael's "neighborhood" just happens to be the entire US of A, and his service over 20+ years was Way above and beyond the call of duty.
God Bless him and all of you."
Jeff Linderman of New York, NY USA

"To the parents and siblings (Derek and Terry) of Michael,
My brother Jeff and I were devastated to hear of Michael's death. We lived two houses away from you on Landscape Drive in Wheatley Heights. Jeff went to school with Derek and Terry babysat us. I have a fond memory of bringing home the class hamster from nursery school around 1972 and I accidentally let it out of the cage. My parents didn't know what to do! So, we called Michael. I distinctly remember Michael's long 70's 'hippie' hair and him coming down to our house and chasing that little hamster around from room to room. Of course, he eventually caught him and returned him to his cage. Funny the things you remember over 30 years ago. I wanted to send my deepest sympathies and let you know that even decades later and only a fleeting moment, this memory of Michael and his kindness stayed with me. Just so you know, someone far away from many years ago is honored to have known your son and brother. An American Hero. God Bless your family, his wife and children and all of our troops.
Most sincerely,
Jennifer Linderman"
Jennifer Linderman of Malibu, CA, USA


I would like to say thank you to you and your fellow crewmembers for your service and sacrifice for our Country. And to your family, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy."
Mike Casey of El Paso, Texas

leonard wahl of valley stream ny usa

I first met you in SCUBA School (SFUWO) in Key West in March-April 1986. You were a SSGT crossing over into Pararescue. Years later when I was an instructor at SFUWO, many of the young PJ trainees told stories of you as an instructor. You made a lasting impression on the rescue community that will be felt for a long time.
To the family of Mike Maltz -- I feel deeply saddened by your loss, which I only now just found out about. Thank you from a greatful nation for your sacrifice."
Eric Wardlow, US Army Special Forces, MSG (Ret) of Washington, D.C.

I think of you everyday and miss you more than ever. You always said if you had to choose a way to die, it would be doing what you do for a living...well you did. God bless you and please keep being my angel. To Kyle and Cody...I miss you guys and so does Alaina and Kasey, they ask about you often. I miss you Michael and will love you always."
Tanya of Moody AFB, GA


"It's memorial day 2005 and I am counting my blessings and my heros today with my family.
When I remember the OLH, Maltz was one of those cadre that you wanted to be like, you knew he loved you and he pushed you because he wanted you to tap your potential, become better than you were. Even when he had you in the leaning rest position for an hour at the bottom of the pool with a weight belt and you didn't understand what you were doing there, he enlisted your trust, You trusted him like a son trusts a father, I was safe because Maltz was up there, he'd come and get me if I had a serious problem, besides, he told me I had 4 minutes before my brain started to rot, that was plenty of time to pull a cone like me from the bottom of a pool.
I miss his humor and his intensity for life. Like a true PJ, he crammed three lifetimes into one.
Love you brother, thank you for believing in me so much. You are not forgotten."
Rob Metje of Oregon City, Oregon.


"I sent away for a hero bracelet. I got one with your name on it. I wear it every day. You will never be forgotten."
Cathryn Dreer of Alexandria, VA

"I sent away for a hero bracelet. I got one with your name on it. I wear it every day. You will never be forgotten."
Cathryn Dreer of Alexandria, VA

"Im memory of my friend, Master Sergeant Michael Maltz: May your family and our Country forever be blessed for having you in our lives. You taught us all, with your giving and your sacrifice. I pray God's peace on your family. Thank you my Brother. To your family, His love IS and always WILL BE with you, forever. Thank you for your sharing him with us. May God give you His peace and strength, as He has me. Respectfully,"
MSgt Steven R. Batson, USAF(ret) of Halltown, Missouri

"To the family and friends,

Our prayers are with you in this most difficult time and we thank you for your loved ones bravery and sacrifice. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. Your loved one is a hero. Greater love have no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13.

God bless you.

Home Front Ministries
Shepherd of the Hills Church
Porter Ranch, CA"

"Thanks for stepping forward when America needed you. To the family - Thank you for your contribution to our liberty and freedom. I'm sorry for your tremendous loss."
Ronald Carlson of Montrose, MN

"To the family of Mike Maltz: Sgt Maltz was my instructor at Lackland through IFAM and Team training. He convinced me in under two sentences to join after passing the PAST test. He motivated me like no other and gave me a sense of pride that will last in my heart forever. I still tell stories involving him on a weekly basis. I remember he would come in to the OL-H late at night or during the weekends with his son and dog just to 'drop' us for a little while. I miss those days and I miss him. Please know that Sgt Maltz left a lasting impression on everyone he met and truly changed my life."
Jacob Wallendal of Milwaukee, WI

"Sergeant Maltz, goodbye soldier and thank you. You are my hero."
Bill of Houston, Texas

"We miss you Mike! Your teaching expertise and your dry sense of humor were the highlight of many of our classes in the 347th MDG at Moody AFB. I gave you a hard time, but you knew I respected you and all you stood for."
Susan C. Yeager, EMT Coordinator of Moody AFB GA

"Dear Maltz Family: I am so very sorry for the loss of your loved one. I will NEVER FORGET Michael and the sacrafice he made for his family, friends, and America. It is because of him that I could sleep safely at night knowing I am free because soldiers are protecting us.Michael is a TRUE AMERICAN HERO. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless. Michael: THANK YOU. May you rest in peace."
Jessica of Rio Vista,CA

"To the family of Michael Maltz: You are in my thoughts and prayers. My son, SSgt Jason Hicks, was on the same helicopter. It has been a year, and we have gone through all the first...birthday, Easter, Christmas, Mother's Day, and other special days. Maybe this year will not be as hard.
We will always love and miss them."
Theresa S Hicks of Jefferson, SC

You were and still are my favorite cousin. I love you so much and miss you more than you will ever know. You are in my heart and thoughts everyday. I love you....forever and always. Your favorite cousin, Michele"
michele vais of long beach ,new york

"Thank you Michael Maltz, you will not be forgotten. Your bravery goes beyond words. I want to express my deepest gratitude for your sacrifice. To the family and friends, my prayers and deep condolences in your loss. May God strengthen you from knowing that fellow Americans and people around the world care about you and grieve with you in your loss. God bless you all. A very appreciative fellow American,"
Leo Titus of Grayslake, Illinios

"I was lucky enough to work with Mike as a PJ, we met in Ethiopa and although I only worked with him that one time I've always remembered him. I was truly saddened to hear of his death. I hope that his family knows that he will always be remembered as the consumate Pararescueman that he was--a true friend and teammate."
Marty Givens of Chicago, IL

"To the family and friends of Master Sgt. Michael Maltz:
May God's grace be with you during your time of grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and we feel your loss and share in your sorrow. Bless Michael for the sacrifice he has made to make a better life for the rest of us."
The Ford Family of Wells, Nevada

"To the family and friends of Master Sgt. Michael Maltz:
I am saddened by the loss of your loved one. He will always be remembered as a hero for fighting for freedom. I hope that this website will be a source of comfort and encouragement for you during this difficult time, and in the future as you recall the memories of Michael, who continues to live on in your heart."
Tim Rivera of Powder Springs, Georgia

Honor them by remembering... Freedom - is their gift to us But his soul goes marching on